Gogol the Inspector is a comedy with anger and salt. Comedy nvgogol auditor

The plot of the comedy "The Inspector General", as well as the plot of the immortal poem "Dead Souls", was presented to Gogol by AS Pushkin. Gogol had long dreamed of writing a comedy about Russia, ridiculing the shortcomings of the bureaucratic system, which are so well known to every Russian person. The work on the comedy so fascinated and captured the writer that in a letter to Pogodin he wrote: "I am obsessed with comedy." In The Inspector General, Gogol skillfully combines "truth" and "malice", that is, realism and bold, merciless criticism of reality. With the help of laughter, merciless satire, Gogol denounces such vices of Russian reality as servility, corruption, arbitrariness of the authorities, ignorance and poor education.

In Theatrical Journey, Gogol wrote that in modern drama, action is driven not by love, but by money capital and "electric power." "Electricity rank" and gave rise to that tragicomic situation of general fear of a false auditor.

The comedy "The Inspector General" presents a whole "corporation of various service thieves and robbers" blissfully existing in the county town N.

When describing the world of bribe takers and embezzlers, Gogol used a number of artistic techniques that enhance the characteristics of the characters.

Having opened the very first page of the comedy and found out that, for example, the name of a private bailiff is Ukhovertov, and the name of the county doctor is Gibner, we get, in general, already a fairly complete picture of these characters and the author's attitude towards them. In addition, Gogol gave critical characteristics of each of the main characters. These characteristics help to better understand the essence of each character. Mayor: “Although a bribe-taker, he behaves very respectably”, Anna Andreevna: “Half brought up on novels and albums, half on chores in her pantry and maiden room”, Khlestakov: “Without a king in his head. He speaks and acts without any consideration” , Osip: "Servant, such as servants of a few older years usually are", Lyapkin-Tyapkin: "A person who has read five or six books, and therefore is somewhat freethinking." Postmaster: "Ingenuous to the point of naivete."

Bright portrait characteristics are also given in Khlestakov's letters to his friend in St. Petersburg. So, speaking of Strawberry, Khlestakov calls the trustee of charitable institutions "a perfect pig in a yarmulke."

The main literary device used by N.V. Gogol in the comic depiction of an official is hyperbole. As an example of the application of this technique, the author can also name Christian Ivanovich Gibner, who is not even able to communicate with his patients due to complete ignorance of the Russian language, and Ammos Fedorovich with the postmaster, who decided that the arrival of the auditor foreshadows the coming war. At first, the plot of the comedy itself is hyperbolic, but as the plot develops, starting with the scene of Khlestakov's story about his life in St. Petersburg, the hyperbole is replaced by the grotesque. Blinded by fear for their future, the officials and clutching at Khlestakov like a straw, the city merchants and the townsfolk are not able to appreciate the absurdity of what is happening, and the absurdities pile up one on top of the other: here is the non-commissioned officer who "whipped herself", and Bobchinsky, asking to bring to the attention of His Imperial Majesty that "Pyotr Ivanovich Bobchinsky lives in such and such a city," etc.

The climax and the denouement immediately following it come abruptly, but

    Gogol's skill had a great effect and in their creation and vivid life characters are presented by Gogol in the images of the mayor's wife and daughter. Before us are typical provincial fashionistas, coquettes, coquettes. They are devoid of any social aspirations, ...

    The Inspector General is a famous comedy by N.V. Gogol. Its events take place in a small county town. The ideological meaning of the comedy, indicated in the epigraph, is most clearly revealed in the images of officials. They are depicted as vicious, in general they represent one social ...

    In "Dead Souls" the theme of serfdom is intertwined with the theme of bureaucracy, bureaucratic arbitrariness and lawlessness. The guardians of order are in many respects related to the landowners. Gogol draws the attention of readers to this already in the first chapter of "Dead Souls" ....

    In 1839, in an article about "Woe from Wit", condemning Griboyedov's comedy "from an artistic point of view" (which, as he wrote in a letter to V.P. greeted the Inspector. His...

    Gogol's poem with the mysterious title "Dead Souls" tells about Chichikov's fantastic scam - the purchase of audit souls. It is difficult for a modern reader, 160 years away from those events, to imagine what a revisionist soul is. According to the current...

