Guinea: a brief description of the country. Capital of Guinea

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001 .


(Guinee, Guinea), state in the West. Africa on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Pl. 245.9 thousand km²; 8 provinces, capital Conakry; other major cities: Cancan , Kindia, Labe, Nzerekore. From the 1st millennium AD - as part of the Ghana Empire, in the 7th-13th centuries. - Mali (legendary ruler Sundjata Keita). The penetration of Europeans began in the 2nd half of the 15th century. Since 1904, Guinea has been part of French Zap. Africa ; since 1958 - independent Republic of Guinea headed by the president, the legislature - Nat. meeting. The shores are indented, along the coast there is a narrow strip of lowlands, from which the Futa-Jallon plateau rises in ledges into the interior of the continent. On SE. - North-Guinean rise.(Mt. Nimba, 1752 m); on SW. – flat to bass. top. river currents. Niger . Constantly humid and hot equatorial climate (even in the dry season, humidity in Conakry is 85%). There are many rivers, they are short, full-flowing and rapids; only the mouths of some are navigable. In the south and center. In the regions, there are highly sparse secondary forests; in the north, there is savannah; on the coast, there are patches of mangrove forests with palm trees (oilseed and raffia). Elephants, hippos, wild boars, leopards, cheetahs, many snakes, crocodiles live. Among insects - spreaders of diseases (fever, malaria, "sleeping sickness").
The population is more than 7.6 million people. (2001): Fulbe (35%), Malinka (30%), Susu (20%), etc., as well as Moors, French, Lebanese (mainly in the capital). Official the language is French, but the more common languages ​​are Fulbe, Malinke and Susu; 8 languages ​​have been declared national, and a script based on the Latin alphabet has been developed for them. 85% of the believing population are Muslims, 7% adhere to traditional animistic beliefs; 8% are Christians. The most populated coastal lowland, center. h. (Futa-Jallon) and bass. Upper Niger. Urban population 30% (1996). There are semi-nomads (especially among the Fulani). Sat. x-in backward, does not meet the needs of the population in food. Coffee, tropical fruits (pineapples, bananas, citrus fruits, mangoes, papaya, avocados, guava), palmista and cinchona are grown for export; for internal consumption produced rice, corn, millet, sorghum, cassava, peanuts; there are plantations of cotton, tobacco, and tea. Livestock is semi-nomadic, unproductive; fish-in. Extraction of bauxites, diamonds and iron. ores. Text, printing, woodworking, cement, met. prom. Crafts: wood carving (red and black) and bone, straw weaving (bags, fans, mats), weaving, blacksmithing and pottery; production of art products made of leather, wood, metal, bone and stone; weaving from raffia fiber, making muses. tools. Seaports: Conakry, Kamsar, Benti. In the capital of the international the airport. Folk art festivals. Cash unit - Guinean franc.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

Encyclopedia Around the World. 2008 .


