Psychic Victoria Rydos. Victoria Rydos: how old, biography, personal life? Victoria Rydos Psychic

One of the favorite mystical programs, which since February 2007 has been watched not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders, is the Battle of Psychics. Each edition of the television show is associated with challenges for the participants fighting for the honorable first place. However, not all of them can reach the final. Psychic Victoria Rydos is one of the few who succeeded. Who is she - this mysterious lady hiding her emotions? What is it like in work and personal life?

Brief information about Victoria

Victoria Germanovna Rydos is the finalist of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics. She is an experienced and strong clairvoyant, able to work with Tarot cards and a kind of "book of the dead."

Like many people with supernatural abilities, the brown-eyed participant in the program is secretive and reluctant to share information from her biography or personal life.

Very little is known about her. So, it is reliably established that she was born on December 27, 1976. How old is Victoria Rydos can now be easily calculated: she is 39 years old.

But the birthplace of Victoria causes a lot of controversy and disagreement. According to one source, her father's house was in Moscow. There she graduated from high school and university. Later she moved with relatives to St. Petersburg, where she lives with her family to this day.

Other sources, to the point of hoarseness in the throat, prove that there was no Moscow, and the city in which the clairvoyant was born is St. Petersburg.

"Khu from hu": who is Victoria?

Victoria Rydos (reviews of her work in the show are given below) positions herself as a clairvoyant, hereditary sorceress and priestess of the ancestor cult. According to her, she is able to communicate with the spirits of deceased relatives and other people, information about which she draws from the Book of the Dead mentioned above.

Interestingly, the book only vaguely resembles a printed edition, with the exception of an unusual binding. Rather, it is a personal diary with completely blank white pages.

The psychic Victoria Rydos herself claims that each sheet of the book contains information about the life and death of people. That's just to see it, in her opinion, only she can.

Clairvoyance and tarology

A huge role in the life of this sorceress is occupied by clairvoyance and work with Tarot cards. It is they who help a woman with a deep and piercing look to answer the numerous questions of clients and other people in need. But at what age Victoria Rydos managed to gain access to such knowledge is not specified.

Origin of magical powers

The mysterious lady inherited her magical powers from her own grandmother. According to the clairvoyant, many years later, the relative decided to pass on the experience and secrets of magic to her. She also taught the future witch card divination and clairvoyance.

The girl made her first steps in exoteric art herself. And at first she tested her powers on herself before doing it on other people. This was announced during the program "Battle of psychics" Victoria Rydos. The biography, like other information about her, is based on her own stories and phrases mentioned in passing.

Diplomas and certificates

According to the participant and finalist of the Battle of Psychics, she decided to improve the knowledge received from her grandmother by studying in several esoteric schools. As evidence of the completed educational process, she mentions that she has a couple of certificates and diplomas. It is in them, says the clairvoyant, that she is marked as a healer and a practicing magician.

Victoria Rydos: how to get an appointment

At the moment, she has her own website and personal pages on social networks, where her fans and clients leave their questions and wishes. There they make applications in order to make an appointment with a clairvoyant.

Victoria Rydos is receiving only by appointment. To meet her, you need to go to the website or one of the pages on Instagram, Facebook or VKontakte and fill out a special form with the following data:

  • contact phone number;
  • Email;
  • city;
  • Date of Birth;
  • topic of the visit.

Or you can call the numbers left on the site between 11:00 and 19:00.

Victoria's activities before the "Battle of Psychics"

Before participating in the TV project, Victoria Rydos (her biography is in our article) worked closely with and together with her taught the art of divination and clairvoyance at one of the Tarot academies in St. Petersburg.

What do people say about the work of a clairvoyant?

Among the people who have ever turned to Victoria for help, there are a variety of personalities. Some of them look with delight at this clairvoyant, are grateful to her for her help and plan to turn to her again and again.

Others believe that the cost of a session with a "hyped" psychic is excessively high, and it is not worth a damn. This is due to the fact that they were not helped by the meeting with the witch. Some, on the contrary, are confident in the abilities of the magician and recommend it to their friends and acquaintances.

