Strelnikova breathing exercises. Breathing exercises Strelnikova: a unique method of healing

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What is the essence of such breathing

Strelnikovskaya respiratory gymnastics is a selection of exercises that Strelnikova developed primarily for herself - she was a theater teacher and opera singer, suffered from a choking cough, and was looking for an opportunity to cope with her illness. The respiratory system according to the Strelnikova method has no analogues and no restrictions whatsoever - people of any age can do it, regardless of their state of health.

The breathing system that Strelnikova developed (and patented) can be used to relieve stress, and is also easy to combine with walking. It is not always necessary to do gymnastic exercises (I will give a set of breathing exercises below), you can walk in a park or outside the city at an average pace to perform breathing movements - eight breaths, rest for about three to five seconds and then eight breaths, in half an hour the body will be saturated with oxygen, and also you will learn how to breathe correctly.

Strelnikova's paradoxical breathing exercises are recommended for use at any time, but the author of the technique, Alexandra Nikolaevna, recommended training in the morning, then the benefits of breathing exercises will be as high as possible.

Results and benefits for the body

What are the benefits of constant breathing exercises Strelnikova?
  1. The blood supply to the pulmonary alveoli and vessels improves, which has a positive effect on metabolism.
  2. Nerve regulation is restored, the central nervous system works more smoothly.
  3. The drainage functionality of the bronchial system is restored.
  4. Nasal breathing stabilizes.
  5. Morphological lesions in the broncho-pulmonary system are minimized.
  6. Inflammations resolve, folded areas of the lungs straighten out, lymph and blood supply stabilizes, and stagnant manifestations disappear.
  7. The circulatory system is strengthened and lost or impaired functions of the cardiovascular apparatus are restored.
  8. Immunity and body tone increase.
  9. It should also be noted that the original function of the lungs is restored - in addition to the primitive respiratory movement, the lungs are responsible for gas exchange in the alveoli.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises will help the body in general, but there are certain diseases in which this method is recommended by doctors.

Diseases of the respiratory system

It can be a runny nose or chronic sinusitis, bronchitis or even bronchial asthma. The fact is that Strelnikova's paradoxical gymnastics most of all loads the respiratory system, giving it the maximum load, which improves the condition of the pulmonary system and helps strengthen the respiratory system as a whole. In addition to improving overall membrane permeability, local blood supply is also enhanced.

Skin diseases

Many people suffer from neurodermatitis, psoriasis and diathesis, they know how hard it is to fight these diseases. When you train active breathing, the body is enriched with oxygen at the membrane level, and oxygenated blood enhances regeneration. By the way, it also helps to restore the breathing of the skin - blood microcirculation improves, connective tissues are modernized, excess sebum is removed, acne disappears.

Nervous disorders and diseases of the central nervous system

Often, diseases of the central nervous system are associated, among other things, with a low level of oxygen in the blood, and with insufficiently active blood supply - the body functions at “low speed”, and the person feels some depression. Breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova will help to normalize well-being literally from the first lesson.

Diseases of the vascular system

If you often have a headache, feel unwell, have had a stroke or suffer from epilepsy, then the Strelnikova breathing technique will help minimize painful conditions.

In addition to all of the above, breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method allow you to fight stuttering, diseases of the spine, as well as overweight and bad habits.

Gymnastics rules

Before doing a set of breathing exercises, you first need to figure out how to properly perform gymnastics for weight loss. By the way, at the very beginning it is quite acceptable to use hints for exercises in pictures - this simplifies the process.
  1. For each lesson, you need to do 1200 "breaths" - inhalations and exhalations.
  2. One lesson should take about half an hour.
  3. All exercises should be done in three sets, 32 repetitions in each approach. After each "thirty" you can rest 3-10 seconds. If it is difficult to perform 32 breaths in a row, then you can take breaks after each eight, and perform eights 12 times.
  4. After a month of daily classes, you can do each exercise not 8 times, but 16 or 32 times.
  5. For each lesson, you need to perform the entire set of exercises. Strelnikova recommended performing the complex twice a day with normal health, and several times a day if you feel unwell.
  6. Breathing exercises are done before meals. In some cases, you can do the exercises one and a half hours after lunch or dinner, but in the morning it is best to do it on an empty stomach.
  7. When there is clearly not enough time, you can perform not 3 sets of 32 breaths for each exercise, but one set of 32 breaths. In this case, Strelnikova's gymnastics will take you 7 minutes.
  8. After a month of daily exercise, the effect is felt.
  9. Do not give up gymnastics, it is best to do it all your life.

Introductory lesson

Naturally, you won’t be able to immediately complete a set of exercises; an active breathing technique requires an attentive and focused attitude.

So, first you need to do the exercise "Palms" - sharp loud breaths are performed, after which a few seconds of a break. 4 breaths are taken at a time, the exercise should be performed with Strelnikov's hundred - that is, 24 times 4 breaths each. After each inhalation, exhale through the mouth, imperceptibly. Otherwise, the benefits and harms will not be balanced and you can harm yourself, do not grimace.

With arrhythmia of the heart and problems with the vessels of the central nervous system, you can feel dizzy. This is not a bad sign, the main thing is not to be too nervous. In general, with arrhythmia, the heart can perform exercises, so do not be afraid and stop exercising.

The next exercise is "Shooters". Here you need to complete 12 eights (to get Strelnikov's hundred).

