Characteristics of the frog princess and a brief history of the character. Vasilisa a beautiful description of a fairy-tale hero Characteristics of Elena the Wise in a fairy tale princess frog

Vasilisa the Wise is the main character of the folk work, personifying the collective image of the Russian female character, combining excellent human qualities.

In the work, Vasilisa is described as a smart, modest girl, who is characterized by spiritual kindness, wisdom, and refinement.

The image of Vasilisa the Wise is fully revealed in the descriptions of her actions and in relation to her betrothed, for whom the girl shows sincere love, understanding, care.

Punished by the cruel Koshchei and bewitched for three years into a frog, Vasilisa, by the will of fate, turns out to be the bride of Ivan Tsarevich

Vasilisa performs all household chores at night, since the future husband should not see in human form without frog clothes.

Fulfilling the instructions of the father-tsar, Vasilisa proves herself to be a true master of needlework and craftsmanship: she bakes a loaf of bread with the image of patterned cities, skillfully makes a magnificent woven carpet, and during the royal feast, where Vasilisa stays under thunder and lightning in a box for a frog, she appears in the form majestic magic swan, showing unique tricks with bones in the sleeves, while not hiding its natural extraordinary beauty.

Describing the actions of Vasilisa, the legend emphasizes the folk wisdom that no appearance, no wealth will help in the search for true happiness in life.

In difficult times, the heroine is distinguished by her ability to maintain inner peace, support her desperate husband and make the right decision. Possessing magical knowledge to perfection, Vasilisa helps Ivan Tsarevich defeat the evil Koshchei, unraveling the secret of his immortality with the help of a pike, a hare and a drake, and young people in love find long-awaited well-deserved happiness, living in love, fidelity and peace.

The image of Vasilisa the Wise has been used more than once in Russian folk tales and has always been a symbol of beauty, love, and wisdom.

Composition about Vasilisa the Wise

At all times, fairy tales attract the attention of not only children, but also many adults. After all, they always have a good ending, where good triumphs over evil. Both children and adults look at and analyze the meaning of a fairy tale differently. They draw conclusions and each find something useful and instructive for their age.

In the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" the most instructive, bright and eye-catching character is Vasilisa the Wise. The author did not give her such a name for nothing, because she fully corresponds to the word from her name “wise”.

This is a beautiful girl, with excellent external data, but by the will of the evil Koshchei, she is bewitched for a certain period into a frog, which disgusts a person. But this is only in the first minutes of meeting with her, with further communication, Vasilisa the Wise attracts to herself and causes completely different feelings, which happened with Ivan Tsarevich. The heroine of the fairy tale bears this heavy curse in her life with dignity and with angelic patience. Once in the house of Ivan Tsarevich, she, despite her appearance, comforts, reassures him, tells him not to be sad. Vasilisa the Wise is a reliable support and support for her husband. This speaks of her very deep life wisdom, which allows her to find a way out of any situation.

Vasilisa The wise, wonderful mistress of the house. She cooks tasty dinners and bakes pies, she does a great job with needlework. All this was shown and proven in practice when she performed the tasks of the king-priest. There is no job she can't do. Vasilisa looks and dresses beautifully and with a good sense of taste, behaves with dignity at a party. And how beautifully she dances! With her graceful and smooth movements, she, like a sorceress, can so captivate the viewer's attention that they get the impression that those landscape pictures that she depicts are happening in reality. Vasilisa always causes delight and admiration, and some even envy.

From all of the above, we can conclude that Vasilisa the Wise is an exemplary and instructive hero of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" not only for children, but also for adults.

Some interesting essays

    Winter will come soon. Throws up huge piles of snow. The ponds will be covered with ice. Trees will put on snow caps.

    The central character in the story of Leo Tolstoy is Ivan Vasilyevich. In the work "After the Ball" he tells a story that left an indelible mark on his life.

Introductory conversation What is a fairy tale? Why do fairy tales have such power over time? Did you like the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"? What type of fairy tale is it? Prove your opinion. What features of a folk tale can you name (saying, beginning, ending, repetitions, constant epithets)? Give examples from the text.