By the way, during the filming of the program and for some period after them, Victoria Rydos (reviews about her activities are described in this article) did not conduct sessions. She later resumed her appointment.

Participation in the 15th and 16th seasons of the Battle of Psychics

The 16th season of the Battle of Psychics project, in which Rydos took part, started on September 19 last year. During the preparation for the show, a large-scale casting was held, which Victoria easily managed to pass.

Recall that in the previous season, the female magician had already tried her luck. She also passed the primary selection and got into the main composition of psychics. However, she did not manage to reach the final, as she decided to leave the project. The clairvoyant explained her act with problems related to her personal life. Here she is - Victoria Rydos. She always conducts the reception of citizens in accordance with her personal schedule. Most of her time, according to her, she tries to devote to the family. We will talk about it a little later.

In addition to Raidos, such magicians as Iolanta and Rossa Voronov, Namtar Enzigal, Alexei Grishin, Agata Matveeva (Nicole), Marilyn Kerro, Dilaram Saparova, Todor Todorov, and others took part in the project.

What did the psychic do on the project?

During the filming of the project, the priestess of the cult of the ancestors underwent various tests. For example, before being selected, she was asked to guess what kind of object was hidden behind a screen. It was an artist with a snake.

Then she discovered a man who, according to the conditions of the test, was supposed to hide in the trunk of a car. The magician was also able to find a variety of houses, objects and people from the photograph provided to her. However, she could not find her photo among others and find the participant who changed sex. We will tell you about the feedback that Victoria Rydos caused from the audience of the project.

Conflicts during the project

While participating in the project, the priestess of the cult of ancestors often clashed with the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro. So, in one of the programs, she frankly stated that the “redhead” simply interferes with her, “does various nasty things” and makes it difficult to pass tests. However, after the winner of the show was announced, Victoria happily ran up to her hated rival and hugged her.

Audience voting

During the last test, three magicians were announced who made it to the final. They were: Nicole Kuznetsova, Victoria and Later, it was announced the beginning of the audience voting, according to the results of which Victoria Rydos won her victory. Reviews of enthusiastic spectators were not long in coming. A lot of admirers of the woman’s creativity not only sent the cherished SMS at an accelerated pace, but also wrote enthusiastic comments and personal letters to her.

What didn't air?

According to Victoria, she really liked participating in the Battle of Psychics. In addition, there were entertaining, and sometimes frankly mystical situations that were not included in the live broadcast.

During one of the tests, when Victoria called the spirit to question him, everyone present really saw a phantom. At the same time, the lights on the set began to fail, all the walkie-talkies stopped working at the same time, and the sound engineer heard a strange noise in his huge headphones.

Scandal around the project

Not without a scandal in the "Battle of Psychics". And there were several of them. The first of them was literally started by Victoria Rydos (her personal life is beautifully displayed in the photo below). It flared up because of the fans of another participant - Marilyn Kerro. They expressed their indignation at the unfair refereeing, wrote angry comments and interfered with the filming process.

A similar scandal, which resulted in the indignation of the masses, was associated with the departure of a certain Pakhom from the project.

Personal life of a psychic

Throughout the filming process, the participants not only communicated with problem people and passed tests, but also frankly needed the moral support of loved ones. For example, the husband of Victoria Rydos was a frequent guest on the set. Little is known about him, since the clairvoyant prefers to keep all information about her personal life in the shadows. It is known that his name is Vasily.

The beautiful couple also have a daughter, Barbara. Interestingly, Victoria herself considers the baby the reincarnation of her grandmother. This is due to the fact that the daughter's birthday coincided with the day of her relative's death.

Victoria Rydos' husband, like her daughter, supported the participant, actively voted for her and heartily congratulated her after the announcement of the results of the show's final.

Psychic Victoria Rydos became famous after the release of the 16th season of the popular mystical TV show "The Battle of Psychics" on the Russian TNT channel.