Another exercise that will help you master the technique is the “Pump”. Perform it according to a typical pattern - 12 eights, after every eight breaths - a break. By the way, this exercise has some limitations, I will talk about them later.

This is a basic lesson, it is repeated twice a day, adding a new exercise every day. Once you have mastered the breathing technique, you can begin to increase the number of breaths in one approach.

Full complex

You need to stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbow joints and show your palms (vertically, on the line of the shoulder joints). Sharp breaths are taken, at the same moment the hands are clenched into fists. You can do this exercise in any position of the body.

You need to stand up straight, clench your hands into fists and press them to the abdominal part of the body, near the waist. When you inhale, the fists are pulled down towards the floor, then you need to return your hands to their original position. Hands are not recommended to be raised above the waist.


It is necessary to stand up straight, the legs are somewhat narrower than the shoulders, the arms are freely extended along the body. First, a tilt is made - with your hands you need to reach for your socks, but do not touch them, and in the second half of the tilt you need to take a noisy breath (strictly with the help of the nose, not the mouth). Inhalation ends simultaneously with the inclination. Then you need to slightly rise, but do not rise completely, and repeat. The back should be rounded, the head facing down. Exercise is done standing and sitting.

This exercise has some limitations. It must be carefully performed for various head injuries and diseases of the spine, as well as if there are problems with pressure. Do not lean too deeply, just bend slightly. This exercise is very effective, helps to overcome bronchial asthma.


You need to stand up straight, and perform a dance squat, turn the body to the right and take a short breath, then return to the starting position and do the same squat with a turn to the left. Do not squat too deep, just bend your knees slightly. During the exercise, you need to make a grasping movement in the direction of rotation. The back should be straight, the turn is carried out only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe belt.

We get up with a straight back, bend our elbows and raise them at shoulder level. As you inhale, you need to cross your arms deeply, hugging yourself by the shoulders. Hands should go parallel to each other, you should not spread them, while inhaling, the head leans back slightly.

If a person has diseases of the cardiovascular system, then in the first couple of weeks you should not perform this exercise. For women who are in position, after the end of the second trimester, you should not tilt your head - a gymnastic exercise is performed with a strictly vertical spinal column.

Stand up straight, put your heels a little narrower than shoulder width. Then you need to lean forward, stretch your arms towards the floor, inhale and exhale, then lean back without interruption (it is permissible to bend slightly in the lower back), wrap your arms around your shoulders. You can also do the exercise while sitting.

You need to master these exercises before moving on to the rest.


Stand up straight, take breaths at the same time as turning your head, you do not need to pull your neck, do not stop your head in the process of movement - to the left - inhale, exhale, to the right - inhale, exhale.

Ears (Chinese dummy)

The starting position is classical - straight. The head alternately leans with the ear to the shoulder and inhales, do not lower the chin, exhale in a timely manner.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, then alternate “inhale from the floor” and “inhale from the ceiling”, while only one head moves.

Restrictions: "Ears", "Turns" and "Pendulum head" should be performed smoothly, especially if there are diseases of the neck, spine or head vessels.


Stand up straight, put your left foot forward, right back, transfer the center of gravity to your left foot. Then a light dance squat is done on the left leg along with a noisy breath, after which the weight is transferred to the back (right) leg, also inhaling.

You need to squat and inhale at the same time, the center of gravity is on the leg that squats, after the squat you need to straighten up, and only then “roll” the center of gravity to the other leg.

After the complex is completed, you need to swap legs (now right forward, left back), and repeat.

Steps (rock and roll)

Front step - we get up to the starting position, raise the left leg, bending at the knee (pull the toe), the center of gravity is on the right leg. In this position, a light squat and a noisy breath are made, then we take the starting position for a moment, and perform the exercise for the right leg.

The back step is performed similarly, but instead of lifting the knee forward, the knee should simply be bent so that the heel is raised towards the buttock.

You need to inhale and perform the movement at the same time.

Look in detail at the video on how Strelnikova’s gymnastics is done in unison in 8 minutes, there are also videos with a full set of exercises, designed for 12 minutes and 26 minutes. But this video will clearly show how to properly perform all the exercises of the complex:

A few more benefits. For preventive purposes, you can use any exercises of Strelnikova's gymnastics, but if there are certain specific ailments, then it is better to clarify which specific exercises will help overcome diseases. For example, Strelnikova's breathing exercises for preschool children involve simple exercises for children that help fight children's colds - they relieve nasal congestion, reduce sore throat, and generally improve well-being.

Also useful in case of a cold are exercises for children recommended by Strelnikova for bronchial asthma or emphysema. Strelnikova's therapeutic breathing exercises for asthma will help both large and small ones - the sooner you start exercising, the higher the likelihood of remission.

Try to take care of the whole family - initially, Strelnikova's gymnastics helped my mother with hypertension, but literally a week later, my mother and I realized that breathing exercises also help with stress. In stressful situations, simple breathing exercises of the Strelnikova exercise can help to perform not always enough strength and endurance, but breathing a little according to her method is very useful.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises for weight loss also give incredible results!

Helped me start exercising regularly a book about the technique that Shchetinin wrote. I recommend reading it to anyone who cares about the health of their family.

