The ancient teachings of Reiki: meditation, principles, training. Healing Practices and Reiki Techniques

Did you know that Reiki can work not only with diseases and situations, but also with rooms? Room cleaning in Reiki is often used by my students.

What are the rooms cleaned from and why? What is the purpose of these practices? How is a cleaning session performed?

Cleaning of rooms in Reiki.

I have already said that everything in this world consists of energy. And everything around has its accumulated programs. The premises also have their own history, including the energy one.

Very often, premises accumulate a lot of negative programs. This has an adverse effect on those who live in them. Therefore, I advise you to regularly clean the premises with the help of Reiki. For this, there are special sessions and practices, which I talk about in detail on and on

Why do I need room cleaning in Reiki?

To heal you and your life from negative and interfering programs. We conduct sessions for ourselves, our plants, our animals, our loved ones. And your home also needs to conduct cleansing sessions.

We are accustomed to making physical efforts to clean and clean rooms. We take out the garbage, wipe the dust, wash the floor, walls, windows…

But the physical body (object) is the last instance of the manifestation of any energy. Therefore, stale air, accumulations of dust, allergens, dirt, garbage and unnecessary things are manifestations of our programs on the subtle plane.

If we clean the room only at the physical level, then those programs that are not removed on the subtle plane will again appear in our room. Therefore, it is necessary to clean your apartments, houses, work premises with the help of Reiki energy.

In what situations can a room cleaning session be used?

My students use Reiki in almost any situation:

  • escalated relationships with loved ones
  • if people in the house (apartment) often get sick
  • Increasing incidences of missing or lost items
  • when frequent accidents and breakdowns began to occur
  • if necessary, sell the premises

Reiki can work not only with residential premises, but also with commercial premises: warehouses, offices, shops. Any items you own or use. You can give Reiki to any space where you visit, live or work.

Hello dear readers!

Do you want to cope with your ailments and improve your health without the involvement of doctors? Strive to find love, harmony with yourself and the world, become calmer and feel confident in your abilities? You should turn to the teachings of Reiki!

And just in this article we talk about the power of Reiki meditation, introduce you to the basic principles of the teaching, and offer to master some meditation techniques. With the help of our tips and tricks, you can start practicing Reiki, improving your life and filling it with health and happiness.

Reiki Teachings and Basic Principles

There are various schools and teachings designed to help a person recover from illnesses and cope with adversity with the help of the universal energy of life. One of such practices for restoring the whole organism and spiritual energy is a well-thought-out Reiki system. You can solve almost any life problem on your own, drawing on the deep philosophy of Reiki and practicing meditation.

Reiki is an ancient healing system, which was brought to the attention of the Japanese physician and Buddhist philosopher Mikao Usui in 1922, he founded the first school. The very name of the practice consists of two Japanese characters - "Rei" and "Ki" and is generally defined as "the divine energy of life - the creative, healing, full of goodness and love, the power of life bestowed by the Creator."

Mikao Usui, in the process of prolonged meditation, formulated five simple principles of teaching:

1. Don't get angry today.

2. Don't worry about anything today.

3. Express gratitude and respect to parents, teachers, elders.

4. Work honestly earning your living.

5. Treat all living things with love and gratitude.

Types of Reiki Meditation

Meditation is a special mental exercise in a state of complete relaxation, related to spiritual and health-improving practice. Reiki meditation involves contact with energy flows. Plunging into this state of rest, you need to stop the continuous mental flow, in order to feel your inner "I" and merge with the Universe into a single whole.

There are different types of meditation for Reiki practice:

  • using symbols;
  • with affirmations using Reiki energy;
  • meditations, during which karma is cleansed;
  • to solve life problems;
  • advanced meditations for masters and others.

After some time of constant practice, in the process of Reiki meditation, you will realize the true values ​​​​of your life, in comparison with which neither money nor other material goods are significant.

Reiki Meditation Technique

You can start learning meditation in a friendly atmosphere with Reiki practitioners. Such a collective action creates a wonderful emotional background and forms a strong flow of energy. With collective meditation, the healing of serious diseases is more effective.

There are many Reiki meditation techniques. Within the framework of this article, we will not consider all the main techniques, but will dwell in more detail on the main meditation - “Gasso”, and we also invite you to familiarize yourself with meditations aimed at rejuvenation and love.

The simple meditation "Gashō", literally meaning "joined palms", is absolutely safe and recommended for all age groups.

Sit comfortably on a flat surface with your feet at a right angle. Bring your palms together with your fingers up at the level of the heart chakra.

The back is straight, the neck is extended and not tense, the eyes are closed. The crown of the head, as it were, is “suspended by a thread” from the ceiling. When inhaling, the tongue touches the upper palate, and when exhaling, it descends. When tired in the hands, just gently lower them.

Concentrate completely on your calm breathing, stop the internal dialogue, letting go of all thoughts. Your task, in a state of complete relaxation, is to feel unity with the universe and call on the universal energy. Ask for help in solving a problem, fulfilling a desire. At the end of the meditation, slowly open your eyes and thank Reiki.

Gassho can cause deep feelings, with regular conduct, the body and spirit are strengthened, the natural talents and abilities of a person develop. Feeling the joy and pleasure of communicating with yourself, healing from loneliness occurs. Spend 20 to 30 minutes daily on Gassho in the morning and evening, and you will soon experience improvements in your well-being.

Reiki Meditation for Rejuvenation

Everyone wants to look good and prolong their youth. By constantly working with rejuvenation meditation, you will restore health and rejuvenate. To do this, take a glass of drinking water and your favorite photo in which you are young and beautiful. Put water nearby, and study the photo in great detail and remember the image.

Place your hands together in Gassho and call on the Reiki energy. Having imagined the flow of energy, direct it into the water and bring your hands to a glass of water. Say 3 times: "This water rejuvenates me from the inside." Mentally connect and merge with the image in the photo.

Relax completely and close your eyes, filling with ease and serenity. Imagine yourself in a sunny meadow near a mountain river, the cool water of which descends from the mountain peaks, murmuring among the stones and spreading pleasant freshness around. Thank the water, this source of life and youth, and then, in a state of gratitude, drink and wash yourself, feeling yourself part of the life-giving moisture.

Go into the water of a mountain river and kneel down, bathe your whole body, imagining how every cell of your body is washed, the skin turns pink and the body is filled with youth. See yourself as in the photo and mentally smooth out your wrinkles, imagine a slimmer figure, feel your young silky skin and give up everything that prevents you from being happy.

The energy of youth has filled you, and, leaving the water with an elastic gait, dry your body under the gentle sun. Thank the source of beauty and health and come back here. Remember this feeling of joy and drink water from a glass. To enhance the result, do this meditation before going to bed, saying: “I sleep and get younger!”.

