House 2 initial composition. Oscar and Stanislav Karimov

On May 11, 11 years ago, the first episode of the Dom-2 TV project went on the air. Over the years, the first viewers of the project, in parallel with its participants, got married, had children, and got divorced. Idols and sex symbols on the stage and in the cinema changed in the country, and millions of Doma-2 fans continue to idolize the project participants. In social networks, the leading and even former participants in the TV show have millions of subscribers - and this is a sure evidence of "immortality". "StarHit" on the 11th birthday of the reality show talks about how the brightest former members of "House-2" live. These ten guys were idols on the show, and after leaving the project, they wisely used the accumulated popularity and became their own in show business.

(was on the project from May 2004 to May 2008)

“Thanks to my work, I don’t sit in the office. I'm a DJ and singer, touring every weekend. Plus, I am a contractor for event agencies, I organize decoupage, craquelure and origami master classes at corporate parties, ”says Solntse. She teaches everyone who wants to become a DJ and is proud that she is less and less called “The Sun from Doma-2”, and more and more often “DJ Sun”. The girl lives in her own apartment, which she won according to the results of the audience voting on the Dom-2 television project. “The apartment I chose in a house under construction in Krasnogorsk, two kilometers from Moscow, cost 6 million rubles. The certificate was half the amount. The missing accumulated, working from morning to night. I moved here in 2010, as soon as the house was built and the workers installed the plumbing. And for another two years I had to equip everything the way I wanted, ”says the Sun.

While the girl has not arranged her personal life, she is actively engaged in spiritual practices. She has a personal coach who helps her find her way in life. Every day the Sun starts with meditation, then does yoga. She also goes in for sports and recently lost 4 kilograms in 10 days of the diet. The girl says that her life has changed recently, thanks to the fact that with the help of a coach she learned to live every day happily and harmoniously.

(was on the project from May 2004 to August 2007)

Soon on the Russia 1 channel they will show the show Tamers of Sound, in which Roma participates. He writes scripts for holidays, serials, television shows. After parting with his wife, Tretyakov again became an enviable bachelor. As a rule, he chooses his companions of model appearance. Now Roman has the opportunity to make new acquaintances, because he became a student at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Tretyakov says that he passed the first entrance exam - a creative task for the highest ball. The ex-participant of "House-2" has long wanted to get a second higher education, but only now found the time for this. Although the burden has become huge. Roman recalls that the end of 2014 was the most difficult: he and his colleagues wrote several scripts at once, and when everyone went home to rest, he studied. He passed the first session with "good" and "excellent". By the way, Tretyakov was the author of the most interesting pranks and surprises on the Dom-2 television project, so he laid the foundation for his current work 11 years ago.

(was on the project from May 2004 to March 2009)

There will be no second such womanizer at Dom-2. The most beautiful girls came to him, he broke a bunch of girls' hearts. He built love with the beauties Alena Vodonaeva and Victoria Bonya. As a result, the heartthrob and a born showman realized that he would create real relationships only outside the perimeter. Styopa is happily married, has a two-year-old son, Ivan, lives in a rented apartment in the center of Moscow, and has now bought a plot of land on which he plans to build a house. “Now I am preparing the Miss Russia 2015 contest, the final will be held on May 17,” says Stepan. His event agency "We are happy" organizes various events and celebrations. Tap and generates go, and keeps everything under control, and he can lead the show ... In general, he is still in the epicenter of attention.

(was on the project from May 2006 to April 2007)

When the bright, sociable, beautiful Victoria appeared on the project, all the girls tensed up. They have never had such competition. Bonya lived in the dormitory until she started dating Stepan Menshchikov. But soon Vika began to talk more and more often that she needed a stronger person. And Styopa, in turn, was offended that the woman he loved did not trust him and listened to the gossip of envious people who, out of habit, brought him to Vodonaeva. The couple did not survive major quarrels and broke up. Despite the fact that Bonya built an independent career as a TV presenter, blogger, gave birth to her ideal rich foreign "prince" daughter, her past often reminds of herself. Joint photos of Victoria and Stepan periodically pop up on the Internet, moreover, of very piquant content. Apparently, someone is still haunted by the beauty, intelligence and success of Boni in men. Someone really wants to annoy her, but Vika has learned to adequately endure gossip and move forward, despite anger and envy.

