French actress Marion Cotillard gave birth to a daughter. Love stories of Marion Cotillard and Guillaume

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She could very well appear arm in arm with him tomorrow at the Russian premiere of The Dark Knight Rises (2012)...
He does not know how he would have coped without her in the most difficult times, when he could not get a word of truth from friends and acquaintances ...
They just fell in love with "open eyes", when they knew almost everything about each other ...

She is...

She was born into a bohemian-creative family of an actress and theater director in Paris. Their house was always full of guests - Marion's friends literally dreamed of living in their apartment forever: the girl's parents loved to travel to exotic countries and always returned with a mountain of unusual gifts and a lot of interesting stories.

From the age of six, Marion began to go on stage - either to help her mother (to give cues during rehearsals), or to shine as a prima in children's performances specially staged by her father.

She was brought up on books and films in which people overcome life's obstacles for the sake of love only to live happily ever after. Therefore, the girl did not assume any other fate for herself.

Alas, in life, as it usually happens, "rose-colored glasses" fall somehow suddenly and quickly. It was clear to everyone from the very beginning that Marion's relationship with the son of the famous French cultural figure Claude Berry, Julien Rassam, was doomed. He was a talented actor, but he suffered from a mental disorder and drug addiction.

Marion's love could not overcome all obstacles and change Fate. A suicidal Julien jumped out of a window right in front of her eyes. But he did not die at the same hour, but became a cripple, chained to a wheelchair. Marion looked after her beloved, believing that maybe things would still change ... Alas, two years later, Julien again attempted to commit suicide. And this time it's good...

This event shocked the actress so much that she literally began to avoid situations that gave at least a hint of family happiness - she was so afraid to know the bitterness of suffering again. In the meantime, she was to star in a romantic comedy, where her partner on the set was He ...


He was born near Paris, and from early childhood he was prepared for the fact that his future would certainly be connected with horses - Guillaume's parents were horse breeders, and his son was predicted to become a jockey.

Alas (or vice versa - fortunately), the injury completely crossed out his jockey future. But at the same time, it opened up prospects in the acting field. Guillaume graduated from the acting courses of Francois Florent, and in 1994 he made his debut on stage, realizing himself in the role of romantic naive young people ..

At the age of 28, Guillaume decided on a serious step: he got married. His chosen one was a German model and actress Diane Kruger. For almost two years, their relationship was reminiscent of a honeymoon, when both seemed to glow with happiness. Therefore, it was easy for Guillaume to play in a romantic comedy, and he sincerely did not understand why his co-star in the film constantly had wet eyes.

Meanwhile, this depressing beauty was She ...

They are...

They met at the movie set Fall in love with me, if you dare(2003). Guillaume frankly annoyed Marion - his happy face of the newlywed did not fit into her concept of "unhappy world".

But at the same time, they had to play a couple in love, who competed endlessly and poured sparkling jokes.

Guillaume has found a way out of the situation. According to the plot, their couple constantly threw each other stupid challenges that fit into the concept of "Weak?" Actually, he did not seek to spin a new romance - he was happily married. But it was necessary to continue to shoot the picture and do something with this "tearful madam".

In order to better understand the role and build a system of relationships in the frame, Guillaume suggested following the example of the characters and playing their game - constantly challenging each other. And it worked. In the sense that Marion, being a gambler, found the strength to switch from her depression to work, and he found in her person a true friend who always spoke the truth to her face.

They were inseparable as his marriage slowly fell apart. No, the reason was not Marion. It’s just that Guillaume worked hard, achieved some success and gradually lost all his friends (even those closest to him): the “celebrities” tried not to object, but he so wanted to argue with reason ... Marion became his only outlet - she always told him the truth in the eyes, while while others were trying to be politically correct.

At some point, the already restrained Diana realized that her marriage to Guillaume was a "mistake of youth", and wanted to devote all her attention to her career. They eventually divorced.

Marion supported her friend in every possible way during this difficult period. But both were afraid to admit to themselves that between them for a long time it was not just friendship ... She was frankly afraid of happiness, he did not want to rush her and poured out his soul in his diary.

But the moment of explanation still came. But the lovers did not rush into the maelstrom of a new relationship with their heads, but carefully mastered a new feeling for themselves, gradually reducing the distance. For a long time, no one knew about their romance, except for Marion's father. She did not even dare to move in with Guillaume and instead rented an apartment on the same street. But…

…Which have not be avoided. A few years after the beginning of their romance, little Marseille was born, named after the boxer Marcel Cerdan, the deceased lover of her heroine Edith Piaf, who was once played by Marion ...

