The soul of man. What is the Soul from the point of view of esotericism and philosophy

Today we will talk about the most important thing for all people, about the truth that underlies every person. This truth is the Soul, and if so, it is necessary to define what the Soul of a person is, what is the Essence of the Soul, what are its tasks, and also what is the Beauty of the Soul and its Content.

Essence of the Soul or what is the Soul

So, what is the human soul? Often people use the word Soul without understanding what is behind it, and what is the great power of this word. What is the Essence of the Soul?

The soul is a part or particle of God that exists in the heart of every person.. In the infinity of all existence, which is NOTHING, there is always a God or Creator of all that exists.

You can imagine an infinite, immense NOTHING - and there is only Love.

And God has no beginning and no end – an Infinite Void filled with Love. And every human being is from there, from the Central and Single Source of Love, and each is connected by a silvery thread with this Source.

What is the human soul? All Souls are one whole, since their origin is from the Source of Love or God.

Many people know the Big Bang theory, which simply indicates that God separated parts of Himself from Himself, and it was the Souls in the form of Spheres of Light that began the journey to gain the necessary experience during the creation of Universes and Galaxies.

Thinking about what the Human Soul is, about its essence, it is important to understand: all Souls are the roots of the Single Soul, which is called God, the Creator, the Absolute.

God is present in every situation in life. When you were in sorrow, He was with you, and when you rejoiced, He was there too, and therefore He knows about everything, about all the needs and tasks of each person.

Development of Soul and Personality

Now let's talk about the development of the Soul and personality. In fact, the Soul comes to Earth for spiritual development and improvement. And the entire experience of its previous incarnations is located in the human Soul.

The Earth is a favorable place for human habitation and development of the Soul. And so the Soul of a person, having come to the planet, must develop according to its tasks, gaining experience.

Since the Soul is incorporeal in form, it created a physical body, personality and psyche to experience on Earth.

And now a person seems to be living and doing something in his life, but there is no desired result, there is no satisfaction from life and happiness. Instead, there are diseases, complexes, fears, discontent and many other negative things.

This is precisely what it says about the fact that a person lives as a personality, serves a personality, which itself must be a servant of the Soul that created it.

And such a person simply does not fulfill the Tasks of his Soul. There is no connection between the personality and the Soul, and therefore there is no process of evolution for which a person was born on the planet, there is no development of the human soul.

Understanding what the Soul of a person is, one must live in the tasks of the Soul - this, in fact, is life for the good and for the good, when the concept of "Do no harm" is the basis.

For the development of the soul, it is very important for a person to accumulate precisely for which he came to the planet. And this means loving other people with Absolute love, and not for something and for some reason, but just like that, because in others there is the same piece of God as you have, and the same Soul.

You need to learn to love everyone who is hard and bad in this life, even the evil ones, and those who may be disgusting to you. This is how you will develop spiritual matter in your life, improve the beauty of the soul.

And what does spiritual matter mean - this is what God wants, this is what will dissolve negative experience and stop your illnesses.

Spiritual matter improves both your life and the life of all mankind, gives a state of inner joy and satisfaction - what the Soul of every person desires and what many people on Earth lack.

What happens in a person's life is a reflection of his Soul, that light or dark experience accumulated in the past and present.

Therefore, a person's life must correspond to the tasks of the Soul, then it will be joyful, financially secure, filled with health and well-being.

So, in this article we have determined what the Soul of a person is, its essence and content. What is the expression of the beauty of the human soul, what is the relationship between the personality, the physical body and the Soul in its development - I tried to answer these questions.

The human body has been studied up and down, and yet there remains an unexplored area about which one can only speculate and speculate. For many centuries, people have been asking the question: what is the soul? If it cannot be seen, does it mean that it does not exist at all?

What is the soul and where is it located?

From the filing of religion, the concept is understood as “something” that is in a person, which moves into the body at the beginning of life and leaves with the onset of death. What is the human soul in the general sense? This is human consciousness, thoughts, images and visions, character traits. But the place where the invisible essence is located is defined differently by different peoples:

  1. In Babylon, a place was reserved for her in the ears.
  2. The ancient Jews reasoned that the carrier was blood.
  3. The Eskimos believe that the soul is located in the cervical vertebra, as the most vital organ.
  4. But the most common opinion is that it lives in the parts of the body involved in breathing. This is the chest, stomach, head.

