Countess-peasant from Ostankino. Praskovia Ivanovna Zhemchugova, Countess Sheremeteva


In the "Letter of Testament" to his son, Count Sheremetyev wrote about Praskovya Ivanovna Zhemchugova: “... I had the most tender feelings for her ... observing the mind adorned with virtue, sincerity, philanthropy, constancy, fidelity. These qualities ... made me trample on secular prejudice in reasoning about the nobility of the family and choose her as my wife ... than devastated. And at such a moment you accidentally collide with the very stranger, who was desperately lacking for happiness.

Praskovya Zhemchugova - too good

Nikolai Sheremetiev studied at Leiden University and was familiar with the theatrical life of Europe. And having inherited the serf theater from his father, he decided to organize the training of serf actors in performing arts in Kuskovo.

Perhaps he did not seek the caresses of a woman when he traveled to other countries, adopting innovations, learning, did not yearn to revel in the quivering feeling bestowed from above. But when the offspring of the famous family, Count Nikolai Sheremetyev, returned to his native estate in Kuskovo with the intention of changing, if not everything, then a lot, and first of all he took up the famous theater of his father - he saw a very young actress on the stage and ... Voice, acting, appearance, huge eyes in a pale face left a mark on his soul. This imprint was at first exclusively selfish in nature: the still unformed teenager shone in the theater, like an uncut gem.

Nikolai, like everyone else from the Sheremetyev family, had a weakness for artists and immediately noticed in Praskovya Kovaleva future star. At his insistence, she began to play only the main roles in all productions, and her new name flaunted on the posters - Zhemchugova(such a pseudonym was given to her by her patron).

Born from tears...

Enjoy the show starring Praskovya, very influential people came to Kuskovo, among whom was Tsarina Catherine herself. She presented the young actress with a diamond ring. The girl was popular with rich men. But she looked only at one - her patron. And in 1788 Praskovya became a support for him in life. After all, on October 30, Nikolai's father died. The son grieved so much that he saw the only consolation in alcohol. Its pink misty haze enveloped the whole world, not letting anyone through the erected barriers. Nobody but a fragile girl. Before her, bitterness receded, her warm hands healed her headache, and her soft voice instilled a sweet sense of peace. Now the count looked at his serf with a clear understanding that he did not need other women. "I won't marry anyone but her!" he decided firmly.

Covert and overt

Novels between the owners and their bonded were not new to society, so the lovers did not receive much condemnation. Society ladies are still did not refuse to take possession of the heart of the enviable groom Sheremetyev, and the gentlemen did not refuse to steal a fraction of the attention of his precious actress. However, the two held each other tightly. And when Nikolai received the title of Chief Marshal of the Imperial Court, he moved to St. Petersburg, of course, not forgetting to pick up his favorite actress. But something always prevents people from being truly happy. For example, diseases. The damp climate of the capital hit Praskovyu, awakening the tuberculosis that had been dormant in her until now (which she inherited from her father, a blacksmith). The girl, who was proud of her beautiful voice, became hoarse and could no longer sing. She was afraid that, having lost her talent, she would also lose the love of the count. However, he considered it foolish. He personally took care of the health of the actress and even made her free. Moreover, he took his beloved down the aisle.

On November 6, 1801, a carriage with the groom and bride. They quickly climbed the steps, got married and went back to the estate to celebrate. The wedding took place in a narrow circle of acquaintances, remaining a mystery to the rest of the world. It’s just that the lovers understood what Praskovya would have felt if she had come into the world as Countess Sheremetyeva. After all, in those days, actors were considered nonentities and were buried behind the cemetery, despite how they shone on the stages at the court. No matter how famous Zhemchugova would not have accepted it. Even despite the special edict of Emperor Alexander I, who personally agreed to the marriage of the count and his serf.

How much happiness is measured?