The personal life of a talented French actress is full and full of emotional ups and downs. Still, as a young girl at the age of sixteen, she had a stormy affair with the handsome director Julien Rassam. He gave her the lead role in the short film The Game. Marion was extremely happy. Upon completion of filming, the couple began to live together. But tragic circumstances could not keep this beautiful couple together. Abusing drugs, Julien tried to commit suicide. When he died, Marion left in despair for exotic India.

Having calmed down, the girl decided to return to Paris. Directed by Jan Samuel invited her to star in the film "Fall in love with me if you dare." Here on the set she meets Guillaume Canet. The actor at that time was married, and Marion herself met with musician Bob Sinclair. Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet quickly found common topics for conversation and became friends. According to the script, they had a love affair. The young couple played their roles so naturally and innately that after the end of filming there were rumors about their joint relationship. But the young people denied everything.

In early 2003, the girl flies to America to shoot her first foreign film, Big Fish. And Guillaume is filming in France in the film Narcos. The actors kept in touch all the time. For a long time they hid their reverent and tender relationship. Even at the presentation of the prestigious Oscar, which Marion rightfully deserved for her role as the great Edith Piaf in the film La Vie en Rose, Guillaume did not accompany her. At that time, he was already divorced.

Only in the spring of 2009 did they light up as a couple at the Cannes Film Festival. Then they presented the painting "The Last Flight". And even at that moment, the personal life of Marion Cotillard was not made public, although according to the plot, the star couple played true love. The film was directed by Guillaume himself, with Marion in the title role. A year later, in the month of December, at the festival in Marrakech, the couple no longer hid that they had a stormy life together. At the moment, they have been together for four years, and are raising their little son Marcel, who was born in May 2011.

The acting couple lives a quiet, calm life, avoids noisy parties. Together they prefer to walk around the city, go to cafes and go shopping. Their joint relationship is not discussed in the press. There are a lot of creative plans ahead, for the implementation of which a whole life lies ahead. Marion is an avid fan of the English football club Leeds United. She is also a member of the international organization Greenpeace and advocates for the protection of the natural environment.



Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet

in comedy

"Rock'n Roll"

France, 2017, comedy, 123 min.

“This film is pure pleasure. Enjoy!"


“A wonderful self-deprecating story. Kane laughs at himself and his own wife

Marion Cotillard, and does it with such wild drive!

A comedy with the participation of the main French actress of recent years - Marion Cotillard ("Allies", "Assassin's Creed"), another brilliant directorial work of her husband Guillaume Canet ("Tell No One", "Blood Ties"). The rest of the roles are also all stars: Gilles Lellouche ("French Transit"), Ben Foster ("Warcraft"), Ivan Attal ("Elusive") and the legendary Johnny Hallyday. French box office gross is about $9 million.

Guillaume and Marion and in the film - an acting married couple with experience. Marion is a star, a beauty. She is always busy, she has one contract after another, she even has no time to fulfill marital duties - she needs to cram a new role. Well, it doesn’t work out at home - Guillaume decides to hit on a young partner in the series. But here is a bummer - the aspiring actress says that he "is no longer rock and roll", that in her list of potential lovers he is assigned the first place from the end and that "they don't live that long." Guillaume understands that something urgently needs to be changed ...

Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet: STOP BELIEVE WHAT YOU ARE TOLD!

(magazine interview Madame Figaro )

In the movie "Everything will be rock and roll" you debunk the myth of a glamorous couple from French cinema. Why are you playing with your image?

Guillaume Canet: Once, a young journalist noticed that my life is not sexual and not “rocker” (like that of young people), because I am forty and have been living with the same woman for many years. This led me to the idea of ​​making a comedy where such a simple phrase leads a person to a deep existential crisis. In the film, I touch on those neuroses that we all cultivate in ourselves: the fear of aging, the desire to be seen as "different", the need for recognition ...

Marion Cotillard: When Guillaume told me about his idea, I thought that there is material for very funny scenes. And, of course, a reason to reflect on the image. But most importantly, I was happy that Guillaume found the plot that brought him back behind the camera. He is truly a great director. His previous film Blood Ties, which I adore, was heavily criticized. The opportunity to see him again in action excited me.

G.K.: After "Blood Ties" I had a period of doubt. I took a break for a year, changing my focus: racing, family, friends. Gradually, the feeling of pleasure from the cinema returned. I easily worked on this film with my loved ones - with an agent, a producer, friends and, of course, with my wife. I heard so many incredible things about Marion and about myself that I wanted to play with our images, with the way people perceive us.

