Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich biography. Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich: biography, activities, personal life and interesting facts

So-called "Putin's massage therapist" nicknamed "Padre" is one of the most influential and closed people around the president. You will not see him in TV reports, you will not read about him in the federal media. This is because his activities are carefully hidden from prying eyes, and the “Padre” himself does not occupy any prominent positions. He does not occupy, but at the same time it is he who decides who will occupy key positions in the country. For this reason, the "masseur" is also called the personnel officer of Putin's team. Almost 500 people passed through the Padre, and each of them today holds high positions in various government bodies - in the ministry, in the governor's corps, in the presidential administration, etc. This person is considered second governor Petersburg and the curator of the Russian Orthodox Church. However, the past "Padre", judging by the presence of a criminal record, was quite stormy. As Vladimir Vladimirovich himself recently admitted, there were such times - I had to sleep with a gun. decided to figure out where this gray eminence came from and what connects him with the president of Russia. Meet - this person's name is Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich. He was born on November 15, 1954 in Chelyabinsk in an ordinary family who lived in an apartment on Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street. As a child, he was a rather quiet child, for which he often became the object of ridicule from classmates. But Kostya did not waste time in vain - apparently, from an early age he understood: if you want to achieve something in life, study and read more. So while his schoolmates are wasted burned through time, Konstantin read, especially the guy loved historical novels. After leaving school, he served in the army, and later moved to the Northern capital. As a matter of fact, moving to Leningrad became a turning point in the life of a young doctor. Konstantin got a job as a nurse in the Kuibyshev hospital. Soon Konstantin was noticed by the then head physician Alexander Davydenko. It is difficult to say what drew Davydenko's attention to the young orderly - perhaps Konstantin showed himself to be a good specialist; perhaps a personal friendship arose between them. One way or another, but it was the recommendation of Davydenko, the master of sports in sambo, that helped Goloshchapov get into the judo section of the SKA sports club. There, Konstantin met most of the fighters who today are part of Putin's inner circle.

Konstantin Goloshchapov from above, Arkady Rotenberg (second from left), Georgy Poltavchenko (fourth from left)

The meeting between Putin and Goloshchapov took place around the end of the 1970s rather unexpectedly. The then employee of the investigative department of the Leningrad KGB injured his back in one of the classes. Vladimir Sarvadiy, the author of a certain unique technique, took up the treatment of Putin. In order for the future president to get better soon, Sarvady recommended that Putin turn to the young orderly Konstantin Goloshchapov. Rumor has it that a KGB officer did back massage procedures at Goloshchapov's. Thus, Putin and Goloshchapov met and, apparently, a strong male friendship developed between them. However, this did not save Goloshchapov from a criminal record - in 1979 he was detained on suspicion of selling old icons. It is quite possible that it was his friendship with Putin and connections through the KGB that saved him from a real prison sentence. Be that as it may, Konstantin Veniaminovich ended up in the so-called "base of villains", which contained information about undesirable elements living on the territory of the USSR. In 1982, Goloshchapov completed his studies in absentia at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute and became a certified engineer. Vladimir Putin in those years also did not stand still, slowly moving up the career ladder. However, a career in the USSR soon ended for many, because, as you know, the once huge country was ahead of the dashing nineties. However, for Putin and his company, these were golden years.

Extract from the database confirming the presence of a criminal record on Goloshchapov

Putin's presidency

Putin did not forget about his "masseur" years later. When Putin first won the presidential election in March 2000, Goloshchapov was right there. Almost immediately, he was appointed to the post of head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Roscentrproekt" under the Office of the President. Eyewitnesses say that at that time Goloshchapov was almost never at his workplace. He was constantly on the road, and delegations from St. Petersburg did not have time to land in Moscow. One of the then employees says that they even have a nickname for their boss "Meteor". Say - "we simply did not have time to receive guests, arrange hotels and provide guests with food". It is understandable - when such power fell on Putin's head, he urgently needed to fill the resulting vacuum - these are thousands of responsible positions throughout the country, to which it is necessary to appoint "their" of people. In this regard, Goloshchapov became a kind of personnel officer for the St. Petersburg team. Putin preferred to solve personnel issues according to the principle - I appoint those whom I know personally to senior positions. For positions with a lower rank, acquaintances of my environment will do. Everything must be under control - so that the fly does not fly. This practice of appointing close people, rather than professionals, to key positions has already caused irreparable damage to the country. This also led to the fact that in Russia it was rampant on an unprecedented scale. However, most of all, the president values ​​devotion and loyalty, while competence fades into the background. In the first three years of Putin's presidency, almost 500 people passed through Goloshchapov, who received high positions thanks to the patronage of the Padre. Here are just a few of them:

November 16, 1999, even before Putin's presidency, thanks to Goloshchapov, Nikolai Pogolsha took the leading position in Rosreestr in the Moscow Region . March 21, 2000. Dmitry Zabednov, who was brought to Moscow by the Padre, was appointed to a leading position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. April 1, 2000. Igor Sidorkevich received a high position, and in 2013 he became the head of the Main Directorate of the Military Police of the Ministry of Defense. July 17, 2000."Padre" brings Vladimir Strzhalkovsky to Moscow. who holds the position of Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade. Later, Strzhalkovsky will become the general director of Norilsk Nickel and will receive a record "golden parachute" in the history of Russian business. (note - compensation after dismissal) at the rate of 100 million dollars.October 6, 2000 Alexey Sedov flew to Moscow, who a year later will head the Main Directorate of the Federal Tax Police Service of the Northwestern Federal District. January 26, 2001. Goloshchapov brings Viktor Kruchinin to Moscow, and he takes the post of director of the Department for Supporting the Activities of the Office of the President. November 7, 2001. A plane with Yuri Bukin lands at the Moscow airport. He found a place in the management of Baza-torg LLC, one of whose daughters supplies pipes to Gazprom. December 14, 2001. Elena Ilyukhina arrives in the capital and becomes deputy general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rublyovo-Uspensky LOK for managing the president's affairs. May 8, 2002 Goloshchapov brings Alexander Sabadash to Moscow, who becomes a senator from the Nenets district. May 31, 2002. Igor Chuyan flies from St. Petersburg to Moscow, receiving a position in the leadership of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosspirtprom". Since 2009, Chuyan has been the head of the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation. July 1, 2002. Andrey Goncharenko flies to Moscow with the Padre, who later becomes a top manager of Gazprom Invest Yug. Apparently, Goncharenko did not get lost in the capital - in 2014 he bought a mansion in London for 120 million pounds.August 19, 2002. Roman Tsepov flies to the capital to ensure the safety of Putin's family members. July 10, 2003. Vladimir Yudin, who in the autumn of the same year will take part in the defeat of Yukos, receives a residence permit in the capital.

From "masseur" to the status of "Padre"

His nickname "Padre" Goloshchapov soon justified thanks to his interest in church affairs. At one time, the "masseur" began working as an adviser on religious issues to the presidential envoy in the Central Federal District Georgy Poltavchenko, whom he had known while still on business in St. Petersburg. Thanks to this work, "Padre" established ties with the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church and met the future Patriarch Vladimir Gundyaev. Even then, the Metropolitan was called one of the possible successors of the then Patriarch Alexy II. Goloshchapov is also very attracted to sacred places, in particular Mount Athos. He visited this sacred place many times - once he even came here with the leader of the Tambov organized crime group Kumarin. Rumor has it that this place impressed the crime boss so much that he began every morning with a prayer. Soon, "Padre" started organizing special tours to Athos for Putin's St. Petersburg team. President Putin himself visited the sacred mountain in 2005.

However, Goloshchapov never forgot about his personal financial well-being. During the dashing nineties, he successfully led dozens of business areas. The "Padre" had close contacts with the criminal world, as well as with the then deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, Vladimir Putin. One of Goloshchapov's companies received lucrative contracts from Smolny, and Putin himself directly assisted him in this. In 2001, Goloshchapov, together with Rotenberg (Putin's close friend), founded the credit organization SMP-Bank, one of the thirty largest banks in the country. Forty percent of the bank at that time belonged to the "Padre" and his wife, Irai Gilmutdinova. However, over the past 10 years, the Goloshchapov family has been actively getting rid of the bank's assets. The share of "Padre" in the future was bought by the brother of Arkady Rotenberg - Boris. Goloshchapov himself has retired from business affairs, so all commercial projects are led by his wife Irai. As in the case of Putin's chef, thanks to connections in the highest echelons of power, their companies win tenders for government orders without competition. Thus, their construction company Nostrum received government orders worth more than 20 billion rubles. Assessing the overall financial condition of the Padre is very difficult due to its closeness. It is known that he is one of the richest people in St. Petersburg with a fortune of over 18 billion rubles.

Temple or mansions?

... or where the "Padre" resides. The Goloshchapov family has a lot of expensive real estate both in Russia and abroad. It is known that Putin's "masseur" owns a plot of 1.2 hectares in the prestigious village of Akulinino near Moscow, where his house is located. Other businessmen and officials settled next to Goloshchapov: Arkady Rotenberg, Vladimir Yakunin.

The Goloshchapov family has a huge penthouse in the Moscow residential complex Pokrovskoye-Glebovo. The total area of ​​the house is 507.5 sq. m with a rooftop terrace. Based on the cost of one square meter in the area, such an apartment costs not less than 470 million rubles.

