Another Volochkova: what kind of ballerina do we no longer remember? Volochkova's imperfect body is rooted in a bad figure from birth Scandal at the Bolshoi Theatre.

Anastasia Volochkova is a famous ballerina. Even after the scandalous departure from the Bolshoi Theater, she remains popular and famous. She has always been a beautiful woman. Once Volochkova had a unique natural appearance, but over time she has changed a lot. Fans, journalists and experts do not get tired of arguing about whether Anastasia Volochkova did plastic surgery.

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Did Anastasia Volochkova have plastic surgery

At the dawn of her career, the star had a very cute appearance. With her natural and impeccable beauty, she differed from many celebrities of the mid-90s. However, over time, the appearance and style of Volochkova changed. Today, she is often criticized for her desire to look "expensive and rich." Many suspect Anastasia Volochkova of carrying out some plastic surgeries.


Cardinal changes in the appearance of the ballerina began after leaving the Bolshoi Theater. Volochkova began to lead a secular life. And in this environment, more outstanding virtues are “in high esteem”. Suspicions of plastic breast augmentation arose in the early 2000s after she published photos from a holiday in the Maldives. Plastic surgeons noted that breast size stands out against the background of a rather slender body.

Although the ballerina herself speaks extremely negatively about all kinds of surgical interventions, the contrast is too great. This is especially noticeable if we compare photographs of the time of work at the Bolshoi Theater and after, such results cannot be achieved only with sports and nutrition.

Previously, the star had a bust size of no more than the first, but now surgeons agree that she has at least the third. Volochkova tries to demonstrate and emphasize this every time she goes out into the world.

Before and after breast augmentation

At the same time, the celebrity strongly denies his involvement in plastic. She claims to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports and do special exercises to increase the bust, as well as special home treatments. And plastic surgery, according to Volochkova, can be harmful to health.


In addition, rumors about surgical interventions on the face do not subside. Despite her age, her skin and facial features are almost flawless. Volochkova's proportions literally correspond to all the canons of beauty.

However, when comparing photographs of her youth and modern ones, one cannot help but notice some changes. First of all, experts note differences in the line of the eyebrows and the upper jaw. Tattooing has already become a signature feature of the star. But today she opts for softer lines and lighter shades. Eyebrows do not look so sharp and aggressive against the background of the blond. Also, most likely, Volochkova regularly resorts to beauty injections -.

The famous Lera Kudlyavtseva before plastic surgery was a beauty without makeup. But in her youth she worked for wear and tear, so over time I had to do plastic surgery. There were both successful attempts and traces of unsuccessful plastic surgery on the face.

  • TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak also corrected her appearance before plastic surgery. In her youth, she corrected her bite. Also known for rhinoplasty. But whether Ksyusha did chin plastic surgery is a mystery, but from the photo after you can guess what she did.

  • April 24th, 2014 01:03 am

    How would I train if I was Anastasia Volochkova

    Volochkova has a T-shaped: wide open shoulders, narrow hips, no waist, but long legs.

    Many fashion models are endowed with such a physique - especially from their “golden” century - the “90s”:

    But Volochkova does not look like that at all, but all because she has grown fat. She swam like a pig and turned into a grenadier with boobs:

    It is clear why this happened: Volochkova by nature -. Due to long years of increased physical exertion, they have become very dense.

    But one fine day, Nastya abandoned the ballet, and at the same time continued to eat the same or even more. On the muscles, which are voluminous in themselves, the ballerina was covered with a layer of fat, turning her into a horse-woman:

    Ladies with a T-shaped figure, memorize as "Our Father": you are just shown to dry, dry and dry. Under no circumstances should you gain any fat.

    You have fat deposited on your arms, shoulders, back and waist, making your already massive top even more massive.

    From whom did the fashion for drying go? From fashion models, in which the difference between the top and bottom is often in size, or even several: the shoulders may well be 44-46, and the hips - 40-42.

    For them, indeed, even a kilogram of fat is critical: it’s arms-sausages and a back-ham at once. If a “pear”, “hourglass” or “ruler” eats a few kilos, she will still be a woman - albeit a fat one, but a woman. If a lady with a T-shaped figure is eaten off, she begins to look like an orangutan.

    For all other ladies, life in the eternal drying mode is contraindicated. Drying polishes T-shaped figures, disfigures yours.

    How would I train if I had a T-shaped body type?

