Formation of independent work skills for students in the piano class - methodological page - assol. Formation of skills of independent work in training

3. Analysis of the results of the work

1. Purpose, objectives and organization of the study

Purpose: to identify the pedagogical conditions for the formation of skills for independent activity of students of a pedagogical college (future teachers). Hypothesis: the creation of pedagogical conditions in the process of organizing students' independent work will contribute to the formation of their skills for independent activity. Tasks:

1. To analyze the experience of organizing independent activities of students of the MPC (Miass Pedagogical College).

2. Develop and implement the technology of independent activity of UNPO students.

3. Analyze the results of the work, develop recommendations for teachers of the IPC.

Research methods:

· study and generalization of the experience of pedagogical activity in USPO;

Observation, conversation, questioning;

processing and analysis of the results of the experiment.

Research base: Miass Pedagogical College (MPC) - trains primary school teachers. The object of our research is the process of formation of skills for independent activity of students of the Miass Pedagogical College. The subject of the study is the importance of independent activity in the process of training future specialists. One of the urgent problems of secondary specialized education is the formation of self-education skills in students.

The need to modernize education at the beginning of the 21st century is caused by the unprecedented rapid pace of development of scientific and technological progress, which requires a person to continuously update their knowledge, skills and abilities. This need is manifested for each person in a change in the daily practice of actions: what worked yesterday, today becomes ineffective. Thus, a modern successful, competitive person must have a stable skill in restructuring the goal-setting system of his behavior. This skill is acquired in the course of education. Therefore, the content of the modernization of education is determined by a change in the goals of education: not only to teach each student, but also to develop his cognitive and creative abilities, to form a system of not only universal knowledge, skills and abilities, but also independent activity and personal responsibility. All this makes up the key competencies that determine the modern quality of education.

In accordance with this understanding, there has been a significant update in the content of the education component. The main requirement for the content of the educational process was the need to provide "conditions for the formation of a holistic view among students about the relationship of processes occurring in the world, country, region, a particular municipality, and readiness to engage in practical activities for its development." At the same time, the problem of the formation and development of social competence among students, based on the need for self-education and self-realization, came to the fore. Updating the organizational and content model of education in the context of the modernization of modern education required the teaching staff of the college to revise the developed model of liberal education and clarify a number of positions.

Practice has shown that the humanization of modern education is carried out in the conditions of an ever-accelerating pace of transformations in all spheres of public life. The result of this was the emergence of a social need to encourage the individual to constant self-development. The rapid pace of the introduction of new technologies, technical devices, ways of implementing social relations require the inclusion in self-development, which is determined not so much by a person’s own need for self-realization as by the social need for social transformations, of a large mass of people. Therefore, for the modern education system, the problem of developing a system for the gradual formation of internal necessity and the need for self-development has become an urgent problem as a prerequisite for the successful education and upbringing of college students. The most important contradiction of the modern system of upbringing and education is the lack of special activities in it to develop in students the need for development and self-development in any form of knowledge of the world. It is required to move away from the principle of forced inclusion of students in mastering educational standards. In the methods of organizing their education, it is necessary to include ideas related to the development of the motivational sphere of students. It is necessary to resolve the contradiction between the external need for independent activity of students and the internal motivation for active work in the study of subjects. The very social interaction between teachers and students should be characterized by the consistent implementation of the principles of developing motivation for independent learning activities for each student, which will allow those who master the requirements of modern culture to realize the social need for an educated person.

2. Development and implementation of a technology (program) aimed at developing the skills for independent activity of students of a pedagogical college (future teachers)

The program "The system of forming a culture of independent activity of students of the pedagogical college". Human behavior is determined by the needs and influence of the external environment. Culture sets specific boundaries for the manifestation of natural activity, the transition from spontaneity of actions to a certain organization of behavior. In this sense, the development of personality can be seen as a movement from natural activity to sociocultural activity. Therefore, one of the areas of work of the Pedagogical College is the formation of a culture of independent activity of students. In the process of forming a culture of independent activity, first of all, the issues of developing in students the value of that independence, which is carried out according to certain norms and rules, are solved. The most important characteristic of independence is that it always realizes an internal need that encourages a person to a certain activity. Many students do not perceive the requirements of the teacher, just because they are an external necessity for them, which significantly reduces the level of their own independence. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the emphasis on the value of a particular content, type of learning activity for the student personally. The main pedagogical technologies then become those that create conditions in the learning process that encourage children to try to independently solve the problems associated with the study of a particular educational topic. At the same time, situations are created when the teacher gives students the opportunity to show spontaneous independence, which is not related to the implementation of norms and rules. This kind of independence inevitably leads to negative results, to mistakes that convincingly prove to the student the limitations and inefficiency of spontaneous actions that are not based on special knowledge and skills. The formation of an understanding of the value of a culture of independent activity in learning is the result of the success that a child has achieved with the skillful use of the norms and rules for mastering a particular school subject. The independence of finding the right result is the most important condition for mastering the culture of compliance with regulatory requirements. A culture of independent learning is formed when a child is given the opportunity to make various mistakes in a situation where he has not sufficiently studied a particular topic. Creating situations where the student independently seeks the right result, and does not get it ready-made, allows him to be convinced of the need to make special efforts to master the culture of solving various problems.

