Fortune telling for Christmas time - find out your fate. Ways of Christmas divination

Christmas time is a period that lasts from January 7 to January 19. Divination at Christmas time is a very ancient tradition, rooted in the deep past. It is believed that during this period the real and magical worlds merge into one whole, so it is possible to find out your fate with high certainty or get an answer to any question of interest.

Divination rules

If fortune-telling is taken seriously, and not as a festive entertainment, then the following rules must be observed during the ceremony:
    You can not close yourself from magical energy during the session by crossing your arms and legs. It is imperative to take off all closed objects, such as rings, bracelets, belts, belts. It is advisable to carry out fortune-telling in light-colored loose-fitting clothes; women and girls are advised to let their hair down and remove hair ornaments. In the room where the ceremony is held, a comfortable atmosphere should be created and absolute silence ensured. During fortune-telling, one cannot emphasize religious affiliation, for example, a pectoral cross must be removed.
One of the popular fortune-telling, which is held at Christmas time, is an action aimed at finding out your fate in the coming year. It is best to perform such a ritual on Christmas Eve, that is, on the first day of the Christmas period. For fortune-telling, you need to prepare a few twigs from apple, birch and oak, as well as coasters for each type of twig or ceramic bowls. In doing so, you need to understand that:
    The apple tree symbolizes home and family; Birch is associated with the sphere of relationships, primarily love; Oak is associated with society and work.

Fortune telling by twigs

It is necessary to move closer to yourself a bowl with apple branches installed in it and ask a question:

“What changes await me and my family in the coming year?”

After that, the branches should be set on fire and a bowl with burning branches should be held next to you. At this time, you need to observe the behavior of the flame and note all the changes that occur with it. If the flame burns evenly and does not change its color, then the coming year in the family sphere will be very calm and stable. If the flame crackles and changes color, then very violent events can be expected in this area. Similar conclusions can be drawn by setting fire to branches of other types of trees that are associated with other areas of life.

Ask a question

Fortune-telling at Christmas time was very popular, in which they turned to the brownie for help. In this case, you need complete confidence that you live in harmony with your brownie. Analyze if extraneous noises and sounds disturb you at night, it is quite possible that this is a naughty brownie who is dissatisfied with something. Try to appease him by talking to him on various occasions and leaving various sweets on the table for him. After you realize that the brownie is on your side, you can ask him a question about what the coming year will be like for you . After that, pour milk into a saucer and place it near the threshold of the front door. Then you need to melt some wax and pour it into the prepared saucer. In the process of this, you need to say:

“Brownie, my brownie, we are friendly with you. So come drink milk and tell me what awaits me in the near future?

Then carefully examine the frozen wax cake. The interpretation can be any, it should prompt your inner voice. But at the same time, you need to pay attention to the following:

    The shape in the form of a flower predicts an early marriage or the appearance of a loved one in life; The image of the beast foreshadows travel in the coming year; Separate stars indicate that almost all areas of life will be successful.

Reliable divination by a torch

Divination by a torch was considered very reliable. This practice is very popular even today. It is usually held on Vasily's Day, which corresponds to the Old New Year. For the ritual, it is necessary to prepare a birch torch. You need to light it and put a glass of water next to it. After the torch flares up brightly, you need to quickly extinguish it by sharply lowering it into a glass of water. After that, you need to try again to light the torch. If it turned out without difficulty, then the coming year will be prosperous. But if the torch could not be ignited immediately and it began to burn, crackling, then you need to pay attention to your own health. But at the same time, it may well be that your torch is soaked, since you kept it in the water for a long time. Therefore, you should not be upset, and you can try to repeat the ceremony on another holy day.

It is fortune-telling at Christmas time that allows the girl to find out what her betrothed will be like. And for this there are many simple rituals. All that is needed is to perform simple actions, pronounce certain words and go to bed. After this, the betrothed will be able to be seen in a dream, and, subsequently, it is easy to recognize in real life.

To see the betrothed in a dream

For example, you need to put a new comb under the pillow and say the following words:

"My betrothed, mummer, come to me, comb me and show yourself."

You can also put two cutlery near the bed and say before going to bed:

"My betrothed, mummers, come to me, we will have dinner together."