(was on the project from February 2009 to November 2011)

Throughout the country, this ex-participant of "House-2" became famous due to the fact that she lost more than 40 kg of excess weight. From a well-fed young woman, Inna turned into a fit sexy beauty. Thanks to these metamorphoses, Volovicheva was able to successfully arrange her personal life outside the perimeter. Inna married a Muscovite and in marriage gave birth to a daughter. She has released two books on weight loss, but is now busy raising a child. Her daughter Masha is one year and eight months old, but the baby is a fidget, so Inna cannot leave her alone for a second. “I rarely get out anywhere. Masha is hyperactive, you can’t leave her even for a minute, ”says Volovicheva. To keep herself in perfect shape, Inna does not use harmful products. She now wants to lose another 4 kg, but for this, the young mother needs training in the gym, but there is no time for this yet. But, as the weight loss guru herself says, if she were writing a new book now, it would have much more of a variety of diet dishes that she has mastered over the past two years. So, most likely, as soon as Masha grows up, we will be able to read another book from the weight loss guru from "House-2" Inna Volovicheva.

(was on the project from May 2004 to July 2004)

Elena, who was then 19 years old, did not stay on the TV set. Two months after her arrival on the reality show, the scandalous details of Berkova's personal life, including filming in porn films, became known. Despite the fact that by this time Berkova was in a relationship with Roman Tretyakov, she was disqualified from the project. After the project, Berkova was married several times, in 2009 she gave birth to a son. The last husband Vladimir Savro, according to the police, drowned while on vacation in the Crimea. So far, Berkova has not married, but the brunette is now building her career in a decent movie. She recently starred in the movie What Men Do 2.

(was on the project from September 2012 to December 2012)

The 35-year-old macho left Dom-2 to build love with host Ksenia Borodina. And after the couple broke up, Mikhail directed all his energy to building not love, but a career. Although he is looking for a "pretty kind woman without children," Terekhin is most actively looking for how to move forward in show business. “I developed my own label, Terekhin Sound Production. I recently finished work on the track, ”says a former criminal investigation worker and TV show participant about his success. Interestingly, Misha can not only solve crimes, but also write songs. He composed the words and music for his first hit himself, and recorded the song with the help of a guest vocalist. Terekhin is going to perform in clubs with DJ sets and even tour. It is now difficult to recognize a television star on the street: you must first get used to his new image. Mikhail lost 20 kg due to the fact that he excluded red meat, sweet, flour and milk from the diet. Now he holds a weight of about 90 kg. With his height of 190 cm, these are almost male model parameters. In addition, Terekhin did rhinoplasty and now his nose is perfect, perhaps external perfection will give a man self-confidence and help him become a famous DJ.

(was on the project from February 2009 to June 2013)

“Now we have 30 stores, most of them are franchises,” says Zhenya. The Gusev brand is registered to Evgenia and her husband Anton, they equally own a business selling things. Plans for the future include opening chic stores with unique interior design, as well as tailoring things at one of Moscow's factories, rather than buying them abroad. "Well-wishers" made bets on how quickly the Feofilaktov-Gusev couple would break up outside the perimeter. Some gave them a month, others a maximum of six months. And this union, in spite of everyone, has become strong: the guys live in perfect harmony, doing what they love. When they are busy with business, a nanny sits with their son Daniel.