Using the project method as a component of the education system. The project method is a way of organizing students' independent activities aimed at solving the problem of an educational project, integrating a problem-based approach, group methods, reflective, presentational, research, search and other methods. It allows you to educate an independent and responsible person, develops creativity and mental abilities.

Inclusion of students in a competitive situation. This type of pedagogical activity involves the organization of the development of schoolchildren's skills in preparing for participation in various competitions, olympiads, NPCs held at the level of the city, district, region, as well as the organization of public recognition of the results of culturally organized and positively directed independence. The inclusion of students in a wide and varied field of competition provides stimulation for mastering the skills of a culture of independent activity. The purpose of the program: Creation of an organizational and content model of the educational process that contributes to the systematic formation of a culture of independent activity of students at all levels of education. Program objectives:

1. Creation of a set of conditions for the formation of a culture of independent activity of students.

2. Development of principles and forms of implementation of the system for the formation of students' independence skills in the main types of educational and extracurricular activities

3. Development and testing of a content model of the educational process aimed at developing the skills of students' independence

One of the problems of teachers in modern schools is not the ability to organize independent work in the classroom when conducting laboratory work, practical classes, consultation seminars.

It is also necessary to recognize the fact that most students are not able to work independently, they tend to shirk, to avoid independent work. More often, students want to get everything ready-made without labor and their own efforts.

Not every teacher is able to overcome this resistance. Of course, there are also difficulties in preparing lessons with independent work: there are still few technical means, didactic material, computers, even the necessary literature for students and the recommendations themselves for teachers.

But all of the above does not prevent many teachers from exemplarily organizing the independent work of students and achieving truly high results.

It is very important to teach the student to learn!

I would like to learn more about the methods of developing independent work skills in biology lessons.

Sometimes it’s as if everything is there: questions are asked, experiments are carried out, and problems are solved and textbooks are used in the classroom - children work, do something on their own, but in essence, if you delve deeply, all this is purely external, all these actions are superficial nature: children do everything strictly according to the model, according to the stencil, they are not responsible for the results of their work, they can work passively, not trying very hard at half strength.

The main task is to learn the skills, methods of organizing students' independent work and teach children to work independently, develop skills, habits and love for educational work.

Independent work is an ambiguous concept, it can take different forms, methods and techniques.

Each teacher, while explaining new material, should involve students in independent work.

Receptions can be very diverse, here are some of them:

1. Reading a lecture, explaining something, at the right time a question is asked to the class : explaining a question, the teacher addresses the class: “open the textbook, on page 43, read paragraph 3 to yourself and explain what you read.

Students apply knowledge in practice, give their own interpretations, think about solving a genetic problem.

2. When explaining new material, you can ask questions and put on a video clip, turn on a filmstrip, a cadascop. Children look at the screen, look for answers to the questions posed, that is, they are included in cognitive activity.

3. After explaining the topic "Protein biosynthesis”, the teacher demonstrates a model application on this topic and asks to explain, reproduce the sequence of the protein synthesis process. Schoolchildren not only reinforce, but also reason, practically participate in the cognitive process. Acquire new knowledge and skills.

4. Before explaining, you can give a card - tasks, to which you can attach drawings, photocopies from additional sources, herbariums, wet preparations, and then prepare answers to certain questions on this topic of the lesson.

These techniques lead to a better assimilation of new material, since each student is involved in the work.

Independent work of students can take place as an integral part of the lesson. You can explain, show, tell, and then devote about 10-15, and sometimes 20 minutes to independent work, followed by commentary and summing up.

This type of independent work is the most effective. Memory develops, the ability to reproduce, even to think, but according to certain standards.

More complex work is associated with the search, the solution of complicated problems.

You can use game moments.

For example: mentally transport yourself to the conditions of the far north, feel the cold, and then compare yourself with animals and explain their adaptations to these living conditions.

A more fundamental type of self-study is special lessons, or part of the lessons, entirely devoted to the independent work of students.

Lessons may vary.

  • consolidation of knowledge;
  • laboratory works;
  • practical work;
  • work with workbooks;
  • seminars, etc.

Such lessons, completely dedicated to independent work, are usually held rarely and require careful preparation.

