Pisces horoscope: decades of the mysterious zodiac sign and meaning. Zodiac signs.Pisces

Pisces of the first decade most fully reflect the whole essence of the Pisces sign. They are overwhelmed with various fears and phobias that prevent them from opening up to others, even to the closest people. They have many secrets. They are not prone to planning things, rather act according to circumstances. Pisces of the 1st decade are often tuned to a pessimistic wave and see only the bad sides in everything. They love to criticize. Outwardly, they do not give the impression of pleasant interlocutors due to their skeptical attitude and sarcastic humor. But, having talked with them longer, you understand that these are people with a kind heart and a soft soul. Pisces of this decade can achieve success in such sciences as chemistry, pharmacology, medicine, as well as many talented musicians and writers among the representatives of this sign.

Pisces of the first decade try to live by the rules, they do not like unbalanced, eccentric people. They want to live in harmony and peace. They have a serious outlook on life. It is these people who are ready to sacrifice their career for the sake of their partner's career and success, i.e. be the shadow of your lover. These Pisces love to learn, read, keep abreast of everything new, they are hardworking workers, diligent students, true friends and partners. They are talented in many areas, but especially in the visual arts, and can achieve high results in the field of design, fashion, and painting. But they develop their abilities infrequently. Sometimes their fears are the reason for this, sometimes it is the partner to whom they devote themselves without a trace.

Pisces of the 1st decade are good-natured, compassionate people, but very suggestible and suspicious. They prefer not to fight with troubles, but to give up and go with the flow. Failures do not temper them, but on the contrary, they are knocked out of strength. But faith in God helps them to get back on their feet again and again. These are people who are soft-hearted, they prefer to start relationships with a partner stronger than them. Men are drawn to authoritarian women, but despite this, sometimes they want to prove themselves in the role of a leader, and if this cannot be done at home, then they try on the side. Life is easier for women of this sign, since after all, Pisces is a female sign - a sign of soft, gentle young ladies who are ready to follow their man to the ends of the world.

Pisces of the second decade (March 1-10)

Pisces of the second decade - have the features of the sign Cancer. Like all Cancers, they, under the control of the Moon, have a changeable nature. They are ambitious, interested in everything that happens around them, at work they are proactive employees. They can perfectly prove themselves in the field of chemistry, economics, politics, in public affairs. Gifted with artistic taste, they can make great designers. In their lives, situations often occur when the “Eureka!” Light bulb lights up in their head, most often this happens in a dream. Therefore, it is the representatives of this sign that have a great chance to become famous as brilliant inventors.
Pisces of the 2nd decade are sensitive, their emotions often go off scale, but nevertheless, they are able to control them. These are kind, sympathetic people who love children and animals. They have a vulnerable soul. In general, emotions constantly tremble inside them, they are ready to burst into tears at any moment, as if unspent love and tenderness lives in them. Outwardly, they are embarrassed to show it, so they live like that, overflowing with emotions from the inside. And only at the birth of a child do they calm down, because. their feelings finally find an outlet. Also, this emotionality can be an excellent assistant for them in art, for example, as an artist, writer or musician. In friendship, these are devoted people. They prefer to remain in the shadow of a stronger partner. If they are left alone, then at a crucial moment they can get confused.
Pisces of the second decade, working in the office in a large team, manifest themselves as executive, hardworking workers. They have a very developed sense of duty. Surrounding them are respected for their tolerance, kindness, noble character.
True, in rare cases, among the people of this decade there are arrogant, stupid, hysterical, jealous personalities. If you come across just such an instance, you need to be stricter with it and keep it in check, otherwise you may find yourself in a subordinate position and be forever and to blame for everything.