With arrhythmia of the heart, the "Pump" helps well. Also, with arrhythmia of the heart, it is recommended to perform the exercise "Pendulum". In general, the main thing in case of cardiac arrhythmia is to perform the entire set of exercises correctly, and approach the use of gymnastics by gradually increasing the load, in no case overstraining. The same applies to hypertension.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises for bronchitis are the first three exercises, they help to keep the bronchi in order and form the basis of daily gymnastics.

When stuttering in children, it is very important to pay attention to the correct execution of the “Hug your shoulders”. So the child gets rid of the muscle clamp in the shoulder girdle and relaxes. Strelnikova's vocal exercises and breathing exercises for stuttering give very good results, when the child is engaged not only individually, but also with other children.

Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova, a singing teacher, invented her own method of breathing exercises. Some of his principles look at least unusual. Because of this, Strelnikova, whose indications and contraindications we will consider in the article, is called paradoxical in some sources.

How did the method come about?

A. S. Strelnikova had a daughter who was very ill in her youth. She often had heart attacks. Once it happened when there was nowhere to wait for medical help. Then she began to breathe the way her mother taught her. By morning, the pain gradually subsided, and the rhythm of the heart became the same.

Since then, this method has been practiced by A. N. Strelnikova. Respiratory gymnastics, according to some doctors, also has contraindications. But the daughter, despite illnesses in her youth, recovered, and even in her old age she did not suffer from heart disease and osteochondrosis.

Many celebrities, including Alla Pugacheva, Larisa Golubkina and Lyudmila Kasatkina, took lessons from her. Despite the fact that Strelnikova’s gymnastics has contraindications, in 1972 the woman still managed to obtain a patent.

Until that time, official medicine tried to ignore the technique. But in the 70s, a certificate was obtained for the development of a method for treating various diseases.

An experiment was set up, but the results were not high. Only a few people were able to recover then. Therefore, Strelnikova's breathing exercises, the indications and contraindications of which were studied in practice, were found to be ineffective.

A. N. Strelnikova had to prove for many years the necessity and benefits of her mother's methodology.

Consider the main principles on which it is based.

Basic Rules

The peculiarity of the method is inhalation. It must be done quickly and vigorously, with force and short. Air is actively drawn in through the nose with noise.

Exhalation, on the contrary, is done smoothly and slowly through the mouth. However, no effort is required here. The process proceeds naturally, freely, calmly and without obstacles.

Each of the exercises is performed with a count and controlling breathing. If all elements are performed sequentially, then you will not go astray.

Inhalations and movements in gymnastics are one.

The rhythm here is the same as in the march step. The exercise is subject at the same time to a certain pace. Each of the elements lasts less than a second.

Exercises can be performed in a standing, sitting and lying position, depending on the condition of the person.

All of them are repeated in multiples of four. After mastering gymnastics, the count increases by 2 times, and then gradually up to 32. The maximum number of breaths can be 96. Of course, at first this seems unrealistic, but gradually it can become realizable.

All classes are held in a cheerful mood, which increases the healing effect.

Let's go directly to the exercises that make up Strelnikova's gymnastics. We will discuss the contraindications after that. They must be studied before starting classes.

Exercise 1

The head should be turned from right to left. A short and noisy breath is taken at the very end. The wings of the nose can be compressed, but not inflated. Try it in front of a mirror first.

Exercise 2 "Ears"

The same is done with head tilts. A sharp breath should fall on the final point.

Exercise 3 "Small pendulum"

The head should be tilted first forward and then back. A short and quick breath falls at the end of the movement.

Exercise 4 "Hug your shoulders"

The arms should be bent at the elbows at shoulder level. Alternately, they should be reduced, raising one or the other hand higher. A noisy breath is produced during compression of the lungs.

Exercise 5 "Pump"

Make body bends forward with springy movements. Inhalation occurs at the lowest point.

Exercise 6

Tilts in this case produce back. Hands are raised and brought together. Inhalation is done at the extreme point.

Exercise 7 "Squats"

Springing movements are performed in a half-lunge, while the arms are lowered and brought together. Inhalation is done at the moment of the extreme point when squatting.

Exercise 8 "Big Pendulum"

Tilts forward and backward are made, like a pendulum. Breaths are taken at the extreme points.

General contraindications

Gymnastics Strelnikova has contraindications for myopia, glaucoma and blood pressure. In addition, you should not combine this practice with others such as the yoga system or qigong, even though you can even find some similarities in these practices.

But in wrestling, running, swimming, the combination is quite acceptable.

Gymnastics Strelnikova with bronchitis

All infections that occur in the respiratory tract cause various changes. Strelnikova's breathing exercises have no contraindications for bronchitis. On the contrary, it helps in both acute and chronic forms. Of course, changes will not happen as quickly as we would like. Therefore, you need to be patient.

If you feel the accumulation of sputum when coughing, then you should not use force to cough up. This can damage the vocal cords. If a coughing fit is approaching, do not cover your mouth with your hands and turn away. You need to lower your head, and put your hands in such a way that the fossa on the navel remains between the palms, and press them on the stomach.

Gymnastics Strelnikova: indications and contraindications for asthma

If bronchitis is not treated on time, the disease can develop into asthma. Its main symptoms are periodically appearing. This is caused by spasms in the bronchi. This disease is severe. Complex remedies are used to cure it, but there is always a risk that they may not be nearby. Then the case may end with rehabilitation in a hospital setting.