Are you offended by this prevailing - erroneous - image?

M.K.: Starting with the film "Life in Pink", in the minds of people, an image has formed that is very far from me. They think we're locked in an ivory tower because they only see us during public speaking. This is probably where the inconsistency comes from.

G.K.: I regularly read absurd news about us. For example, that Marion lives in Los Angeles. People think that we live somehow differently. But we, just like them, go shopping, cook, take our son to school. In the film, I wanted to start by showing the truth, and then make a caricature of it with the message: “Stop believing what you are told!”

M.K.: I don't allow myself to be engulfed in negativity. I work for myself, I don't take anything to heart. When I learned to accept myself for who I am and live in the present, my peace of mind ceased to depend on others. It liberates.

G.K.: I attach little importance to how they portray me. But I get annoyed when some portray Marion as a sexually obsessed girl ...

M.K.: What could I be! But no! ( laughs)

G.K.: I wanted to show Marion the way I know her - with character, funny and crazy. The film is proof of that because no international star that she is would settle for such a crazy scenario. She has an exceptional sense of self-irony.

How do you deal with media pressure?

G.K.: Now is the time for hype, regardless of whether it has meaning, depth or even a shred of truth. Once I took everything very close to my heart. On our son's birthday, for example, I was furious because one of the paparazzi burst in through the door, causing us to miss this beautiful moment. Over time, we have learned to better protect ourselves from anything toxic. Today, with a mobile phone, everyone can become paparazzi. Someone wants to join us? Let them come. That's the whole point of my film. Open the door for them, play with their fantasies and get away from this nonsense.

Your comedy is also about the cult of youth. For actors and actresses, is it really that destructive?

G.K.: We live in a strange world that does not want to see itself old. Appearance comes first. In social networks, you need to create your own ideal image - this is a cult of personality. Everything is artificial. The fear of aging is very much felt in our business. Many actors and actresses, especially in the US, do not resist the pursuit of absolute beauty. In the end, they all become similar to each other - without age and without expressiveness. It scares me more than old age!

Does the number of roles decrease with age?

M.K.: I think it's much more difficult for actresses. Age is equated in women with a disease, although we are talking about the maturity of a person. In the US, in blockbusters, we don't see heroines aged 40-45... But let's be optimistic! Still, there are screenwriters who write strong roles for women over 40. Situations are different.

There are some hilarious scenes in the film, especially when Marion Cotillard is learning the part in Quebec.

G.K.: This is my little revenge laughs). In the nine years that we have been together, I have repeatedly tried to get used to difficult roles - in the film I call them roles “with an accent” or “with difficulties”. Marion didn't have to do anything but watch my character ramble, and the accent allowed her to play the comic role.

M.K.: I prefer roles that are far from me, in which everything is constructed. The movement towards them is gradual - it's like a way to start breathing. I want to put my body and soul into the role. The process captures me, and it is not always easy to combine this state with personal life. In the film, of course, Guillaume went too far.

How do you see each other?

G.K. A: I truly admire Marion, which fuels my love for her. I respect her talent, her genius as an actress who knows how to convey all the emotions with an amazing understanding of the text. I love her both as an actress and as the woman she has become - calm, self-confident. I also love the way she raises our son. I think she did a great job on me too laughs) I've changed a lot since we've been together.

M.K.: I happened to live with a person who changes miraculously. It's inspiring. He pulls me to the top, helps, accepts and enriches. We actresses have a developed ego that can subtly take over completely. Guillaume keeps me from turning into a "monster". He is kind and has the heart to make his family and friends happy.

What is the strength of your strong relationship?

M.K.: We met 14 years ago, first became friends and only then - a couple. This is our strength. We always have fun together. We are partners in the true sense of the word. He is my friend and man.

Your second child will be born soon. What is your mood now?

M.K. A: Looking forward to this moment. During pregnancy, I had to star in five films. It's time to do something different!

Madame Figaro February 2017

translation - Martha Veselova

GUILLAUME CANET: And you didn't know that Marion is stubborn and talkative...

How did the idea for this film come about?

A few years ago, I was already thinking about making a film about celebrities and the public's attitude towards them - a kind of mockumentary about how the real life of stars has nothing to do with what their fans imagine. The story was like this - we kind of follow the guy who knows that he is being filmed, but periodically asks that the camera be turned off. And the idea is that you don't have to believe what people tell you, you don't have to see only what you want to see. There are a thousand different things behind it, not necessarily good, maybe bad, but definitely not what you think.