What is the soul from a scientific point of view?

It is still unknown what the soul consists of, how much it weighs and in what part of the body it is located. However, attempts were repeatedly made to get to the bottom of the truth. In 1915, the American physician Mac Dougall measured the weight of a person before and immediately after death. The fluctuations amounted to only 22 grams - such a weight was assigned to the "soul". Similar experiments were carried out by other doctors, but the data were not confirmed. One thing is for sure: at the moment of departure to another world, and even during sleep, the human body becomes lighter. Near-death researchers have recorded anomalous movements and vague bursts of energy.

What is the soul in psychology?

The term "psychology" can be translated as "the science of the soul." Although this concept is abstract, has neither form nor proof, for psychology it plays an important role and is the main subject of study. For several centuries, theologians and philosophers have been trying to answer the question "What is the human soul?". One of the founders of psychology, Aristotle, denied the idea of ​​it as a substance, but saw it in a break from matter. He called the realization of the biological existence of the organism the main function of the essence. Another famous philosopher, Plato, distinguishes three principles of the soul:

  • lower, unreasonable - makes man related to animals and plants;
  • reasonable - opposing the aspirations of the first, dominating him;
  • "fierce spirit" - that for which a person fights with the whole world, his aspirations.

What is the human soul in Orthodoxy?

Only the church does not raise the question: . Holy Scripture calls it one of the two components of every person along with the body. What is the soul in Orthodoxy? This is the basis of life, an incorporeal essence, an immortal unshakable beginning created by the Lord. The body can be killed, but the soul cannot. She is invisible by nature, but endowed with reason, and the mind belongs to her.

Restless soul - what does it mean?

People go their way in this world, measured to them from above. Believers believe that such a thing as the soul after death leaves the body and goes on a further journey to another world. But sometimes the essence does not find peace if the affairs of a person on earth are not completed. What does restless soul mean? She is attached to a place, people, events, she cannot let go of the body and the world of the living. According to beliefs, suicides, those who died tragically or those who are “not released” by their relatives cannot find peace. They seem to hang between the worlds and sometimes are alive in the form of ghosts.

Spirit vs Soul - What's the difference?

The step from consciousness in reality is the soul, helping to adapt in the world. The human "I" is determined in this world by the spirit, the personality. From the point of view of philosophy, these concepts are inseparable from each other, and both are in the body, but still differ. And the question remains open: what is spirit and soul?

  1. Soul- the intangible essence of personality, the engine of life for a person. Together with her, every life path begins from the very conception. She is subject to the realm of feelings and desires.
  2. Spirit- the highest degree of any essence, which leads to God. Thanks to the spirit, people stand out from the animal world, become one step higher. The spirit is self-knowledge, the area of ​​will and knowledge, and is formed in childhood.

Soul hurts - what to do?

It may not be possible to see the inner spiritual world, but you can feel it, especially feel it. This occurs when a person experiences strong negative emotions, such as suffering from the death of a close or difficult separation. People did not come to a consensus on what to do if the soul hurts from love or grief. There are no medicines to relieve suffering (as opposed to physical pain). Only time is the most reliable healer. The support of loved ones can help you cope with the pain. They will help at the right moment, give advice, distract from sad thoughts.

Proof that there is a soul

Skeptics do not give an unambiguous answer to the question: what is the soul, because it cannot be seen, measured and touched. However, there is evidence that the soul exists, and more than one. They all belong to different areas of life.

  1. Historical and religious proof is that the idea of ​​the spiritual principle is embedded in all world religions.
  2. Physiologically, the soul exists because it can be weighed. This is what many scientists from all over the world have tried to do.
  3. As bioenergy, the human soul also manifests itself and its picture is an invisible aura, which is determined by special devices.
  4. Bekhterov's proof is in the idea of ​​the materiality of thoughts and their transformation into energy. When a person dies, the bearer of the thought remains alive.

What does the soul do after death?

There is no consensus on the journey of a spiritual entity after death. All knowledge about this is dictated by the Bible. When life processes stop and the brain stops working, the thought leaves the body. But this cannot be measured and can only be taken on faith. According to the Bible, the soul goes through several stages of purification after death:

  • on the third day the etheric body dies;
  • on the ninth, the astral perishes;
  • the mental and causal bodies leave a person on the fortieth day, and the soul is purified.