Pisces of the third decade (March 11-20)

Pisces of the third decade are very similar to Scorpio. These are the most energetic, lively fish. Ruled by Pluto and Mars, they are fearless, ready to do important things. But this fearlessness comes to them over time, only after certain events in their lives, when they have to step on the throat of their own fears and commit some significant act. The indecision inherent in the fish of other decades is completely alien to these fish. They have incredible intuition, and almost all their actions are dictated not by common sense, but by a sixth sense. They do not like uncertainty, they want to know in advance what benefit or harm this or that step can bring. Pisces of the 3rd decade can become famous as great scientists, writers (especially science fiction writers). They also have excellent abilities in the field of pedagogy.
They have high intellectual data, a sharp, inquisitive mind, and many talents. Among the shortcomings, one can single out suspiciousness, susceptibility to other people's influence, the desire to avoid responsibility. They are somewhat reminiscent of ostriches, at the sight of an approaching storm, Pisces of the third decade prefer to stick their heads in the sand and come what may. And it is better if someone else solves their problems.
Pisces of the 3rd decade are very pleasant in communication, sweet, diplomatic, charming. They have many fans.
Like Pisces of other decades, these Pisces are melancholic, depressive, pessimistic. Their spiritual anxieties and experiences are often poured out on paper in poetic form or prose. Pisces of this decade are interested in magic, divination, love to solve dreams, and they do it well thanks to their extraordinary intuition. If health problems occur, they will resort to traditional methods of treatment only as a last resort. Among them, most often there are followers of such practices as yoga, vegetarianism, homeopathy. Their romantic soul requires solitude and abstraction from real life, so they do not like to work, but prefer to live at the expense of a partner. They don't get married just once.

The most characteristic type of Pisces, bearing all the signs of its sign

Ruler planet:


Guardian planet:


Compatible signs:

Capricorn and Pisces

Incompatible signs:

Pisces of the first decade are distinguished by their imagination and poetic feeling, many of them write poetry.

They easily find a means of self-expression through literature, music, the romance of chemistry, through original ideas and inventions. A maritime career is also possible. Humane by nature, these people have the gift of constructive criticism - they easily find a weak spot in other people's calculations and are able to point out ways to correct them. The manner of Pisces relationship of the first decade with the people around them is expressed in the use of the golden mean between irony and tenderness, which allows them, as far as possible, to avoid drama in life. By nature, these are soft people, prone to hypochondria, hiding their weak protection from extraneous encroachments on their freedom of action under the guise of mildly expressed aggressiveness and mock severity. Unable to openly confront difficulties, Pisces of the first decade often find themselves in difficult situations. These are pitiful, compassionate individuals, outwardly trying to be cold and calm.

Being practically not endowed with selfishness, in relationships with others, they usually push their interests and needs to the background for the sake of the interests of family and friends. Pisces of the first decade should try not to be scapegoats in their relationships with others. Feelings and intuitive sensations are the real world for Pisces of the first decade. In love, they are tender and passionate, strongly attached to a partner. They plan their time poorly and manage to be late even for a date with a loved one.

Weak points in the body of Pisces of the first decade are the nervous system, liver and ligaments of the foot. Prolonged overwork, overload of the liver with food poisons (alcohol, hard-to-digest proteins of smoked meats and corned beef, excess salt) and unsuitable, squeezing shoes have a detrimental effect on people of this type. They need to train the ankle joint from early childhood (skiing, skating) in order to avoid sprains in old age if the leg is turned up.

Pisces of the first decade gave the world many talented people. Writers are richly represented, mostly of a memoir-moral sense, and poets, often with a mystical, religious or historical-epic shade of creativity. For example, let us cite Victor Hugo (02/26/1802), Konstantin Fedin (02/24/1892), N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky (02/20/1852) and the American poet G. W. Longfellow (02/27/1807). The music composed by the Pisces of the first decade is distinguished by grace, brilliance and deep lyricism: D. Rossini (02/29/1792), L. Delibes (02/21/1836), F. Chopin (02/22/1810). A sense of color and form prevails in painting - O. Renoir (02/25/1841), M. S. Saryan (02/28/1880).

Emotional, beauty-sensitive type

Ruler planet:


Guardian planet:


Compatible signs:


Incompatible signs:

Pisces of the second decade are very emotional, moody people who, however, show courage and determination in difficult situations.

