Elena flying and her pages in social networks. Elena Letuchaya and her pages on social networks Elena Letuchaya's page in contact

A few years ago, the Revizzoro TV show appeared on television. Thanks to her, the audience recognized the "pitfalls" of catering establishments, and Elena Letuchaya became famous throughout the country.


Lena was born on December 5, 1978 in Yaroslavl. The girl's parents, Alexander and Lyudmila, worked as civil engineers. In 1986, they were sent to the construction site of BAM in the city of Tynda (Amur Region). Here the Flying childhood passed.

Little Lena had many hobbies. The girl went to art school, and was also engaged in figure skating and dancing. After school, she wanted to move to St. Petersburg and become an architect, but her parents interfered with her plans. At their insistence, Flying entered the Blagoveshchensk Financial and Economic College. After 2 years, the girl received a diploma in finance.

After graduating from college, Lena worked for several years in the Passenger Service Directorate of Russian Railways. Then the girl worked as a financier at Gazprom Energoset. Flying for some time also worked in the modeling business. In parallel, she received higher education at the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering with a degree in economics.

Volatile, linking her life with finances at the insistence of her parents, soon became disillusioned with the profession. She wanted to move in a completely different direction, and not sit in the office. Therefore, in 2008, Elena entered the Ostankino Television School. After 2 years, having received a diploma in the specialty "television and radio host", she filmed her debut story about blood donors. The work immediately fascinated Lena, and she was convinced that this time she was not mistaken with the choice of profession.

Volatile career

Having started her studies at the Ostankino school, Elena practiced at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. From 2009 to 2010, she worked on the Global Star TV channel, took part in the creation of the Territory of Men and ART life programs. A year later, Flying became the editor of the Channel 1 special projects studio, which produces the rating shows Tonight and Let They Talk.

It was not so easy for Elena to find a decent job in her specialty. She also had difficult periods when there was absolutely no money. Her parents were always waiting for her at home, but Flying believed that she would succeed. For some time she was a producer of "Reiting TV" and "TV3", was engaged in the production of documentaries, worked in the company "Yellow, Black and White". But the girl always remained in the shadows, her name could only be read in the credits.

The situation changed in 2014. At the end of 2013, the Friday channel announced a casting for the role of the host of a new project called Revizorro. A friend invited Lena to take part in the tests, and she managed to interest the producers. A pilot issue was filmed from Flying in one of the Moscow restaurants. And after a while she was approved for the role of the host of Revizorro.

Since February 2014, filming of the program began. For the first time, "Revizorro" was released on screens in June 2014 and immediately interested the audience. Together with the project, Lena Letuchaya also became famous. She began to be invited to participate in advertising shootings of various companies (Oral-B, Nutribullet, Faberlic, Dettol and others). Pictures of the TV presenter appeared on spreads of popular magazines (FHM, Maxim, StarHit). In 2016, Elena received 2 TEFI awards for her work at Revizorro.

In October 2017, the presenter stopped working with the Friday channel and switched to Channel One. Here she leads the Flying Squad program, which conducts inspections in social institutions.

Personal life

Men have always paid attention to a tall blonde. She was offered to marry several times, but each time the girl found a reason for refusing. Until the age of 35, she was focused on her career and the desire to achieve something.

In 2015, it became known that Letuchaya was dating a wealthy businessman, one of the founders of Russian Collector CJSC, Yuri Anashenkov. A year and a half after they met, in August 2016, the couple officially registered their relationship.

According to Elena Flying, Yuri is the ideal of her man. It is with him that she feels like behind a stone wall. In the nearest plans of the married couple is the birth of children.

Social networks

The TV presenter's page can be found in all popular Russian social networks. Elena Letuchaya on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/elenapegas/) Post daily photos and videos. The blonde often travels, so in her pictures you can see different parts of Russia and the world. Lena is happy to take pictures with colleagues and fans.

The Flying page on Instagram is very popular. Her photos are gaining a lot of likes and comments. Elena's official Instagram has 1.2 million subscribers.

The blonde has a page on the VKontakte network (https://vk.com/id74824762). Here Lena posted more than 2 thousand photos and 250 videos with her participation in several years. The life of the TV presenter VKontakte is followed by 213 thousand people.

Volatile is also registered in popular networks Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/elena.letuchaya.7) and on Twitter (https://twitter.com/Letuchayaelena). Lena has a channel on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/elena636383), where she posts programs with her participation and personal videos.