Reiki Meditation "The Attraction of Love"

Close your eyes and completely relax and tune in to love and light. Focus on your breath and breathe deeply and frequently for 1-2 minutes. When you feel a state of lightness and euphoria, slow down your breathing and imagine that you are exhaling the energy of love from the heart chakra.

A pleasant feeling of warmth will begin to appear in the chest area, which you will turn into love energy. Radiate and expand this energy field, filled with tenderness and unconditional love, mentally saying for a few minutes: “I want to love. Come to me love!" Sleep in this state.

Chat with new people and do not forget that love is near and waiting for you. Generously give the whole world around you the living energy of love, and you will attract it into your life!

Music for Reiki meditation and its healing effect

Music for Reiki meditation has a beneficial effect on the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person. Thanks to this music therapy, by meditating you create a balance in your emotional state and calm the psyche. With music, you more fully feel the integrity with the outside world, there is a harmonization of consciousness.

Music for meditation is very simple, light, pleasant and promotes immersion in oneself. Its sound does not require tension of physical and mental strength. With the help of a musical background, a person feels how energy flows into him, filling him with love for everything that exists.

Teaching Reiki on your own and with a teacher

Using a special technique of laying hands on certain parts of the body, masters are able to transfer Reiki energy, curing ailments and attracting positive changes in a person’s life. Despite the powerful power of Reiki, this harmonious system is very well thought out and safe, and you can master this ancient teaching on your own.

You can speed up changes for the better by contacting the master. The teacher will help you tune in to the absorption of energy in the process of meditation, and during the session he will clearly demonstrate how to effectively work with your hands on unhealthy organs. The mentor will teach you how to activate energy channels, tell you about the meanings of signs and symbols to increase the strength of energy.

Reiki Mastery Steps

There are only three steps in the technique of working with Reiki energy:

  • Treatment of oneself and all living beings by the laying on of hands during the sessions.
  • The study of signs to enhance the transmitted energy, the basics of karmic study, a deeper knowledge of the practice of the laying on of hands.
  • Conducting initiation, teaching beginners the basics of Reiki, transferring knowledge about symbols, further work in laying on of hands sessions.

With the help of a Reiki master, you will be able to learn productively and move from level to level.

Reiki Tradition Guardian Sathya Eo Than

Thanks to Mikao Usui and his students, the Reiki teaching has spread all over the world, gaining more and more followers. There are currently over 30 Reiki systems. All these directions take their origins from the ancient school of Fam Rei and have their own distinctive features.

In St. Petersburg, Satya Nanyokari, a student of Mikao Usui, founded the Reiki Academy. His student Grandmaster Reiki Satya Eo Than is a well-known teacher of our time and the custodian of the ancient tradition of teaching. His seminars are very popular and are held in Russia, the USA and Europe.

Master Satya Eo Than does not just philosophize about simple truths, but conducts training on real examples of his life, offers working practical techniques in order to be healthy and filled with happiness in a difficult modern world.

What to remember:

1. Reiki is a very ancient teaching and is based on clear principles formulated over a century ago.

2. There are different types of meditation that can be gradually mastered.

3. Gassho is a type of simple foundational meditation. You can rejuvenate yourself and attract the energy of love into your life by practicing the appropriate meditations given in the article.

4. Meditate better with music.

5. You can learn Reiki on your own, but with a teacher it is faster and the effect is higher.

6. There are 3 levels in Reiki training.

7. To master meditation, listen to and watch the recordings of Grandmaster Reiki Satya Eo Than, visit his seminars.

See you in the next article!

quite wide in practice. In addition to healing, harmonization of situations, Reiki energy can also purify space, objects

Room cleaning

On a piece of paper we write the city, the full address of the apartment. We call on Reiki or CR, put a piece of paper between the palms and say the intention:

“Here and now I ask the energy of Reiki to cleanse apartment number ____, located in the city ___ street ____ house ____, from all the accumulated negativity and its consequences, from everything old, dirty, unnecessary, obsolete. I ask the Reiki energy to close this apartment from all negative influences from outside. I ask the Reiki energy to fill this apartment with Love, Light and positive energy, to harmonize and balance the energy background of the apartment to the level that is optimal for all the inhabitants of this apartment.”

The first cleaning should be done three days in a row. Perform the procedure at least once a month.

Attention: for those who live in an apartment being cleaned, a manifestation of the Central Committee is possible.

Charging water, creams and other items

In order to “charge” water, cream, any other liquid, substance or object, you need to evoke a feeling of energy flow coming from the palms and fingertips, similar to the one you used during non-contact massage.

To “charge” water, a man must hold a glass in the palm of his left hand, and with his right hand he must radiate an energy flow. To do this, first bring the rollers of the right hand into a bundle and irradiate the water with the fingertips at the minimum possible distance. This must be done for at least 1 minute, then “charging” is carried out with an open palm at a distance of 5 centimeters. After 3-5 min. the right hand rises up to 20 centimeters from the surface of the water, the fingers are brought together in a bundle, the irradiation of water continues with the fingertips for 1-3 minutes. and in this position, the fingers are again brought to the surface of the water. The whole cycle is repeated three times.

“Charging” of items for use in treatment should be carried out with a positive emotional attitude towards good, to get rid of diseases.

It is believed that a man “charges” with a positive principle with his right hand, and if he does this with his left hand, then he “charges” with a negative principle. In women, the opposite is true: the right hand is negative, the left is positive.

If a person is left-handed, then the polarity of his hands changes to the opposite.

In this method, the main thing is an unshakable faith in healing.

Charging water

It is known that water is a liquid, the molecules of which are strictly oriented relative to each other, thus creating an organized internal structure. Therefore, water is considered an astral liquid and a universal carrier of energy and information. It easily accepts and retains a field inside its structure, for example, a magnetic one, which gives ordinary water unusual properties. Water is able to dissolve various substances, the list of which would take more than one page. Water is perfectly filled with the energy of thought and retains it. This property of water is the basis of a method well known since ancient times - the preparation of healing or slandered water. Holy water, which can be obtained in an Orthodox church, is filled with the energy and information of prayer, contains silver ions, which have bactericidal and healing properties.

The Reiki healer is able to prepare Reiki water for healing and toning. We give the direction of the beam by the formula: “Lord, let me be Your channel to prepare healing water, please give energy to where it is needed, the way it is needed, and as much as it is needed.” To do this, a vessel with water is placed between the palms and filled with Reiki for 5-10 minutes, and the volume of the vessel does not matter, it can be a glass, jug, jar or bucket, and even a bath.
To prepare a healing Reiki bath, you dip your hands into the water, having previously performed the ritual of entering the Reiki stream, and keep them in the water for ten to fifteen minutes; if you read a prayer at the same time, then along with the flow of Reiki, the water will be filled with the vibration of the prayer, it will absorb the power of the Christian egregore.

