Philip Vasiliev. New Russian sensations — Let Tatyana Vasilyeva speak (26.02.2017) Local teachers understand this

I would never have given this interview if my ex-husband and his mother had not declined my name so many times in the press over the past year - Tatyana Vasilyeva .

The People’s Artist of Russia publicly stated: I allegedly squandered almost half a million euros belonging to her family and took my grandchildren to Germany, and she, for her part, gave them an apartment ... It’s hard to remain silent in response to this, and now I just have to defend myself! And so I endured for too long ... I have already ceased to be surprised: my marriage “with the Vasilievs” began with deceit - it also destroyed our family. Finally, I am ready to break the web of reticences, reticences and untruths skillfully woven by them...

- How did it all start? The newspapers wrote that Philip looked after you very beautifully ...

I was misled for quite some time as to where the funds for these courtships come from. But really, let's start from the very beginning ... Philip and I met in the enterprise "Bella Chao", to which my master, professor of the Shchukin school Rodion Yuryevich Ovchinnikov invited me in 2006. I played the granddaughter of the heroine Tatyana Vasilyeva, and Philip - my fiancé. We toured a lot and for two years we were just good friends with him, and I always sincerely admired Tatyana Grigoryevna as an actress, tried to learn something from her in her profession.

She knew that her mother had attached Philip to the enterprise - and this turned out to be his only place of work, as it turned out later. At first, Philip gave me a legend: “Of course, I love the theater very much, but I still earn money in business!” Allegedly, he invested in some business and receives interest from this, that is, he presented himself as an independent person, absolutely independent from his mother.

And he really behaved like a man you can only dream of: a bright appearance, expressive eyes, a beautiful voice, good manners. Every evening I noticed him in the hall of the Stanislavsky Theater, where I worked then. Vasilyev gave incredible bouquets, he was interested in how to help me. And one day, help was really needed: on the eve of the new year, 2007, my car was evacuated and I remembered about it - I called. Philip immediately rushed in, showed himself as a man who can be relied upon. I suddenly realized that he was always there and already more than just a friend. From that moment on, we started an affair...

Frankly, I was blinded by such a beautiful beginning of a relationship - I fell in love! A month later, in February, I offered to go on vacation to Italy, where Vasilyev had never been before. He supported my initiative, although he is not particularly inquisitive. But on that trip, I did not notice this - he was lively, cheerful, touching, and I felt happy with him. In Rome, choosing a romantic moment, in the middle of the crowded Spanish Steps, Philip proposed to me...

Philip Vasiliev is a supporting actor and a participant in private performances. The name of the artist is more often associated with famous parents - the people's artist and the star of "Crew" and "Matchmakers".

Childhood and youth

Philip Vasilyev was born on September 15, 1978 in Moscow in the family of artists Tatyana and Anatoly Vasilyev. Parents divorced when Philip was four years old. In 1986, Philip's sister, Elizabeth, was born, the daughter of Tatyana Vasilyeva and. With her second husband, Georgy Martirosyan, Tatyana Vasilyeva also divorced. The children were raised alone.

Philip Vasiliev with his mother Tatyana Vasilyeva and sister Elizaveta

Having received a serious legal education, Philip once told his mother that he wanted to try his hand at acting.

“Play. If you're good at something, then go study. We rehearsed with him, then played in the same performance. And I realized that he is an actor, ”Tatyana Vasilyeva answered this.

In 2000, Philip graduated from VGIK (workshop), and in 2012 - RATI-GITIS (workshop of Tatyana Akhramkova).


Philip Vasiliev inherited a bright appearance from his parents-artists (height - 198 cm). According to the famous mother, he has all the qualities of character to be an actor. The artist's creative biography began in 2006 with an episodic role as an attending physician in the film Ivan Podushkin. Gentleman Investigation-1. Playing in the detective series of Andrei Marmontov, Philip went to the same set not only with his mother, but also with, and others.

The next work of Philip Vasiliev in the cinema was the detective series by Vyacheslav Nikiforov "The Witch Doctor". The actor got the role of the prisoner Hans, who gets acquainted in prison with the main character of the Witch Doctor. After an episodic role in the film "Bet on Life" of the actor in 2010, Alexander Kholmsky invited the monk from the monastery of Father Jonah Alkid to play the role of a monk in the historical drama "In the Forests and on the Mountains." The series tells about the life of the inhabitants of a provincial town on the Volga.

