functional style of speech. general characteristics


To avoid confusion with language styles, functional styles are sometimes referred to as language genres, functional varieties of language. Each functional style has its own characteristics of using the general literary norm; it can exist both in written and oral form. There are five main varieties of functional speech styles that differ in the conditions and goals of communication in some area of ​​social activity: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial, artistic.

scientific style

Scientific style - the style of scientific messages. The sphere of use of this style is science and scientific journals, scientists, future specialists, students, just any person who is interested in a particular scientific field can act as text message recipients; the authors of the texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of the style can be called the description of laws, the identification of patterns, the description of discoveries, learning, etc.

Its main function is the communication of information, as well as the proof of its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, a lot of abstract and material nouns.

Scientific style exists mainly in written monologue speech. Its genres are a scientific article, educational literature, a monograph, a school essay, etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity).

Formal business style

Business style is used for communication, informing in an official setting (the field of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style serves to draw up documents: laws, orders, decrees, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, jurist, diplomat, just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative and legal relations.

This style exists more often in the written form of speech, the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue, the type of communication is public.

Style features - imperative (dutiful character), accuracy that does not allow two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, accurate selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is information (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech clichés, the generally accepted form of presentation, the standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabbreviated words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

Journalistic style serves to influence people through the media. It is found in the genres of article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality.

This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not for a narrow circle of specialists, but for the general public, and the impact is directed not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of the addressee.

It is characterized by abstract words with a socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, publicity, peace-loving).

The task is to provide information about the life of the country, to influence the masses, to form a certain attitude towards public affairs

Style features - logic, figurativeness, emotionality, appraisal, appeal.

Conversational style

The colloquial style serves for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. Differs in great semantic capacity and colorfulness, gives speech liveliness and expressiveness.

The usual form of implementation of conversational style is dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no pre-selection of language material in it. In this style of speech, extralinguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, environment.

Language means of conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with subjective evaluation suffixes; the use of incomplete sentences, introductory words, address words, interjections, modal particles, repetitions. Genres-dialogue, personal letters, personal notes, telephone

Art style

The art style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of the artistic style differs from the emotionality of the colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images.

Genres - epic, lyric, drama, epic, novel, story, story, fairy tale, fable, ode, anthem, song, elegy, sonnet, epigram, message, poem, ballad, tragedy, comedy, drama (in the narrow sense).

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See what "Functional Speech Style" is in other dictionaries:

    functional type of speech- See: functional style...

    Functional type of speech- See: Functional style...

    Functional style, or functional type of language, functional type of speech- - this is a historically established, socially conscious speech variety, which has a specific character (its own speech system - see), resulting from the implementation of special principles for the selection and combination of language means, this ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    functional style- (functional variety of language, functional type of speech) A historically established, socially conscious speech variety that has a speech system, a specific character that has developed as a result of the implementation of special principles ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    functional style- (functional variety of language, functional type of speech) Historically established, socially conscious speech variety, which has a speech system, a specific character that has developed as a result of the implementation of special ... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

    functional style- A kind of literary language in which the language appears in a particular area of ​​public speech practice of people. The allocation of functional style is based on taking into account the purpose of the statement, which is understood in sociolinguistics as unconscious ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    functional style- Functional style is a kind of literary language in which the language appears in one or another socially significant area of ​​social speech practice of people and the features of which are determined by the peculiarities of communication in this area. The presence of F. s. ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    functional style- and. A kind of literary language, due to the difference in the functions performed by the language in a certain area of ​​communication. The concept of f. With. is central, basic in the differential division of the literary language, a kind of starting point for ... Educational dictionary of stylistic terms

    functional style- the main category of functional stylistics, which studies the systemic relations of language means in the process of their functioning, depending on the spheres, conditions and goals of communication, as well as the corresponding conditions for the choice of language units and their organization in ... ... Pedagogical speech science

    functional style- according to M.N. Kozhina. The peculiar character of speech of one or another social variety of it, corresponding to a certain sphere of social activity and a form of consciousness correlative with it, created by the peculiarities of functioning in this sphere ... ... Morphemics. Word Formation: Dictionary Reference


  • A course of lectures on the stylistics of the Russian language: General concepts of stylistics. Colloquial and everyday style of speech, Vasilyeva A.N. This book is part of a course of lectures on the functional style of the Russian language. It provides a general description of functional styles, their relationships and relationships, ...

