Electromagnetic radiation impact on technology. Electromagnetic radiation

Now they talk a lot about electromagnetic radiation, which any modern person is inevitably exposed to, especially a resident of a big city. How does electromagnetic radiation affect the human body? How dangerous is it?

What is electromagnetic radiation (EMR)? This is a special form of matter, through which the interaction between electrically charged particles is carried out, a kind of intangible wave propagating in a medium, consisting of an electrical and magnetic component.

Sources of EMP

Sources that create an electromagnetic field can be both natural and artificial.

To natural sources of electromagnetic radiation includes the constant electric and constant magnetic field of the Earth, electrical phenomena in the atmosphere (thunderstorms, lightning discharges), radio emission from the sun and stars, cosmic radiation.

Artificial sources of electromagnetic field can be conditionally divided into sources of electromagnetic radiation of high and low levels of radiation. It should be noted that, first of all, the radiation level depends on the power of the source: the higher the power, the higher the radiation level. Near the source, the radiation level is maximally high; with increasing distance from the source, the radiation level decreases.

High EMP Sources:

  • overhead power lines (overhead lines, power lines of high and extra high voltage 4-1150 kV);
  • electric transport: trams, trolleybuses, metro trains, etc. - and its infrastructure;
  • transformer substations (TP);
  • elevators;
  • television stations;
  • broadcasting stations;
  • base stations of mobile radio communication systems (VS), primarily cellular.

Sources of relatively low EMP levels:

  • personal computers and video display terminals, gaming machines, children's game consoles;
  • household electrical appliances - refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioners, hair dryers, TVs, electric kettles, irons, etc.;
  • cellular, satellite and cordless radiotelephones, personal radio stations;
  • cable lines;
  • some medical diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical equipment;
  • building power supply system.

The impact of EMR on the human body

The human body reacts both to changes in the natural geomagnetic field and to the impact of electromagnetic radiation from numerous and diverse man-made sources. The reaction of the body can vary both with increasing and decreasing EMR exposure, in some cases leading to pronounced changes in health status and genetic consequences.

Experimental data of both domestic and foreign researchers testify to the high biological activity of the electromagnetic field (EMF) in all frequency ranges. The biological effects of exposure to EMF on the human body depend on the frequency and wavelength of radiation, intensity of EMF, duration and frequency of exposure, combined and total exposure to EMF and other factors. The combination of the indicated parameters can give significantly different consequences in the reaction of the organism.

No less important is the localization of the impact - general or local, since with a general impact, the risk of negative consequences is higher. For example, the impact from power lines is general for the whole organism, and the impact from a cell phone is local (on certain parts of the human body).

The effect of EMF interaction with the biological environment depends on the radiation dose. It is based on the conversion of field energy into heat; the mechanism that performs such a transformation causes the rotation (displacement) of molecules. This leads to various negative phenomena in the body.

It should be noted that our body is daily exposed to several different electromagnetic fields simultaneously or sequentially.

Such an impact primarily affects the nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems, changes in the functions of which imply adverse consequences for the body.

The biological effect of EMF accumulates under conditions of long-term long-term exposure, as a result, the development of long-term consequences is possible, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, and hormonal diseases.

Especially dangerous EMF can be for children, pregnant women(in particular, for the embryo), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular system, allergy sufferers, people with weakened immune systems. At present, specialists from the USA, Sweden, and Denmark have conducted a number of studies within 150 m from substations, transformers, electric lines of railways and power lines, which have shown that with prolonged exposure to EMF, the risk of developing cancer in children, especially childhood leukemia, increases almost 4 times.

Effect of EMF on the human body

The earliest clinical manifestations of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans are functional disorders of the nervous system. Persons who have been in the zone of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) for a long time complain of weakness, irritability, fatigue, memory loss, sleep disturbance. Often, these symptoms are accompanied by disorders of autonomic functions (respiration, nutrition, gas exchange, excretory function), various disorders of the cardiovascular system. Usually these changes occur in persons who, by the nature of their work, were constantly under the influence of electromagnetic radiation with a sufficiently high intensity (power lines, electric transport, transformer substations, etc.).

Long-term repeated exposure above the maximum allowable EMR standards (especially in the decimeter wave range, for example from television and radio broadcasting stations) can lead to mental disorders.

In the vast majority of cases, exposure occurs with fields of relatively low levels (fields from objects of industrial frequency: electrical wiring, household appliances; computers, cell phones): the consequences listed below apply to such cases.

Effect of EMF on the nervous system. A large number of studies carried out in Russia give reason to classify the nervous system as one of the most sensitive systems in the human body to the effects of EMF. In people who have contact with EMF, higher nervous activity changes, memory deteriorates. These individuals may be prone to developing stress reactions such as headaches, constant fatigue, mood swings, depression, skin rashes, sleep disturbances, and loss of appetite.

The nervous system of the embryo shows high sensitivity to EMF. The risk of violation of the formation of the nervous system of the fetus increases.

Effect of EMF on the immune system. When exposed to EMF, the processes of immunity formation are disrupted, more often in the direction of their suppression. There may be a change in protein metabolism, there is a certain change in the composition of the blood. Perhaps the formation in the body of antibodies directed against its own tissues.