(was on the project from July 2004 to June 2007)

For the three years spent at Dom-2, Alena has established herself as one of the most scandalous participants. She built relationships with Stepan Menshchikov, then with stripper Anton Potapovich, and even with May Abrikosov. Two years after the show, in 2009, Vodonaeva married businessman Alexei Malakeev. Judging by the interviews of those years, the life of the former passion of Stepan Menshchikov was like a fairy tale: the couple raised their son Bogdan, the husband gave Alena expensive gifts. But five years later, love did not pass the test of a family routine, and the couple divorced. However, they say that her husband left Alena an apartment, a car and pays good alimony. Vodonaev's life is bright and active. From her latest achievements in her career: two years ago, Alena took second place in the show "Dancing with the Stars", a year ago, second place in the show "Duel". 32-year-old Alena meets with 20-year-old racer Artem Markelov. However, knowing that the guys do not stay with Alena for a long time, perhaps soon on her Instagram we will see another hobby of Vodonaeva. Now the woman is busy arranging a new apartment. She often changes outfits, travels. Where the ex-participant of "House-2" got such funds can only be guessed at.

(was on the project from June 2009 to September 2011)

Careerist Ermolaeva achieved everything she dreamed of: a wealthy man, broadcasts on one of the music channels, friendship with the stars, and recently, together with a friend, she opened a spa. “I work hard, I constantly spend time on filming and events, my beloved accepts this, for which I am grateful to him,” says TV presenter Yermolaeva. There has not been a wedding yet, but Nelly is in no hurry and explains this by the busyness of both. Now Ermolaeva has a new round in her career - she was transferred from conducting the morning show to evening broadcasts. It's much more prestigious. Stars come to visit Nelly and her co-host, with whom they conduct candid interviews.

The section "News of Dom-2" is difficult to ignore, as real fans of Dom-2 always want to be aware of all the news of their favorite project. It is always interesting to get acquainted with the latest events or look a little ahead and find out what awaits the audience in the next issues of Dom-2. News is taken from many sources: the Internet, social networks, blogs of participants.

News of the Dom-2 project.

It is unlikely that the average person will bother to search for the latest news and monitor all available sources. Of course, there are crazy fans who are ready to rummage through the entire Internet, contact all household members on social networks and get information of interest from them. But, you see, for this you need to have a huge amount of free time, which in our difficult time is at a great price. This is where the News section Dom-2 comes to the rescue. We collect all the most interesting things that can be found on the net about the Dom-2 project, all the rumors and all the news and post them on the pages of our website. You just need to go to our website, select the News section and slowly get acquainted with the information that interests you.

The latest news of the Dom-2 project is here!

All significant events at Dom-2 will without fail appear in the section News. It is worth mentioning that many news will never be shown on the air of the project for one reason or another. And there are many reasons for that. Some will simply be considered insignificant to air, some concern former participants in the project, and some news is simply too sensitive to cover them all over the country. In any case, even if the news becomes public, you will know about it before ordinary viewers who watch Dom-2 on TV. After all, as you know, the delay between the official broadcast and the filming of the project is six days.

Where do the news of the Dom-2 project come from?

And many members of House-2 are not averse to chatting with fans online, discussing the latest news and rumors, and sharing information that is inaccessible to viewers. Also, most households maintain their own blogs, from where you can also often get exclusive details from the filming of a TV show. This is how the section News Dom-2 is formed, filled with fresh first-hand information, which you can easily read while sitting in front of your computer monitor.

News Dom-2 is sometimes scolded ...

Sometimes people complain that we are covering events that will only be on TV in a few days. Some accuse us of ruining all the intrigue by posting the news of Doma-2 too early. Say, after that it becomes completely uninteresting to watch a TV project. At the same time, the same people regularly go to the "News" and scrupulously study the novelties of the section. And it's hard to blame them for that. After all, it is absolutely impossible not to refrain from looking into the news section, which simply pulls towards itself like a magnet, in a hurry to reveal secrets and allowing a little glimpse into the future. And even in some way killing the intrigue, which the organizers of the project are so eager for, trying to keep the ratings of House-2 high, people again and again go to this alluring section and study the latest news.

May 11 marks exactly 10 years since the release of the first series of the reality show "Dom-2".
The project is already listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest TV show in the world. Over the years, more than 700 people have become participants in the TV show. We decided to recall the brightest of them and find out how their life and appearance have changed during this time.

