Druid horoscope: Druid tree by date of birth and zodiac sign. Green horoscope of the ancient druids with dates and photos

Many of us are accustomed to checking our plans with the zodiac horoscope. But not everyone knows that certain trees by date of birth can influence a person. Such a horoscope is considered the heritage of the Druids, who lived in harmony with nature and believed that man was created from wood.

Some general information

In 18 signs-trees. The time of each sign comes 2 times a year. These dates depend on the position of the sun. In addition, there are 4 trees that are associated with the main events of the year: summer and spring and autumn equal days. These are oak (21.03), birch (24.07), olive (23.09), beech (21-22.12)

The Celtic tribes believed that the fate of a person depends on the patron tree. They spent as much time as possible next to their patrons in order to strengthen the spirit and improve the body. Even a child knew by heart the tree calendar, and even more so his tree of druids by date of birth. Asking for help and advice from your tree was normal. No one was afraid or ashamed of their talismans. Druids drew their magic from the surrounding nature and tried to preserve it for posterity.

We have long forgotten that nature can and should be trusted. And if someone is interested in how to find out your tree by date of birth, then just familiarize yourself with this calendar.

Apple tree

Those born from 23.12 to 01.01 and from 25.06 to 04.07 are patronized by the Apple tree. Children born on these days are light and cheerful. They look at problems like true philosophers and have a developed intellect. The apple tree makes a person trusting, emotional and sentimental. He can be quick-tempered, but he does not remember evil for a long time.

Evergreen Fir

Those born in January from 2 to 11 and in July 5 to 14 are patronized by Fir. Characteristic features - pride, individualism, exactingness. But these are not selfish, but balanced and attentive people. They are hard to merge into a new company, real friends may not happen at all. A person favored by Fir is a good family man and a faithful life partner. If your chosen one Fir has a talisman tree by date of birth, then you can safely marry him.


Those born in January from 12 to 24 and in July from 15 to 25 are patronized by the majestic Elm. These are simple and calm people. Passion and vanity tire them. Their forte is practicality and constancy. Elms are trees that give people confidence and optimism by date of birth. They will not complicate and escalate the problem, but will consider the situation and resolve all issues. In relationships, Elms are very constant, they are ready to love even without reciprocity.

Exotic Cypress

If you were born between 03.02 or from 26.07 to 04.08, then Cypress is the talisman. You are attractive, well-built and meticulously groomed. Cypresses are trees that, by date of birth, endow people with indefatigable imagination and creativity. The nature of these people is conflict-free and easy, they like to relax and are not very hard-working. But they are lucky.

The man whose talisman is Cypress craves recognition and love. He cannot be in the shadow of a partner, his vocation is to be "the first violin".

Slender poplar

The person who appeared in February from 5 to 8 and in August from 5 to 13 is Poplar. endows modesty and indecision. But at the same time, it gives a desire to correct your life. Often this desire finds expression in experiments with appearance.

Poplars are not conflicted, they would rather laugh it off than enter into a fight. But these people make very high demands on their environment.


You were born between February 9th and 18th or August 14th and 23rd and are wondering "What is my tree by date of birth?"? Know this is Cedar. Look at yourself - you are a kind, cheerful optimist, you do not get depressed, you do not like to engage in soul-searching. The talisman tree has endowed you with these features.


People who appeared in February from 19 to 29 and in August-September from 24 to 2 receive the beautiful Sosna as patrons. They are stubborn and persistent, enforce their point of view and love it when everyone agrees with them. Surrounded by such people, flatterers and sycophants often linger.

Pine gives confidence and desire to communicate. Women of this sign cook well and create comfort around.


Does your birthday fall on one of the days of March from 1st to 10th or September from 3rd to 12th? So, Iva patronizes you.

People of this sign tend to get carried away. They are good actors and gamblers. Such people build life according to their own understanding. They are insincere and often depressed. But the penchant for creativity allows you to become successful artists, directors, poets.


A person celebrating a birth in March from 11 to 20 or in September from 13 to 22 receives fragrant Linden as patrons. He is a realist and a fatalist. Hardworking beyond measure, does not tolerate idlers. Such people love comfort and appreciate a beautiful life. They do not go into open conflicts, sometimes they are contradictory, but they are well versed in people. They have no life principles. They always need an authoritative mentor.


Those born in March from 22 to 31 and in September-October from 24 to 3 got the talisman Hazel. These are hidden and rarely show emotions. They can be reclusive and have a hard time making friends. They work and rest comfortably only in silence and solitude. They are reliable partners, but not too eager to raise kids.