First steps

About when the witch was actually born, there are still disputes and rumors. Victoria does not like to advertise the details of her personal life too much, therefore her biography is fragmentary and full of mystical contradictions and ambiguities. The most probable date of her birth is 12/27/1976.

They say that psychic abilities were transferred by the girl to her grandmother, who introduced her to the mysterious world of magic. However, even by the signs of birth, it was clear that the baby had an innate tendency to extrasensory perception of the world - Victoria was born in the year of the Dragon under the sign of Capricorn, one of whose patrons is Satan himself.

The guide to the world of magic for Victoria was the Tarot cards, which she masterfully owns and with the help of which she easily penetrates both the past and the future. For the first time, Victoria picked up Tarot cards at a very young age, and every year her skill grew rapidly.

magical practices

To strengthen her energy potential, Victoria successfully mastered the techniques of the healing art of Reiki and gained the ability to help people and engage in healing. Currently, she has several students, whom she transfers sacred knowledge and teaches to work in strong energy flows.

Having penetrated the mysterious world of magic, Victoria learned to work with the souls of the dead and energy entities that are invisible in our ordinary reality. The spirits help her get the necessary information, they also helped her successfully overcome the trials at the Battle of Psychics.

Communication with the dead in the magical practice of Victoria occupies a very important place. She uses graveyard attributes to carry out her rituals, writes her own "Book of the Dead", which contains only magical information known to her, closed and carefully guarded from the uninitiated.

Victoria is known as one of the followers of the magical coven of a strong psychic and hereditary witch Natalia Banteeva, known to viewers from the 9th season of the Battle of Psychics.

Project "Wake up!"

Together with Natalya and other followers of magical practices, Victoria takes an active part in the educational project "Wake up!"

The goal of the creators of the project is to organize a society that exists in harmony with the laws of space and the universe, which today should be known to as many people as possible. As part of the project, lectures and presentations were held on how to interact with people and animals in order to promote the spread of light and good vibrations.

Reception and training

Victoria, together with her students, constantly conducts a reception, trying to help as many people as possible solve their problems and improve their health, improve their fate.
She also conducts ongoing training at a school for those who want to master the basics of reading tarot cards and extrasensory perception. Victoria believes that the more people develop their energy abilities and comprehend the laws of the harmony of the universe, the brighter the energy field of the Earth will become.

True, this does not harmonize much with the rituals on which her own magical practices are based, but in the world of extrasensory perception, everyone goes their own way and everyone decides for themselves.

In 2016, we again see Victoria on television. This time she became one of the participants in the show "Psychics are investigating." Now she does not need to prove her psychic abilities, and by teaming up with other participants, it is necessary to reveal the mysterious causes of difficult life circumstances.

In the winter of 2017, the witch presented her first book, The Cult of Ancestors. The strength of our blood." Rydos is trying to tell his readers whether the actions of our predecessors can really affect our fate. It will also give an answer to the age-old question - "Is it possible to change what is written in our family?".

Also in 2017, Rydos began to conduct seminars on extrasensory perception. In addition to theoretical classes, the witch will also conduct several practical courses.

Personal life and husband of Victoria Rydos

The details of Victoria's personal life are even more obscure than her exact date of birth. Very little is known for certain.

Victoria came to the "Battle of Psychics" from St. Petersburg, where she was born and currently lives. Victoria is married, and this is not her first marriage. With her first husband, Victoria had some kind of not too pleasant story, which she prefers not to talk about.

But there is information that she even had problems with the law because of this difficult relationship. Fortunately, all this is in the past.

Now she has a little daughter. She lives in an apartment with her family and several Sphynx cats, whom she adores. Victoria believes that personal life should remain closed not only to strangers, but also to your environment. It protects your loved ones from the negative energy of other people.

The main life principle of Victoria is that we ourselves are responsible for our choices and our actions. She calls not to live in the past or the future, but to focus on the present. Appreciate every day and every minute, and those people who are next to us and are our teachers. It is this mindset that can make your life harmonious and successful.