Effect of EMF on the endocrine system. In the works of Soviet scientists back in the 1960s, it was shown that under the action of EMF, as a rule, stimulation of the most important endocrine gland located in the brain, the pituitary gland, occurred. This leads to an increase in the production of hormones from other glands - the adrenal glands, including the stress hormone - adrenaline, as a result of which the body adapts worse to physical environmental factors (high air temperatures, lack of oxygen, etc.).

Effect of EMF on reproductive function. The sensitivity of the embryo to EMF is much higher than the sensitivity of the mother's body. Low-intensity EMF, which has a negative effect on the body of pregnant women, can cause premature birth, as well as various congenital pathologies in children. The most vulnerable periods are usually the early stages of embryonic development. This primarily concerns women working in conditions of violated electromagnetic safety standards. The occupational safety engineer at the enterprise should inform you about the electromagnetic safety standards for your workplace. Taking care of safety in the first place is for women working in industries serving powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation - antennas, locators, electrical substations, as well as in industries with a large amount of equipment (machines, etc.).

Electromagnetic protection

How to protect your family from such a negative impact? First, it should not be forgotten that all the studies described and the negative effects of EMF exposure were given for cases of continuous long-term or periodic long-term exposure. It is also important to remember that maximum harm is caused by combined and total exposure from several sources. The general rule for all harmful effects is to reduce them as much as possible, to minimize the number of sources of exposure, to reduce the time of exposure.

To protect the population in the Russian Federation, there is a sanitary and hygienic regulation of electromagnetic fields, based on many years of research and established by law. First of all, there should be a sanitary protection zone around the sources of the electromagnetic field, if necessary, measures should be taken to reduce the electric field strength in residential buildings and in places where people can stay for a long time by using protective screens. The size of this zone is determined by law depending on the type of source. Within the sanitary protection zone it is prohibited: to place residential and public buildings and structures; suburban and garden plots; arrange areas for parking and stopping all types of transport; locate car service businesses.

Here are the simplest safety and preventive measures to protect against EMF.

Watch out, power lines! Stay away from high voltage power lines. First of all, a sanitary protection zone should be allocated around the sources of the electromagnetic field of industrial frequency. The size of this zone is determined by law and is set depending on the voltage going through the power line, from 10 to 55 m. keep within a radius of 100-150 m. At the same time, one should not be afraid of power lines running along the roads, since all studies indicate the dangers of prolonged exposure to EMF. So you shouldn't sunbathe on a forest clearing under power lines and have a picnic with children there. It is not necessary to cultivate beds directly under the line or within a radius of 150 m and equip garden plots there. After all, the allowable time spent in the EMF coverage area from "high-voltage" is only a few minutes. Do not buy country and garden plots under power lines, in the sanitary protection zone of power lines. If the site borders on the sanitary protection zone of a power line, invite specialists from accredited laboratories to take measurements and determine a safe zone for people to stay for a long time.

The same precautions are given for large transformer substations. If you have a booth of a small transformer substation in your yard, then it is better not to let the baby play within a radius of 10 m from it.

TV towers and transmitting radio engineering objects of various nature. The same golden rule applies - bypass it. It should be noted that these facilities, as a rule, have a much larger sanitary protection zone than power lines. In this case, we can talk about distances of 1.5-6 km.

Electric transport. The most dangerous zones in this case are located in the driver's cabs and near the edge of the platform. Therefore, when waiting for an electric train or a subway train, it is better to move away from the edge of the platform.

Appliances. Since electrical wiring is everywhere in our homes, like a web, we constantly use household appliances, it is necessary to remember simple safety rules: move away the radiation source, minimize the number of sources, reduce exposure time. One of the main rules of the house is not to turn on all household appliances at once: you should not make an electromagnetic storm. Use household appliances separately if possible. For example, when vacuuming, turn off the TV.

By placing food in microwave and by pressing the "start" button, you can retreat to the room and wait a couple of minutes with the baby while the food is heated.

Also, an electric kettle will perfectly cope with boiling water without your presence. Since it is not always possible to leave the room where household appliances work, it is better to place an electric kettle and a microwave oven at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the dining or cutting table.

A vacuum cleaner during cleaning, we, as a rule, hold the hose and in the process we move quite far (more than 1 m) from the very radiating body of the vacuum cleaner.

Compressor radiating element of conventional refrigerator, is also far enough away from us to harm us. But you can, if necessary, put a dining table at a distance of more than 1 m from the refrigerator.

If a washing machine is not in the pantry or bathroom, where you can safely wash when no one needs the room, practice washing while you are away.

Being within 2 m of a running washing machine is not safe from the point of view of radiation - and it doesn’t matter what a person is doing at that moment. Taking a shower or bath when the washing machine is running in the bathroom is also unsafe from an electrical safety point of view. When connecting the washing machine, grounding conditions must be observed, this and all the connection rules are described in detail in the instructions for its use. To connect large household appliances (washing machine, stove, dishwasher) for your own safety, it is always better to invite a specialist.

electric stove is also a source of industrial frequency EMP. When cooking, do not forget that the higher the power, the greater the radiation level. Therefore, try not to use the maximum heating modes for the burners and the oven, choose medium power modes, and you should not turn on all the burners and the oven at the same time.