I've already written a few scenes, but then Casey Affleck's I'm Still Here came out with Joaquin Phoenix. It was the same mockumentary I was going to do, so I had to drop my own idea.

What made you come back to it now?

Two years ago, during an interview, one journalist suddenly began to say things about me that I did not understand. “This is all your image that you created for the public,” she insisted. And the desire to play with their own image returned. I came up with a movie in which I will play myself, showing that I am not the way the audience knows me, which will make them think that I am here for real. I called two of my accomplices, Philippe Lefebvre, with whom we wrote the scripts for the films As You Say and Tell No One, and Rodolphe Loga, who worked as a steadicam operator on almost all of my films. And we started to work.

But in the end, the movie doesn't really sound like what you're saying...

I wanted it to be a comedy, but with meaning. For example, she touched upon the problem of total ageism. It surprises me, for example, that some 60-70-year-old women, especially American ones, do not have a single wrinkle. That men do Botox injections and constantly visit the solarium. This led to the idea to make a film about a guy who, in his forties,

realized that he was getting old. He worries that it's not "rock 'n' roll" anymore. And I especially wanted to talk about this, because it is the men who experience it here.

In the film, you are very impartial to yourself. And Marion too.

Our public image with Marion does not always correspond to the real one. She has the image of a sweet, kind woman, which of course she is. But people will be surprised to know that

She also lives a full life, is stubborn and talkative. I have no words to express all my gratitude to her for her willingness to laugh at herself like that. Without her, this project would not have been possible. My own image is of little concern to me. Although, of course, the protection of my privacy is a concern. Being famous does not mean telling everything about yourself. You must keep something secret from the public. The element of mystery is a must! Especially for actors. With this film, I kind of say: do you want to know all my ins and outs? Please! Show you everything - my friends, my agent, my mother, myself in bed with Marion... I wanted to play with our images and fame - pretend to open our door. If we hear all sorts of nonsense about us, why not make it up ourselves? Thus, the intended documentary turned into a complete fiction.

How can you write such an unusual script?

Don't slow yourself down. Philippe Lefebvre, Rodolphe Loga and I did just that. It's easy to laugh at yourself - I can do it. It is more difficult when your co-authors throw up ideas that are not very flattering to you. But I'm used to it. I even enjoyed it. The main storyline - "the guy wants to be a rock and roll player, although he never was one in his youth" - was thought up quickly. This music is very groovy, although I personally prefer Demis Roussos and Aphrodite's Child. My friends often quarrel with me because of this.

There are many hilarious scenes in the film - where they call you Monsieur Cotillard, the cuckoo clock chimes in your house, Marion masters the Quebec dialect ...

During the nine years of our life together, several times I found myself in absolutely surreal situations when she completely immersed herself in her new heroine. When we were writing the script, she was preparing for a Xavier Dolan film. And we thought it would be funny to reduce her work on the role to mastering the Quebec accent. Because in fact, Marion often plays complex characters, and she is a real hard worker. Of course, there are real facts in the film - my musical tastes, Marion's passion for organic food. Those who know us at least a little will not be surprised to see a garden in the middle of the living room in the film.

How did you get Johnny Hallyday?

We thought: since our hero wants to be a rock and roll player, why not send him to the French king of rock and roll? Johnny Hallyday will explain to him that the time of rock and roll is over, and now no one destroys furniture in hotels. I had crossed paths with Holliday several times before, but we barely knew each other. I was shocked that he agreed to play a role, especially such a self-deprecating one. Holliday is rock and roll.

From where your character goes to the plastic surgeon, the movie has a touch of black comedy...

One night I woke up in a cold sweat - I dreamed that I had lips pumped with Botox. The next day I told Philippe and Rodolphe: Guillaume's problem is not that he is not "rock 'n' roll", but the fear of aging. This is an obsession of many people who strictly control their image. But "small corrections" of the face easily develop into addiction.

However, does this addiction make your hero happy?

Yes, he feels like he was reborn. He is young again and back in the game! And he's so touching. It's scary to think how far this rejuvenation will take him. And it's scary to think that his wife will follow the same path, after she was not approved for the role, appointing a younger actress. But they fell in love with each other with renewed vigor. Rebooted.

Initially, you were going to make the project low-budget…

That's what I told Alain Attal: only one location, an apartment and a studio pavilion. Well, and then there were ideas with special effects, the finale with crocodiles in Miami ... In general, the film moved into another category.

How was the shooting?