They are characterized by acute sensitivity to the attitude with which they are approached by others. In an unfriendly team, these people, due to stress, can earn indigestion and even stomach ulcers. Increased sensitivity makes these people very suitable for jobs in the service and healthcare industries. Pisces of the second decade absolutely cannot stand deceit, organically do not accept everything monstrous, terrible and vile in life. Like their mythical prototype, these people heroically resist all attempts to slyly take advantage of their seeming innocence and naivety. In love they are passionate, but capable of infidelity due to jealousy or under the influence of resentment. As a rule, they do not lack money because of the modesty of their requests, but they don’t get money for nothing - they have to earn hard. In general, their life is not sugar - it is constantly complicated.

Best of all, these people realize their potential in altruistic activities for the benefit of society. In business terms, this is perhaps the most productive decade of Pisces. Vivacity of imagination is harmoniously combined with commercial talent. These people are able to gain authority, are active, know how to command and manage, get along well with children, and show pedagogical abilities. Pisces of the second decade should not postpone recreational activities for the distant future. The digestive tract is the most sensitive to adverse influences. To ensure a happy old age, Pisces of the second decade should be guided by their sixth sense (instinct), which will accurately tell them what is useful and what is harmful. It is advisable not to abuse spicy and spicy dishes, to avoid too hot food, not to overload the kidneys with excess fluid, especially at the first signs of edema, which usually appear on the legs. Damp, dank weather is a scourge for Pisces of the second decade, bringing them an annoying cold. For those who are retired, it would be good to choose a sunny place of residence. The most responsible months, characterized by a decrease in immunity and vitality, are February and April. Foot care (they should not be wet and cold) is as essential a hygiene procedure for Pisces of the second decade as brushing your teeth.

Thanks to the activity inherent in this psychotype, party and public figures, atomic physicists, many astronauts, film directors, professional revolutionaries, and many mathematicians dominate in the cohort of celebrities of the second decade of Pisces. Women do not lag behind men in professions, combining professional activities with social activities. Examples include cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova (03/06/1937) and revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg (03/05/1871). Among politicians, the palm, undoubtedly, is held by the former president of the Soviet Union, M. S. Gorbachev (2.03.1931). The artist B. M. Kustodiev (03/07/1878) and the sculptor Michelangelo (03/06/1475) left their mark in the visual arts. In chess, Bobby Fischer (03/09/1943) became a bright star. In music, the classical tragedian R. Leoncavallo (03/08/1858) and the creator of wonderful jazz works Glenn Miller (03/01/1904) coexist side by side. V. A. Karatygin (03/10/1802) shone in the theater, the songs of Nadezhda Obukhova (03/06/1886) were distinguished by extraordinary sincerity.

The strongest, endowed with a stable personality

Ruler planet:


Guardian planet:


Compatible signs:

Virgo, Scorpio

Incompatible signs:

The third decade is the most active and energetic in Pisces.

The ruler of this decade gives it combativeness, penetrating power and the will to win, but at the same time it leads to recklessness, recklessness and the choice of a profession associated with a certain risk. As a rule, Pisces of the third decade is lucky in their chosen life path. Those born on March 11 - 13 are stable, striving for personal improvement, able to choose for themselves all the best qualities. Those born on March 14 - 16 have a special attractiveness of character and external beauty, although they often show intractability and capriciousness. The most serious and thorough people born on March 17 - 20: they are insightful, observant and systematic in their actions. Pisces of the third decade are deprived of the characteristic indecision of Pisces, they are constant in ideals, they do not easily change their point of view, but they are able to show aggressiveness and selfishness - often to their own detriment. Combining energy and intuition, they can achieve a lot and know how to make others work for them. Life for the sake of serving and helping others of this variety of Pisces is not to their liking. In their behavior, however, Pisces of the third decade are guided more by emotions than by reason. They are ambitious enough, but they do not always realize their plans due to lack of patience, which, however, does not apply to those born on March 16-20. The third decade of Pisces should not be in a hurry to do something, for them the saying "Measure seven times, cut one" is relevant.

In the field of health, they need to monitor blood hemoglobin and metabolism in general, and women should be attentive to possible hardening in the mammary glands and try to prevent swelling of the feet. In the diet, vegetables and fruits of red and orange color, lactic acid products and garlic are extremely useful.