They lived, loved, respected each other and enjoyed every day. And stupid and envious people whispered behind their backs. Nicholas was called crazy. He did not care about other people's speculation and gossip, because his wife was expecting a child. What else can inspire a man, if not the news of the birth of an heir from his beloved woman? Sheremetyev saw everything in pink and had no idea what misfortune awaited him ahead. FROM every month his beloved Praskovya faded away. The doctors gave no hope. After a protracted and painful childbirth, weakened by consumption, she nevertheless gave her husband a long-awaited son. The Countess could no longer get up from the bed. Feeling close death, she asked to see her child. I wanted to take him in my arms. But the midwives took him away from his mother, fearing infection. Praskovya was left alone with the nurses, locked in a room from others. She raved, suffered, begged to be allowed at least to hear the voice of the newborn. Her faithful guardians remained deaf to requests.

Together with his wife, Nikolai also suffered. He saw her despair, watched from the outside how life was leaving her bit by bit every day ... And he could not do anything: neither save nor help. The only thing Sheremetyev tried to moderate her pain was to bring the baby to the door of his wife's bedroom. Hearing his crying, the woman calmed down and plunged into a rebellious sleep.

Burdened with grief, Nikolai could no longer carry this burden on his shoulders and remain silent. He revealed his secret to everyone, telling who his wife was.

A month has passed. In 1803, the torment of the unfortunate countess ended. She left her husband and son.

And then, without Praskovya Zhemchugova ...

On the last journey Praskovya Sheremetyeva accompanied by actors, musicians, servants of the estate, serfs. The procession was closed by a completely gray-haired, albeit young another man with a small child in his arms. Admiring the voice of the actress, gentlemen from high society did not come to say goodbye to her: they considered it below their dignity to recognize the former serf countess.

Having lost the meaning of existence, Count Sheremetyev chose to escape from the noisy capital, forget about feasts, social evenings. He devoted himself to serving people: he did charity work, built a hospital, created a fund to help the poor. And he himself raised a little son, who knew about his mother only from the stories of his father. “... I had the most tender feelings for her ... I observed reason adorned with virtue, sincerity, philanthropy, constancy, fidelity. These qualities ... made me trample on secular prejudice in reasoning about the nobility of the family and choose her as my wife ... ”Nikolai admitted, describing his beloved woman, so that a beautiful image formed in the memory of the child. Six years after the death of the adored actress, Count Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetyev went in search of her ... to another world.


“If an angel came down from heaven, if thunder and lightning struck at once, I would be less amazed,” Nikolai wrote in one of his letters to friends after meeting Praskovya.

The serf artist of the Sheremetyevs, Nikolai Argunov, painted a portrait of Praskovya Ivanovna on his master's wedding day: a red shawl, a white wedding veil, a precious medallion around her neck. This is how she remained forever in the memory of her husband.

The countess-peasant, knowing about the hard life of the poor, orphans and the sick, constantly helped them, and her husband In his will, he built a hospitable house with a hospital in Moscow (now the Sklifosovsky Hospital) and put capital into issuing a dowry to poor brides, which undoubtedly testified to the count's tender affection for his chosen one.

About a pair of Sheremetyevs - Zhemchugova there were different stories. For example, someone invented a very romantic legend of the acquaintance of lovers, according to which Nikolai saw Praskovya when she was driving a herd of cows from a pasture. The count liked the young peasant woman so much that he rode up to her on his horse and said: “You are not a couple of a peasant!” Then he took Praskovya Zhemchugova to your homestead.

Updated: April 13, 2019 by: Elena

The count family of the Sheremetevs is one of the most noble and wealthy in Russia in the 18th century. The Sheremetevs were known as statesmen, builders of temples, wealthy patrons who helped the poor and the sick, and encouraged the development of national architecture, art, and music. Their home theater was considered the best private theater in the empire; its owners spared neither money nor labor for staging performances and creating scenery. The Sheremetev Theater was notable not only for its professional, educated and talented actors and singers, but also for its meticulously calculated layout of the hall, luxurious decorations and excellent acoustics. Many who visited Kuskovo in those days noted that the scope of the performances and the professionalism of the actors were in no way inferior to the most famous palace theater in the Hermitage.


Sheremetevs believed that real actors should be raised, patiently teaching them from childhood. So, Parasha Kovaleva (1768-1803), the daughter of a serf blacksmith, ended up with other children in the count's estate when she was barely eight years old. She was immediately given to the upbringing of the lonely princess Marfa Mikhailovna Dolgoruky. The girl received an education from the princess, was trained in vocals, acting, playing the harp and harpsichord, French and Italian, literature, literacy and some sciences. Famous master actors, singers and teachers came to the estate to prepare children for theatrical life. Increasingly, they noted the wonderful abilities of little Parasha, predicted a great future for her.