State in West Africa. In the north it borders on Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and Mali, in the east and southeast - on Côte d "Ivoire, in the south - on Liberia and Sierra Leone. In the west it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The country's area, including the Conakry Islands, 245857 km 2. Guinea has four main topographic regions: lower Guinea - a coastal plain stretching 275 km long and 50 km wide; middle Guinea (Futa Ja-lon) - a mountainous plateau up to 910 m high; upper Guinea - savannah with low hills up to 300 m in height, lower Guinea is a mountainous part of the country where the Nimba Range is located (the highest point is 1752 m).The main rivers are the Bafing and the Gambia, in Guinea the Niger and Milo rivers also originate.
The population of the country (estimated for 1998) is about 7477100 people, the average population density is about 30 people per km2. Ethnic groups: Fulani - 35%, Malinke - 30%, Susu - 20%, other tribes - 15%. Language: French (state), Malinke, Susu, Fulani, Kisi, Basari, Loma, Koniagi, Kpele. Religion: Muslims - 85%, Christians - 8%, pagans - 7%. The capital is Conakry. Largest cities: Conakry (1508000 people). Kankan (278,000 people), Labe (273,000 people), Nzerekore (250,000 people). The state structure is a republic. The head of state is President Brigadier General Lansana Conte (in office since April 5, 1984). The head of government is Prime Minister S. Type. The monetary unit is the Guinean franc. Average life expectancy (for 1998): 44 years - men, 45 years - women. The birth rate (per 1,000 people) is 41.3. Mortality rate (per 1000 people) - 17.8.
The northern and eastern parts of the territory of modern Guinea were once part of the empires of Mali and Songhai. In the 18th century, a theocratic Islamic state was created. Guinea became a French colony in 1891 and part of French West Africa in 1906. On October 2, 1958, Guinea gained independence. In March 1984, the military came to power in a bloodless military coup. Guinea is a member of the UN and most of the specialized agencies of this organization. Organization of African Unity.
The climate of Guinea is different in different topographical zones. In the coastal strip, the average annual temperature is about 27 ° C, in Futa Jalon - about 20 ° C, in upper Guinea - 21 ° C. The rainy season lasts from April or May to October or November. The hottest month of the year is April, the rainiest is July or August. The vegetation of Guinea is very diverse, from dense mangrove forests along the ocean coast to the savannah in upper Guinea and the dense jungle of lower Guinea. The fauna is represented by leopards, hippos, wild boars, antelopes, civets. The country has a large number of snakes and crocodiles, as well as parrots and turaco (banano-eaters).
One of the most significant attractions of Conakry is the National Museum with a rich collection of exhibits.

Encyclopedia: cities and countries. 2008 .

Guinea is located in West Africa off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, which washes a 300-kilometer heavily indented coastline. Area - 245.8 thousand sq. km. Guinea was a French colony until 1958. (cm. France), now - a presidential republic with a population of about 9.5 million people. The official language is French. Most of Guinea lies in the subequatorial belt. Average monthly air temperatures are from 18° to 27°C, the hottest month is April, the coldest is August. Precipitation falls mainly in summer, but is very unevenly distributed over the territory: on the coast for 170 rainy days a year, up to 4300 mm of precipitation falls, and in inland areas separated from the ocean by a mountain range - no more than 1500 mm.
The territory of the country is located within the ancient African platform, broken by numerous faults, faults with outcrops of volcanic rocks. Deep river valleys and rolling low mountains make Guinea look like a mountainous country. The largest elevations are the Futa-Dzhallon Highlands (the highest mountain is Tamge, 1537 m), which limits the narrow coastal lowland, and the North Guinea Upland in the southeast of the country (with the highest mountain Nimba, 1752 m above sea level). The Futa-Jallon Plateau is called by geographers the “Water Tower of West Africa”, because the largest rivers of the region, the Gambia and Senegal, begin here. The Niger River (here called Joliba) also originates in the North Guinean Upland. Numerous rivers in Guinea are generally unnavigable due to numerous rapids and waterfalls, as well as sharp fluctuations in water levels.
The traveler is struck by the bright red or red-brown color of the soils of the savannahs and forests of Guinea, rich in iron oxides. Despite the poverty of these soils, which makes agriculture difficult, the natural vegetation is very rich. Gallery rainforests still exist along the rivers, although in most other places they have been replaced by human activity with tropical dry forests and wooded savannahs. In the north of the country you can see real tall-grass savannahs, and on the ocean coast - mangroves. Coconut palm, Guinean oil palm, and other exotic plants are common along the ocean coast, making even the streets of large cities look like a botanical garden. The animal world of the country is still rich: elephants, hippos, various types of antelopes, panthers, cheetahs, monkeys are numerous (especially baboons living in large herds). It is worth mentioning also forest cats, hyenas, mongoose, crocodiles, large and small snakes and lizards, hundreds of species of birds. Insects are also numerous, among which there are many dangerous ones that carry pathogens of yellow fever and sleeping sickness (tsetse fly).
Almost the entire population of Guinea belongs to the Negroid race. The most numerous people are the Fulbe, who inhabit mainly the Futa-Jallon plateau. Other peoples belong to the Mande language subgroup: Malinke, Korako, Susu. The official language, French, is spoken by only a small part of the population, and the most common languages ​​are Ful, Malinke, Susu. 60% of the population are Muslims, about 2% are Christians, the rest adhere to traditional beliefs. Most of the population is employed in agriculture (cattle breeding, as well as the cultivation of rice, cassava, sweet potato, corn). The capital and largest city of Guinea is Conakry (1.8 million inhabitants). Other large cities are industrial centers and transport hubs Kankan, Kandia, Labe.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .

Modern Encyclopedia

  • Guinea (Guinea) or full name Republic of Guinea (Republic of Guinea) - one of the poorest countries in the world, located in West Africa. States whose names contain the words "Guinea" , there are several in the world, however Republic of Guinea only one. Despite all its natural wealth, the state is among the ten poorest countries on our planet. Guinea- these are picturesque landscapes, exotic animals and plants, ancient fortresses of the first European settlers, mosques and palaces. Despite the fact that much attention is paid to international tourism, it is very poorly developed. Prior to the arrival of Europeans in West Africa, these lands were the property of the empires of Ghana and Mali. In 1892 the colony was founded french guinea part of French West Africa. The country gained independence only in 1958.

    Guinea - land of picturesque landscapes

    1. Capital

    Capital of the Republic of Guineacity ​​of Conakry(Conakry) , a major port of the country, through which passes up to 65% of all cargo, located on the Atlantic coast. The capital was founded in 1885 on the site of two small fishing villages. The city was built as the center of the French colony in this part of West Africa. Today Conakry is a beautiful and successfully developing seaside city, stretching on a narrow strip of land, with a developed industry, higher educational institutions, administrative institutions, museums, parks and squares. The capital is divided into two halves - part is located on the Calum Peninsula, the second half on the island of Tombo, between them lies a connecting dam.

    2. Flag

    Flag of the Republic of Guinea is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 2:3, consisting of three vertical equal stripes: The stripes are arranged from left to right in the following order: red, yellow, green.


    These are pan-African colors, symbolizing the unity of African states: red - "Work" , yellow - "Justice" , green - "Solidarity" .

    3. Coat of arms

    Coat of arms of Guinea is a composition with a golden shield in the center. The base of the shield is painted in the colors of the national flag: red, yellow and green. Above the shield is a flying dove with a branch, and below it is a ribbon with the national motto: Travail, Justice, Solidarité ("Labor, Justice, Solidarity" ).


    • red color - the blood of the African people shed in the struggle for the independence of the country
    • yellow is a symbol of the scorching African sun, as well as an abundance of mineral resources
    • green color - agriculture, nature of Guinea, as well as a symbol of prosperity and fertile lands of the country
    • dove - a symbol of peace and order

    4. Anthem

    listen to the national anthem of Guinea

    5. Currency

    National currency of guineaGuinean franc (Guinean Franc)(international designation GNF ). Guinean franc introduced on March 1, 1960 to replace the CFA franc. In circulation there are coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 francs, as well as banknotes in denominations of 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000 and 20,000 francs. Well Guinean franc to ruble or any other world currency can be found on the converter below:

    banknotes of Guinea

    Guinea- a state in West Africa, bordering in the north - with Senegal, in the northwest with Guinea-Bissau, in the north and northeast - with Mali, in the east - with Côte d'Ivoire, in the south - with Liberia and the Sierra Leone, and in the west it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Square Republic of Guinea is 245,855 km² .