BUT if they are carried out more often, then students learn new material better, know how to work with different sources. Without the help of a teacher, they can orient themselves at the right time and find the answer to the question posed, and most importantly, when they continue their studies at universities, all these skills of independent work help to gain knowledge, they easily navigate in the world of different literature.

An approximate algorithm for preparing a lesson with independent work.

1. Choose and formulate a topic.
2. Set goals for independent work (learn something, learn something, find a solution, etc.).
3. Think over the sequence of actions, operations.
4. Prepare didactic material (herbaria, tubes, models, drawings, tables).
5. Pupils are taught beforehand how to work independently.

How best to remember the material being studied.

    Read the text very carefully.

    Particular attention is paid to the structure of the material presented.

    The headings of already highlighted parts of the text are mentally repeated.

    Special fragments of the text are mentally retold.

    The wording is read especially closely, and less attention is paid to the details.

    If there is a footnote in the wording where it came from, then remember, sometimes it helps to remember the definition.

    It is very important what text you read, if it is difficult, then they read little and thoroughly.

    When meeting with unfamiliar terms, they need to be written out in words, and then find the meaning. Never leave incomprehensibly inexplicable.

    Write out everything in a notebook that you need to remember (terms, years of events, titles of articles, names of scientists ...).

    Please note that reading happens:

    • initial, when there is an acquaintance with the text, where it is important to understand the general meaning of the text, try to determine the main thoughts, mark obscure places;

      repeated - this is actually reading-assimilation.

How to conduct an analysis.

Analysis is a procedure for the mental and real division of an object (phenomenon, process), as well as the identification of individual parts, features, properties.

    Mentally divide the object, phenomenon, object into separate components that have a certain functional significance.

    Try to find in the selected blocks characteristic features, details of the subject being studied.

    Think about the reasons for this division into blocks.

How to generalize.

Generalization is a thought process that leads to finding common things in given objects or phenomena.

    Find the most important points in the objects under consideration, phenomena.

    Determine their similarities.

    Establish a connection between them.

    Formulate a general conclusion.

How to make extracts.

Write out - having found the necessary thought in the source, write it off, write it down.

    Read the title of the article and understand it.

    Read the text carefully and write down thoughts as you read.

    Strive for brevity.

    Separate one thought from another.

    When finished, write down all the source data.

How to work on the concept.

A concept is a logically formed thought.

    Name the concept in question. Give it a definition.

    Isolate the leading properties of the concept by which it differs from other concepts of this kind.

    Give an example that specifies this concept, find the scope of its application.

    Use this word to write a story.

How to work on comparison.

Compare - put side by side, compare to establish similarities and differences.

    Find the answer to the question: who is, what is?

    Compare the definitions of two objects or phenomena. Find the main similarity.

    Highlight the essential features of each item.

    Find out all the signs of similarities and differences between objects.

    Find and explain the reasons for similarities and differences.

How to explain theory.

Theory is a doctrine, a system of scientific principles, ideas that generalize scientific experience and reflect the laws of nature, society, and thinking.

    Find out what facts, observations served as the basis for formulating the theory.

    Name the main provisions, concepts of the theory.

    Determine the range of phenomena explained by this theory.

    Give experimental and experimental data that can serve as proof of the correctness of the theory.

    Name the areas of application of this theory.

6. Think over ways to formalize the results of work, final and intermediate control, the role of the teacher in the course of independent work, timely assistance to those who need it.
7. If it is necessary to conduct a briefing on t / b.
8. Before the start of the lesson, the children receive the necessary explanation of the course of the lesson (i.e. set goals and tasks for them that they must solve - they must know exactly what is required of them, what will be asked of them during the knowledge control).

Unfortunately, such a lesson requires a good material base (many things can be made by the students themselves), a lot of time, because few guidelines have been developed in this direction.

There should be constant training with students, they should be accustomed to such work in the classroom. Sometimes the most unexpected obstacles disrupt classes. For example: during laboratory work, they could not prepare the drug, which means they did not see it, they cannot draw a conclusion, etc.

Here is an example of a lesson on independent work.

TOPIC: Cell organelles and their functions.


educational- to form concepts about the organelles of the cell, about their functions.
Educational- the ability to use a textbook, make schematic drawings, draw up tables, develop speech, memory, logical thinking.


Organizing time.


1. What are the kingdoms of wildlife?
2. Do all representatives of the 4 kingdoms have the same cell structure?
3. Let's remember the difference between cells of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria?

New material.

CARD - TASK (for the student)

1. In the paragraph, find definitions for the following concepts:




2. Write down these concepts in your workbook.

3. What 2 groups are organelles divided into? Make a diagram.

4. What organelles are present:

BUT - in plant cells

B - in animal cells

AT - in mushroom cells

G - in bacterial cells

Fill in the table number 1:

5. Study the structural features of organelles and their functions.

Fill in table number 2. Structural components of the stand and their functions.