Gymnastics Strelnikova has no contraindications for asthma. If you master the exercises, then they can help in moments of asthma attacks. The exercise "Pump" with the tilt of the torso will help.

Bending down, take a few sharp breaths, and then, straightening up, but not straightening completely, exhale through the mouth. After that, they lean forward slightly again. Lowering your head, inhale noisily and sharply. They unbend again and exhale quite calmly. After a break of a few seconds, the exercise is repeated. So you need to do for a quarter of an hour before the onset of relief.

You can wear a wide belt around your waist or wrap it in a towel without pulling it tight. As you inhale, feel the support on your lower back. Then Strelnikova's gymnastics with asthma will be easier and more correct.

Other exercises that help with an attack are Head Turns and Hug Shoulders. They are performed in a sitting position with breaks of 10 seconds.

Start with the pump. If the exercise does not help, go to "Hug your shoulders", and after it - to "Turn your head." If even then the asthma attack did not go away, it's okay! Be sure to try again next time. One day you will succeed and then, to cope with the next crisis, medications will no longer be needed.

There are many examples of achieving positive results. So, according to the testimonies of people who practiced the method, it is possible to stop an asthma attack right on the street or in any place where the disease has caught. The main thing is not to get confused, but to start doing exercises. And the attack will recede.

If the house and have to climb on foot, some have shortness of breath already on the way. In this case, you should not take deep breaths or any physical exercises. It is best to bend down to the floor so that your hands hang below your knees, and stay in this position for 5-6 seconds. If it’s still hard, put your hands on your knees and continue to stand like that, trying to restore your breath with calm and deep breaths and exhalations.

Gymnastics according to Strelnikova: indications and contraindications for weight loss

Women who want to lose extra pounds are very lucky. They have the ability to realize this without any debilitating diets. A. N. Strelnikova herself serves as proof of the positive effect. If you look at her figure, captured at 77 years old, then the trained eye of women will determine that she is wearing clothes of the 48th size. In addition, at that age she wore shoes with high heels. From the memoirs, you will learn that Strelnikova did not recognize any diets, she loved sweets and often spoiled herself with them at night. And even so, she still had a beautiful slender figure! Probably, many women will be inspired by the information and decide to try breathing exercises.

You need to do the whole complex about three times a day. The performance of gymnastics "sleeveless" is excluded. Proper exercise will give you a lot of pleasure. And when you notice the result, you will even be surprised, as the body will become more mobile, and the body will improve.

Smokers, even if they did not strive for such an effect, may "get over the desire" to smoke. At least it is guaranteed that fewer cigarettes will be consumed per day.


A. N. Strelnikova worked with the most severe patients. She was not stopped by the fact that the ambulance even refused to come to some patients. Although Strelnikova’s gymnastics had contraindications, for Alexandra Nikolaevna the main thing was the desire and readiness of a person to recover. She could not bear only laziness.

On the Internet, there are different opinions that Strelnikova's gymnastics evokes. Reviews, contraindications and indications, opinions of ordinary people and specialists - all this can be found in the media quite often. For example, many state that health is improving. But those who then stopped the practice noticed that it became bad again, and sometimes even worse. From this the conclusion suggests itself: if you take up the improvement of your body, then you must always continue to do this. It is not necessary that the described method be used. The main thing is to take responsibility for your own health and well-being. Then no attacks and crises will be terrible.

Strelnikova's respiratory gymnastics was developed in our country at the end of the 30s and is a unique author's method of treatment. Alexandra Strelnikova was an opera singer and, having lost her singing voice, together with her mother came up with a special system of exercises to restore it. Gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method is based on taking short and sharp nasal breaths with chest compressions. This set of exercises involves a large part of the body - therefore, it affects many organs and helps with a variety of diseases: bronchial asthma, hypertension, VSD, stuttering, etc. The benefit of this gymnastics also lies in the fact that it can be used to restore nasal breathing in a situation where the patient, even in the absence of any obstructions in the nose, has developed a breath reflex through the mouth.

Strelnikova's technique can be successfully used for the prevention and treatment of diseases both in adults and in children with adolescents. If gymnastics is a method of treatment, then it needs to be done twice a day. And if this is a method of prevention, then you need to do it only once: in the morning, as an alternative to regular exercise, or in the evening to relieve stress after a working or school day.

By practicing this system, you can stop slouching and improve the flexibility of your body. Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are effective in developing myopia - it is possible to stop visual impairment. "Gynecological Complex" Strelnikova has a therapeutic effect in some typical female diseases, such as polycystic ovaries and endometriosis.

Warm up

It is logical that Strelnikova’s breathing exercises for warm-up offer to master first of all. There are only three of them: "Palms", "Pogonchiki" and "Pump".

"Palms". You need to stand up straight and turn your palms away from you forward, without taking your hands far from the body. Then take 4 breaths through your nose at intervals of 3 to 5 seconds. In total, you need to do about 24 repetitions (i.e., in general, 96 movements come out). And to exhale, on the contrary, it is necessary with the mouth, quietly and effortlessly. Nasal breaths should be done without squeezing the lips too much. After inhaling, the lips should be slightly opened, then you will exhale as it should, spontaneously. Also, make sure that your shoulders do not heave during the exercise. Don't be alarmed if you feel a little dizzy at first - it will disappear in the process.