    Geographically, the country can be divided into 4 regions:

    • Maritime (Lower) Guinea located in the west of the country and is a flat lowland up to 32 km wide, with heights of less than 150 m above sea level;
    • Middle Guinea - the sandstone massif of Futa-Dzhallon, crossing the country from north to south, with peaks of 1300 - 1400 m. It is distinguished by the predominance of savannah landscapes, mountain meadows are located in the highest places;
    • Upper Guinea - the savannah region, located east of the Futa-Jallon massif, on the plains in the basin of the upper reaches of the Niger River;
    • Forest Guinea - This is an area of ​​\u200b\u200bsavannahs and tropical forests, located in the southeast of the country, occupying part of the North Guinea Upland.

    river network Guinea thick and abundant. The largest rivers are the Niger, the third longest in Africa (4,180 km), the Gambia and Senegal. About 60% of the country's territory is covered with forests. highest point Guinea- Mount Nimba (1,752 m).

    7. What is worth seeing in Guinea?

    And here is a small list of attractions which you should pay attention to when planning excursions to Guinea

    • Great Mosque of Conakry
    • Botanical Garden of Conakry
    • Waterfall Marie
    • Tinkiso Falls
    • Guinean Lesosavanna
    • Mount Gangan
    • Nimba Mountains
    • Leono-Liberian Upland
    • National Museum of Conakry
    • Mount Nimba Nature Reserve
    • north guinea upland

    8. Major cities

    List of the ten largest cities in Guinea:
    • Conakry (Conakry) — capital of the Republic of Guinea
    • Nzerekore
    • Kindia (Kindia)
    • bokeh
    • Kankan
    • Kisidugu (Kisidugu)
    • Gueckedou
    • Komsar
    • Macenta
    • Mom (Mama)

    9. Climate

    Climate of Guinea subequatorial , with wet summers and dry winters. In the north-east of the country, summer lasts 4-5 months, and in the south 7-9 months. The average monthly air temperature throughout the year is +20 °C to +28 °C, but during the drought period the temperature rises to 38 °C - 40 °C, this is affected by the wind "harmattan" blowing from the Sahara. Precipitation falls mainly in the period from May to October, but is distributed quite unevenly throughout the country: 4000 - 4300 mm per year, and in inland areas separated from the ocean by a mountain range - no more than 1500 mm.

    10. Population

    Population of Guinea is 13 663 578 people, of which 96% is the African population, numbering about 30 nationalities and ethnic groups. The largest representatives are fulbe (40%), raspberry (30%) and susu (20%), 10%. - other minor ethnic groups. 4% of the country's inhabitants are Europeans, Lebanese and Syrians. The average life expectancy of the female half of the population is 54-56 years, and the male half is 52-54 years.

    To know population of the Republic of Guinea can

    11. Language

    Guinea- a multilingual country in which there are about 40 languages, but the official language is French . French is the language of state and official institutions, which is actually spoken by only a quarter of the population of the country. Status "national" languages ​​also have languages: Fula, Malinke, Susu, Kisi, Kpelle (Gerze) and Tom.

    12. Religion

    dominant religion in GuineaSunni Islam , it is professed by 84% of the total believing population. About 8% of the population are Christians (the majority are Catholics) and 8% of the country's inhabitants are adherents of traditional African beliefs (animalism, fetishism, the cult of ancestors and the forces of nature).

    13. Holidays

    National holidays in Guinea:
    • January 1 - New Year
    • April 3 - Second Republic Day (1984)
    • movable date in March - April - Easter and Easter holidays
    • May 1 - Labor Day
    • May 25 - Africa Day (Organization of African Unity)
    • August 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    • October 2 - Independence Day (a referendum was held on the independence of Guinea from colonial France)
    • December 25 – Christmas
    • movable date in December - Eid al-Fitr (the end of the month of Ramadan)
    • movable date in December - Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad
    • movable date in December - Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice)

    14. Souvenirs

    Here is a small list most common souvenirs which tourists usually bring from Guinea:

    • African drums
    • clay jugs
    • paintings with bright African flavor
    • beaded product
    • masks and figurines made of valuable tree species
    • clothes and shoes in national style
    • tableware
    • figurines of animals: elephants, hippos, giraffes, turtles and crocodiles

    15. "No nail, no wand" or customs regulations

    Customs regulations of Guinea do not restrict the import of foreign currency, but the declaration is required. And export without a declaration - in the amount of up to $ 800. US dollars.


