Evgeny Kochergin was rescued from the elevator of the house where his daughter died. Biography of Evgeny Alexandrovich Kochergin Announcer Evgeny Kochergin and his family

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Welcome to the official website of agent Evgeny Kochergin. This talented person managed to become a legend of the Central Television of the USSR during his lifetime. But this was preceded by a lot of trials and labors. Evgeny Alexandrovich was born in 1945 in the famous Stalingrad. After leaving school, he entered the institute to receive an industrial specialization.

Creative achievements

In 1970, the life of a young specialist suddenly changed. Eugene received a position at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where he became a full-time announcer of Central Television. Thanks to responsible and persistent work, he was awarded the right to host the Vremya program. For several years, Evgeny Kochergin acted as the host of this news program.

Soon, Kochergin began to be invited to participate in the organization and broadcast of the country's largest events and events: the opening of the memorial complex on Poklonnaya Gora, festive concerts on Red Square, the Olympic Games, etc.

With the collapse of the USSR, Evgeny Aleksandrovich managed not only to stay in his favorite field, but also to discover other hidden talents in himself. In the early 1990s, he got a job as a presenter on the Business Russia channel. Here he became an economic observer, and, despite the lack of special education, he did an excellent job with the new position.

In addition, Kochergin is the author and host of numerous literary and artistic programs on the All-Russian Radio: "Our Youth Orchestra", "After Midnight ...", etc. The famous announcer has recorded a large number of educational records that are intended for foreigners who want to learn Russian.

In addition to the main job, the outstanding entertainer has a lot of additional part-time jobs. He constantly receives orders for various events related to celebrations, corporate holidays, business presentations, etc.

For his professional activities, the star of the Central Television Theater of the USSR was awarded many times and awarded some prizes. However, the most honorary title, according to the announcer himself, is "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation."


Today, a professional announcer and presenter works as a teacher at the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. He teaches young talents the basics of TV presenter skills. He shares his life experience, instills the skills of qualified mass media workers. Much more interesting information about Evgeny Kochergin and his professional activities can be found on the official website.

Despite the fact that the announcer Yevgeny Kochergin has practically not appeared on our TV screens for almost 25 years, since August 1991, there are many people among the audience who still remember the episodes of the Vremya program. But the results of comparing modern TV presenters with an idol are far from in favor of the former. For many years of the Soviet period about personal life of the announcer Evgeny Kochergin, as, in general, and many of his other colleagues, nothing reliable, except for rumors, was known. Perhaps such a policy is not without meaning, since it does not allow viewers to be disappointed in their idols.

The biography of Evgeny Kochergin began in the post-war years, when the life of the country in every sense was on an emotional upsurge. His date of birth is November 7, 1945. As Yevgeny Kochergin himself admitted in an interview with reporters, the profession of an announcer attracted him from childhood, because he was brought up on the voices of such famous people as Levitan, Shumakov, Khalatova and others, who regularly sounded from radios. But even having a well-trained voice by nature, the hero of our article at first did not even dare to think about the career of an announcer, directing his efforts into a more material direction - after graduating from the Moscow Institute of Finance and Economics and having received the profession of an engineer, after the rest of the enthusiastic youth he went to Yakutia, to the city of Mirny. It was there that Evgeny Kochergin took his first steps as an announcer in a studio at local television. The first successes in the new field led to studies at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the capital. At first, Evgeny Kochergin wanted to make his debut in Moscow as a radio announcer, but fate smiled at him and he got a place that he had never even dreamed of - the host of the Vremya program. True, his first releases were focused on the Far East, and only a little later the young announcer began to be broadcast live for the European part of the country.

The August events of 1991 seemed to put an end to his career, because it was on the announcers who read the messages of the State Emergency Committee that they shifted responsibility for live broadcasts, which resulted in a dismissal. However, having ceased hosting the Vremya program, Yevgeny Kochergin did not completely disappear from the screens, working on the 1st channel of Ostankino, and on Delovaya Rossiya, on the Muscovy channel, and on All-Russian Radio, not counting the official events that always entrusted only to professional announcers. Now the hero of our article is engaged in teaching activities, lecturing on the "Skill of a TV presenter" at the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting in the capital.