Pisces of the third decade are well realized in active professions that require intensive communication. Among the celebrities of this decade, there are especially many writers and poets of the widest range - from drama to fantasy and children's literature. To name just a few names: Norwegian playwright G. Ibsen (03/20/1828), domestic popular prose writer V. Rasputin (03/15/1937), science fiction writer A. Belyaev (03/16/1884), children's poet S. Mikhalkov (03/13/1913), classic Russian poetry N. M. Yazykov (03/16/1803). There are many politicians and public figures, mostly of the left wing, of which Kim Il Sung (03/20/1910) distinguished himself by the length of his career, who managed to put himself on the pedestal of a demigod. Science is proud of A. Einstein (03/14/1879), V. N. Vernadsky (03/12/1863), radio inventor A. S. Popov (03/16/1859). A. S. Makarenko (03/13/1888) was endowed with pedagogical talent among the representatives of this decade, S. M. Mikhoels (03/16/1890) showed acting talents combined with organizational skills.

Emotional, beauty-sensitive type

Ruler planet: NEPTUNE

Guardian planet: MOON

Compatible signs: Taurus

Pisces of the second decade are very emotional, moody people who, however, show courage and determination in difficult situations.

They are characterized by acute sensitivity to the attitude with which they are approached by others. In an unfriendly team, these people, due to stress, can earn indigestion and even stomach ulcers. Increased sensitivity makes these people very suitable for jobs in the service and healthcare industries. Pisces of the second decade absolutely cannot stand deceit, organically do not accept everything monstrous, terrible and vile in life. Like their mythical prototype, these people heroically resist all attempts to slyly take advantage of their seeming innocence and naivety. In love they are passionate, but capable of infidelity due to jealousy or under the influence of resentment. As a rule, they do not lack money because of the modesty of their requests, but they don’t get money for nothing - they have to earn hard. In general, their life is not sugar - it is constantly complicated.

Best of all, these people realize their potential in altruistic activities for the benefit of society. In business terms, this is perhaps the most productive decade of Pisces. Vivacity of imagination is harmoniously combined with commercial talent. These people are able to gain authority, are active, know how to command and manage, get along well with children, and show pedagogical abilities. Pisces of the second decade should not postpone recreational activities for the distant future. The digestive tract is the most sensitive to adverse influences. To ensure a happy old age, Pisces of the second decade should be guided by their sixth sense (instinct), which will accurately tell them what is useful and what is harmful. It is advisable not to abuse spicy and spicy dishes, to avoid too hot food, not to overload the kidneys with excess fluid, especially at the first signs of edema, which usually appear on the legs. Damp, dank weather is a scourge for Pisces of the second decade, bringing them an annoying cold. For those who are retired, it would be good to choose a sunny place of residence. The most responsible months, characterized by a decrease in immunity and vitality, are February and April. Foot care (they should not be wet and cold) is as essential a hygiene procedure for Pisces of the second decade as brushing your teeth.

Thanks to the activity inherent in this psychotype, party and public figures, atomic physicists, many astronauts, film directors, professional revolutionaries, and many mathematicians dominate in the cohort of celebrities of the second decade of Pisces. Women do not lag behind men in professions, combining professional activities with social activities. Examples include cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova (03/06/1937) and revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg (03/05/1871). Among politicians, the palm, undoubtedly, is held by the former president of the Soviet Union, M. S. Gorbachev (2.03.1931). The artist B. M. Kustodiev (03/07/1878) and the sculptor Michelangelo (03/06/1475) left their mark in the visual arts. In chess, Bobby Fischer (03/09/1943) became a bright star. In music, the classical tragedian R. Leoncavallo (03/08/1858) and the creator of wonderful jazz works Glenn Miller (03/01/1904) coexist side by side. V. A. Karatygin (03/10/1802) shone in the theater, the songs of Nadezhda Obukhova (03/06/1886) were distinguished by extraordinary sincerity.

Pisces of the first decade of the sign - personalities are very restless and mysterious. Getting close to them is not an easy task, because they are distrustful of those they do not know well. These Pisces want to get into an environment that would show them respect, but at the same time would not interfere in their affairs. However, they certainly know how to establish close relationships. If you reach out to their hearts, you will gain a true friend who is ready to sacrifice himself for your happiness.