Olga Buzova
Spent in "House-2": 4.5 years, since December 2008 - the host of the project
Olga Buzova came to the project a week and a half after the start of filming. At Dom-2, the girl met Roman Tretyakov, a relationship with whom lasted three years. Their couple was considered the most romantic on the project. At the end of 2008, Olga became one of the leading TV shows.

Even while participating in the show, Olga, along with her boyfriend, began to host the program on TNT "Romance with Buzova", but the project was quickly closed. The girl also had her own column “Beware of stylists!” in the show "Morning on NTV", she was the host on the radio "Pops", in the TV show "Black Label", as well as the beauty contest "Miss Russian Radio". Olga realized herself as a writer, from under her pen came the book “It's about the hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde. Now Buzova is developing her business. A year ago, the star, along with her sister Anna, opened the Bijoux Room jewelry store and the C&C by Olga Buzova boutique.

Over the years, Olga Buzova began to look more elegant (pictured - 2012)

Ksenia Borodina spent in "House-2": leading the project from the day it was founded
Ksenia Borodina dreamed of becoming a TV presenter since childhood: fate smiled at her when the girl was 21 years old. Ksyusha decided to move to her mother in Italy, but already, sitting on the plane, she received a call with an offer to become the host of Dom-2.

In addition to the scandalous TV project, Ksenia was the host of the Reloaded show on TNT for a little over a year. Last summer, Borodina announced that she was leaving the program, as she could no longer be torn between family and work. The stylist Ekaterina Veselkova took the place of the host. Not so long ago, Ksenia decided to keep up with her stellar colleagues and become a fashion designer. Borodina focused on creating her own fashion collection. The star signed a contract with the Moscow brand Chic, outfits under the brand Xenia will be available this summer.

Now the TV presenter is meeting with the ex-participant of "House-2" Mikhail Terekhin. The young man, a former police major, headed the criminal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Lyuberetsky district of the Moscow region. In 2011, Mikhail was detained on suspicion of extortion and taking a bribe of 450,000 rubles from a car thief. The ex-major was found guilty and sentenced to a fine of 450 thousand rubles. In 2012, Terekhin and Borodina won the House-2 contest "Terem for Two" and won a house in the Moscow region. A year later, the couple put the mansion up for sale.

Mikhail Terekhin charmed Ksenia Borodina

Over the past 10 years, Ksenia has noticeably changed. The girl lost weight and radically changed her image (pictured with Mikhail Terekhin, 2013)

Alena Vodonaeva spent in "House-2": 3 years
During the time that Alena Vodonaeva spent at Dom-2, she managed to build a bright and very emotional relationship, first with Stepan Menshikov, and then with May Abrikosov. However, the girl broke up with both young people. After leaving the project, Alena was a member of the Plazma group for some time, as well as the host of several television programs. So, Vodonaeva was a co-host of Otar Kushanashvili in the Internet reality show Reality Girl and hosted a program on the Russia.Ru Internet portal, where she interviewed famous people.
Vodonaeva also hosted the Naked Ten program on Ren-TV, the reality show Good Night, Guys on DTV (together with Anfisa Chekhova) and the author's program on the Popular Doctor Internet channel. In 2012, Alena became the host of the reality show Vacation in Mexico 2 on MTV. Recently, the star admitted that she was tired of working, she was tired of endless trips and filming. According to Alena, now she wants to relax and take care of her family (Alena has a son, Bogdan, from her marriage to Alexei Malakeev).

Since the time of "House-2" Alena Vodonaeva has noticeably prettier (2013)

Victoria Bonya spent in "House-2": 11 months
On the Dom-2 project, Victoria Boni had a vivid romance with only one participant - Stepan Menshchikov. After the relationship came to naught, Vika decided to leave the TV set. After leaving Dom-2, Bonya worked at Family Radio, and was also the host of the Cosmopolitan. Video version" on TNT and "Love Machine" on MTV. Also, the project "Vacations in Mexico-2" brought great success to Victoria.
Since participating in Dom-2, Victoria has changed a lot. The girl starred in several videos of famous Russian performers, as well as in the films “All the charm of love”, “And mom is better!” and Stepanych's Mexican Voyage.