According to the ancient scriptures, the spiritual entity is reborn and finds a new body. But the Bible says that after death a person (that is, the soul) goes to heaven or hell. Proof of this is the testimony of people who have experienced clinical death. They all talked about the strange place they were in. For some it was bright and light (paradise), for others it was gloomy, scary, filled with unpleasant images (hell). While continues to be one of the main mysteries of mankind.

There are even more interesting stories about the exit of the soul from the body - during sleep and not only. Even special practices are used, with the help of which the astral beginning can be separated from the physical and go on a journey through fragile matter. It is likely that all people, without exception, are capable of supernatural things, but have not yet fully studied the science of life and death.

  • arch.
  • arch.
  • deacon Andrew
  • arch.
  • arch. Grigory Dyachenko
  • Priest Andrei Lorgus
  • Encyclopedia of sayings
  • saint
  • The soul is what hurts a person when the whole body is healthy.
    After all, we say (and feel) that it is not the brain that hurts,
    not a heart muscle - the soul hurts.
    deacon Andrew

    Soul 1) an integral, substantial part of the human, which has properties that reflect Divine perfections (); 2) different from the human part (); 3) person (); 4) animal (); 5) the life force of the animal ().

    The human soul is independent, because, according to St. , it is not a manifestation of another essence, another being, but is itself the source of phenomena emanating from it.

    The human soul was created immortal, because it does not die like a body, being in the body, it can be separated from it, although such separation is unnatural for the soul, there is a sad consequence. The human soul is a personality, because it was created as a unique and inimitable personal being. The human soul is reasonable and, because it has a reasonable power and free. The human soul is different from the body, because it does not have the properties of visibility, tangibility, is not perceived and is not known by bodily organs.

    Irritable soul power(παρασηλοτικον, irascile) is her emotional strength. St. calls it a spiritual nerve, giving the soul energy for labor in the virtues. This part of the soul of Sts. Fathers ascribes anger and a violent beginning. However, in this case, anger and rage do not mean passions, but jealousy (zeal, energy), which in its original state was a jealousy for good, and after the fall should be used as a courageous rejection. “It is the business of the irritable part of the soul to be angry with the devil,” say Sts. Fathers. The irritable power of the soul is also called.

    Lustful part of the soul(επιθυμητικον, concupiscentiale) is also called desirable (desirable) or active. It allows the soul to aspire to something or to turn away from something. It belongs to the lustful part of the soul, which tends to act.

    “Curb the irritable part of the soul with love, fade the desirable part with abstinence, inspire reasonable prayer ...” / Kallistos and Ignatius Xanthopoulos /.

    All the forces of the soul are aspects of its single life. They are inseparable from each other and constantly interact. They achieve the greatest unity when they obey the spirit, focusing on the contemplation and knowledge of God. In this knowledge, according to St. , there is no trace of their separation, they are in unity like unity.

    The human soul is connected to the body. This connection is an unmerged connection. As a result of this union, two natures are present in a person - spiritual and bodily, which, according to the word of St. , are unmixedly dissolved. Of the two natures, God formed one human being, in which "neither the body is changed into the soul, nor the soul is changed into the flesh" (St.). For all that, such a union is not merged, but it is not inseparable and inseparable, since the human body acquired mortality and separation from the soul as a result of sin.

    The concept of the soul

    The soul is a certain special force present in a person, which constitutes the highest part of him; it revives a person, gives him the ability to think, sympathize, feel. The words "soul" and "breathe" have a common origin. The soul is created by the breath of God, and it has indestructibility. It cannot be said that it is immortal, because only God is immortal by nature, while our soul is indestructible - in the sense that it does not lose its consciousness, does not disappear after death. However, it has its own "death" - it is ignorance of God. And in this regard, she can die. That is why it is said in Scripture: “The soul that sins, it will die” ().

    The soul is a living, simple and incorporeal essence, by its nature invisible to bodily eyes, rational and thinking. Having no form, using an equipped organ - the body, giving it life and growth, feeling and generating power. Having a mind, but not different, in comparison with itself, but as the purest part of it - for as the eye is in the body, so is the mind in the soul. It is autocratic and capable of wishing and acting, changeable, i.e. voluntarily changing because it was created. Having received all this by nature from the grace of the One who created her, from whom she received her being.