But the Padre's most expensive real estate is overseas. He owns the luxurious mansion Katino XVI on the island of Sipan near Dubrovnik. Such an estate is estimated at no less than 39 million euros. It is noteworthy that Croatia is a country in which the “Padre” draws inspiration. He liked thinking about the eternal on the shores of the Adriatic Sea so much that "Putin's massage therapist" not only bought a house here, but also received Croatian citizenship. To understand how influential this man is, suffice it to say that Prince Albert II of Monaco and Roman Abramovich also claimed this ancient mansion of the 16th century. But in the struggle for this property, the Padre won. It is understandable - after all, Konstantin Veniaminov needs much more additional meters of living space than princes and. Judge for yourself, Padre is the father of six children. For such a contribution to demography, Padre and his wife Iraya received the Order of Parental Glory in 2011. The award was personally presented in the Kremlin by President Medvedev.

President Medvedev presents Goloshchapov and his wife with the Order of Parental Glory

As you can see, Padre well done. He succeeded in everything. From a dealer in antique icons, he made his way to one of the most influential people in the president's entourage. Putin's chef has never personally prepared any meals for the president, just as the "Padre" may well have never massaged Putin. But if the fingers of this orderly still touched the body of the leader, then for sure that therapeutic massage became one of the most expensive in world history. At a cost of at least eighteen billion - the size of the fortune that Goloshchapov amassed thanks to his acquaintance with Putin. We can only guess how many more hairdressers, waiters, maids, gardeners and cleaners walk through the vast expanses of Mother Russia, which we do not yet know about, but who have become billionaires thanks to the unheard-of generosity of one person. However ... Treat - so treat! To love is to love! Walk - so walk!

In 2002, Goloshchapov was Vladimir Putin's personal massage therapist in the nineties.

How "Putin's personal masseur" made a dizzying career

Konstantin Goloshchapov- a name that is well known only to the initiates. Along with the Rotenberg brothers, he is included in the inner circle of St. Petersburg friends of Vladimir Putin's youth., but has so far managed to avoid overt publicity. Meanwhile, he is called "Putin's personal masseur", who made a career precisely thanks to his proximity to the president's "body"..

Orders of "Parental Glory" to Iraya Gilmutdinova and Konstantin Goloshchapov were presented by Medvedev himself

Goloshchapov's sporting achievement

- Goloshchapov and Putin have known each other since childhood, they are both judoists, although they played for different clubs: Putin for Turbostroitel, Goloshchapov for SKA. But they crossed paths, of course, at competitions and sports camps, - said Valery Natalenko, a doctor at the Yavara-Neva club, whose honorary president is Vladimir Putin, and businessman Arkady Rotenberg is the general director.

In the official biography of Goloshchapov, the 90s are reflected vaguely - there is a certain construction SMU-7, from which the former athlete immediately jumped into the chair of the general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rostsentrproekt (New Russian Projects Center) of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow. And it happened in the same 1996, when Vladimir Putin moved to the capital to take the place of the deputy head of the administration of President Yeltsin. So the rivals on the tatami became colleagues. And in the political get-together, for the first time, the definition of “masseur” was heard, with which Goloshchapov either worked part-time in the troubled 90s, or simply helped a friend alleviate the consequences of sports injuries.

Friendship on religious grounds

Today, in St. Petersburg, Konstantin Goloshchapov is better known as an Athonite. So in the Northern capital they call everyone who belongs to the Russian Athos society. The society is formally purely religious, but in fact its purpose is much wider - one has only to look at the personal composition. The founders are the adviser to the governor Konstantin Goloshchapov and the vice-governor Igor Divinsky. The head of the society's board of trustees is the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko himself. The society includes two former vice-governors of the Northern capital - Vasily Kichedzhi and Vladimir Lavlentsev, as well as the Kaluga governor Anatoly Artamonov, the head of the committee on informatization of the St. Petersburg mayor's office Ivan Gromov and not only ...

- A sign of belonging to society - a wooden Athos rosary on the wrist. In September, journalists took a big picture of them on the arm of Vice-Governor Lavlentsev. The fact that the entire St. Petersburg power elite are members of one almost secret society is suggestive. We even have such a term - "Orthodox Chekism." All of them often travel to Greece, to the holy Mount Athos, and there are rumors that not only issues of faith are resolved there in a secluded setting. There is talk of helicopter VIP tours, - Andrey Pivovarov, co-chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the RPR-Parnassus, told Sobesednik. – Our governor also spent his last vacation in October of this year on Mount Athos.

Goloshchapov stood at the origins of the Russian Athos society. It arose in 2005 - as soon as Vladimir Putin visited the Holy Mountain. With the assistance of the Russian Athos Society, the relics of various saints and the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos were brought to Russia. The Society is actively engaged in the restoration of temples on Mount Athos. In January 2014, the authorities barely hushed up the scandal with the "voluntary-compulsory" collection of donations for the needs of the St. Panteleimon Monastery on Athos - from the road and communal organizations of St. Petersburg.

- It was this winter, which is traditionally a test for St. Petersburg. We collected 17 million rubles, which could be directed to a no less charitable goal - the improvement of the city, - said Krasimir Vransky, coordinator of the Beautiful Petersburg movement.

The road builders and communal workers were just subordinate to the "Afontsev", the then vice-governor Lavlentsev. The director of the Center enterprise, who listed less than the others, was even promptly fired for the "sin of greed" (although according to the official version, he left voluntarily).

Goloshchapov (left) and Paparesta decide how to save Italian football

When this publication was being prepared, the Russian Athos Society removed the names of the participants from its website, adding even more mystery and secrecy to its image...

Not by God alone

The judokas of Putin's draft adhere tightly to each other both in politics and in business. Konstantin Goloshchapov, together with was a co-founder of a large bank "Northern Sea Route" (NSR), but later transferred his share to Boris Rotenberg. However, the SKRIN analytical database lists Goloshchapov's wife, Iraya Gilmutdinova, among the founders of the SMP. As is often the case, she is not an example of "successful" her husband in business. For example, she has two common large companies from St. Petersburg Alexei Poltavchenko - Investbugry and Peterburgstroy, which, as Sobesednik calculated in the last issue, give their founders up to 20 million rubles a month in profit.

In addition, Gilmutdinova had a woodworking enterprise, BimsStroy, whose co-founders are also very interesting: the former head of Rosspirtprom, Vadim Zolotarev, the current senator, Sergei Lisovsky, and the current head of the Alpine Skiing Federation of the Moscow Region, Roman Kamyansky. The company closed in 2008. But the name Gilmutdinova appeared among the founders of the construction holding Topflor-invest, which received 7 state orders for the construction of sports complexes, schools, pipelines for a total of 2.89 billion rubles. The company's revenue, 1/6 of which, according to the SKRIN database, belongs to Gilmutdinova, for 2013 is 2 billion 88 million rubles.

In addition, the interests of the family are in the Promtoring company, which is engaged in the wholesale of textile products. Another company, Businesssphere LLC, is owned in equal shares by Iraya Gilmutdinova and Natalya Skarlygina, the president of the Dynamo hockey club, whose name is listed in the sale and purchase agreement for the St. Petersburg apartment of Arkady Rotenberg (the deal took place this summer).

For myself and for that guy

Italian journalists know Konstantin Goloshchapov as a person who helps in communicating with "Putin's oligarchs." He helped mainly in the history of the acquisition of the Italian football club Bari. Fans of a small club turned to the Russian president with a request to buy the club during the visit of the Russian president to Bari - they met him with posters “Putin, buy Bari!” Later, the players reminded of themselves by giving Putin a personalized T-shirt with the logo of their club. The Rotenberg businessmen became interested in the purchase, but the negotiations were stopped by European sanctions: the Rotenbergs cannot now acquire anything in Europe because of the threat of property seizure. Then Goloshchapov appeared on the scene - “a friend of Konstantin who helps to communicate with Russian investors,” as the current owner of the Bari club, Gianluca Paparest, described him.

Goloshchapov has many interests in Italy. According to the Italian press, he bought an apartment in Bari, where the temple of the Russian Orthodox Church is located and the relics of the patron saint of Russia, Nicholas the Wonderworker, are kept. Part of these relics Goloshchapov moved to Russia and handed over to the monastery near St. Petersburg. In Italy, Goloshchapov also owns a small four-star hotel in Cagliari.

“Officially, the Bari club can be transferred under the control of another person,” Paparest blabbed, alluding to “friend Konstantin.”

Under the sanctions, the Rotenbergs and businesses close to Putin really need “their reliable person” in Europe. For the sake of this, no state contracts are a pity.

Konstantin Goloshchapov received many awards and thanks from the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 2011, Dmitry Medvedev presented the Order of Parental Glory to Konstantin Goloshchapov and his wife Iraya Gilmutdinova in the Kremlin for raising 6 children.

Constantino-Eleninsky Monastery in the village of Leninskoye (Vyborgsky district) February 16th, 2015

I wrote the title for this post and was struck by its absurdity: a newly opened modern Orthodox monastery built in a village called Leninskoye. Everything is mixed up nowadays. Having said “A” in 1991, Russia never found the strength to say “B”, but could only utter some other odd sounds. And now we are building Orthodox churches in the village of Leninsky...
However, I decided not to write about politics in this blog if possible. I want to make a post with winter and summer photos of the same place. I like posts like this, I think it works very well. Here, for example, about and about.
However, in this case, the photos are separated not by one season, but by almost 7 years. Summer photos were taken in June 2008, and winter photos in January 2015.