The past year and the beginning of this year have certainly become a huge test in the personal life of Yevgeny Kochergin, about which only the necessary minimum was previously known to the townsfolk - that the announcer is married by a second marriage and has a daughter from each of them - Natalia from the first and Irina - from the second. The wife of Evgeny Kochergin, Nina Ivanovna Guseva, has nothing to do with television and radio broadcasting. Nevertheless, according to the announcer himself, she always treated the glory of her husband and his fans with understanding and patience. Therefore, the program "Let them talk", dedicated to the announcer's love story from the days of deep youth, stirred up the public. The audience was divided into two polar camps. Someone believed in the story of the illegitimate daughter from Yakutia Milana, while someone continues to doubt.

In the photo - Evgeny Kochergin with his second wife, daughter Irina and granddaughter

No sooner had the excitement subsided after the ill-fated transmission, as a new shock fell on the family of Evgeny Kochergin - in the first half of January, his daughter Irina tragically died in the elevator shaft of her own house. The accident that led to such tragic consequences is, of course, still under investigation. However, whatever its causes, this will not change the catastrophic consequences - in the prime of life, not only the daughter of a famous announcer passed away, but also her beloved wife and mother of two daughters.

A few decades ago, television announcers were the idols of the audience. Their voices could be recognized from the first words. Today, it is rare for one presenter to remain in a project for many years, and the popularity of announcers is gradually decreasing.

The generation of 80-90 years is associated with the name of Evgeny Kochergin. and many interesting things. In this period, the program "Time" was associated with him. It was watched every evening by the whole family.

Biography of Evgeny Kochergin

The presenter was born and raised in the post-war period. As a child, he experienced all the delights of that period. From an early age, the boy was distinguished by a pleasant timbre of voice. Already from the age of 8-10, Evgeny Kochergin dreamed of becoming a radio announcer.

Russia was born on November 7, 1945. He spent his childhood in Stalingrad (Volgograd). From the age of 10, the boy began to actively follow the famous announcers of the 50s. He clearly distinguished the voices of Levitan, Tolstova, Khalatov.

The people around also noticed that the guy has a beautiful timbre. Evgeny Kochergin was always sure that such a gift was given to him from above. And they must be used.

The artist went to his dream for quite a long time, having experienced many difficulties. By the will of fate and circumstances, the guy after graduation decided to become an economist.

When Eugene graduated from the institute, he was invited to Yakutia to a television studio. The guy, without hesitation, went there. After all, it was the first step towards his dream. In the city of Mirny, he shows impetuous and the young man is transferred to Moscow.

Here the young man completed additional advanced training courses. Classes with him were conducted by his idols - Levitan, Kaigorodova, Vysotskaya. The announcer practiced at the radio "Mayak". After graduation, he received an offer for a good position. Thus, the young man came to work on the radio.

After a short work, Kochergin is noticed by television directors and offered to go there. From the memoirs of the announcer himself, it is clear that such a prospect pleased him and at the same time frightened him. He could not imagine himself among the famous presenters. But nevertheless he stepped over his shyness and in 1977 he came to television.


Evgeny Kochergin was assigned to host the program "Vremya" for broadcast in the Far East. At first, the guy was not very well received in the team. The reason was banal envy. After all, not every young presenter is assigned to conduct such a program.

During this difficult period, the announcer was supported by Valentina Leontieva. She left positive feedback on the work of the young man, and all negative comments from colleagues were over. After some time, Kochergin was assigned to host the Vesti program for broadcast in the central part of the country. These broadcasts were viewed by Brezhnev himself.

Gradually, the popularity of the promising presenter increased. In 1980, Evgeny Alexandrovich Kochergin became an announcer-commentator at the opening and closing of the Olympic Games in Moscow. Many times he was the host at state celebrations in the Kremlin, on Red Square, in the Hall of Columns.

How did you leave the news program?

On the air of Vesti on August 19, 1991, it was the central television announcer Yevgeny Kochergin who read out the text that Gorbachev could no longer hold his post, and a state of emergency was introduced in the country.

The announcer remembered the last day of work in this legendary program with particular clarity for the rest of his life. Never before had Eugene experienced such humiliation and resentment. The presenter was made up, and he sat down at his desk to look at the text. At this time, a phrase was heard in the microphone in the studio that he should get up and will no longer work in the program.