    I would focus on cardio and strictly control nutrition. For one strength training session, I would have to do two cardio sessions. I would train the top once a week in multi-rep mode - for 20-25 repetitions. The bottom would train hard a couple of times a week, but only by learning to relieve the load from those parts of the body where it is for me - nothing. Don't know how to squat without turning off your lower back to the maximum? Do the pushes. It's better "under" than "over".

    What should former athletes with a T-shaped body type who have already grown fat do?

    Your strength training should be similar to dumbbell aerobics: high intensity, minimal rest between sets, high reps. Burn fat without fear of burning muscle. They are so responsive to you that it does not threaten you. Well, lots and lots of cardio, of course.

    Anastasia Volochkova is recognized as one of the most popular and prominent figures in modern Russian show business. In this article we will tell the most interesting facts from her life.


    Biography of Anastasia Volochkova

    She was born on January 20, 1976 in Leningrad. The father of the future star had the title of champion of the Soviet Union and Europe in table tennis. From an early age, the girl admired ballet art and firmly decided to study at the famous Academy of Russian Ballet. The lessons were not easy. The teachers literally poisoned the future star. The final exams became the debut performance of the girl. She graduated from the Academy with honors.

    Career Anastasia Volochkova

    2. Scandal at the Bolshoi Theater

    The girl was invited to play a key role in the production of Swan Lake at the Bolshoi Theater. Then the solo career of the star began. She received an award and was named the best European ballerina. After she left the Bolshoi Theater, explaining her act with constant scandals and misunderstandings from the management.

    A year later, the girl returned. Her performances were marked by great success, and the productions were held with a full house. In 2002, Anastasia received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

    After the leadership of the Bolshoi Theater decided to refuse further cooperation with the star. The main reason given was her unsuitability as a ballerina. The main problem is the excessive height and weight of the girl, which the leaders considered unacceptable. The current situation resembled a conspiracy against the famous ballerina and resulted in a major scandal. The court found the decision of the leaders of the Bolshoi Theater illegal.

    3. Cinema and show business

    In 2004, the star tried her hand at cinema, agreeing to a key role in the TV series A Place in the Sun. In the same year, a feature film with her called "A Place in the Sun" was released.

    In 2009, the artist participated in the Nerve show, which gained incredible popularity in England. The girl also performed at the New Year's show, for the first time trying herself as a singer.

    Personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

    4. Revenge of a loved one

    In 2000, the girl started an affair with Suleiman Kerimov. The relationship continued until 2003. The reasons for the breakup, the star called the dissatisfaction of relatives from Suleiman. After that, the ballerina began to have serious problems at the Bolshoi Theater, which Anastasia regarded as revenge on the part of the man she left.

    5. Marriage

    In 2007, the girl married Igor Vdovin. The event became one of the brightest social events, but a year later the couple broke up. Anastasia called the reason for the gap her husband's passion for yoga and the rejection of the Christian religion.

    6. From ballet to politics

    In 2009, a famous ballerina expressed a desire to take the post of mayor of the city of Sochi. The star admitted in an interview that for the sake of the mayor's chair, she is ready to abandon a number of her own projects and change her place of residence. She failed to win the election.

    7. Erotic photo session

    A huge scandal erupted after the star published her provocative photo shoot in the Maldives in 2011. The ballerina took some rather candid photos, which caused a strong reaction from the public. However, after that, Anastasia was more often invited to talk shows. Such an act helped to significantly increase Volochkova's popularity.

    8. Prank call

    In 2012, the star stated that she was receiving calls from a man who introduced himself as Alexei Navalny. The latter demanded an apology from her. After the woman said that Ksenia called her while in a state of intoxication and admitted that the calls from Navalny were a prank that she arranged for Volochkova. After a short trial, it became clear that at that moment Ksenia Sobchak was at the event and could not make a call. So once again Anastasia became a victim of telephone pranksters.

    9. Scandal with Vdovin

    It is known that the former spouse owes Volochkova a large amount of money. The woman personally posted information about this on her official page on the social network, where she accused her ex-husband of misbehavior, and also publicly asked to repay her debts.

    10. Flood

    In 2013, the star toured Russia and visited the Amur region, where at that time there was a major flood. The ballerina was photographed against the backdrop of flooded houses and posted the resulting pictures on a page on a social network. Fans accused her of trying to engage in personal PR, taking advantage of the opportunity and cashing in on the tragedy of ordinary people.