Introductory conversation Name the main characters of the tale. Why is the fairy tale called "The Frog Princess", although she is not the only heroine of this fairy tale? Why is Vasilisa called Wise? The tale is called so because the first and main miracle is the meeting of Ivan Tsarevich with Vasilisa the Beautiful, bewitched by her own father. The enraged Koschey the Immortal turned his daughter into a frog, and she picked up the arrow of the younger prince

Fairy tale retelling. Drawing up a plan for a fairy tale 1. The order of the king to his sons about matchmaking. 2. Courtship of princes. 3. Meeting of Ivan Tsarevich with a frog. 4. Testing daughters-in-law: a) bake a loaf of bread; b) weave a carpet overnight; c) come to the royal feast. 5. Feast at the king. 6. Meeting of Ivan Tsarevich with the old man. 7. Meetings of Ivan Tsarevich with a bear, a hare, a drake, a pike. 8. Ivan Tsarevich at Baba Yaga. 9. Ivan Tsarevich at the Koshcheev Oak. 10. A happy ending to a fairy tale.

Episode work. Courtship of princes 1. Expressively read the episode. 2. In what words, expressions of the read text does magic, mystery, fabulousness appear? 3. What will change if the text sounds differently: “The king lived in the state ... Ivan got scared, wanted to run away”? 4. How long did Ivan Tsarevich search for his arrow? Why did he want to “Retreat from his find”, “escape”?

Of course, the appearance of the “marsh beauty” frightened the prince. Where is it seen that frogs are taken in marriage? It's impossible. Everyone will laugh, and the prince sadly exclaims: - How can I marry you? People will laugh at me! But the frog princess patiently and stubbornly insists on her own, repeats the request: - Take it, Ivan Tsarevich, you won't regret it! What, after all, made the hero change his attitude towards the frog, kept him from a quick decision to abandon the green “beauty”? (The unusualness of the heroine, the ability to talk, the mystery of what happened, the vague desire to know what will happen next.)

First test. "Baking bread in one night" Reading the episode by roles. What feelings gripped the frog princess at the moment when Ivan Tsarevich returned? Seeing the saddened Ivan Tsarevich, she realized that something serious had happened. With his gentle speech, he tries to calm her husband. Her words are sincere, warm: “Do not grieve, Ivan Tsarevich. Go to bed better sleep-rest: the morning is wiser than the evening! Why does she hide from the prince the idea of ​​​​how she is going to fulfill the order of the king?

First test. "Baking bread in one night" What character traits of the heroine were revealed to us in this episode? How does Vasilisa the Wise bake bread? We reread the lines of the tale and hear their extraordinary rhythm and smoothness: She took white sieves, fine sieves, sifted wheat flour, kneaded white dough, baked a loaf - loose and soft, decorated with various intricate patterns: on the sides - cities with palaces, gardens and towers, above - flying birds, below - roaring animals. How did the bread of Vasilisa and the wives of the elder princes turn out. Prove that the heroine has extraordinary virtues. What? What do people call Vasilisa at the moment when she is working?

Second test. “Weaving a carpet in a night” Expressive reading of the episode Compare the descriptions of how carpets were woven by the wives of the elder princes, and the description of the work of Vasilisa the Wise. Why are the shortcomings of older daughters-in-law so greatly exaggerated? For what purpose is this done? (To emphasize the art of Vasilisa the Wise, the desire to surprise Ivan Tsarevich, to earn the praise of the elders. The mothers and nannies rushed to help the wives of the elder princes, and Vasilisa worked herself.) Watch how Vasilisa works? Where it pricks with a needle once the flower will bloom, where it pricks another time cunning patterns go, where it pricks the third time the birds fly. Conclusion: the rhythm has changed again, the prose text again looks like a poetic one, again “magic sounds” What new character traits of the heroine did you discern in this episode? (Industriousness, does everything with his own hands, does not waste his magic in vain, did not let the prince down for the second time.) Is it possible to determine how Ivan Tsarevich relates to Vasilisa's work? Take, hubby, the carpet that I wove for your father during the night.