Lesson topic. N.V. Gogol. "The Government Inspector" is a social comedy "with anger and salt." The history of the comedy and its first production.

The purpose of the lesson: to study Gogol's comedy "the auditor" and answer the question: social comedy "with anger and salt" - what is it? What kind of "anger and salt" are we talking about in comedy?

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to know the content of the comedy, its main characters.

Developing: be able to expressively read fragments of a work, transform into heroes, characterize heroes, see the shortcomings of each official, enter into a dialogue, build reasoning, work in groups.

Educators: educate the desire to fight everything “bad in Russia”.

Type of lesson: improvement of knowledge, skills, abilities.

During the classes.


I want to start our lesson with an epigraph written on the board:

"I decided to collect in one

a bunch of everything bad in Russia, what I was then

knew ... and at one time laugh at

everyone ... Through laughter ... the reader heard


(N. V. Gogol)

What work were these words about?

(N.V. Gogol said these words about the comedy "The Inspector General".)

Right. Find the key words in the epigraph.

(bad in Russia, laughter)

Choose synonyms for the word "bad".

Bad - bad, ugly, ugly, bad, ugly, unpleasant, worthless.

N.V. Gogol called his comedy - a comedy "with anger and salt."

Why? (show the vices of society)

Formulate a problem?

(Let's try to figure out what "bad" Gogol showed in the comedy "with anger and salt", at which he laughs)

Open your notebooks, write down the date and the topic of the lesson.

Formulation of the problem.

Is it really possible to learn something from Gogol's officials?

I want you to have a desire to fight “everything bad in Russia” after today's lesson.


Gogol dreamed of a comedy "with malice and salt." He got her. What kind of “anger and salt” are we talking about in the work, we will try to answer this question during the lesson.

Who are the officials and what is their role in the city?

(“An official is a civil servant with a rank, official rank.”) Record in notebooks.

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, judge

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry. Trustee of charitable institutions

Luka Lukich Khlopov. Superintendent of schools.

Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin. Postmaster.

Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky. Mayor.

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, landowners.

Your attitude to the news of the arrival of the auditor.

How officials try to hide the shortcomings of their work.

Acquaintance with Khlestakov.

Finally, the time has come to get acquainted with Khlestakov, Osip will tell us about him. (Timofeev Ivan)

Tell me, Khlestakov, what is he doing in this city?

(is in transit, lives in a tavern, he has no money)

Staged. Meeting of the mayor with Khlestakov. (Davletov Almaz, Khusainov Iskander)

How did the meeting of the mayor with Khlestakov take place?


Why is this situation funny? (there is no understanding between the characters, they are afraid of each other)

What is Khlestakov afraid of? (that they will take him to jail)

What is the mayor afraid of? (thinks that they informed him, is frightened of Khlestakov's behavior)

What feeling drives them? (fear)

Compiling a cluster:

Fear: 1) makes blind

2) makes deaf

3) deprives the mind

Summarizing. Problem solving.

What did Gogol want to achieve by creating a comedy "with malice and salt"? (show the vices of society, shake human hearts with laughter)

List these vices.

(irresponsibility, greed, fraud, bribery)

What vices of modern society can you name?

(greed, drug addiction, irresponsibility, alcoholism…)

Is Gogol's comedy relevant today?

Is Gogol's comedy relevant today? Why?

What lesson can we learn for ourselves?

(takes responsibility seriously)

What are your current responsibilities? (do homework, master knowledge...)

Home task: characterize Khlestakov.

Synopsis of a lesson in literature on the topic “The Inspector General” N.V. Gogol as a social comedy "with anger and salt".

For 8th grade students

MBOU "Muskatnovskaya School"

Prepared by: Murugova Alina Vladimirovna

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Publication date: 02.12.2016

Short description:

material preview

Lesson number 27.

Lesson topic. N.V. Gogol. "The Government Inspector" is a social comedy "with anger and salt." The history of the comedy and its first production.

The purpose of the lesson: to study Gogol's comedy "the auditor" and answer the question: social comedy "with anger and salt" - what is it? What kind of "anger and salt" are we talking about in comedy?