To the feelings of a loved one

You can tell fortunes on your chosen one to find out his feelings. For the ceremony, you need to use a photo of your loved one. The picture must be placed face up on the table. Then you need to take a silver ring without a pebble, thread a natural thread into it, so that it looks like a pendulum. Holding on to the knot, you need to place the ring in a hanging position directly above the photo of your loved one. It will take quite a bit of time, and the ring will begin to move. In doing so, the following should be noted:
    Circular movements mean that soon you will get married; Swinging from side to side portends an early parting; If the ring remains motionless, then the ritual failed and higher powers do not want to give you a hint about your future relationship with the chosen one.

Relationships with candles

You can tell fortunes about love relationships with the help of a candle. For the ceremony, you need to use a candle of orange, red or bright yellow. Fortune-telling can be carried out on any of the holy days, the main thing is that the ceremony is held at midnight. It is necessary to retire in a separate room and, setting a candle on a flat surface, light it at exactly 12 o'clock at night. It is necessary to carefully observe the flame of a candle and distract from any third-party thoughts. Divination can be interpreted as follows:
    An even and transparent flame indicates a strong love relationship in the coming year. In case you do not have a loved one, it is very possible that you will meet your destiny in the near future. Light bursts of flame, reminiscent of blinking, indicate that the relationship with your loved one will bring you joy. A bright flame with a clear crackling predicts romantic adventures in the new year. A flame with a reddish tint predicts trouble in the coming year in the field of love relationships. If soot is observed, then love relationships will be overshadowed by everyday problems.
You should not be afraid to conduct fortune-telling at Christmas time, because it is so interesting. To eliminate negative consequences, you need to conduct the ceremony in a positive mood.

Holy days last from 6 to 19 January. Since ancient times, this period has been considered the most suitable for fortune-telling, because at this time, according to popular beliefs, evil spirits were released and walked among people. With her help, you could know your future. There are several common fortune-telling that our ancestors used at Christmas time.

Most Christmas divination is aimed at. Many girls found out about their future husband from a log. To do this, you need to wait until evening, go into the woodshed and pull out the first log that comes across at random. What will be the chosen log, such a spouse is destined for you by fate.

If the log is large and thick, then your husband will be strong and strong.

If the log is cracked, then your spouse will come across either ugly or sick.

If a log with knots, then there will be many children in the family. Each knot is your future child.

If a log without bark, the husband will be poor.

If there is a bark, but in some places it is peeled off, then the spouse will be of average income.

If the bark covers the whole log, while it is thick and strong, then the future husband will be rich and respected.

If the log is dry, then you will marry a man who will be older than you.

If the log has not dried up yet, then you will get a man younger than you as your husband.

If the log is even and smooth, then the husband will be handsome, young and healthy.

If the log is crooked, then you will come across a man with a difficult character.

At Christmas time, you can also find out if you will get married this year and where to expect the groom? To find out the answers to these questions, you need to go outside, take off your boot from your left foot and throw it over your left shoulder. In which direction the sock turns, from that side love will come. If the toe of the boot looks towards its mistress, then this year she is not destined to get married.

There is another way. To do this, you need to go outside, go to the fence, and, as wide as possible, with your arms outstretched to the side, hug him. Next, you need to look at how many boards you managed to wrap your arms around. If their number is even, then everything will be fine in family life. If odd, then married life will be unhappy.

Perhaps the most mysterious and terrible divination at Christmas time is fortune-telling for the groom with a mirror. It is held at midnight, alone and in a dark room. With the help of divination on the mirror, you can see the image or even the face of the future husband. To do this, you need to turn off the light in the room, light two candles and put a large mirror in front of you. When the clock strikes 12, you need to whisper the following words: “My betrothed, mummers, come to me, have dinner.” After that, you need to carefully peer into the reflection. The future spouse should appear behind the fortuneteller and be reflected in the mirror. The field of how a man appears, it is necessary to close the mirror with a towel and shout: “keep me away!” In order to see your future husband in the reflection, you need to concentrate well on fortune-telling. It is necessary to discard all unnecessary thoughts, leave problems and worries and completely immerse yourself in the process of divination. Only then can you see a person destined by fate.