Nikolay Ivanovich Argunov

At the same time, the son of the owner of the house - Pyotr Borisovich Sheremetev - Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev (1751-1809) traveled around Europe in order to improve his education. Having collected the revolutionary ideas that reigned there, he immediately decided to change the life of Kuskovo and organize it according to European canons. The first thing the young man took up was the premises of his father's theater, which seemed to him old and too cramped.

It was then, watching the progress of construction work, that Nikolai Petrovich saw a shy ten-year-old girl with huge eyes in her pale face, and when he got to know her better, he also felt the extraordinary talent of a little serf.

In the new theater, the girl made her debut in the role of a maid from Gretry's opera The Experience of Friendship. The delightful soprano Parasha conquered all the audience, not leaving the owner's son indifferent. Nikolai was so pleased with the debut of the little actress that in the next opera he gave her the main role and did not doubt her success for a moment. It was then that the theatrical pseudonym of the girl, Zhemchugova, first appeared on the posters. Since then, only the young Parasha got the best roles in the Sheremetev Theater.

Praskovya Kovaleva-Zhemchugova as Eliana
C. de Chamisso

The Sheremetevs treated the actors respectfully and with respect. They were called by name and patronymic, Count Sheremetev Jr. gave his actors new surnames according to the names of precious stones. The legend says that the Zhemchugovoy Sink was named on the day when a small pearl was found in the manor's pond. All actors and musicians of the theater were paid salaries, they were forbidden any physical labor, they ate the same as the owners of the estate, and the best local doctors were invited to the sick. All this surprised the noble visitors of Kuskovo, and for a long time the order in the "strange" family was one of the most interesting topics at the secular evenings of the capital.


Rumors about the Sheremetev theater spread throughout all the estates, noble people came to each performance in Kuskovo, and those who did not get to the performance then lamented for a long time and listened to the vivid stories of those who watched the next production.


The old count decided to build a new theater building, the opening of which was to take place on June 30, 1787, on the day when Catherine II herself intended to visit the Sheremetev estate. The famous theater, and especially the play and voice of the young actress Praskovya Zhemchugova, impressed the queen so much that she decided to present the girl with a diamond ring. From now on, the young serf Parasha became one of the most famous actresses in Russia.

Daria Yurskaya as Praskovya Zhemchugova

On October 30, 1788, Pyotr Borisovich Sheremetev died. All estates with serfs of two hundred thousand souls went to his son, Nikolai Petrovich. He, after the death of his father, forgot about the theater, drank and rioted, trying to escape from grief. Only Parasha was able to console the young count and with sympathy and infinite kindness brought him out of the spree. After that, Nikolai Petrovich looked at the girl in a different way: a huge, strong feeling arose in his heart. Zhemchugova became the second person in the theater, the actors now addressed her only as Praskovya Ivanovna.

Soon, the lovers and the entire troupe of the theater moved to the new estate of the count - Ostankino. Suddenly, Parasha developed tuberculosis, and the doctors forbade her to sing forever. The gentle care of the count, his patience and love helped the woman survive this grief, and on December 15, 1798, Count Sheremetev gave freedom to his most beloved serf actress. This bold step caused bewilderment and gossip in noble circles, but the count did not pay attention to slander. He decided to marry his beloved. On the morning of November 6, 1801 in the church of St. Simeon Stolpnik, which is now located in Moscow on Novy Arbat, a scandalous marriage took place. The sacrament was performed in the strictest confidence, only four of the closest and most faithful friends of the young couple were invited to it.

Church of Simeon the Stylite

This marriage lasted two years in respect, mutual understanding and love. Parasha's health worsened every day. On February 3, 1803, Praskovya Ivanovna gave birth to a son. The birth was difficult and painful, and the body, weakened by consumption, did not even allow the woman to get out of bed. Terminally ill, she begged to see the child, but he was immediately taken away from his mother for fear that the baby would become infected and die. The Countess faded away for about a month. In her delirium, she begged to be allowed to hear the baby's voice, and when he was brought to the bedroom door, Parasha calmed down and fell into a heavy sleep.

