Factors affecting the marketing activities of the enterprise. Open Library - an open library of educational information Factors influencing the marketing strategy of a motor transport company

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Marketing is the process of managing all major aspects of an enterprise. It is designed to form the most rational management decisions of a particular enterprise, coordinate various areas of its activities and ensure high efficiency of the final results of this activity.

Allocate the following factors influencing the marketing activities of the enterprise.

General (determine the market capacity of any product)

1. Socio-economic factors

2. Volume and structure of the product offer

3. Range and quality of goods

4. Sizes of exports and imports.

5. Purchasing power of the population

6. Population

7. Level and compliance of prices for goods

8. Degree of market saturation

9. Geographic location of the market

10. State of the sales, trade and service network.

Specific (determine the development of markets for individual products)

1) Natural and climatic conditions

2) Fashion change

3) National household traditions

4) Achieved level of security in the region

In the process of market research, it is necessary to identify the mechanism of action of a system of factors and assess their degree of influence on the volume and structure of demand in a particular product market.

Determining the prospects for the development of a particular market cannot be carried out in isolation from other socio-economic forecasts. The influence of a large number of factors requires the construction of several models of market development and finding the optimal one. It is necessary to clearly define at what level of consolidation to build a forecast of the capacity of the commodity market. The degree of aggregation (aggregation) depends on the degree of forecasting and planning.

There are several types of forecasting:

opportunistic (up to 6 months)

Short term (up to 2 years)

Medium-term (up to 5 years)

Long-term (up to 10 years)

Promising (more than 10 years)

Careful planning helps a company to anticipate and respond quickly to changes in the environment, and to always be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Successful companies work according to a plan, however, it is designed in such a way as not to limit entrepreneurial initiatives.

Typically, companies make annual, long-term and strategic plans.

The annual plan is a short-term plan that describes the current situation, company goals, strategy for the coming year, action program, budget, and forms of control.

The long term plan describes the main factors and forces that will influence the organization over the next few years. It contains long-term goals, the main marketing strategies that will be used to achieve them, and identifies the necessary resources. Such a long-term plan is updated annually to make adjustments in accordance with the changes that have occurred. Annual and long-term plans are related to the current activities of the company, help in its implementation.

A strategic plan is created to help a company take advantage of opportunities in an ever-changing environment. It is the process of establishing and maintaining a strategic alignment between the company's goals and capabilities, on the one hand, and changing market opportunities, on the other.

Strategic planning is the foundation for other types of planning in the company. It begins with the definition of global goals and mission of the company. Then more specific goals are set. For this, complete information is collected about the internal environment of the organization, its competitors, the situation on the market and everything else that in one way or another will help to influence the work of the company. After conducting a SWOT analysis, a detailed report is prepared on the strengths and weaknesses of the company, the opportunities and threats that it will have to face. Top management then decides which specific activities and products to engage in, and what support to provide to each of them. In turn, each division responsible for a particular product or activity must develop its own detailed marketing and other plans, in accordance with the overall plan of the company. Thus, marketing planning is carried out at the levels of departments responsible for certain activities, product categories and markets. It facilitates strategic planning through detailed planning of various marketing situations. The planning process covers four stages: analysis, planning, implementation, control.

The planning process begins with a complete analysis of the state of affairs in the company. The company must analyze the environment in which it operates, identify opportunities and avoid threats. It is necessary to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, ongoing and possible marketing activities in order to determine the opportunities they advocate. The analysis provides each subsequent stage with the necessary information.

SWOT analysis means studying the strengths and weaknesses of the firm in relation to the SBU under consideration, as well as the opportunities and threats for the firm in connection with the discovery of activity in the relevant market segment. The SWOT analysis is complemented by an analysis of past activities (if any), which allows you to establish an existing strategy and detect trends in the development of the situation. SWOT analysis refers to a conceptual approach rather than a specific technique. If you try to turn it into a real methodology, you will have to use the results of the classical economic and organizational analysis of the company, approaches developed as part of strategic planning, for example, M. Porter's competitive analysis, as well as analytical concepts of marketing and, first of all, market segmentation.

The assessments received at the SWOT analysis stage serve to formulate a list of problems and develop initial options for the strategy concept during strategic reflection, which, in turn, are the material for selecting key issues and strategy concepts. This stage is difficult to formalize. The main approaches here are ranking and peer review.

The strategic plan also includes the mission of the enterprise. The mission defines the main purpose of the company. A firm often starts its business with a clear mission statement set by its founder. However, over time, the mission is gradually overwritten as the company develops new products and conquers new markets. The mission may remain clear, but some managers forget about it.

After choosing a general strategy for achieving competitive advantages, the company can proceed to the detailed planning of the marketing mix. The marketing complex is one of the key concepts of modern marketing. We define the marketing mix as the set of controllable marketing tools used together to produce the desired response from the target market. The marketing mix includes everything a company can do to influence demand for its product. Numerous possibilities can be divided into four groups of variables: product, price, methods of distribution, promotion of the product.

The product is an inseparable unity of the actual product and a range of services that the company offers to the target market.

Price is the amount of money buyers have to pay to get a product.

Distribution methods involve the activities of an enterprise that make a product available to target consumers.

Promotion techniques are the activities by which companies spread the word about a product's merits and convince target consumers to buy it.

Thus, planning good strategies is only the beginning of the road to successful marketing. The most brilliant marketing strategy is worth nothing if the company doesn't execute it properly. Marketing implementation is the process of transforming marketing strategies and plans into marketing activities aimed at achieving strategic goals. Implementation consists of daily and monthly work to effectively implement the marketing plan.

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