Reiki healing water can be prepared for a specific disease and for a specific person. Such water is given to the patient with him, and he takes it as a medicine. This is done when a person leaves and the treatment is not yet completed, or to continue the effect of Reiki between sessions. It happens that a person cannot be healed with the help of contact Reiki sessions. In this case, Reiki sessions at a distance and receiving Reiki water can give a good result.
When we prepare Reiki water for a specific person and for a specific disease or problem, we perform the ritual of entering the stream, and then we say that we are asking for Reiki in order to prepare healing water for the name, to heal such and such (we call) the disease, we keep our hands on the vessel with water for 21 minutes, we can put the signs of Reiki on the vessel with water, and in conclusion we perform the ritual of thanksgiving.

Problems happen not only with health. A very serious problem is bad habits that develop into serious illnesses - alcoholism and drug addiction. Often people who suffer from bad habits do not consider themselves sick or harming themselves. Reiki healing water, if it does not radically change this situation, can still provide significant help in combination with other efforts. For such situations, Reiki water is prepared as described above, only they name the problem they want to solve, for example: “... prepare water to heal N. from addiction to alcohol.”

Reiki water is prepared for those who are stressed or depressed, for those who want to lose weight or gain weight.
Reiki water is used to purify spaces by spraying rooms, as is done using holy water from a temple.

Water can be filled with Reiki at the same time as certain specific information to help solve many problems.

Reiki energy helps to tune the Body and Spirit to harmonious high vibrations and, with constant practice, heal various diseases. Also, with the help of Reiki, you can cleanse your life of negative events, attracting the ones you need, and ultimately find the life you would like.

This section contains all kinds of Reiki techniques for working with yourself and clients, as well as animals, plants, crystals. Learn how to clean and charge your home, objects, car and more.



Any disease is a signal of imbalance, harmony with the Universe. Illness is an external reflection of our harmful thoughts, our behavior and our intentions, that is, our worldview. Therefore, in order to cure the disease, you need to change your worldview!


The causes of diseases are in ourselves and they are as follows:

a) lack of understanding of the purpose, meaning and purpose of one's life;
b) misunderstanding and non-observance of the laws of the Universe;
c) the presence in the subconscious and consciousness of harmful, aggressive thoughts, feelings and emotions that are deeply experienced inside.

There are many works with a list of diseases and their possible causes on the mental plane.
Learn in detail about the possible spiritual causes of illness:

If you don’t know what problem situations and emotions are “hiding” behind the disease, then you can simply hold your palms on this part of the body and pay attention to what pops up in your memory.

Working with the root cause.

according to many esoteric teachings, the root causes of diseases are often in the distant past, associated with the present karma, or with the life of our planet, or, a smaller part, in the recent past. Even clairvoyant people cannot quickly “calculate” the root cause of an illness or painful situations, or a long, difficult relationship. These root causes can be multi-stage, superimposed on each other, mixed with the karmic debts of relatives, and so on.
But without treating the most elusive root cause, it is sometimes difficult to budge the disease.
There is a technique in Reiki 2 that allows you to access the root cause of an illness without knowing it.
Invoke Reiki to treat the root cause of the disease. Draw many times one after the other 3 sign (Distant symbol). When it stops "flying away", draw 2 signs many times, then -1 sign. Act on intuition.



Reiki Guides are Light Essences of the subtle plane, they come to us in the Reiki flow, support us during self-healing sessions and sessions that we conduct for other people, help in meditations and in our daily practice, they are always present at all initiations. They help and support us in difficult and difficult life situations.

With Reiki guides, you can and should learn to get in touch and communicate already from the 1st step, this is an opportunity to gain spiritual experience, take a fresh look at your life, receive answers to your life questions every day, and another important moment when we start communication with Light beings in the Reiki flow, then the Reiki energy becomes our natural defense.

With what Light entities can we establish contact in the Reiki flow:

● REIKI CONDUCTORS - a group of light entities who conduct and support the Reiki channel, Great Teachers and Reiki Masters

● HOLY, ASCENTED TEACHERS are the Souls of people who lived in our world and achieved enlightenment and now, being on the subtle plane, help and support us.

● ANGELS AND ARCHANGELS are bright spiritual beings who stand closest to us and have special care for us.

● MENTORS AND OUR SPIRITUAL TEACHER - each of us has his own Mentor who guides us through life. There can be several mentors, and at different periods of life they can change.
Depending on which religion you belong to and which worldview is closer to you, you can feel and see beings of the subtle plane in different ways.
So, for some, Spiritual mentors will appear in the form of Angels, and for others - in the form of Buddhist saints, or simply luminous beings.
Someone turning to God, turns to Jesus Christ, and someone to the Great Tao, or to the Universe.
God is one for all, just with each of us he can speak different languages!


1. First of all, take care of yourself and carry out safety precautions before communicating with the subtle plane, because in addition to Light beings, there are also low-frequency energies on the subtle plane:
-Clean the room with the help of Reiki, in which you will conduct meditation, create a comfortable atmosphere, you can light candles, put crystals charged in Reiki with you, turn on calm, quiet music without words.

Harmonize yourself, put your thoughts and emotions in order, you can do a small breathing meditation in Reiki or a session to harmonize the chakras. Remember, if we are tuned to high vibrations, then Light entities will communicate with us - our helpers, guides and mentors. For low entities, we will remain "invisible" - since we are not of interest to them.

2. Make a decision or feel with which of the Masters of the subtle plan you would like to communicate. Invite the energy of Reiki, according to your level:
An example of the intention “I invite the Divine energy of Reiki, the energy of Love and Light in order to now conduct a session to establish contact with (say the name of the Teacher), I ask the Reiki energy to help me clearly and clearly receive and understand messages, I ask you to protect and fill the space our communication with the energy of love and light, in the best and most favorable way, For the benefit of All. Thank you! »

Ask the Teacher to get in touch with you. Address the Higher Beings of Light, in simple words coming from the heart, stay in a state of gratitude and love.
You can feel his presence immediately or after a while, you can see an image, hear his voice, or simply understand that he has come and is ready to communicate with you.
Next, imagine or see that you and the Teacher sat opposite each other, this could be your room, or an imaginary space, the place that you like the most and is suitable for your communication.
You can start the dialogue yourself, ask your own questions or listen to what the Teacher will tell you. Very often it is not necessary to speak, it is enough just to be in the field of the Teacher - and all the answers will come to you in the form of signs and sensations.
At the end of the conversation, be sure to thank the Teacher and the Reiki energy.