On holy days, it will allow you to get accurate predictions, tell you about your future family life and future spouse. This is a great opportunity to look into the future and get answers to all your questions. And in order to attract good luck in love, press the buttons and

28.12.2013 10:31

Christmas is a time of miracles and magic. Since ancient times, our ancestors devoted this time to fortune-telling on ...

From January 6 to January 19, Christmas, Christmas fortune-telling takes place in the country. At this time, girls can look into their future, tell fortunes about their betrothed and find out their fate.

Christmastide is the name given to the two weeks of winter holidays, from Christmas Eve on January 6th to Epiphany on January 19th. Fortune telling at Christmas is considered to be the most truthful. The roots of Christmas divination go back to the times of pagan Russia. It was fortune-telling during the winter solstice (and this is the period of Christmas time) that was given special importance in pagan times. It was believed that it was on these days that otherworldly forces were most active, and the boundaries between the worlds were thinner, which contributed to a more truthful result of New Year's, Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling.

With the advent of Christianity in Russia, Christmas fortune-telling not only survived, but also acquired a more mystical meaning, and although the church tried to fight superstition and fortune-telling, they were carefully passed down from generation to generation, and have come down to our days in a slightly altered form.

There were a lot of ways of Christmas fortune-telling in Russia, but the main theme of all Christmas fortune-telling is fortune-telling for the betrothed (groom). This is understandable, because in ancient times, the fate of a girl depended entirely on how successfully she would marry.

There is an opinion that evil spirits weaken during Christmas time, so divination becomes not such a terrible sin as on ordinary days. Particularly accurate predictions are on the so-called "prophetic" evenings - January 13 (Vasiliev evening) and January 18 (Epiphany Christmas Eve).

Divination methods. How did they know their fate in Russia

Divination with mirrors

This fortune-telling is well known from literature and is now popular with brave girls.

Mirrors in the old days were attributed magical properties. The custom of closing mirrors if there is a dead person in the house also reflects this attitude of our ancestors to the magic of mirrors.

Divination is carried out in an empty and quiet room. There should be no one and no sound. The fortune-telling girl should let her hair down and fully concentrate. She should sit in the dark near two opposite mirrors. The picture of Novikov shows this position of the girl. At midnight, the girl lights two candles, placed on the sides of the mirrors, and says: "My betrothed, mummers, show yourself to me" and begins to peer into the gallery of reflections, hoping to see her fiancé. You can sit in front of mirrors for a long time, or you can see your betrothed right away.

Divination in a new house

You can guess only in the house where you spend the night for the first time. Only then is the divination considered correct. Before going to bed, you should cross yourself three times and go to bed with the words: "I'm sleeping in a new place, dream of the bridegroom." The man you dream of will be your fiancé.

Divination on straw

Guessing on straw is most interesting when there are many people present. Exactly at midnight, gather in one room, light a candle and start guessing. To find out the name of your betrothed, put straw on the table, knocked down in a lump, put a frying pan on this lump, put a stone in the frying pan and pour some water. Then each of the girls should slowly pull out a straw, and the name of the betrothed should be heard from the sounds made by the stone when it vibrates in the pan. During fortune-telling, there should be absolute silence in the room.

Fortune telling (with burning the thread) on the speed and order of getting married

A simple and visual fortune-telling, which is popular in our time. It lies in the fact that the girls cut the threads of the same length (it is better to take thicker threads) and set them on fire at the same time. The threads must be held at one end, the other - lowered down and must be set on fire. Whoever burns out the thread ahead will be the first to be married. The sequence of burning threads in the hands of girls will show the order of their marriage. If someone's thread went out immediately or the thread burned out by less than half, then this girl will not marry.

Fortune telling (with a ring or a needle) on the gender of the unborn child

Certain actions are performed with a ring or a needle: the ring is lowered into a glass of water, a woolen fabric is pierced with a needle, then, suspended on a hair or thread, they are slowly lowered near the hand of the one they are guessing at. If the object (ring, needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often - a boy), if pendulum-shaped - a boy (less often - a girl), if the object does not move, there will be no children.

Divination (with the choice of subject) on the "quality" of life

Objects are hidden in a bag, cup or felt boot, then the girls choose their felt boot or bag. The choice of an object symbolizes life in the coming year: ash - a bad life, sugar - a sweet life, a ring - getting married, an onion - to tears, a glass - drunkenness, a golden ring - a rich life, etc., you can invent and refine fortune telling with your own options .

