The house and servants of Alena Kravets. In fact, with Dmitry Shepelev - Alena Kravets against the former housekeeper (09/06/2017)

At the beginning of the year, the housekeeper of the singer and model Alena Kravets announced that the owner of the mansion on Rublyovka had taken away her documents and forced her to work. However, the blond beauty herself said that her subordinate Sophia Voskresenskaya could hardly cope with her duties - she preferred to sit and read. Kravets suspects that because of the staff, she lost her expensive fur coat and ring.

The worker, in turn, accused Alena of neglect and violation of rights - allegedly Kravets took away her passport, and therefore she miraculously managed to escape from home to contact the police. Today, women have become participants in the "Actually" program. Presenter Dmitry Shepelev decided to sort out the complicated case and use a lie detector to find out who is telling the truth. Alena Kravets is outraged by the lies of the housekeeper

Alena said that she was quite strict with her subordinates - she specially ordered a uniform for the staff, forbade bright makeup, long nails and the use of perfume. She demanded respect from the workers.

“The last point - I’m sitting eating, she came to eat something. It was at that moment that he almost sat down at the table with me. I asked Sonya to clean up after the dog, she took a rag from the sink and went to clean up with a challenge. It's just bestiality! I have such eyes, I have never seen such a thing, ”Alena said.

Housekeeper Sophia told how she appeared in the house of a famous blonde. In her opinion, the former husband of the artist Ruslan Kravets contacted her before the New Year. When Shepelev touched on the subject of a woman's escape, they had different versions. Alena assures that Sophia left the house at night.

Experts determined that the housekeeper was cheating - she put on her clothes, ate food from the owner's refrigerator, and also took notes of conversations.

“Much that was stale was given to the staff,” Voskresenskaya explained her behavior.

Also, the mistress of the country mansion accused Sophia of the fact that it was with her arrival that the guard dog, who was only three years old, was poisoned. She suspects that it was the housekeeper who made the animal's life suddenly end. However, the lie detector determined that the woman had nothing to do with the death of Alena's beloved pet.

At the end of the program, Dmitry Shepelev asked experts to answer the most important questions - is Voskresenskaya hiding the truth from her former employers, did she take an expensive fur coat and a ring, the cost of which is estimated at several tens of millions. the device showed that Sophia was not lying - she did not take a fur product. Although Voskresenskaya denies any involvement in the theft of jewelry, polygraph examiner Roman Ustyuzhanin drew the attention of the audience to some points.

“You didn’t hear the main thing. The truth is that she took the ring to get revenge. Alien soul - darkness. But this is a lie,” the expert said.

Not so long ago, singer Alena Kravets returned her daughter Daniella, whom she had not seen for a couple of months. Now the artist lives in a luxurious mansion with her heiress. It became known that her housekeeper had to leave the house for family reasons. Alena was forced to urgently look for another person in her place. The artist hired a woman Sonya, despite the fact that the applicant had no work experience. The singer warned that within a month she sets a trial period - the senior housekeeper had to teach her everything necessary. However, to the surprise of Kravets, the girl did not try at all.

“Not only was she very lazy, periodically closed in the laundry room with a book in her hands, referring to the fact that she has a higher education, and therefore she needs to read, she also asked me for an advance. For me, her request was somewhat strange, but I tried to get into position and gave Sonya a small amount. This, as it turned out later, was my mistake. One night she ran away, collecting things, ”Kravets told StarHit.

Alena was upset and annoyed by this behavior of her worker. Since the attendants live in a separate house on the territory of the site, no one could tell Kravets about Sonya's act. A little later, the singer discovered that valuable things were missing - an expensive ring and a fur coat. Alena connected the sudden escape of the girl with the theft.

“Usually I take off the rings and leave them on a special stand on the bedside table. Somehow I noticed that I could not find the decoration. I asked Sonya to help me with the loss - maybe it rolled somewhere, anything can happen. But the girl somehow reacted strangely to this and was in no hurry to start searching. She went to the bathroom, looked very sluggishly at something there, ”recalls Alena.

Kravets began to look for her former housekeeper, but she sent her offensive messages in response and threatened to take revenge. Moreover, a little later, unpleasant news awaited Alena - the police raided. Law enforcement officers reported that Sonya wrote a statement against her because the owner of the mansion allegedly kept her against her will in her house and forced her to work.

“Despite the fact that the police had known me for years, they were obliged to inspect everything and talk to other workers. Naturally, there are no grounds for accusation and cannot be. In turn, I told everything that happened to Sonya during the time that she worked for me and, of course, about her escape and the loss of things. Now a criminal case has been opened against her, and an investigation is underway, ”the singer said.