"The chauffeurs". Stand with a straight back and press your hands to your sides in fists. 8 breaths are taken without pauses, then a break for 4–5 s and a repeat. The norm of the exercise is 12 repetitions. While inhaling, forcefully push your hands down, as if throwing something. When you inhale, your shoulders should tense up, your arms should stretch to their full length, and their fingers should spread out.

"Pump". Stand with a straight back, and then slightly bend over. Your back should be round and your eyes should be directed to the floor. Breathe in at the bottom position. Raise yourself slightly, exhaling through your mouth. It is necessary to perform successively 8 inclinations with breaths, then interrupt for 3-5 seconds and do it again. In total, 12 repetitions are required, as in the second exercise. However, there are contraindications to the implementation:

  • injured spine,
  • traumatic brain injury,
  • old osteochondrosis,
  • significantly higher intracranial, arterial or ocular pressure,
  • kidney, liver stones, bladder stones.

Three warm-up exercises should take 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening. Then master one of the exercises offered by the "Basic Complex" per day.

Fundamentals of gymnastics

Strelnikova's gymnastics is divided into different complexes, but among them the most popular is the so-called main complex, consisting of 10 exercises, not counting the warm-up exercises. Following this method, it is important to remember a few basic rules and always follow them:

  1. Inspiration is always jerky, short and noisy. During classes, you need to concentrate only on nasal breaths.
  2. Exhalation should be done by itself, without tension, through the mouth. When you exhale, there should be no noise.
  3. Each movement takes one breath.
  4. The score is always only 8.

It is permissible to exercise standing, sitting, and lying down.

The first exercise will be "Cat". Without taking your feet off the ground, do a shallow, springy squat, at the same time turn to the right and inhale. Repeat this on the left side. Do not bend your back and use your hands to move as if you are grabbing something. A total of 12 repetitions of 8 breaths with movements are required.

"Hug your shoulders." Your starting position is standing, with your arms raised to your shoulders and elbows bent. Make a strong throw of your hands, as if you want to hug yourself by the shoulders; inhale with all movements. Do not spread your arms too far apart, try to keep them parallel. You need to inhale 8 times for 12 repetitions. Contraindications for implementation:

  • history of heart attack
  • heart defects,
  • ischemic heart disease.

"Big Pendulum". Place your feet a little less than your shoulders apart. Lean forward with your arms outstretched to the floor with an inhalation. Without any pause, bend back and wrap your arms around your shoulders, also with an inhalation. Remember to exhale only passively. Perform 8 times 12 repetitions. Contraindications:

  • injured spine,
  • old osteochondrosis,
  • displaced intervertebral discs.

Only after the qualitative development of the three warm-up exercises and the first three basic exercises, you can begin to master the entire complex. Lengthen your sessions by one new exercise per day.

"Head Turns" Place your feet at a width less than your shoulders. Make head turns in different directions without stopping in the middle and inhale at all turns. Exhale through your mouth. It is necessary to perform 12 repetitions of 8 times.

"Ears". The starting position is the same. Make shallow tilts of the head to the left and right, directing the ear to the shoulder; inhale while bending over. And so 12 repetitions of 8 times.

"Pendulum Head". The starting position does not change. With breaths, lower and raise your head, and so 12 repetitions. Contraindications for performance:

  • old cervical osteochondrosis,
  • traumatic brain injury,
  • epileptic seizures,
  • significantly higher intracranial, intraocular or arterial pressure.

"Transitions". Step your left foot forward and your right foot back. Bend your right knee and squat on your left leg while inhaling. Immediately change to the right leg, bending the left, also while inhaling. 12 repetitions of 8 breaths.

"Forward step". Stand with your feet a little less than shoulder-width apart and lift your left leg with a bent knee towards your stomach. Squat on your right leg with an inhalation and straighten back. Do the same with the other leg. 8 repetitions of 8 breaths. Contraindications:

  • ischemic heart disease,
  • history of heart attack
  • heart defects.

If your legs are injured in any way, do not perform this exercise while standing. Do not throw your legs too high during pregnancy.

"Back step". Put your left leg back, crouching a little on your right with a breath. Return to the starting position with an exhalation. Repeat with the other leg. In total, you need to perform 4 repetitions of 8 breaths.

How to study Strelnikova's program correctly

The breathing training methodology offered by Strelnikova's gymnastics program is studied in a certain order. At first, you do only three warm-up exercises - "Palms", "Crosses" and "Pump". On the second day, add "Cat" to them, on the third - "Hug your shoulders", on the fourth - "Big pendulum", then, if you feel the need for it, work out these six exercises. After practicing, add other exercises in turn: “Head Turns”, “Ears”, “Pendulum Head”, “Rolls” and “Steps”.

When you feel that you have mastered the technique of the exercise to a sufficient extent, do 16 breaths instead of 8, and then you can go up to a maximum of 32 breaths in a row. Start any new exercise with a minimum number of breaths. No matter how many times you inhale, your rest should last from 3 to 5 seconds, sometimes up to 10, but no longer. The best time for training is morning and evening, before meals or an hour and a half after.