After the roles of Rastorguev in the action movie "Wild-3" and Gosha in "A Matter of Honor" in 2013, Philip played in Marat Kim's series "Women on the Edge". The series was filmed as an adaptation of the Argentine film "Killer Women". In each episode of the film - the story of a woman who has fallen into a terrible life situation. The series is based on real stories. Philip Vasiliev starred in the series "Easy character" in the role of an advertiser Arkady Nikitkov, who is killed by his wife in his own office. In the same year, the fourth season of Zemsky Doctor was released. Philip starred as the sanatorium doctor Ivan Andreevich.

In 2015, the artist was invited to the picture of Alexander Baranov and Yuri Mazur "The Secret of the Idol". The film is a detective story about the events that took place on the eve of the 1980 Olympics. The protagonist of the picture is a favorite of women and the party elite, a handsome musician. Philip Vasiliev in the film played the role of a jeweler. The last film work of Philip Vasilyev is the role of Gorokhov, nicknamed Small, a childhood friend of the protagonist in Stanislav Shmelev's crime melodrama Provocateur.


In addition to working in the cinema, Philip Vasiliev enters the theater stage. The artist plays in theatrical enterprises. Entreprise is a phenomenon that plays an increasingly important role in theatrical life. While academic theaters are thinking about how to keep their artists busy with work, actors known throughout Russia decide for themselves who will become the new director, which performance to stage, and on which stage to play.

Philip Vasiliev played his first performance in 2005. It was Dmitry Petrun's production of "Second Wind" based on the play. Tatyana Vasilyeva and played in the entreprise. Philip Vasiliev played a security guard, the son of a teacher of Russian literature. According to the plot, the teacher goes to work instead of her sick daughter. And the daughter works as a "night butterfly". The performance was light and funny.

The performance of 2006 "Bella Chao" staged by Rodion Ovchinnikov received a mixed assessment of the audience and a lot of critical reviews in the press. In the play "Joke", son Philip took the stage with his parents Tatyana and Anatoly Vasiliev. A sea of ​​positive reviews from the public and critics was caused by Alexander Gorban's production of Napoleon's 13th Button.

The performance was attended by Tatyana Vasilyeva, Philip Vasilyev, Valentin Samokhin. In 2011, Philip Vasiliev played in Mikhail Lashitsky's play "View of the Sea from the Closet" based on the work of Ganna Slutsky and Valentin Gorlov "Love me as I love you."

Personal life

In 2008, Philip Vasiliev married an actress of the Theater. Evgenia Vakhtangov Anastasia Begunova. In marriage, children Ivan and Grigory were born. The family settled in Berlin. The marriage was short-lived - in 2015 the couple broke up. A few years ago, a scandal that erupted in the Vasiliev family was vigorously discussed on the Web and on television. Philip's wife, Anastasia Begunova, is rumored to have started an affair and left Vasiliev.

During the divorce, the wife took a large amount of money donated by her mother-in-law Tatyana Vasilyeva. The subject of scandalous discussion was also an apartment in the center of Moscow, bought for the young spouses by Tatyana. Now Anastasia Begunova lives in Germany with her new husband and sometimes gives impartial interviews in the press regarding her former mother-in-law and husband.

In October 2016, Philip Vasiliev married an actress. Daughter Mirra was born on November 6, 2016. The couple at first hid the news about the birth of the baby. Two weeks after the birth, Vasiliev's new wife posted a photo of the newborn with comments on Instagram.

According to Tatyana Vasilyeva, she will do everything to make her loved ones feel comfortable. The actress is so used to the fact that the well-being of children depends only on her, which continues to patronize her long-grown offspring even now. A friend of the Vasiliev family posted a photo collage dedicated to Mirra on Instagram, signing the photo with a comment that the baby is very similar to her father.

Philip Vasiliev now

Philip Vasilyev is now in the circle of a new wave of scandal around his ex-wife. On September 6, 2017, Anastasia Begunova gave a scandalous interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda about a two-year lawsuit for an apartment with the Vasiliev family.