The announcer was hooked that he was disgraced in front of all his colleagues. But they could simply explain the difficult situation in advance in the office. It is known that after the coup in the country, television now had to work as leading journalists who knew how to write texts on their own.

Then Evgeny moved to the channel "Business Russia", where he began working as an economic observer. Also, his voice could be heard in the evening broadcasts of many radio stations. In 2011, he took part in the filming of the film and played the role of the famous announcer Levitan. Now he actively teaches at the Institute of Television Broadcasting.

Personal life of Evgeny Kochergin

The announcer was married twice. The first time he married in Yakutia. There his daughter Natalya was born. The presenter does not like to remember this period of his life. But a warm relationship developed with her daughter. Now she works as a lawyer and does not need his financial support.

The second time Eugene married engineer Nina Guseva. In this marriage, the daughter Irina was born in 1979. He invested a lot of energy and finances in the girl so that in the future she would become an independent person. Irina graduated from MGIMO, built a career and successfully married.

Illegitimate daughter

In 2015, it turned out that the announcer has another child. It turns out that after a divorce from his first wife, Eugene had a relationship with Lyudmila Nemykina. As a result, the woman became pregnant and reported this to Kochergin.

The host was categorically against the birth of a child. He insisted on an abortion. The woman decided to give birth and raised her daughter on her own. Eugene did not recognize the child for a long time. I had to do a DNA test. This whole story was voiced on the show "Let them talk." It was also attended by the illegitimate daughter of Eugene - Milan.

terrible tragedy

An irreparable grief happened in Kochergin's life on January 14, 2016. His beloved daughter Irina died in the elevator of her house. The woman's family lived in the elite complex "Scarlet Sails". That day, Irina entered the elevator and the floor collapsed. The woman fell from the 7th floor directly onto sharp pins - there was no chance of surviving. Miraculously, her two daughters survived unscathed. Just by chance, the nanny took the children at that moment to another elevator.

Eugene and his wife still cannot recover from this tragedy and insist on a fair investigation. They seek legal punishment for all the perpetrators of what happened. Eugene claims that her daughter has repeatedly appealed to the necessary authorities with complaints about the faulty condition of the elevators.

Now Kochergin and his wife Nina are absorbed in caring for their granddaughters Nastya and Anya. The girls already know that their mother will never return. They also know the cause of her death.

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Biography, life story of Kochergin Evgeny Aleksandrovich

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Kochergin has been conducting various concert programs since ancient times, acting as an entertainer, under the Soviet regime he was the announcer of the Central Television, and then received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

Eugene was born on 11/07/1945 in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. This happened in Stalingrad, later renamed Volgograd. After graduating from a secondary school, serving in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces and working in production, he began his television career in 1970 in the city of Mirny in the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The young man became the host of a news program on local television, and later Evgeny was sent to Moscow for advanced training courses.

After completing the courses in the same year and completing an internship at the Mayak radio station, Kochergin was enrolled in the staff of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Center as an announcer. The promising announcer of the Central Television constantly studied with senior comrades in the craft: Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kaigorodova, Yuri Borisovich Levitan, Olga Sergeevna Vysotskaya. In parallel with his work on television, Evgeny graduated in 1972 from the Institute of Industry and Finance in Moscow, having received a higher education at the Faculty of Industrial Planning.


Evgeny Kochergin was soon entrusted by the leadership of the Central Television to host the Vremya program, one of the main all-Union TV news programs, and he was one of its announcers throughout the existence of this program, until the collapse of the USSR. Kochergin took part in television broadcasts of demonstrations of workers and military parades from Red Square for a long time, conducted a live television report from the opening of the memorial complex on Poklonnaya Hill. He was an announcer-commentator at the opening, closing and during the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow. Evgeny Kochergin took part for a long time in all the concerts that, under the Soviet regime, were timed to coincide with various memorable dates and took place in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, in the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" or the Column Hall of the House of the Unions.


Kochergin, one of the first on the Central Television, managed to master his own author's style, which helped the announcer to prepare and conduct news programs, which allowed the presenter to achieve real recognition and really popularity among viewers of such a huge country as the USSR. It was this style that became an excellent prototype for the best examples introduced into the practice of television broadcasting on Russian democratic television.