It is immediately evident that another church appeared in the monastery. It is the largest and radically changes the impression of the entire ensemble.
However, first things first. Leninskoye is located on the banks of the once border river Sestra, and on its Finnish bank, respectively, under the Finns there was no Orthodox church here, and the village itself was called Happola. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the village of Leninskoye, which had previously been in the “shadow” of its coastal resort neighbors: Repino, Komarovo, Solnechnoye, suddenly became terribly prestigious. Rich authoritative people acquired dachas here. These people do not like when other compatriots look at them and their lives, so they love to fence themselves off from the world with tall fences. Leninskoye is the record holder for the height and length of fences in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. It is clear that in the Moscow region this will not surprise anyone, but here it is really unusual to drive along the road, which looks almost like a narrow tunnel between two fences 3 meters high. These fences, of course, are hung with video cameras.

In the series, gangster Petersburg, the bandit leader named Antibiotic had a house “near Repino”. Somewhere behind one of those fences, probably.

Under Soviet rule, there was a club on this site, in the 90s the club burned down and in 1998 the Church of St. Constantine and Helena Equal-to-the-Apostles was founded in its place. In 2001, the construction of the temple was completed, the temple was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy I. The Constantino-Eleninskaya Church was built according to the design of the architect Romanovsky Felix Karlovich. Beautiful neo-classical orthodox architecture. In my opinion, in general, one of the most pleasant religious buildings over the past 20 years in St. Petersburg and the surrounding area.

The architect has his own website where you can see his projects: http://www.architecture-fr.net. From the site you can also find out, for example, that Felix Karlovich was the main artist of the city of Leningrad from 1989 to 1992.

To the left and behind the main church of the monastery stands the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, this is a “baptistry”, baptisms are held here, inside there is a large font that allows you to baptize by lowering not only babies, but also newly converted adults into the water.

Pay attention to the sculpture at the entrance, this is a statue of Nicholas the Wonderworker, not by anyone, but by Zurab Tsereteli.

In a modern winter photograph, Nicholas the Wonderworker has disappeared somewhere. But it still stands on the territory of the monastery. The sculpture is excellent, Tsereteli knows his business. Moreover, Nicholas the Wonderworker is not a new character for him. I saw a very, very similar statue in Bari, Italy.

Photos can be clicked and viewed larger, as they say “find 10 differences”. The case has been set in motion.

There is another sculpture on the territory of the monastery. This is a bowed Russian warrior. He stands in front of a memorial plaque dedicated to the front-line soldiers - residents of the village of Leninskoye.

This monument is also difficult. In fact, this is Prince Alexander Nevsky, the work of the sculptor A. Charkin (http://www.spbsh.ru/fellows/3830). This sculpture participated in the competition for the monument to Alexander Nevsky on Alexander Nevsky Square in St. Petersburg. However, another work won, and this one ended up here. It is noteworthy that the helmet of Alexander Yaroslavich is clearly a bit small.

It is felt that the monastery is favored by the attention of the most influential people.
The list of shrines and relics donated to the monastery is surprising in its length. Dozens of shrines from all over the Orthodox world have been brought to the monastery. Here, for example, “arks with particles of the relics of the holy kings Constantine and Helena, the relics of St. Apostle Bartholomew and St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity - Hieromartyr Charalambius and Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates; head mts. Julitta, part of the relics of martyr. Kirika; svt. John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Spyridon Trimifuntsky, Filaret of Moscow, Theophan the Recluse and other saints, as well as a particle of the Tree of the Cross of the Lord.” Among the donors V.V. Putin. He presented an ancient image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Little has changed since medieval times, every ruler and nobleman wants to become a little holier by buying and donating some sacred object to the famous temple, and ancient relics are still sold at a profit.
Still, it is very curious why this particular monastery collected so many relics in such a short time? What's so special about it?
The Internet reports that the construction of the first two churches was carried out at the expense of the ktitor Konstantin Veniaminovich Goloshchapov. Who is this you can read here, for example. Konstantin Veniaminovich former “masseur V.V. Putin”, a person belonging to the inner circle of the President of Russia. The wealth of the Konstantin-Eleninsky Monastery immediately becomes clear. If you read the article, it also becomes clear where the statue of Tsereteli in Bari came from. Goloshchapov pays attention not only to Leninsky, but also to the capital of Apulia. What particularly surprised me was that already in 1999 Putin's massage therapist was so rich that he could afford to build churches at his own expense, ordering a project from famous architects. In fact, his conqueror came to power only in that very 99th.

Both churches looked (Nikolskaya and Konstantin-Eleninskaya) very organically and undoubtedly constituted a single ensemble. However, “in a few years, the monastery acquired so many parishioners that the walls of small churches no longer accommodate them.
On June 22, on the day of commemoration of the dead, and especially those who died in the Great Patriotic War, a new church was laid in the monastery in honor of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos.” On Christmas Day 2015, the first service was held in the new church.

From the point of view of "logistics" the idea of ​​the new temple is understandable, it is large, it unites two old temples. However, stylistically, it is completely knocked out. Both "old" churches are overwhelmed by a large Byzantine-looking pink church.
Although if you look

Russian businessman Konstantin Veniaminovich Goloshchapov is a person who is known only to a narrow circle of insiders. It is often called the gray cardinal. They say that he is part of the inner circle of Russian President Putin. And they have known Vladimir Vladimirovich since childhood. Many wonder how he manages to avoid publicity. By the way, they say that Konstantin Goloshchapov is Putin's personal massage therapist, and that he owes his career to the fact that he works great on the president's body. Isn't that enough? After all, not everyone gets such a great honor!

Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich: biography and education

The future businessman was born in 1954. Along with studying at school, he was engaged in martial arts and distinguished himself as one of the best athletes in his weight category. After graduating from school, he entered the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, choosing the specialization "Industrial and Civil Engineering". The most important childhood event was Kostya Goloshchapov's meeting with Volodya Putin. Both of them were judoists and, despite the fact that they were engaged in different sports clubs and took part in competitions as rivals, they developed a friendship in life.

After the competition, Kostya put Volodya in order, because he had an excellent massage technique. By the way, Putin played for the Turbostroitel club, and Goloshchapov for the Soviet Army club. In 1982, Konstantin Veniaminovich graduated from the university and began working by profession in one of the construction companies.

Start of activity

What did Konstantin Veniaminovich Goloshchapov do after the collapse of the USSR? His activities in the troubled 90s are not advertised in any sources. Information slipped somewhere that he worked in the construction SMU-7, and then jumped from there to the chair of the general director of the New Russian Projects center (FSUE Rostsentrproekt, and then to the central Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. To do this he had to move from his native Leningrad to Moscow.

It happened in 1996, it was at this time that Vladimir Putin took the place of Yeltsin's deputy head of the administration. In a word, wherever Putin goes, Konstantin Goloshchapov goes there. His biography testifies that after this event, fate will give him many more chances to become successful. He is a modest person, therefore he does not want people to talk a lot about him, especially that he is one of the president's favorites, but it is not so easy for a person of this level to stay in the shadow.


So, Konstantin Goloshchapov is Vladimir Putin's personal masseur, and, like Putin, is a judoka. In their youth, they were often rivals on the mat. How did it happen that an athlete-masseur became one of the most successful businessmen in the country? During the 2004 elections, he led Putin's campaign headquarters. After Goloshchapov was appointed to Moscow, he began to lead the federal enterprise Rostsentrproekt. Few people understand what exactly this organization was doing, however, according to a media investigation, Goloshchapov promoted his St. Petersburg acquaintances to serious positions, apparently not for free.

So, for example, an appointment to the executive branch cost up to 50,000 USD. For the past few years, Mr. Goloshchapov has been engaged in charitable activities, namely, he leads an organization that is taking steps on Mount Athos. As a sign of belonging to this community, Konstantin Veniaminovich wears a wooden rosary bracelet with Athos symbols on his wrist. Goloshchapov himself, in view of his activities, began to be called by the people "athos".

Former judoka

After Putin came to power, his judo friends from St. Petersburg moved with him to Moscow and became his closest associates. Among them a special place is occupied by the brothers Rotenberg and Goloshchapov Konstantin. They strongly support each other in business. So, together with Arkady (one of the Rotenberg brothers), Goloshchapov established SMP-Bank, but soon transferred his share to his second brother.

A family

No matter how much the Athonite wants to hide his personal life from prying eyes, the paparazzi are nevertheless interested in covering it, because we are talking about one of the people close to the president of the country, who is Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich. By the way, he has a large family. His wife Iraida Gilmutdinova gave him 6 children, for which she was awarded by Dmitry Medvedev (during his presidency)

However, she is not limited to the role of a housewife and mother, but is a big business woman. It has its share in Promtoring, a textile company; "Businesssphere", as well as in others. Naturally, her husband, Konstantin Goloshchapov, helps her in their management. Family for both is the most important value in life. And they do everything in their power to provide their children with a good future.

Goloshchapov's business

In addition to the two companies listed above, Irai Gulmutdinova has several more in her "arsenal", for example, two large non-specialized companies in which her partner is the son of the governor of St. Petersburg, Alexei Poltavchenko. These firms are called "Investbugry" and "Peterburgstroy". According to the calculations of "Sobesednik", each of them monthly gives the owners about twenty million rubles of profit.

Irai Gilmutdinova also has a stake in which is called BimsStroy. Her partner here is Roman Kamyansky, President of the Ski Federation. By the way, he helped Irai's husband, Konstantin Veniaminovich, acquire the Italian football club Bari.

Italian interest

The media, which collected facts from the life of the country's most famous massage therapist, noticed that he was especially fond of Italy. According to the Italian press, Russian businessman Konstantin Goloshchapov bought an expensive apartment in the city of Bari. It is there that the Orthodox church is located, where the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of Russia, are kept. Some part of these holy relics Goloshchapov transported to Russia, to one of the monasteries near the northern capital. In addition to an apartment in Italy (namely in Cagliari), Goloshchapov also owns a small four-star hotel. Goloshchapov Konstantin is known to Italian journalists as an intermediary between them and the Russian oligarchs.