Despite what technological progress modern society has achieved and how many scientific discoveries a person has made, people continue to believe in magic and use the services of psychics. Today there is even a program where clairvoyants come from all over the country, and viewers try to find out which of them is more talented. Victoria Rydos became the star of season 16, but the biography of a young beautiful woman who won the hearts of viewers is not known to everyone. For her fans, our article.

Psychic Victoria Rydos

The exact biographical data of the seer is unknown, as she hides them. Some sources, citing acquaintances of the woman, claim that she was born in December 1976.

Her gift, as the girl says, she received from her grandmother. Then fate brought her together with Natalya Banteeva, a hereditary psychic who has been practicing magic based on natural forces for many years.

This meeting predetermined the fate of Rydos, after talking with an experienced clairvoyant, she decided to develop her abilities and use them to help people.

The clairvoyant seeks answers to questions through Tarot cards, which she first picked up while still very young. But Victoria did not stop there, she wanted to help people, heal them, for which she mastered the techniques of the healing art of Reiki. This is a type of alternative medicine that involves healing with the help of energy transmitted to the patient through the hands of the healer.

At present, the woman has also become a teacher. She recruited several students in whom she is trying to unleash the abilities of clairvoyance and healing.

Education and the project "Wake up!"

Raidos is sure that each person can develop psychic and other skills, the main thing is to find a knowledgeable teacher who will help to do this. To do this, she, together with other experienced magicians, participates in the Wake Up! project. Its goal is to help people believe in themselves and master hidden talents.

The center offers training on all kinds of existing magical systems: shamanism, tarot, runes and others. In addition, consultations and divination are carried out. The main participants of the project were graduates of the Battle of Psychics program.

Those wishing to meet with a specialist can find her here. She conducts training and welcomes anyone who needs help or advice. Contact details of the center are on its official website.

Victoria Rydos gave birth to a second child?

The personal life of a clairvoyant is hidden from prying eyes. The woman does not talk about her family and loved ones either in the press or on the Internet. It is only known that she lives in St. Petersburg with her second husband Vasily. She does not want to remember her first wife, since the marriage turned out to be extremely unsuccessful.

The girl said that she even had problems with the law because of her first husband, and she was almost put in jail because of this.

Not so long ago, information appeared that the family was expecting a second child. And indeed it is. The fans knew that the couple had a daughter, Barbara, growing up. And so, in the fall of 2017, official confirmation of the second pregnancy of the magician was announced.

In the spring of 2018, a boy was born - Zakhar Vasilyevich. The birth of a boy in the family is very happy, this is a long-awaited son and brother. on instagram, on clairvoyant page, you can see photos of happy parents.

How much does an appointment with a psychic cost?

You can find out the cost of a session with Victoria only after talking on the phone or after a personal consultation. If you need her help, go to the official website, there is the necessary information on how to contact a specialist in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Each case is individual and the price depends on its complexity.

The psychic also warns that many scammers work under her name. Therefore, please note that:

  • On the site you will find links to other official resources through which it is possible to contact her;
  • If you are asked to transfer money to some account by unknown people hiding behind her name, do not do it;
  • Any payment is made only after communicating with the magician. Not an administrator or representative, but only with her.

And you will find other rules, contacts, addresses and any information through the resource designated by us.

Video: Victoria about psycho-emotional cancer treatment

In this video, V. Raidos will tell you how, in her opinion, you can get rid of cancer by emotionally influencing a person:

Name: Victoria Raidos

Age: 41 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Growth: 173 cm

The weight: 68 kg

Activity: psychic

Family status: married

Victoria Rydos - Biography

Victoria Rydos has an interesting life story, and her occupation captivates the minds of people. A native of the northern cultural capital, part of the St. Petersburg Witches company, she was a participant and winner of the sixteenth season of the television project Battle of Psychics.

Childhood, family

Some facts of the biography of psychic Victoria Rydos, starting from the year of birth, have not been fully disclosed. The clairvoyant does not like to talk about her family for various reasons. But something about Victoria managed to learn. She was born in St. Petersburg, where she continues to live to this day. Father - German, mother - Claudia, grandmother - Zinaida. Grandmother had a wonderful profession as a design engineer, but this did not stop her from conjuring.