Pisces of the first decade work with great eagerness, especially if they find their true calling. They often achieve success in painting or music, become great designers, architects, stylists, pharmacists, diagnosticians. Pisces of the first decade are talented, but too modest and not very self-confident. Because of this, their talents are not always properly developed. They need to learn to set realistic goals for themselves and go towards them without fear and doubt.

Partner Pisces of the first decade needs a strong, decisive, able to lead. Next to such a person, they can feel safe and truly enjoy life. However, they should not get too involved in the affairs of a loved one, forgetting about their own plans and desires. Only by finding a balance between humility and independence, these Pisces become truly happy.

Pisces of the second decade - birthday from March 2 to March 10

The mood of Pisces in the second decade of the sign changes like patterns of a kaleidoscope. Sometimes their emotions are so strong that the mind cannot resist them and is losing ground. At such moments, Pisces do strange things, which they later regret for a very long time.

Touching Pisces of the second decade is as easy as shelling pears. They may be offended by the most innocent remark, or for long weeks ponder over the words that someone casually said. But this does not mean at all that communication with them turns into torture for others. If a person behaves tactfully. Pisces stop expecting a dirty trick and become more than pleasant conversationalists.

At work, these Pisces are loved and appreciated. Colleagues - for their willingness to help, bosses - for the initiative and the ability to creatively approach problem solving. They climb the career ladder quickly, but at the same time they do not push anyone away and do not sit up. They make excellent research scientists, politicians, economists, lawyers, detectives and astrologers.

If Pisces born from March 2 to March 10 do not reach the top, it is only because of their commitment to empty dreams. Their ideas, so bright and bold, often do not find practical implementation. It is very important that they learn to implement their own ideas, and completely independently. To do this, they need to carefully plan their activities, cultivate willpower and accustom themselves to strict discipline.

Pisces of the third decade - birthday from March 11 to March 20

Those born in the third decade of Pisces are cheerful, friendly, noble and loyal. They have an active life position, they are happy to participate in public life and do not like loneliness as much as representatives of the first and second decades of the sign. The intuition of these Pisces is highly developed, and therefore they rarely make wrong steps - unless they are under the power of strong feelings. Those born during this period are sympathetic to the shortcomings and oddities of others, do not offend the weak and do not refuse good advice to anyone. Sometimes they become stubborn and lose the desire to compromise, but this state usually does not last long.

Most often, such Pisces gravitate towards professions that involve mental activity. They like to engage in both natural and human sciences, develop new technologies, design and program. Those Pisces of the third decade who become psychologists, teachers, art critics, writers and editors feel quite happy. These Pisces do not like to take responsibility, and therefore they almost never aim for leadership positions. They prefer to work under someone else: to receive instructions and carry them out, demonstrating brilliant abilities. Such Pisces are generally subject to other people's influence, which allows unscrupulous individuals to use them. In order to avoid problems, they should listen less to third-party opinions and restrain emotions in tense moments.

Pisces of the second decade - features of the zodiac sign

Pisces of the second decade are adherents of the golden mean, they are balanced and calm, emotional and non-conflict. While still small, Pisces of the second decade is a "fabulous" child. If you take a closer look at him, you will notice that he looks like a little fairy or an elf.

From infancy, Pisces, born in the second decade, surprise guests and relatives with their quick wit and contact. They recite poems at family holidays without embarrassment and difficulty, sing children's songs at their mother's birthday party and go to kindergarten with pleasure, because they have many friends and girlfriends there.

But do not be deceived by the angelic appearance of little Pisces - their character is far from angelic. The thing is that children born in the second decade are too attached to their parents. Like those born in the first decade, they learn with great difficulty to make independent decisions.

Pisces of the second decade - life stage up to 25 years

Parents should be patient and tactful in order to raise little Pisces properly, otherwise they will grow up spoiled and ill-mannered. A typical mistake in raising a Pisces child is the endless, blind love of parents and relatives, which can make communication with peers much more difficult.

It often turns out that sociable in an adult company, Pisces of the second decade are completely lost in the children's team.