The maximum benefit from training according to the Strelnikova method is possible only when you practice regularly. Dr. Shchetinin, a follower of Alexandra Strelnikova, advises practicing breathing exercises and all your life, making it a habit to keep in constant good shape. Gymnastics Strelnikova, however, has some general contraindications to classes:

  • arterial, intracranial or ocular pressure exceeding the norm,
  • a high degree of myopia,
  • spinal injury,
  • the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • traumatic brain injury,
  • fever,
  • gallstones and kidney stones,
  • old cervical osteochondrosis,
  • glaucoma,
  • thrombophlebitis in acute form,
  • the presence of diseases with internal bleeding.

So be sure to consult a doctor before starting classes according to the Strelnikova method. The greatest benefit from this type of gymnastics is manifested precisely during classes on an individual approach, taking into account all contraindications and features. This technique also does not tolerate deviations from the order of exercises - they are built according to the principle “from simple to complex”, and therefore the sequence is so important.

Any adult understands perfectly well that a child must be taught to pronounce words correctly, sing, draw, read and write from a very early age. However, few parents think about the fact that their son or daughter must breathe properly in order to be healthy. And they need to be taught this.

Unfortunately, most people breathe incorrectly. And this sooner or later leads them to the need to undergo expensive treatment and take pharmacological drugs. However, all this can be avoided by regularly doing breathing exercises Strelnikova. What is this technique, and what diseases can it cure?

A bit of history

Many centuries ago, one of the Indian sages told people that if they take care of their breathing, they will live happily and for a long time. And these words are not empty at all.

People tried to study the mechanisms of respiration and take control of this important physiological process in the distant times of the existence of a primitive society. Man studied himself in unity with nature. At the same time, he noted a direct connection between the state of health and respiration.

In the medical treatises of ancient healers, one can find a huge amount of information that reflects the unchanging interest that a person did not stop showing in this invisible thread of life. Many theories and concepts of respiration have been reflected in a wide variety of philosophical and scientific schools. Here, special gymnastics of this direction were developed, contributing to recovery.

However, people began to pay special attention to breathing only in the middle of the 20th century. After all, it was during this period that many diseases arose that were caused by the rapid development of high-tech civilization. In this regard, it was necessary to urgently look for non-traditional ways to deal with pathologies, from which medicines did not help much. And here quite simple methods came to the rescue, the essence of which is proper breathing. One of them was gymnastics, proposed by Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

Paradoxical method

Respiratory gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova is not one hundred quickly produced body movements. Their characteristic feature is breaths. They are performed at the very end of the movements. The chest is necessarily compressed. That is why the technique is called paradoxical.

A similar method of recovery was discovered by Alexandra Severovna Strelnikova. This is the mother of Alexandra Nikolaevna herself, who taught singing. She developed her breathing exercises to train the voices of her students, without even assuming that these exercises could heal people.

The discovery was made quite unexpectedly. Alexandra Nikolaevna, who in her youth suffered from frequent heart attacks, one night tried to get rid of one of the worst of them, since at that time there was no possibility of obtaining emergency medical care. To alleviate her condition, she began to do breathing exercises developed by her mother. As a result, the suffocation receded, and the heart began to beat in a normal rhythm. Since then, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova began to regularly perform this paradoxical gymnastics. Thanks to such exercises, approaching old age, she did not have heart problems, high blood pressure and did not suffer from osteochondrosis.

According to the methodology they created, the mother and daughter of the Strelnikovs taught singing. Among their students were Larisa Golubkina, Alla Pugacheva and Andrey Mironov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and many other singers and actors. In 1972, Alexandra Nikolaevna even received a patent that approved a new method for treating diseases that are associated with loss of voice.

The paradoxical technique began to be used to improve people's health. At the same time, Strelnikova paid special attention to getting rid of such a formidable disease as bronchial asthma. One of the patients cured by Alexandra Nikolaevna was Mikhail Shchetinin. He was so carried away by this technique that he became a student of Strelnikova and her follower. Until now, Shchetinin practices therapeutic exercises and develops new exercises. He also wrote a book about Strelnikova's breathing exercises.

Doctors' opinions

How effective is Strelnikova's breathing exercises? Reviews of doctors on this matter are ambiguous. Some of them recognize the technique and consider it an excellent tool for curing many diseases, including the lungs, bronchi, nervous system, blood vessels and heart. But there are other reviews about Strelnikova's breathing exercises. Some doctors categorically deny the benefits of the exercises developed by her, while not mentioning at all those cases when their implementation returned people to health. There is also an opinion about the possibility of applying the technique only after it has been given a scientific justification.

But be that as it may, many people leave excellent reviews about Strelnikova's breathing exercises. Her exercises have successfully established themselves in our lives, and today anyone who wishes can familiarize themselves with them and put them into practice in the future.

Advantages of the method

According to experts, the big advantages of Strelnikova's breathing exercises are:

Combination of movements with all available cyclic movements (swimming, running, walking);

The possibility of restoring the functions of those organs that were destroyed by the disease;

A positive effect on the body as a whole, as well as the inclusion of all muscles in the work;

Possibility of affordable disease prevention;

Enlargement of the lungs in volume;

The ability to train in any conditions and without special equipment.

According to experts, breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method are shown to both adults and children.

What diseases can you get rid of?