In 2007, Bonya was included in the list of "50 most beautiful people in Moscow" according to TimeOut magazine. At the recent Most Stylish in Russia award ceremony by HELLO! Victoria was awarded in the Bohemian Chic category. The star with enviable regularity appears on the covers of glossy magazines, and also participates in fashion shows.

Stepan Menshchikov spent in "House-2": 4.5 years
At Dom-2, Stepan Menshchikov had three high-profile novels - with Alena Vodonaeva, Victoria Bonya and Alexandra Kharitonova. However, he did not build a family with any of them. After leaving the project, the showman met Evgenia Shamaeva, a year ago their son Ivan was born.

After the television show, Stepan participated in the show "Stars Change Professions" as a hairdresser, and also, together with another member of "House-2" Rustam Solntsev, was the host of the "Hu from Hu" program on the TNT channel. In 2009, Stepan Menshchikov opened his own dating site, but the portal was not successful and had to be closed. Now the showman moonlights as a toastmaster and leads corporate parties. In June 2013, Stepan returned to the TV project in order to help the participants with advice, but soon left him again.

Now Stepan Menshchikov makes a living by working as a toastmaster

Olga Nikolaeva spent in "House-2": 4 years
At Dom-2, Olga Nikolaeva took on the pseudonym Sun. On the project, the girl had a relationship with Alexander Nelidov, May Abrikosov and Dmitry Shmarov. Even during her stay in the perimeter, Olga began to write songs. In 2008, several of her tracks were in rotation on Russian radio stations. She also owns the most famous reality show anthem - "15 Cool Guys". The artist released the album "Mix Ibica by the Sun".

In 2010, Nikolaeva graduated from the DJ Groove school of electronic music, and also became a dj-resident of one of the booking agencies. In the same year, Olga, together with the OnAir group, released her debut video for the song "The City Sleeps Quietly." The artist also participated in productions of the Moscow children's theater "Fantastic".

Now Olga is simply unrecognizable!

Julia and Ekaterina Kolisnichenko spent in the "House-2": Julia - 2 years, Katya - 2.5 years
Twin sisters Yulia and Ekaterina Kolisnichenko came to the project on the same day, but the fate of Dom-2 was different for each. Ekaterina Kolisnichenko never built a serious relationship. The girl had a difficult romance with Philip Alekseev, who often raised his hand to her, as well as with Oleg Mayami. Katya met her future wife after leaving Dom-2. Three months ago, Kolisnichenko got married. The girl's chosen one was the musician Nikita Kapelyush, known as Dj Racer.

Julia, on the contrary, met her soul mate in the perimeter. The girl began dating Tigran Salibekov, soon became pregnant, but her lover did not want to register a relationship with her. After a series of quarrels, the couple nevertheless got married. After the birth of their son Roland, the couple left the television project and settled in a rented apartment in Moscow.

Recently Julia and Tigran got married, they will have a second child very much

Katya met her husband, Nikita Kapelyush, outside the perimeter

Vlad Kadoni spent in "House-2": 2.5 years
Vlad Kadoni considers himself a hereditary magician, his mother is a Siberian witch Elena Golunova. Vlad was a participant in the sixth season of the "Battle of Psychics" (took 2nd place), as well as the 11th season (took 3rd place).

At Dom-2, Vlad had the longest relationship with Inna Volovicheva. However, the couple broke up when their feelings cooled. In 2011, Vlad became the winner of the Man of the Year contest, but three weeks later Kadoni decided to leave the TV set. They say that after the project, the sorcerer had an affair with director Valeria Gai Germanika. Now Vlad often takes part in various magic shows as an expert.

Nelli Ermolaeva spent in "House-2": 2 years
At Dom-2, Nelly Ermolaeva tried to build relationships with Rustam Solntsev, Lev Ankov and Vlad Kadoni. But the girl had a long romance only with Nikita Kuznetsov. On February 14, 2011, the couple got married in Italy. But after the lovers left the television set, family life did not work out, and they broke up.