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To avoid confusion with language styles, functional styles are sometimes referred to as language genres, functional varieties of language. Each functional style has its own characteristics of using the general literary norm; it can exist both in written and oral form. There are five main varieties of functional speech styles that differ in the conditions and goals of communication in some area of ​​social activity: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial, artistic.

scientific style

Scientific style - the style of scientific messages. The sphere of use of this style is science and scientific journals, scientists, future specialists, students, just any person who is interested in a particular scientific field can act as text message recipients; the authors of the texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of the style can be called the description of laws, the identification of patterns, the description of discoveries, learning, etc.

Its main function is the communication of information, as well as the proof of its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, a lot of abstract and material nouns.

Scientific style exists mainly in written monologue speech. Its genres are a scientific article, educational literature, a monograph, a school essay, etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity).

Formal business style

Business style is used for communication, informing in an official setting (the field of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style serves to draw up documents: laws, orders, decrees, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, jurist, diplomat, just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative and legal relations.

This style exists more often in the written form of speech, the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue, the type of communication is public.

Style features - imperative (dutiful character), accuracy that does not allow two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, accurate selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is information (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech clichés, the generally accepted form of presentation, the standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabbreviated words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

Journalistic style serves to influence people through the media. It is found in the genres of article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality.

This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not for a narrow circle of specialists, but for the general public, and the impact is directed not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of the addressee.

It is characterized by abstract words with a socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, publicity, peace-loving).

The task is to provide information about the life of the country, to influence the masses, to form a certain attitude towards public affairs

Style features - logic, figurativeness, emotionality, appraisal, appeal.

Conversational style

The colloquial style serves for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. Differs in great semantic capacity and colorfulness, gives speech liveliness and expressiveness.

The usual form of implementation of conversational style is dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no pre-selection of language material in it. In this style of speech, extralinguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, environment.

Language means of conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with subjective evaluation suffixes; the use of incomplete sentences, introductory words, address words, interjections, modal particles, repetitions. Genres-dialogue, personal letters, personal notes, telephone

Art style

The art style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of the artistic style differs from the emotionality of the colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images.

Genres - epic, lyric, drama, epic, novel, story, story, fairy tale, fable, ode, anthem, song, elegy, sonnet, epigram, message, poem, ballad, tragedy, comedy, drama (in the narrow sense).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Functional Speech Style" is in other dictionaries:

    functional type of speech- See: functional style...

    Functional type of speech- See: Functional style...

    Functional style, or functional type of language, functional type of speech- - this is a historically established, socially conscious speech variety, which has a specific character (its own speech system - see), resulting from the implementation of special principles for the selection and combination of language means, this ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    functional style- (functional variety of language, functional type of speech) A historically established, socially conscious speech variety that has a speech system, a specific character that has developed as a result of the implementation of special principles ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    functional style- (functional variety of language, functional type of speech) Historically established, socially conscious speech variety, which has a speech system, a specific character that has developed as a result of the implementation of special ... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

    functional style- A kind of literary language in which the language appears in a particular area of ​​public speech practice of people. The allocation of functional style is based on taking into account the purpose of the statement, which is understood in sociolinguistics as unconscious ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    functional style- Functional style is a kind of literary language in which the language appears in one or another socially significant area of ​​social speech practice of people and the features of which are determined by the peculiarities of communication in this area. The presence of F. s. ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    functional style- and. A kind of literary language, due to the difference in the functions performed by the language in a certain area of ​​communication. The concept of f. With. is central, basic in the differential division of the literary language, a kind of starting point for ... Educational dictionary of stylistic terms

    functional style- the main category of functional stylistics, which studies the systemic relations of language means in the process of their functioning, depending on the spheres, conditions and goals of communication, as well as the corresponding conditions for the choice of language units and their organization in ... ... Pedagogical speech science

    functional style- according to M.N. Kozhina. The peculiar character of speech of one or another social variety of it, corresponding to a certain sphere of social activity and a form of consciousness correlative with it, created by the peculiarities of functioning in this sphere ... ... Morphemics. Word Formation: Dictionary Reference


  • A course of lectures on the stylistics of the Russian language: General concepts of stylistics. Colloquial and everyday style of speech, Vasilyeva A.N. This book is part of a course of lectures on the functional style of the Russian language. It provides a general description of functional styles, their relationships and relationships, ...