Chakra cleansing with Reiki

You can clear the chakras as follows: stand straight - feet shoulder-width apart, arms up. Palms open to the sky - dial Reiki energy and bring your hands to the first chakra, then dial Reiki again and repeat everything with the 2nd chakra and so on. Draw the 1st symbol on yourself - its straight vertical line passes through all the chakras, then draw the 1st symbol so that the horizontal line passes through the 6th chakra, as if cleaning it, then repeat the same with 5 and so on chakras (respectively reducing the drawn 1 character so that it does not lose proportionality)

Aura cleansing:

Aura cleansing is done before and after a Reiki healing session. Before the session: cleansing the aura removes excess and brings the energy of the aura into balance.

The patient can lie on a table or mat, or sit on the floor or a chair, so that he is comfortable.

Do Gassho and evoke the Reiki sensation (this can be done by stretching your arms up and letting the Reiki light in).

Stroke the air over your entire body (at the level of about 10 centimeters) with both hands or one. Stroking is done in one continuous movement from the head to the feet or from the left side of the body to the right.

If you are using one hand, work on one side of the body first, then go around the patient and work on the other side. Comments: In this way, the energy of the aura is consistent with the energy of Reiki flowing from the palms of the hands. This removes stagnant, excess energy.


"7 cups of coffee"
If you need to quickly recover, cheer up, it will take 15 minutes.

One hand on the 6th (Ajna) - forehead, the second on the 5th (Vishudha) - throat.
One hand on the 4th (Anahata) - the heart, the second on the 3rd (Manipura) - the solar plexus.
One hand on the 2nd (Svadhitana) - 2 cm below the navel, the second on the 1st (Muladhara) - sacral.


"Relaxation, alignment"

If you need to calm down, it will take 15 minutes to relax before going to bed.
Hold hands in position for 5 minutes.

One hand on the 6th (Ajna) - forehead, the second on the 1st (Muladhara) - sacral.
One hand on the 5th (Vishudha) - throat, the second on the 2nd (Svadhitana) - 2 cm below the navel.
One hand on the 4th (Anahata) is the heart, the second on the 3rd (Manipura) is the solar plexus.

Help in emotional crises

On the 4th and 5th chakra, the 1st and 2nd characters. On the back aspect of the 5th chakra 3rd symbol
Do Reiki for 4 and 5 chakras for 5-10 minutes

Negative habit situation.

A habit is a mechanical, routine, ordinary action or behavior, a repetition of an action. It is necessary to distinguish between a habit and an addiction. The periodic change of some habits opens up the opportunity for us to see what is happening with different eyes and from a completely different angle.

Imagine a picture of a person with his negative habit between the palms and send Reiki there (you can write on paper). Use the signs Distant (3), Emotional-mental (2) (many times), affirmation, Symbol of Strength (1)..

You can carry out the treatment several times, carefully observing any changes.

2 way.
It is possible to carry out getting rid of a negative habit and use an affirmation to remove a negative habit in contact treatment or in treatment at a distance to the crown chakra. 2 ... 2, affirmative, full name, 1.

Using Reiki for Plants and Animals

Reiki for animals

For animals - dogs, cats, cows, horses, and so on, the treatment should start from the forehead and continue with other positions on the head and on the body. If some places cannot be touched or firmly held by hands, keep them above the surface at a short distance. Birds should be held carefully in both hands. When you gently place your hands on the animal's head or neck during the transfer of energy, it calms down and feels comfortable. You can treat with your hands above the cage. For carp, carp, goldfish, aquarium fish, and so on, treat with your hands in the aquarium or over pond water. You can send Reiki energy to food and water.

Reiki for plants

To treat plants, place your hands on the leaves, trunk, or roots. Perform flower treatments as a cleansing of the aura, holding the stems or roots with both hands. You can send Reiki life energy to the seeds of plants or vegetables. Reiki energy can be channeled into soil and water.

Reiki for cleansing and healing the air or atmosphere in a room.

Send Reiki with both hands to the corners of the room, walls, floor, ceiling.

It is also possible to use symbols (after the initiation of the 2nd stage). Various representations are possible, including the imposition of the Cho Ku Rei symbol on the corners and walls of the room and the center.

Reiki for food and drink.

You can direct Reiki energy into ingredients before cooking, or direct Reiki energy into food and drink before eating. In both cases, you should either keep your hands above the object, or touch the dish in which it lies and send energy there.

DZAKIKIRI-DZOKA-HO - technique for cleaning objects

This is Mikao Usui's original technique for cleansing and energetic support of an object (inanimate). It allows you to remove strong negative energy and restore vibrational order with the help of Reiki energy. This technique can be used when working with crystals, amulets and other items. It is known that Mikao Usui used charged crystals in healing sessions.

Technique execution:

Activate three energy centers. Say "I begin Zakikiri Zoka-ho" and place the chosen object on the palm of your left hand (for those who have a right working hand). Don't forget to focus your attention on the Lower Dan Tian.

At a distance of five centimeters from the object, swipe horizontally with your right palm, stop the movement abruptly and hold your breath. Repeat this operation three times and then allow Reiki to infuse this item through your hands. If you wish, you can repeat this operation again.

When finished, set aside the item you were working on. Join the palms in Gassho, say "I have completed the Zakikiri Zoka-ho" and then shake the hands well.

You can do this cleaning as needed. If the object is too large, the technique is applied at certain points, or you can imagine this object in a miniature form in your palm.

Charging Bath Water with Reiki

Before taking a bath, it is good to charge the water in it by directing Reiki there - first holding your hands above the water, then lowering them into the water and drawing 1, 2 and 3 symbols on the water. You can charge the water coming from the shower - to do this, draw symbols on the pipe imagining that the water passing through this charged ring is charged with Reiki energy

Crystal treatment ‘’without me’’.

Sometimes there is a situation when treatment needs to be continued, but there is no physical possibility. Then the mineral kingdom comes to the rescue.
Take the crystal, charge it without naming the person. Give an affirmation. Photo put on the crystal. Treat a photo on a crystal 3,2,1 signs, full name, affirmations. Then put a photo on the table, a crystal on it. Crystal heals for 2-3 days. When the crystal has finished its work, give thanks to the energy, the crystal. Clean the crystal with 2 and 1 signs.


First of all, you need to stop heavy bleeding, fix a broken limb, etc. conventional medical emergency procedures. Then call a doctor and conduct a Reiki session before the doctor arrives. Appeal. If the patient is in an unconscious state, then we ask his soul to accept Reiki.

When providing an ambulance, it is best to immediately place your hands on the patient's kidneys and hold for about 15 minutes. Most often, during this time, the patient regains consciousness. Then we place our hands over the sore spot or injury site and do Reiki until the doctor arrives. To do this, you can kneel next to the recipient of Reiki. In case of severe pain, you can hold one hand over the patient's solar plexus, and the other over his head. It is not necessary to touch the injured place, the healer holds his hands over the place of injury. The session usually ends when the doctor arrives. If the Reiki healer accompanies the victim to a medical facility, he can continue the treatment by touching any accessible area of ​​the patient. Healers with the second and higher levels of Reiki have the opportunity to continue treatment at a distance. The session ends with a smoothing of the aura and gratitude.