Today, Philip Vasiliev takes the stage in the entreprise “Catch me! Can you?" The performance begins with a banal situation: a wife returns home and finds her husband in the arms of another. Philip plays together with Tatyana Vasilyeva, and others. The performance was directed by Nina Chusova.


  • 2006 - “Ivan Podushkin. Gentleman detective-1 "
  • 2008 - "Witch Doctor"
  • 2008 - "Bet on life"
  • 2010 - "In the forests and mountains"
  • 2012 - "Wild-3"
  • 2013 - "A Matter of Honor"
  • 2013 - "Women on the Edge"
  • 2013 - Zemsky doctor. Return"
  • 2015 - "The Secret of the Idol"
  • 2016 - "Provocateur"

The famous actress Tatyana Vasilyeva will answer the accusation of her daughter-in-law, who said nothing less than that she is the culprit of the fact that her family collapsed. Stanislav Sadalsky asked her not to tell anyone about this and did everything to prevent this interview from getting on television. In addition, Vasilyeva will tell why on the eve of her anniversary she met with the heiress Vanga.

"New Russian Sensations" is a weekly program made in the genre of investigative journalism.

Each issue is a high-profile exclusive, an information bomb or a poignant, touching mono-story of a celebrity whose name is known throughout the country, and whose life is full of dramatic events.

A frank interview in the style of a television confession, unexpected meetings with people with whom years, distances and past grievances shared, unknown facts, family secrets and "skeletons in the closet" - all this will be seen on television for the first time.

Year of issue: 2017
Released: Russia, LLC "PPK" commissioned by NTV

Will be 70 years old. An unpleasant gift for the anniversary of the actress was the appearance of her former daughter-in-law Anastasia Begunova in the talk show Let them talk on Channel One. The ex-wife of Philip Vasiliev said that she could no longer be silent, and accused Tatyana Grigorievna of having done everything to deprive her grandchildren Vanya and Grisha of the square meters they were entitled to.

Anastasia Begunova also voiced compromising information on her ex-spouse, providing audio recordings in which Philip Vasiliev, in a state of intoxication, admits that he wanted to kill his wife and mother-in-law, and also that he needs help, as he suffers from alcoholism. In addition, Anastasia is sure that it is Tatyana Grigoryevna who is to blame for the fact that her marriage with Philip broke up, calling her son Vasilyeva absolutely spineless: “I did not divorce my husband, but my mother-in-law.”

In a programme Andrey Malakhov Begunova complained that she and her two sons received an offer from a famous grandmother to give up Moscow real estate in exchange for monthly payments of 2,000 euros. The ex-daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva claims that the money (we are talking about the amount of 350 thousand euros), which the actress once gave her and Philip and which she allegedly stole, her ex-husband squandered right and left, and Anastasia removed the rest, since she needed something to live on. Now she lives in Germany with her children and huddles in a modest apartment.

Begunova, as well as Philip Vasiliev, married a second time and gave birth to a child to her new husband. However, she will always be glad if Tatyana Vasilyeva and her son show a desire to meet Vanya and Grisha. But, according to Anastasia, since she refused monthly payments, the grandmother did not call her grandchildren anymore. At the end of the program, Andrei Malakhov explained that Tatyana Vasilyeva was invited to take part in the show, but the actress refused.

Former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva Anastasia Begunova and grandchildren of the famous actress Vanya and Grisha

Recall, Philip Vasiliev, ex-husband of Anastasia Begunova, in October 2016 married a second time. With an actress Maria Bolkonkina, who was already in her ninth month of pregnancy, he signed at the Tagansky registry office. Before that, he said in an interview that his first wife broke his heart. “I fell in love with Begunova at first sight, but she was always arrogant and cold. However, she accepted my courtship. After some time, Nastya became pregnant. You have no idea how happy I was! He immediately proposed to her. Vanya was born to us, and two years later - Grisha. It seemed to me that everything was fine with us, although over the years rumors had come to me that my wife was cheating on me, - said the son of Tatyana Vasilyeva in an interview with EG.RU - But I loved her so much that I didn’t trust anyone. Even my own mother. In vain! Now I’m clearing up: not only did Nastya leave the family, she also stole money from us - about 350 thousand euros!

The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva gave a frank interview to Andrey Malakhov

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