Football section. Football school "Chertanovo"

    Men and women

    Average price per lesson

    Impact on weight

    Injury hazard





    Teamwork skills

About playing football

Football is the most popular team game in the world, and football training is held in every yard among boys. Of course, unofficial. Like thousands of years ago: little has changed in people's preferences. History is silent about where exactly the game-prototype of football originated. Ball games were known even before our era - in Mexico, in Ancient China, Egypt, Greece. Moreover, many of them were tough - tournaments here were literally not for life, but for death.

The French (la sul game) and Italians (calcio) tried to fight for the palm in modern history, and in Russia the game of quila was incredibly popular - people played ball more willingly than went to church. But still, in its true form and name, football appeared in England. The etymology of the name of the game is more than obvious: foot - leg, bol - ball. So angry King Edward III in 1349 called the game in his decree. The decree was dedicated to the ban on football. Gambling Englishmen devoted more time to football than to archery.

The ban on the game beloved by the people was lifted first in Scotland, then in England - already in the 17th century. And after another two centuries, in 1863, the first football association was formed, which streamlined the rules of the game. Up to this point, it was allowed to take the ball with your hands. But history has divided an exciting activity into football and rugby proper. The first international match (between England and Scotland, of course) took place in 1872 and ended in a goalless draw. Well, what happened next - everyone who is fond of football knows!

Children vs adults: who are football lessons for?

Every boy is chasing the ball in the yard, and each of them dreams of world fame. But getting into the free section of football is like winning the lottery. This is no reason to leave your favorite pastime! Many sections and clubs are ready to accept young talents in their fields. And if a child dreams of football, the best thing his parents can do is to sign him up for training.

What about being an adult? The number of adult sections of football in Moscow, of course, is not so great, but they do exist. And boys and girls who have matured for a long time can fulfill their dream on their own. In addition to training and training on professional fields, you can arrange friendly matches, participate in club tournaments - in general, spend time with benefit. There are even individual football lessons for people who want to master the technique in the shortest possible time.

Benefits and contraindications for football training

No one has ever seen fat players on the field. To maintain an ideal physical shape, football is suitable for 5+. So if fitness from the gym is not interesting for you, then jogging on the field will successfully replace it. Football is an excellent cardio workout. It strengthens the heart and blood vessels, has a positive effect on metabolism in general and mineral metabolism in particular. Improves agility, coordination and reaction.

No less useful is football training from a psychological point of view. A person experiencing a colossal psychological load (study, work, problems) should be able to remove it with physical exercises. And hitting the ball is just what the doctor ordered! It will not be possible to win on the field alone; precise and well-coordinated teamwork is needed. For both children and adults, the experience of a team game will be very useful in life.

Unfortunately, there are strong contraindications for serious and regular sports: the load and injury risk are high here. Therefore, before enrolling in the section, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination. Contraindications are diseases of the heart and respiratory system, spine and joints, diabetes, epilepsy, moderate and high degree of myopia.

What you need for classes

Good shoes for learning football will not be required immediately - the coach will tell you how to choose boots. You can come to the first classes in shorts, t-shirts and sneakers. It is better to take care of shields and leggings in advance. Stretch trousers and windbreakers are suitable for playing in cool weather. There are enough football equipment in stores - you can choose it for every taste and budget.

How are the workouts

The scheme of training in football varies depending on the age and level of training of students. For example: basic, freestyle, technique development. Toddlers are recruited from the age of 6 years. There will be jogging and stretching at football lessons - everything is like in adults. The duration of training is 60-90 minutes.

How to enroll in the football section in Moscow

All popular schools for children and adults are represented on our website. When choosing a section, be guided by the convenience of travel - lessons for adults are usually held in the evening, under artificial lighting. Be sure to take the opportunity to attend a trial football lesson: the coach will be able to assess your level, and you can ask him questions of interest. In addition, the price of such an activity is usually symbolic - about 500 rubles.

Football is the most famous team sport, where 7 to 11 players play two halves of 45 minutes, trying to score as many goals as possible against the opponent. In Russia, the first football association appeared in early 1864, immediately after the recognition of football. At the moment, more than 2 million teams and 400 thousand professional clubs are registered. And there are already football clubs in almost all cities.

Football sections and schools for children and adults

Football is a team game with a ball, the most popular and widespread for several centuries. Many football skills were used in ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome during the training of fighters. Roman legionnaires brought elements of the game to Europe. In the middle of the 19th century, elements of the ball game were transformed into a team game - football. In 1847-1849 the first rules of organized football were developed, at the same time the first football club was organized.

Football has constantly evolved and now combines sports and entertainment into a powerful game industry. This is the game of millions of people all over the planet - young children and grey-haired veterans, men and women.

In Russia, football is the most popular sport, so football sections are being created everywhere, anyone can sign up for them without any restrictions, regardless of age and gender. However, not all sections are able to meet the serious demands of the game. Some football clubs offer just to kick the ball in their free time with unfamiliar people, others train professional football players. Therefore, when choosing football sections, it is necessary to discuss your requirements and the necessary training conditions with the section management. Football sports clubs usually have a serious coaching staff, they are less common.