*Smoothing the aura.
To do this, standing or sitting in a frontal position, we raise our hands above our heads and put our palms together, then we open our palms and lower our hands to the right and left of ourselves, while the palms are directed towards us. After that, we do the same, turning the body to the right, then to the left. And the whole session is best done lying on your back. It is very good to do it before bed.

Protection from external influences with the help of Reiki symbols:

Often people believe that they are affected by energy from ill-wishers. We know that according to the law “What is inside is outside”, we attracted all these influences to ourselves. But we cannot always immediately change so as to stop generating negativity in ourselves and, accordingly, attract negativity from the outside. Therefore, the help of Reiki will not be superfluous in this problem as well.
Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands up with palms open to the sky, gain Reiki energy, then transfer them opposite the Tanden center and fill it with Reiki energy - then draw the 1st symbol on yourself and scroll this image around yourself while simultaneously moving it away from the body outwards - forming a wall around itself, made up of a spinning 1st symbol

Treatment of the emotional body.

The mental body is part of the subtle human body. It is the most powerful of the three material bodies, surpassing the emotional and physical bodies in strength.
Through our mental body we think, analyze, organize and use our memory. We also use it to make decisions_ what you need to know and be able to materialize our desires. That is why it is so important to know what you want: the power of our mental body has a huge influence on the content of our whole life.
Increasingly aware of his needs, man uses his intellect to identify the beliefs that block him, and takes into account all the beneficial things that he has learned from his own experience.

mental treatment.
The technique of mental treatment is based on contact with the subconscious, which is established with the help of an emotional-mental symbol. This technique dissolves the subconscious resistance to the healing process, allows you to bring new affirmations to the place of the eliminated blockages-affirmations in the energy body.
The duration of the session is no more than 10 minutes. And it is held 6 days in a row.


Discuss with the patient the problem you are going to work on. Formulate the appropriate positive affirmation. Treatment can be carried out without affirmations, asking Reiki to clarify the understanding of a particular issue, a particular life situation.
.Activate the palms with 1 symbol.
.Stand behind the patient with your hands on his shoulders.
.Draw 1 mark on the back of his head. Give Reiki with one hand on the back of the head and with the other hand on either shoulder.
.Put your left hand on the back of the patient's head, and with your right hand draw the 2nd sign over the crown of the head and give Reiki to the crown of the head for a few minutes. At the same time, imagine a white or golden light flowing through you to the patient, which dissolves all dark places in the aura.
.Now draw 1 sign over the patient's crown. Mentally repeat the patient's name 3 times.
.Mentally or aloud say the affirmation together with the patient. At the same time imagine this person in the desired state.
.Smooth out the patient's aura. Thank Reiki and symbols.

Mental self-healing

We draw 1 symbol on the back of our head.
.We draw the 2nd character here.
.Again -1 symbol on the back of the head.
.One hand - on the forehead, the second - on the back of the head. Imagine a stream of Light coming from your head to your feet. Say the affirmation mentally 3 times or ask Reiki for clarity on some issue. Give Reiki in this position for a few minutes.
.Thank Reiki.

Treatment of the emotional (astral) body.

Used to transmute unwanted emotions.

Activate the palms with 1 sign.
.Put your left hand on the solar plexus, draw or visualize the 2nd symbol above the patient.
Place your right hand on the patient's right shoulder and give Reiki to the shoulder for several. minutes.
.Clear the aura at the throat chakra with your right hand.
.Take the right hand of the patient with your right hand, and your left hand rests on his solar plexus. Bring out the patient's emotions through his right hand.
.Place your right hand on the patient's left shoulder. Give Reiki in this position several times. minutes.
Check the aura above the throat chakra and, if necessary, clear it again.
.Make a crosswise movement from bottom to top over the entire body of the patient with your right hand.
With both hands, cleanse the solar plexus chakra, drawing out emotions and giving them to the Light.
During treatment, many second characters may be needed - listen to your intuition.
.Fill the solar plexus area with blue light.
.Clear the patient's throat chakra again.
.Thank Reiki.

Who is open to sharing?
These are people who have rejection, condemnation, hatred, pride and FEAR, FEAR, FEAR in the field of consciousness! With their stupidity, ignorance, stubbornness, people break their aura, and through these breaks low-vibration entities enter.
And no one can help an “infected” person until the person himself realizes that he does not change. Another person will be able only for a while to alleviate the fate of the "infected", to give him information and techniques about healing. Next, you need to take full responsibility for healing and walk the path of healing.
If a person is highly spiritual, open, sincere, lives in joy and love, he is protected from the introduction of low-vibration entities.
After an initiation into Reiki, a person is protected from negativity for several days, a vaccination is in progress. Then he goes out into the world. And this is where you need to work on yourself.
It is necessary to cleanse, open the chakras, work on your emotions, on your consciousness. Reiki will not work on its own. The work of your soul, your consciousness, your intuition is necessary.
The entities will whisper in your ear a sweet tale about a white fluffy bull. Don't give in to them. The choice always remains with the individual. We make choices every day. It's nobody's fault. You and only you give birth to low-vibration entities. You either live with them or leave.

How can you recognize the sharing (without a session)?
1. Moving eyes.
2. Constantly interrupts.
3. Doesn't hear what they say.
4. Always right.
5. Eyes languishing, lack of clarity.
6. Aggression.
7. Doesn't remember what he's talking about.
8. I feel physically sick next to him. It is you who hear the astral-mental plane of man.

How can you recognize the sharing in yourself (without a session)?
In addition to all of the above, constant weakness, de-energization, a feeling as if a veil is in front of my eyes, frequent dizziness and a feeling that I am being manipulated.

How can you recognize sharing during a session?
1. Makes faces.
2. Swinging or bending.
3. May shake as if in a fever.
4. Causeless laughter.
5. Can cry plaintively or squeak, can make different sounds: grunt, bark, etc.
6. You may feel nausea in your solar plexus.
7. Strong vibrations may appear in the hands, hands may become sticky, wet, something may move under the hands.

You should know that nothing in itself is bad or evil. An entity can only be destructive because it is alien to a given world, dimension, body, or time. But there are places that are her home. And if we help her find her home, the entity will go there willingly.