Fortune telling with a rooster for a betrothed

Several plates or bowls are taken, grain is poured into one plate (or money is put), water is poured into another, a mirror is placed next to it, sometimes a chicken is brought. A rooster approaching a mirror symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom, approaching grain or money - his wealth, water - a tendency to drunkenness, if a rooster approaches a chicken, then the groom will be a "womanizer".

Divination with matches

Two matches are inserted on the sides of the matchbox and set on fire. If the burnt heads are facing each other, then the "conceived" guy and girl will be together. If the match heads look in different directions or fall off, then no.

Fortune telling (by barking dogs) about the age of the groom

At midnight, take a knife, go out into the street, go up to the snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife, saying: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband will I get, will I have to laugh or cry?”.

After saying the words of the spell, shut up and listen carefully to the barking of dogs.

If an angry, sharp bark is heard, it means that the future husband will be strict and gloomy;

hoarse barking promises an old groom;

shrill barking - the groom will have a bad temper;

sonorous barking - young;

if the dogs bark cheerfully and loudly, then the husband will also be cheerful and kind;

it is very bad if a dog howl is heard during fortune-telling. This suggests that the marriage will be short-lived and very quickly the young wife will become a widow.

Fortune telling "Well"

To conduct this divination, you need a well. If a girl lives in a village and has a well with a lockable roof, then this is ideal. If there is no such well at your disposal, then you should make a symbolic well. To do this, you can use matches, toothpicks, other sticks. Building a well is quite simple. Make a square out of the sticks, laying the sticks on top of each other, and so make several rows. Take a thimble, pour some water into it and place it next to the well. In the villages, girls can pour water into a bucket and put it near a real well. Lock a real well with a real key, “lock” one made of sticks with any key, making the appropriate movement with your hand, and put the key under your pillow. Going to bed, say: "The betrothed-mummer, come to me to the well of water to drink, ask me for a key." A betrothed will come to you in a dream to drink water from your well.

Burning paper. Divination of fate by the shadows

This type of fortune-telling, due to its simplicity and clarity, is very common in the modern girlish environment. The girl sets fire to a paper sheet crumpled by her hand, and then examines the shadow of the burning paper on the wall - this is the first stage of divination, even at this stage quite clear images can arise.

Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumple it, put it on a dish or on a large flat plate and set it on fire. When the sheet burns out or almost burns out, it is displayed on the wall with the help of a candle - this is the second and main stage. Carefully examining the shadows, they try to find out their future from the images of the shadows.

Fortune telling with a ring to evoke the image of the future groom

Take an ordinary glass with smooth walls, a flat bottom and without a pattern, pour water into it to 3/4 of the volume and carefully lower the wedding ring to the middle of the bottom. The ring must be pre-washed in running water so that it does not bear the information of its owner. Looking closely at the very center of the ring, saying the words: "My betrothed, mummers come to me," you can see the betrothed. To see it, you may have to look into the ring for quite some time.

Fortune telling with inducing sleep about the betrothed

We write the name of the young man on a piece of paper, put it on a small mirror and under the pillow, or put three bay leaves under the pillow. On one they write - "Ananias", on the other - "Azarius" and on the third - "Misail" and cast a spell: "From Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams of me, let me dream."

Guessing in the night from Monday to Tuesday. A sprig of spruce is taken, placed at the head of the head for the night. At the same time they say: "I lie down on Monday, I put a spruce tree at the head, dream of the one who thinks of me." Whoever dreams, he loves you.

Guessing in the night from Thursday to Friday. Going to bed, they say: "Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone and I am young, alone. I am lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my head: one sees. The other will say, the third will indicate fate."

Girls wonder if they go to bed where they didn’t have to before. Before going to bed they say: "In a new place, dream of the bridegroom." In a dream you will see your fiance.

Card reading

Before going to bed, four kings are placed under the pillow and they say: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, that dream to me in a dream." If you dream of a king of spades - the groom will be an old man and jealous, a red king means young and rich, a cross - expect matchmakers from a military or businessman, and a tambourine - from the desired one.