Compromising evidence

In 2014, scandalous publications appeared in the opposition press about the society for the reconstruction of churches in Athos, which is headed by Goloshchapov himself. It was about the fact that the collection of funds for the reconstruction and restoration of the holy monasteries is carried out forcibly, and not from anyone, but from the communal and road organizations of St. Petersburg. The press has also been able to reveal that this ostensibly religious society is in fact an organization of much broader significance.

The co-founders of the society are Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich, who holds the position of adviser and assistant to the governor I. Divinsky. Governor Zhora Poltavchenko himself acts as chairman of the board of trustees. This "religious" society also includes V. Kichedzhi and V. Lavlentsev (formerly Poltavchenko's assistants), the governor of Kaluga, and others. By the way, in view of this, a special term was also formed among the people - Orthodox Chekism. The high-ranking officials who are members of this society visit Greece from time to time to get to Mount Athos. There are rumors that it is there, far from prying eyes, that the fate of the country and its constituent peoples is being decided.

How FC Bari became the property of K.V. Goloshchapova

There is a story according to which fans of a small football club "Bari" during the visit of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to Italy turned to him with a request to buy this club in order to save it from the current owner. They went out into the street with posters with this slogan. And during the meeting, the players presented the president with a uniform T-shirt with the club's logo. Of course, Putin decided to satisfy the request of the Italians, but it’s not like buying it himself! The Rotenberg brothers close to him took the initiative, but due to European sanctions, the negotiations had to be cancelled. And then the personal masseur of Putin K. Goloshchapov himself appeared on the horizon. He signed a contract to invest in the Bari club and became its co-owner.

And again the Athos theme

It turns out that in the northern capital there are many officials who are members of the Athos society. They are called brothers in faith. There are rumors that VIP tours by helicopters are made to Athos. From time to time, the St. Petersburg elite flocks there. After Putin visited the sacred mountain in 2005, interesting events began to occur, namely, the relics of saints, as well as the famous belt of the Mother of God, began to be brought to Russia from churches. In view of this, the Russian Orthodox Church expressed its gratitude to the leader of the Athos society.

Latest Information

Konstantin Goloshchapov, President Putin's personal massage therapist, is now creating the Association of Russian Massage Therapists. According to rumors, the functions of licensing such medical activities as therapeutic massage, bone cutting, etc. will be transferred to it. This means that if earlier massage therapists, wanting to engage in massage at a professional level, had to obtain a license from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (of course, we are talking about therapeutic massage), then after the creation of the association, it will need to be obtained by applying there. And this means that the USAID will issue licenses to everyone and make money on it. There is also information that the association will train special personnel to serve senior officials.

On flights between Moscow and St. Petersburg, the president's masseur catches fellow travelers and appoints them to government positions.

The founder of the Russian Athos Society, Konstantin Goloshchapov, "Putin's massage therapist" is one of the most closed and influential people in the president's entourage. He is called the personnel officer of the St. Petersburg team, the second governor of St. Petersburg and the curator of the Russian Orthodox Church. The closest friend and business partner of Arkady Rotenberg and Georgy Poltavchenko was closely associated with the Tambov criminal group and even, as the Investigation Management Center found out, had a criminal record. It is believed that Konstantin Goloshchapov has recently retired from affairs not related to serving God. Nevertheless, we managed to find his previously unknown business, real estate in different countries, including illegally registered, second citizenship and many people who owe high positions and successful business to the “masseur”.

Anniversary Kuma

March 19, 2013, 21.00, TV channel "Russia". On the air “Special Correspondent”, topic: “Corruption. Housing and communal services. Part two". The host of the studio is Arkady Mamontov, State Duma deputy Alexei Mitrofanov (after initiating a criminal case against him for attempted fraud in 2014 left Russia), Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Andrei Chibis and deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin were invited as speakers .

Tambov is shown on the screen: dilapidated houses, rusty pipes, shabby walls and local residents who complain that they have not had a major overhaul for twenty years. The picture changes to a huge mansion of Andrey Popov (Pop), an authoritative deputy of the Tambov Regional Duma. This is followed by amateur video filming in February 2006 from the 50th anniversary of the leader of the Tambov organized crime group, Vladimir Kumarin (Kum, aka Barsukov).

Mamontov (voiceover): For many years, Barsukov kept the whole of Petersburg in fear and had such high patrons that a special team of investigators and operatives arrived from Moscow to arrest him.

Popov with a glass (video): I would like to know what to wish ... raise a toast to those people with whom and who started with him, you know, how to put it simply ... they started doing business together with him, maybe there ... A number of other issues that were dealt with , that is, they rebuilt all these things ... (laughter in the audience).

Meanwhile, honored guests of the hero of the day flashed on the screen: Sergey Mikhailov (Mikhas), a representative of the Solntsevo metropolitan area, Lyudmila Narusova and Mikhail Mirilashvili (Misha Kutaissky), a longtime business partner of the widow of Anatoly Sobchak (Misha Kutaissky), Mark Balazovsky (in 2012 Balazovsky was wounded in an assassination attempt) and former vice- St. Petersburg Governor Yuri Antonov, who, after his resignation, transferred to the St. Petersburg Fuel Company, at that time controlled by Kum. Then, Putin's friends and sparring partners in judo Leonid Zelensky, Vladislav Kosenko and Konstantin Goloshchapov with his wife Iraia Gilmutdinova were shown close-up, sitting at a separate table.

Putin's judo sparring partners Leonid Zelensky (far left), Vladislav Kosenko (far right) and Konstantin Goloshchapov with his wife Iraya Gilmutdinova at the anniversary of Vladimir Kumarin

At the time of the shooting, Goloshchapov was a business partner of Arkady Rotenberg, who founded SMP Bank with him, had certificate No. 5299 issued by the presidential administration, and was preparing to create the Russian Athos Society together with the presidential envoy for the Central Federal District Georgy Poltavchenko and Kumarin.

According to eyewitnesses, during the demonstration of shooting from the anniversary of Kum, the Duma decider Mitrofanov, who knew well who Kum and Goloshchapov were, had his glasses slipped from his nose in surprise, while the communal worker Chibis and the communist Rashkin dropped their jaws. In a conversation with the TsUR correspondent, Arkady Mamontov said that a flash drive with a video of the anniversary was handed over to him from the reception room of the VGTRK general director Oleg Dobrodeev. According to some reports, the recording was confiscated in 2007 during a search of Kum in his St. Petersburg apartment on Tavricheskaya Street and all this time lay in a safe with the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin. The detention of Kum was more like a military operation, the searches were carried out with the support of the 6th Service of the CSS of the FSB, also known as "Sechin's special forces." Operational activities were led by FSB General Oleg Feoktistov, who recently became famous in connection with the arrest of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Alexei Ulyukaev, and the team of Moscow investigators was headed by Mikhail Maksimenko, head of Bastrykin’s personal guard, who was arrested last year for accepting a bribe from kingpin Shakro Molodoy. Maksimenko began his career as an operative in the St. Petersburg RUOP and knew about Kuma firsthand.

The TsUR correspondent got in touch with one of those walking at Barsukov's anniversary, and he remembered that among themselves they called Goloshchapov "Padre" - for his early manifestation of piety. Among the guests were a dozen State Duma deputies, one well-known St. Petersburg journalist and five other good acquaintances of the President.

Padre from the base of villains

It is now that they say about Konstantin Goloshchapov that he serves only God. But his path to ministry was tortuous to say the least. Konstantin Goloshchapov was born on November 15, 1954 in Chelyabinsk, lived with his parents Veniamin Konstantinovich and Margarita Ivanovna on Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street. Classmates laughed at Kostya for his tall stature and early myopia, but he only smiled and read historical novels at night.

After graduating from school and serving in the army, he moved to Leningrad and got a job as an orderly in the Kuibyshev (Mariinsky) hospital. The tall and executive worker was noticed by the head physician Alexander Davydenko, who had the title of master of sports in sambo. On the recommendation of Davydenko, Goloshchapov was accepted into the judo section of the SKA sports club. On the tatami, he met most of the wrestlers who now form the backbone of Putin's team, as well as with the future heroes of gangster Petersburg.

There are several versions of the fateful meeting between Goloshchapov and Putin. According to one of them, Putin, who played at that time for the Turbostroitel club, met Goloshchapov at the training camp, and since then, combat sports have grown into a strong male friendship. According to another version, Putin, who already worked in the investigative department of the Leningrad KGB, hit his back hard in physical training classes. A self-taught person, the author of a unique technique for treating the spine, Vladimir Sarvadiy, took up the patient. He advised the Chekist to do a back massage every day and recommended the orderly Goloshchapov. The TsUR contacted Sarvadiy, who was repeatedly invited to the Kremlin, but he said that he would not say anything about Vladimir Vladimirovich and Konstantin Veniaminovich.

In the retellings, the story of the service rendered to Putin acquired different interpretations, as a result, the media nicknamed Goloshchapov “Putin's massage therapist.” It is only known for sure that by the mid-80s Goloshchapov became friends with his future business partner Arkady Rotenberg, trained in his club RVS (“Guys from the Vyborg Side”), where he brought his other friend, the future leader of gangster Petersburg Vladimir Kumarin.