Shy Ryabinka

From 01.04 to 10.04 and from 04.10 to 13.10 a person is patronized by Ryabinka. They are energetic and cheerful people. They love an active lifestyle, go in for sports and walk a lot. Rowan is fair and caring. Rowan people will always lend a hand to those who need it. Marriage is possible only for love.


People who celebrate their birthday in April (11-20) or October (14-23) fall under the auspices of Maple. They are curious and well-read. They love to learn, but are not too diligent. They often forget about these promises and are not averse to giving orders. Maples are merry fellows and jokers, but they do not appreciate friends and relatives. Often they are alone.


Were you born in April in the period from 21 to 30 or from 24.10 to 02.11? Your mascot is Walnut. The character affected by such a talisman is complex and controversial. A person's mood is constantly changing, he is quarrelsome and uncompromising. However, he is able to sympathize and can help in trouble.


For those who were born in May from 1 to 14 or in November from 3 to 11, Jasmine becomes a talisman. He is hardworking and able to overcome difficulties, but often goes with the flow. Such a person is able to find a common language with everyone. However, if life does not add up, then he becomes vindictive.


Those born in May from 15 to 24 and in November from 12 to 21 live under the attention of Chestnut. By date of birth, trees give them a bright appearance, a mocking character and a love of communication. They do not recognize rules and do not like to obey. They love children very much, create strong families.


From 25.05 to 03.06 and from 22.11 to 01.12 Ash is the talisman. He makes people realists and pragmatists. Druids prophesy them a successful life. They are born leaders and bosses. But they are lucky not only at work, but also in family life.


If your tree by date of birth and - Hornbeam, then you were born in the period from 01.06 to 13.06 or from 02.12 to 11.12. You have a strong-willed and serious character. You tend to be pragmatic. You are having a hard time with changes in your life.


Those born in June from 14 to 23 or in December from 12.12 to 20.12 are favored by Figs. These are free and independent people. They love idleness and appreciate pleasure. Their lives are spent in a constant war with weaknesses. Often there is depression, then Figs require attention and care.

Oak, Birch, Olive, Beech

These are the trees of the equinoxes and solstices. They are strong talismans that give confidence and good luck in life. Each of the trees endows its wards with different features, but the common ones are luck, happiness and success.

From time immemorial, people believed that trees have special magical abilities and can influence people in the most incredible way. Some trees can heal and cleanse the energy field of a person, while others, on the contrary, can be called energy vampires. Each person should know his patron tree according to the Zodiac, because in this way he will receive an excellent ally who can help restore energy flows at any time of the year.


The horoscope of trees according to the Sign of the Zodiac says that the trees of Aries are pine, oak, spruce, alder and linden. The stars recommend that people belonging to this constellation choose trees standing alone, which will have a lush and well-developed crown. It is better to communicate with trees at the beginning of summer.


A tree according to the Zodiac for Taurus is, first of all, a poplar. Also, one of the main trees for representatives of this Sign is chestnut for men, and for women - walnut. It’s just worth being extremely careful when dealing with poplar, since it is able not only to clean energy, but also to take it away.


The patron trees for Gemini are maple and apple. Gemini can also choose a pear as their energy assistant, especially during its flowering period. This Sign should communicate with trees in late summer.


For people born under the constellation Cancer, the Zodiac tree will be elm, willow and alder. May or August will be the best time to clear your energy for Cancers.

a lion

For Lviv, a cypress or elm will become a wonderful natural talisman. Especially the stars highlight the men of this constellation, for whom the oak will become a powerful source of positive energy. It is recommended that these people communicate with their patron tree in September or April.


According to the horoscope, Virgo is one of the most practical and at the same time spiritually unstable Signs. Hazel, plum or alder acts as a source of energy for this Sign. Many astrologers also highlight the apple tree and the time when it bears fruit. It is recommended to communicate with the Virgo tree talisman in October, July and August.


For Libra, birch or linden will be a strong patron. Particular attention should be paid to the birch, since it is this tree that can not only stabilize the emotional state of the representatives of the Sign, but also save them from physical ailments.


The tree according to the Sign of the Zodiac for the people of this constellation is wild rose, hawthorn, pine and chestnut. You can also note rowan. Scorpions should communicate with their tree in early spring, when the buds are just swelling.