Third test. "At the royal feast" Expressive reading of the episode. How do the senior princes and their wives behave until the moment Vasilisa the Wise appears at the feast? What struck everyone in the frog at the moment of her arrival at the ball? For what purpose does the author-people force the wives of senior princes to repeat the actions of Vasilisa the Wise? What is opposed in this episode? Is it possible to say that the beauty of Vasilisa the Wise was revealed to everyone with special power? Read the lines that tell about the dance of the princess.

Let's draw conclusions. Why do people call Vasilisa the Wise? What qualities does the people glorify in the image of Vasilisa? Vasilisa the Wise is an image created by the people, it is collective, the best features of the Russian national character are concentrated in it. According to M. Gorky, Vasilisa the Wise is characterized by majestic simplicity, soft pride in herself, a remarkable mind, a deep heart full of inexhaustible love. The main role of the heroine of a fairy tale is to be an assistant to her fiancé or husband. Only thanks to her, the heroes of fairy tales are together. Beauty - the combination of truth and goodness gives rise to wisdom in the form of beauty. IN AND. Dal

Homework 1. Find in the text examples of a special kind of fairy tale and write down 12 examples in a column, like a poem. (Help can be found on p. 26, question 4, p. 27.) 2. Prepare a reading in the faces of the episodes “Ivan Tsarevich’s meeting with a bear, drake, hare, pike”, “Meeting with an old old man”. 3. Page 26 questions 5.6 (oral). 4. Prepare a story about Vasilisa the Wise. (Based on lesson content.)

Fairy tales have been an integral part of the culture and creativity of any nation since ancient times. Each country has its own stories for them, their good and evil characters. For us, one of our favorite heroines is Vasilisa the Wise from the fairy tale "The Frog Princess". For many generations of children, she has become a symbol of kindness and intelligence, caring and modesty. The description of Vasilisa the Wise is accompanied by many vivid epithets and is a glorification of the beauty and grandeur of the primordially Russian female character.

Fairy tale "The Frog Princess" and its main character

The plot of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" is known to everyone from an early age. Vasilisa the Wise is a sorceress bewitched by her father for surpassing him in the art of witchcraft. In a fairy tale, she becomes the bride, and then the wife of Ivan Tsarevich. As the plot develops, the girl shows her skill by following the orders of the king: she bakes bread, skillfully weaves a silk carpet (or, in other versions, a shirt). The description of Vasilisa the Wise at the feast is also impressive, where she turns into a fabulous beauty and astonishes the guests with her magical art.

Ivan, wanting his wife to always remain in the guise of a princess, burns the frog's skin. After that, Vasilisa disappears. In order to regain his love, the prince has to go through many dangers and, most importantly, fight with his wife's father, Koshchei the Immortal. The fairy tale has a happy ending - Ivan and Vasilisa overcome all difficulties and find themselves together forever.

Why is Vasilisa the Wise so attractive? The Russian folk tale is not only a figment of fantasy, but also a reflection of the real life of people. Keeping this in mind, one can trace in the image of Vasilisa the most valuable female qualities for the Russian people.

The appearance of the main character Vasilisa the Wise

Interestingly, almost nothing is said about the appearance of the main character in the fairy tale. The description of Vasilisa the Wise is given to the reader with the help of a description of her actions and words. Only at the royal ball the heroine is portrayed as a written beauty. But even this description is quite typical of most fairy tales.

This once again confirms that the image of Vasilisa the Wise is collective, generalizing. Moreover, for a fairy tale, the depiction of not the external, but the internal virtues of the heroine turns out to be much more important.

Character traits of Vasilisa the Wise

Not because of her beauty, but because of her character, Vasilisa the Wise is loved. The tale emphasizes that it is not a bright appearance (it would seem that it could be uglier than a frog) and not wealth (“the girl’s competitors” in the palace were the boyar and merchant’s daughters) leads the heroes to happiness. And understanding and desire to be together.

From a fairy tale is given through her actions. The way she comforts Ivan Tsarevich, with what skill she performs the tasks of the king, how she behaves during the feast, speaks of her better than any description. Her character combines at the same time a deep mind and the majestic simplicity of the Russian soul, pride in herself and modesty.