Organoid name

Features of the structure of the organoid (scheme. Fig.)

Organoid functions

6. Learn the material covered and prepare an oral answer according to the cell drawings.

I want to consider the issues of organizing independent work in mathematics lessons, as I believe that it contributes to a better assimilation of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities to apply this knowledge, and increases the level of student activity. It disciplines, gives rise to schoolchildren's faith in themselves, in their strengths and capabilities. In the process of teaching mathematics, the task of the teacher is not only to provide solid knowledge provided by the program, but also to develop the independence and active thinking of students. Therefore, independent work of students is one of the most effective forms of learning.

In educational activities, it is important that students learn not just to memorize what the teacher says, not just learn what the teacher explains to them, but they themselves, on their own, can gain knowledge, it is important how independent the student is in mastering knowledge and developing skills.

The conscious choice of this or that action characterizes the active mental activity of students, and its implementation - determination. Without independence in learning, deep assimilation of knowledge is unthinkable. Independence is inextricably linked with activity, which is the driving force in the process of cognition. Insufficiency of independence makes the student passive, hinders the development of his thinking and ultimately makes him incapable of applying the acquired knowledge. In order to successfully graduate from school, students must show a high level of mastery of the subjects of the course of general education disciplines, incl. mathematics, so the task of the teacher is to find an individual approach to the student, to support him. This means that it is necessary to make the educational process as feasible as possible, but at the same time meeting all the requirements of the content of education.

My students differ in character, temperament, abilities, different pace of work. One of the effective ways to take into account individual differences in teaching, in my opinion, is a differentiated approach. It is also important in terms of the development of cognitive independence, and the formation of students' desire for self-education.

Educational independent work. Their meaning lies in the independent fulfillment by students of the tasks given by the teacher in the course of explaining new material. The purpose of such work is to develop interest in the material being studied, to involve each student in the work in the lesson. At the first lessons of the formation of knowledge and the development of skills and abilities, most of the exercises are educational in nature, they are conducted under the guidance of a teacher. However, the degree of teacher intervention in the practical activities of students will be determined by the individual abilities of the student in the assimilation of knowledge.

Training independent work mainly consists of tasks of the same type, containing essential features and properties of this definition, rule. Such work allows you to develop basic skills and abilities, thereby creating a basis for further study of the material. When performing training independent work, the help of a teacher is necessary.

As a rule, the monotony of any work reduces the interest of students in it. But in the course of mathematics there are often topics, the study of which requires solving a large number of similar tasks, without which it is impossible to develop stable knowledge and skills. The tasks proposed for independent work should arouse the interest of students. It can be achieved by the unusual content of tasks. Helps to keep students' attention tasks with an entertaining plot.

MBOU secondary school №71

Rozhmanova V.P.

Formation of skills of independent activity in junior schoolchildren in personality-developing education.

The formation of skills for independent activity of students is one of the urgent tasks of modern education, and instilling in students the skills of independent work on educational material is one of the prerequisites for successful learning.

Modern society needs people who are capable of independent judgments and assessments, actions and actions. Psychologists believe that the need for independence is inherent in children from an early age. In their opinion, the phrase "I myself" means the beginning of the formation of personality. If in time to develop independence in a child, then this will serve as a guarantee of his success in a creative attitude to life. And you can do this in the lessons of ordinary subjects.

Independence can define, as a qualitative side of volitional, mental and practical activity. It is not born by itself, it is brought up and developed. Primary school plays a special role in this process. Primary school age is a special period in which the most important personality traits develop.

The ability of children of this age to imitate them, on the one hand, to learn an example, a model of behavior, on the other hand, restrains their independence, fetters the child. Often a younger student wants to become independent, but an insufficiently developed will, impulsiveness, the tendency to act under the influence of various emotions does not allow you to fulfill your plans and desires. No less important are the individual characteristics of the child, which, in turn, activate or inhibit, hinder the manifestation of his independence. For example, self-doubt hinders independence, courage, determination help to fearlessly express one's opinion, to take on a new business.

I begin the development of students' independence from the very first days of schooling, since it is at primary school age that the formation of such personality traits as independence, responsibility for self-control comes.

Independent activity is formed by various means, of which the most common is independent work. Many scientists, teachers, psychologists and methodologists define independent work as a specific pedagogical means of organizing and managing students' independent activities.

The importance of independent work in the educational process cannot be overestimated. It contributes to the formation of independence as a quality of the individual, the implementation of the principle of an individual approach, allows you to differentiate learning tasks and thereby contribute to the achievement of a truly conscious and lasting mastery of knowledge.