Perhaps, the hornbeam or cedar acts as the strongest talisman tree in the Zodiac for Sagittarius. It is these two trees that are able to directly influence the physical and spiritual state of the representatives of this Sign. The time of communication with the tree for Sagittarius is March, August and October.


Healing power for Capricorn will have beech, birch and fir. The stars recommend that people belonging to this constellation communicate with their tree according to the Zodiac as soon as the first snow melts, or in late summer.


The strongest patron for Aquarius is poplar. You can also call linden and euonymus, since they are also able to influence the representatives of this constellation. The time for any energy contacts with your tree for Aquarius is late spring.


But for Pisces, larch, yew, honeysuckle and viburnum can be called a tree according to the Zodiac. The fruits of their patron trees will be especially useful for the people of this Sign. You should be careful with aspen. The most suitable time to restore the energy balance among the representatives of this constellation is the middle of summer.

We wish you good health and may this year bring only the brightest and most wonderful moments into your life! And so that you are successful in all your endeavors, do not forget to press the buttons and

28.02.2014 10:50

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina claims that in the zodiac horoscope there are weak signs that give in to any ...

"Golden mean" - the character is so named because he knows how to get along with all the other characters. It will be correct to dominate over the weaker one, and skillfully adapt to the stronger one and even sometimes argue on equal terms. However, he often shows himself to be very conflicted, challenging other leaders and society.

Examples 111

◦ Kim Jong Un - former ruler of North Korea
◦ Bill Gates - CEO of Microsoft Corporation, one of the richest people in the world, philanthropist
◦ Pavel Durov - creator of the social network Vkontakte and its former owner
◦ Artemy Lebedev - founder of design studio number 1 in Russia, public figure, blogger

Energy, charisma - 2

"Energy shortage" - the batteries are only enough to catch the most necessary things. Large groups, audiences and noisy parties are exhausting. Multi-day hikes and monotonous work - there too. But moderate sports, fitness, yoga, well, or at least walking and normal sleep are vital.

Cognition, creativity - 33

"Basic abilities" - with such a potential, if desired, one can master the exact sciences, technology, algorithms or a knowledge system quite deeply. Or follow the path of art and invent novels, music, films. And even just thanks to imagination, such a person is sometimes able to generate original ideas. But self-realization along this path will require a lot of work and skill development.

Examples 33

◦ Mikhail Bulgakov - Russian classic, writer, playwright, director
◦ Boris Strugatsky - a classic of Soviet science fiction of the 20th century
◦ Vladimir Vernadsky - scientist, philosopher, creator of the noosphere theory

Health, beauty - No

“Low health” - health is weak and it is not worth exposing it to unnecessary stress. Fitness, yoga, proper nutrition, prevention are best friends. Such a person should not bet on external data and beauty. It is better to pay attention to other strengths and focus on them in finding yourself.

Logic, intuition - 5

"The makings of logic" - logic is present in a person. If he didn’t master something the first time, then he will definitely figure it out with a calculator and paper. Quantum physics is unlikely to submit to him, but for elementary life tasks it should be enough. The channel of intuition is open, these people make fewer mistakes.

Diligence, skill - 6

“The makings of diligence and skill” - according to the mood, a person can quite well cope with any work that requires the application of diligence, accuracy and process technology. Of course, he will not become a jeweler right away, but whether it is building a house, repairing it or something that does not require super skillful skills, then most likely it will work out. And in the process, he will also be able to hone his skills.

Luck, luck - No

“There are not enough stars from the sky” - you need to achieve everything yourself. At the same time, make many attempts, not expecting sudden success. But you must admit: to achieve honest success with your own work and random success at the behest of fortune are two different things. Therefore, look at your other strengths and realize yourself by revealing them. A person will become talented in his subsequent transformations. And in his present life, a difficult fate awaits him.

Call of Duty - 888

"Pravdorub" - for them, the desire to convey themselves and their ideas (of course, "correct" and "kind" from their point of view) to society is often placed above their own or family interests. And, of course, all this is done, ostensibly, for the public good. In general, the social orientation of people of this type can sometimes go off scale. And sometimes, no matter how strange it looks from the outside, such people may experience a period of isolation. Until the moment when they again sharply enter a stormy social life.

Examples 888

◦ Confrontation during World War II between two pairs of chiefs and their commanders:
Stalin-Zhukov vs Hitler-Lindemann - all 888 in the code and the strongest ideology of "truth" behind them
◦ Natalia Vodianova - supermodel, public figure, actress and philanthropist
Man is called to serve the people

memory, mind 99

"Bright head" - any study or work with information is very easy. And this often causes boredom and reluctance. It is easy for such a person to become an erudite and intellectual. But in fact, you should look for a really interesting and deep subject of applying your mind. And the more difficult it is, the greater will be the interest and, accordingly, the result.