It was Zina's grandmother who introduced her granddaughter to the magic of witchcraft. It is not known whether Zinaida was a strong sorceress, but Victoria, from a young age, could in many ways surpass her magical relative. The girl did not stop there, she constantly improved her knowledge and expanded the scope of her activities:

comprehended the major arcana with all their energy potential;
was initiated into ritual magic;
successfully mastered the healing techniques of Reiki.

Rydos witchcraft magic

At the very beginning of the biography of the sorceress, the girl tried all her methods on herself. At the next stage, having gained confidence in her abilities, she began to provide assistance and support to friends and relatives. As a result of gaining knowledge and practices, the collection of future prizes acquired the first diplomas of esoteric schools, which allowed Victoria to start an open psychic and healing practice. In addition to her grandmother, the witch Natalya Banteeva was directly related to the skill of Raidos.

Sometimes Victoria frankly says that before the women were friendly, they worked together. But then each of them went their own way. Very often in her practice, Victoria uses Tarot cards, on which she is fluent in divination. Victoria Rydos decided to test all her acquired abilities in the battle of psychics. In this television project, viewers learned that a woman communicates with the spirits of dead people.

She has a book with which this communication takes place. From the afterlife, signs come to her, according to them she predicts the future of people. Now the psychic teaches the method of divination using Tarot cards, there are such courses at the Tarot Academy. The clairvoyant gives people the ability to correctly interpret the meaning of the falling cards.

Personal life

Life outside of work with psychic Victoria Rydos, the biography of her personal life are banned for journalists. A woman does not like to talk about her family. She was married twice. After a divorce from her first husband, Victoria met a man 6 years younger than herself. Vasily Boykov has his own law office, he did not immediately, but resigned himself to the fact that magic occupies the main place in his wife's work. The couple are raising their daughter Varvara and are expecting the birth of a son. Varenka is a very creative person, she already reads, loves to sculpt and draw.

Of the pets, Victoria prefers sphinx cats. The spouses have few friends, the witch can find contact with everyone, but the family for her is the most important thing in life. At one of the seasons of the battle of psychics, a woman said that she had been convicted and was serving a suspended sentence. There is an assumption that the then young girl was put on trial by her and her first husband's passion for gambling. In addition, for four years, Victoria was addicted to drugs.

Clairvoyant Publicity

Victoria agreed to demonstrate her skills and magical skills only in the television show "Battle of Psychics". The jury and observers were amazed many times from task to task by the talent of the psychic. With each new test, everyone could observe the incredible growth of her abilities. On the show "Battle of Psychics" Victoria Rydos fought with worthy rivals and managed to become the first.

For the successful life of every person, Victoria suggests observing the rider, she talks about this in detail in her book “The Cult of Ancestors. The strength of our blood." It is necessary to visit deceased relatives at the cemetery more often; in difficult situations, you can ask them for help. Fear of the dead and crying for them is not worth it. They are called upon to help relatives and friends who have remained in this world, but they also need the support of living relatives.

Surname Meaning

If you carefully consider the name of Victoria, you can find an interesting combination of "rice". Translated from the American language, this means "to pass through a sieve." In his work, the psychic does just that. She studies in detail the clients who turned to her, only she passes them not through a sieve, but through her soul. The woman looks to the heart of the problem. And then he gives advice, because the most important principle of Victoria's activity is that a person must change everything himself.

Good day to everyone who wants to know the secrets of the universe. Lovers of the mysterious and mysterious will be very interested in another mystical person - this. It was she who won the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics project. From the article you will learn about witchcraft secrets, secrets, successes and failures of the brown-eyed priestess of the ancestor cult.

Victoria Rydos: Way of the Witch

As a child, Victoria was an ordinary child. Who cares how old the witch is, it’s not difficult to calculate knowing that she was born on December 27, 1976. Neither the mother nor other relatives suggested that the girl had mystical powers. Unless grandmother Zina always knew about it, but was silent for the time being.