    Duty-free import of no more than 200 pieces is allowed. cigarettes, 1 liter of spirits, 2 liters of dry wine, as well as things and food for personal consumption - in an amount not exceeding $ 800


    It is forbidden to import drugs and psychotropic drugs and medicines, gold in bullion, in the form of plates or scrap, as well as precious stones (without the permission of the Ministry of Finance of Guinea). When exported, weapons, gold and precious stones, as well as products of local craftsmen made of wood, ivory, horn and leather are subject to mandatory customs control. A special permit is required for their export.

    16. Voltage in the electrical network

    Mains voltage: 220 volt, at a frequency of 50 hertz. Socket type: type C, type of F, type of K.

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    (Republic of Guinea)

    General information

    Geographical position. Guinea is a state in West Africa. In the north it borders on Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and Mali, in the east and southeast, on Ivory Coast, in the south, on Liberia and Sierra Leone. In the west, it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

    Square. The territory of the Republic of Guinea occupies 245,857 sq. km.

    Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of the Republic of Guinea is Conakry. The largest cities: Conakry (1,508 thousand people), Kankan (278 thousand people), Labe (273 thousand people), Nzerekore (250 thousand people). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 8 provinces.

    Political system. Guinea is a republic. The head of state is the president, the head of government is the prime minister.

    Relief. Guinea has four main topographic regions: lower Guinea - a coastal plain that stretches 275 km long and 50 km wide; middle Guinea (Futa-Jalon) - a mountainous plateau up to 910 m high; upper Guinea-savanna with low hills up to 300 m in height; lower Guinea is a mountainous part of the country where the Nimba ridge is located (the highest point in the country is 1,752 m).

    Geological structure and minerals. The bowels of the country contain reserves of bauxite, iron ore, gold, diamonds, and uranium.

    Climate. The climate of Guinea is different in different topographical zones. In the coastal strip, the average annual temperature is about + 27 ° С, in Futa-Jalon - about + 20 ° С, in upper Guinea + 21 ° С. The rainy season lasts from April or May to October or November. The hottest month of the year is April, the rainiest is July or August.

    Inland waters. The main rivers are Bafing and Gambia, in Guinea the Niger and Milo rivers also originate.

    Soils and vegetation. The vegetation of Guinea is quite diverse: from dense mangrove forests along the ocean coast to the savannah of upper Guinea and the dense jungle of lower Guinea.

    Animal world. The fauna is represented by leopards, hippos, wild boars, antelopes. The country has a large number of snakes and crocodiles, as well as parrots and turaco (banano-eaters).

    Population and language

    The population of the Republic of Guinea is about 7.477 million people, the average

    population density of about 30 people per 1 sq. km. km. Ethnic groups: Fulani_

    35%, Malinke 30%, Susu 20%, other tribes 15%. Languages: French (state), Malinke, Susu, Fulani, Kisi, Basari, Loma, Koniagi, Kpele.


    Muslims - 85%, Christians - 8%, pagans - 7%.

    Brief historical outline

    The northern and eastern parts of the territory of modern Guinea were once part of the empires of Mali and Songhai. In the XVIII century. a theocratic Islamic state was established. In 1891 Guinea became a colony of France, in 1906 - part of French West Africa. On October 2, 1958, the Republic of Guinea declared independence. In March 1984, the military came to power in a bloodless military coup.

    Brief economic essay

    Guinea is an agricultural country with a relatively developed mining industry. Main cash crops: coffee, bananas, pineapples, oil palm. Livestock. Fishing. Extraction of bauxites, diamonds, gold. Enterprises for the processing of agricultural products; sawmills, textile, bicycle assembly. Export: bauxites, alumina, diamonds, gold, agricultural products.