Therefore, instead of perceiving the invading entities as forces of evil that need to be hated and exiled to the edge of the universe, to the underworld, we can consider them as lost travelers, souls, entities from other worlds.
They will be grateful if we help them return home.
Whatever energy invades our space, we need to treat it with compassion. When we think that we need to “get rid of” something, we start from dislike, anger and fear, and frighten the entity with this attitude. We must give love to the low vibrational entity. In a state of fear, she will not enter into a dialogue. The entity senses when it is being attacked and, like a frightened child, can hide in a nook that it has created for itself in your body or field. The essence will not dare to go where destruction awaits it. The more we dislike something, the more energy we give to it. And the more difficult it is to get rid of it.

Entity inference practice.

Mandatory condition: there must be no feeling of fear. Fear can be filled, replaced by love, the place of fear can be filled with Divine Light.

Session with you.
Enter the Reiki channel, invoke Your Higher I AM presence

(In the name of I AM THAT I AM, I invite my I AM Presence, the piece of God in me, to be with me throughout the session and today. I ask you, my I AM Presence, to take direct control of all my actions , actions, words, feelings and thoughts. I ask you, my mighty I AM Presence, to act through me throughout the session, today, to guide my life).

Put and pronounce the program: all entities that have settled in my astral-mental plane, accept help in complete harmonization, be filled with my love and go to your space and time, where you will be in complete harmony with the universe.

And do yourself a session, as your master taught you, as you want at the moment. Use the Reiki symbols that come to mind. You will be guided by your Higher Self. During the session and the whole time of work on the withdrawal of the essence (entities) from your field, from your body, you need to lead the Essence, communicate with it.
For example, you say, referring to the essence: “Now the space is open, come out, do not be afraid. You can go to your home. I fill you with Light, Love, you are already uncomfortable in my field, in my body. You grew up and can live separately from me. Go to your space and time, where you will be in harmony with the Universe. Don't be afraid, look here is your universe, it's good here!
It's like giving birth to your child, created by you! When you feel that something is starting to separate from you, help it go with love, even if you feel disgusted. After all, this is a part of yourself that is already alien to you, and which has already served you.
The memory may come. You can realize what situation gave birth to this entity. Ask for forgiveness from everyone who was involved in this situation and forgive everyone.
Cosmic entities inhabit a person in order to be filled with love. Having received what they expected, i.e. love and light they leave the field, the human body, go into their plans. A tumor, rash, growth, etc., may occur at the place where the essence has settled, coughing, stuttering, and anger for no reason.
When the essence leaves, it is necessary to fill the place of residence of the essence with light, Reiki energy

Reiki - candles

To work with Reiki, you can use charged candles: hold 3, 5 or 7 candles in your hands, directing Reiki at them and drawing 1,2 and 3 symbols. Then put them on a tray (it’s good if the tray is filled with stones such as jasper, quartz, etc., cleaned and charged with Reiki beforehand) candles are placed so as to form equilateral figures (triangle, pentagon, or heptagon) paper is placed in the center with written desire or names of patients. Repeat the procedure at least 4 times, 4 days in a row.

Reiki boxing. Working with situations

For the treatment of one patient or a group of patients of any size, you can use the Reiki box (box - English - box). To do this, a list of patients is written, where their surnames, names and settlements where they live are indicated, the dates from which and until which treatment will be carried out are indicated, and this list is placed in an envelope. A request for healing of people listed in the Reiki box is added to the appeal (it is not necessary to name them). The healer writes with his hand or mentally the Reiki symbols over this envelope and keeps his hands on the envelope or places the envelope between his palms for 20-30 minutes. If you are carrying out the process of treatment in transport, the envelope can remain in a briefcase, which lies on your knees and over which Reiki symbols are written by hand unnoticed by others or the healer imagines Reiki symbols above it. The session ends with the writing of the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol above the envelope and thanks. The duration of treatment, as with other methods of treatment, can be very different. After the last patient listed in the Reiki box is healed, the envelope and the notes that were in it are burned.

Work on the situation.

In the Reiki box, you can put a note asking for help in resolving a problem. The abundance of the universe knows no boundaries, it has everything for those who ask and are ready to receive. Just don't beg for anything trying to take what you want from others. Reiki to the Earth, appeasement of the elements, improvement of the ecological situation. Our planet suffers greatly from the impact on it of the negative thoughts and emotions of people, from the irrational production activities of mankind. Reiki specialists can provide significant assistance to the Earth, heal it. A Reiki session on the planet can be carried out by picking up any spherical object or imagining that we are holding a small globe of the Earth in our hands. You can conduct Reiki sessions, imagining a map of the continent, region, locality. One Reiki healer can balance the evil thoughts and actions of thousands of people. Do Reiki for territories and people involved in social and military conflicts, and for all participants in these conflicts, for example, both hostages and terrorists who have captured them. So, Reiki will help to defuse difficult situations. We are in this world at the beginning of a new era. At this time, the elements are out of balance. Hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, social conflicts are becoming more frequent and more destructive. Therefore, the work of Reiki specialists is becoming more and more necessary and important. They do a lot to prevent and minimize the consequences of these phenomena and can do more. By changing the world of their emotions and thoughts, each person contributes to the salvation and prosperity of our World, and Reiki specialists have much more such an opportunity.

Charging a dollar for "breeding"

a) Invite the Reiki energy.
b) Place a $1 bill on your left palm with the pyramid side up.
c) With the right hand, draw 1 symbol above the bill, pronounce the name of the symbol 3 times and cover it with the right hand. We have hands with a bill at the level of the third chakra. We pronounce the program three times: “The Reiki energy cleanses this banknote from negative influences, energies, emotions and fills it with Divine energy”
d) Sequentially draw symbols over the bill with the right hand: 1, 3, 2 + 1, 1, pronouncing their names three times. We cover the bill with our right hand and place our hands near the third chakra
e) We pronounce the program three times: "This bill attracts to [full name and surname] $ 1000 (name your amount within reasonable limits) monthly"
f) Thank and release Reiki.

Do this work for four days in a row, then put the dollar in the free compartment of your wallet. Charging is repeated 1 time in 3 months until the desired effect is achieved.

Establishing mental contact with someone through Reiki

If there is a need to communicate with someone at a distance or communicate with an animal, you can use the following technique:
Sit up straight with your hands on your knees, palms up. Focus on the object of communication. Draw the 3rd symbol on the object's 3rd eye, and on your 3rd eye. Formulate your thought that you want to convey to the object - for example: "I need to talk to you - call me as soon as possible", draw the 2nd symbol between yourself and the object, as well as the 1st symbol on yourself and the object. The procedure can be carried out for about 5 minutes. According to the same scheme, you can communicate with your children even when they are still too young and do not yet understand words, and when they have already grown up and no longer understand words, BUT you must remember that no orders, claims etc. will not be transmitted through Reiki, therefore, when communicating with children and in general with those with whom you want to communicate, try to calmly and convincingly explain why you are asking a person for what you are asking him - remember, with the help of Reiki, it is impossible to force anyone to do what he does not wants to force something - one can only explain the fact that in the normal state a person does not want to listen and hear for some reason. And you also need to try to hear and accept the answer of the object yourself.