Realizing that the death of his wife was inevitable, Nikolai Petrovich decided to reveal his secret and tell about his marriage to a former serf. He wrote a letter to Emperor Alexander I, where he begged to forgive him and recognize the newborn as the heir to the Sheremetev family. The emperor gave his highest consent to this.

Alexander I
Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky

The beloved wife of Count Sheremetev died in the St. Petersburg Fountain House on February 23, 1803, on the twentieth day from the birth of her son. She was only thirty-four years old. Nobody from the nobility came to the funeral - the gentlemen did not want to recognize the deceased serf countess. Actors, theater musicians, servants of the estate, serfs and a man who turned gray with grief with a baby in his arms saw off Parasha on his last journey.

Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev
Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky

Now Praskovya Ivanovna Zhemchugova-Sheremeteva rests in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in the family crypt of the Sheremetevs.

She bequeathed all her personal funds and jewelry to orphaned children and poor brides to buy a dowry. Nikolai Petrovich strictly monitored the fulfillment of the will and himself, until the end of his life, constantly helped the crippled and the destitute. In his Moscow palace, he founded the famous Sheremetev Hospital, which is now better known as the Institute of Emergency Medicine. Sklifosovsky. Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev died six years after his wife.

In the Testament Letter to his son, the count wrote about Praskovya Ivanovna: “... I had the most tender feelings for her ... I observed reason adorned with virtue, sincerity, philanthropy, constancy, fidelity. These qualities ... made me trample on secular prejudice in reasoning about the nobility of the family and choose her as my wife ... "

Dmitry Nikolaevich Sheremetev
Orest Adamovich Kiprensky

Text by Anna Sardaryan

Nikolai Sheremetiev and Praskovya Zhemchugova

The love story of the serf Praskovya and her master, the illustrious Count Sheremetyev, is not in vain called the most touching story of the 18th century, and this is true.

Praskovya Zhemchugova. Nikolai Argunov

Praskovya Kovaleva was born into the family of a serf blacksmith. However, the girl lived in her father's house only until she was six years old - then she was taken to Kuskovo and given to Marfa Dolgoruky to be raised. The girl was taken away from her parents with a long-range view: contemporaries wrote that the future star of the Sheremetyev fortress theater from early childhood had an amazing, bewitching voice. Having heard this voice once, the twenty-two-year-old Count Nikolai Sheremetyev could never forget it.

The talented daughter of a blacksmith was raised as a future prima. Praskovya perfectly mastered musical notation, playing the harp and harpsichord, spoke and sang in both French and Italian. Not every noblewoman of that time can boast of such a versatile education!

However, the girl was not prepared for a happy marriage at all - Praskovya began performing on the stage of the famous Sheremetev serf theater, which thundered throughout Russia, from the age of eleven. At first, Parashenka performed under the pseudonym Gorbunova, but then the count himself began to invent harmonious surnames for his serf actresses: Yakhontova, Granatova, Biryuzova ... So Praskovya became Zhemchugova.

History has brought us many versions of the first date of Parasha and Nikolai, but it can only be considered reliable that the count noticed the gifted girl as a very young child and then followed her fate from afar. Praskovya's talent was so outstanding that Empress Catherine the Great herself, who was present at the play "Samnite Marriages" to the music of Gretry, in which Praskovya Zhemchugova sang the part of Eliana, was shocked by the performance of the young artist and granted her a diamond ring from her own hand.

A fragile, seemingly sickly girl, having stepped on the stage, was completely transformed. In addition to the stunning soprano, bewitching the audience, Zhemchugova also had undoubted stage talent. In addition, the young actress was characterized by a meek disposition, modesty and selflessness.

Nikolai Sheremetyev did not even have to dream of calling Praskovya his own before God: serf girls taken as mistresses, whether they were laundresses or actresses, were intended only for one thing - to bring carnal pleasure. However, the sublime nature of Nicholas did not find any pleasure in corrupt or forced caresses.

The sudden death of his beloved father had such an effect on the young Count Sheremetyev that he drank heavily and fell into depression. The same Praskovya returned him to normal life, and then, feeling great gratitude to the girl, the count decided to commit an act unprecedented at that time - to marry a serf.