Detailed information of the TV show:

Name: In fact
Year of issue: 2017
Genre: Talk show
Leading: Dmitry Shepelev
Members: People, stars from all over Russia and beyond.

About what:

"Actually" is a revolutionary new and unusual television show that has no equal on domestic television. It is a confrontation at which people who were once in a close relationship meet. But for certain reasons, most often because of lies in relationships, people could no longer be together. Nevertheless, people failed to completely break off these relations - there were unresolved issues, unspoken words. Truth is of great importance in relationships between people - sometimes it destroys these relationships, and sometimes, on the contrary, it connects people together. Therefore, it is safe to say that the truth completely changes the further course of events. The TV show "Actually" helps a variety of participants to understand a variety of life situations. When participants share their story with someone, they get an independent opinion. They can look at this story from a completely different perspective. The host of the program was Dmitry Shepelev, who at one time also experienced a loss, and knows about difficult life situations firsthand. He managed to survive both betrayal and deceit, and after all that he had experienced, he realized how important it is to help people. He, like no one else, knows what the condemnation of the crowd is, therefore he will never condemn others. He is ready to help people, talk to them, discuss the truth. In any dispute, two people are involved, and each always has its own truth. Many people are sure that only their "truth" is truly true. But in such moments, you need to be able to listen to the other person and understand the situation. "Actually" is a unique, new show where the whole truth is revealed, but is a person ready to hear it. Dmitry Shepelev once went through this, he knows what it is when you are covered with a lie for a long time, and you live under it. A lie can not only create trouble in relationships between people, it can completely destroy a person’s life. "Actually" and the host of this show helps the participants to hear and understand each other, not necessarily to reconcile, but to reveal the whole truth to them. Many interesting stories will open before the audience, the main characters of which will be famous personalities. For example, in one of the issues, Prokhor Chaliapin and his ex-wife will become heroes. Their breakup was accompanied by a scandal and is still being discussed, and now they have the opportunity to talk frankly. After all, in the studio of the show, you can’t lie. Another star couple of the program will be Alexei Panin and his ex-wife. Due to disagreements, they still cannot share their daughter.

Additional details:

Country and production: Russia First Channel
Duration: 52 minutes
Translation: Original

Video quality: HDTVRip

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Initially, the singer accused her assistant of stealing, but, as in the case of the driver of the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, it turned out that the former employee had a lot of claims against the mistress. And, like most celebrities lately, Alena decided to involve the public in the proceedings. She visits talk shows quite often, and with a housekeeper she came to Channel One on the program “Actually”.

Previously, Alena did not file a lawsuit against a woman for lack of evidence. And after the release of the program, it turned out that now there is something to sue for.

During the broadcast, the housekeeper told many personal moments, including not being shy about scolding her former mistress. Alena, together with her lawyer, decided to seek the truth in court and accused the woman of public insult and slander. “After the statements of the housekeeper, for example, about washing my underpants, all this became the subject of public discussion. Now I constantly feel sidelong glances and whispering behind my back. Even if it's not there, I can't get rid of the thought. Sometimes, it's just unbearable, very morally difficult"- said the singer.

Alena's subscribers are also shocked by the program.

“After this transfer, I want to wash myself quickly. How low morals have sunk. Artificial Kravets tried to humiliate a person, but she herself was limited, unrestrained. She has a lot of bile and aggression inside."

“I have to wash my underwear by hand. Can you wash some more?"

“Alena, I looked at the program. I feel sorry for your house worker. It's just awful how you talk: the only difference between you and her is your wallet.

“Slavery has been abolished, Kravets, fear God. In Africa, children have nothing to eat, and your panties are worth two salaries. This is not luxury, but recklessness.

“You can’t treat people like Alena does. Even if it's a servant. Humiliate, mock, insult. I understand that the servants are often jealous and can play dirty tricks, but Alena's arrogance goes off scale.

Elena agreed: “I scold myself for being too emotional, as I have always got used to restraining my emotions. But in this situation it was impossible to do so. Since you will be shown only a part of what you will see. The rest is likely to remain behind the scenes. How this woman hissed throughout the recording of the program and called me a creature, how she swore at the experts obliging everyone around, how she called me a prostitute. After such "Sonek" I developed a phobia of fear of people, letting strangers into the house is 100%!

After the “Actually” program, this is not the first time passions flare up even more. For example, even her polygraph test did not put an end to the case of Diana Shurygina. Moreover, then .

Alena Kravets is a Russian model, singer and actress, socialite and participant in popular domestic talk shows.

Childhood and youth

Alena Kruglikova (this is the singer's maiden name) was born on May 30, 1985 in Moscow. She spent her childhood in the area of ​​Chistye Prudy - the actress still considers this part of the capital her favorite. The girl's father is a military man, her mother is a teacher at Moscow State Technical University. Bauman.