    Some sectarians, such as Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists, reject the immortality of the soul, considering it to be merely a part of the body. And at the same time they falsely refer to the Bible, to the text of Ecclesiastes, which raises the question of whether the human soul is similar to the soul of animals: everyone has breath, and man has no advantage over cattle, because everything is vanity!” (). Then the Ecclesiastes himself answers this question, which the sectarians neglect, he says: “And the dust will return to the earth, as it was; and the spirit returned to God who gave it. And here we understand that the soul is indestructible, but it can die.

    Soul powers

    If we turn to the patristic heritage, we will see that usually three main forces are distinguished in the soul: mind, will and feelings, which manifest themselves in different abilities - thinking, desire and desire. But at the same time, one must understand that the soul has other powers as well. All of them are divided into reasonable and unreasonable. The unreasonable beginning of the soul consists of two parts: one is disobediently reasonable (does not obey reason), the other is obediently reasonable (obeys reason). The higher forces of the soul include the mind, will and feelings, and the unreasonable ones include the vital forces: the power of the heartbeat, the seed, the growth (which forms the body), etc. The action of the power of the soul animates the body. God deliberately made it so that the vital forces were not subject to the mind, so that the human mind would not be distracted by controlling the heartbeat, breathing, etc. There are various technologies related to the control of the human body that are trying to influence this life force. What do yogis do intensely: they try to control the heartbeat, change breathing, control the internal processes of digestion? and are terribly proud of it. In fact, there is absolutely nothing to be proud of here: God deliberately freed us from this task, and it is stupid to do this.

    Imagine that, in addition to your usual work, you will be forced to do the work of the housing office: organize garbage collection, cover the roof, control the supply of gas, electricity, etc. Now many people are delighted with all sorts of occult, esoteric arts, they are proud of the fact that to some extent they have mastered the regulation of this life force of the soul, which is beyond the control of the mind. In fact, they are proud of the fact that they changed the job of a university teacher for a job as a sewer. This is due to the foolish idea that the mind is better able to handle the body than the unreasonable part of the soul. I will answer that in fact it will do worse. It has long been known that any attempts to rationally build life lead to very irrational consequences. If we try to use the power of our mind to manage our body correctly, it will be complete nonsense.

    What is the human soul made of? For the first time, Janis Kalns spoke about this in great detail in the book “Soul”
    Here is what he writes: “Medes is the word that means the Soul at that level of the mental world from which I receive information. Medes is one of the two main components of a Human, an energy-informational manifestation of life. The second main component is the physical body known to all of us. The soul is an intangible part of a Human, as representatives of many religions believe, but to be more precise, it is the result of the synthesis of various units of energy and information.
    The image of the Human Soul is shown in Fig.1.

    Fig.1. Human Soul Image
    If the Soul exists, then, of course, it consists of something. The main component of the physical body is the cell, and the Souls are Megaston. The number of Megastones is the greater, the more developed the Soul. This number is constantly changing. It contains information about events in the past, present and future.
    The image of Megaston of the Human Soul is shown in Fig. 2 and on the cover of the book.
    MEGASTON level 1 humanoid

    Fig.2. Image of Human Soul Megastone

    Megaston shell provides the necessary environment for all processes in the megastone. It is also used as a screen on which you can visually show the information available in the megastone about events in the past, present and future, as well as transform information from parallel worlds with its help.
    Nevons- a compressed gas that ignites and, exploding, destroys megastones when the nucleolus of the nevon receives the appropriate information from the otanite. It comes into action in situations when very dangerous astronoid information is programmed into the otanite. They can destroy one megastone, but they can also cause a chain reaction in all or part of the megastones.
    Microlon- an additional protective screen that protects otane and its particles if, for one reason or another, the megaston shell is damaged. Microlon for each megastone produces a color that is necessary, or which corresponds to internal information. Programs have been introduced into the microlon that themselves change the color of the megastone to black or purple if the megastone begins to receive information from astronoids.
    Khustors they accumulate the energy produced by the scanners in order to use it for the needs of the soul and body in cases where the energy supply from the general energy field stops. But most often this energy is used when there are attacks in the astral plane, to deliver a counterattack of greater power, because. internal reserves are added to the incoming energy.
    Scanners generate energy, the excitation for which is taken from the general energy field of the Universe. The generated energy is on average 1.5 times greater than the received energy, and is sent to the Khustors. At the same time, the scanners produce scanteriosis. The scanners consist of an inner and outer pair of scanners, they rotate in opposite directions and thus provide a balance of megastones and spirals. Scanners also perform the functions of an information flow valve.
    Scanterioses- the components of the scanner, isolated individual particles, which, in the event of the death of the scanners (there can be a lot of reasons), combine and form new scanners.
    Otan- a protective screen of the informative center, consisting of otanol.Otanols- components of otane. Otanols in a situation when otanit is filled with information, in addition to the protective function, it also performs the functions of a reserve base for the accumulation of information until the moment when a new megastone is formed for the accumulation of information.
    Otanite- the base of accumulation of information, which consists of 18 thousand informative units, the latter, in turn, are divided into even smaller units and they are called Mastils, Mitrons, Alfers, Almenovs, Infeses, Inekez, Fesias, Antals, Silii, Castals, etc.
    Mastils are responsible for the correct placement of the spirals in the shower, and also participate in putting the spirals in order if there are deviations from the norm. Mitrons provide communication sessions between representatives of the mental and medes systems, as well as with any other galaxy in the physical plane.Mitrons are located in the megastones of the whole soul and provide communication with the higher worlds for each individual megastone, even in cases where the soul is divided. Mitrons of all megastones can unite in the transmission of one information, thus increasing the transmission power.
    Alfera- 600 informative units in otanite. They form the visual system of each megastone. The whole set of soul megastone alfers is called trialba - the vision of the soul. They are painted in the same way as otanit, only in a different shade.