Praskovya Zhemchugova, with whom her talent and the decision of the count played a cruel joke, found herself between two fires: high society did not accept the “girl” and “slave”, and her former village environment also rejected the young actress, who had gone far from the peasant way of life. In addition, Catherine II, who patronized the actress, died, and Paul I, who ascended the throne, did not want to give permission for the marriage of a serf and a count.

Nikolai Sheremetyev was distinguished by enviable persistence, and the emperor's refusal did not bother him: he decided to achieve his goal, if not by perseverance, then by cunning. The count invited the sovereign to his palace to listen to the serf choir. Paul I, who had never seen or heard Zhemchugova before, but had only heard from the courtiers about the “impudent girl”, was so shocked by both the voice and the appearance of this extraordinary artist that he immediately gave Count Nikolai Petrovich consent to marriage.

Praskovya Zhemchugova and Count Nikolai Sheremetyev got married only 17 long years after the beginning of their romance, in 1801, in Moscow, in the church of Simeon the Stylite on Povarskaya. The wedding was almost a secret - only two obligatory witnesses were present at the wedding.

The count took the love of his life to St. Petersburg, but the damp climate of the capital did not benefit the singer: Praskovya, prone to tuberculosis, fell seriously ill. The newly minted Countess Sheremetyeva herself considered her illness a punishment for the years spent in adultery, but, as if wanting to dissuade her of this, God gave her unexpected joy - she became pregnant. The pregnancy was difficult, but Praskovya herself and Nikolai Petrovich were in seventh heaven with happiness, dreaming of a long-awaited heir. It was during Praskovya's pregnancy that the artist Ivan Argunov painted her famous "Portrait of Zhemchugova in a Striped Hood".

Fairy tales do not always have a happy ending: the love story of a serf singer and a count ended on a tragic note. Praskovya died on the twentieth day after giving birth, leaving her son Dmitry to her inconsolable husband. In memory of his untimely deceased wife, the count built a hospitable house on Sukharevka, which today houses the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N. V. Sklifosovsky.

Count Sheremetiev was never able to find consolation from other women, and he did not seek it. He survived his beloved Pashenka by only six years ...

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Nikolai In the summer holidays, teenagers had their own evening out - to the school club, where in the large hall there was the only TV in the whole village. Sympathies were fastened there, novels arose, from there the boys escorted us girls home. The girls' dream was Vasily Buryak,

For the heroes of our story, the theater is their whole life, where the kind fairy tale about Cinderella and the Prince smoothly passed from the stage into real life, forever uniting two destinies into one. Cinderella - serf actress Praskovya Ivanovna Kovaleva-Zhemchugova. Prince - Count Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetiev.
There are countless stories of a rich man falling in love with a poor girl.

There were enough of them in serf Russia: many wealthy gentlemen blessed the common people with their attention and generously endowed them. But the love story of Count Nikolai Sheremetev for the blacksmith's daughter Praskovya Kovaleva stands apart. To begin with, the Sheremetevs were simply fabulously rich - it was said that they received their last name from Andrei Bezzubtsev (the ancestor of the Sheremetev family), who lived in a big way, who was nicknamed Sheremetya - "the expanse of having." Hundreds of thousands (!) of serfs, almost a million acres of land, luxurious estates and - like a favorite trifle - a family theater from the serfs in Kuskovo, who were selected in childhood for special talents from all Sheremetev volosts.

In fairness, it should be noted that in Mother Russia in the eighteenth century. the fortress theater was something akin to a prison. Some, during home performances, wrote down the actors' reservations, so that during the intermission, the audience, over a glass of champagne, would enjoy the cries of the delinquent, whom the master flogged with his own hands. Others used the troupe like a harem, and sold those who got bored like cattle: in the St. Petersburg Vedomosti, it was easy to easily find an actress at a reasonable price in the classifieds section. The sick actresses were completely unbearable: two of the seven ponds around Ostankino were called "ponds of actors."

But the Sheremetev family was considered strange in this regard: the old count paid the actors a salary, addressed by name and patronymic, and the best doctors treated the sick.

Sheremetev, Jr., Nikolai Petrovich went even further - he told his father that neither state nor military service attracted him, but it would be desirable for him to do “theatrical fun”. Sheremetev Sr., for the sake of his child, was willing to do anything.