Elena at the age of 29 decided to drastically change her fate, and she succeeded. In just a few years, from an ordinary editor, she "grew" into the most popular TV presenter. Now Letuchaya has the most valuable experience behind her, the opportunity to choose a place of work and realize her creative desires. But most importantly, she is not only a successful presenter, but also a happy wife!

Elena Flying is an economist and popular TV presenter. She became known to the general public thanks to the program "" on the channel "Friday!".

The sophisticated blonde has become a real thunderstorm for Russian catering establishments and hotel chains. It is not surprising that the biography of Elena Flying is of incredible interest to fans of the show.

Childhood and youth

The future TV star was born in Yaroslavl on December 5, 1978 under the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Her parents, Alexander Nikolaevich and Lyudmila Alexandrovna, are civil engineers by profession. When Lena was only 7 years old, the family moved to the city of Tynda, Amur Region. Here they were supposed to start building the BAM. Since childhood, the girl went to figure skating and to art school, she was distinguished by a restless and inquisitive character.

After school, Lena entered the Blagoveshchensk Financial and Economic College, which she graduated with a degree in financier. After graduation, the girl worked at Gazprom and Russian Railways and did her job well. In 2005, in the biography of Elena Letuchaya, a complete higher education of the Russian Technical University of Railways appeared in the specialty "Economics".


In 2007, before her 29th birthday, a purposeful girl decided on a sharp turn in her fate. Flying considered that her vocation was journalism, and went to study at the Ostankino School of Television. At the same time, she appeared on the channel "Capital". Her first job as a TV journalist was a program about blood donors, which revealed all the vulnerabilities of Russian medicine.

Later, Flying began working on cable television. For some time she worked at the Zodiak Media company, which produces television content. Lena became the editor of the First Channel of the Special Projects Studio in 2011, doing the talk shows “Let them talk” and “Tonight”, which he was then a TV presenter. In 2012, Elena was engaged in television programs on MTV. Then she began producing documentaries. By the way, she worked as a producer of a documentary film about the rating series "Kitchen" and "Kitchen in Paris", as well as a frank reality show "Holidays in Mexico".

Created in Ukraine, the program "Inspector" about the quality of service in hotels and restaurants is unique, there are no analogues in the whole world. In 2014, the Friday! decided to do something similar and bought a TV show format, changing the name to Revizorro.

Initially, they were going to invite to the Russian program "Revizorro", which led the Ukrainian television project. But then Elena Letuchaya was approved for the role of TV presenter, who easily copied the style and image of her Ukrainian colleague.

Superpremier "Revizorro-show" with Elena Letuchaya

The cafe in Kislovodsk, the New Rome restaurant in Stavropol, the market in Rostov-on-Don, and the Limpopo water park in Yekaterinburg were among the first establishments to be tested.

Far from all the institutions visited by the journalist were happy with the revisions of the Flying. But Lena rightly believed that she was working for the benefit of fellow citizens, helping to improve the quality of services provided in Russia. During conflicts during filming, the TV presenter did not lose her dignity and self-control. The journalist taught viewers how to properly respond to insufficient service, how to defend their rights.

A selection of video fights in the Revizorro program with Elena Letuchaya

The Flying program received a great response in Russian society and showed excellent ratings. In January 2016, the Ostankino Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting invited the TV presenter to a teaching position at the School of Elena Letuchaya, organized at the Faculty of Journalism.

In the spring of 2016, it became known that the TV presenter. Fans immediately began to give out various options for this care - from a conflict with the leadership to the pregnancy of a TV star. Everything was explained by an interview with a TV presenter, in which, in response to the question of why she left Revizorro, Elena explained that she was not leaving the program, but becoming a producer.

Leading program "Revizorro" Elena Letuchaya

In addition, the show "Slender" with the Flying in the title role was launched. It was said that the husband of Elena Flying played an important role in this decision, fearing for the life and health of his chosen one after some unpleasant incidents during the filming. The ex-soloist of the group became the new TV presenter of Revizorro.

These changes caused an uproar among fans of the TV program. Fans even organized a protest, spreading the hashtag #ReturnElenaFlying on the Internet. All this affected the rating of the program. Yes, and the audience noted that Romanovskaya does not cope with her duties the way her predecessor did. These events began to give rise to rumors that Elena Volatile returned to the project.

Rumors were also supported by the fact that in the summer of 2016 Elena received two TEFI statuettes for the programs Revizorro and Revizorro-Show. Fans hoped the awards would convince the presenter to return.