Many people ask why Vasilisa is called Wise? In fact, this epithet suits her perfectly. The fact is that she perfectly mastered the magical wisdom and even surpassed her father, a powerful sorcerer, in this. It is also characteristic that in the fairy tale she is called so in those moments when she works, shows her skill as a needlewoman, housewife or sorceress. In addition, the heroine has the ability to remain calm and make the right decision even in the most difficult trials.

Why was Vasilisa turned into a frog?

The question often arises as to why Vasilisa the Wise was turned into a frog by Koshchei the Immortal. The tale does not give a direct answer to it. However, different researchers offer their own options.

For example, one can recall that one of the leading artistic devices in a fairy tale is antithesis, opposition (for example, good and evil, day and night, living and dead water, beauty and ugliness). Already the name of the heroine - Vasilisa - speaks for itself. From Greek it can be translated as regal, sublime. On the other hand, what could be more unattractive and mundane than a frog living in a swamp.

The image of Vasilisa in other Russian fairy tales

The description of Vasilisa the Wise can be found not only in the tale of the frog princess. She is depicted in other works of the Russian people. For example, you can recall the tale of Vasilisa and Baba Yaga. A similar image appears under the names of Marya Morevna, Elena the Beautiful and Marya the Princess. All these heroines have wisdom and magical knowledge, in particular the ability to reincarnate. This allows them to be identified.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

Maxim Gorky called Vasilisa one of the most perfect female images created by the imagination of the Russian people. How many wonderful qualities she combines in herself, educating and advising all new rising generations. But remember that initially fairy tales were not written for children at all, but for adults. Not an exception and those in which there is Vasilisa the Wise. The Russian folk tale, with its inherent wisdom and poetry, reminds us of what the true role of a woman in the family is - to be an assistant and support to her husband.

We will also learn what qualities have long been valued in Russia. Mind and modesty, caring and kindness, the skill of a needlewoman and a keeper of the hearth, uniting, give rise to true wisdom and beauty. And the image of Vasilisa the Wise fully combines all these wonderful qualities.

slide 2

opening talk

What is a fairy tale? Why do fairy tales have such power over time? Did you like the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"? What type of fairy tale is it? Prove your opinion. What features of a folk tale can you name (saying, beginning, ending, repetitions, constant epithets)? Give examples from the text.

slide 3

Name the main characters in the story. Why is the fairy tale called "The Frog Princess", although she is not the only heroine of this fairy tale? Why is Vasilisa called Wise? The tale is called so because the first and main miracle is the meeting of Ivan Tsarevich with Vasilisa the Beautiful, bewitched by her own father. The enraged Koschey the Immortal turned his daughter into a frog, and she picked up the arrow of the younger prince

slide 4

Retelling a fairy tale. Drawing up a plan for a fairy tale

1. Order of the king to his sons about matchmaking. 2. Courtship of princes. 3. Meeting of Ivan Tsarevich with a frog. 4. Testing daughters-in-law: a) bake a loaf of bread; b) weave a carpet overnight; c) come to the royal feast. 5. Feast at the king. 6. Meeting of Ivan Tsarevich with the old man. 7. Meetings of Ivan Tsarevich with a bear, a hare, a drake, a pike. 8. Ivan Tsarevich at Baba Yaga. 9. Ivan Tsarevich at the Koshcheev Oak. 10. A happy ending to a fairy tale.

Slide 5

Episode work.

Courtship of princes Then the Tsar-father decided to marry his sons.

slide 6

Courtship of princes 1. Expressively read the episode. 2. In what words, expressions of the read text does magic, mystery, fabulousness appear? 3. What will change if the text sounds differently: “The king lived in the state ... Ivan was frightened, he wanted to run away”? 4. How long did Ivan Tsarevich search for his arrow? Why did he want to “Retreat from his find”, “escape”?

Slide 7

Of course, the appearance of the “marsh beauty” frightened the prince. Where is it seen that frogs are taken in marriage? It's impossible. Everyone will laugh, and the prince sadly exclaims: - How can I marry you? People will laugh at me! But the frog princess patiently and stubbornly insists on her own, repeats the request: - Take it, Ivan Tsarevich, you won't regret it! What, after all, made the hero change his attitude towards the frog, kept him from a quick decision to abandon the green “beauty”? (The unusualness of the heroine, the ability to talk, the mystery of what happened, the vague desire to know what will happen next.)