In black jackets Konstantin Goloshchapov and Arkady Rotenberg, in a black tracksuit Vladimir Putin

However, we have another alternative version of acquaintance with Putin. According to the dactocard available in special records (dactyloformula 32/32-87789/88887), on May 11, 1979, Konstantin Goloshchapov was taken to SIZO-1 of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Lenoblgorispolkom, where his fingerprints were taken. According to the source of the TsUR, in 1979, near the Evropeyskaya Hotel, Goloshchapov was caught on fartsovka with old icons. During interrogations, he agreed to tacit cooperation with the KGB and received a suspended sentence.

In the future, the informer worked on the church line, before his trip to the GDR, his curator was a KGB detective and acquaintance from the tatami, Vladimir Putin. Other sources say that the arrested Goloshchapov was recruited by the future governor of St. Petersburg, Georgy Poltavchenko, who also served in the Leningrad KGB, and through him he came to Putin. But, as the TsUR figured out, this interpretation of events is unreliable - Poltavchenko then specialized in the KGB in a different direction: in 1979, Poltavchenko was trained to ensure the security of the Olympics-80 at the Higher Courses of the KGB in Minsk, and after the Olympics, he first worked in the KGB department responsible for security in transport at Pulkovo airport, and then the head of the Vyborg city department of the KGB.

Arkady Rotenberg (second from left), Georgy Poltavchenko (fourth from left), Konstantin Goloshchapov (top) | Photo: Nikolai Vashchilin (third from left)

Be that as it may, a record of Goloshchapov's criminal record can be found in almost all criminal records of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the interbank database of unwanted clients, also known as the Base of Scoundrels. It includes people with a bad credit history or a negative biography: crime bosses, bank scammers, drug addicts, drunken alcoholics, people who are on the federal wanted list, convicted citizens, including those who had problems with the law during the Soviet era (a total of 11 million 169 thousand 690 people). Judging by the record, Goloshchapov got into the “villainous” lists from the SPB-Kriminal police database, which stores criminal records of 326,760 natives of the city.

At the time of his arrest, 24-year-old Konstantin Goloshchapov had been studying in absentia for two years at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute (LISI) at the Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering. In 1982 he graduated and became a graduate engineer. Then the student disappeared somewhere and showed up in Leningrad three years later, holding a passport issued in Abkhazia.

The Investigation Control Center managed to talk to Konstantin Goloshchapov.

— How often do you meet with Putin?

- Who cares?

- Putin's inner circle is always interesting.

- Yes, stop being interested in these nonsense. There are other themes.

- In the operational and interbank databases there is information about your criminal record and that you were detained in May 1979 in Leningrad and fingerprinted ...

— Oh, they will write there. Do not listen to anyone, this is some kind of nonsense. Let's meet, I'll explain everything.

We were waiting for this meeting and the continuation of the conversation for a month, but Goloshchapov postponed it under various pretexts, and after the New Year he stopped answering calls and SMS altogether. We hope that Konstantin Veniaminovich is just very busy now and the conversation, which we will definitely publish, will still take place.

Petersburg "paratroopers"

In March 2000, almost simultaneously with Putin's victory in the presidential election, Goloshchapov took the chair of the general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rostsentrproekt under the Presidential Administration. Rostsentrproekt is the brainchild of Presidential Affairs Manager Pavel Borodin, founded in 1998 to create a nationwide information system capable of quickly delivering documents, news and analytics to regional authorities and the media via satellite. The team consisted of good friends of Pavel Borodin, retirees from the Central Committee of the CPSU and the KGB, employees of Zelenograd secret research institutes and IT specialists. In 1999, Rostsentrproekt undertook the development of a unified information infrastructure for federal courts of general jurisdiction.

At that time, Kommersant journalist Natalia Timakova wrote that an attempt to create an alternative news agency bypassing the presidential administration almost cost Borodin his job, but the Kremlin supply manager then resisted and left only with Yeltsin. A couple of months after the resignation of Pavel Borodin, the head of Rostsentrproekt was also replaced. Under the leadership of Goloshchapov, the activities of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise became much more cloudy.

From open sources, it is only clear that at the end of 2000, the Presidential Administration created the Federal State Unitary Enterprise National Reinsurance Company, 100% of which belonged to Rostsentrproekt, but, despite the administrative resource, it did not become a serious player in the insurance market. The Federal State Unitary Enterprise also established the Federal Financial Engineering Foundation, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Neftegazbur and Studio XX-XXI Century LLC. In 2001, Rostsentrproekt itself was renamed into the New Russian Projects Center.

As a former employee of the organization told the TsUR, she rarely saw her new CEO at the workplace, he was constantly on the road:

“We jokingly nicknamed Konstantin Veniaminovich Meteor. He brought entire delegations from St. Petersburg, and we simply did not have time to accommodate them in hotels, order tickets and provide them with special meal coupons. Then there were priests in cassocks and some funny monarchists with crosses on their jackets. By order of the leadership, icons and church calendars were hung everywhere, and young employees began to be scolded for short skirts.

In 2002, the Political News Agency published a leak about “a new star in the political and administrative firmament of modern Russia” - Konstantin Goloshchapov, an “influential massage therapist” from the presidential administration who can help to take a high position, win elections, receive a government award and solve any problems.

With the help of the Sirena air travel database, which is sold on the capital's radio markets, the SDRC calculated that from 1998 to 2005, air passenger Konstantin Goloshchapov boarded a plane 338 times and ran between Moscow and St. Petersburg. As it turned out, most of the CEO's fellow travelers soon took high positions in government structures, became successful businessmen or influential decision makers. Here are just a few examples:

May 25, 1998 (St. Petersburg - Moscow time). On that day, Vladimir Putin was appointed first deputy head of the presidential administration, responsible for working with the regions. At 13.10 Goloshchapov flew to the capital. Along with him on board were Vice Governor of St. Petersburg Valery Malyshev and Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Improvement and Road Facilities Vladimir Dedyukhin. On the eve of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of St. Petersburg found that the loans issued with the help of these officials, instead of landscaping contractors allowed for the improvement of private tennis courts. A criminal case was initiated. As can be seen from the further biography of Malyshev, after a trip to Moscow, he remained in the position of vice-governor for another three years, until he died of a stroke. The second passenger, Dedyukhin, soon went on promotion and was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples. Later, the gentleman moved to Moscow to the office of the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, and then was an assistant to Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov.

November 16, 1999. Putin has been prime minister for three months now. Goloshchapov's fellow traveler to Moscow is his fellow countryman Nikolai Pogolsha, who soon received a senior position in Rosreestr in the Moscow region. Pogolsha is considered to be Anatoly Turchak's man, who, together with Putin, trained at Turbostroitel, and then was his deputy on the St. Petersburg regional council of the Our Home - Russia movement. Turchak's son Andrei served as governor of the Pskov region for almost 8 years, since October 2017 he has been acting secretary of the United Russia General Council. Journalist Oleg Kashin believes that Turchak Jr. ordered the assassination attempt on him in 2010. In 2015, the investigation brought charges against three perpetrators, the guards of the plant, which is part of the Leninets holding Turchak Sr.

March 21, 2000. Another flight from Pulkovo. Goloshchapov is sitting in chair 27 "B", in the next 27 "G" is police captain Dmitry Zabednov (ID card of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 17019). In a couple of years, Zabednov will be called one of the main decision-makers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is to him that Colonel-billionaire Dmitry Zakharchenko is obliged to take off his career. Sometimes Zabednov was frank with friends and said that he was personally acquainted with Putin and allegedly carried out his delicate instructions. On October 9, 2012, on Butyrskaya Street near house 42, the body of Colonel of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Zabednov was found in his own Porsche Cayenne. According to the official conclusion, the policeman died of acute heart failure.

April 1, 2000. Putin won the presidential election six days ago. Director General of Rostsentrproekt Goloshchapov is back on the plane. Sitting next to him is the former head of the St. Petersburg Judo Federation, Igor Sidorkevich. Soon the judoist moved to the central office of the FSB.

Another passenger, also a native of the Leningrad KGB, Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, took up the post of Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade three months after the flight. He played an important role in the war for Norilsk Nickel between Vladimir Potanin and Oleg Deripaska. And leaving the post of General Director of Norilsk Nickel, he received the largest “golden parachute” in the history of Russian business, weighing $100 million.

October 6, 2000 In the cabin of the plane to Moscow - Goloshchapov and Alexei Sedov, former detective of the operational and technical service of the KGB Directorate for Leningrad and the Leningrad Region, who worked as deputy head of the St. Petersburg tax police Georgy Poltavchenko and replaced him in this post in 1999. A year after the flight with Goloshchapov, Sedov headed the Main Directorate of the Federal Tax Police Service for the Northwestern Federal District. Two years later, he moved to the office of the first deputy director of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Cherkesov, and in 2006 he was appointed head of the FSB Service for the Protection of the Constitutional Order and Combating Terrorism. In October 2009, in Moscow, Sedov's official Mercedes with a flasher turned on went into the oncoming lane and rammed a passenger car. In total, six people were injured. As it turned out, the general and his family were in a hurry to the concert of Elton John.

January 26, 2001. Goloshchapov's neighbor is Anatoly Sobchak's former chief of staff Viktor Kruchinin. In 1997, as part of the Sobchak case, Kruchinin was arrested, but then released. After flying to Moscow, he took the chair of the Director of the Department for Supporting the Activities of the Office of the President.

November 7, 2001. Goloshchapov's company is made up of the Rotenberg brothers. They are taking Yury Bukin, vice-president of the National Union of Judo Veterans, to Moscow. Two years later, Bukin joined the management of Boris Rotenberg's Baza-torg LLC, which owned 25% of Gaztaged LLC, at that time the largest supplier of pipes to Gazprom with a turnover of $500 million.