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to know the content of the comedy, its main characters.

Educators: educate the desire to fight everything “bad in Russia”.

Type of lesson: improvement of knowledge, skills, abilities.

Used methods, techniques, forms: conversation, dramatization, role-playing game.

During the classes.


Hello guys, sit down.

I want to start our lesson with an epigraph written on the board:

"I decided to collect in one

A bunch of everything bad in Russia, what I was then

Knew ... and at one time laugh at

Everyone ... Through laughter ... the reader heard


(N. V. Gogol)

What work were these words about?

(N.V. Gogol said these words about the comedy "The Inspector General".)

Right. Find the key words in the epigraph.

(bad in Russia, laughter)

Choose synonyms for the word "bad".

Bad - bad, ugly, ugly, bad, ugly, unpleasant, worthless.

N.V. Gogol called his comedy - a comedy "with anger and salt."

Why? (show the vices of society)

Open your notebooks, write down the date and the topic of the lesson.

(The teacher writes the topic of the lesson on the board)

    Formulation of the problem.

Is it really possible to learn something from Gogol's officials?

I want you to have a desire to fight “everything bad in Russia” after today's lesson.

    Checking home.zad.

Let's hear a message about the conception and staging of the comedy "with malice and salt." (Camilla)


Gogol dreamed of a comedy "with malice and salt." He got her. What kind of “anger and salt” are we talking about in the work, we will try to answer this question during the lesson.

    Solving a problem situation.

The class is divided into groups.

At the head of each institution are officials.

Who are the officials and what is their role in the city?

(“An official is a civil servant with a rank, official rank.”) Record in notebooks.

    Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, judge

    Artemy Filippovich Strawberry. Trustee of charitable institutions

    Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin. Postmaster.

    Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky. Mayor.

    Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, landowners.

On the tables are self-assessment sheets, task cards.

Each group should answer the following questions:

    Your attitude to the news of the arrival of the auditor.

    What are your “sins”. What is the state of your affairs.

    How officials try to hide the shortcomings of their work.

The teacher as auditor.

Dear judges, headed by Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, what was the state of your affairs at the time the auditor appeared? (Students' answers)

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, what is your state of affairs?

What is the state of the schools?

Ivan Kuzmich, how are things at the post office?

Anton Antonovich, how do you cope with your duties and what advice do you give to officials?

What is the meaning of the mayor's advice and the intentions of each official? (Officers do not want to correct mistakes, but are going to hide them, smooth them out)

4. Acquaintance with Khlestakov.

Now we know how things are in the city of N.

Finally, the time has come to get acquainted with Khlestakov, Osip will tell us about him. (Timofeev Ivan)

Tell me, Khlestakov, what is he doing in this city?

(is in transit, lives in a tavern, he has no money)

5. Staged. Meeting of the mayor with Khlestakov. (Davletov Almaz, Khusainov Iskander)

How did the meeting of the mayor with Khlestakov take place?

Why is this situation funny? (there is no understanding between the characters, they are afraid of each other)

What is Khlestakov afraid of? (that they will take him to jail)

What is the mayor afraid of? (thinks that they informed him, is frightened of Khlestakov's behavior)

What feeling drives them? (fear)

Compiling a cluster:

Fear: 1) makes blind

2) makes deaf

3) deprives the mind

6. Game situation. Question answer.

The teacher in the role of Khlestakov.

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, why did you decide that I was an auditor? (Speaking while interrupting each other)

Because you are a young man of not bad appearance, dressed in a particular dress, you argue, you stopped in our city on your way from St. Petersburg to the Saratov province, according to the innkeeper you behaved strangely - they took everything to the account, you did not pay a penny. We noticed that you are an observant person. When we ate salmon, you just looked into our plates.

Anton Antonovich, you were sure that a young man could be easily fooled. So why did you believe that I was the auditor?

I was frightened by your behavior when you said that you serve in St. Petersburg, that you would go and complain directly to the minister.

    Summarizing. Problem solving.

What did Gogol want to achieve by creating a comedy "with malice and salt"? (show the vices of society, shake human hearts with laughter)

List these vices.