Television it is important to look at a distance no closer than 2-3 m, and of course, not to abuse the viewing time. Don't use the TV on as a "background" all day long.

Wiring. It is better if the electrical wiring is shielded, i.e. made using special shielded cables with additional windings that prevent the spread of EMP to the outside, and goes along the floor at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the floor, being just at the level of the head of a sleeping person. It is not necessary to place sockets with sconces constantly included in them at the head of the bed. A bed for night rest is recommended to be as far away as possible from sources of prolonged exposure, the distance to distribution cabinets, power cables should be 2.5-3 m, even if they are behind the wall. Therefore, when arranging furniture, look at the drawings of the house from the developer at the entrance to the new building or from the management company for houses put into operation. If it is necessary to install underfloor heating, it is recommended to choose electrical systems with a low level of magnetic field and multi-level insulation of the heating element of the cable or a water-heated floor system. To make the right choice, you need to compare the technical characteristics of the product.

Elevator. During the operation of the elevator, a very high intensity electromagnetic field is created. If possible, you should choose an apartment as far as possible from the elevator. If this is not possible, then you need to understand which room and wall in this room the elevator borders on. Do not put a bed against this wall, do not organize a workplace - arrange, for example, a green corner there.

Radio and cell phones. The harmful effect of EMP generated by both mobile and conventional radiotelephones depends on the power of the phone. More powerful phones have a more negative impact. There are studies that show an increased risk of brain cancer with abuse (more than 3-5 minutes of continuous conversation, more than 30 minutes a day) of a cell phone. Other studies show increased fatigue, nervousness. But in the modern world, a mobile phone has long been a necessity. Therefore, simple rules are proposed to minimize the impact of electromagnetic radiation of this factor. Try to use a regular phone more often at work and at home, even if it is a radio, but its power is much less than that of a mobile phone. Use a wired headset, thereby removing the radiation source. Do not use your cell phone as an alarm clock and put it nearby during sleep, it is better to turn it off or keep it away. It is better to carry a mobile phone in a bag, not in a pocket.

Personal computers. Video display terminals. When arranging computers in the office, keep in mind that the radiation comes not only from the monitor, but also from the system unit. If the PCs are one after the other, then the minimum distance between them should be 2 m, if side by side - 1.2 m. Workplace should not fall into the radiation zone from the back of any monitor, since it is maximum there. It is important to choose a high-quality modern monitor that meets all safety standards. From the point of view of EMR, the LCD monitor is safer for the user, there is radiation from the electrical component from the wall, but it is less. The system unit and monitor should be as far away from you as possible. Do not leave your computer turned on for a long time when you are not using it. Also don't forget to use "sleep mode" for the monitor, as the radiation in this case is less.

Try to arrange breaks in work, during which you need to be away from computers.

Game consoles are also a source of EMP.

It remains to be said that poison differs from medicine only in dosage. Thus, EMFs are successfully used in medicine for the treatment of many diseases, for example, various tumors, varicose veins, hypertension, treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory organs, for cosmetic purposes, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the muscles, joints, peripheral nervous system, and in the treatment of bruises. , fractures, osteochondrosis of the spine, gynecological and urological diseases and many others. Therefore, the main thing is to be prudent and exercise caution.

User. | 18.10.2017

There is a freezer in the bedroom. Chest. Can it cause frequent headaches? There is nowhere else to put it.

Nina | 30.10.2013

A wonderful article, necessary - opens your eyes to the aggressiveness of the world, which they created with their own hands and introduced "Trojan horses" into their lives, only in the form of domestic "helpers" - enemies, without which we cannot imagine our lives ...

Vladimir | 13.08.2013

From 2006 to the present, 237 people (6-15 years old) were initially examined, of which 156 children are under observation for more than 2 years (58-2 years old, 48-3 years old, 21-4 years old, 14-5 years old and 15 - 6 years). The control group - 67 children, the test group (children users) - 170. Effects of a mobile phone on children The results obtained indicate the multivariance of the possible effects of mobile phone radiation on the nervous system of children. It has been established that in children using mobile phones (MT) the reaction time to sound (VRSS) and light signal (VRZS) increases. In particular, in children of 7 years of age, for SPSS this effect is manifested if the total time of using the MT is 360 minutes, and for VRZS - 730 minutes. All children using MT showed the effect of an increase in the number of phonemic perception disorders, which are signs of incorrect hearing of speech sounds close in sound or similar in articulation. A decrease in the performance index was registered (in 50.7%) and an increase in the fatigue parameter (in 39.7% of cases). In addition, changes in higher mental functions were established. In particular, a decrease in the indicators of the stability of voluntary attention: in 14.3% of cases, a decrease in the productivity indicator of the test task was noted, and in 19.4% of cases, the accuracy indicator. Changes in indicators of semantic memory were also registered: a decrease in the accuracy of task completion was found in 19.4% of students and in 30.1% of cases an increase in task completion time was noted. The effects described above are already reflected in the success of the child in school. Thus, the identified increase in the number of violations of phonemic perception increases the likelihood of errors in speech and writing, and also reduces the effectiveness of the speech therapist during correctional and developmental classes. Despite the fact that in most cases the change in psychophysiological parameters has been revealed so far within the limits of age norms, however, a steady downward trend has been established in indicators from high values ​​to the lower limit of the norm. Thus, preliminary results allow us to conclude that mobile phone radiation can have a negative impact on the psychophysical health of children. It should be emphasized that the ongoing research has no analogues, both in Russia and abroad. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Biochemical Physics. N.M. Emanuel RAS, Moscow, Russia, Federal Medical Biophysical Center. A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia, Moscow. Khorseva N.I., Grigoriev Yu.G., Gorbunova N.V.

