Where to find temp. Can the temp folder be deleted? And why is it needed on a computer

Often users ask the following question: "What is Appdata Local Temp, can I delete this folder?". Often people are interested in this information because the antivirus has detected some kind of malicious program in this folder.

Removing the hidden Appdata Local Temp folder is easy enough

At the same time, security software cannot destroy, for example, a Trojan on its own. The size of this folder also increases over time, as it stores all sorts of junk. Therefore, it begins to take up a lot of space after the system has been running for a long time. Sometimes it is necessary to clean up system folders, for example, cleaning Windows old .

Due to the fact that unnecessary files are placed in this folder, it can be cleared. However, the user will not be able to do this just like that, because it is a hidden folder.

Removing Stealth Mode and Daddy Location

This operation is performed in almost the same way in all versions of the Windows operating system. Recently, many computer owners have been using OS 10.

Therefore, the instructions below apply to this version:

  • The "Control Panel" launches. This can be done by right-clicking on the system icon in the lower left corner of the screen and selecting the appropriate line in the menu that appears.
  • In the "View" item of the window that opens, "Small icons" are set.
  • Goes to the "Explorer Options" section.
  • The View tab opens. Here you need to scroll the window to the line "Show hidden files, folders and drives", which is marked with a dot.
  • The "OK" button is pressed.

After these steps, the user will be able to easily find Appdata. By the way, in Windows XP it is called Application Data. In order to find it in the system explorer, you need to select “This PC” on the left side of the window.

Then you will need to double-click on the C drive. Next, the "Users" directory opens and you go to the folder with the name of the computer owner.

Having done the marked path, the person will see "Appdata", which was previously hidden. It contains three main directories. Among them, it will easily detect Local. After opening it, you can easily find Temp.

After opening the hidden folder you will have access to the files

The Local directory stores local data for programs and various applications. In other words, here are those programs that connected to the global network.

In conclusion, it must be said that you do not need to send all Appdata to the "Basket". In this case, almost all software will stop working. It is recommended to follow the path indicated above and clean up the Temp folder.

The folder itself also does not need to be deleted, since many programs on the computer will stop running.

The Temp folder in Windows can greatly slow down the performance of the system, on the network, who says what and it is very difficult to figure out in all opinions why these temporary files are needed at all? If you still need to delete the temp folder, then how to automate this process? To be honest, I’m used to taking information from books, but this question turned out to be a difficulty, I had to turn to your Internet and you were the first to get caught!

Temp folder in Windows

If I got caught first, then I will try not to let the whole community down with my answer. What is the purpose of the Temp folder in Windows and temporary files in general? In the operating system, many processes are constantly going on, belonging both to Windows itself and to various third-party programs. In the course of work, in order to save the intermediate or unfinished result of their activities, all running applications create temporary data files and actively use them. Temp folder in Windows is a storage for temporary files.
Without a doubt, you need to delete temporary files from the Temp folder, since too many files in this folder can adversely affect the performance of the entire operating system.

How to clear the contents of the Temp folder in Windows? It is not always possible for the operating system to delete temporary files on its own, so this burden is shifted to us. In addition, many programs do not delete temporary files at all. Sometimes we ourselves turn off the computer incorrectly, do not allow temporary files to be deleted on their own, they simply do not have time for this.
Let's take the Windows 7 operating system as an example, there are as many as five temporary folders in it, but the programs mainly use the first Temp folder and the second one, you need to clear them first. You can delete the contents of the folders manually, or you can automate the process in the way given at the end of the article.

Let's take the first folder C:\Windows\Temp , for a day of work on the computer it has accumulated only 33.7 MB, although it can accumulate several gigabytes in a week, we will delete all files. I have few cases when the Temp folder in Windows accumulated several tens of gigabytes on users' computers.

You can also delete temporary files used when visiting various pages on the Internet using the standard Windows Disk Cleanup program. Start and type and Enter, select drive C, at the same time delete other temporary files.

We automate the process of cleaning the Temp folder in Windows, creating a batch script file. If you encounter difficulties, you can play it safe and create a restore point. Start, right click on My Computer -> Advanced Settings -> Environment Variables.

In this window, we need to change the Value of the TEMP and TMP variables to C:\Windows\Temp . Highlight the TEMP variable and click Edit.

Enter the value C:\Windows\Temp and OK

We do the same with the Value of the variable TMP


Next, open any text editor and paste this code.
pushd %TEMP% && rd /s /q . > null 2>&1
pushd %WinDir%\TEMP && rd /s /q . > null 2>&1
We save the file in the root of drive C, under any name, but with the .cmd extension, for example alex.cmd.

Now we launch the group policy editor: Start - Run and enter the command gpedit.msc

Computer Configuration - Windows Configuration - Scripts (Startup/Shutdown).

Is it possible to delete the Temp folder.

Is it possible to delete the Temp folder

When the hard disk on which Windows is installed is almost completely full, and the system begins to run out of free disk space, the user wonders what can be removed in order to free up space on the system disk? The Temp folder is usually the number one candidate for deletion.

Can this folder be deleted? In order to answer this question, it is necessary at least in general terms to understand what the Temp folder is for.

You should always remember the golden rule of the user, it goes something like this: "do not touch settings that you do not understand, and never delete an object if you do not know its purpose." If every user always acted according to this “golden rule”, he would have much less problems with his computer!

Temp Folder needed to store temporary files that are created by the operating system itself, as well as various programs. Over time, many of these files lose their relevance and are no longer needed. But it also stores files that may come in handy in the future.

