Guillaume Canet with his wife and son. love stories

40-year-old Marion Cotillard, with whom Brad portrayed love in the movie "Allies". The news about and completely blew up the editorials. Gossip claimed that it was Pitt who was the father of the unborn baby. Numerous Brangelina fans bombarded Marion with threats and insults.

The situation became so aggravated that the cohabitant of the actress Guillaume Canet had to speak out. The actor and director said that he was the father of the unborn child, and asked Cotillard not to interfere with Angelina and Brad anymore. An open letter appeared on the page of her beloved Marion on Instagram.

“I don’t comment on rumors about us, I don’t have the habit of talking frankly about my personal life, which until now I have always tried to protect. But I was forced to change my principles and speak out stupid and corrupt people who call themselves journalists, representatives of the tabloids, as well as haters, who feel so omnipotent, sitting at the keyboard and pouring mud on innocent people," Guillaume does not hide his indignation.

Photo posted by Guillaume Canet (@guillaumecanetofficiel) Aug 30, 2016 at 10:02 AM PDT

The actor assured his subscribers that he and Cotiyar, despite the hype and dirty gossip, everything is cloudless. “They forced me to admit that I am proud of Marion, love, respect and admire her. For me, she remains strong and smart, despite the fact that stupid and unfounded accusations are made against her. Even in such an ugly situation, I want to maintain a positive attitude and not sink to the level of these people. And as Marion said, I wish you all to become better and strive for something more in your life than pouring mud on others, "Kane concluded.

“It will be on the flow of news that broke out in the last 24 hours. Usually I don’t comment on such things and don’t even pay attention to them, but since the scandal affects people I love, I have to speak out about this,” Marion wrote. The actress explained that she was expecting a child from her husband Guillaume Canet, and also called him the only man and best friend. The couple is raising a five-year-old son, Marcel, who will soon have a brother or sister.

The actress also answered those who were worried about her health and nerves. “I feel good, thank you. The noise created around all this does not tire me. And to all the media and haters who make such hasty conclusions, I wish you a speedy deliverance from this ailment,” she added.

Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet love story

Marion Cotillard received an invitation from Jan Samuel to star in the film Fall in Love with Me If You Dare. Then she recalled in an interview how the director told her: “Your partner's name is Guillaume Canet. Actually, he is a director, but he was a jockey. At the age of 18, the poor fellow broke his back, falling from a horse, so he had to forget about the career of a rider. In general, Marion, I think you have something to talk about.

Guillaume Canet was married to actress Diane Kruger at the time. And Marion Cotillard was photographed by the paparazzi in an embrace with DJ Bob Sinclair. “I find it indecent to talk about my personal life,” said Marion.

Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet quickly became friends and, like their heroes Julien and Sophie, constantly teased each other. The actors played so naturally and naturally that after the release of the film there were rumors that they had an affair not only on the screen. Canet and Cotillard denied everything. “We are friends and we know the main thing: you don’t need to believe everything that they say or write about us. It’s better to stay in the background and live your own life,” Guillaume Canet told reporters.

In January 2003, Marion Cotillard went to America for several months to star in Tim Burton's Big Fish, Guillaume Canet was waiting for the release of the film Narcos, in which he played the main role, and wrote the script. The actors were constantly in touch.

“I sent pages of the script to Marion,” Guillaume Canet did not hide. - I have a perverted mind - I see everything in a gloomy light. It is important for me to hear a different point of view - smart and bright. We are good friends with Marion, so I consult with her.”

In January 2007, a plane from Paris landed at Los Angeles Airport. Marion Cotillard descended from the plane's ladder arm in arm with ... Guillaume Canet. At the airport, many saw the couple kissing. However, in February, the actress came alone to the Oscars, which Marion Cotillard was awarded for her role as Edith Piaf in La Vie en Rose. Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet hid the relationship for two years, although Canet divorced Diane Kruger back in 2006.

Only in May 2009 did they appear together at the Cannes Film Festival, where they presented the film The Last Flight. Guillaume Canet directed the film, and Marion Cotillard starred in it. “Will I be able to give up my career for the sake of my family? Marion Cotillard asked at a press conference. - Why not! In fact, I can only live in love. True, I still need a little water and food, and a little sleep will not hurt either.

In December 2010, at the Marrakech Film Festival, Marion Cotillard appeared with a large diamond on her ring finger. In December, the actress made an official statement: she and Guillaume are going to get married in the near future. True, the couple has not yet legalized their relationship.

“When I was little, the world seemed perfect,” said Marion Cotillard in an interview with Paris Match in 2009. But then I grew up and everything changed. I want to see the world through the eyes of a child again!”