    The monetary unit is the Guinean franc.

    Art and architecture. Conakry. National Museum with a rich collection of exhibits.

    Guinea on Africa map
    (all images are clickable)

    Geographical position

    Guinea is a state in West Africa washed by the waters of the Atlantic, the length of the coastal strip is 320 km. The areas adjacent to the coastline are located in the lowlands; There are many islands along the Atlantic coast of Guinea. Neighbors are:

    • in the northwest - Guinea-Bissau;
    • in the north - Senegal;
    • in the north and northeast - Mali;
    • in the east - Côte d'Ivoire;
    • in the south - Liberia and Sierra Leone.

    The area of ​​the country is 245.8 thousand km².

    The climate is equatorial. The average annual temperature is +28 °C.

    Guinea is characterized by two pronounced seasons - dry and wet, the last of which lasts from May to October (during this period, about 4300 mm of precipitation falls - almost the entire annual norm).

    Flora and fauna

    About 60% of the territory is occupied by evergreen tropical forests: they cover almost the entire southeastern part of the state.

    Elephants and hippos, leopards and cheetahs, wild boars are common among animals. Lots of snakes and crocodiles.

    State structure

    Guinea map

    Guinea is a unitary republic divided into 33 prefectures and one special zone (Conakry). The head of state is the president, but virtually all power belongs to the military.

    The local currency is the Guinean franc. The capital is the city of Conakry.


    The population is 11.5 million people. In total, about 30 peoples live on the territory of the country, the largest of them are Fulbe, Kisi, Mande; a significant part are Europeans, Lebanese and Syrians. The official language is French, but the main languages ​​spoken are Fulbe, Malinke, and Susu. About 75% of the inhabitants profess Islam, there are Christians and adherents of local traditional beliefs.


    Guinea is an agrarian state with a developed mining complex (it has the world's largest bauxite deposits).

    About 80% of the able-bodied population is employed in agriculture, however, the country cannot completely provide itself with food, and is forced to buy it. The main crops are rice, cassava and corn; the main export crops are banana, chocolate tree, oil palm, pineapple and peanut. Animal husbandry is diversified, the priority is cattle, sheep, goats and poultry. The industry is dominated by enterprises processing agricultural raw materials.

    Before the arrival of Europeans in West Africa, these lands were the property of the empires of Ghana and Mali. In 1892, the French colony was formed Guinea, which was part of French West Africa. The country acquired independence in 1958, two years earlier than all other states of West Africa.


    When entering the country, a medical certificate is required, in which there is a mark on vaccination against yellow fever.

    From the country, the export of handicrafts made of ivory, animal horns, wood and animal skins is prohibited.

    The main attractions of Guinea are picturesque landscapes, exotic animals and plants, which are diverse. Of the architectural and historical monuments, ancient fortresses of the first European settlers, mosques and palaces are of interest.

    The rest: scrap (volumes), gerze, kisi, dalonke, etc. - together make up 22%.

    Almost the entire population of Guinea belongs to the Negroid race. The most numerous people are the Fulbe, who inhabit mainly the Futa-Jallon plateau. Other peoples belong to the Mande language subgroup: Malinka, Korako, Susu, etc.


    Only a small part of the population speaks the official language, French, and the most common languages ​​are Fula, Malinke (in the north), Susu (in the capital area), etc.


    Muslims - 75%, Christians - 1.5%, the rest are adherents of local beliefs.


    The Republic of Guinea is located in West Africa. It borders Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Out to the Atlantic Ocean, forming a 320-kilometer coastline.