Divination for relatives

They go to look out the windows of their neighbors during dinner. If they see the heads of those sitting at the table, they foretell to themselves that future relatives will all be alive; if they don’t see the heads, then misfortune should happen to relatives.

Divination on wax

Melt the wax in a mug, pour milk in a saucer and place it at the threshold of an apartment or house. Say the following words: "Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax." With the last words, pour the melted wax into the milk. Now watch closely what is happening.

If you see a frozen cross, some kind of illness awaits you in the new year.

If the cross only appears, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life troubles will overcome, but not too serious.

If a flower blooms - get married, get married or find a loved one.

If the beast appears, be careful: you will have some kind of enemy.

If the wax flows in strips, you will have roads, crossings.

Lie down with stars - expect good luck in the service, in your studies.

If a human figure forms, you will gain a friend.

House - soon acquiring a new household; for a girl, this is primarily due to her marriage.

Shapeless ruins - misfortune in the near future.

A pit, a small cave or a grotto is the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes a burial place and predicts a serious illness or imminent death.

Trees - they can be interpreted in different ways: the upward branches of a tree promise quick joy, drooping - sadness, longing and boredom.

A ring or a candle definitely predicts a quick wedding.

A pancake that has sunk to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

For figurines:

Many small droplets - for money.

Wax lay down in strips - in the coming year there will be a lot of travel.

A fan has formed - problems in the workplace, conflicts with colleagues are possible. The clearer the fan loomed, the more serious the problems will be.

Grapes are an auspicious sign that promises success.

The outlines of a mushroom - Your good health can only be envied.

A figure resembling a dragon - one of your cherished desires will certainly come true.

Bell - to the news. If its outlines are even - the news will be good, curves - vice versa. A few bells - you will be worried about something.

Star (one or more) - you will be lucky in your studies and career.

Leaf of a tree - beware, intrigues are weaving behind your back.

Monkey - to betrayal and hypocritical friends.

We saw the pants - soon you have to make a very important choice.

The flower promises positive changes in matters of the heart, meeting a betrothed or a happy marriage.

The outlines of a person - to the emergence of new friends.

The egg is a sign of new life. It could be the birth of a first child or a change in life.

on bulbs

Take several bulbs and label each one. These bulbs are planted in the ground: whoever sprouts first, that girl will marry ahead of others.

around the ring

In an ordinary glass glass with a flat bottom, without any patterns, pour 3/4 of water and carefully lower the wedding ring to the middle of the bottom. Then they look through the water into the middle of the ring, where the image of the betrothed should appear.

Throw the ring on the floor. If it rolls to the door, it means that the girl will soon get married, and the man - on a business trip. Can be interpreted as leaving home.

The call of passers-by

Go outside at midnight and ask the name of the first person you meet. That is what your betrothed will be called, just like that he will be handsome and rich.


Climb under the window of the neighbors and, of course, listen. If they have a showdown with breaking dishes, you can expect a "fun" year. If there is silence in the house - and your year will be harmonious. Depending on what is happening in the house of neighbors at the time of eavesdropping, and you will develop the coming year.

Fortune telling on a wooden chip

Pour water into a basin. At the edges of the basin, attach strips of paper on which events are written, for example, a wedding, a trip, receiving money, a new job, etc. (if the fortuneteller is alone), or the names of all those present who want to know their future. In the second case, one event is thought of, in particular, a wedding, an acquaintance with a future spouse, etc.

You need to take a dry chip, preferably a deciduous tree, and fix on it the stub of a candle that burned in the house where fortune-telling takes place. Light a candle and push the "boat" to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the sliver should itself swim up to one of the notes. Which note floats to, the event will happen. If the sliver rolls over or sinks, then the event you envisioned will not happen next year.

Fortune telling on an egg

Take a fresh egg, make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. When the squirrel curls up, according to the shape it has taken, you need to guess your future. The type of church means a wedding, a ring means betrothal, a cube means a coffin, a ship means a business trip (for a man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (for a woman). If the squirrel sank to the bottom - be in the house on fire.

Divination on logs

You need to go back to the woodpile and choose a log by touch. If it is even, smooth, without knots, the spouse will come across with an ideal character:

thick and heavy log - the husband will be wealthy,

there are many knots - many children will be born in the family,

a crooked log - the husband will be oblique and lame or angry,

a log is even, with a smooth thin bark - the husband is handsome and young,

thick rough bark - the husband is ugly,

the bark on the log is peeled off in places or is completely absent - the husband is poor,

cracked log - the husband will get old, pockmarked, with a physical handicap,

a big log - a strong, strong husband,

knotty log - the family will be big: each knot is an unborn child.