Indeed, in the fall of 2016, it became known that Elena Letuchaya would host the new season of Revizorro in Moscow herself. The ex-leader did not hide her joy from the fact that she returned to the project. Yes, and the creators of the show did their best - one advertisement of the new release is worth something. Flying in the image near the village of Borodino delighted fans. The creative biography of Elena Letuchaya received a new round after returning to the program. Also, the TV star is the co-host of the "Revizorro-show" along with. In honor of returning to the program, at the request of her fans, she opened the Flying Store personal store.

On October 27, 2016, Elena Letuchaya first tried out as a dubbing actress. The TV presenter gave her own voice to the girl Jane, whom she originally voiced, from the movie "Worse than a lie." Also in 2016, Flying starred in a movie. She made a cameo appearance in Friday! In the same year, she became the face of the Eldorado chain of stores in the Flying Utilization advertising campaign and the Solcoseryl drug.

Personal life

The personal life of Elena Letuchaya began to be discussed in the media circles after the woman began to appear with a Russian businessman who, according to media reports, works as a lawyer. Then they said that the TV presenter allegedly stole a man from a family in which two children are growing up. But from an interview with Flying it follows that at the time of meeting with the entrepreneur, the man's former family had already broken up. The romance that broke out between the couple, which lasted 2 years, continued in the registry office.

On February 14, 2016, the TV presenter officially announced her engagement. In August 2016, Elena Flying and got married. took place on the Greek island of Santorini. Among those invited to the ceremony are only close friends and family couples.

For a long time, the celebrity believed that she was not ready for marriage. In her youth, the journalist pursued a career and traveled a lot. When asked about children, Elena Letuchaya answered that she was simply responsible and serious about this. Fans have repeatedly advised the TV presenter to “give birth for themselves”, but Elena invariably answered that she did not want to become a single mother and deprive her unborn child of a family.

After Elena began to advertise her relationship with Anashenkov and said in an interview that she had found a personal “prince on a white horse”, from whom it was not scary to have a child, the press began to fill up with photographs of the allegedly pregnant Letuchaya. Journalists assumed at first that Elena announced her engagement due to pregnancy, then that she got married for the same reason. The TV presenter sharply denied this news and reproached her colleagues for speculating on “holy things” like children and families.

In parallel with the wedding, the couple also prepared a family nest. The TV presenter bought a cottage in an elite village on Novorizhskoye Highway and ordered a designer renovation. The house of Elena Letuchaya is designed in a minimalist style, with contrasting finishes. The TV presenter claims that in her own house she adheres to the same level of cleanliness and tidiness that is required in the Revizorro TV show.

Volatile is a versatile person, she has many hobbies. Among the favorites are yoga, equestrian sports. Lena constantly goes to workouts in a fitness club to keep fit.

After the wedding, Flying continues to appear at events in open dresses and publish provocative photos in "Instagram", for example, shots with a bare leg in bed, in a swimsuit or in underwear. The TV presenter can afford such "pranks". Often, Elena shows the public pictures in which she appears without makeup. Her parameters are close to the model ones: Flying is 178 cm tall and weighs 60 kg.

In February 2017, the TV presenter amazed her fans. Elena Letuchaya honestly admitted that she had plastic surgery. There were already rumors on the Internet that she had resorted to plastic, there were collections of photos of the TV presenter under the headings “Plastic: before and after”, but most fans did not take these speculations seriously and were confident in the naturalness of the Flying.

Elena Letuchaya underwent plastic surgery

The TV presenter posted an open post describing plastic surgery on social networks and explained these revelations with two reasons. Firstly, Elena did not want to deceive the fans, who constantly asked the star how to achieve such an appearance. Secondly, I wanted to thank the plastic surgeon who performed the operation. The TV star also gave a link to a doctor. Some fans appreciated the honesty of the presenter, others were outraged that she resorted to plastic surgery.

Elena Letuchaya now

On June 15, 2017, the animated film "Cars-3" was released, in which Elena Letuchaya voiced a heroine named Natalie Digest. Also, the TV presenter became the face of the Faberlic cosmetic brand and appeared in the advertising splash screen of the Friday TV channel.

In the summer, Elena Letuchaya was nominated for the TEFI award in two categories: for the promo “Revizorro. Moscow season. Borodino” and for the TV project “Revizorro. Moscow".

In 2017, the premiere of the program “School of Revizorro” took place, in which a new face of the project was selected from the participants presented. Also for a month, Elena hosted the TV show "Flying Squad", created in the style of a documentary revision. The program was devoted to inspections in social institutions. In January 2018, the project was suspended due to health problems with the journalist. Elena was diagnosed with angina pectoris.