Slide 8

First test. "Baking Bread in One Night"

Reading the episode by roles. What feelings gripped the frog princess at the moment when Ivan Tsarevich returned? Seeing the saddened Ivan Tsarevich, she realized that something serious had happened. With his gentle speech, he tries to calm her husband. Her words are sincere, warm: “Do not grieve, Ivan Tsarevich. Go to bed better sleep-rest: the morning is wiser than the evening! Why does she hide from the prince the idea of ​​​​how she is going to fulfill the order of the king?

Slide 9

What character traits of the heroine were revealed to us in this episode? How does Vasilisa the Wise bake bread? We reread the lines of the tale and hear their extraordinary rhythm and smoothness: She took white sieves, fine sieves, sifted wheat flour, kneaded white dough, baked a loaf - loose and soft, decorated with various intricate patterns: on the sides - cities with palaces, gardens and towers, above - flying birds, below - roaring animals. How did Vasilisa's bread turn out from the wives of the elder princes. Prove that the heroine has extraordinary virtues. What? What do people call Vasilisa at the moment when she is working?

slide 10

The second test. "Weaving a carpet in a night"

Expressive reading of the episode Compare the descriptions of how carpets were woven by the wives of the elder princes, and the description of the work of Vasilisa the Wise. Why are the shortcomings of older daughters-in-law so greatly exaggerated? For what purpose is this done? (To emphasize the art of Vasilisa the Wise, the desire to surprise Ivan Tsarevich, to earn the praise of the elders. The mothers and nannies rushed to help the wives of the elder princes, and Vasilisa worked herself.) Watch how Vasilisa works? Where it pricks with a needle once, a flower will bloom, where it pricks another time, cunning patterns go, where a third pricks, birds fly. Conclusion: the rhythm has changed again, the prose text is again similar to the poetic one, again “magic sounds” What new character traits of the heroine did you see in this episode? (Industriousness, does everything with his own hands, does not waste his magic in vain, did not let the prince down for the second time.) Is it possible to determine how Ivan Tsarevich relates to Vasilisa's work? Take, hubby, the carpet that I wove for your father during the night.

Slide 11

Third test. "At the royal feast"

Expressive reading of the episode. How do the senior princes and their wives behave until the moment Vasilisa the Wise appears at the feast? What struck everyone in the frog at the moment of her arrival at the ball? For what purpose does the author-people force the wives of senior princes to repeat the actions of Vasilisa the Wise? What is opposed in this episode? Is it possible to say that the beauty of Vasilisa the Wise was revealed to everyone with special power? Read the lines that tell about the dance of the princess.

slide 12

Let's draw conclusions.

Why do people call Vasilisa the Wise? What qualities does the people glorify in the image of Vasilisa? Vasilisa the Wise is an image created by the people, it is collective, the best features of the Russian national character are concentrated in it. According to M. Gorky, Vasilisa the Wise is characterized by majestic simplicity, soft pride in herself, a remarkable mind, a deep heart full of inexhaustible love. The main role of the heroine of a fairy tale is to be an assistant to her fiancé or husband. Only thanks to her, the heroes of fairy tales are together. Beauty - the combination of truth and goodness gives rise to wisdom in the form of beauty. IN AND. Dal

slide 13


Find in the text examples of a special warehouse of a fairy tale and write down 1-2 examples in a column, like a poem. (Help can be found on p. 26, question 4, p. 27.) 2. Prepare a reading in the faces of the episodes “Ivan Tsarevich’s meeting with a bear, drake, hare, pike”, “Meeting with an old old man”. 3. Page 26 questions 5.6 (oral). 4. Prepare a story about Vasilisa the Wise. (Based on lesson content.)

View all slides

As we remember from childhood, Vasilisa the Wise is one of the characters in Russian fairy tales, a girl endowed with wisdom and prudence. This is one of the most attractive heroines, especially since, in addition to these unchanging traits of her character, she is characterized by purity of soul, kindness and modesty. We will give a more detailed description of Vasilisa the Wise in this article.