Examples 99

◦ Sergey Brin - co-founder of Google, mathematician
◦ David Beckham - soccer player, playmaker known for clever strategy play
◦ Dmitry Medvedev - Prime Minister, founder of the Skolkovo innovation center

Self-esteem - 6

"Inflated" - most often a person inadequately appreciates himself. In addition, positions in the spirit of “I deserve more”, etc. are characteristic. Well, in this case, you must either work to achieve what you deserve, or reduce your ardor. Note that high and inflated self-esteem is the most real incentive to achieve something in life. But most of these people will face a crisis at some point, when they look back from the height of their years and realize that they have not become what they would like to become. And here they either go into a deep depression, or make a leap forward with renewed vigor.

Goal-aspiration - 3

"Unpredictable" - likes to set goals, and then suddenly change them. By the way, achieving a goal is not part of his favorite pastime - it is much more pleasant for him to dream of patronage over the world than to conquer it. Sometimes he tends to overestimate himself, first putting something heavy on his shoulders, and then throwing it halfway.

Spirit - 6

“Higher spirituality” - an example of the purity and high orientation of their thoughts can be a person with 5 numbers in this diagonal. Oddly enough, but there are many examples of businessmen and public figures with this sign. And this suggests that they are doing their job not just for the sake of money, but also for something higher.

Family - 5

The “family man-idealist” presents the family and everything that happens in it as a kind of ideal. Therefore, first he carefully checks his partner for ideality, and then, already in marriage, he tries to bring himself, his partner and family relationships to that very ideal. Not always the partner is ready to withstand this.

Body - 3

"Impulsive" - ​​this temperament can adapt to almost any partner: moderate your ardor with a partner whose temperament is lower, and, conversely, be hotter with someone whose temperament is higher. If the partner is temporarily absent, then he can rush into promiscuity. Often this temperament tries to appear very hot in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Stability - 5

"Very stable" - habits and environments do not change much. Trust what he's used to. It may not change the familiar, even if the new is better. What is it: tediousness or predictability? One way or another, some of those around him appreciate it, and some people hate it. But it is believed that such a person can be trusted.

Making money - 2

"Worrying" - the thought of the need to provide for oneself introduces anxiety. On the one hand, if possible, I would be glad not to work at all. On the other hand, if there is a need, then he agrees to work, as long as they pay.

Talent potential - 5

If a person has talent, i.e. it is clearly expressed (you can pay attention to other cells) and the person is working on it, then this figure indicates the potential for the development of this talent.

The druid horoscope will help determine the character of a person, compatibility between lovers, and also tell about the future fate. The teachings of the Druids are based on the power of nature, which can change a person's life.

The Druids believed that each person has his own signs: a certain flower, tree, animal and stone, which are his talismans. The period of each sign occurs twice a year, depending on the position of the sun. In addition, plants have a connection with the seasons and solstices.

Celtic tribes connected human fate with patron trees. Therefore, they spent a lot of time with such trees, planted them near their homes. It was believed that such a connection would help strengthen the spirit.

Children from an early age were taught the tree calendar, by which you can determine your patron by date of birth. You could even ask your talisman for protection or advice. Druids drew energy for magic spells from trees. They recorded their knowledge and tried to convey it to their descendants.

Video "Druid Horoscope: which tree is associated with you"

From this video you will learn about the druid horoscope.


Born in the second decade, Capricorns and Cancers are under the auspices of fir. These people are very conservative. They do not follow fashion, do not like to change habits, always prefer quality to quantity. Druids believed that fir endows its wards with exactingness and pickiness, so it will be quite difficult to win their hearts.

Elm patronizes the third decade of Capricorn and Cancer. Such people are beautiful not only externally, but also internally. They do not like to bother, so all their thoughts and actions are extremely simple. They do not like excessive attention and inconstancy. Therefore, they choose a partner once and for all. Since childhood, they choose their vocation and stubbornly achieve their goals.

Cypress patronizes such signs of the zodiac as Aquarius and Leo of the first decade. For these people, money is not the meaning of life. Their only goal is to find harmony and personal happiness. But do not consider them phlegmatic, because they know how to confront enemies.