Elena Flying in the talk show "Flying Squad"

However, Volatile did not sit idle, but took up a design project, presenting her debut collection, made together with fashion designer Olga Yakubovich.

In September 2018, Channel One hosted a show of a new TV project of the star - the documentary “Elena Flying. No junk in my head."

TV project 2018 "Elena Volatile. No garbage in my head"

On the air, the TV presenter compared the situation in the field of waste disposal in Russia, Germany and Japan, visited European waste plants, spoke about the principles of separate collection.

Since October 2018, Elena Letuchaya has become the official face of the STS channel. She participates in the filming of two channel projects, one of which is related to the beauty industry. The TV presenter travels the world, meets beautiful people and tries their beauty secrets.

In November 2018, Flying announced the launch of her own show on Youtube - "Flying Surveillance. Uncensored". As part of the project, the presenter explores the field of sales and service and fights for their purity. According to the journalist, television cannot afford to speak the truth about some topics and some brands, but on the Internet, things are different with censorship.

Trailer of the show "Flying Surveillance. Uncensored"


  • "ART life"
  • "Territory of men"
  • "Funny People"
  • "Revizorro"
  • "Revizorro-show"
  • "Slender"
  • "Reviszoro. Children"
  • "School Revizorro"
  • "Revizorro. Moscow"
  • "Revizorro. Moscow season. Borodino
  • "Flying squad"
  • Elena Flying. Without garbage in the head"
  • "Flying Surveillance. Uncensored"

Elena Volatile Instagram leads under the nickname elenapegas. The girl's tape will tell about the events of her personal life, hobbies and work.

Account: elenapegas

Occupation: Russian TV presenter, TV journalist, economist

Lena Letuchaya was born in Yaroslavl in 1978. The woman became famous thanks to the Revizorro TV program, modeled on the Ukrainian program The Inspector General. The presenter visits catering establishments and hotels in different cities of Russia and checks them for compliance with sanitary standards. In early childhood, she was fond of figure skating and wanted to become an architect. But at the insistence of her parents, the girl received an economic specialty. After her studies, she worked at Russian Railways and Gazprom, but the work did not bring her moral pleasure. Therefore, she decided to enter the Ostankino School of Television and radically change the field of activity.

Lena Volatile Instagram is active. She tries to unsubscribe to her fans every day about her own career achievements and what is happening in her life. The woman actively leads a public life, she attends social events, relaxes with other celebrities, starred in television programs, and publishes reports in her feed.

It is interesting to observe the change of Elena's images. A woman has good taste and always looks stylish. Elena is very kind to pets and is a defender of their rights. In her feed, she posts pictures of dogs and cats, sometimes she manages to find new owners for pets thanks to such posts. Elena willingly enters into dialogues with subscribers and does not disregard any adequate question.

Personal life of Elena Flying

Instagram Lena Letuchaya is a photoblog of a successful woman. But in the feed you will not find cozy home photos. Now the girl sacrifices her personal life for the sake of a successful career. Before receiving the leading role in Revizorro, the girl had a relationship that lasted 5 years. With a former young man, she remained on good terms. At the moment, she has a very busy schedule, which, according to her, is unlikely to endure any young man.

Elena Alexandrovna Letuchaya is a TV presenter, author, editor, editor-in-chief of television programs. In addition, the woman is engaged in producing and social activities.

The shows "Revizorro" and "School Revizorro" brought the greatest popularity to Elena. In addition, the star launched an online store, acted as the creator of documentary television films for several TV channels, and hosted one of the Channel One projects. Since the end of 2018, he has been releasing his own show on the Web, the advantage of which, according to the celebrity herself, is the absence of restrictions from television channels and quick communication with the audience.

In addition to television, the woman is actively involved in social activities. She helps shelters for homeless animals, took part in ecological marathons on Lake Baikal and in a dendrological park near Sochi. Actively involved in charity.

Elena has many hobbies. She enjoys surfing, running, skiing, rollerblading, and yoga.

In collaboration with Olga Yakubovich, a famous designer, she released a line of clothes in white, and the YAKUBoWITCH brand made a woman the face of its collection of black dresses.

Elena repeatedly appeared in films in the role of herself. She can be seen in the movie "Friday!", Released in 2016, as well as the sitcom "Two Broke Girls" - a domestic adaptation of a foreign series. The celebrity is a dubbing actor. She voiced characters in the movie "Worse than a lie" and in the cartoon "Cars 3".