December 14, 2001. A native of St. Petersburg, Elena Ilyukhina, is indicated as Goloshchapov's travel companion. A week later, she took the office of the deputy general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rublyovo-Uspensky LOK, the manager of the president's affairs. Now Ms. Ilyukhina is Deputy General Director of Gazprom Neft for Legal and Corporate Affairs.

May 31, 2002 (Moscow time - St. Petersburg). Goloshchapov's neighbor is Igor Chuyan, the founder of Champagne Wines LLC. After a visit to the capital, Chuyan joined the leadership of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosspirtprom (a few years later, Arkady Rotenberg became a partner of the state in all the best plants of Rosspirtprom), and since 2009 he became the head of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market. In February 2015, two employees of the SEB FSB, Igor Korobitsyn and Maxim Tsukanov, tried to cheat Chuyan for $ 800,000. Apparently, the security officers were poorly prepared, without collecting information in advance, who they contacted, and soon ended up behind bars. An interesting detail: businessman Boris Zingarevich, a business partner of the future Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, was returning home on the same plane.

May 8, 2002 (SPb-MSK). Three weeks before the flight with Chuyan, Goloshchapov brought to Moscow the St. Petersburg "vodka king" Alexander Sabadash, who the following year became a senator from the Nenets district. For many years, Sabadash fought in the courts with banker Sergei Pugachev, who considered himself a close acquaintance of Putin, for the right to own a land plot of 197.57 hectares, located next to the presidential residence in Novo-Ogaryovo, but to no avail. In March 2015, the Gagarinsky Court of Moscow sentenced Sabadash to six years in prison for attempting to steal 1.87 billion rubles from the budget under the guise of VAT refunds.

July 1, 2002. "Masseur" again on the way to the capital. In the next chair is the future top manager of Gazprom Invest Yug, businessman Andrey Goncharenko. According to The Daily Mail, in 2014 he bought the Hanover Lodge mansion in London for £120 million and is known as a lover of art and a frequenter of VIP parties.

August 19, 2002. On board the plane to Moscow, along with Goloshchapov, are Arkady Rotenberg and Putin's former bodyguard Roman Tsepov, who issued an air ticket for the certificate of the Presidential Administration No. In 1992, Tsepov founded the Baltic Escort security company in St. Petersburg and provided security for Anatoly Sobchak and members of the Putin family. In St. Petersburg, he was called one of the most influential figures, he was credited with close ties with Igor Sechin and the then head of the presidential guard, Viktor Zolotov. In 2004, Tsepov died suddenly in the hospital. Sverdlov. General Zolotov attended his funeral. According to the official version, the cause was bone marrow damage, but some experts noticed symptoms of pronounced radiation sickness.

July 10, 2003. State Duma deputy Vladimir Yudin is flying with Goloshchapov. A month earlier, on the basis of his deputy's inquiry about the legality of the privatization of the Apatit mining and processing plant, the Prosecutor General's Office began criminal proceedings in the Yukos case. Eight days before Goloshchapov's flight with Yudin to the capital, the head of the MFO Menatep and Yukos co-owner Platon Lebedev was arrested. Then, in a conversation with journalists, Yudin will say that there was no order and he acted in the name of justice.

In total, as calculated by the SDG, Goloshchapov's fellow travelers were 487 people. Of these, 167 were appointed to the presidential administration, the government, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GIBDD), the Federal Drug Control Service, the Moscow City Hall, Gazprom, the Federal Reserve Agency, Goskomsport and the Federal Agency for Fishery. Another 46 passengers became successful businessmen.

In addition, the masseur accompanied to the capital two Italian journalists, three well-known winemakers, two hairdressers, two plastic surgery specialists and a certain Orthodox thinker Vasily Bidolakh, who told the world that Vladimir Putin was chosen as sovereign by the Most Holy Theotokos herself. But there was no place for this eccentric in state structures, and a week later he returned home to Gatchina.

Vasily Kichedzhi, a native of Chelyabinsk, is well aware of the “airplane” period of Goloshchapov’s life, who, as they say, with the help of a fellow countryman, occupied the chairs of deputy plenipotentiary representative in the Central Federal District (while Goloshchapov himself worked as an assistant to the plenipotentiary), head of the Moscow Department of Transport and Communications and vice- Governor of Saint Petersburg In a conversation with the TsUR correspondent, Mr. Kichedzhi turned out to be laconic: “I won’t say anything about Goloshchapov and I don’t advise you. He is a purely Orthodox person and does very, very much for Orthodoxy. I will not comment on the rest of his activities.

But the author of Gangster Petersburg, Andrey Konstantinov, told the TsUR an interesting story about a purely Orthodox person: “Seven years ago I flew from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The plane's departure was delayed by forty minutes. It turned out that they were waiting for Goloshchapov, who was late. I then realized that this comrade really had a serious administrative resource.”

According to information provided to various places by Goloshchapov himself, he headed the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center" New Russian Projects "" until January 2011. So, he appears as the general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise in the reporting of SMP Bank and in the decree of President Medvedev of November 29, 2010 on awarding Goloshchapov and his wife Irai Gilmutdinova with the Order of Parental Glory for raising six children. At the same time, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the presidential administration decided to liquidate the Federal State Unitary Enterprise in early 2003; on October 10, 2005, it was liquidated by a court decision and excluded from the register of legal entities. That is, in the presidential decree, Goloshchapov was named the general director for five years already as a non-existent federal state unitary enterprise

Athos lodge

By the early 2000s, Padre (as we recall, Goloshchapov was called in highly specialized circles) achieved significant success in the Orthodox field, having become close to the top of the Russian Orthodox Church. A year after taking the chair of the head of Rostsentrproekt, Goloshchapov began working as an adviser on religious issues (according to other references, as an assistant) to the presidential envoy to the Central Federal District, his old friend Georgy Poltavchenko. In this capacity, he ensured cooperation between Poltavchenko and the Russian Orthodox Church, primarily with the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, whose head Metropolitan Kirill (Vladimir Gundyaev) was already then considered as a likely successor to Patriarch Alexy II.

They say that in the mid-1990s, the Padre and his now imprisoned friend from Tambov, Kum, visited the sacred Mount Athos together and had long conversations with the elders living there. After descending from Mount Athos, Kumarin received divine insight: since then, the leader of the Tambov organized crime group began every morning with a prayer.

He himself told in court in his last word how he restored the domes of the Athos temple with money from the “common fund”, paid for the delivery of holy relics from Athos, the Holy Fire from Jerusalem to Russia, and at Sotheby’s auction acquired paintings and icons for St. Petersburg churches.

According to the Political News Agency, in the early 2000s, Goloshchapov was already in full swing organizing special tours for representatives of Putin's "Leningrad team" to Athos, who managed to pray and resolve issues during their trips.

Putin's first trip to Athos

And after Putin's first visit to Athos in 2005, Goloshchapov and Poltavchenko founded the Russian Athos Society. It has 12 founders, exactly like the apostles. “It just happened,” one of the “apostles”, Prosecutor General Yury Chaika modestly remarked in an interview with TASS. Other masters of the "Athos Lodge" include former Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, Yuri Luzhkov, Vladimir Yakunin, and the late Patriarch Alexy II. The Society develops ties with the monks of Mount Athos, organizes pilgrimage tours there, restores monasteries and churches on Athos and in Russia. In its worldly incarnation, the significance of which is much higher, it is a closed club of officials and businessmen, opening the doors of many offices to wealthy like-minded people and sympathizers and helping to solve problems of any complexity.

In January 2014, St. Petersburg officials barely hushed up the scandal with the collection of donations from the city's road and communal services for the needs of the St.

Goloshchapov himself is now a generous benefactor of the Russian Orthodox Church. Since August 2003, he has been the permanent executive director of the Khram Foundation, which is engaged in the construction and restoration of churches throughout Russia. But Goloshchapov carried out the first major project in this area even before the foundation appeared: he became the main sponsor of the construction of a church in honor of Sts. Kumarin also invested in this charitable cause. Other donors include Vladimir Putin, who donated four expensive icons, including an ancient image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Zurab Tsereteli, who made a sculpture of the same saint, and others.

Illuminated the temple of Constantine in 2001 personally Patriarch Alexy II. Among the guests of honor were Metropolitan Vladimir of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, Governor of the Leningrad Region Valery Serdyukov, the then plenipotentiaries in the Northwestern Federal District and the Central Federal District Viktor Cherkesov and Georgy Poltavchenko, the head of the presidential administration Alexander Voloshin, all of them planted Christmas trees in the courtyard of the temple as part of the ceremony.

Now a whole Orthodox complex has been built in the village, including three more churches and a convent. Goloshchapov moved his parents here from Chelyabinsk. After their death, the nuns take care of the graves. Patriarch Kirill regularly conducts divine services in the Church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena, and in his addresses he especially mentions the honorary ktitor Goloshchapov: “I thank you, Konstantin Veniaminovich, may the Lord help you in your labors. And so that the goodness that flows through you to many people does not stop, and so that the hand of the giver does not fail.

During one of Kirill's visits, Metropolitan Varsonofy of St. Petersburg and Ladoga presented the Patriarch with the image of St. Constantine: “Continuing the tradition of these holy kings, the ktitor of the monastery Konstantin Veniaminovich Goloshchapov, bearing the name of this great emperor, also tries to build churches and monasteries wherever they were not . Therefore, today we thank all the organizers and benefactors, and as a good memory of today's visit to the monastery, we give you the image of the holy Tsar Constantine, may he be in your cell and help in pastoral work!