Football schools for children

The development of children's football is especially important in recent years. All boys dream of becoming famous football players. Football schools for children are sports organizations whose main goal is to raise a good player from a child so that later he can develop a professional football career. The main focus of the children's football school is the physical development of the future football player. Children, pupils of such schools, in the future may not choose the career of a professional football player, but they will always have a good possession of the ball. The coaching staff and many methods of schools guarantee a high level of preparation of the child.

Admission to football clubs usually starts at school age. However, some football schools accept pupils at the age of 5-6 years.

Football schools for adults
You can learn how to play football, as well as regularly engage in sports and physical exercises, at any age. Classes at the football school for adults also involve holding football matches and corporate tournaments.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in section Football in Moscow

The list of football organizations, sections, sports schools, clubs is displayed in full in this catalog of sports organizations in Moscow

Thanks to the Map Sport website, you can choose the necessary football school, section according to your needs and criteria. Detailed addresses of the best places to play football, their photos and real reviews, as well as monthly subscription prices and the possibility of online registration for football training are provided for you.

Football is the most famous team sport, where 7 to 11 players play two halves of 45 minutes, trying to score as many goals as possible against the opponent. In Russia, the first football association appeared in early 1864, immediately after the recognition of football. At the moment, more than 2 million teams and 400 thousand professional clubs are registered. And there are already football clubs in almost all cities.

Football sections and schools for children and adults

Football is a team game with a ball, the most popular and widespread for several centuries. Many football skills were used in ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome during the training of fighters. Roman legionnaires brought elements of the game to Europe. In the middle of the 19th century, elements of the ball game were transformed into a team game - football. In 1847-1849 the first rules of organized football were developed, at the same time the first football club was organized.

Football has constantly evolved and now combines sports and entertainment into a powerful game industry. This is the game of millions of people all over the planet - young children and grey-haired veterans, men and women.

In Russia, football is the most popular sport, so football sections are being created everywhere, anyone can sign up for them without any restrictions, regardless of age and gender. However, not all sections are able to meet the serious demands of the game. Some football clubs offer just to kick the ball in their free time with unfamiliar people, others train professional football players. Therefore, when choosing football sections, it is necessary to discuss your requirements and the necessary training conditions with the section management. Football sports clubs usually have a serious coaching staff, they are less common.

Football schools for children

The development of children's football is especially important in recent years. All boys dream of becoming famous football players. Football schools for children are sports organizations whose main goal is to raise a good player from a child so that later he can develop a professional football career. The main focus of the children's football school is the physical development of the future football player. Children, pupils of such schools, in the future may not choose the career of a professional football player, but they will always have a good possession of the ball. The coaching staff and many methods of schools guarantee a high level of preparation of the child.

Admission to football clubs usually starts at school age. However, some football schools accept pupils at the age of 5-6 years.

Football schools for adults
You can learn how to play football, as well as regularly engage in sports and physical exercises, at any age. Classes at the football school for adults also involve holding football matches and corporate tournaments.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in Football for teenagers in Moscow

Here are football sections, football clubs and schools for teenagers 11 - 18 years old, boys and girls. You can search for a suitable place for playing football directly on the map or according to the list of sports organizations represented. You can choose a suitable sports section near your home and work, or near the school where your teenager is studying. For each of the sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions for the subsequent registration of a teenager for football in Moscow.

Football sections for children in Moscow open all the time. How to choose the one that is perfect for your child? Contact the sports club "Soyuz-Sport". Classes here will definitely appeal to the child, regardless of his age.

The relevance of football for children

The value of football for children cannot be underestimated.

  • increase the body's defenses;
  • improve health;
  • develop team spirit and discipline;
  • cheer up;
  • contribute to the development of speed of reaction, agility, endurance and strength.

And in training, you can always take a break from the educational process. It is not in vain that football sections in Moscow and many other cities are the most popular.

A modern football school in Moscow based on the club "Soyuz-Sport" - our main advantages

Classes in our section are conducted by the three-time champion of Moscow, Alexander Sergeevich Posadkov.

Football training for children includes not only tactical and technical, but also special training. Your child will be able to study for future participation in major tournaments. The teams of our football school often became winners of various competitions. This is the best proof that classes allow you to achieve all your goals.

Football school for children is an ideal place not only for playing sports. You can always find true friends here. Team members communicate closely with each other and in between classes.

Are you planning to enroll your child in the section? Contact our specialists. They will announce the cost of classes and talk about all their features. The manager will inform you about the time of classes in various groups. All this will allow you to make the right decision about the further development of the child.

Come or call!

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Lesson cost:
3 rubles / week = 4 600 rubles / month
2 rubles / week = 3,700 rubles / month
One-time = 600 rubles

Lesson cost: 3 rubles / week = 5,800 rubles / month 2 rubles / week = 4,600 rubles / month One-time = 750 rubles


Posadkov Alexander Sergeevich


Graduate of RGUPC by specialty - football coach

Sports titles and achievements:

- pupil of the FSM football school;

-three-time champion of Moscow;

- in 2011, the attestation qualification of level "C" was assigned, giving the right to train teams of the first division (FNL)

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