    Volochkova explained her act by saying that in this way she tried to draw more attention to the current situation, since it would not be possible to fully assess the extent of the destruction based on what was shown on TV.

    11 Staff Scandal

    In 2017, the star claimed that her personal driver stole $3 million from her by gaining access to bank accounts. After that, she published information that the ballerina's housekeeper, who had lived and worked with her for 10 years, regularly stole things and food from Volochkova's house.

    Recordings from video cameras showed that the woman really took out a huge amount of things from the artist’s house every day and loaded them into her car.

    In the radio program "Nevzor's Wednesdays", the host, politician, journalist Alexander Nevzorov, in a conversation with colleagues, expressed an unexpected idea that the infamous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova should have run for president. “She fits absolutely in all respects. Now she struck Russia with a demonstration of her legs. Knowing that sufferers are loved here, she showed her legs and says that all this is ballet,” Nevzorov showed his awareness of Volochkova’s actions.


    However, the specialist expressed the opinion that it is unlikely that bloody calluses and bumps on the legs are the result of ballet classes. “There are suspicions that this is still not a ballet, but that, along with Maybachs and white bouquets of white roses, she was constantly presented with Uzbek-made shoes, and therefore this monstrous ugliness that she demonstrates is connected only with this,” leader said.

    Nevzorov explained that in response to Volochkova's shocking pictures, her colleagues in the ballet workshop showed photos showing their completely healthy legs. “And you open the Internet: right there, the pretty bastard soloists filled the Network with photographs of their legs, where, in general, there are no such traumatic consequences,” Nevzorov said.

    Alexander expressed confidence that Anastasia is acting according to the "laws of hype." “Understand that it’s not very beautiful to discuss splits, limbs, and other details of an elderly lady, but she herself makes such a big social phenomenon out of her every body movement. She showed her legs and immediately forgot Elm Street like a bad dream. torment, suffering. Thanks to the ballerina that she did not demonstrate other parts of the body that she worked and suffered, although one can imagine how disfigured they are. But this is still ahead, because she will show. She is carried by the laws of hype, and where they can bring, we, in general, are well aware," Alexander Nevzorov concluded.

    Fans of Anastasia Volochkova were "lucky" to see a non-photoshopped photo of the ballerina. On it, the scandalous dancer appeared before fans and haters in all her "glory".

    Anastasia Volochkova spent the last week of July in Turkey, from where she generously shared spicy photos and frank advertising posts with her Instagram subscribers. Naturally, for her photo shoots, the ballerina chose only the most successful angles under which she looks fit and slender. In addition, she, like other celebrities, does not disdain photoshop.

    For example, the other day the artist was photographed with other vacationers on the "banana". At the water attraction, Anastasia posed sitting in a twine in a bright bikini. At the same time, in order to appear slimmer, she strongly pulled in her stomach at the time of shooting.

    However, the guests of the hotel where Volochkova stayed and which she actively advertises, managed to photograph her with their cameras. The day before, a picture appeared on the Web where the ex-prima prima of the Bolshoi Theater poses in a swimsuit, but looks far from being as slim as in the photo on her Instagram.

    In the photo, you can clearly see not at all a flat, but rather a “beer” belly of a ballerina and her breasts that have long lost their shape. There is no doubt that the picture is fresh, because Anastasia is posing against the background of the same “banana”, in the same swimsuit and pareo as in the photo on her Instagram.

    Looking at the photo of a plump Volochkova without retouching, it becomes incomprehensible how a ballerina can conduct master classes where she teaches people to lose weight and keep youth, because she herself cannot boast of either youth or harmony.

    Shocked by the look of the dancer, users are surprised how it was possible to grow such a belly by eating one boiled spinach without salt, and even offered to chip in for a working scale for her, since the followers can’t believe that Anastasia is telling the truth about her weight.

    “Now I’ll be more careful with spinach”, “And THIS weighs 47 kg!!????? Let's get on the scales already! Let him face the truth…”, “Ballet belly)”, “Beauty of Greatness! - that's how it is! Very cool! I envy you very much .... ”,“ The great power of spinach! ”,“ It’s all spinach with cheese)))) ”,“ Hippo ”,“ Maybe you decided to go to Sumo wrestling ?? Well, Anastas will succeed! Gaining weight well, ”Volochkova’s haters make fun in the comments.

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