From Parasha Kovaleva to Praskovya Zhemchugova.
No sooner said than done. Nikolai Petrovich personally selected the most vociferous girls from the servants, and among them was the eight-year-old daughter of the local blacksmith Kovalev - Parasha. Her amazing voice fascinated even then - a nondescript thin girl (she will never become a beauty) was transformed on stage, and the young Sheremetev delightedly took her to full board and supervised her training himself. He even ordered a famous music teacher from abroad and personally accompanied him on the clavichord. For his actors, the sophisticated count came up with exquisite surnames: they became Yakhontov and Turquoise, and Parasha was given the sonorous Praskovya Zhemchugova - the legend says that she received such a surname when one day a small pearl was found in the pond of the estate.

The opening of the new theater took place on June 30, 1787, when Catherine II visited the Sheremetevs. The queen was so struck by the talent of Praskovya Zhemchugova that she presented the girl with a ring with diamonds. Since then, the most important guests have come to Kuskovo to enjoy fascinating performances and express their admiration for the talent of the main prima - "the pearl of Sheremetev's gems." Nikolai was very proud, rightly considering Praskovya a personal discovery, but he was nothing more than a patron of young talent. He was a great spendthrift and rake, his amorous adventures attracted him much more than the affairs of numerous estates, and in Kuskovo, by the way, his mistress was always waiting for him - the same serf actress, Anna Buyanova-Izumrudova. It seemed that nothing could overshadow the course of the riotous life of the young count, but ...

After the death of the old Count Sheremetev in October 1788, Nikolai Petrovich got untold wealth. The count fell into a binge, abandoning both business and the theater. Only occasionally, in moments of enlightenment, he ordered to put something from the European repertoire. Once the choice fell on the opera The Capture of Ishmael, in which Praskovya played the Turkish Zelmira, who fell in love with a Russian. And when it poured from the stage:
I want to forget everything in the world for you, lover, friend, and husband, and my educator, I will accept a new life, uniting with you, - the count seemed to wake up from a bad dream.
The 32-year-old count, who changed favorites almost every night, seemed to be looking at the girl for the first time. And even if it was not love at first sight, but it was mutual, true love.

In the light of such relations, no one was surprised - and no one condemned anyone. This did not apply to Sheremetev. When in 1797, with the rank of Obermarshal of the Imperial Court, the count moved to St. Petersburg, everyone and sundry gossiped about his novel. After all, the count did not just openly live with a servant, he settled her in his house, and noble guests were forced, when visiting, to bow to a commoner. Relatives were madly worried that the count was spending exorbitantly on performances and gifts for Praskovya: after all, for his beloved Nikolai Sheremetev built the “Russian Versailles” in Ostankino “the color of a nymph at dawn”, with the best stage “machineries” of wind, rain and thunder - such a light haven't seen it yet!

Every day, angry letters were delivered to the count demanding to break the shameful connection with the "serf upstart". Then the count moved away from all relatives - he was always hot-tempered and did not know how to forgive insults.
Moreover, he brought his beloved to the performance, which was staged by ... noble gentlemen themselves. As a result, everyone looked away from the couple, not wanting to accept the serf actress as their equal, and the count began to be considered a madman who fell into dependence on a cunning girl. When in 1798 Nikolai Petrovich gave Praskovya freedom, everyone turned away from him, making him an outcast - since then, behind his back they called him crazy.
No matter how much Sheremetev tried with care and respect, nothing came easy to them. At the performances, the guests in every possible way mocked Praskovya almost to the face. The servants didn't lag behind either. Although under the master they addressed the girl courteously. Evil people called her "master's canary", which was considered a nickname much more shameful than a mistress.

The prophetic prophecy.
From mockery and harassment, and even from the dead Petersburg climate, Praskovya began to fade. She was diagnosed with tuberculosis. Doctors strictly forbade singing. But, risking her health, the girl still went on stage - she could not do without a stage. And the count more and more often thought about how to arrange their life "as it should."

I had the most tender feelings for her,” the count wrote, “observing reason adorned with virtue, sincerity, philanthropy, constancy, fidelity. These qualities ... made me trample on secular prejudice in reasoning about the nobility of the family and choose her as my wife. Shameful love was expelled from the heart by constant, sincere, tender love ...
But Paul I, even for a childhood friend, did not make concessions: it is obscene for a descendant of such a noble family to marry a serf girl.