Boris | 21.02.2013

is it possible to leave within 70 km from the s-pb. for measuring emp.

Laboratory №5 | 30.11.2010

If anyone is interested in measuring at home (in an apartment or a private house) electromagnetic radiation from power lines, electrical substations, a computer, household appliances, etc., please contact us. measurements are carried out in the frequency ranges of 5 Hz - 400 kHz and 50 Hz separately. I will indicate the norm in accordance with the current standards, I will give recommendations on eliminating excesses, if any. Also, if necessary, I can measure and evaluate the levels of illumination, noise, vibration and other physical factors (with specialized devices) work in St. Petersburg and Leningrad. area write on the box [email protected]

* - mandatory fields.

Each apartment is fraught with danger. We do not even suspect that we live in an environment of electromagnetic fields (EMF), which a person cannot see or feel, but this does not mean that they do not exist.

From the very beginning of life on our planet, there has been a stable electromagnetic background (EMF). For a long time it was practically unchanged. But, with the development of mankind, the intensity of this background began to grow at an incredible speed. Power lines, an increasing number of electrical appliances, cellular communications - all these innovations have become sources of "electromagnetic pollution". How does the electromagnetic field affect the human body, and what are the consequences of this impact?

What is electromagnetic radiation?

In addition to the natural EMF, created by electromagnetic waves (EMW) of various frequencies that come to us from space, there is another radiation - domestic, which occurs during the operation of a motley electrical equipment that is available in every apartment or office. Each household appliance, take at least an ordinary hair dryer, passes an electric current through itself during operation, forming an electromagnetic field around it. Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is the force that manifests itself when current passes through any electrical device, affecting everything that is around it, including a person, who is also a source of electromagnetic radiation. The greater the current passing through the device, the more powerful the radiation.

Most often, a person does not experience a noticeable effect of EMR, but this does not mean that it does not affect us. EMW pass through objects imperceptibly, but sometimes, the most sensitive people feel some kind of tingling or tingling.

We all react differently to EMR. The organism of some can neutralize its impact, but there are individuals who are most susceptible to this influence, which can cause various pathologies in them. Long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation is especially dangerous for humans. For example, if his house is located near a high-voltage transmission line.

Depending on the wavelength, EMP can be divided into:

  • visible light is the radiation that a person is able to perceive visually. The wavelength of light varies from 380 to 780 nm (nanometers), that is, the wavelengths of visible light are very short;
  • infrared radiation is in the electromagnetic spectrum between light radiation and radio waves. The length of infrared waves is longer than light and is in the range of 780 nm - 1 mm;
  • radio waves. They are also microwaves that emit a microwave oven. These are the longest waves. These include all electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths of half a millimeter or more;
  • ultraviolet radiation, which is harmful to most living beings. The length of such waves is 10-400 nm, and they are located in the range between visible and X-ray radiation;
  • X-ray radiation is emitted by electrons and has a wide range of wavelengths - from 8 10 - 6 to 10 - 12 cm. This radiation is known to everyone from medical devices;
  • gamma radiation is the shortest wavelength (the wavelength is less than 2·10 −10 m), and has the highest radiation energy. This type of EMR is the most dangerous for humans.

The picture below shows the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.

Radiation sources

There are many EMP sources around us that emit electromagnetic waves into space that are not safe for the human body. It is impossible to list all of them.

I would like to focus on more global ones, such as:

  • high-voltage power lines with high voltage, and a powerful level of radiation. And if residential buildings are located closer than 1000 meters to these lines, then the risk of oncology among residents of such buildings increases;
  • electric transport - electric trains and subway trains, trams and trolleybuses, as well as ordinary elevators;
  • radio and television towers, the radiation of which is also particularly dangerous for human health, especially those installed in violation of sanitary standards;
  • functional transmitters - radars, locators that create EMP at a distance of up to 1000 meters, therefore, airports and meteorological stations try to place as far as possible from the residential sector.

And on simple ones:

  • household appliances, such as a microwave oven, computer, TV, hair dryer, chargers, energy-saving lamps, etc., which are available in every home and are an integral part of our life;
  • mobile phones, around which an electromagnetic field is formed that affects the human head;
  • electrical wiring and sockets;
  • medical devices - X-ray, computed tomography, etc., which we encounter when visiting medical institutions that have the strongest radiation.