    The territory of Guinea is divided into four physiographic regions. The first of them, located in the west of the country, - Lower, or Primorskaya, Guinea - is a flat lowland up to 32 km wide, with heights less than 150 m above sea level. The swampy strip of the coast is covered with mangroves, dense rocks come to the surface only in the Conakry region. Lower Guinea is an area of ​​commodity-export agriculture. Mostly representatives of the Susu people live here. The Kogon, Fatala and Konkure rivers cutting through the lowlands originate in the deep valleys of the second region - Central Guinea. Here, the Futa Jallon sandstone massif, with peaks of 1200–1400 m, crosses the country from north to south. The highest point of the plateau, located north of Labe, is Mount Tamge (1538 m). Central Guinea is characterized by the predominance of savannah landscapes, in the highest places there are mountain meadows. The area is inhabited by the Fulbe people. The predominant occupation of the population is animal husbandry.

    To the east of the Futa-Jallon massif, on the plains in the basin of the upper reaches of the Niger River, lies Upper Guinea. This is an area of ​​savannas inhabited mainly by malinque farmers.

    Forest Guinea, located in the southeast of the country, occupies part of the North Guinean Upland with small massifs of remnant mountains. Here, near the border with Liberia in the Nimba mountains, is the highest point of Guinea (1752 m). In this area, the background is savannahs, in some areas, especially along the river valleys, tropical forests have been preserved. In Forest Guinea, there are many small peoples who are engaged in agriculture.


    Equatorial monsoon, wet in summer, dry in winter. Average monthly air temperatures are from +18 C to +27 C, the hottest month is April (+30 C), the coldest is August (+26 C). Precipitation falls mainly in summer, from May to October, but is distributed very unevenly across the country: up to 4300 mm falls on the coast for 170 rainy days a year. precipitation, and in inland areas separated from the ocean by a mountain range, no more than 1500 mm. In January-February, "harmattan" blows - a dry, dusty wind from the north; its influence is practically not felt in the coastal regions of the country.


    Republic, in fact - a military form of government. The head of state and government is the President. Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly.


    Guinea is rich in natural resources. The country has mineral reserves, large areas of fertile land, rivers have great hydropower potential.

    Guinea has the largest bauxite deposits in the world. The mining industry contributes almost all of the export revenue to the state budget. However, the main occupation of the population remains rural subsistence or small-scale farming. The industry is underdeveloped, although its share in GDP is constantly growing.

    Many lucrative economic activities in Guinea are under state control. Within 15 years of independence, the government gradually eliminated private trade. Only state trading organizations functioned, and the peasants were obliged to sell their products through a network of state stores. After the riots that swept the country in 1979, the government was forced to lift the ban on private trade. Large industrial enterprises, especially those working for export, remained state-owned.


    Guinean franc (100 francs is approximately equal to 1 French franc). Currency exchange can be done in banks and exchange offices. On the black market, currency exchange is somewhat more profitable than in banks. Checks in French francs and US dollars have the best exchange rates. Banking hours: from 08.30 to 16.00 from Monday to Friday, from 08.30 to 13.00 on Saturday. Most major hotels, restaurants and shops accept credit cards (mainly American Express, MasterCard and Diners Club), but in the provinces it is difficult to use them. The best place for exchanging traveler's checks is the capital's airport, where the commission is minimal. In the markets and in private shops (except supermarkets), you can bargain. Tipping in "Western-type" restaurants is 10%, in hotels - 100-200 francs, in small private establishments it is necessary to specify the amount of remuneration for service in each case.


    Corresponds to Greenwich time. Behind Moscow in winter by 3 hours, in summer - by 4 hours.