(irresponsibility, greed, fraud, bribery)

What vices of modern society can you name?

(greed, drug addiction, irresponsibility, alcoholism…)

Is Gogol's comedy relevant today?


Essay-reasoning. (2-3 students read their reasoning)

Is Gogol's comedy relevant today? Why?

What lesson can we learn for ourselves?

(takes responsibility seriously)

What are your current responsibilities? (do homework, master knowledge...)

    Homework: pp. 296-312, characterize Khlestakov.

    Estimates. Students complete and submit assessment sheets.

Mayor (recovering a little and stretching his arms at his sides). I wish you well!

Khlestakov (bowing). My regards…

Mayor. Sorry.

Khlestakov. Nothing…

Mayor. It is my duty, as the mayor of the city here, to see to it that there are no harassment to those passing by and to all noble people...

Khlestakov (at first he stutters a little, but towards the end of his speech he speaks loudly). Yes, what to do? It's not my fault... I'll really cry... They'll send me from the village.

Bobchinsky looks out of the door.

He is more to blame: he gives me beef as hard as a log; and the soup - he the devil knows what he splashed there, I had to throw it out the window. He starves me all day long...

Mayor (timid). Sorry, I'm really not to blame. I always have good beef in the market. Kholmogory merchants bring them, sober people and good behavior. I don't know where he gets this from. And if something is wrong, then ... Let me suggest that you move with me to another apartment.

Khlestakov. No I do not want to! I know what it means to another apartment: that is, to prison. What right do you have? How dare you?.. Yes, here I am... I serve in St. Petersburg. (Invigorates.) I, I, I ...

Mayor (aside). Oh my God, you're so angry! I found out everything, the damned merchants told me everything!

Khlestakov (bravely). Yes, here you are even here with your whole team - I won’t go! I'm going straight to the minister! (Bangs his fist on the table.) What are you? What do you?

Mayor (stretching out and trembling all over). Have mercy, do not lose! Wife, little children... don't make a man unhappy.

Khlestakov. No I do not want! Here's another? what do I care? Because you have a wife and children, I have to go to prison, that's fine!

Mayor (trembling). Inexperience, by golly, inexperience. Insufficiency of the state ... If you please, judge for yourself: the state salary is not enough even for tea and sugar. If there were any bribes, then just a little: something on the table and for a couple of dresses. As for the non-commissioned officer's widow, engaged in the merchant class, whom I allegedly flogged, this is slander, by God, slander. This was invented by my villains; These are such people that they are ready to encroach on my life.

Khlestakov. What? I don't care about them. (Thinking.) I don’t know, however, why you are talking about villains or some non-commissioned officer’s widow ... A non-commissioned officer’s wife is completely different, but you don’t dare to flog me, you are far from that ... Here it is! Look what you are!.. I will pay, I will pay money, but now I don't have any. I'm sitting here because I don't have a penny.

Mayor (aside). Oh, subtle thing! Ek where tossed! what a mist! figure out who wants it! You don't know which side to take. What will be, will be, try at random. (Aloud.) If you definitely need money or something else, then I am ready to serve my minute. My duty is to help passers-by.

Khlestakov. Give, lend me! I'll pay off the innkeeper right now. I would only like two hundred rubles, or at least even less.

Mayor (bringing papers). Exactly two hundred rubles, though don't bother counting.

Khlestakov (taking the money). Thank you very much. I will immediately send them to you from the village... I see you are a noble person. Now another matter.

Mayor (aside). Well, thank God! took the money. Things seem to be going well now.

The second month went, as already from St. Petersburg! Profited expensive money, my dear, now he sits and turned his tail up and does not get excited. You see, you need to show yourself in every city! (Teasing him.) "Hey, Osip, go look at the room, the best one, and ask for the best dinner: I can't eat a bad dinner, I need a better dinner." Kindness would really be something worthwhile, otherwise, after all, an elistratishkasimple! He meets a passer-by, and then plays cards - so you finished your game! And it's all his fault. What will you do with it? Batiushka will send some money to hold on to - and where to go! And why? - because he is not engaged in business: instead of taking office, and he goes for a walk around the prefecture, he plays cards. If you serve, then serve.