    In the language of God, "three" means three, "alba" means eye. This refers to the two eyes of the physical body and the one eye of the soul.
    Almenovs— 960 informative units in otanite, forming the auditory system of each megastone. The whole set of megaston almens is called apsiton - hearing of the soul. The color of Almenov is the same as that of Otanite, only of a different shade.

    Megastones with great speed, approximately the same as the speed of light, are circling in a spiral in order to move faster and more accurately and instantly deliver information to helium - the "brain" center of the Soul.

    Helium- The "brain" system of the soul is the main center of information processing. It consists of a spiral of megastones and a maton.
    Megaston helium coil- the most important spiral that performs the protective functions of the maton. In the megastones of this spiral, in a concentrated form, there is the most important information of all the megastones of the soul. Consequently, the helium spiral of megastones is one of several databases of the soul, where the most important information is duplicated in a concentrated form. It is necessary in case any of the informative bases gets corrupted and the information is erased.

    The spiraling circling of Megastones for the soul ensures movement in the Universe at great speed and the ability to instantly transmit the necessary information to the physical body even at a distance of millions of light years.

    Megastones in the Soul are grouped into spirals. Each pair of Megastones that circles in its own spiral circles along the same path together with many other pairs of Megastones, forming a large spiral with a very large number of Megastones.

    These large spirals in turn form the shape of the Soul in accordance with the needs of a particular body. The number of Megastones determines the level of development of the Soul incarnated into a Human.
    There can be from 500 to 10,000,000 Megastones in the Human Soul. The number of Megastones determines the level of development of the Soul.

    The order of grouping Megastones in spirals organizes helium according to certain criteria:

    a) spirals of Megastones responsible for maintaining all vital processes in the physical body;
    b) spirals in which high-level information is programmed to perform specific tasks. This information is either already expressed as talents, or for some reason not yet used;
    c) spirals responsible for Human emotions;
    d) spirals, which contain all the information on how to protect the Soul and the physical body from attacks of a different nature;
    e) spirals in which there is and continues to accumulate all the information about the current life, work, spoken words and thoughts. All information without exception: both good and bad deeds, speeches and thoughts;
    e) and other information.
    In the event of a break in the spirals, a problem arises in the transmission of information. These problems manifest themselves as various kinds of diseases.
    The main information processing center is helium, which consists of Megastone and Maton spirals.
    mathon- the core of the brain system of the Soul. It is made up of oils. There are as many mastils in Maton as there are Megastones in the Soul. Mastils are the representatives of each Megastone in Mathon. They are delegated by an otanit.
    Mastils are responsible for transmitting information to Megaston, as well as for receiving information from it. Maton's tasks are as follows:
    1. filter all incoming and outgoing information;
    2. support all life processes in the Soul;
    3. organize all functions;
    4. transmit and receive information over an unlimited distance.

    Mathon functions accurately only if there is not a single reprogrammed Megastone in the "brain" system of the Soul. Otherwise, we can say that the "brain" system of the Soul is sick.