After the restoration of capitalism in the Russian Federation

In the early 90s of the last century, Evgeny Aleksandrovich began working as an economic observer on a newly formed television channel called Delovaya Rossiya. Kochergin was also the host of a large number of programs on the All-Russian Radio, which were of a literary and artistic nature. Among them are the program "After Midnight", "Our Youth Orchestra" and many other popular radio programs. At that time, he recorded at the Melodiya company a lot of records with programs that help foreigners learn Russian.

In the 2000s, Kochergin began teaching at the Ostankino Institute of Radio Broadcasting and Television, preparing students who wanted to master the specialty "TV Presenter Mastery".

Yevgeny Alexandrovich also became a permanent host of the capital's holiday "City Day".

Family life

There is no information about Kochergin's first marriage, and Nina Ivanovna Guseva, who was a civil engineer, became his second wife. 09/15/1979 they had a daughter, who was named Irina. She graduated from MGIMO, married Alexei Volodin, who worked as a deputy director in a well-known insurance company, but on January 14, 2016, she died in an elevator fall. Yevgeny Aleksandrovich had only one daughter left - Natalia, who works as a lawyer and was born in her first marriage.

It is possible that Kochergin also has an illegitimate daughter. In February 2015, on a TV show called “Let them talk,” he met with a woman who claimed that it was she who was. Her name was Milana Nemykina, she was born in Yakutsk in 1979.

The famous announcer turns 71 on Monday. Next week, the Investigative Committee is to announce the results of the final examination in the case of the fall of the elevator in the Scarlet Sails residential complex, as a result of which Yevgeny Alexandrovich's daughter, Irina, died in January of this year. The main suspect, electrician Alexei Belousov, is in custody, and the lift cabins in the house are also intermittent.

“Recently, my wife and I came to visit our granddaughters and son-in-law and got stuck in the elevator,” Evgeny Kochergin told StarHit. - I had to call the dispatcher to free us from captivity. Imagine the feeling! The wife drank a sedative for several days. They still haven't fixed anything. That ill-fated elevator, in which the floor failed, is boarded up. The neighboring two are not functioning well.”

Recall that the day after the tragedy on January 15, 2016, the Khoroshevsky Court of Moscow arrested Aleksey Belousov, an electrician of the Scarlet Sails residential complex. Allegedly, it was the 28-year-old employee of the Lift Garant company who performed maintenance work on the cabin shortly before it collapsed into the mine.

“They say this Aleksey signed the operating permit,” shared Evgeny Kochergin. “I believe that he should be held responsible for the death of my daughter.”

Belousov, who is in SIZO No. 3, denies his guilt. According to lawyer Viktor Badyan, Aleksey changed light bulbs and oil in the cabin, but he did not even see any documents in his eyes.

“Three criminal cases - in relation to improper operation, the Lift Garant company and Alexei Belousov - were combined into one and only my client was arrested,” Viktor Badyan told StarHit. – Although on the day of the tragedy he slept after his shift, another mechanic was working. All the rest - directors, experts who issued technical passports for elevators - pass as witnesses. We are charged with providing low-quality services, but they cannot explain which ones. Complaint about this was accepted, will be checked. Lesha is an ordinary guy, he was engaged in taekwondo, he was going to get married ... Now what kind of wedding is there?

If found guilty, Belousov faces up to 6 years in prison under Part 2 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, which negligently caused serious bodily harm or death to a person.”

Irina has two little daughters, who are raised by their father, Deputy General Director of VTB Insurance, Alexei Volodin. And Kochergin, according to friends, has not yet fully recovered from the tragedy.

“We are trying to get Zhenya out somewhere so that he can be distracted from gloomy thoughts,” said the legendary announcer Anna Shatilova. “We work together, we organize events.”

Kochergin has two more daughters - Natalya from the first family and illegitimate Milan, with whose mother the TV presenter had an affair in the late 70s. But Evgeny Aleksandrovich does not support relations with them. He first met 37-year-old Milana Nemykina from Yakutsk in February 2015 on the Let Them Talk program.

“Milan is doing well, she is wealthy, married, has a son Ruslan, he is six years old,” Milana’s mother, Lyudmila, told StarHit. - Kochergin thinks that she needs an inheritance, but this is not so. It's about attention. Is he really not interested in at least what his daughter looks like? Moreover, Milana will soon move to Moscow, will be very close to her father and is ready to forgive all insults, meet, talk heart to heart.

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