MODERN RUSSIAN language is the national language of the Russian people, a form of Russian national culture. It is a historically established linguistic community and unites the entire set of linguistic means of the Russian people, including all Russian dialects and dialects, as well as various jargons. The highest form of the national Russian language is the Russian literary language, which has a number of features that distinguish it from other forms of language existence: processing, normalization, breadth of social functioning, general obligation for all members of the team, a variety of speech styles used in various areas of communication

Russian language belongs to the eastern group of Slavic languages ​​belonging to the Hindu-European family of languages. It is the 8th language in the world in terms of native speakers and the 5th language in the world in terms of total number of speakers. The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, the main language of international communication in Central Eurasia, Eastern Europe, in the countries of the former Soviet Union, one of the working languages ​​of the UN. It is the most widely spoken Slavic language and the most widely spoken language in Europe, geographically and by the number of native speakers. It ranks fourth among the most translated languages, and also seventh among the languages ​​into which most books are translated. In 2013, the Russian language came in second place among the most popular languages ​​on the Internet.

Russian language is public and official language in the following states: Russia, Belarus(along with Belarusian), partially recognized South Ossetia(along with Ossetian) and unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic(along with Moldovan and Ukrainian).

Russian language is considered official language public institutions (but below the state in status) in the following states: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, partially recognized Abkhazia. In some administrative divisions Moldova, Romania and Norway Russian is recognized as one of the regional or local official languages.

2. Functional styles of the Russian language. Their types. Functional speech styles

The functional style of speech is a certain language system that is responsible for the goals and conditions of communication in a certain area and combines a set of stylistic language means. In essence, functional styles are heterogeneous, they differ from each other in a well-defined genre variety, terminology and literary presentation.

Types of functional speech styles

Depending on the spheres of public life in which the language is currently used, the following functional styles are distinguished: official business, scientific, journalistic, colloquial and artistic.

Formal business style

The official business style of speech is used to convey information in an official setting (legislative, administrative and legal activities, office work). With the help of this style, legal acts, protocols, certificates, receipts, etc. are created.

The official business style has a number of features that distinguish it from other styles of speech: imperativeness, accuracy (two interpretations are not allowed), lack of emotional coloring, strict textual composition. This style makes extensive use of clichés, nomenclature names, abbreviations, and verbal nouns.

scientific style

The main function of this style is the transmission and dissemination of scientific information, as well as proof of its truth. The main properties of the scientific style is the use of general scientific terms, abstract vocabulary, description of any discoveries or precedents. The scientific style is dominated by short real nouns.

Most often, the scientific style is found in articles, research papers, school essays, monographs and educational literature.

Journalistic style

This functional style of speech is used to influence, most often ideologically, the general public through the media and oratory. Publicistic style is most often found in such genres as essay, article, reportage, interview. From other speech stylistics, the scientific style is distinguished by its inherent increased emotionality and the use of socio-political vocabulary.

Conversational style

This style acts as a tool for the direct transmission and exchange of information relating to everyday issues and does not require an official setting. It uses mostly simple vocabulary, which carries emotionality, expressiveness and logical saturation. The most common genre is dialogue. Non-verbal factors are of great importance in conversational style: gestures and facial expressions. It also allows repetitions, incomplete sentences, and introductory words.

Art style

Artistic style is used in the creation of fiction. With its help, the author influences the reader, controls his feelings. In the artistic style, the inherent richness of vocabulary, imagery and emotionality. It is also possible to mix all other styles. Artistic style performs an aesthetic function, this is its main difference from colloquial and journalistic styles.