Some of these sources have a powerful effect on a person, some - not so much. Anyway, we both used and will continue to use these devices. It is important to be extremely careful when using them and be able to protect yourself from negative impacts in order to minimize the harm they cause.

Examples of sources of electromagnetic radiation are shown in the figure.

The impact of EMR on humans

It is believed that electromagnetic radiation has a negative impact on both human health and behavior, vitality, physiological functions and even thoughts. The person himself is also a source of such radiation, and if other, more intense sources begin to influence our electromagnetic field, then complete chaos can occur in the human body, which will lead to various diseases.

Scientists have established that it is not the waves themselves that are harmful, but their torsion (information) component, which is present in any electromagnetic radiation, that is, it is torsion fields that have the wrong effect on health, transmitting negative information to a person.

The danger of radiation lies in the fact that it can accumulate in the human body, and if you use, for example, a computer, mobile phone, etc. for a long time, you may experience headache, fatigue, constant stress, decreased immunity, and the likelihood of diseases of the nervous system and brain. Even weak fields, especially those that coincide in frequency with human EMP, can harm health by distorting our own radiation, and thereby causing various diseases.

A huge impact on human health is played by such factors of electromagnetic radiation as:

  • source power and nature of radiation;
  • its intensity;
  • duration of exposure.

It is also worth noting that exposure to radiation can be general or local. That is, if you take a mobile phone, it affects only a separate human organ - the brain, and the whole body is irradiated from the radar.

What kind of radiation arises from certain household appliances, and their range, can be seen from the figure.

Looking at this table, you can understand for yourself that the farther the source of radiation is from a person, the less its harmful effect on the body. If the hair dryer is in close proximity to the head, and its impact causes significant harm to a person, then the refrigerator has practically no effect on our health.

How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation

The danger of EMR lies in the fact that a person does not feel its influence on himself, but it exists and greatly harms our health. If there is special protective equipment in the workplace, then things are much worse at home.

But it is still possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of household appliances if you follow simple recommendations:

  • purchase a dosimeter that determines the intensity of radiation and measure the background from various household appliances;
  • do not turn on several electrical appliances at once;
  • keep away from them, if possible, at a distance;
  • arrange appliances so that they are as far away as possible from places of long-term human stay, for example, a dining table or a recreation area;
  • in children's rooms there should be as few sources of radiation as possible;
  • no need to group electrical appliances in one place;
  • mobile phone should not be brought closer to the ear than 2.5 cm;
  • keep the telephone base away from the bedroom or desktop:
  • do not be located close to the TV or computer monitor;
  • turn off appliances you don't need. If you are not currently using a computer or TV, you do not need to keep them turned on;
  • try to reduce the time of using the device, do not be near it constantly.

Modern technology has firmly entered our everyday life. We cannot imagine life without a mobile phone or a computer, as well as a microwave oven, which many people have not only at home, but also at their workplace. It is unlikely that anyone will want to refuse them, but it is in our power to use them wisely.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation of natural, technogenic origin create a general background of the habitat. The influence of the EM field on the vital activity of living organisms is a proven fact.

natural emitters

The natural human habitat is electromagnetic space: geomagnetic field, solar radiation, lightning discharges. Man is both a transmitter and receiver of EMW. Metabolic processes in the body are ionic in nature. It is difficult to imagine what forms life would take in the absence of electromagnetism. The Earth's surface has a positive static charge of 130 V/m.

The higher above sea level, the lower the static charge:

  • 100 m - 100 V/m;
  • 1000 m - 45 V/m;
  • 20,000 m - 1 V/m.

Thunderclouds change the intensity of the EMF by 30 times without lightning discharges. The electrical conductivity of atmospheric air varies with temperature and humidity. Cloudy weather, fog increase the concentration of ions, increasing the overall potential of the surface.

The human body is adapted to the variability of the Earth's electromagnetic field. Metabolic processes in the body take place in ionic form. The atmosphere protects against the effects of hard radiation. Nuclear reactions in the Sun, stars of other systems are the cause of ultraviolet, infrared, X-ray waves. They are harmful to health even at minimal doses. Possessing a high frequency and energy, they destroy the cells of the body, can cause irreversible consequences.

The transition of charged particles in an atom or molecule from one level to another during a nuclear reaction is accompanied by an energy surge. New particles appear with their own wave characteristics. Oscillations of electromagnetic radiation have different frequencies, on which the wavelength and energy depend.

By power (frequency), radiation is divided into 6 types:

  • low frequency;
  • radio wave;
  • infrared;
  • light;
  • ultraviolet;
  • x-ray.

Man-made technical means have the same wave spectrum. They can be combined, increasing the impact, or discordant, creating interference with the functioning.

Man-made wave emitters

Man has learned to reproduce EMR for his own purposes. Sources of the electromagnetic field are a necessary part of modern life.

Reproduced in terrestrial conditions:

  • high-frequency - gamma and x-rays;
  • mid-frequency - infrared, light, ultraviolet;
  • low-frequency - radio, microwaves.

Artificial emitters have become familiar and are found at every step:

  • computers;
  • Appliances;
  • mobile devices;
  • transmitting electrical, television and radio devices;
  • industrial mechanisms;
  • electric transport;
  • medical and scientific equipment.