Divination with a cat

Make a wish, call your cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, the wish will come true. If the right - not destined.

Divination by the book

It is best to take a book of spiritual content, you can, for example, the "Bible", without opening it, guess the page number and line from above or below, then open it and read in a hidden place. They interpret what they read in accordance with what the most fortune-telling person is most interested in.

Divination for the Old New Year in a chain

Your jewelry can tell about the upcoming events for the coming year on this special evening. When midnight comes, take a gold or silver chain in your right hand. Having crumpled a little, throw it on the table, and see what shape has formed:

A circle. The coming year will be rich in challenges to overcome which will have to make efforts.

An oval means almost the same as a circle, but in a softer form.

Flat line. Feel free to start new endeavors, luck is on your side.

A triangle or rectangle signifies success.

Like a bow. You will definitely meet your betrothed soon. And if you already have a significant other, be married.

The letter is drawn. A new boyfriend will appear, whose name will begin with this very letter.

Fortune telling on the narrowed "bridge"

On one of the holy nights before going to bed, pour into a cup of water. Tear off a few rods from the broom. From them, build a bridge over the liquid, and with the words:

“Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, let him take me across the bridge!”

Place a container under the bed at the head, go to bed. In a dream, you will see your future husband. He will be standing in his wedding attire on the bridge. If you are destined to get married in the next couple of years, then the dreaming young man will take you along the crossing structure.

As you can see, Christmas divination can be not just a fun pastime for the holidays, but also a way to help shed light on upcoming events in your life.

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The period from January 7 to January 18 is called “Christmas or holy days”, “Christmas”. In the old days, Christmas and Epiphany were celebrated at the same time.

Later, a small gap was introduced, which is considered to be a single long day, full of joy, fun, happiness, since Jesus was born at this time.

The Christian canons of Christmas and Baptism did not forbid pagan rites at Christmas time. These are carols, masquerades, and, of course, Christmas fortune-telling.

Fortune-telling for Christmas time is an attempt to find out about your future.

The first seven days of Christmas time, from January 7 to January 13, are called "holy week" or "holy, Christmas evenings", and the second week - from January 14 to January 5 - "terrible evenings".

In the first holy week, all the youth caroled. Girls and boys under the windows sang and danced in carols, praised the holy holiday, wished the owners wealth, prosperity and, of course, health. For their labors they were treated with sweets.

The hosts gave different sweets to the carolers from the windows; for this, special cookies were baked - “roes”. According to signs, these sweets contributed to the rich offspring of livestock. Many different dishes were prepared from meat, especially from pork, it was a symbol of fertility and wealth in Ancient Russia. In general, these days there were no bans on food.

It was customary to dress up and ride horses on holy days. Men dressed up in women's dresses, painted. Women dressed up as men, brought mustaches and beards. Among the mummers there was always a bear - a man dressed in an inside-out sheepskin coat. People played, fooled around, joked with their neighbors, played pranks and played pranks. For example, they propped up doors, plugged pipes, or dragged sleds from the yard.

And, of course, fortune-telling at Christmas time was the most entertaining moment, everyone guessed! The head of the family wondered if the year would be fruitful, if the weather would be good for sowing, if there would be enough grain. The hostess spent fortune-telling at Christmas time in order to learn about children, illnesses, and wealth. The girls wanted to know the answer to the main question about marriage this year.

Fortune-telling at Christmas time was carried out at midnight or before sunrise. All types and methods of Christmas divination cannot be listed. Let's describe the most common ones that have survived to this day.

The best divination for Christmas time:

On melt water.

1. You need to bring a piece of ice or a lump of snow into the house from the street and wait a bit until it melts. Next, you need to look at the motes that are in the melt water. If a hair comes across, then the groom will be rich; sticks, chips, sawdust - with their own house; leaflet - will be a scientist; paper - it means there will be a military man.

2. Hot wax is poured into a glass of spring water, you can. If they drain to the bottom and spread like a pancake, then the girl will not be married this year. If the shape resembles a candle or a ring, the wedding is coming soon.