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are recommended for the treatment of the following ailments:

Asthma, as well as diseases of the lungs and bronchi of a chronic nature;

Bronchitis and sinusitis;

Rhinitis (chronic runny nose);


Diabetes mellitus, as well as its complications;

Neuroses and neurogenic diseases;


Asthenoneurosis with hypotension;


Ulcers (non-aggravated form);


In addition, breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method helps to activate the immune system, and also increases the protective and adaptive forces of the body. Unique exercises, judging by the feedback from patients, allow you to get rid of stress and excess weight, as well as smoking. Performing movements contributes to the inclusion in the work of almost all parts of the body. They involve the legs and arms, abdominals, head and spine. That is why Strelnikova's breathing exercises help in the treatment of children who suffer from scoliosis. Paradoxical exercises make the body more flexible and plastic. They help teenagers who have a delay in physical development, contributing to the proper formation of all systems and organs of a growing body.


Despite the many advantages, Strelnikova's breathing exercises also have some disadvantages. Contraindications to performing exercises of the technique relate to:

oncological diseases;

Severe circulatory disorders;

brain damage;

Periods of acute exacerbations of diseases;

Conditions in which body temperature rises.

In addition, doctors do not recommend long-term exercises in such gymnastics. So, in 1999, biochemist Z.F. Frolov noted that long-term practice of performing these breathing exercises can increase atherosclerotic damage to the alveoli, capillaries, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, brain and lower extremities. But if the patient needs such a technique, he must protect his body from these negative consequences. To do this, in addition to all the movements performed, he should additionally carry out endogenous breathing according to Frolov. It consists in a small replenishment of the lungs with air, which is produced against the background of prolonged exhalations. Such exercises will restore the inner surface of capillaries and blood vessels in all organs.

Help in the treatment of bronchial asthma

Strelnikova's technique is successfully used in the complex therapy of patients suffering from respiratory diseases. The effectiveness of such gymnastics is confirmed by the numerous positive results of its application.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises for asthma include a number of exercises that can be done without much preparation. These are usually movements that require compression of the chest during inhalation. Using this technique, patients manage to stop asthma attacks. And regular exercise treats not only asthma, but also chronic bronchitis.

Basic movements

The complex of exercises that help in the treatment of bronchial asthma includes:

1. "Pump". Exercise under this name is performed sitting or standing. In the first case, both hands should rest on the knees. Perform the exercise in the form of a series of 2-4 short and sharp nasal breaths. At the same time, any oblong object or a newspaper folded into a tube should be in the hands. All actions must imitate the movements made when inflating a car tire with a pump. The patient should inhale while bending over. Exhalation is made during extension.

2. "Tilts". Such an exercise, like the "Pump", is very effective in preventing an asthma attack. It is performed by leaning slightly forward, while lowering the head. The arms are slightly bent at the elbow. A short and noisy breath is taken. During a slow straightening, an exhalation is made. This algorithm should be repeated 2 to 3 times, taking breaks of 5-7 s.

3. "Hug your shoulders." For this exercise, the arms are bent at the elbow and raised to shoulder level. At the same time, the palms are turned to the face and placed opposite the chest. Then one hand is sharply thrown towards the other. In this case, one of them touches the opposite shoulder, and the second - to the opposite armpit. The work of the hands should be done in a parallel direction. With each hug, a noisy and sharp breath is repeated.

Judging by the reviews of Strelnikova's breathing exercises, these exercises are very effective.

Help with stuttering

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are also successfully used to eliminate this pathology. In this case, the main attention, as in the treatment of other diseases, should be given to inspiration. It should be performed actively, emotionally, briefly and instantly. Based on the recommendations of A.N. Strelnikova, it is unnecessary to think about inhalation. Breath should be held and "hidden". In this case, it will occur spontaneously. A similar feature of breathing helps patients.

What exercises are especially effective for eliminating stuttering? Strelnikova's breathing exercises recommend performing the "Hug your shoulders" and "Pump" movements. Moreover, these exercises must be performed twice a day.

The "Pump" movement allows you to automatically fill the lower parts of the lungs with air. This is especially important for those who suffer from stuttering. After all, these departments of the respiratory system in such patients remain unused.

An exercise called "Hug Your Shoulders" allows you to close the vocal cords, thereby restoring the automaticity of speech. It starts to flow much more freely.

In addition, during the classes according to the Strelnikova method, it is planned to perform special exercises designed to set the voice. For the patient, the most important thing is to stop being afraid to speak. After mastering breathing exercises, according to the reviews of cured patients, the panic fear that occurs before a possible stutter of speech disappears. She becomes soft and beautiful.

Help in shedding excess weight

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are also suitable for weight loss. This is due to the fact that the exercises she offers help speed up the metabolism. When performing sharp and short breaths, the air penetrates as deep as possible into the depths of the lungs. The body begins to consume more oxygen. The consequence of this is the activation of the process of burning fat cells, which allows you to get rid of extra pounds.

The complex of movements includes a number of simple, but very effective exercises. According to the reviews of those who performed gymnastics regularly, she made it possible to achieve simply amazing results.

In addition to the exercises "Pump", as well as "Hug your shoulders", in the first stages, such basic movements as "Palms", "Leaders", "Cat" and "Big Pendulum" are performed. After mastering them, you can move on to more complex complexes. Advanced exercises are introduced gradually, one per day. Their description can be found in the book "Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova", written by Dr. Mikhail Shchetinin.

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova was a singer and actress who once lost her voice. In addition, she suffered from a choking cough. Her mother helped her to recover, voice teacher Alexander Severov. She picked up a set of breathing exercises for her daughter, which helped to quickly restore the ligaments and voice, and at the same time improve the general condition of the body.