Aquarius and Leo of the second decade are under the influence of poplar. They have an extraordinary mind, charm and ingenuity. But all these virtues fade under the influence of endless fears and thoughts. Such people are in dire need of love, because without it they see no meaning in life.

Cedar takes care of the third decade of Aquarius and Lviv. Men born during this period have self-confidence and dynamism. Women prefer comfort in everything. These people are adventurers. But they are often disappointed if someone does not support their wild ideas.

Pine protects Pisces and Virgos born in the first decade. They like to be seen and also learn something new. They are scrupulous, love beauty and comfort, strive to communicate with interesting people. The druid horoscope claims that such people have a lot of virtues. But they can be called misers, because they show generosity financially only in relation to themselves.

Representatives of the second decade of Pisces and Virgo are under the auspices of the willow. They are original and charming, impulsive and mysterious. They always have a favorite hobby that takes up most of their free time. They easily acquire admirers, but they are easy to offend and injure.

Linden falls on the third decade of Virgo and Pisces. The tree rewarded its wards with confidence and courage. They are always the soul of the company and can benefit from it. These people are born psychologists, although it can be difficult for them to understand themselves.

Wards oak - Aries, born on the first day of this horoscope. They have strong energy. Proud and fair Aries will not forgive anyone even the slightest mistakes. They deserve respect because they always achieve their goal and never go over their heads.

Hazel falls on the first decade of Aries and Libra. These are inconspicuous people who are not able to interest. Despite excessive tightness and silence, they are quite erudite. They have their own opinion and they will not listen to someone else's.

Rowan falls on the second decade of Aries and Libra. These people are calm and sweet, they have friends in every corner of the globe. It is extremely difficult to spoil their mood, but they are often upset over trifles.

The third decade of Aries and Libra is under the influence of maple. These are cheerful, curious and active people who do not like to sit still. They are funny, but have a few oddities.

Walnut rules over Taurus and Scorpio of the first decade. He rewards manners and a sense of style, fidelity, loyalty and beauty. Under this sign, great strategists are born who always strive to achieve perfection.

Taurus and Scorpio of the second decade are ruled by jasmine. They are gentle and kind, but incredibly vulnerable. They will become the highlight of any company thanks to their talkativeness and good mood. But at heart they are pessimists who are convinced of the imperfection of this world.

Chestnut patronizes the third decade of Sagittarius and Scorpio. They are modest and honest, have an inner core. In love, they are often unlucky due to banal indecision.

The first decade of Gemini and Sagittarius is under the influence of ash. Such people are selfish and demanding not only to themselves, but also to outsiders. It is better not to argue with them, since it is almost impossible to prove one's case.

Grab takes care of the second decade of Sagittarius and Gemini, who do not know how to stand up for themselves. They are mediocre, but dream of fame and publicity.

Born in the third decade, Gemini and Sagittarius are under the influence of figs, which rewarded them with a complaisant character and originality. They feel like strangers among their own, but do not seek to merge with the crowd.

People born on the first day of Cancer are under the care of a birch. This tree rewarded Cancers with calmness and self-confidence. Such people take on new things without fear and are not afraid of failure.

The apple tree falls on the first decade of Capricorn and Cancer. These people are characterized by purposefulness and love for comfort. They are easy to deceive, so other people use the disinterestedness of the wards of the apple tree.

On the first day of Libra there is an olive tree. People born on the autumn equinox love warmth and comfort. They are prone to colds, so they always try to strengthen their immunity. They have no equal in solving logic problems and puzzles.

On the winter solstice, beech wards are born. Capricorns are independent and do not like to ask for help. But you can always rely on them, because they will not refuse their loved ones. Nature often endows these personalities with magical abilities.


The flower horoscope consists of thirty symbols, each of which corresponds to a person by birthday. Flowers also define the character of a person. Consider which flowers are suitable for people by date of birth, and what descriptions correspond to them:

  • digitalis (21-31.03) - frugality, perseverance, desire for victories;
  • magnolia (1-10.04) - diligence, leadership, calmness;
  • hydrangea (11-20.04) - generosity, kindness, perseverance;
  • dalia (April 21-30) - mind, criticism, desire to help;
  • lily of the valley (1-10.05) - modesty, vulnerability, exactingness;
  • purslane (11-21.05) - variability, adventurism, care;
  • chamomile (22-31.05) - the ability to do business, confidence;
  • bell (1-11.06) - conservatism, reliability, responsibility;
  • daisy (12-21.06) - stability, regularity, comfort;
  • tulip (22.06-1.07) - openness, energy, restlessness;
  • water lily (2-12.07) - the ability to get used to circumstances, care;
  • violet (13-23.07) - friendliness, duality, inconstancy;
  • wild rose (24.07-2.08) - stubbornness, courage, sincerity;
  • sunflower (3-13.08) - selfishness, ambition, self-criticism;
  • rose (14-23.08) - leadership, sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • delphinium (24.08-2.09) - modesty, timidity, ability to stand up for oneself;
  • clove tree (3-11.09) - diligence, responsibility;
  • aster (12-22.09) - thriftiness, frugality, courage, perseverance;
  • heather (23.09-2.10) - self-criticism, complexes;
  • camellia (3-13.10) - adventurism, perseverance, perseverance;
  • lilac (14-23.10) - energy, inconstancy, confidence;
  • freesia (24.10-2.11) - diligence, mediocrity, practicality;
  • phalaenopsis (3-12.11) - mystery, perseverance;
  • peony (13-22.11) - confidence, determination, tenderness;
  • gladiolus (23.11-2.12) - vulnerability, daydreaming;
  • medicinal dandelion (3-12.12) - independence, perseverance, laziness;
  • lotus (13-22.12) - conservatism, organization, accuracy;
  • leontopodium (December 23-31) - clear thinking, determination, reliability;
  • gentian (1-10.01) - devotion, sensitivity, modesty;
  • thistle (11-20.01) - good nature, openness;
  • tsmin sandy (21-31.01) - secrecy, perseverance, kindness;
  • mistletoe (1-10.02) - recklessness, impatience, obsession;
  • belladonna (11-19.02) - quick wits, sociability, charisma;
  • mimosa (20-29.02) - capriciousness, inconstancy, sensitivity, touchiness;
  • poppy (1-10.03) - diplomacy, calmness, accuracy;
  • lily (11-20.03) - sophistication, elegance, attractiveness.


The horoscope of stones includes 13 positions, each of which reveals the character of a person. Rock crystal protects people born between December 24 and January 20. They are distinguished by the desire for freedom and personal happiness. Olivine (21.01-17.02) endows with intuition, original thinking and the desire for success. Wards of coral (18.02-17.03) are rich spiritually, and those born under the influence of ruby ​​(18.03-14.04) are strong in body.

Moonstone (15.04-12.05) endowed people with sensitivity and compassion. They take the betrayal of loved ones to heart and will always help those who need it. Topaz (13.05-9.06) patronizes disciplined, restrained individuals. In addition, they are incredibly responsible and punctual. Diamond (10.06-7.07) gives wards responsibility and love for the family. Creative natures born under the influence of red carnelian. They are assiduous and demanding, do not like lies. But if it suits them, they can lie themselves.

Amethyst (5.08-1.09) - a stone of wise and spiritual people. It is interesting to have a conversation with them and spend leisure time. Emerald (2-29.09) - the talisman of beautiful and sensitive natures who are interested in art. Opal (30.09-27.10) protects hardy and reasonable persons with strategic thinking. Jasper (28.10-24.11) is a stone of people who constantly improve themselves. Azure (25.11-23.12) protects cunning and prudent people who are able to find a solution in any situation.


The Druids believed that every person has a totem animal with the same character. There are 13 on the calendar:

  1. Deer (24.12-20.01). These people love travel and education. Due to excessive pride, they cannot always find a common language with the interlocutor.
  2. Crane (21.01-17.02). Harmony, talent and comfort - the motto of the cranes. They can become successful both in creativity and in the exact sciences.
  3. Seal (18.02-17.03). These people strive for perfection, but because of their inherent laziness, they put everything off until later. They strive to change the world, but their utopian dreams are not destined to come true.
  4. Bear (18.03-14.04). Totem animal of strong and self-confident persons. They value friendship and pay attention to family.
  5. Snake (15.04-12.05). Creators whose mind and prudence can be envied.
  6. Bee (13.05-9.06). Creative and energetic people who want to learn something new. Thanks to the authority among colleagues, they can occupy leadership positions.
  7. Otter (10.06-7.07). Extraordinary individuals with a broad outlook. They are always in a good mood and love to learn new things.
  8. Cat (8.07-4.08). Honest, loving and creative. They will never ask someone else's advice, because they are used to relying on their intuition.
  9. Elk (5.08-1.09). Insightful and responsive people. They can succeed in business through their perseverance.
  10. Swan (2-29.09). Reasonable and calm nature. Always help those in need.
  11. Goose (30.09-27.10). The calmness and intelligence of geese can only be envied. They often associate life with art.
  12. Owl (28.10-24.11). Sports and emotional personalities. They are wise and attractive, so they have a wide circle of friends.
  13. Raven (25.11-23.12). Calculating and cunning people. Among them there are magicians and psychics.