Artificial high-voltage sources of electromagnetic fields:

  • transformers;
  • monitors;
  • TVs.

The main types of sources of electromagnetic radiation: atomic level and conductor. An example of a conductive emitter is a high-voltage power line: the flow of free electrons makes synchronous oscillatory movements, creating a voltage.

Exposure to artificial EM background

Power lines create tension, the dimensions of which depend on the transmitted voltage.

The sanitary zone is determined from the calculation of the field strength:

  • for a 220 kV transmission line, the distance will be 50 m;
  • for power lines 750 kV - 250 m;
  • for power transmission lines 1 150 kV - 300 m.

Radio waves of different frequencies are the main source of EM noise:

  • radar at airports, weather stations;
  • mobile base stations;
  • television, radio stations;
  • PPP satellite communications;
  • radiotelephones.

Radars operate at high frequencies (from 500 MHz to 100 GHz). Powerful emitters, working in intermittent mode, nevertheless create a dense energy sweat at a considerable distance due to the round-the-clock nature of the work. Airports within urban areas are the main source of exposure to residential areas.

Mobile transceiver stations use frequencies from 500 to 2000 MHz. The activity of the stations depends on the load (the number of subscribers in communication). Peak exposures occur during the daytime, at night they are equal to zero.

Television emitters located at a height of 100 m above the ground have less effect on the surface field strength than radio transmitting centers. Radio transmitters operate in the range of ultrashort and ultrahigh frequencies, covering zones up to 100 km along a circular radius. Not only working personnel, but also adjacent residential buildings are adversely affected.

Satellite communication stations pose a threat to health if they are located in the area of ​​​​a narrowly focused energy flow. Mobile phones do not have a significant effect on the background. Tram, metro, trolleybus have an average of 50-80 µT.

EM pollution from household electrical appliances depends on their power:

  • iron, refrigerator have a maximum allowable indicator of 0.2 μT;
  • washing machine, electric kettle - 0.5 μT;
  • electric stove - 1-3 µT;
  • microwave oven - 8 μT;
  • vacuum cleaner - 100 μT.

Standards limit the power of static voltage of equipment and machinery used in everyday life from 1 to 20 KV/m. The operation of technical facilities may be hindered by EMI.

EM compatibility

External disturbances from lightning discharges dramatically change the frequency range of the electrostatic field.

Consequences of lightning strikes - failure:

  • telecommunication systems;
  • wireless communication;
  • power lines;
  • equipment power drop (in production, electric transport, etc.).

The combination of several emitters on the same area worsens or interferes with their work. A microwave oven with a radiation frequency of 100 GHz will make it difficult to receive a signal on a mobile phone within a radius of 50 cm. For this reason, the use of smartphones during a medical examination on a CT scanner, MRI, ultrasound, ECG is prohibited.

Compatibility standards (EMC) are being developed to avoid interference. Industrial development is not possible without compliance with EMC standards. To do this, a survey is carried out on the situation (EMO), interference (EMF), noise immunity.

EMC is taken into account in the production of consumer products, which take into account the medical indications for safe use. It is recommended to resort to additional security measures with continuous use.

Safe distances at which EMP exposure ends:

  • mobile phone - 2.5 cm;
  • TV - 1 m;
  • microwave oven - 1 m;
  • system block - 0.5 m;
  • monitor - 0.5 m.

Tension near the earth's surface, household appliances (except for microwave), means of communication, communications are harmless EMR.

Wave radiation meters

A fluxmeter (webermeter) is used to determine the tension. The principle of operation of the device is to fix the magnetic flux using a coil and a galvanometer. Magnetic quantities are interconnected with electrical ones, which explains the use of the device.
Fluxmeter is used:

  • in industrial installations (on overhead cranes using variable magnets for storing ferrous metals);
  • during the construction of meridional pipelines of large cross section (for measuring the magnetic field);
  • to protect electrical installations from EM storms caused by a solar flare (webermeter readings allow you to take restrictive actions in time);
  • for protection against stray currents of power plants, substations, main pipelines.

Fluxmeters are magnetoelectric and photoelectric. The difference is the greater sensitivity of the latter due to the use of a compensation amplifier. Measurement of magnetic flux using EMF, units of measurement - Wb / div.

Teslameters (a kind of fluxmeter) measure the EMF between semiconductor plates, the unit of measurement is μT. The devices are compact, have an error of up to 2%, a wide frequency range of both AC and DC.

The impact of electromagnetic radiation on the human body

Electromagnetic radiation has a bio- and thermal effect on human tissues and organs.

The human body is affected by:

  • radiation power;
  • duration;
  • type of impact.

The energy of the alternating field is absorbed by tissues differently due to differences in structure. An uneven rise in temperature causes overheating of organs and tissues that have insufficient thermoregulation. The transfer of heat to the external environment is difficult, resulting in damage/destruction of cells.

First of all, they suffer:

  • eye lens;
  • gallbladder;
  • bladder.

The brain, intestines have a weak ability for thermoregulation.