Such a time came at a time when the granddaughter had to be saved. To save herself from herself and the painful dependence on the potent drugs that she used.

Victoria's turbulent youth, which began with the fact that at the age of eighteen the girl left the institute, became interested in gambling, then "addicted" to illegal substances, ended up with a criminal record. She was given a suspended sentence. The conviction has now been cancelled.

Here the turn of grandmother Zina came to open her cards in the literal and figurative sense. She explained to the girl why she was lucky in the casino and why she hid from life behind drug hallucinations. “You are a witch,” Grandma used to say. She opened her granddaughter's eyes, then her life began to change dramatically.

It turns out that the design engineer Baba Zina herself has always been a witch. She told her granddaughter such things that the girl's hair literally stood on end. At that time, Vicki had the feeling that her world had collapsed. But you can't go against nature. Grandmother helped to reveal her gift, taught fortune-telling on cards.

Zina (and Victoria called her grandmother by name) literally "kicked" her out of Moscow, arguing that the girl would disappear here. So Rydos left for St. Petersburg, underwent treatment in one of the clinics and began to study witchcraft. In 2011, her beloved grandmother died, but her granddaughter continued to communicate with her even after her death.

However, having become pregnant, Victoria was very afraid that the spirit of her grandmother could settle in the body of her daughter. After the birth of her daughter, communication with her grandmother ceased.

Now the witch lives in, is engaged in healing, magical and occult practices, divination and teaching divination on Tarot cards. He teaches at the St. Petersburg Tarot Academy. She graduated from several esoteric schools.

Victoria conducts receptions where she helps people, you can sign up by phone or by writing to her. On her website and pages on social networks, the witch strongly recommends being wary of scammers who ask to transfer an advance payment for her services. Rydons does not take any advance payment for his receptions and accepts only personally, and not through third parties, so be careful.

Ancestral Priestess

Victoria calls herself a priestess of the ancestor cult. She communicates with the spirits of the dead. The main assistant in her witchcraft practices is a leather-bound book, which she keeps in a closed bag, does not show to anyone, forbids touching.

This is the book of the dead, the same was the late grandmother Victoria. On the program, observers were at a loss to guess how a book with clean sheets, on which there are only drops of wax from candles, can help the witch.

Rydos reveals the secret of the mystical book. For her, these are not just blank sheets, she is looking for information for the book in the cemetery - she collects the memories of the orphaned dead.

The information stored in the book of the dead refers to those spirits that, after death, were all forgotten, or those who had no one left among the living.

They come to Rydos and ask her to write them down on the pages of her book. After all, the soul lives as long as it is remembered - says Victoria. This is the secret of the book - the grateful spirits of the dead helped the witch during the tests in the "Battle of Psychics". Grateful for the fact that Victoria prolongs the lives of their souls, does not send them into the abyss of oblivion.

For the first time, viewers saw Victoria on the screens in the qualifying round of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics program. She passed the qualifying round with triumphant success, then she named the object hidden behind the screen without any problems. It was an infamous painting. Victoria described the tones in which the canvas was made, spoke about its bad reputation. As it turned out, all the houses where the painting was present were mystically burned down.

The priestess of the cult of ancestors at that time refused to participate in the project for the reason that her daughter was still quite a baby (she was 7 months old), and Victoria Rydos understood that if she plunged headlong into shooting, she could miss the most important thing - the first steps , the first words and the time when a little daughter really needs a mother.

Having come to the qualifying test in the 16th season of the project, Victoria answered the presenter’s question about who she was and what she could do, the girl answered succinctly: “I am a witch” and told that she communicates with the spirits of the family. It was necessary to find a person in the trunk of a car in a parking lot with many cars.

The witch, as always, turned to her magic bag for help, or rather to the book of the dead, in order to summon the spirits. She used candles and grave earth. Entering a trance, Victoria saw the spirits of the guy's grandfathers hidden in the trunk. She correctly named the grandfathers' names - the observers were shocked.