The couple has a son - Marcel Canet (born May 19, 2011).

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13 chose

She could very well appear arm in arm with him tomorrow at the Russian premiere of The Dark Knight Rises (2012)...
He does not know how he would have coped without her in the most difficult times, when he could not get a word of truth from friends and acquaintances ...
They just fell in love with "open eyes", when they knew almost everything about each other ...

She is...

She was born into a bohemian-creative family of an actress and theater director in Paris. Their house was always full of guests - Marion's friends literally dreamed of living in their apartment forever: the girl's parents loved to travel to exotic countries and always returned with a mountain of unusual gifts and a lot of interesting stories.

From the age of six, Marion began to go on stage - either to help her mother (to give cues during rehearsals), or to shine as a prima in children's performances specially staged by her father.

She was brought up on books and films in which people overcome life's obstacles for the sake of love only to live happily ever after. Therefore, the girl did not assume any other fate for herself.

Alas, in life, as it usually happens, "rose-colored glasses" fall somehow suddenly and quickly. It was clear to everyone from the very beginning that Marion's relationship with the son of the famous French cultural figure Claude Berry, Julien Rassam, was doomed. He was a talented actor, but he suffered from a mental disorder and drug addiction.

Marion's love could not overcome all obstacles and change Fate. A suicidal Julien jumped out of a window right in front of her eyes. But he did not die at the same hour, but became a cripple, chained to a wheelchair. Marion looked after her beloved, believing that, perhaps, things would still change ... Alas, two years later, Julien again attempted to commit suicide. And this time it's good...

This event shocked the actress so much that she literally began to avoid situations that gave at least a hint of family happiness - she was so afraid to know the bitterness of suffering again. In the meantime, she was to star in a romantic comedy, where her partner on the set was He ...


He was born near Paris, and from early childhood he was prepared for the fact that his future would certainly be connected with horses - Guillaume's parents were horse breeders, and his son was predicted to become a jockey.

Alas (or vice versa - fortunately), the injury completely crossed out his jockey future. But at the same time, it opened up prospects in the acting field. Guillaume graduated from the acting courses of Francois Florent, and in 1994 he made his debut on stage, realizing himself in the role of romantic naive young people ..

At the age of 28, Guillaume decided on a serious step: he got married. His chosen one was a German model and actress Diane Kruger. For almost two years, their relationship was reminiscent of a honeymoon, when both seemed to glow with happiness. Therefore, it was easy for Guillaume to play in a romantic comedy, and he sincerely did not understand why his co-star in the film constantly had wet eyes.

Meanwhile, this depressing beauty was She ...

They are...

They met at the movie set Fall in love with me, if you dare(2003). Guillaume frankly annoyed Marion - his happy face of the newlywed did not fit into her concept of "unhappy world".

But at the same time, they had to play a couple in love, who competed endlessly and poured sparkling jokes.

Guillaume has found a way out of the situation. According to the plot, their couple constantly threw each other stupid challenges that fit into the concept of "Weak?" Actually, he did not seek to spin a new romance - he was happily married. But it was necessary to continue to shoot the picture and do something with this "tearful madam".

In order to better understand the role and build a system of relationships in the frame, Guillaume suggested following the example of the characters and playing their game - constantly challenging each other. And it worked. In the sense that Marion, being a gambler, found the strength to switch from her depression to work, and he found in her person a true friend who always spoke the truth to her face.

They were inseparable as his marriage slowly fell apart. No, the reason was not Marion. It’s just that Guillaume worked hard, achieved some success and gradually lost all his friends (even those closest to him): the “celebrities” tried not to object, but he so wanted to argue with reason ... Marion became his only outlet - she always told him the truth in the eyes, while while others were trying to be politically correct.

At some point, the already restrained Diana realized that her marriage to Guillaume was a "mistake of youth", and wanted to devote all her attention to her career. They eventually divorced.

Marion supported her friend in every possible way during this difficult period. But both were afraid to admit to themselves that between them for a long time it was not just friendship ... She was frankly afraid of happiness, he did not want to rush her and poured out his soul in his diary.

But the moment of explanation still came. But the lovers did not rush into the maelstrom of a new relationship with their heads, but carefully mastered a new feeling for themselves, gradually reducing the distance. For a long time, no one knew about their romance, except for Marion's father. She did not even dare to move in with Guillaume and instead rented an apartment on the same street. But…

…Which have not be avoided. A few years after the beginning of their romance, little Marseille was born, named after the boxer Marcel Cerdan, the deceased lover of her heroine Edith Piaf, who was once played by Marion ...