Sometimes a representative of this sign of the second decade, who is not inherent in selfishness at all, becomes such as a result of constant attention from adults who tirelessly express their admiration for him. This feature of Pisces, who celebrate their birthday in the second decade of the cycle, persists into adulthood.

Having good, and sometimes even very good abilities at school, they face problems of a different kind. For example, having joined the team of classmates and becoming the soul of the company, Pisces become completely uncontrollable, which gives rise to censures and reprimands from adults and teachers.

The same fate can befall Pisces of the second decade in a team of colleagues, which very often leads to the loss of a job. They will never become leaders, not because the representatives of the sign do not have enough abilities and talent, or because they are satisfied with the current situation, but because they simply do not like to fight, preferring to swim along the warm current of their native river.

Pisces women born during this period, as, indeed, all representatives of this sign, have an attractive appearance. But men should be very careful with these women - behind the appearance of a sweet, gentle kitten lies the appearance of a real wild cat.

And in general, before joining the queue of admirers of the Pisces woman of the second decade, a man should think carefully about whether he needs it. This woman will never prove to a man that she is by no means the weaker sex. On the contrary, the Pisces woman, yielding to him in everything, will gladly allow a man to move her chair or light a cigarette, but she will never allow herself to be controlled and manipulated.

Pisces of the second decade - life stage from 25 to 40 years

Pisces men born in the second decade are ideal partners for short-term relationships. They are gallant, refined and have that quality that representatives of other signs of the zodiac often lack - romance.

However, one has only to make it clear to the Pisces man that he is on the hook of his partner, he will immediately disappear, as if he was washed away by the tide. A distinctive feature of the Pisces men of the second decade is their propensity for extraordinary actions, they can present a surprise to their beloved girl, which she will not forget all her life.

Writing an ardent declaration of love on the wall of her house or just giving a million scarlet roses is a mere trifle for a man of this sign, it is much more difficult for him to make a formal proposal.

A woman who has become the object of courtship of such a man should not be deceived, his love is changeable like the March wind, today he loves her, tomorrow her friend, and the day after tomorrow a girl from a neighboring house. Such is the nature and essence of Pisces of the second decade.

In terms of marriage, the Pisces man is very careful; for such an important step, he needs many years, and sometimes decades.

But if a woman managed to catch and pull him out of the water, then she can be sure that their whole family life will turn out to be a big honeymoon, and the woman who became his wife will remain a real queen for her husband even after 40 years of marriage .

Pisces of the second decade - life stage from 40 to 60 years

It should be noted that both men and women born under the sign of Pisces in the second decade have some qualities that noticeably distinguish them from representatives of other signs. People of this sign are elusive and incomprehensible, to a greater extent than representatives of other elements, they are characterized by sudden changes in mood.

They either laugh, or cry, or swear, or obey. It is sometimes difficult for representatives of other zodiac constellations to communicate with Pisces of the second decade, and the reason for this lies primarily in a peculiar sense of humor, which for these people is a protective tool.

Often a representative of this sign of the second decade from light jokes imperceptibly passes to evil irony, which repels the interlocutor. Therefore, in order to successfully enter the team, make new friends, Pisces needs to constantly work on themselves.

Pisces of the second decade - the stage of life from 60 years and older

All the qualities inherent in Pisces born in the second decade of the cycle are preserved by them throughout their lives. As a rule, these people are loving grandparents, spoiling their grandchildren more than their children. They like to travel outside the city, travel, and for this they choose mainly water modes of transport.

Obviously, the patronizing water element makes itself felt. Pisces of the second decade, born during this period, will never save, and this feature, characteristic of the elderly, will not in any way become a typical feature of the representatives of this sign.

For a successful life together, people born under the constellation Pisces in the second decade should choose a partner from the same element, i.e. Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. With such a companion, the life of Pisces of the second decade can become happy and carefree, as in the water of their native lake.

The most important years in the life of Pisces of the second decade

The periods most important in the fate of Pisces of the second decade are from 15 to 17, from 28 to 33, from 55 to 57 years.

© E. Danilova

Decades of the zodiac sign Pisces

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