The girl asked the spirits to show her in which car the man was hidden. Here she became visibly nervous - she said that she had lost contact with one of the spirits, and the other was standing and smiling. She pointed to the car, but immediately realized that she was mistaken - she said that the spirits were joking with her. She went in the opposite direction, went up to a white car and pointed to it - near this car, according to her, there was now a spirit. The spirit of grandfather did not deceive Victoria Rydos this time, the guy ended up in the trunk of this particular car.

Having successfully passed the qualifying tests, upon coming to the project, the girl boldly declared that she did not care who she stood next to in the final.

Spirits of the Kind

The priestess of the cult of ancestors incredibly shocked the observers and presenters. She called names, facts, words, phrases that an ordinary person cannot know. She assures that behind every living one she sees and hears his dead ancestors. The witch sat on the floor, opened her magical book of the dead, dripped candle wax on the pages, entered a trance. She could speak on behalf of a dead person.

What is the test worth when it was necessary to find out the secret of the owner of the car! Everyone cried, not only the relatives, as it turned out, of the deceased guy, but the witch herself. She addressed her sister, girl, mother of a young man with those words, phrases that he spoke to them during his lifetime. Called the facts, the names of his friends.

However, she could not say the name of the killer, having lost contact with the spirit. But she offered to return and find out who the killer is, only for this one of the living will have to take responsibility and be punished in the form of negative events in life. Relatives refused, Rydos herself did not want to take on such responsibility, for obvious reasons.

Victoria Rydos likes the dead much more than the living, they are honest, there are no lies and hypocrisy in the world of the dead, which cannot be said about the world of the living. The witch always stands on the protection of the spirits of ancestors, clan, family. She assures that it is they who, in difficult moments, tell their living relatives the right decisions, warn against possible dangers.

Victoria understood that Marilyn Kerro was her main rival in the battle. But I considered myself stronger, I was sure that I would become a winner. In addition, she admitted that in her life there were many situations that her rivals did not have, and this is her great advantage.

The girl's mother and husband did not suspect for a long time what she was doing. Vika told her husband that she was engaged in esotericism, and the television program helped her mother to realize who her daughter was.

At home, Victoria has a special study for practicing magic. Rydos says that her relatives are not allowed to enter there. After the birth of her daughter Vari, the priestess of the ancestor cult stopped practicing witchcraft at home. Here she is a happy mother and a loving wife. Vika deeply honors the cult of the family. She believes that the husband is in charge, and only then the children. She admits that if her husband was against her participation in the program, she, of course, would be angry, upset, but obeyed him.

Despite her strength (and sometimes it seemed that she was just a universal soldier), Victoria is a very sensitive person, she had to leave little Varya for several months in order to take part in the Battle of Psychics project. Only she herself knows what it cost her.

The girl with tears in her eyes tells how difficult it was for her, how her daughter missed her, what unearthly joy her angelic eyes shone when her mother returned home.

Meditation from the winner of the "Battle of psychics"

Someone believes in the mystical and witchcraft abilities of the participants in the show "Battle of Psychics", someone is skeptical, and of course, he will never want to practice any magical rituals himself.

And finally, we will tell you about a simple meditative technique recommended by the priestess of the spirits of the ancestors to attract good luck into your life and fulfill your desires. This is not magic or mysticism, but a simple meditation that can help everyone bring positive changes into their lives. Try this technique and share in the comments to the article if the result will be.

Execution steps:

  • create a pleasant comfortable atmosphere, sit in the traditional lotus position on the mat;
  • take ten deep breaths and exhalations, feel the filling of the body with energy, relax all parts of the body;
  • at the level of the frontal chakra (also called the third eye), imagine a picture containing the result of your desire (as if it had already come true);
  • continue to breathe calmly and measuredly, visualize what you want, combining this process with maximum relaxation;
  • try not only to see, but also to feel, smell, move, touch what you want;
  • fix the moment when you can fully feel the feeling of a fulfilled desire, remember it in your mind, try not to let go;
  • while continuing to breathe properly, visualize for a few minutes.

Performing this technique for five to ten minutes, in the near future you will be able to get what you want in real life.

Video about Victoria Rydos

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...