I've been working with the same team all my life. Starting with short films. With cinematographer Christoph Offenstein we are like brothers. Everyone in the group knows me well. They know that I am very demanding - both to myself and to them. Everyone is very patient with my nit-picking. We were lucky that our objects were ready a week before filming, and we were able to rehearse some scenes with Marion in a relaxed atmosphere, and discuss angles and plans with Christophe and Rodolphe Loga.

Did you keep any past films in mind while filming?

When I wrote the script, I couldn't help thinking, of course, about Michel Blanc's Insidious Glory. That film was also about the problem of image, and also self-deprecating. There are many films like this, but I wanted to tell my own story. If it is necessary to draw parallels, then only with my first directorial work, As You Say. Here I wanted to achieve the same unusual intonation - to shoot a stupid comedy, but believable and sincere.

MARION COtillard: There is a garden in my Parisian apartment

How did you react when you found out what the film will be about?

I thought: very inspiring! Already in the working versions of the script, there was room for humor, for very funny scenes related to the problem of the actor's image ...

which concerns you personally...

Of course. Is always there is a discrepancy between you as a person, the image that you create in the media (or would like to create) and what people think of you. This discrepancy is exacerbated by the fact that sometimes a single word or statement is enough to distort reality and widen the gap between fantasy, myth and truth.

In the film, an ordinary interview of the hero for a glamorous magazine provokes a real tsunami ...

I like this image - a tiny seed, casually thrown into his mind, makes the hero completely change. This clearly demonstrates how much you can depend on someone else's opinion. And if this happens to a 40-year-old man, it's a nightmare.

Did you have concerns about both of you playing yourself here?

I wasn't afraid for a second. For two reasons - the comedic tone of the film and my absolute faith in Guillaume.

In the film, Marion Cotillard argues that a good role is a heroine with a physical defect, or at least with an accent ...

Naturally, this is a caricature of the opinion of some people about my roles. And this is Guillaume's revenge for the time he has to put up with me preparing for the next movie. When he first hinted at this project, I thought: well, finally! A French movie where I don't have to spend days with a teacher learning an accent! But then I saw that Guillaume was smiling enigmatically. And then I read the first draft of the script. He was so funny that I happily started working with a tutor on my Canadian French. This is not even an accent, but, one might say, a different language.

You and Guillaume seem to have enjoyed the "mirror effect" in which your own story is reflected in the film.

Many of the scenes took place in real life but took an extreme form in the film. Sometimes an artist, plunging into a role, can behave in a strange way - depending on what he has to play. I still remember the expression on Guillaume's face when I announced to him that I would play Lady Macbeth. And my face was no better when I found out that Cedric Angers offered him to play a serial killer in the movie "Next Time I'll Shoot in the Heart."

Garden in the living room - is it true or fiction?

I really have a garden in my Parisian apartment. True, on the balcony. When my son and I are fiddling with beans or tomatoes, it's so exciting!

Which Guillaume is the director?

He is a perfectionist and perfectionist. He closely monitors everything, even the smallest details, and does not let anything take its course. But he's also an actor. He understands how we actors feel, understands our fears, our doubts, our emotional rollercoaster. Since I don't have much experience in the comedy genre, I was in some tension at the beginning of filming - I had to find a balance between sincerity and comedy. I had to "pull" the clown out of me. Guillaume was very supportive and helped me to tune in. Nothing will work without trust on set.

Forever Young is a very funny movie. But it also raises serious problems. Fear of aging, for example.

This fear is especially strong in actors. Sooner or later, looking at ourselves on the screen, we understand that we are getting old. Our roles change as we age. This is especially worrying and unnerving for those who continue to identify with themselves when they are young. In responding to these fears, modern society offers an instant remedy. Instead of a gradual and long process of reconciliation of a person with himself, he is offered injections and operations. Here and now. The film talks about this, of course, ironically.

Metamorphoses with the hero after plastic surgery look creepy ...

This is where the real development of the story lies. At the beginning, the reality of the film is very close to our real life, but gradually it is deliberately mixed with fiction and brought to the point of absurdity.

But the hero himself is happy.

This is temporary peace. You can't live with a face like his for decades. So new modifications are needed.

You shoot a lot abroad. Does the release of a French film evoke any special feelings in you?

No. Each film is unique, each is like a new adventure. But this one is definitely special. I was happy to work with Guillaume again. His previous film "Blood Ties", which I adore, unfortunately, did not find its audience. Guillaume was very worried. So to see him again on the set, leading the process, with such a personal story, in a state of ease that comedy creates, is incredibly exciting.