As a child, Alena did not dream of becoming a singer. In her own words, she was very serious and correct. But the podium attracted her even then - like most girls, she dreamed of beautiful outfits and everyone's attention.

The beauty of young Alena was noticed when she was not yet 16 years old - the girl was offered to sign a contract with a modeling agency. Soon, Kravets began to appear on the catwalks not only in Russia, but also abroad - in Germany, Italy and the USA.

After graduating from a secondary school, Kravets received a higher legal education. Subsequently, she went to the second higher education in the specialty "child psychology". Alena never planned to work in her specialty - neither in the second, nor in the first, she studied "for the soul and just in case."

"Just Cinema" - the first clip of Alena Kravets

Singer career

At some point, Alena realized that a modeling career can hardly be considered a matter of a lifetime and that she wants to become a singer. The girl was trained in acting classes with Alexei Vladimirovich Borodin and in pop vocal courses at GITIS with Nikolai Ivanovich Vasilyev, and also studied at the Todes dance studio for some time.

Alena's debut song and clip "Just Cinema" was not taken seriously by critics and listeners, but gradually show business accepted Kravets into its ranks. Alena continued to record songs and shoot video clips, collaborating with such well-known creative people as composer Kim Breitburg and director Rezo Gigineshvili. Alena's most famous hits were "I'll Survive", "I'm Waiting for You" and "For You (Eastern)".

Alena Kravets - For You (Eastern); (year 2013)

In 2007, Alena decided to try herself in the cinema, starring in an episode of the popular television series "Daddy's Daughters." A few years later, viewers were able to see Kravets in a small role in the TV series Happy Together. In 2010, Alena took part in the creation of a documentary about the great French actress Brigitte Bardot, and in 2013 she played the mistress of the oligarch Gaev (Alexander Yatsko) in the series "Fatal Inheritance". In 2014, Kravets starred in an episodic role in the TV series Zemsky Doctor. Love in spite of”, presenting in one of the series the owner of the dogs Elena.

Over the past few years, Alena has often appeared on television as an expert or the main character of famous talk shows. She can often be seen in such TV programs as Star Stories, Live, Let They Talk, Male / Female, etc.

Personal life of Alena Kravets

Alena met her future husband Ruslan Kravets in 2001, when she worked under a contract in the States. The man's name did not appear on the Forbes lists, but a luxurious country house on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway testified to millions in his bank account. Ruslan still keeps the “working” part of his life a secret. According to some reports, the source of his income is investments.

At the end of 2007, the lovers had a daughter, Danielle, and her husband asked Alena to leave the modeling business in order to devote herself to raising the baby. Alena took care of her daughter, numerous pets - the rabbit dachshund Tessie, the cat Lavrika of the European Shorthair breed, the chinchilla - as well as the luxurious winter garden.

After nine years of marriage, the couple parted ways. According to the marriage contract, the millionaire left Kravets a house worth 750 million rubles, continued to pay utility bills and took care of all financial issues related to the child.

Communication after a divorce often ended in scandals, which even reached the point of assault. In September 2016, Alena's ex-husband, according to him, found his ex-wife in the house with an outsider, which was contrary to the terms of their marriage agreement. In a fit of rage, the millionaire stole nine-year-old Daniella from school and returned the child's mother just before Christmas. All this time, the singer could not get a meeting with her daughter.

In the winter of 2017, one of Kravets' fans presented the singer with a luxurious gift - a new house on Rublyovka. This is far from the only generous gift: then Kravets was presented with a luxurious car worth several million, and in June, on her birthday, the singer received a house in Yalta from a mysterious admirer.

Alena has repeatedly proudly admitted that she weighs less than in her school years, and even then she was a very slender person. Kravets does not go on a diet, but adheres to the right diet: she does not eat red meat and fried, only boiled and steamed, she completely excluded sugar from the diet, and replaces salt with soy sauce. In addition, fitness, gymnastics, dancing and spa treatments help her in the fight for harmony.

In August 2017, Alena took part in Dmitry Shepelev's new show "Actually" on Channel One. In the studio, Kravets met with her ex-husband and a certain man whom the ex-husband of the singer considers Alena's new lover. Ruslan and Alena asked each other exciting questions; The lie detector showed that the girl's ex-husband was lying, denying that Kravets had been beaten.

"Actually" with Alena Kravets and her husband

Alena plans to open a chocolate boutique in Moscow, but for now, according to the girl, the products of her chocolate factory can be purchased in various stores in the capital. She devotes a lot of time to raising her daughter, who, according to Alena, is growing up as a creative person. The loving mother believes that Daniella will follow in her footsteps and become a model.

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