    The differences of people are manifested not only in the division into races, nationalities, classes, men and women, in the character and appearance of each individual, but also in the state of their Soul. Extreme polarization: humanoids - belonging to the Divine hierarchy and astronoids - belonging to the devilish hierarchy. There are many more intermediate stages that occur when a humanoid becomes mired in diabolical deeds.

    Our differences depend not only on belonging to humanoids or astronoids, but also on the level of development of each Soul. If in the human Soul the possible number of Megastones ranges from 500 to 10,000,000, then at the level of the physical body this huge difference manifests itself regardless of the age of the physical body, whether it is five or fifty years old. It is very difficult for a Person with a small number of Megastones in his Soul to master things that seem simple to a Person with a large number of Megastones. This is the answer to the age-old question why in intelligence tests individuals who grew up and studied in the same conditions have such different indicators.
    Initially, the devilish hierarchy was formed from fallen Souls - those who did not fulfill divine duties. Later, the devilish forces learned to create 100% devilish Souls, because it was very difficult to lure the Divine Souls to them. I must say that it was difficult until the moment when the mass media began to appear in the world. Divine Souls are called humanoids - beings of the highest level, and devilish - astronoids - beings of the lower level. The essential difference is that humanoids serve others, observing God's laws, while astronoids, by any means, try to subordinate everything to their interests. Astronoid - the human Soul - a representative of the devilish hierarchy. They live only for themselves. Their goals are related to the struggle for the provision of energy resources and for information on how best to implement this provision. A typical manifestation of selfishness is also one of the main features that characterize astronoids, or to a very large extent a reprogrammed humanoid, guided by diabolical programs.

    From the foregoing, we can conclude that the Human Soul is one of the two main components of a Human, an energy-informational manifestation of life.
    Megastones of the Soul contain all the information about events in the past, present and future. The Megastones of the Human Soul also contain negative information (information about his negative thoughts, deeds and actions), as well as negative programs introduced by the astronoids to the Human in order to subordinate him to their selfish interests. Each Soul, when it enters a Human, has its own personal program, which it must fulfill in this incarnation. This program is written in the personal numerical code of the Soul.
    It is possible to help a Human fulfill his personal program of this incarnation by annihilating (eliminating) the negative information in the Megastones of his Soul and reprogramming them to fulfill the tasks of the Divine Hierarchy.
    The drawings from the book “Soul” by Janis Kalns depict the parts that make up the Soul of a Humanoid Human. The drawings are published with the personal permission of the author.
    Where is the Soul in the human body? Of course, the Soul (the brain center of the Soul - Helium) must be located in the area of ​​the Sacred Space of the Heart. Some of us in everyday life, due to ongoing events, often feel somehow unwell in the Soul, uncomfortable. This is due to the fact that the Human Soul is not located in the Sacred Space of the Heart and cannot effectively respond to ongoing events. Some people at the level of intuition feel that their Soul is out of place. And indeed it is. The soul of some people can be located in different parts of the body: the pineal gland, the cerebellum, the medulla oblongata, in the region of the cerebral cortex and other places. His mental and physical health strongly depends on the location of the Soul in the Wave Form of a Human.

    human soul

    the immortal image of God in man. This is the divine basis of man, his life principle, the receptacle of spiritual potency and the ability for spiritual and moral perfection, according to the teachings of the New Testament. The soul is immortal and does not die with the body. The soul is the person himself, his personality. Concern for the salvation of the soul is the main thing in a person's life. From how a person lived his life, the soul is either saved or doomed to eternal death and, accordingly, goes either to heaven or hell. After the Last Judgment, the soul unites with the resurrected body. Man, according to the teaching of Holy Scripture, consists of a body and a soul (see Gen. 2:7; Matt. 10:28). The soul animates the body, spiritualizes it, without it the body is dust, and therefore the soul in the Bible is often called the breath of life, the spirit of life, or simply the spirit. The soul does not come from the body, but is that special force that turns dust into a living being and has its source in God.