ALEN ATTAL: The ways of filmmaking are inscrutable

You and Kane seem inseparable. You were the producer of all his films.

We have known each other since 1993. But we have no obligations to each other: the film is over - the page is turned. I have that kind of relationship with all the directors I work with. In the absence of any obligations there is a huge power: you only do what you want to do and when there is a good reason for it.

You both had ups and downs after As You Say...

Success brought us closer, and disasters brought us even closer. Surviving a storm brings people together. We are friends, but our friendship does not prevent us from being extremely demanding of each other. There is nothing we can't talk about. Many years of experience helped us on this film.

How do you work in the early stages of a project?

Guillaume loves projects to follow one after the other. And my job is to support him. He has a lot of ideas and desires, but, I noticed, they take on exact outlines only when the previous project is completely completed. He works by inspiration. He's not the kind of guy who sits down at a table, writes a plan, then a synopsis, then a script. Canet begins to write only when he has already come up with several scenes in detail. He is obsessed. You have to be firm with him.

Were you surprised by the theme of "Forever Young"?

I was immediately fascinated and fired up with this idea, however, fearing that Guillaume would not want to go too far in his self-criticism. His wife, friends, family were involved in the story, and I was worried that he would hide behind the cliché of an overly flawless image. As I wrote the script, I realized that there was no need to put pressure on him - he was determined to make a "black" comedy.

This is a bold and unusual project.

Incredible! Some people tried to warn Guillaume against him, but not me. I gave him the opportunity to express himself in full. While he was writing, I told him that this should be a story not only about the fears of a filmmaker, but also about what is familiar to every person - about a midlife crisis, about doubts, love, problems, choosing a path.

Initially, Guillaume was going to make a low-budget film.

The ways of filmmaking are inscrutable. He really wanted to make the film quickly, with a small group. But the more I came up with new scenes, the faster the project turned from a planned mockumentary into a full-fledged game. I supported this change. Bringing in the actors he wanted to shoot, securing the runtime he needed, and that American "stupidity" in the finale - of course, it took a big crew and special effects.

Guillaume's complex make-up in the final scenes must have created particular problems?

Huge! It's always tricky when an actor spends several hours on make-up before he starts filming. But when he also puts on a “suit” of pumped biceps, when special effects and other complex technologies are used, the problems are compounded. And when an actor is filming in every scene, and, besides, he is also the director of the film, this is where it starts.

real rock 'n' roll! When Guillaume, in full dress - biceps, makeup - gave instructions to the film crew, there was something schizoid about it.

You have worked with many directors who started their careers as actors (Nicole Garcia, Gilles Lellouche and others)…

My love for cinema came through the films of actor-directors, John Cassavetes for example. Their films fascinate me. For twenty years I have produced a lot of pictures of actors who turned into directors. But they never starred in their films, and they certainly didn't play the lead roles, which required three hours a day of makeup!

Here you also performed for the first time as an actor.

Guillaume gave me a big scene between his character and the producer to read and offered to play. I categorically refused. I was laughing wildly as I read it, but his idea of ​​my acting put me in a daze. I'm not an actor, and as a producer (in reality) I didn't want to ruin the movie with my inexperience. I was horrified. Then Guillaume reassured me, saying that Ivan Attal would participate in the scene, they would play all the most important things among themselves, and I would only portray the producer's anger in the background. In principle, I am a calm person, but once or twice Guillaume saw me in a terrible rage. This is what he decided to use in the film.

How did you finance the film, the script of which was constantly changing?

Although scenes were rewritten in the course of work and new directorial decisions were invented, the nature of the film - a "blackish" comedy - was nevertheless determined immediately. Therefore, I managed to interest partners. Each famous actor who responded to Guillaume's invitation added weight to the project. Despite the oddities of the script, our partners - Pathé, Canal Plus, M6 - believed in the project, Guillaume and me, supported us, giving us great freedom.