    The Republic of Guinea primarily attracts visitors with its picturesque elevated landscapes of the Futa Djallon highlands, an excellent road network by African standards (especially in the southeast) and an impressive contrast between the dry northern valleys and the endless jungle in the southern regions. The center of Conakry is quite modern and is a complex of office and banking buildings between Roux du Niger and Ave de la República. The National Museum has a large collection of masks, sculptures and national instruments, housed in a spacious display building in the style of the Parisian Louvre. Opposite the Presidential Palace (the former headquarters of the OAU), there are about 50 picturesque Moorish-style villas currently used as offices of several international organizations. The huge People's Palace in the northern part of Roux du Niger is the site of traditional performances by two local ballet theaters and the site of numerous festive ceremonies. 10 km. from the capital is Ile de Los - a group of small islands in the Atlantic Ocean, a favorite resort area for residents and guests of Conakry, with a completely modern water center and regular mini-cruises on boats to a picturesque beach in the Novotel area, and just a good place to spending the weekend. The Futa Jallon Plateau is one of the main natural attractions of the country along with the Bafara Falls and the Fuyama Rapids. Located 220 km. northeast of the capital and connected to it by a good road, it attracts thousands of tourists with its emerald green vegetation covering picturesque heights (up to 1000 m.), the relative coolness of the local climate, charming villages with friendly residents and very high quality local folk cuisine. The most popular here are the towns of Mamu - "the gate of Futa-Jallon", Dalaba - a former colonial mountain climatic resort with a health center D'Asuel, Mali - the coolest city in the country, a local trekking center (Tamge (Loura) is especially popular - 1538 m. , Cavendu - 1421 m. and the legendary La Dame de Mali) and Kinkon waterfalls. Labe is the third largest city in the country, excellent markets and small cozy streets and squares of this city allow you to observe the life and customs of the Fula peoples inhabiting this region. The city of Farana, located 420 km. east of the capital and under the personal patronage of the President of the country, is famous for its restaurants and cafes with excellent cuisine, a wonderful local mosque, numerous Victorian and classical style villas. Every Monday, a big fair is held in the city (in the opinion of a European, it's just a huge market), where almost all artisans and peasants from all over the area come together. Almost all tourist routes start from Faran down the Joliba River (Niger) to the picturesque rapids of Fuyama and the Bafara waterfall. Kankan is the spiritual and political center of the Malinke people. Built back in the days of the medieval empire of Mali, the city is full of a wide variety of historical sights, but in order to see them, you will definitely need the services of a local guide - the old and the new have "merged" so much over the past centuries that it is difficult for an inexperienced eye to distinguish the place where history ends and modern life begins. A local relic - the magnificently ornamented Grand Mosque, the presidential palace on the banks of the Milo River, sculptural workshops and two markets - open and closed - requires a separate study. Cape Verga, halfway from Boffa to Boca, is one of the best beach areas in the country, completely deserted throughout the week, and on the weekend it turns into a beautiful resort town full of life. Nzerekore on the border with Liberia - the "capital of the forest country" (and smugglers), the cheapest city in Guinea and the starting point for ecological excursions to the forest zone, famous for its inhabitants - forest elephants, numerous primates, it is also one of the few places in Africa where you can still meet the forest leopard. The local market is considered the largest transshipment base for goods from neighboring countries, so you can buy almost everything here at a modest price.


    Visa regime, the minimum period for processing documents is 2 days. Required documents: application form and photographs - 3 pcs. (questionnaires are issued in French), a visa request, the original invitation, certified by the official seals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guinea. Consular fee - 40 USD. The entry visa is valid for 30 days. Children under 16 fit into the visa of the parents (mother). When crossing the border, you must present a passport with a valid entry visa and a leaflet filled out in French, which indicates: full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, profession, address of permanent residence in Guinea, passport and visa numbers, paragraph departure. An international yellow fever vaccination certificate is required. There are no restrictions on movement around the country for Russian citizens.


    The import of foreign currency is not limited, but a declaration is required. Without a declaration, no more than 800 US dollars are allowed to be exported. Duty-free importation of cigarettes is allowed - up to 200 pieces, spirits - 1 liter, dry wine - 2 liters, things and food for personal consumption - in the amount of not more than 800 US dollars. It is forbidden to import drugs and psychotropic drugs and medicines, gold in bullion, in the form of plates or scrap, as well as precious stones (without the permission of the Ministry of Finance of Guinea). When exported, weapons, gold and precious stones, as well as products of local craftsmen made of wood, ivory, horn and leather are subject to mandatory customs control. A special permit is required for their export.

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