Reiki Triangle technique

This technique is used when there is a painful problem or something stubbornly does not add up on the physical plane. The only condition for this work should be your inner readiness to accept any result.

1. On a white, unlined sheet of paper, on sand, with imaginary lines on a table or floor, draw an equilateral triangle.
2. Above the top of the triangle, write "The Greatest Good of All."
3. Under the lower left corner of the triangle, write the name and surname of the person for whom this triangle is being built. If the triangle is made for yourself, write "I" or your first and last name.
4. Under the lower right corner, write your request or wish, formulated according to special rules.
For example: You want to find yourself a good job. Instead of the phrase "A place in such and such a company, which is located on such and such a street, with such and such a salary," it is better to write: "Interesting, well-paid, promising job in a good place with a harmonious schedule," i.e. you need to write fairly general formulations, but at the same time list as many of the required positive aspects of the future desired work as possible.
By formulating the request too specifically, there is a limitation of the possibilities of the Universe.
The request must be formulated in the present tense, as already resolved.

Attention! Before doing the Reiki Triangle, it is very important to realize that you are ready for any outcome of the situation. If you feel unprepared, it is better to refuse to work with a triangle, because the result may not meet your expectations.
After all the corners are signed, enclose the triangle in a circle. The circle is integrity, perfection, completeness.

Performing the Reiki Triangle Technique

1. Invite Reiki, ask her to help resolve this situation in the name of the Greater Good.
2. Draw the symbol Khon Sha Ze Sho Nen in the upper corner of the triangle and say its name 3 times.
3. In the lower left corner of the triangle, draw the symbol of Cho Ku Rei, say its name 3 times.
4. In the lower right corner of the triangle, draw the Sei He Ki symbol, say its name 3 times.

Draw symbols inside the triangle, either immediately representing their entire image, or drawing sequentially - with a writing object (when performed on paper, sand), with a palm, with a ray from the third eye.

5. Let's reiki for 5 minutes - in the upper (Highest Good of All), lower left (Surname, Name of the person for whom the triangle is being made, or "I" if it is done for yourself), lower right corner, and in the center of the triangle (Positive resolution of the situation).

6. Then fold a piece of paper with a triangle and burn it, and scatter the ashes in the wind - as a sign of letting go of the situation and letting go of your order to the Universe.
Perform this action with the thought that the cosmic forces are already in motion and directed to recreate the positive resolution of your request. Thank Reiki for this and forget, let go of what you asked from the Higher Forces, while maintaining the firm confidence that your wish is already being fulfilled.

You may have different feelings, observations when performing a triangle. Accumulate your own experience, develop your statistics, sign system.
Watch how you see the flows as you give the slats to the corners of the triangle. This is often seen as the growth of white pillars of energy from the bottom up. As you work on the center of the triangle, you can see a large diameter white post that includes all three of the corner posts.

There may be situations where the energy is not flowing. This can be seen with the eyes, felt with the hands, and can even be expressed in unpleasant sensations of the physical body - nausea, coughing, etc. This is a sign that work on this situation is unacceptable - either at this time, or with this formulation, or in principle the goal is unattainable. You need to change the wording or work at another time, reflecting on the internal reasons - why this is happening.


One of our tasks in this life is to learn how to work with energies. We must learn to create our life, our environment, which means to consciously realize our desires and dreams and live them.

Expectations and hopes create energy barriers that can hinder our spiritual development. All attention and all energy are directed to the desired picture, to how the result should look.

Are you familiar with the expressions:
"If I marry: (marry) this person, then I will become happy!"
"My life will be happy only from the moment of purchase: houses, cars, etc."
"As soon as I recover, I will begin to live!"
"Once I get a pay raise (winning money in the lottery, etc.), I can live a fulfilling life!"

Energy cannot flow freely, because it is aimed at a definite goal in the future and is thus cut off from the present, from the here and now. Even a full-fledged experience that we are currently doing is not perceived by us, because. we are blocked. We can use the tremendous power that lies in our desires if we focus on the energy itself and not on the objects of desire. What is really behind our desires? Behind this, as a rule, are the basic needs associated with early childhood, such as warmth, protection, food and security.

Desires are compensators. They show us that at some certain periods of our life we ​​did not receive something, and this lack is deposited in our subconscious in the form of desires. It is very important for us to recognize our desires and not be embarrassed that they are not spiritual enough.

Desires and expectations are good because through them you can learn a lot about yourself and relationships. If we really acknowledge our desires, then we can know what lies behind them. In this way, we release bound energy and can use it creatively.

With the help of Reiki, you can find out whether this desire came from the depths of the soul or it is dictated only by our Ego. This is extremely important to realize, because there is a huge gap between desire and intention.

As soon as we give Reiki to our desires, we seem to illuminate the source of our desires, we begin to understand whether our desire comes from the depths of our being or it is only superficial, and what is behind this desire.

Especially with the 2nd step, we begin to realize the role and significance of our desires. We begin to understand that Reiki supports the intentions that carry us forward on our path and that our expectations and hopes dictated by our ego are not always fulfilled. With the help of Reiki, we can bring light to our problems and solve them.

For a long time, I, like many others, tried to manipulate events with the help of Reiki in the hope that my desires would come true. Sometimes desires were fulfilled and I was surprised to find that I didn’t need it at all. Over time, I naturally came to entrust everything to Reiki, the higher mind. He guides me and helps me gain the experience I need at the lowest cost. Inside of me. a state of trust and confidence has grown that everything that I need comes to me and that I am protected.

I recommend starting to give Reiki to desires that are in the foreground. For example: well-being, a better workplace or an ideal partner. You will be amazed at what lies behind it and begin to understand yourself well.

Desire technique

You lie or sit comfortably in a chair, back straight, feet parallel on the floor and completely relaxed. You make contact with Reiki, thank the energy and draw the 3rd symbol on yourself. Then you visualize your desire in detail, the more details, the better at the same time you imagine it as having come true already in the present. You surround everything with a white sparkling light. On the desire you have presented, you give the 2nd symbol and
you fix the 1st character. You ask Reiki to infuse Light and energy into Your desire and ask to help You. Give Reiki to the desire until you feel that the energy is no longer flowing. Now trust Reiki and finally thank Reiki again.

As I noted above, the result may not be what you imagined it to be. This means that You need to do another experience, the Higher Mind knows better what is important to You. Accept this experience with joy and love so that you can make the best of the situation.