Diseases caused by EMF:

  • cataract;
  • hypotension;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system (destruction of red blood cells);
  • migraine;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

Exposure to a strong EM field adversely affects pregnancy, causing a violation of intrauterine development of the fetus. Endocrine disorders in men are a decrease in potency, infertility. The destruction of blood cells blocks the immune system. In the brain, neural connections are disrupted: memory and attention deteriorate. The infrared form of EMR is dangerous due to the high energy of the particles that cause the body to overheat. At temperatures above 42 degrees, the blood flow stops, the person dies. Overuse of ultraviolet radiation can lead to melanoma (skin cancer).

Natural EM waves, necessary for the existence of terrestrial organisms, can be detrimental in the high frequency range. Devices and mechanisms are sources of EM pollution, which is a side effect of their use.

Many sources of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) are constantly operating in residential, administrative and public buildings. We do not feel the waves emanating from them, so we do not think about the harm they bring. But anyone who has at least once checked his apartment with an EMP indicator knows that there are powerful electromagnetic fields in almost every room.

Radiation from household electrical appliances

You should not be afraid of sources of electromagnetic radiation. All the same, we will use household and office equipment, telephones and will not give up artificial light. But it is important to minimize the harm associated with the operation of electrical appliances at home and in the workplace. Consider some of the most common sources of EMP.

Microwave. The case of a working microwave oven creates protection against radiation, but it cannot be called 100%. It is dangerous to be near a switched on microwave, since even a small EMP leak has an extremely negative effect on the body. The waves penetrate the skin to a depth of more than 2 cm, triggering pathological processes in the tissues. The safe distance from the microwave oven during its operation is 1-1.5 m. If possible, it is better to leave the kitchen altogether for this time.

Television. The most powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation among televisions are old models with kinescopes. You must keep at least 1.5 m from them. Modern technology with liquid crystal screens and plasma panels does not spread powerful EMF.

Fen. While drying the hair, the hair dryer generates an electromagnetic field of great strength. The danger is that we keep the device close to the head and dry the curls for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to limit the use of an electric hair dryer to 1 time per week and not turn it on for a long time. In addition, do not dry your hair in the evening, so as not to cause insomnia.

Shaver. The EMP power of a conventional electric razor is much higher than the safe value. It is better to use razors, this will help reduce the already high electromagnetic load on the body. If you are used to an electric shaver, choose a model that runs on batteries.

Charging device. Office equipment power supplies, telephone chargers create a high-power electromagnetic field at a distance of 1 m. Therefore, while they are working, it is better not to be near them, and after disconnecting from the phone, you should not forget to remove the charger from the outlet.

Energy-saving lamps. Most people are unaware that energy-saving lamps also emit electromagnetic waves, while spreading the RF field. This applies to both conventional fluorescent and those LED lamps that are equipped with low-quality power supplies. If you're working near a table lamp, install a halogen or incandescent bulb that emits little to no light.

Wiring and sockets. Grounded cables that are not under load do not generate dangerous EMP. Therefore, it is important to always unplug electrical appliances that are not needed at the moment. But the cables that depart from the electrical panels and are located close to the apartments are among the most powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation. The distance from them to sleeping places should be at least 5 m.

mobile phone radiation

A modern person cannot get rid of sources of electromagnetic radiation even in nature, as he constantly carries a cell phone with him. During its operation, an electromagnetic field is formed, the main part of which is absorbed by the human head.

Experimental confirmation. To test the impact of mobile phone radiation on health, Russian scientists conducted an experiment. In its course, it was supposed to find out how electromagnetic waves affect the state of embryos of ordinary chicken eggs. To do this, they were kept for three weeks in two identical incubators, one of which was also equipped with a mobile phone.

The results of the experiment are as follows: less than a quarter of the chickens hatched from the eggs adjacent to the phone, the rest died. In the second incubator, losses corresponded to natural norms. This confirms the danger to a living organism of the electromagnetic field generated by a mobile phone.

Rules for the safe handling of a mobile phone. The signal from a cell phone diverges the same distance in all directions, including in the direction of the head of the speaking person. Scientists have found that it penetrates the brain by 37 mm. So far, people have been using phones for no more than 20 years, so it is difficult to say what exactly the long-term consequences of their use will be. But each of us can create protection for ourselves from the electromagnetic field emitted by the mobile phone. For this:

  • Buy certified devices that are checked for compliance with Russian safety standards. The battery of such phones must bear the sign of Rostest (PCT).
  • Use wireless headphones or the Bluetooth app. This will protect your brain from dangerous radiation.
  • Carry mobile phones in a bag or briefcase, away from vital organs.

Finding Hazardous Areas with the Electromagnetic Field Indicator

One of the best devices that help to localize zones of electromagnetic disturbances is RADEX EMI50. Its advantages:

  • isotropic antenna;
  • alarm signaling when safe levels are exceeded;
  • storing results in memory.

This indicator not only detects electric and magnetic fields, but also works in the search mode for power frequency EMI sources.

When checking a house with it, be guided by the maximum permissible level of electromagnetic radiation indoors - 10 μW / sq. see Especially carefully scan those rooms in which family members spend the most time: bedrooms, kitchens, children's rooms. Explore space every meter in every direction. Take measurements for at least 10 seconds at each point.