Indicators of qualitative assimilation of the studied material - the active work of all students in the class; the ability of each student to complete the task under the guidance of the teacher and justify their actions; perform similar tasks independently. The latter does not mean that the teacher has no leadership role. Rather, on the contrary, when organizing independent work, the role of the teacher increases.

It can be said that only in the course of independent work do students develop those cognitive abilities, acquire and improve those skills and abilities, without which it is impossible to master knowledge both at school and in life in general.

The structure of independent work.

Studies have shown that independent work has a certain structure. It includes three stages:

    Preparatory / indicative /;



    /preparatory stage

This is an acquaintance with the task, orientation in it.

The child, after listening to the task, examines the object or drawing, reads or rereads the condition of the task, the content of the text, etc. In the course of this, he analyzes the task and the synthesis associated with it, that is, comprehends it, highlighting what is given in the task, what needs to be learned or done, what knowledge and actions will be required for this knowledge and action, draws up a plan for completing the task.

    /executive/ stage

It consists in the fact that the student, having understood the task and drawn up an action plan, performs and checks it.

    / verification / stage

It consists in the fact that the student, having completed the task, independently, on his own initiative, checks the work and evaluates it, that is, exercises self-control and self-assessment.

Thus, the structure of independent work includes:

    analysis of work /tasks/,

    search for ways to implement it,

    work planning,


    verification and evaluation of the work done.

Individual types of independent work may include either all or some of these elements. The more of the above elements are included in the independent work of students, the higher its level, and hence the level of independence of students.

The main types of independent work of students. Independent works can be classified according to several didactic features that characterize different aspects of the same work. Independent work is different:

    For didactic purposes, they can be directed to:

    to update the knowledge of students;

    to learn new knowledge;

    to consolidate, expand and improve the learned learning activities;

    to check and control the planned results.

    By the nature of the activity that is required from students in the process of performing work:

    according to a given pattern / writing letters, numbers, gluing a box, etc.;

    according to a rule or a whole system of rules;

    by design features / creative approach /.

Independent work, as work on assignment, can be successfully carried out only when children are clearly aware of its purpose and they have a desire to achieve this goal.

Purposefulness makes independent work conscious, meaningful, arouses interest in it. The presence of already formed learning activities constitutes the technical basis, the mechanisms by which students go to achieve the goal.

Students have access to independent work aimed at learning new material. With such work, a plan is thought out (written on the board, cards), the purpose of the work and ways to achieve it are explained. The plan is divided into 2 sections: what should the student do to gain new knowledge; what you need to know (learn) and be able to tell.

In such work, all its structural elements are set by the teacher in finished form, so the level of independence of students here is not high enough.

Students need to be prepared for independent work that requires the completion of a new educational task: to teach them to read the task on their own in a textbook, on a board or card; understand the sequence of upcoming work; execute it and draw the desired conclusion. As students master these learning activities, they should be more independent in finding ways to complete the task, planning work.

For the timely and successful completion of independent work by students, the teacher must know the specifics of methods for managing the cognitive activity of students, be able to form and transform goals, motives, guidelines and value orientations for educational activities in a timely and correct manner.

In other words, organizing the independent activities of students to know:

    when it is advisable to introduce independent work when studying any educational material;

    what specific type of independent work from all possible ones should be chosen and used at each stage of learning?

The organization and conduct of independent activities in the classroom requires a special approach, so I carefully think over lesson plans, determine the content and place of independent work, forms and methods of its organization.

Only in this case will the independent activity of students be conscious, it is very important to foresee the difficulties and possible mistakes that children may have in the course of its implementation, to think over the control and assistance to students.

The discrepancy between the volume of work and the allocated time, especially the organization of independent work in mathematics lessons, is one of the shortcomings of its organization. When planning the amount of independent work, it is necessary to take into account the pace of work of students. To save time in the classroom and better organize the work, V.K. Buryak suggests that the teacher complete the task himself, and multiply the time spent on completing one task by 3 - that is how many minutes students will need to complete the task. Overestimation of the amount of work causes a state of anxiety in the student, haste in actions, and dissatisfaction with the quality of performance.

Speaking about the level of complexity of independent work, let's pay attention to the fact that it should not be too simple, below the level of development of the mental abilities of students. The gradual increase in the difficulty of independent work takes place mainly in three directions:

    by increasing the volume of tasks and the duration of independent work of students;

    by complicating the content of the task;

    by changing the methods of instruction and gradually reducing the amount of help from the teacher.

Consider the gradual increase in the independence of students in the performance of independent work on the topic "Offer".

    Compiling sentences on key words is the easiest creative work.

    Work on text, deformed text. Observing the speech of younger schoolchildren, we see that many of them find it difficult to express their thoughts, cannot develop them logically, build a connected statement poorly, because they do not know the rules for its construction; they do not know how separate parts of the statement are combined, how independent sentences are connected in the text. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a series of exercises that contribute to the formation of the ability to create a text, use a means of communication between sentences, and distinguish a text from a set of sentences on one topic.