Evaluation sheet

    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Evaluation sheet


    Participation in the discussion:

    Participation in the dialogue:

    Participation in scenes:

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin.

charitable establishments

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of charitable institutions

Educational establishments

Luka Lukich Khlopov. Superintendent of schools.

Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, postmaster.


Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky.


Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky.

What are your “sins”? What is the state of your affairs?

How do you try to hide the flaws in your work?

Formulate a problem?

(Let's try to figure out what "bad" Gogol showed in the comedy "with anger and salt", at which he laughs)

Formulate a problem?

(Let's try to figure out what "bad" Gogol showed in the comedy "with anger and salt", at which he laughs)

Gogol dreamed of a comedy "with malice and salt." The plot of the comedy "The Government Inspector" was suggested to Gogol by Pushkin. Treasury embezzlement and bribery were common in Russia at that time. With indignation and sarcasm, the writer revealed all the rot and abomination of people who embody power in the city. Wild arbitrariness, bribery, embezzlement, ignorance - these are the customs of the unknown city, into which Khlestakov accidentally brings.

On April 19, 1836, the first performance of The Government Inspector took place in St. Petersburg. The hall was full. In the hall was the king with his heir. At first, there was laughter in the hall. After the first act, bewilderment was on all faces. By the end of the performance, bewilderment turned into rage. Nicholas 1, leaving the box, said:

Well, a play! Everyone got it, but I - most of all!

Critics wrote that Gogol's comedy is a farce that has nothing to do with reality.

May 25, 1836 "Inspector" was staged in Moscow. The critic Belinsky welcomed this work.

In 1842, the famous exclamation of the mayor appeared: “What are you laughing at? You're laughing at yourself.", the silent scene was changed.

If the material does not suit you, use the search

Lesson number 27.

Date: 5.12

Lesson topic. N.V. Gogol. "The Government Inspector" is a social comedy "with anger and salt." The history of the comedy and its first production.

The purpose of the lesson: study Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector" and answer the question: what is a social comedy "with anger and salt"? What kind of "anger and salt" are we talking about in comedy?

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to know the content of the comedy, its main characters.

Developing: be able to expressively read fragments of a work, transform into heroes, characterize heroes, see the shortcomings of each official, enter into a dialogue, build reasoning, work in groups.

Educators: educate the desire to fight everything “bad in Russia”.

Lesson type : improvement of knowledge, skills, abilities.

Used methods, techniques, forms : conversation, dramatization, role-playing game.

During the classes.


Hello guys, sit down.

I want to start our lesson with an epigraph written on the board:

"I decided to collect in one

A bunch of everything bad in Russia, what I was then

Knew ... and at one time laugh at

Everyone ... Through laughter ... the reader heard


(N. V. Gogol)

What work were these words about?

(N.V. Gogol said these words about the comedy "The Inspector General".)

- Right. Find the key words in the epigraph.

(bad in Russia, laughter)

- Choose synonyms for the word " bad".

bad - bad, ugly, ugly, bad, ugly, unpleasant, worthless.

- N.V. Gogol called his comedy - a comedy "with anger and salt."

- Why? (show the vices of society)


Open your notebooks, write down the date and the topic of the lesson.

( The teacher writes the topic of the lesson on the blackboard

    Formulation of the problem.

- Is it really possible to learn something from Gogol's officials?

I want you to have a desire to fight “everything bad in Russia” after today's lesson.

    Checking home.zad.

- Let's hear a message about the conception and production of a comedy "with malice and salt" . ( Camilla)


Gogol dreamed of a comedy "with malice and salt." He got her. What kind of “anger and salt” are we talking about in the work, we will try to answer this question during the lesson.

    Solving a problem situation.

The class is divided into groups.

At the head of each institution are officials.

- Who are the officials and what is their role in the city ?

(“An official is a civil servant who has a rank, official rank.”) writing in notebooks.


    Artemy Filippovich Strawberry. Trustee of charitable institutions

    Luka Lukich Khlopov. Superintendent of schools.

    Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin. Postmaster.

    Anton Antonovich Skvoznik- Dmukhanovsky. Mayor.

    Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, landowners.

On the tables are self-assessment sheets, task cards.

Each group must answer the questions :

    Your attitude to the news of the arrival of the auditor.

    What are your “sins”. What is the state of your affairs.

    How officials try to hide the shortcomings of their work.

The teacher as auditor.

Dear judges headed by Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, what is the state of your affairs at the time of the appearance of the auditor? (Students' answers)

- Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, what is your state of affairs ?

What is the state of the schools?

- Ivan Kuzmich, how are things at the post office?

- Anton Antonovich, how do you cope with your duties and what advice do you give to officials?


- What is the meaning of the mayor's advice and the intentions of each official ? (Officers do not want to correct mistakes, but are going to hide them, smooth them out)

4. Acquaintance with Khlestakov.

- Now we know how things are in the city N .

- Finally, it's time to get acquainted with Khlestakov, Osip will tell us about him . ( Timofeev Ivan)

Tell me, Khlestakov, what is he doing in this city?

(is in transit, lives in a tavern, he has no money)

5. Staged. Meeting of the mayor with Khlestakov. ( Davletov Almaz, Khusainov Iskander)

How did the meeting of the mayor with Khlestakov take place?


- How funny is this situation? ? (there is no understanding between the characters, they are afraid of each other)

- What is Khlestakov afraid of? ? (that they will take him to jail)

- What is the mayor afraid of? ? (thinks that they informed him, is frightened of Khlestakov's behavior)

- What feeling drives them ? (fear)

Compiling a cluster:

Fear : 1) makes blind

2) makes deaf

3) deprives the mind

6. Game situation. Question answer.

The teacher in the role of Khlestakov.

- Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, why did you decide that I was an auditor ? ( They talk, interrupting each other)

Because you are a young man of not bad appearance, dressed in a particular dress, you argue, you stopped in our city on your way from St. Petersburg to the Saratov province, according to the innkeeper you behaved strangely - they took everything to the account, you did not pay a penny. We noticed that you are an observant person. When we ate salmon, you just looked into our plates.

- Anton Antonovich, you were sure that a young man could be easily fooled. So why did you believe that I am the auditor?

I was frightened by your behavior when you said that you serve in St. Petersburg, that you would go and complain directly to the minister.

    Summarizing. Problem solving.

- What did Gogol want to achieve by creating a comedy "with anger and salt "? (show the vices of society, shake human hearts with laughter)

- List these vices.

(irresponsibility, greed, fraud, bribery)

- What vices of modern society can you name?

(greed, drug addiction, irresponsibility, alcoholism…)

- Is Gogol's comedy relevant today?


Essay-reasoning. (2-3 students read their reasoning)

- Is Gogol's comedy relevant today? Why?

What lesson can we learn for ourselves ?

(takes responsibility seriously)

- What are your current responsibilities? ? (do homework, master knowledge...)

    home.back .: pp. 296-312, characterize Khlestakov.

    Estimates. Students complete and submit assessment sheets.

Mayor(recovering a little and stretching his arms at his sides) . I wish you well!

Khlestakov(bows) . My regards…

Mayor. Sorry.

Khlestakov. Nothing…

Mayor. It is my duty, as the mayor of the local city, to see to it that there are no harassment to those passing by and to all noble people...

Khlestakov(At first he stutters a little, but by the end of the speech he speaks loudly) . Yes, what to do? It's not my fault... I'll really cry... They'll send me from the village.

Bobchinskypeeking out the door.

He is more to blame: he gives me beef as hard as a log; and the soup - he the devil knows what he splashed there, I had to throw it out the window. He starves me all day long...

Mayor(timid) . Sorry, I'm really not to blame. I always have good beef in the market. Kholmogory merchants bring them, sober people and good behavior. I don't know where he gets this from. And if something is wrong, then ... Let me suggest that you move with me to another apartment.

Khlestakov. No I do not want to! I know what it means to another apartment: that is, to prison. What right do you have? How dare you?.. Yes, here I am... I serve in St. Petersburg.(Cheers up.) I, I, I...

Mayor(to the side) . Oh my God, you're so angry! I found out everything, the damned merchants told me everything!