3. Art style features

The artistic style of speech, as a functional style, is used in fiction, which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function. In order to understand the features of the artistic way of knowing reality, which determines the specifics of artistic speech, it is necessary to compare it with the scientific way of knowing, which determines the characteristic features of scientific speech.

Fiction is characterized by a concrete-figurative representation of life, in contrast to the abstract, objective, logical-conceptual reflection of reality in scientific speech. A work of art is characterized by perception through feelings and the re-creation of reality, the author seeks, first of all, to convey his personal experience, his understanding or understanding of a particular phenomenon. But in a literary text, we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, and the like. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphorical, meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs a nominative-figurative function. The words that form the basis of this style primarily include figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of uses. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity in describing certain aspects of life.

In the artistic style of speech, the speech polysemy of the word is widely used, which opens up additional meanings and semantic shades in it, as well as synonymy at all language levels, which makes it possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meanings. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the richness of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of figurative means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

The emotionality and expressiveness of the image comes to the fore in the artistic text. Many words that in scientific speech act as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech carry concrete sensory representations. Thus, the styles functionally complement each other. For example, the adjective lead in scientific speech it realizes its direct meaning (lead ore, lead bullet), and in artistic speech it forms an expressive metaphor (lead clouds, lead noz, lead waves). Therefore, in artistic speech, phrases play an important role, which create a certain figurative representation.

Artistic speech, especially poetic speech, is characterized by inversion, i.e. a change in the usual word order in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of a word, or to give the whole phrase a special stylistic coloring. An example of inversion is the well-known line from A. Akhmatova's poem "Everything I see is hilly Pavlovsk ..." Variants of the author's word order are diverse, subject to a common plan. But all these deviations in the text serve the law of artistic necessity.

2. Purpose: deepen work on the definition of speech styles; learn to find elements in texts that indicate style; independently draw conclusions and justify their answers; develop the ability to use socio-political vocabulary, means of journalistic style, emotional impact on the listener, reader;

3. Learning objectives:

The student must know:

- develop logical thinking, memory, ability to analyze; develop self-control skills; develop the ability to highlight the main thing from the text and generalize the material received; develop vocabulary skills.

The student must be able to:

- practical knowledge of the modern Russian literary language in various areas of the functioning of the Russian language, in its written and oral varieties; mastering new knowledge and skills in this area and improving existing ones, deepening the understanding of the main characteristic properties of the Russian language as a means of communication and information transfer;

4. Main questions of the topic:

1. General characteristics of functional speech styles.

General characteristics of functional speech styles

Functional speech styles- a historically established system of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication; a kind of literary language that performs a specific function in communication.

scientific style

Scientific style - the style of scientific messages. The scope of this style is science, the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, just any person who is interested in a particular scientific field; the authors of the texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of the style can be called the description of laws, the identification of patterns, the description of discoveries, training, etc. Its main function is to communicate information, as well as to prove its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, a lot of abstract and material nouns.

Scientific style exists mainly in written monologue speech. Its genres are a scientific article, educational literature, a monograph, a school essay, etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity), clarity, and generalization.

Formal business style

Business style is used for communication, informing in an official setting (legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used to draw up documents: laws, orders, decrees, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, jurist, diplomat, just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative and legal relations. This style exists more often in the written form of speech, the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue.

Style features - imperative (dutiful character), accuracy that does not allow two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, accurate selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is information (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech clichés, the generally accepted form of presentation, the standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabbreviated words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

Journalistic style

serves to influence people through the media. It is found in the genres of article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality, appraisal, invocativeness. This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not for a narrow circle of specialists, but for the general public, and the impact is directed not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of the addressee. It is characterized by abstract words with a socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, publicity, peace-loving). The task is to provide information about the life of the country, influence the masses, form a certain attitude to public affairs

Art style

Artistic style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of the artistic style differs from the emotionality of the colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images.

Conversational style

The colloquial style serves for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. Differs in great semantic capacity and colorfulness, gives speech liveliness and expressiveness.

The usual form of implementation of conversational style is dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no pre-selection of language material in it. In this style of speech, extralinguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Language means of conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with subjective evaluation suffixes; the use of incomplete sentences, introductory words, address words, interjections, modal particles, repetitions, inversion, etc.

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