At the first level of acquaintance with the concept of "text", it is necessary to show children that the text is a thematic unity, to bring them to the concept of "theme" and to form the ability to determine the theme of the statement in the finished text. For example, students are given the task to copy the text from the cards, put dots at the end of the sentence and determine what topic the text is about. Dots are placed in the cards for weak students.

The animals are getting ready for winter. Squirrel dries mushrooms. The hedgehog builds a dwelling from dry leaves.

To consolidate the material, the following types of work can be offered:

Two broad themes ("Winter holidays", "New Year"). Pupils will independently write down two or three narrow topics for each of them;

    the sentences written on the board need to be swapped to make a text;

    write off the text, underline the words that serve to link one sentence with others;

    compose and write down three sentences; to prove why certain words were used for communication.

Younger students are happy to work with the didactic material "Scattered text". The proposals are written on separate cards (you can write the text on paper of different colors). Silently advanced cards, children design text. This work is for both strong and weak learners. Checking errors are easy to correct before copying the text by rearranging the cards.

Independent work on compiling coherent texts captivates children and instills in them self-confidence. In summarizing this topic, it is necessary that children learn the following:

      1. In the text, the sentences are related in meaning;

        There is a certain order of sentences in the text that cannot be violated;

        Each sentence in the text is complete in meaning and has its own boundaries.

I single out some types of independent written exercises as a means of expressing the student's personality.

The greatest opportunities for the student to reveal himself as a person in the process of education is the work on the development of independent written speech. This is a creative work that involves a high degree of activity of schoolchildren and their cognitive independence.

To this end, I organize independent work aimed at performing various text exercises. Directing the activities of students, I offer the source material on the basis of which students create creative work.

1. Creation of two texts from one pseudo-text according to the meaning.

Birds build nests. Nests are made from roots, moss grass.

Inside they are lined with soft fluff. In spring, the female frog lays many eggs. They are called caviar. Each egg turns into a tadpole.

Students note that two texts are connected in the record: the first is about birds, the second is about frogs, and they form the task: “Define the boundaries of two texts and restore them.” Reading passages, students prove that these are different texts, since they have different topics, determine that the first text has a beginning, the second has a beginning or middle. Further, I propose to distribute these texts in sentences. Students creatively, independently solved the learning task, supplemented the texts with interesting, informative nature, information, used sentences of different emotional coloring (the texts “The Life of Birds”, “Caring Parents”, “How a Frog is Born” were compiled ...)

    Creating text by students in a circle (group work)

Each student has a piece of paper. The first sentence “The autumn forest surprises with its beauty” is written down by one student from the group, then he passes the sheet with the written sentence to the right of a classmate sitting in a circle, the second student writes 1-2 sentences in 2-3 minutes (the time is controlled by the teacher). Then the second student passes the sheet in a circle to the third student ...

Work continues until the sheet reaches the first student, and he writes a generalizing sentence to the text.

Here is the essay.

The autumn forest surprises with its beauty. Forest, like a painted tower.

Aspen leaves were reddened like ripe apples. A birch leaf curls like a golden bee. Maples burn with bright fires. A boletus hid under a yellow birch leaf. Have you seen this charm?

    When studying the topic "Adjective", the students were offered such an independent work "Compose a text in which the studied part of speech would be found."

    Text creation - riddles in a circle while learning a new vocabulary word. A large place in elementary school is occupied by independent work aimed at the formation and development of educational activities in general. This work is with a textbook, text, illustrations, maps.

In elementary grades, independent work with didactic material, which is very diverse, is widely used. This is a set of cards with drawings, letters, syllables, words, text, numbers, tasks; speech development cards, differential tasks on cards, punched cards / dictionary, certain complex topics /; split alphabet; counting material; visual aids (tables, samples, handout picture material).

So, rationally organized independent activity of younger schoolchildren contributes to the development of educational material and the development of cognitive abilities.

Used Books

    Buryak V.K. Independent work of students. M., 1984

    Vysotskaya L.S. Thinking and speech. M., 1999

    Lvov M.R. and other Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary classes. M., 2002

Davydenko Oksana Vladislavovna,
MOU Lyceum No. 130 of the Kirovsky district of Yekaterinburg
mathematic teacher

One of the goals of training is to achieve such a level of development of students when they are able to independently set the goal of activity, update the knowledge and methods of activity necessary to solve the problem; plan their actions, adjust their implementation, correlate the result with the goal, that is, independently carry out educational activities. Independence is one of the most important qualities of students and the most important condition for their learning.