Khlestakov(brave) . Yes, here you are even here with your whole team - I won’t go! I'm going straight to the minister!(Bangs his fist on the table.) What do you? What do you?

Mayor(stretching and trembling all over) . Have mercy, do not lose! Wife, little children... don't make a man unhappy.

Khlestakov. No I do not want! Here's another? what do I care? Because you have a wife and children, I have to go to prison, that's fine!

Mayor(trembling) . Inexperience, by golly, inexperience. Insufficiency of the state ... If you please, judge for yourself: the state salary is not enough even for tea and sugar. If there were any bribes, then just a little: something on the table and for a couple of dresses. As for the non-commissioned officer's widow, engaged in the merchant class, whom I allegedly flogged, this is slander, by God, slander. This was invented by my villains; These are such people that they are ready to encroach on my life.

Khlestakov. What? I don't care about them.(Thinking.) I don’t know, however, why you are talking about villains or some kind of non-commissioned officer’s widow ... A non-commissioned officer’s wife is completely different, but you don’t dare to flog me, you are far from that ... Here it is! Look what you are!.. I will pay, I will pay money, but now I don't have any. I'm sitting here because I don't have a penny.

Mayor(to the side) . Oh, subtle thing! Ek where tossed! what a mist! figure out who wants it! You don't know which side to take. What will be, will be, try at random.(Aloud.) If you definitely need money or something else, then I am ready to serve my minute. My duty is to help passers-by.

Khlestakov. Give, lend me! I'll pay off the innkeeper right now. I would only like two hundred rubles, or at least even less.

Mayor(holding papers) . Exactly two hundred rubles, though don't bother counting.

Khlestakov(taking money) . Thank you very much. I will immediately send them to you from the village... I see you are a noble person. Now another matter.

Mayor(to the side) . Well, thank God! took the money. Things seem to be going well now.


The second month went, as already from St. Petersburg! Profited expensive money, my dear, now he sits and turned his tail up and does not get excited. You see, you need to show yourself in every city!(Teasing him.) "Hey, Osip, go look at the room, the best one, and ask for the best dinner: I can't eat a bad dinner, I need a better dinner." Kindness would really be something worthwhile, otherwise, after all, an elistratishka simple! He meets a passer-by, and then plays cards - so you finished your game! And it's all his fault. What will you do with it? Batiushka will send some money to hold on to - and where to go! And why? - because he is not engaged in business: instead of taking office, and he goes for a walk around the prefecture, he plays cards. If you serve, then serve..

Evaluation sheet

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Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin .

charitable establishments

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry , trustee of charitable institutions

Educational establishments

Luka Lukich Khlopov. Superintendent of schools.


Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, postmaster.


Anton Antonovich Skvoznik- Dmukhanovsky.


Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky.

What are your “sins”? What is the state of your affairs?

How do you try to hide the flaws in your work?

Formulate a problem?

(Let's try to figure out what "bad" Gogol showed in the comedy "with anger and salt", at which he laughs)

Formulate a problem?

(Let's try to figure out what "bad" Gogol showed in the comedy "with anger and salt", at which he laughs)

Gogol dreamed of a comedy "with malice and salt." The plot of the comedy "The Government Inspector" was suggested to Gogol by Pushkin. Treasury embezzlement and bribery were common in Russia at that time. With indignation and sarcasm, the writer revealed all the rot and abomination of people who embody power in the city. Wild arbitrariness, bribery, embezzlement, ignorance - these are the customs of the unknown city, into which Khlestakov accidentally brings.

On April 19, 1836, the first performance of The Government Inspector took place in St. Petersburg. The hall was full. In the hall was the king with his heir. At first, there was laughter in the hall. After the first act, bewilderment was on all faces. By the end of the performance, bewilderment turned into rage. Nicholas 1, leaving the box, said:

Well, a play! Everyone got it, but I - most of all!

Critics wrote that Gogol's comedy is a farce that has nothing to do with reality.

May 25, 1836 "Inspector" was staged in Moscow. The critic Belinsky welcomed this work.

In 1842, the famous exclamation of the mayor appeared: “What are you laughing at? You're laughing at yourself.", the silent scene was changed.

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