After the project, the girl went into business and opened her own beauty salon. In addition, Ermolaeva participates as a guest on various TV shows, and has also recently become a host herself. Now Nelly works on the RU.TV channel, where, together with Ivan Chuikov, she hosts the morning show “Two with Greetings”. The star also participates in fashion shows as a model.

Now Nelly, together with Ivan Chuikov, is hosting a morning show on RU.TV

Anastasia Dashko spent 3.5 years in Dom-2
At Dom-2, Anastasia Dashko tried to build relationships with Roman Tretyakov and Stas Karimov, but she developed a long-term romance with Sam Seleznev. After it turned out that Sam and Nastya were dishonest, the couple had to leave the project.

After participating in the reality show, the lovers were not together for long. Having finally parted with Seleznev, Dashko decided to go into business. Posing as an entrepreneur, Nastya was engaged in the resale of building materials. However, having received money from the merchants, she immediately disappeared. As a result, Dashko fished out more than 1 million rubles from the victims. Anastasia spent money on shopping and vacations abroad. In 2011, a criminal case was opened against the girl. On August 7, 2013, the Kalininsky District Court of Chelyabinsk found the TV star guilty of fraud and sentenced her to three years in a penal colony. In early January, the Chelyabinsk Regional Court granted Anastasia's request and reduced the time the star spent in places not so remote. On appeal, the girl's sentence was reduced by a year.

Now Nastya is serving time in a colony

Victoria Karaseva spent in "House-2": 3.5 years
On the TV show, Victoria Karaseva had two novels. For a long time, the girl was in a relationship with Ruslan Proskurov, but she found her happiness next to another participant - Vyacheslav Dvoretkov. In February 2009, Victoria and Vyacheslav visited an Italian restaurant, where the girl ordered Seafood pizza. Soon she felt unwell and went to the doctors. It turned out that the pizza contained a fragment of a mussel shell, which scratched Karaseva's esophagus and stomach. As a result, she began a strong process of internal inflammation.

Karaseva underwent several severe operations and as a result received a disability. The court ordered the restaurant to pay moral compensation to the girl in the amount of 2.2 million rubles. After being discharged from the hospital, Karaseva and Dvoretskov got married. Later, information appeared that the couple had divorced, but they themselves did not confirm this, specifying only that they did not temporarily live together.

Victoria Karaseva and Vyacheslav Dvoretskov got married on a TV project.

What are all these people doing on a reality show? Are they taking part?

Above is a list of the brightest participants in history. It was guys like that who raised the project to a new level and were able to attract the attention of millions of viewers.

They became so popular that during their stay, they often traveled around Russia on tour, where they performed songs that had already become super hits. Suffice it to recall such singles as "Laws of Love" performed by and, as well as "15 Cool People" from.

After the project, the fate of many participants develops in different ways. Someone is still popular and will be recognized on the street for a long time, and some are forgotten immediately, after crossing the perimeter and the phrase "we are happy."

Also, many of the guys who previously took part in house 2 continue to maintain relations with the project in one way or another. Basically, they appear at various parties in reality shows. But, some do not want to limit themselves to entertainment events alone. They seek to return to the perimeter. This is called "come back". By the way, the first comeback was made by Kamilla Galeeva, who again managed to become a member of house 2.

Chapter "Participants" dedicated to all participants of the House 2 project. Here you can find out their biography, as well as find information about the ex-members of House 2. They are all different people, but one thing unites them - they gathered on the project to build their relationship and find their love. They converge, meet, fall in love, get married, part, swear and make up - they live!

Former participants today after the House 2 project
Golden Collection Dom 2 on TNT

Participants of the TV project "Dom 2"- these are simple guys from different parts of the country and from neighboring countries, where reality shows are popular. These young people temporarily left their usual life and came to the perimeter of the project to build their love. Of course, not everyone stays here. Viewers want to see emotional and bright people as participants in the reality show, who can intrigue with their actions, while building relationships under scrutiny. Every week, two young men and two girls try to get into the project, but, as a rule, only one of them remains. Who exactly will remain is decided by the current participants of the show based on the results of one day of the newcomers' stay on the perimeter. In order not to leave the perimeter after the first vote, newcomers must show themselves to be outstanding people, ready for both controversy and relationships. Many of the active participants came to the project as unknown people, and now they are written about in newspapers, on television, their life is widely discussed on the Internet. Some of the former members have gone on to become popular TV presenters. And one of the participants - Olga Buzova - became the TV presenter of the project itself.