    The whole world was created by God in such an order that during His creation the Creator passed from the lower forms to the higher ones. First, inorganic bodies were created, plants, then fish and birds, then animals, and finally, as the crown of the universe, man. Animals also have a soul. But the very circumstance that man is the latest and most perfect creation of God testifies to the perfection and distinctive properties of the soul of man from the soul of the animal. The nature of animals was created at once, but in man body and soul were created separately; at the same time, the very creation of the soul of animals and man took place differently. The souls of animals were created by God from those principles that were contained in matter itself, although by creation they represented something different from it (see Gen. 1, 20, 24). The human soul was created by God as something separate, independent and different in the material world, in a way that was called the breath of God (Genesis 2:7). This image of the creation of the human soul indicates that it had to receive perfections that brought it closer and made it akin to God, in contrast to animals; the soul of man possessed those distinctive properties that he alone was created in the image and likeness of God. The special properties of the soul consist in its unity, spirituality and immortality, in the ability of reason, freedom and the gift of speech.

    In Orthodox teaching, there are theologians about the two-part and three-part nature of man. In the first case, a person is the antithesis of bodily and mental-spiritual substances. One pole is the earthly physical, carnal beginning of a person, the other pole is the heavenly immaterial, incorporeal beginning. The difference between the soul-spiritual is presented here as the difference between the higher and the lower, as two sides of a single spiritual principle. In the second case, the antithesis "body - spirit" takes place, and the soul is something intermediate, uniting, connecting, "linking" the material and immaterial principles. The problem of choosing the theologian arises, while the opinion is widespread that both theologian do not contradict each other, but everything depends on the “point of view” (ie epistemology). The soul and spirit constitute something unified from the point of view of those who are close to the two-dimensional vision of man. This is the unity of the soul-spiritual substance. The point of view is also widespread that the spirit is the soul in its spiritual nature. Souls are born from parents, and the spirit is breathed in by God, i.e. spirit is something else. Sometimes the spirit is identified with the mind. The well-known words of the Apostle Paul: May the God of peace Himself sanctify you in all its fullness, and may your spirit, soul and body be preserved in its entirety without blemish (1 Thess. 5:23), which are taken to substantiate the tripartite nature of man, are sometimes interpreted as two aspects of spiritual life: either as a spiritual structure in the soul, or as a step in the life of the soul.

    Orthodoxy. Dictionary-reference. 2014 .

    See what the "Soul of Man" is in other dictionaries:

      human soul- Having created the first man Adam from the earth, God breathed into him the breath of life, i.e. soul, a spiritual and immortal being (Gen. 1:26, 27). After the death of a person, the soul returns to God, Who gave it (Ecc. 13:7) ... Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Bible encyclopedia arch. Nicephorus.

      human soul- the immortal image of God, enclosed in man. Man is formed by the unity of the body and soul (spirit) ... Orthodox Encyclopedic Dictionary

      human soul- after God created the first man from the earth, he breathed into him a living soul (an immortal spiritual being). And after the death of a person, she returns to God, who gave her (Ecclesiastes, 8, 7) ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

      SOUL- [Greek ψυχή], together with the body, forms the composition of a person (see the articles Dichotomism, Anthropology), while being an independent beginning; D. man contains the image of God (according to some of the fathers of the Church; according to others, the image of God is contained in everything ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

      Soul- This term has other meanings, see Soul (meanings). Soul (from other Russian ... Wikipedia

      soul- @font face (font family: ChurchArial ; src: url(/fonts/ARIAL Church 02.ttf);) span (font size:17px; font weight:normal !important; font family: ChurchArial ,Arial,Serif;)   (ψυχή) breath, animal soul: 1) the beginning of sensual life, common to ... ... Church Slavonic Dictionary

      SOUL- (Greek psyhe, lat. anima) one of the central concepts of European philosophy, in connection with the development of which the entire hierarchy of being, life and thought is gradually mastered both in its lowest and highest layers and in relation to which ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

      THE SOUL IN THE ARAB-MOSLIM PHILOSOPHY- is expressed by the term "nafs". In the classical period, two lines of interpretation of the soul stand out: one brings it closer to the concept of “zat” (self, see Essence), with further identification of the self with “I” ('ana) and “appearance” (zuhur), with which the understanding is connected ... … Philosophical Encyclopedia

      Soul- (Greek psychē, lat. anima) a concept that expressed historically changing views on the inner world of a person; in religion and idealistic philosophy and psychology, the concept of a special non-material substance independent of the body. The concept of D. ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      SPIRIT and SOUL- religious and philosophical concepts, meaning immaterial beginnings, in contrast to the material Man relatively easily cognizes the material shell of created nature, but he does not have easy external access to the essences of the spirit and soul, which is often ... Modern Philosophical Dictionary

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