The problem of the methodology for the formation of independent work skills is relevant for teachers of all school subjects, including me. Its solution is also important from the point of view that in order to successfully master the modern content of school mathematical education, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of the learning process in the direction of enhancing the independent activity of students. And the higher the level of independence of students, the more effective their learning activities will be. The formation of independence in learning activities is a prerequisite for the manifestation of this quality in other activities, not only in those in which the student is currently involved, but also in those that are coming to him in the future.

Practice shows that when teaching mathematics, it is necessary to give a significant place to the independent work of students. Without this, there can be no assimilation of program material in mathematics. Only in the performance of various exercises mathematical concepts are fixed, computational skills are developed, the ability of geometric constructions is acquired, the spatial representation of students develops, the ability to practically apply knowledge, their experience in solving problems. In the process of performing independent work in mathematics, students develop attention, memory, the desire to substantiate their hypotheses and assumptions, and initiative.

The core of any independent work is the task that serves as the beginning of the student's independent cognitive activity. And he defines independent work as any active activity of students organized by the teacher, aimed at fulfilling the set didactic goal in the time specially allotted for this. As a didactic phenomenon, independent work is, on the one hand, an educational task, i. what the student must do, the object of his activity, on the other hand, the form of manifestation of the corresponding activity: memory, thinking, creative imagination when the student completes the educational task, which ultimately leads the student either to obtain a completely new, previously unknown knowledge, or to deepening and expanding the scope of already acquired knowledge.

There are various types of independent work, for example: reproducing independent work according to the model; reconstructive-variative; heuristic; creative (research). The most diverse types of independent work are classified according to the purpose of their application: teaching; training; fixing; repetitive; developing; creative; control.

Other classifications of types of independent work are also known, for example, classification according to the source of knowledge and method: work with a textbook; work with reference literature; solving and compiling tasks; training exercises; essays and descriptions; tasks according to schemes, drawings, graphs.
For several years now, in my work, I have been using a test system for testing and evaluating knowledge in mathematics lessons, which allows students to master the skills of independent work, increases the cognitive activity of children, and gives me, as a teacher, the opportunity to evaluate their knowledge more objectively. The credit system I use not only involves a test, but also provides for a special construction of a system of lessons on the entire topic being studied, as well as the use of various techniques that allow each student to be included in the active work.

Before studying a larger topic, I inform students of the work plan: the number of lessons, summary, what types of lessons will be used when studying the topic, which of them will be used for tests. Students get acquainted with the goals and objectives of each type of lesson, with the forms of organization of educational activities in it. This is necessary in order to prepare students for work, to make them active participants in the learning process. In addition, it teaches the children to plan their own activities, the ability to see the ultimate goal of the work.

The principle of active independent activity of students, which guides my work, requires a clear allocation of time to explain new material. It is preferable to introduce theoretical material in fairly large portions - thereby quickly realizing a fairly complete system of facts necessary to solve problems on a given topic. So there were lessons-lectures. After all, a lecture is an example of a concise and clear presentation of mathematical thought - it teaches proof, and most importantly, how to find it. It is impossible to teach a schoolboy everything that is needed in life; it is possible and necessary to teach them to acquire knowledge on their own, to be able to apply it in practice, to work with a book. It is known that knowledge must be constantly replenished, that in the lesson it is important not only and not so much to “transmit” them, but to learn to draw information from a variety of literature and, first of all, from a textbook. Therefore, in the lectures I leave “blank” spots that students must fill in at home. When completing the task, they must turn to the textbook - they repeatedly return to the studied material, but each time they approach it in a new and deeper way. The lecture is closely interconnected with other lessons, primarily with classes in which students expand and deepen their knowledge in the process of independent work. In my lectures I use elements of entertainment - one of the means of forming a sustainable cognitive interest, which is a kind of emotional relaxation in the classroom and helps to mobilize the attention and volitional efforts of students.

As a rule, after the theoretical block, independent learning work is carried out, the meaning of which is to independently perform the tasks given by the teacher in the course of explaining new material. The purpose of such work is to develop interest in the material being studied, to draw the attention of each student to what the teacher explains. Here, the incomprehensible is immediately clarified, difficult moments are revealed, gaps in knowledge that make it difficult to firmly assimilate the studied material make themselves felt. Such work is composed mainly of tasks of a reproductive nature.

Since independent learning work is carried out during the explanation of new material or immediately after the explanation, their immediate verification gives a clear picture of what is happening in the lesson, what is the degree of students' understanding of new material at the earliest stage of its study.

Very often I spend mathematical dictations. These are a kind of cuts that play a diagnostic role in the assimilation of the material. It immediately becomes clear who and how learned the material, what should be paid attention to. After studying the theoretical material, I give students control questions in advance to prepare for the test.