0 September 23, 2016, 21:53

Guillaume Canet and Marion Cotillard

Divorce and jeopardized the actress. Due to the fact that she starred with Pitt in the film "", where according to the script they have a romantic relationship, Western journalists wrote that Jolie was jealous of her husband for her partner on the set, so she filed for. However, beloved Marion and the father of her child - actor and director Guillaume Canet - stood up for his beloved woman and posted an open appeal to everyone on his Instagram page.

I am also not used to commenting on rumors about us, I do not have the habit of talking openly about my personal life, which up to this point I have always tried to protect. They forced me to change my own principles and speak out stupid and corrupt people who call themselves journalists, representatives of the tabloids, as well as haters who feel so omnipotent, sitting at the keyboard and pouring mud on innocent people. It was they who made me say that I am proud of Marion, love her, respect and admire her - she remains strong and smart, despite the fact that stupid and unfounded accusations are made against her. Even in such an ugly situation, I want to be positive and not stoop to the level of these people. And as Marion said, I wish you all to become better and strive for something more in your life than throwing dirt on those around you. - Guillaume Canet wrote in a post.

Rumors about the affair of Marion Cotillard and Brad Pitt were also fueled by the news that the French actress had a second child. However, Marion was the first to decide to put an end to gossip and in her Instagram diary an open letter in which she confessed her love for Guillaume Canet. Recall that the couple is raising a 5-year-old son, Marcel, who will soon have a brother or sister.

Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet have been dating since 2007 to this day. French actress Marion Cotillard saw French actor and director Guillaume Canet when they met on the set of Love Me If You Dare. Feelings flared up between the actors with an unknown force and do not fade even now. The couple currently lives together in Paris. However, they refuse to discuss their relationship in the press.

In 2010, there were rumors that Guillaume gave his beloved a ring and soon the couple was going to get married, but to this day the actors have not sealed their feelings by marriage.

Child of Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet

In January 2011, the press reported that Marion was expecting her first child. For the French actress and Guillaume, this is the first and long-awaited child. But this did not inspire the happy dad to propose to Marion. Perhaps the reason for this is that Guillaume was already married and does not want to again burden himself with marriage.

In May 2011, the fruit of love Marion and Guillaume Marcel Canet was born. It should be noted that almost immediately after the birth of the baby, Marion came into shape and looked amazing in two weeks.

Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet have been a couple for almost six years. The strength of their love has not faded yet, because recently the lovers were seen kissing passionately in the Grove in Los Angeles. The French couple hugged tightly, later their adored son Marcel approached them and the trio went for a walk.

Oscar winner Marion Cotillard, 37, who lives in Paris with her 39-year-old co-star Guillaume Canet. The chic Dior model wore blue jeans, a gray knit jumper, and black boots, which she brightened up with a colorful scarf and bag.

As for the chosen one, Marion, the handsome Frenchman was previously married to German actress Diane Kruger, but the couple divorced in 2006 due to the fact that their creative paths diverged.

Canet recently filmed his love interest in Blood Ties, which is due out in late 2013. The loving couple also appeared together on screen in the movie The Last Flight in 2009.

In 2013, Marion will star alongside stars like Jeremy Renner and Joaquin Phoenix in the romantic drama A Wretched Existence, while Guillaume will star in French productions of Solitaire and Jayploop.

couple photos

The birth of a second child

On March 10, 2017, actress Marion Cotillard gave birth to her second child with her companion Guillaume Canet. To the great happiness of her parents, little Louise joined her older brother Marcel, age six. The second pregnancy of the French star did not prevent the actress from enthusiastically devoting herself to her work, only enjoying a little rest after pregnancy. She told Madame Figaro magazine that at that moment it was very pleasant for her to devote herself completely to her family, and to relax after the hustle and bustle of the last promotional tours, which were a lot for a pregnant woman. But she did not think not to accompany the films in which she participated. So, she promoted the film "Allies". But the hype around this film is also associated with the divorce of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, in which, according to rumors, she was involved.

Marion Cotillard, a mother who gives a lot of energy to her roles, emphasizes that she is lucky to be an actress and she has no right to complain. She has made her choice, which allows her to combine the luxury of being an artist and having children, around whom she builds her whole life. They are always with her on set and she can see them between scenes.

However, the 41-year-old Oscar winner wants to take some rest for now. She refuses all offers, even from her favorite directors. She says:

“I want to take some time for my family and for me. I have a son and a little daughter. I want to live with them, with their father. This is my desire and my need.”

And here are the first photos of Marion with a child:

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