What is the story of Vasilisa the Wise?

Perhaps the most famous fairy tale about Vasilisa the Wise is The Frog Princess. There, the heroine appears as a sorceress, who was bewitched by her own father Koschey the Immortal, since her daughter surpassed him in the skill of magic (according to other versions, Vasilisa refused to marry him, and she was bewitched for this). By chance, she becomes the bride of Ivan Tsarevich, and after passing the test - and his wife. As we remember, she uses her gift, following the orders of the king - to weave a carpet, bake bread. When the king arranges a feast, she temporarily throws off her frog skin and appears before the guests in her true form - a hand-written beauty.

Ivan, seeing what his wife really is, of course, wants her to remain in this form forever and burns her skin. But it turns out that he should not have done this in any case, since Vasilisa is forced to return to Koshchei. After numerous difficulties that Ivan Tsarevich had to face in search of his wife, he finally finds her and fights with Koshchei the Immortal, defeating him, thereby saving Vasilisa from evil spells.

A couple of words about the name

The name Vasilisa, by the way, may be an indication of her high origin, since one of the translations of this word from Greek sounds like “royal”. So, the image of Vasilisa the Wise is decorated with additional meanings.

Another version of the tale with Vasilisa the Wise

In another tale, where the main character is Vasilisa the Wise (in other versions, Vasilisa the Beautiful, but this epithet is much less common, in fact, it has no direct relation to the meaning of this tale), she is a young girl who is an evil stepmother and no less evil sisters are sent to the forest to serve Baba Yaga. Contrary to their expectations, the sorceress does not eat Vasilisa instantly, but leaves her with her.

When the girl correctly and on time fulfills all the instructions of Baba Yaga (in fact, the heroine is helped by a magic doll inherited from her mother), she, surprised that the girl succeeds so well, finds out that she is helped by her mother's blessing and lets her go, giving her her goodbye pole with a skull at the end. His eyes glow - so as not to get lost on the way home. When Vasilisa returns home, the eyes of the skull begin to shine even more and incinerate her stepmother and sisters. The subtext of this tale is analyzed in detail in The Woman Who Runs with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, a well-known researcher of fairy tales. Therefore, in order to read a more detailed description of Vasilisa the Wise, it is worth referring to this work.

Appearance of Vasilisa the Wise

In order to give a brief description of Vasilisa the Wise, it is worth mentioning her appearance. However, as in most fairy tales, almost not a word is said about the appearance of the heroine - only at the royal feast Vasilisa looks like a written beauty, but this is a rather vague definition. From this it becomes clear that the main thing is not the appearance of the character, but the traits of his character - the inner meaning that he carries in himself.

In The Frog Princess, where Vasilisa first wears the skin of a frog, this is expressed as precisely as possible, as well as the fact that the epithet after the name of the heroine indicates, first of all, not beauty, but her wisdom. But, in essence, appearance is not important, and for one more reason - Vasilisa is not so much a person as a function - a prize that Ivan Tsarevich will receive after he passes the prescribed tests. Therefore, here Vasilisa is rather a collective female image.

In another fairy tale, appearance, in principle, does not really matter, since attention is really concentrated on the life line of the heroine (which, according to researchers, is an image of female initiation, the transformation of a girl into a woman by receiving wisdom from an older one in age and experience).

Characteristics of Vasilisa the Wise: her personality

In The Frog Princess, her mind, majesty and at the same time simplicity come to the fore. In Vasilisa the Wise, the girl appears brave, steadfast, also obedient to her elders and restrained. And finally, in both tales, the heroine has the ability to make decisions and maintain peace of mind in any circumstances.

In fact, many heroines of magical Russian fairy tales have similar features, including the ability to reincarnate and other magical properties, which makes it possible to identify them - and Marya Morevna, and Vasilisa the Wise, and Marya the Princess, and Elena the Beautiful. However, we can characterize Vasilisa the Wise and other similar heroines, based only on the words and deeds that belong to them.

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