The credit system allows you to devote more time to solving problems. As you know, problem solving involves complex mental activity. In order to master it, it is necessary, firstly, to have a clear idea of ​​objects and essence, and secondly, to first master the elementary actions and operations that make up this activity. And finally, know the basic methods of its implementation and be able to use them. Having a theoretical base, the student, when solving a problem, immediately looks for a sequence of general provisions of mathematics (definitions, theorems, rules, formulas) and finds a solution. Moreover, each student tries to solve the problem independently and in his own way.

For independently solved task, I put the mark "5". If the student does not study systematically, the received grade "4" or "5" may be lost among other grades. But at the same time, a good grade can awaken in a child self-confidence, self-esteem, and a desire to learn better. And if we compare grades in algebra and geometry, then the latter are often higher. I always give high marks for a non-standard solution, a bold idea, a smart question.

When analyzing a complex problem with the guys, I usually offer simpler problems - keys (I call them support), each of which is an element of the one under consideration. If they are solved, then an approach to a complex problem opens up. Having reached a higher level, students themselves begin to come up with clues to complex problems.

At the second stage of studying the topic, we solve more serious problems. I don’t call anyone to the board, I carefully follow the work, I pay attention to the mistakes that I managed to notice. It becomes clear: the reason is that an important point from the material covered has been forgotten. I ask one of the students to come to the blackboard and start the solution. The lesson takes place at a fast pace, the class manages to solve at least 3-4 tasks, and strong students do even more. It is very important that all tasks constitute a complete system of exercises, subordinated to one idea, which was conceived in preparation for the lesson.

Before the control work, I conduct a lesson-consultation; it takes place not only the elimination of gaps in the knowledge of students on this topic, but also the consolidation, repetition of other issues. On the control work, I always give an additional task of an increased level of complexity, for which I put a separate mark. As a result, the children's interest in the subject and self-esteem grow.

I pass the test in two (paired) lessons, I offer students tasks at different levels. I give a mark of "5" if the student answered the whole theory (including proofs of theorems) on the ticket, "4" - if there were minor flaws in the answer. For the score "3" it is necessary to formulate all the definitions and formulations of the theorems. The student himself chooses, according to his abilities, what to answer. If he does not agree with the assessment, he can retake the test on another appointed day. I do not give a negative assessment for the test work within a certain period so that the student can calmly complete the missed work. When students get used to working according to this system, the incentive to learn changes quite dramatically: the child no longer has the fear of getting a bad grade, he begins to learn to plan his activities, see the ultimate goal of the work, distribute forces for a sufficiently long period of time, achieve the goal.

As a result of such work, mandatory learning outcomes are achieved, while attention is paid to each student. Despite the difficulties in organizing tests, I support this system, as it is an effective tool that helps to improve the quality of education, increase students' interest in academic work, and their activity. Before a weak student, the test sets a feasible goal for him: to know all the formulations of theorems and definitions that can be applied to solving problems, to learn how to solve basic problems with their help. For strong students, credit is also useful, since knowledge of the theory throughout the section will help them cope with any task from this section. Thus, students develop independence, interest in the subject, self-confidence increases.

Involving high school students in conducting tests in the middle level allows us to solve two pedagogical problems at once. On the one hand, this system encourages high school students to repeat the relevant material, since without preparation it is difficult to interview and objectively evaluate the student. On the other hand, middle-level students learn the material more thoroughly, as it is embarrassing for them to show poor preparation in front of high school students. This form of work develops active cooperation among students, contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of goodwill, the development of mutual assistance, the formation of a responsible attitude not only to their studies, but also to the success of other children.

Creative independent work contributes to the formation of interest in the subject, the development of a positive attitude to learning, the development of mathematical thinking. In the course of performing creative work, the student learns to discover new aspects of the phenomena being studied, expresses his own judgments, based on the application of personal experience and analysis of the initial data, finds a way to solve the problem, proves the theorem, and draws conclusions. Creative work takes the form of:

A) solving the problem and proving the theorem in a non-standard, new way for the student;
b) solving problems in several ways;
c) drawing up tasks, examples by the students themselves;
d) reports, student presentations and other activities.

One of the components of the educational process is home independent work of students. In the process of doing homework, students repeat and consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the lesson. Homework fosters a sense of responsibility, forms self-education skills. The volume and nature of homework is determined in each individual case by the lesson plan for the section of the material being studied.

Determining the true level of knowledge of each student, aiming him at the maximum use and development of his own abilities, not only gives a real picture of knowledge, but also provides an opportunity for the student himself to evaluate them objectively. I would like to say that the adopted methodology contributes to an increase in the level of training of all categories of students, including strong ones, and over time leads to an increase in the proportion of students who cope with tasks of an increased level of complexity. It is also important that all the acquired skills will be useful to graduates of the school in subsequent years, when they will study in special educational institutions.

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