The Druids created several calendars, in each of which they determined patrons for people among animals, plants and minerals. Before us is only a simplified horoscope, according to which you can choose your talismans and energy sources. The teachings of the Druids were mainly transmitted orally, so the methods of divination by talismans have not come down to us.

The Celts were able to predict the weather, the fate of a person and his destiny from plants or animals. For this, the date and time of birth were carefully analyzed, and also compared with natural patrons. As a result, you can get a detailed map of a person's life and even predict the date of death.

The Druids knew that each of us has a patron tree that bestows certain characteristics. Which tree it is depends on your date of birth.

Druids are forest dwellers who inhabited northern Europe. Their civilization had enormous power over the population. Druids were oracles and healers, overseers and guardians of the law. The pagan canons of this tribe deified everything around.

According to their belief, trees had magical powers. And it was from the tree that man originated. The Druids created their own Celtic horoscope, with which you can not only learn about the character of a person, but also change your destiny for the better. They have created a love compatibility horoscope, from which you will find out how happy your relationship can be. According to their teachings, if you find yourself in a difficult situation, head to the forest, find your tree, lean against it and feel how the energy of the plant is betrayed to you. Thank the tree, get fakes from its wood at home, and happiness will not take long.

Tree - patron by date of birth

The tree has its maximum strength at the date of birth. Each tree in the Celtic horoscope has two periods: spring and autumn, or winter and summer. Twice a year, summer and winter, the Sun declares war on the night. The summer and spring equinoxes in the Druid tribe were considered the main holidays.

Fate, according to the priests, directly depended on the position of the Sun on the person's birthday. The year was divided into several periods, each of which is patronized by a certain helper tree. The Druids believed that the patron plant endows a person with character and personal qualities, and communication with “your” tree will help change life for the better.

Druid Horoscope

Fir: January 2 - January 11; July 5 - July 14. People born under her patronage are conservative. They are devoted to the foundations, protect their habits and do not chase after fashion, preferring proven ones. Demanding and capricious, demandingly looking for the best for themselves and their loved ones. It is quite difficult to please them, and if you have achieved their attention, expect a fabulous life.

Elm: January 12 - January 24; July 15 - July 25. Elm people are distinguished by simplicity in words, deeds and life, external and internal beauty. They try not to attract too much attention, they get tired of constant admiration. Attached to things and constant in choosing a partner. Since childhood, they know what they will do in life, and purposefully go to the dream.

Cypress: January 25 - February 3; July 26 - August 4. People who are patronized by cypress usually do not pursue success, fame or financial well-being. The goal in life is to be happy. They move mountains to avoid problems and enjoy life longer.

Poplar: February 4 - February 8; August 5 - August 13. People born under the auspices of poplar develop rapidly, standing out among their peers. The charm bestowed by nature is gradually fading away from eternal fears and thoughts. They need the need to be loved and needed, otherwise they become discouraged.

Karkas Yuzhny: February 9 - February 18; August 14 - August 23. Dynamism and confidence distinguishes people born during this period. Lovers of comfort, they have excellent health and love to be the center of attention. They have the gift of attracting problems to themselves, but they quickly solve them. Born for adventure.

Pine: February 19 - February 28/29; August 24 - September 2. Those who are patronized by pine are always in sight. Their love of life knows no bounds, but they are very sensitive to everything new. They are the creators of comfort, they love beautiful things and try to arrange them all around them. According to the horoscope of the Druids, the owners of this tree do not have virtues, but they lack generosity. Their main goal is their own well-being.

Willow: March 1 - March 10; September 3 - September 12. The originality of people under the auspices of the willow is granted to them from above. They exude charm and mystery. Impetuous, but devoted to hobbies. They have many fans. Contemplative to the depths of the soul, often immersed in thought. But they are vulnerable and touchy, sometimes they cross the line in this.

Linden: March 11 - March 20; September 13 - September 22. People born under her patronage are pleasant and sweet, they perfectly understand this, they know how to benefit from it. They know how to impress and earn respect. They make excellent psychologists. But they are unable to understand themselves.

Oak: March 21 is the spring equinox. Oak endows people with colossal energy strength, but softness is alien to them. Proud, fair, no one forgive flashed weakness. They are more respected than loved. Great leaders, can lead people.