With electromagnetic fields indicator RADEX EMI50 you can always check if there are areas of a powerful electromagnetic field in the house (or outside it), so that if necessary, take measures to protect your health.


We were taught at school that labor turned a monkey into a man, and scientific and technological progress is the engine of all mankind. It would seem that with its movement, the quality and quantity of years lived by a person should improve. In fact, the deeper NTP enters our lives, the harder it is for us to live and the more often people encounter previously unknown diseases that appear and develop in direct progression along with technical progress. Let's not dispute that the benefits of civilization are bad. Let's talk about a hidden threat to man and his descendants - electromagnetic radiation.

Research by scientists over the past decades shows that electromagnetic radiation is no less dangerous than atomic radiation. Electromagnetic smog, interacting with the electromagnetic field of the body, partially suppresses it, distorting the own field of the human body. This leads to a decrease in immunity, disruption of informational and cellular exchange within the body, and the emergence of various diseases. It has been proven that even a relatively weak level of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause cancer, memory loss, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, impotence, destruction of the lens of the eye, and a decrease in the number of red blood cells. Electromagnetic fields are especially dangerous for pregnant women and their children. Electromagnetic radiation contributes to sexual dysfunction in men and reproductive disorders in women.

Safe for human health, the limit of the intensity of electromagnetic fields was established by American and Swedish scientists - (0.2 μT). For example, a washing machine - 1 µT, a microwave oven (at a distance of 30 cm) - 8 µT, a vacuum cleaner - 100 µT, and when the train leaves for the subway - 50-100 µT.

For a long time, scientists have been talking about the negative impact of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the children's body. Since the size of the head of a child is smaller than that of an adult, the radiation penetrates deeper into those parts of the brain that, as a rule, are not irradiated in an adult. This applies to mobile phones, which simply expose the brain to "local" overheating. Experiments on animals confirmed that with an increase in doses of high-frequency radiation, literally welded areas formed in their brains. Research by US scientists has proven that the signal from the phone penetrates the brain to a depth of 37.5 mm, which interferes with the functioning of the nervous system.

Growing and developing tissues are most susceptible to the adverse effects of the electromagnetic field. It is also biologically active in relation to embryos. A pregnant woman working at a computer is exposed to EMF almost the entire body, including the developing fetus. By the way, those who think that portable computers are practically safe are mistaken. Think carefully about the negative consequences of their exposure before placing a laptop on your stomach or lap. Yes, liquid crystal screens do not have an electrostatic field and do not carry x-rays, but a cathode ray tube is not the only source of electromagnetic radiation. Fields can be generated by a supply voltage converter, control circuits and information generation on discrete liquid crystal screens, and other equipment elements.


Speaking of EMF, one cannot fail to mention Wi-Fi. On the Internet, you can read many articles on this subject: “Wi-Fi networks are dangerous to health”, “Wi-Fi is harmful to the human body?”, “Wi-Fi radiation harms trees, scientists say”, “Is it harmful Wi-Fi technology for kids?

In the US, examples are known when parents sued because of the Wi-Fi installed in schools and universities. Parents' fears that wireless networks cause irreparable harm to the health of children and adolescents, having a destructive effect on a growing organism, are not unfounded. Wi-Fi, for example, operates on the same frequency as a microwave oven. For a person, such a frequency is not at all as harmless as it seems. About 20,000 studies have been published recently. They prove the fact that Wi-Fi negatively affects the health of mammals, in particular, human health. Migraines, colds, joint pains, but the most common illnesses caused by Wi-Fi include cancer, heart failure, dementia, and memory impairment. In the US, UK and Germany, Wi-Fi is increasingly being phased out in schools, hospitals and universities. The reason for the refusal is called harm to human health. Today, there is no official verdict in the case of Wi-Fi, as was the case with the recognition of the harm of WHO mobile phones, in the case of Wi-Fi. After all, the revealed truth will bring considerable losses to those who are not interested in this. As the saying goes: "The salvation of a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself." And the right reader who, after reading an article about the dangers of Wi-Fi, wrote: "In the end, everyone decides why he gets sick."


The impact of Wi-Fi on the human body, unlike a mobile phone, is not so noticeable. But if you still use wireless technologies to connect to the Internet or a corporate network on an ongoing basis, give them up. It is better to spend to itself the usual twisted pair cable. Try to reduce the amount of time you use wireless networks of any kind. Do not keep a source of electromagnetic radiation close to the body. Minimize the amount of time you use your mobile phone or bluetooth headset. Use a wired connection. If you are pregnant, try to be as far away from wireless networks as possible. So far, no one has proven the harm of Wi-Fi exposure to pregnant women. But who knows how these know-how will affect the body of the future baby? After all, true love for a child does not lie in buying another toy or beautiful clothes, but in raising a child strong and healthy.

In the medical center "Paracelsus" you can undergo a diagnosis of the impact of electromagnetic influences on your body. At the same time, the equipment makes it possible to differentiate the types of electromagnetic influences - technogenic, geopathogenic, radioactive, to determine the degree of electromagnetic load (only 4 degrees) and effectively neutralize this negative effect on the body.

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