Only after the coronation of the young emperor Alexander I, happiness smiled - the emperor said that Count Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev was free to marry anyone at any time.

Fate released the newlyweds only two years of life in a legal marriage. In 1802, the overjoyed count learned that Praskovya was expecting a child. True, her health was getting weaker every day, but she hid her malaise, hiding the pain behind a smile, sincerely considered herself happy, continuing to sing. The legend says that, being pregnant, Praskovya took on two roles at once - Cleopatra and Ophelia, in order to go on stage after the birth of the child. One day, the Ostankino prophetess appeared to her, the legends about which Parasha had heard since childhood. “Don't take on two roles at once. And here and there the dead, and where there are two dead on the stage - there will be a third in reality. There is such a spell, ”the seer said and disappeared. Her words were prophetic.

A fading shadow.
Praskovya gave birth in February 1803, but after a difficult birth, she no longer got up. Fearing to infect the baby, she begged in delirium that she would only be allowed to hear the voice of her child. Girlfriends brought the baby to the bedroom door, and the unfortunate, hearing his crying, fell asleep in a heavy sleep.
The beloved wife of Count Sheremetev died in the St. Petersburg Fountain House on March 7 (February 23 according to the old style), 1803, on the twentieth day from the birth of her son. She was only thirty-four years old. No one from the nobility came to the funeral - the gentlemen did not want to recognize the deceased serf countess. Actors, theater musicians, servants of the estate, serfs and a man who turned gray with grief with a baby in his arms saw off Parasha on his last journey.

Now Praskovya Ivanovna Zhemchugova-Sheremeteva rests in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in the family crypt of the Sheremetevs.
She bequeathed all her personal funds and jewelry to orphaned children and poor brides to buy a dowry. Nikolai Petrovich strictly monitored the fulfillment of the will and himself, until the end of his life, constantly helped the crippled and the destitute. In his Moscow palace, he founded the famous Sheremetev Hospital, which is now better known as the Institute of Emergency Medicine. Sklifosovsky.

Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev died six years after his wife, January 14, 1809 in Moscow. He was buried in St. Petersburg in the family tomb of the Sheremetevs in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.
In the “Letter of Testament” to his son, the count wrote about Praskovya Ivanovna: “... I had the most tender feelings for her ... observing the mind adorned with virtue, sincerity, philanthropy, constancy, fidelity. These qualities ... made me trample on secular prejudice in reasoning about the nobility of the family and choose her as my wife ... "

What are you muttering, our midnight?
Parasha died anyway,
The young mistress of the palace.
It draws incense from all windows,
The most beloved curl is cut off,
And the oval of the face darkens.
Anna Akhmatova

Zhemchugova, Praskovya Ivanovna

Praskovya Zhemchugova
basic information
Full name

Praskovya Ivanovna Kovaleva

Date of Birth
Date of death

Russian empire


Opera singer

singing voice

Praskovia (Parasha) Ivanovna Kovaleva-Zhemchugova, Countess Sheremeteva(July 31, the village of Berezniki, Yaroslavl province - February 23, St. Petersburg) - Russian actress and singer, serf of the Sheremetevs.


"Late evening from the woods"

Praskovya Zhemchugova is traditionally credited with the authorship of the song “Late evening from the forest / I drove the cows home ...”, the plot of which is autobiographical and tells in a romanticized form about the first meeting of the heroine with her future husband, Count N. P. Sheremetev. The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron even calls Praskovya Ivanovna "the first Russian poetess from the peasantry." The song, first published 15 years after the death of Praskovya Zhemchugova (in the collection "The Newest Russian Songbook", St. Petersburg, 1818), was extremely popular in the 19th century, included in many songbooks and folklore collections for two centuries. Until now, it has been included in the repertoire of popular performers as a folk song.