In general, the Temp folder needs to be cleaned, but not manually. Also, do not install various third-party programs for this purpose. It is best to use the built-in Windows tool.

How to empty the Temp folder

The Windows operating system has such a wonderful thing called "Disk Cleanup", with its help we will clean it.

To do this, do the following:

1) Navigate to: Start\My Computer (in Windows 7 it's simply called "Computer").

2) Right-click on the system drive (usually C: \) and select "Properties".

3) On the General tab, click the Disk Cleanup button.

4) In the "Disk Cleanup" tab, find the item "Temporary files", and check the box next to it, then click Ok. A small window will pop up asking if you really want to delete the selected files, that is, you will need to confirm your actions again.

Where is the Temp folder

If, for some reason, this method does not suit you, and you still want to delete these temporary files manually, then you need to know where to look for them.

First of all, you should know that there is more than one Temp folder on your computer. You need to know the two most important locations, these are:

C:\Users\Your account name\AppData\Local\Temp

In order to get to the last location, you can use the following method:

Windows has a lot of all sorts of folders or processes that take up a lot of space, both physical and operational. Many users are so afraid of the computer and the OS that they don’t even want to get into the system disk, but sometimes it needs to be done. In particular, today I will write to you about the Temp folder.

What is the temp folder for?
In the Windows operating system, many processes are constantly taking place, belonging both to the OS itself and to installed programs. In the process of this work, in order to save the intermediate or unfinished result of their activities, all running applications create temporary data files and actively use them. That's just the Temp folder in Windows and is the repository of temporary files.

Where is the temp folder?
So she has about 5 paths, but usually she is and takes up the most space along the way


read about the AppData folder in the article

Is it possible to delete the temp folder
It is possible and necessary. This will not do anything to the system. But it is better to do this before turning off the computer and ending the session. But you can right now enter in the address bar of the explorer %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp and, having selected everything, delete.
Be prepared that not all files and folders will be deleted. There may be an error that they are busy.

How to clear the temp folder
You can use not the direct method described above, but more correct - through Disk Cleanup.
Right click on the OS disk and select Properties. In this window, click the button Disk Cleanup

Waiting for information

Now select temporary files and clean

By the way, you can delete others.

We will slightly modernize this method and make sure that the temporary folder is cleared when the computer is turned off.

1) Right click on to my computer and choose Properties.
2) On the left side, select Additional system settings.
3) In this window, select Environment Variables

4) Changing the TEMP and TMP values

to C:/Windows/Temp

5) Create a file in notepad with any name and content:

pushd %TEMP% && rd /s /q . > null 2>&1
pushd %WinDir%\TEMP && rd /s /q . > null 2>&1

and save with cmd extension.
For example alex.cmd
or download from here
6) We open Group Policy Editor (Win + R-> enter gpedit.msc ) and follow the path Computer Configuration -> Windows Configuration -> Scripts (Startup/Shutdown).
7) We allocate Completion of work and click the link Properties

Temp folder in Windows It can greatly slow down the performance of the system, on the network who says what and it is very difficult to figure out all the opinions, what are these temporary files for? If you still need to delete the temp folder, then how to automate this process? To be honest, I’m used to taking information from books, but this question turned out to be difficult, I had to turn to your Internet, were you the first to get caught? Alexander Vasilievich.

Temp folder in Windows

If I got caught first, then I will try not to let the whole community down with my answer. What is the purpose of the Temp folder in Windows and temporary files in general? In the operating system, many processes are constantly going on, belonging both to Windows itself and to various third-party programs. In the course of work, in order to save the intermediate or unfinished result of their activities, all running applications create temporary data files and actively use them. Temp folder in Windows is a storage for temporary files.
Without a doubt, you need to delete temporary files from the Temp folder, since too many files in this folder can adversely affect the performance of the entire operating system.

How to clear content Temp folders in Windows? It is not always possible for the operating system to delete temporary files on its own, so this burden is shifted to us. In addition, many programs do not delete temporary files at all. Sometimes we ourselves turn off the computer incorrectly, do not allow temporary files to be deleted on their own, they simply do not have time for this.
Let's take the Windows 7 operating system as an example, there are as many as five temporary folders in it, but the programs mainly use the first Temp folder and the second one, you need to clear them first. You can delete the contents of folders manually, or you can automate the process in the way given at the end of the article.

Let's take the first folder C:\Windows\Temp, for a day of work on the computer, she has accumulated only 33.7 MB, although in a week she can accumulate several gigabytes, we will delete all files. Cases when a folder Temp on Windows accumulated several tens of gigabytes on the computers of users, I don’t have much in my memory.

You can also delete temporary files used when visiting various pages on the Internet using the regular Windows Disk Cleanup program. Start and dial cleaningdisk and Enter, select drive C, at the same time delete other temporary files.

Automate the removal process Temp folders in Windows create a batch script file. If you encounter difficulties, you can play it safe and create a restore point. Start, right click on the icon My computer->Additionaloptions->Environment Variables.

In this window, we need to change the value of the variables TEMP and TMP on the C:/windows/temp. Selecting a variable TEMP and click Change.

Enter value C:/windows/temp and OK

We do the same with the value of the variable. TMP


Next, open any text editor and paste this code.
pushd %TEMP% && rd /s /q . > null 2>&1
pushd %WinDir%\TEMP && rd /s /q . > null 2>&1
We save the file in the root of drive C, under any name, but with the .cmd extension, for example alex.cmd.

Now we launch the group policy editor: Start - Run and enter the command gpedit.msc

Computer Configuration - Windows Configuration - Scripts (Startup/Shutdown).
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