Guillaume Canet /Guillaume Canet/
Born April 10, 1973 in Boulogne-Billancourt, France. Winner of the "Cesar" award for directing ("Don't tell anyone"). He starred in the films "Cezanne and Me", "Love and Penguins", "Doping", "Next Time I'll Shoot in the Heart", "The Man Who Was Loved Too Much", "Right to Left", "Wonderful Life" , "Last Night in New York", "Last Flight", "Key", "Honey", "Just Together", "Hell", "Merry Christmas", "Glitch", "Car Keys", "Vidok" , "Loyalty", "Beach", "Barracuda". Director of the films Can't Sleep, As You Say, Don't Tell Anyone, Little Secrets, Blood Ties.
Marion Cotillard / Marion Cotillard /
She was born on September 30, 1975 in Paris. Winner (La Vie en Rose) and nominee (Two Days, One Night) of the Academy Award, European Film Academy, British Academy Film Awards, César, all for her role as Edith Piaf in La Vie en Rose . She starred in the films Ismael's Ghosts, Assassin's Creed, Allies, It's Only the End of the World, Illusion of Love, Macbeth, Fatal Passion, The Dark Knight Rises, Midnight in Paris", "Infection", "Beginning", "Nine", "Johnny D.", "Fall in Love with Me If You Dare", "Taxi".
Gilles Lellouche / Gilles Lellouche /
Starred in the films Model Families, French Transit, Payback, The Whistleblower, Right to Left, My Piece of the Pie, Adele's Extraordinary Adventures, Little Turbulence Zone, Enemy of the State No. 1", "Masked Bandits", "Elusive", "My wife is an actress", "Fall in love with me if you dare."
Ben Foster
He starred in the films "Inferno", "Warcraft", "Any Cost", "And the Storm Came", "Dope", "A Streetcar Named Desire", "Survivor", "On the Run", "Mechanic".
IVAN ATTAL /Yvan Attal/
Starred in the films The Last Diamond, His Wife, Longtime Lovers, Attraction, Rush Hour 3, Munich, Elusive, The Translator, Car Keys, Easier for the Camel …”, “After love”.
KEV ADAMS /Kev Adams/
He starred in the films "Mad Teachers", "Son", "The New Adventures of Aladdin".
Camille Rowe /Camille Rowe/
She starred in the films "Ideal", "Our day will come."
Johnny Hallyday /Johnny Hallyday/
Rock legend. He starred in the films "We love you, bastard", "Pink Panther-2", "Robbery in French", "The Man from the Train", "The Beast".


Guillaume Canet / Written and directed by Guillaume Canet
Born April 10, 1973 in Boulogne-Billancourt, France. Winner of the "Cesar" award for directing ("Don't tell anyone"). He starred in the films "Cezanne and Me", "Love and Penguins", "Doping", "Next Time I'll Shoot in the Heart", "The Man Who Was Loved Too Much", "Right to Left", "Wonderful Life" , "Last Night in New York", "Last Flight", "Key", "Honey", "Just Together", "Hell", "Merry Christmas", "Glitch", "Car Keys", "Vidok" , "Loyalty", "Beach", "Barracuda". Director of the films Can't Sleep, As You Say, Don't Tell Anyone, Little Secrets, Blood Ties.

PHILIPPE LEFEVRE / Philippe Lefebvre / - screenwriter
Born December 17, 1968. He starred in the films "Single", "Special Agents on Vacation", "My Piece of the Pie", "The Italian", "Don't Tell Nobody", "As Charlie Says", "Amateurs". He is the scriptwriter of the films As You Say, Real Weekend, We Are Legends.

Christophe Offenstein / Christophe Offenstein / - operator
Director of photography for all films by Guillaume Canet, as well as the films "The End", "Valley of Love", "The Kidnapping of Michel Houellebecq", "Free Exchange" and others.

MAXIM NUCCI /Maxim Nucci/ - composer
He was born on February 23, 1979 in Creteil, France. Famous musician, author of five albums, actor. He starred in the films "Don't Tell Nobody", "Once Upon a Time in Marseille", "Little Secrets".

ALEN ATTAL /Alain Attal/ – producer
He took part in the creation of the films "Illusion of Love", "Dancer", "My King", "Next Time I'll Shoot in the Heart", "She Loves Him", "Blood Ties", "Love at Your Fingertips", "Balcony overlooking the sea", "Little secrets", "Concert", "Don't tell anyone".

New film by French actor and director Guillaume Canet "Forever Young" elevates the self-deprecating (or is it, on the contrary, self-aggrandizing?) genre of celebrity satire to a new level. Except that Kane and his common-law wife Marion Cotillard appear on the screen in the image of themselves, the director managed to attract other famous French actors to work, who also appeared in a cameo.

This movie is a cleverly constructed comedy about a midlife crisis and a 42-year-old actor experiencing it as he destructively explores his ego for two and a half hours. All this is accompanied by funny and frankly crazy jokes about the entertainment industry, which will definitely appeal to fans of French cinema. Moreover, at times, the diligent and provocative game of a married couple could promote this very local movie to the international market.