Orthodox import

From November 2004 to December 2005, the beautician Goloshchapov managed Sarinton Trading Inc., an offshore company registered in the British Virgin Islands, earning, according to available documents, 2 million 893 thousand 335 rubles during this period. Sarinton's representative office in Moscow is headed by the daughter of Honored Doctor of Russia Valery Yakhieev Victoria Karpova, and the organization's statutory activities include "servicing non-core holding assets and resolving issues not directly related to business."

As the LRC found out, the representative office was used at least twice to send goods abroad. Thus, according to customs declaration No. 10002010/231006/0023962, in July 2006, a white-stone case made by a private craftsman (2,700 kg) went to Switzerland through Sarinton. The addressee is the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Zurich. The chief treasurer in the temple is the former manager of the Stavropol branch of Mezhkombank, Igor Petropavlov, who left for Switzerland several years ago. Since its inception, Mezhkombank had a reputation as a laundering office through which money was converted and sent to Cyprus. In 1999, the Central Bank deprived him of his license.

Curiously, the full namesake of the treasurer appeared on the list of victims who were “thrown for money” by the former employee of the Operational Search Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (OPU), Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Pavlyuchenkov, who is currently serving a prison term for organizing the murder of Novaya Gazeta journalist Anna Politkovskaya. According to Rosbalt, Petropavlov gave Pavlyuchenkov $25,000 to improve the maintenance of another defendant in the Politkovskaya case, former UBOP member Sergei Khadzhikurbanov, in the Ryazan colony, but the policeman squandered the dollars to the casino.

Presidential Envoy to the Central Federal District Alexander Beglov and Presidential Aide Igor Shchegolev show Dmitry Medvedev and Konstantin Goloshchapov their photographs at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Athos Panteleimon Monastery

In May 2007, Sarinton sent a disassembled dome with a cross to the address of the Church of St. John of Kronstadt in Hamburg (760 kg, customs declaration No. 10002010/100507/0009665). Two weeks later, the then governor of St. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko, visited Hamburg and took part in the consecration of the temple.

businessman from god

How Goloshchapov earned his first million, we do not know. But in the early 90s, according to the archives of the St. Petersburg tax service, he was already a co-founder of a dozen different businesses - from information services and construction to grain reception. Some of these companies received lucrative contracts from Smolny, where Vladimir Putin was deputy mayor.

For example, in August 1993, Construction and Installation Trust No. 7 Goloshchapov (according to his official biography, Goloshchapov at that time worked as the chief engineer of SMU-7) became the general contractor for the reconstruction of eight evicted residential buildings in the center of St. Petersburg. So, according to the order of Sobchak No. 869-r dated August 22, 1994, after the completion of construction work, house No. 117 on Nevsky Prospekt (1317.5 sq. M) and house No. 7 on 4th Sovetskaya Street ( 2086.6 sq. m). In addition, the construction trust turned out to be the owner of another 4,000 sq. m. m of space in the remaining six houses and these square meters were leased to commercial structures. The Chechen organized crime groups that flooded St. Petersburg became interested in the very profitable activities of SMT No. 7, but the Tambov fighters of Goloshchapov's friend Kum repulsed the attack.

In the early 2000s, Goloshchapov was engaged not only in the management of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise, the presidential administration, personnel issues and work for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 2001, he and his friend Arkady Rotenberg founded the Northern Sea Route Bank (then - OOO KB SMP, now - JSC SMP-Bank, one of the thirty largest credit organizations in Russia). According to his IFSO reporting for 2006, in 2005 Goloshchapov owned a 20% stake in the bank, his wife Iraya Gilmutdinova, another 20%, Arkady Rotenberg, also 20%, and the remaining 40% were distributed among four more participants. As Arkady Rotenberg said in an interview with Kommersant, then Goloshchapov decided to leave the business and sold his share to Arkady's brother Boris. At the end of 2006, Arkady Rotenberg owned 40% of the bank's shares, his brother Boris 30%, Goloshchapov's wife Irai had 10%. She remained a co-owner of the bank for many years, but gradually her share decreased. The latest information is about a share of 1.57% at the end of 2015. Delovoy Peterburg puts Goloshchapov in the top 100 richest Petersburgers along with Gennady Timchenko, Yuri Kovalchuk, Arkady Rotenberg, Oleg Tinkov and Pavel Durov.

In the ranking for 2017, "Putin's massage therapist" takes 57th place among the richest Petersburgers with a fortune of 18.2 billion rubles (estimation of the entire family business). At the same time, he himself officially retired, and the wife and mother of his six children, Iray Gilmutdinova, is engaged in Russian business.

President Dmitry Medvedev in 2011 in the Kremlin awards Konstantin Goloshchapov and his wife Iraya Gilmuntdinova with the Order of Parental Glory for raising six children

Gilmutdinova owns shares in a dozen companies specializing in construction and investment. Among them is a joint business with Georgy Poltavchenko's son Alexei. They own in half the logistics company Investbugry, which manages the warehouse complex Saint-Petersburg Terminal Complex (STC) with an area of ​​300 thousand square meters. m on a plot of 54 hectares, the value of this asset in 2014 was estimated at 10-11 billion rubles.

Also, Delovoy Peterburg, citing players in the construction market, claims that the St. Petersburg construction holding Nostrum is under the control of the Goloshchapov family (formally owned by two business partners of Gilmutdinova). Over the past three years, Nostrum has been actively increasing the volume of government orders - it has received contracts for 20.6 billion rubles, most of the government orders - from St. Petersburg Vodokanal.

The TsUR found another business that Goloshchapov controls. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Foreign Economic Association Zarubezhtsvetmet. This is a company with a rich history, established in 1971 as a general supplier of objects under construction abroad with the assistance of the USSR. The most famous project of the joint-stock company Zarubezhtsvetmet in the 1990s was the Russian-Mongolian joint venture Erdenet, created back in the 1970s to develop the Erdenetiin-Ovoo copper-molybdenum ore deposit. Russia owned 49% of the joint venture until the end of 2002, this share was managed by Zarubezhtsvetmet, then the shares were returned to the state (a year later, the co-owner and general director of UMMC Andrey Kozitsyn accused Zarubezhtsvetmet's management of inefficient management of the field).

In 2008, Zarubezhtsvetmet, which specialized in the construction, reconstruction and operation of non-ferrous metallurgy and mining enterprises, radically changed its profile. Only a representative office in Havana, where Zarubezhtsvetmet supplies "machinery, equipment and materials for enterprises of the nickel, oil refining, construction and agricultural industries", remains from the past life.

Now the main business lines of Zarubezhtsvetmet are maintenance of specially protected natural areas and landscaping, as well as the production of bricks for the construction and restoration of architectural monuments, Orthodox monasteries and churches. The Zarubezhtsvetmet website claims that “up to 90% of the restoration of parish churches and monasteries in the central, western and northwestern parts of Russia is carried out using bricks from the Troparevsky brick factory,” owned by the company.

Among the listed objects of restoration are the Novo-Spassky Monastery, the Novodevichy Monastery, the Valaam Monastery, the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery, the Holy Ozersky Monastery in Valdai, the Luzhetsky Monastery, the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Barvikha, the faceted and one-pillar chambers of the Kremlin, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, a complex of buildings in Tsaritsyno, family castles of the Teutonic Knights in Kaliningrad, the Smolensk and Ryazan Kremlins, the Maly Academic Theater and the Moscow Conservatory.

Since 2013, Zarubezhtsvetmet has been actively engaged in the preservation, maintenance and creation of national parks and nature reserves, the preservation of phytocenoses of specially protected areas, the restoration of green spaces in Moscow, and even the elimination of the consequences of a hurricane in specially protected areas. According to the public procurement website, in 2013-2017, the company signed contracts for 2.11 billion rubles with the Moscow Department of Nature for these works.

As the Investigation Management Center found out, Goloshchapov is not only the chairman of the board of directors of Zarubezhtsvetmet, but may be the ultimate beneficiary of the asset.

According to SPARK-Interfax, now Zarubezhtsvetmet is 75.21% owned by CJSC Vneshmet, which also owns 95% of the Troparevsky brick factory. The subsidiary and parent companies have a common CEO Elena Pavlyuchenko. And in 2007-2009, Zarubezhtsvetmet was headed by Alexei Zborovsky, who worked for Goloshchapov at Rostsentrproekt in the early 2000s. The last time information about the shareholders of Vneshmet was entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities was in 2002, when 10 individuals owned 47.7% of the company. Another 24% of Zarubezhtsvetmet belongs to the liquidated CJSC KFK, which in 2004-2015 was first led by the aforementioned Alexei Zborovsky, and then by his brother Igor. Now the chairman of the liquidation commission of CJSC KFK is Nikita Pavlovich Aborin, the general director of Tekhnoinvest LLC, owned by Iraya Gilmutdinova (until 2016, KFK had 100% of the shares of this LLC).

Goloshchapov and Gilmutdinova are also associated with the Cuban direction of the company's activity - from 2003 to 2013 they directly owned the Cypriot offshore Galloxy Technologies Limited, which supplied various industrial equipment, machinery and components to Cuba such as spare parts for engines of heavy vehicles.

Another curious detail: Zarubezhtsvetmet is registered at the same address as the Russian Athos Society, and they even have a common phone number. Using this number, the girl confirmed to the TsUR that the phone was shared and Goloshchapov was the chairman of the board of directors of Zarubezhtsvetmet, but refused to name the owner of the company and answer other questions.

Russian family property

Since 1994, Goloshchapov has been registered in house 10 on Tverskaya Street in St. Petersburg in an apartment of 35.7 sq. m. For his large family, this is clearly not enough.