Hazel: March 22 - March 31; September 24 - October 3. Hazel people are one that is usually overlooked. They do not impress, only those people who have known them for a long time can charm. Silent, restrained, but smart. Do not chase other people's opinions, having their own judgments about everything.

Rowan: April 1 - April 10; October 4 - October 13. Rowan, according to the horoscope, bestows a calm disposition and pleasant appearance. People born at this time have friends in different parts of the world. They are constantly in a good mood and with an optimistic attitude. But all experiences pass through themselves, not annoying anyone.

Maple: April 11 - April 20; October 14 - October 23. According to the horoscope of the Druids, maple rules over people who have cheerfulness, curiosity and activity. They are always in the center of events. They are constantly looking for adventures, they do not sit in one place. Charming, funny and slightly odd.

Walnut: April 21 - April 30; October 24 - November 2. People under the auspices of the walnut are endowed with refined manners and a sense of style. Loyal, faithful, unique strategists. They love to arrange unexpected surprises. They constantly work on themselves and their inner world, bringing everything to perfection. Financially independent, they try to solve their problems without involving other people.

Jasmine: May 1 - May 14; November 3 - November 11. Jasmine radiates tenderness and kindness, attracting to itself. Such people are very vulnerable, although they give the impression of a frivolous "darling of fate." They create a relaxed atmosphere with their presence. Life problems bypass them, but deep down the owners of this tree are pessimists, despite the fact that they are trying to seem cheerful.

Chestnut: May 15 - May 24; November 12 - November 21. Under the auspices of the chestnut are people who value honesty and modesty. They have an inner core and vitality, but they do not know how to use it. Fighters for justice, achieve their goal regardless of others. They are very silent and like to take glory from other people, but they do it unconsciously. In love, they are unhappy because of jealousy and fear.

Ash: May 25 - June 3; November 22 - December 1. Ash according to the horoscope is distinguished by complacency. People who are patronized by this tree are very demanding and selfish. It is impossible to start a dispute with them, since they are sure only that they are right. They live only to satisfy their desires, in the good sense of the word.

Hornbeam: June 4 - June 13; December 2 - December 11. People who are patronized by a hornbeam are interesting, but they don’t know how to express themselves, so they often fade, merging with society. They dream of fame or public gratitude, but do nothing to achieve the goal.

Figs: June 14 - June 23; December 12 - December 21. Figs bestow outstanding character traits that stand out from the crowd. Many people who fell figs according to the horoscope feel like strangers in society, they cannot find themselves. The slightest difficulties bring such people out of balance, to which they cannot return later.

Birch: June 24 - summer solstice. The people of this patron are pleasant, open, kind. Peace of mind is their forte. In their endeavors they are constant, faithful, require attention and love. They cannot stand vulgarity in any manifestation, because they themselves are full of a sense of proportion. They like to work and without any doubts they would calmly settle in the countryside. Sentimental, not afraid to openly show their feelings.

Apple tree: December 23 - January 1; June 25 - July 4. The apple tree is a symbol of sensuality. People under the auspices of this tree strive for marriage and the creation of a family. Joyful, not subject to other people's opinions, purposeful. Their disinterestedness is often used, because they easily succumb to deception. They do not think about tomorrow, they live here and now, they often forget about their debts. These natures are characterized by philosophy, they are full of hope and joy.

Oliva: September 23 is the autumnal equinox. People born under the auspices of the olive tree cannot stand the cold, dream of warm countries, and because of this they can often get sick. However, they are calm and reasonable, always ready to help. In love, they risk becoming dependent on a partner.

Beech: December 22 is the winter solstice. Beech gives strength and longevity to people born under its shadow. Such people are independent, they will never ask for help, but they will always offer it. Beech people are successful, purposeful, thrifty and reliable.

The Druids created their own personal horoscope, but, unfortunately, only echoes could survive to our time, because earlier the teaching was transmitted orally. The form in which the horoscope has come down to us is a simplified version of the great teaching. But it is no less effective.

The tree has always been considered a symbol of life, found in it the divine and worshiped in many religions. The tree is also mentioned in the Bible. In addition, each Zodiac Sign has a personal patron tree. In the center of paradise stood two mighty and beautiful trees: one was the tree of life, and the other was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And this is no coincidence. Each plant has a power, and maybe a soul. That is why the tree is a storehouse of great magical secrets and a source of strength for many people. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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