Canet is best known outside of France for his role in the film Danny Boyle"The Beach", while at home he created unforgettable images in the films of independent directors ( "Next Time I'll Shoot in the Heart", "Wonderful Life") and was noted in commercial products of mass culture ( "Merry Christmas", "Right to Left"). In addition, he directed the thriller Tell No One and the sentimental dramedy Little Secrets.

Returning to his familiar and most comfortable environment and pointing the camera at himself from an unusual angle, Guillaume was able to present a fresh celebrity parody that did not miss the ugly side of celebrity life, which greatly intensifies towards the end of the story, which turns into something extravagant.

The beginning of the film is rather measured, however, when Canet's hero starts shooting in the film of his friend-director ( Philippe Lefebvre), he has a conflict with a model who has become an actress ( Camille Rowe). The problem is that he plays not only the priest, but also her father - this deals a significant blow to the actor's ego, which is exacerbated after Rowe says in an interview that he considers his co-star to be too old and not “rock n” enough. roll" compared to young stars like her.

At the same time, Canet's character becomes literally obsessed with his appearance and age, and when he tries to complain about this to his cohabitant Cotillard, with whom he shares a child, she is too busy with her own career to pay attention to his problems. "You can only play stutterers or disabled people!" - he breaks down on his ignoring wife, referring the audience to the roles of Marion in films "It's just the end of the world" Xavier Dolana and "Rust and Bone" Jacques Audiard. But her current role is even worse: she is learning the Quebec accent for Dolan's new painting and insists on using the most radical form of that dialect.

The joke in this episode is hardly considered by those who do not speak French, but Cotillard plays it so sincerely that he cannot help but cause laughter. Canet also looks good in the role of a fool, but carries himself more reservedly, which moves him away from the usual style of French comedies. Documentary facts are included in each of these stories, and actors such as Gilles Lellouche and Ivan Attal. There is even a goofy cameo from the rock legend Johnny Holliday, which makes sense only if the viewer knows who he is.

Perhaps some of the gags will be incomprehensible to the audience, but everyone will definitely like the plot twist when Kane stops pretending to be a party boy and, having failed to have sex with either Cotillard, or Rowe, or anyone else, decides to pump up his physical data. Without going into details, we can say that in this case comes to mind Mickey Rourke and the results are far from ideal. The hero's makeover is so over the top that "Everything will be rock and roll" eventually loses some of its credibility. However, it is impressive thanks to the excellent work of the make-up artists and the visual effects team.

40-year-old Marion Cotillard, with whom Brad portrayed love in the movie "Allies". The news about and completely blew up the editorials. Gossip claimed that it was Pitt who was the father of the unborn baby. Numerous Brangelina fans bombarded Marion with threats and insults.

The situation became so aggravated that the cohabitant of the actress Guillaume Canet had to speak out. The actor and director said that he was the father of the unborn child, and asked Cotillard not to interfere with Angelina and Brad anymore. An open letter appeared on the page of her beloved Marion on Instagram.

“I don’t comment on rumors about us, I don’t have the habit of talking frankly about my personal life, which until now I have always tried to protect. But I was forced to change my principles and speak out stupid and corrupt people who call themselves journalists, representatives of the tabloids, as well as haters, who feel so omnipotent, sitting at the keyboard and pouring mud on innocent people," Guillaume does not hide his indignation.

Photo posted by Guillaume Canet (@guillaumecanetofficiel) Aug 30, 2016 at 10:02 AM PDT

The actor assured his subscribers that he and Cotiyar, despite the hype and dirty gossip, everything is cloudless. “They forced me to admit that I am proud of Marion, love, respect and admire her. For me, she remains strong and smart, despite the fact that stupid and unfounded accusations are made against her. Even in such an ugly situation, I want to maintain a positive attitude and not sink to the level of these people. And as Marion said, I wish you all to become better and strive for something more in your life than pouring mud on others, "Kane concluded.

“It will be on the flow of news that broke out in the last 24 hours. Usually I don’t comment on such things and don’t even pay attention to them, but since the scandal affects people I love, I have to speak out about this,” Marion wrote. The actress explained that she was expecting a child from her husband Guillaume Canet, and also called him the only man and best friend. The couple is raising a five-year-old son, Marcel, who will soon have a brother or sister.

The actress also answered those who were worried about her health and nerves. “I feel good, thank you. The noise created around all this does not tire me. And to all the media and haters who make such hasty conclusions, I wish you a speedy deliverance from this ailment,” she added.

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