When a person does this for the first time, then in the first days some kind of restructuring clearly takes place in him, because for several nights in a row I slept like a log, without dreams, falling somewhere, my energy was constantly flowing from my arms and legs. As soon as I put my hands on myself, a hot strong stream turned on - I don’t know what I was treating myself for there. The mechanism of working out emotional reactions was turned on. At the same time, the state of consciousness is very strange - as if everything is in slow motion and very detailed, while a constant influx of energy, inspiration, desire to work and help.

After about three weeks (just the time for the renewal of subtle bodies, as I later realized), I was “let go”, and only an almost constant flow from my hands remained and, how should I put it, very easy access to the flow, or something. I mean not to the flow in general, but to the strong flow. The experience is very interesting.
Anna Gak

Building from crystals:

Transparent quartz is used (it multiplies energy and is capable of programming). You can use this circle to heal yourself and others, to enhance the energy of your goals. You can keep a box with your own or someone else's photos anywhere in the circle, with notes of intentions Building from crystals is used when treating a loved one or in an emergency where you need to energize constantly. A crystal structure is a structure of charged and activated crystals used to transfer energy to our intentions. Once the crystals are charged, they will continue to energize your intentions, even when you you will be at work. The strength of this healing energy will be inferior in intensity to your energy, so the crystals must be charged constantly.

To create your personal structure, you will need 8 crystals. Wash the crystals and soak in salty sea water for 24 hours, say a prayer asking to be cleansed in the name of your high spiritual goals.
Prepare a place for crystals (home altar, desktop, shelf).

Remove the crystals from salt water, rinse with running water, wipe dry. Activate the crystals: direct the Energy of your hands and heart chakra into the crystals and ask them to help you in healing. Before charging, you can draw the CHO KU REI sign on your palms.

You can say a prayer (arbitrary text is possible) I dedicate these crystals to a good cause. From now on, I pledge to use their energy for the benefit of all living things. In the name of I AM THAT I AM, I ask Reiki to activate the energy in these crystals so that their power serves a common goal .

After you have charged the crystals, take the one most active (it is also the largest). This will be the main energy crystal. Place in a circle (12" diameter) 6 crystals at equal distances from each other, pointed end inward.

Place the last crystal in the center, pointing its tip at any other crystal. Stones cannot be moved (their energy interconnection is violated).

The main crystal will support the energy of the entire structure. Charge the main crystal first, then with its help the entire structure. Take the main crystal and direct it to the central crystal.

Imagine the Reiki energy coming out of your hand and being amplified with this crystal.
Do at least 30 seconds.

Move on to the next crystal in any direction: clockwise or counterclockwise. After charging one crystal, return to the central one and charge it again. This is how you connect the outer crystals with the central one.

Return to the last charged crystal, charge it again and move on to the next one.

Charge it and again return to the Central Crystal, etc.
Or in numerical sequence: 1-2-3-1-3-4-1-4-5-1-5-6-1-6-7-1.

This will charge the whole grid. Do it every day. If time is short, just hold your hands over the structure, draw CHO KU REI and give Reiki.
You can place your box in the center of the structure and place the center crystal inside the box.
(from the book Chetan Chhugani *A Practical Approach to Reiki*)

In what cases is it necessary to clean the space?

1. If you have moved to a new location where someone else previously lived or worked. Inherited energy can cause history to repeat itself and will affect you.

2. If you feel stagnation in solving a particular life situation. Stagnation that has formed somewhere in the flow of your life always corresponds to some kind of blockage in a certain part of your house, so when the energy in the house is cleared and comes back into motion, the situation begins to resolve.

3. If someone died in the house. The problem usually lies not in death itself, this is a completely natural process for life, but in the emotions that accompanied this event - the pain and despair of the dying or people close to him. Harmonization of space will help the continuation of life in this house.

4. After quarrels, conflicts and emotional upheavals in the room, as well as after holding some mass events in the room, for example, receiving guests.

5. If you feel uncomfortable and insecure at home, family members often get sick. Clearing the space is the first thing to do if you want to change your life for the better.

Before you conduct an energy cleansing of the space, it is necessary to carry out a physical cleaning of the premises.

If the harmonization of space is carried out in order to resolve some kind of life situation, then it is necessary to carry out general cleaning - washing, ironing, mopping, dusting, sorting and arranging things in their places, you can throw away or give away all unnecessary and old things, newspapers, magazines , books, cleaning cupboards and mezzanines, washing crystal and glass objects and, of course, windows.

Try not to store any boxes or drawers under your bed, especially those with old items.

Energetic cleansing of the space of the room with the help of Reiki is best done in the daytime in the light of day. During the cleansing, make sure that no one interferes with you. Ask someone to sit with your children, do not allow strangers to appear during this procedure.

Most animals, especially cats, like to be present in the cleansing room, as they are able to pick up the movement of energy, they can not be driven away.

If you are harmonizing the space of a room, being directly in it, then:

1. Stand in the center of the room, place your hands in gassho, invoking Reiki.

2. Draw the symbol of Cho-Ku-Rei with the palm of your hand in the space in front of you and activate it by saying its name 3 times.

3. Then go to each corner of the room in succession and draw the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol in each corner, also activating them.

4. Return to the center of the room and, assuming the “Oranta” pose, say the intention: “Harmonization of this room” and transmit the flow of Reiki energy.

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Pose "Oranta"

5. When you feel that the energy is no longer flowing, place your hands in Gassho and thank Reiki.

The length of time it takes to clean the space of the room largely depends on its size and the degree of "contamination". If space harmonization is carried out for the first time, then the procedure may take longer than when regular room harmonization is carried out.

To harmonize a room remotely, you can use one of the following techniques:

1. Draw a plan of the room on unlined paper. Fold your palms into gassho. Say the intention to harmonize this room. Then put the plan on your left hand and draw on it in any way the symbol of Khon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen in the center of the room and activate it. If necessary, you can draw a Cho-Ku-Rei symbol in the corners of the room and also activate them. Place your right hand over the plan and send Reiki to the plan of the room until you feel that the energy is no longer flowing. Place your palms in Gassho and thank Reiki.

2. Imagine that the room has shrunk to fit in the palm of your hand. Draw the symbol of Khon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen on the image and activate it, say the intention to harmonize the room. Place your right hand over the image and send Reiki to the image until you feel that the energy is no longer flowing. Place your palms in Gassho and thank Reiki.

The room can be harmonized at once as a whole or in parts, for example, the whole apartment at once or each room separately.

Question: If I have Reiki level 1, can I somehow clear the space with Reiki?

Answer: At the first stage of Reiki for the energy cleaning of the space of the room, it will be effective to charge the water and wash the room with this water - the floor, walls, other surfaces, wipe dust everywhere. Also, charged water can be sprayed with air from a spray bottle. Directly by the method of laying on hands, you can also harmonize a place to sleep, both yours and your children or parents. Similarly, you can regularly energetically cleanse the pillows you sleep on - this will make your rest more peaceful and deep.

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