Alexandra Nikolaevna took into account the experience of her mother, supplemented and systematized these exercises. As a vocal teacher, she worked with singers, set their voices, offering to chant and restore the sound of the voice to perform the exercises that once saved her. Gradually, she noticed that proper breathing affects not only the voice and its sound, but also the body as a whole. Especially on the respiratory organs. Alexandra Strelnikova continued her experience on sick people. And what was her surprise when the technique began to help her patients. The fame of the healing properties of breathing exercises soon spread throughout Moscow and throughout the country. In the early seventies of the last century, Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova received a patent for the breathing exercises she developed and since then began to officially help asthmatics.

The essence of breathing according to the Strelnikova method

The essence of Strelnikova's technique is proper breathing. The author tested all the developed exercises of Strelnikov directly on herself.

The main feature of this breathing gymnastics is a special breathing technique, in which the main attention is paid to the duration of breath holding and exhalation. Inhalation should be energetic, powerful, through the nose, and exhalation should be passive, slow, smooth. All movements are performed at the same pace, but energetically. Breaths of air are performed in multiple series (from 4 to 32 times). After that, a break of 3-5 seconds is taken for a short rest.

During exercise, it is forbidden to hold air when inhaling and exhaling. Properly performed inhalation is carried out simultaneously with the compression of the chest, as a result of which oxygen enters the tissues of the body faster, saturates them with oxygen and improves well-being. All charging movements are performed along with exhalations.

Through a coordinated combination of breathing and movement, the development of the muscles associated with breathing is stimulated. They become stronger and get stronger faster.

It is noteworthy that the technique of Alexandra Strelnikova gives a very fast result. If you perform a set of exercises recommended by the author, the effect can be felt on yourself after 15 minutes.

To understand whether you are doing gymnastics correctly, your condition will help. If breathing has become easier, lightness has appeared in the body, efficiency has increased, mood has improved, there is a surge of strength, you are doing everything right.

It is noteworthy that breathing exercises can be successfully carried out while walking in the fresh air, during rest. It is ideal for both individual and group lessons. It is enough to take a few “correct” breaths at an average pace. For example, eight breaths, a short pause of 3-5 seconds, eight more breaths. In 20-30 minutes of such charging, the body will have enough time to saturate with oxygen.

Who shows Strelnikova's breathing exercises

Properly performed breathing exercises by Alexandra Strelnikova have practically no contraindications. It is ideal for men and women, children, young people, middle-aged people and the elderly.

Breathing exercises can be used as a prophylactic against respiratory diseases in children. She copes well with asthma in children and adults. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews published in print media, on Internet forums, and in social networks.

Indications for breathing exercises are diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • respiratory tract,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • nervous system,
  • urinary system,
  • thyroid gland,
  • digestion,
  • voice device.

Successfully use breathing exercises for:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • allergies,
  • overweight,
  • snoring,
  • viral diseases,
  • anemia,
  • diabetes,
  • stuttering
  • nicotine addiction,
  • deviated nasal septum,
  • stuttering
  • during the normal course of pregnancy.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

Despite the usefulness of breathing exercises, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting training. This is especially necessary in the presence of chronic diseases, so that the doctor correctly determines the degree of load and intensity of exercise.

The first workouts should be done with caution. At this time, you should listen to your body and its reactions to exercise. Start with the minimum load, then - in normal condition - gradually increase it. At the first stages of gymnastics, it can be difficult for the body to adjust to deep breathing, so you need to do it without fanaticism. In this case, the “do no harm” rule should be followed.

Breathing exercises are contraindicated in:

  • fever and high fever
  • severe diseases of organs and body systems,
  • brain injury,
  • concussion,
  • chronic cervical osteochondrosis,
  • spinal injuries,
  • severe myopia and glaucoma,
  • stone disease of the kidneys and gallbladder,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • bleeding
  • high arterial, ocular or intracranial pressure.

Breathing exercises

A complete set of breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova consists of more than a dozen exercises. One basic complex includes 12 exercises. But you don't have to master them all. At first, it is enough to study three or four exercises and regularly perform them, gradually adding new ones to them.

"Fists" or "Palms"

For this exercise, turn your open palms away from you, bend your elbows and raise them vertically, as psychics do. Take noisy, powerful breaths, sharply clenching your palms into fists. Repeat the exercise 4 times, exhaling slowly each time. Then take a short break and repeat the exercise again. The entire series must be completed 24 times.


Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders relaxed, head up. Clench your hands into fists and place them at waist level. As you inhale, sharply throw your hands down, open your fists and spread your fingers. In this case, the "shoulder straps" - the muscles of the shoulders, forearms and hands should be in tension. One series of exercises consists of eight such breaths with a short pause of 3-5 seconds. In total, you need to complete 12 series of exercises.


Starting position, as in the exercise "Shoulder straps" (legs slightly wider than shoulders). Lower your shoulders, and stretch your arms along the body. Slowly bend down, imagine that you have a pump in your hands, inhale sharply and noisily. Then exhale slowly. The series consists of eight breaths with a short pause. There are 12 episodes in total.

These are the basic exercises. But in the Strelnikova complex there are still no less effective ones. Learn them and put them into practice. But do not forget to listen to your body, pay attention if pain occurs.

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