Roles in the theater

Praskovya Zhemchugova as Eliana

  • Hubert, The Experience of Friendship by André Grétry
  • Belinda, "Colony, or New Village" by Antonio Sacchini
  • Louise, "The Deserter, or the Fugitive Soldier" by Monsigny
  • Loretta, "Loretta" by Demero-De-Malseville
  • Rosetta, "The Good Daughter" by Niccolò Piccini
  • Anyuta, "Vain Precaution, or Carrier Kuskovsky" by Kolychev
  • Milovida, "Separation, or the Departure of Dog Hunting from Kuskov"
  • Rose, "Rose and Cola" by Monsigny
  • Nina, "Nina, or Mad with Love" by Paisiello
  • Blondino, Infanta Zamora by Paisiello
  • Lucille, "Richard the Lionheart" Gretry
  • Colette, Rousseau's "Country Sorcerer"
  • Eliana, Marriages of the Samnites by Grétry
  • Alina, Queen of Golconda by Monsigny
  • Zelmira, "Zelmira and Smelon, or the Capture of Ishmael" by O. A. Kozlovsky

Memory of Zhemchugova


In honor of P. I. Zhemchugova, a street was named in the east of Moscow, in the Veshnyaki district of the Eastern Administrative District - Alley Zhemchugova.


  • Bezsonov P. Praskovya Ivanovna Countess Sheremeteva, her folk song and her native village of Kuskovo. - M., 1872. 92 p.
  • Yazykov D. Countess Praskovia Ivanovna Sheremeteva. - M., 1903. - 28 p.
  • Elizarova N. Serf actress P. I. Kovaleva-Zhemchugova - M., 1952. - 32 p. (2nd ed. - 1969).
  • Marinchik P. Unfinished Song: The Extraordinary Life of P.I. Zhemchugova. - L.; M., 1965. - 148 p.
  • Zhemchugova (Kovaleva) Praskovya Ivanovna // Theatrical Encyclopedia. Volume 2. - M., 1963. - S. 671-672.
  • Zhemchugova (Kovaleva) Praskovya Ivanovna // Musical Encyclopedia. Volume 2. - M., 1974. - S. 390-391.
  • Historical lexicon. Volume 8. XVIII century. - M., 1996. - S. 301-307.
  • Douglas Smith. The Pearl. A True Tale of Forbidden Love in Catherine the Great's Russia. - New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008.



  • Kuznetsov-Gorbunov in the Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • Zhemchugova Praskovya Ivanovna in the Encyclopedia "Circumnavigation"


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Musicians alphabetically
  • July 31
  • Born in 1768
  • Deceased February 23
  • Deceased in 1803
  • The dead in St. Petersburg
  • Sheremetevs
  • Actresses of the Russian Empire
  • Singers and singers of the Russian Empire
  • Opera singers and singers of the Russian Empire
  • Soprano
  • Born in the Yaroslavl province
  • Born in Bolsheselsky District
  • Russian actresses of the 18th century
  • Liberated serfs
  • Buried at the Lazarevsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra

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Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (stage pseudo; real name Kovaleva; by husband Countess Sheremeteva) art. operas (lyrico-dram. soprano) and dramas. Genus. in the family of a serf blacksmith, at the age of seven was ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Parasha Zhemchugova Birth name: Praskovya Ivanovna Kovaleva Date of birth: July 31, 1768 Place of birth ... Wikipedia

- (real name Kovalev) (1768, village of Berezina, Yaroslavl province 1803, St. Petersburg), actress and singer of the home serf theater of Counts P.B. and N.P. Sheremetevs. She was born in the family of a courtyard blacksmith, from the age of 7 she lived and was brought up in ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

Real name Kovaleva (1768 1803), Russian actress, singer (soprano). Until 1798 she was a fortress. From 1779 she performed at the Sheremetev Theater. Since 1801, the wife of Count N. P. Sheremetev ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (real name Kovaleva; 1768–1803) - Russian. actress singer. A serf singer, J. received her freedom only in 1798. In 1801 she became the legal wife of Count N.P. Sheremetev. In the extensive repertoire of Zh., parties of the tragic genre stood out. Participation in execution... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Nicknames

- (1768 1803), actress of the serf theater of Counts Sheremetevs. The daughter of a blacksmith from the village of Kuskovo near Moscow, which belonged to the Sheremetevs. At the age of seven, she was taken to a manor house and brought up there among other children assigned to the theater. Possessing a rare ... Russian history

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