In 2014, FBK Alexei Navalny showed the Goloshchapov house under construction in the prestigious Akulinino village near Moscow in the Domodedovo district. There he owns a plot of 1.2 hectares, on which the master and guest houses are located (the two-story main house with an area of ​​493 sq. m. was completed at the end of 2016). Next door is the empty plot of Arkady Rotenberg, the home of Rostec head Sergei Chemezov, Transneft president Nikolai Tokarev, ex-head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin with his fur coat store, and Boris Yeltsin's press secretary Sergei Yastrzhembsky.

Goloshchapov's house in Akulino. The change house of workers is located on an empty site of Arkady Rotenberg

The TsUR found several more properties registered in the name of Goloshchapov's wife, Iraya Gilmutdinov. According to Rosreestr, she owns a 507.5 sq. m. penthouse composed of three apartments. m with a roof terrace in the elite Moscow residential complex "Pokrovskoe-Glebovo" on the banks of the Khimki reservoir. A square meter in a similar penthouse for sale in the same residential complex of a smaller area costs 925.2 thousand rubles, so Gilmutdinova's apartment costs at least 470 million rubles.

The penthouse of the Goloshchapov family occupies the entire fifth floor of the 4th building of house No. 8 on Beregovaya Street

Another apartment with an area of ​​245.6 sq. m TsUR found in the house 13-15 on the 2nd Berezovaya alley of Kamenny Island in St. Petersburg - next to the state residence K-4 on the "alley of Putin's friends", the inhabitants of which were described by the "Interlocutor". Gilmutdinova's neighbors in the house (more precisely, in the complex, since the house 13-15 consists of 64 apartments in six separate buildings) are billionaire Boris Rotenberg, former Prime Minister, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom Viktor Zubkov and his daughter Yulia, ex-wife former Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov. Four founders of the Ozero cooperative are housed nearby in house 19 - Nikolai Shamalov, Viktor Myachin, Sergei Fursenko and Yuri Kovalchuk, former presidential manager Vladimir Kozhin, billionaires Arkady Rotenberg and Alexei Mordashov, as well as Putin's tatami friend, State Duma deputy from United Russia » Vasily Shestakov. Judging by the offers in the same complex, the cost of this apartment by Gilmutdinova is no less than 185 million rubles.

The attention of the TsUR was attracted by another curious purchase of Goloshchapov's wife. In 2008, she bought from Ivanovo businessman Igor Pshenichkin (the right hand of Ivanovo politician Sergei Pakhomov, known in narrow circles as Gosha Pshon) a plot in Plyos with a size of 4 acres “for a non-residential library building” with a residential building on it with an area of ​​200 square meters. m. In the same year, the “Gift” fund of fellow student Dmitry Medvedev acquired the Plessky estate Milovka, which now houses the prime minister’s favorite informal residence.

The main building of the Goloshchapov estate on Sipan in Croatia

Villa, relics, Faberge

Athos is not the only place in the Mediterranean where he likes to indulge in thoughts about the high Padre. Goloshchapov received Croatian citizenship and acquired a luxurious estate on the island of Sipan near Dubrovnik worth at least €39 million (before that, he had only an apartment in Zagreb in a panel house of socialist times at Fausta Vrančića 3). According to our information, at the same time, he illegally used the tax relief for tourist facilities, which allowed him to recover at least €4.2 million in VAT, although Goloshchapov never intended to use the constructed property as a hotel. We spoke in detail about the Croatian affairs of Goloshchapov and his connections in local political circles in the first part of the investigation about “Putin's massage therapist”.

While the construction of the villa in Croatia was going on, Goloshchapov stayed and rested in his own house in the coastal town of Herceg Novi in ​​Montenegro. It was no coincidence that the Padre chose Dubrovnik for the construction of the main estate: the sea here is azure and deep, and the holy places are within easy reach: literally 200 km by water on the Italian coast of the Adriatic in the city of Bari, the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, highly revered in Russia.

Goloshchapov is one of the most famous Russians in Bari, he has long and closely associated with the Basilica of St. Nicholas, is a benefactor of the Russian Orthodox metochion in Bari, sponsored trips of pilgrims to the relics more than once, and in 2017 organized a Russian tour of the ribs of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which caused a stir.

In 2014, Goloshchapov had to shake off the old days, get on a plane and fly to Bari on an important mission. Fans of a local football club turned to Putin during his visit with a request to buy their losing team. At first, the football club planned to buy Suleiman Kerimov, but he started having problems with the main business (after the “potash war” lost to Alexander Lukashenko) and the “masseur” had to be replaced: two attackers immediately entered the field, his longtime partners Rotenberg brothers. The "masseur" personally negotiated, took pictures for the press with the owner of the club, Gianluca Paparesta, but all in vain: due to the economic sanctions imposed against Putin's friends, the deal fell through.

Konstantin Goloshchapov and Gianluca Paparesta (right)

But Bari is still dear to Goloshchapov - so much so that in the Italian telephone directory you can even find the address of Konstantin Goloshchapov, where there is a modest house in the suburbs of Bari (strada San Giorgio 32, Bari), and earlier football fans of Bari also found the address of an apartment nearby from the city center (51, Via Podgora 32, Bari). However, now Goloshchapov does not have to spend the night in inconvenience - from Bari to the new estate on Shipan, five or six hours on a yacht.

As in Russia, in Italy Goloshchapov finds time not only for his soul, but also for business. Until 2005, together with Arkady Rotenberg, he owned the four-star Berg Luxury Hotel in the center of Rome. This hotel, now managed by the Italian company Aurora 31 of the Rotenberg brothers, was seized along with other Rotenberg properties in Italy after the imposition of sanctions in 2014, but continued to operate. And Goloshchapov, as it turns out, from the Italian press, did not give up the hotel business in Italy. In 2013, his 21-year-old son Dmitry became the owner of the four-star Hotel Mediterraneo in Sardinia in the historic center of Cagliari and immediately closed it for renovation. But something went wrong.

The mayor of Cagliari, Massimo Zedda, publicly stated in April 2017 that, according to his information received from the owner of the hotel, big plans were hindered by a conflict with his own manager, Vitaly Khomyakov, a Rotenberg man who represents their interests in Italy and, in particular, heads their company Aurora 31 According to the mayor, in 2013, “Russian businessman Dmitry Goloshchapov acquired the Reistar company, which owned the hotel, and attracted Khomyakov to cooperate. However, according to Goloshchapov, Khomyakov failed to properly manage the trusted property, which caused the conflict. In particular, he made an unauthorized decision to transfer the contract for the reconstruction of the entire building to a company from Cagliari with a capital of €10,000, whose main activity is the installation of air conditioners. And now, in order to gain access to the building, the owners must request permission from the company that is responsible for the contract.”

According to another version, published by Nanni Lancioni, a member of the Cagliari municipal council, the reconstruction work was frozen in 2014, simultaneously with the imposition of sanctions against the Rotenberg brothers and the freezing of operations on their Italian accounts. This coincidence suggests that Goloshchapov's son Dmitry was only the nominal owner of the hotel, the reconstruction of which in fact was to be carried out with the money of the real owners, the Rotenbergs. One way or another, the hotel has been standing in the forests for the fifth year, insulting the aesthetic feelings of Italians and causing angry articles in the local press.

And the other day, the anti-corruption project "Municipal Scanner" described another bright episode of Goloshchapov's international activities. In 2009, Russian collector Alexander Ivanov and Konstantin Goloshchapov opened the Faberge Museum in Baden-Baden, Germany. The pearl of the collection was the Rothschild egg, which was kept in the family of bankers for more than 100 years, and in 2007 it was bought by Ivanov for $18.5 million. VAT refund in the amount of $810,000, and only those who export purchases from the territory of the European Union receive such a right. After that, the egg was nevertheless transferred to Russia in the most reliable hands - at the end of the same year, Vladimir Putin presented it to the Hermitage for its 250th anniversary.

Alexander Ivanov is a mysterious collector of Faberge jewelry and, according to him, works by Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci. Alexander Ivanov estimated his Faberge collection at $2 billion (Forbes experts called the estimate too high), while he claims that he is not engaged in any business. According to him, in the 80s he was one of the first in the USSR to trade in computers, and then buy antiques. Their cooperation with Goloshchapov began at least in 2003, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, they established LLC AllianceInvest (liquidated in 2007). Alexander Ivanov himself, in correspondence with Radio Liberty, said that he met Goloshchapov not in 2003, but in the period from 2007 to 2009 "during a pilgrimage to Bari." According to Ivanov, he has never been a co-owner of LLC AllianceInvest  - "does not know such an organization at all."

This statement is contrary to the facts. Goloshchapov was awarded the Order of Carl Faberge I degree in 2003. This award was established by the International Committee for Faberge Awards in 1997, and Alexander Ivanov was "Chairman of the Presidium of the Russian National Committee" of this organization. As Radio Liberty found out, apart from Goloshchapov, Ivanov himself and their third partner in Alliance Invest, the ex-general director of Burda Moden Vladimir Melentyev, are listed as holders of the Faberge Order of the 1st degree on the now closed committee website (saved copy).

By the way, Ivanov decided not to keep all his eggs in one basket and plans to open a branch of the Faberge Museum in Dubrovnik. Konstantin Goloshchapov himself has a chance to insure himself against possible claims of Croatian tax authorities for €4.2 million. The fact is that the reconstructed building of Villa Katino on the island of Sipan is equipped with a special storage for especially valuable dishes, which is quite suitable for the needs of the branch. Why not kill two birds with one stone: by declaring a villa a museum, you can help a friend with the placement of Baden valuables, and arrange a cultural and entertainment program with a free tour for the tax authorities.

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