Flying Elena on Instagram has its own page ElenaLetuchaya-Anashenkova (@elenapegas). More than a million people have subscribed to it, the profile contains contacts for cooperation and a link to an Internet show. The woman regularly updates the page, posting fresh pictures and videos. In total, a little less than four thousand publications are available. It will be more convenient to get to know them if you can also use the service.

There are a lot of celebrity selfies on Instagram Flying, as well as a large number of photos showing interesting moments from her life. In addition, a number of pictures with friends and relatives of the TV presenter, fragments of programs with her participation, as well as other interesting photos are published on the page.

Personal life

In 2016, Elena Letuchaya married lawyer and businessman Yuri Anashenkov. The couple's relationship developed over a year and a half, the man has two children from a previous marriage. The wedding took place on an island in Greece.

Member Name: Elena Letuchaya-Anashenkova

Age (birthday): 5.12.1978

City: Moscow, hometown Yaroslavl

Education: Blagoveshchensk College of Economics, RTUPS

Family: married to Yuri Anashenkov

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Reading this article:

Elena Flying is an economist by education, but works on television.

This girl needs no introduction, and her appearance in public places says only one thing - Revizorro has arrived with a check!

Indeed, Elena has been on the protection of consumer rights for several years, checking the quality of services in hotels and restaurants.

Elena was born in the city of Yaroslavl, but after 7 years the family moved to the distant and cold city of Tynda. The girl went to school there, attended a figure skating club and an art group. In her studies, Flying never lagged behind, although she was quite restless, and she dreamed that when she grew up, she would live in St. Petersburg and become an architect there.

After graduating from school, the girl's plans have changed - she entered the financial and economic college of the city of Blagoveshchensk. Flying was an excellent specialist, she had a chance to work at Russian Railways and at Gazprom.

In parallel with this, she received higher education at the RTUPS at the Faculty of Economics.

A brilliant specialist and the soul of the team, Elena did not feel satisfied with her work, therefore, on the eve of her 29th birthday, she decided to radically change the direction of her activity. She became an economist at the behest of her relatives, and a journalist of her own free will.

Lena entered the Ostankino television school. Her first job was a blood donation program., thanks to which Russian viewers learned about all the shortcomings of Russian medicine.

Despite the great desire to achieve heights in the chosen profession, Elena at first did not succeed. There were no acquaintances in this field, no work experience either. The first year of Flying had to adjust the scripts.

Parents called home all the time, and stubborn Elena still went to her goal. Soon she managed to get a job on Channel One, where she became a producer of some documentaries.

But more success awaited Elena ahead - when the project "Inspector" was released on the Ukrainian channel
and instantly became popular, the Friday channel bought the rights to create a similar show, but under a different name, Revizorro.

At first they planned that the Ukrainian leading Rolga Freimut would lead it, but later they decided that a Russian woman should be at the head of the project. Elena Letuchaya fit this role perfectly, and for several years now she has been fighting an unequal battle with insufficient service in Russia.

A few seasons later, Elena decided to go to the producers of the project and engage in the development of other programs, and she was replaced by Olga Romanovskaya.

All this time, Flying remained behind the scenes and was a participant in the Revizorro Show, where she had another chance to meet with restaurateurs and hoteliers, who, in her opinion, do their job poorly.

This project, like Revizorro, turned out to be resonant and very emotional, but Volatile always behaves impeccably, not allowing herself to break down.

In 2016, she again had to become Revizorro, since Romanovskaya unexpectedly left the show.

This time, Elena undertook to check Moscow and all its institutions, including skating rinks, parks, shopping centers and other public places.

At the moment, selection is underway for the Revizorro school, where Elena will become one of the teachers. The graduate who showed the best results will be entrusted with furthering the sensational project.

Elena's personal life is always in the spotlight - in 2016, she married businessman Yuri Anashenkov. The wedding celebration took place on a Greek island, and a detailed photo report of the bachelorette party and the event itself can be found on her instagram.

In addition to her main job, Elena is fond of equestrian sports, yoga, and regularly visits fitness centers. She is a real shopaholic, loves TV shows and never turns to stylists, preferring to choose her own hairstyles, outfits and accessories.

In an interview, Elena Flying said that she would never do serious plastic surgery and she was against strict diets. All the photos of Elena before and after plastic surgery that you will find on the Internet are just a comparison of two pictures, Flying did not do any operations.

Elena's photo

The presenter has an instagram where she uploads shots from various events of social life and personal photos.

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