3. At night, you need to go to the river to the hole, in which you can either see the face of the groom, or hear crackling and knocking, according to signs, indicating that the girl will not marry this year.

4. Pour into a glass of water, throw a ring there and put it outside for the night. By the number of mounds on the ice surface, one can judge the number of sons, and by the number of pits, the number of daughters.

On mirrors.

1. Late at night, you need to lock yourself in a room alone, put a mirror on the table in front of you, two candles in front of it. If you look very closely in the mirror, it is quite possible to see your future. After divination, the mirror must be quickly crossed so that the fortuneteller does not kill.

2. Just as in the version described above, fortune-telling is done all alone. Two mirrors are placed opposite to reflect a long, narrow corridor. Light two candles, place them so that they are reflected in the mirrors and create the appearance of lighting the corridor. You need to look into this corridor for a long time and you can see different events from your own future.

Christmas divination is a rather old cycle of rituals that our ancestors actively used!

Christmas time - when are they?

They begin on the sixth of January, on Orthodox Christmas Eve, at the moment when the first star appeared in the sky. They end on the nineteenth, on Epiphany, when traditional ice holes begin to be made in the reservoirs. It is during this period that it is worth guessing!

Where to guess?

In "unclean" places! For example, in the bath, because there are many different entities hanging around. It can be in the basement, in the attic, in an abandoned house. It can be on a kind of "border" - near a crematorium or a mortuary, or in a simpler version: in a corner, on a threshold, on a porch ... And best of all - at the crossroads of several paths and roads.

What are the rules?

It is necessary to remove the cross, if you wear it. All other jewelry, and even belts with ties! Dissolve the hair. Do not cross your legs and arms. Don't sit sideways. Indoors, if you are guessing there, ensure absolute silence! Use only candles for lighting. No icons in the house - although, in fact, if you are already doing fortune-telling, why do you need a cross and icons, you ask ?!

Fortune telling "how many children you will have"

Take poppy seeds, raisins and products for pastry. Bake nine small buns for each of those who will guess. One pie starts with one zest, the other - with two, the third, respectively - with three, and so on up to the fifth. At the same time, instead of the filling, the sixth should have not raisins, but poppy seeds. The seventh bun should be without any filling at all. The eighth pie should have two raisins tied together with a thread. Same for the ninth, only three!

Each participant chooses one of his nine buns, breaks it, looks at the filling. One raisin means one child ... and so on up to five. Poppy seeds - more than five, including adopted children. Two together - twins, three - triplets. There are buns according to the results, you can and even need to!

Guessing what to expect next year

There must be at least three people involved. Take small items. Best of all - a piece of bread (a symbol of joy and abundance), a spool of thread (all gossip about you), a ring (an offer!), keys (solving an important problem), a bean (pregnancy), a button (good health), a needle (a lot of sadness ), a scarf (parting), an onion (tears), a feather (meeting with a betrothed). Spread out on the table, take one little thing without looking.

Fortune telling on the character of the betrothed

Stand in the center of the intersection, draw a circle around you, listen to the sounds around - the intersection should be busy. We heard laughter - a light character, ringing - the wealth of the chosen one, crying or angry cries - a heavy disposition, calls for help - you won’t live together for a long time, music - beauty, a fight - a jealous character, cries of animals - the enterprise and cunning of the chosen one, love confessions - devotion, friendly conversation - mind, honesty and nobility. Two sounds at the same time means more than one marriage.

Divination by books

Hold the book in your hands for five minutes and think about your life and the issues that are important to you! Open the book abruptly, anywhere, at random. Read the phrase that was under your finger! This is the prediction of your future.

Fortune telling "whether a wish will come true"

Think in the evening about the dream that you have. Leave a cat, a cat, a kitten outside the door of the room - depending on who lives with you. Say aloud a desire, call the beast into the room: which paw will step in the room. Right - there will be obstacles, left - everything will be!

Fortune telling

It should be carried out in complete solitude so that no one can interfere. To do this, we need a bowl of water and a regular candle. Then everything is very clear, we melt a little wax and pour it into the water. Let's see what happened. Some manage to see in the wax a child, a car, or even the features of a betrothed.

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