We will be grateful if you tell us about us on social networks

Andrei was born in the family of an officer, from childhood his father instilled in his son only the best male qualities: honor and valor. After graduating from school, Andrei easily entered the Military Defense University and graduated with honors. After university, Cherkasov was sent to serve in the Airborne Forces, where a fateful meeting subsequently took place between two comrades Alexander Gobozov and Andrey Cherkasov. Andrei commanded a whole platoon, including Sasha.

Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov) is one of the brightest and most charismatic participants in the entire history of the Dom-2 television project. Rusya comes to the project for the third time and "excites" the hearts of viewers.

Joseph Mungolle is a native of Africa, his small homeland is Cameroon. Joseph was a smart young man from childhood, but his parents did not have the means to give a proper education abroad. So, until better times came, Josie attended a Cameroonian school and constantly played sports, he was especially good at running long distances.

Tatyana Kirilyuk was born in Ukraine on March 21, 1987. After graduating from school, Tatyana entered the Hetman University of Economics, a profession-economist. But the girl wanted more emotions all the time, and in her specialty she did not work a day, but went to the M1 channel as a host.

Antonina Klimenko was born in Rostov-on-Don on March 16, 1989. No one knows which educational institutions Antonina graduated from, as the girl tries to keep this information secret.

Toderica was born on May 2, 1979 in Moldova. After graduating from high school, he went to university with a degree in trade manager. After graduating from the university, Vasily Toderika decided for himself that the city of Balti was small for its development, and the young man went to conquer Moscow.

Let's start with the fact that the name Ustinenko was invented specifically for the presence on the television project Dom-2, the real name of Svetlana Mikhailovna is Asratyan (by her husband). Asratyan Svetlana Mikhailovna was born in Volgograd on July 4, 1967, despite her age and the birth of children, the woman had an excellent figure.

Olga Vasilievna Gobozova came to the TV project in the summer of 2013, or rather, on one of the hot July days. The woman immediately showed that she was not one of the timid and began not only to help her son build love, but also to teach other guys in the clearing how they should behave.

Aliana Ustinenko (Asratyan - real name) was born on December 31, 1993 in the great hero city of Volgograd. After graduation, the girl went to study as a lawyer at Volgograd State University. Despite the fact that the girl grasped laws and rights on the fly, Aliana was drawn to creativity throughout her studies.

The birthplace of Alexander Gobozov is Vladikavkaz, in this beautiful city on August 16 Sasha was born. Alexander's childhood passed in a friendly Ossetian, hospitable family. After graduating from school, Gobozov decided that the duty of every man to the Motherland is to serve in the army, since Sasha was a pretty strong guy, he was immediately assigned to the Airborne Forces.

Elina Karyakina was born in Tyumen. When she was 17 years old, her parents sent her to study English. And not just anywhere, but to Great Britain itself, the birthplace of the English language. Her mother owned a beauty salon, where Elina started her own modeling business, trying to do without the financial support of her parents.

Oleg Krivikov, or Miami, was born in the Urals, in the city of Yekaterinburg. From childhood, he stood out for his eccentricity among his peers. Cheerful by nature, Oleg always loved songs, dances, and at the same time participated in any amateur performances.

Ivan Ryaska was born in St. Petersburg. His older sister Oksana Ryaska is also a participant in the online show Dom 2. Vanya has been obsessed with sports since childhood. Football has always attracted him. In his youth, the guy became interested in professional bodybuilding, where he achieved good results, as well as in Thai boxing. After leaving school, following his sister, he graduated from the Forest Engineering Academy in St. Petersburg.

A participant in the TV project Kambur (Lightman) Snezhana is from the city of Tarakiliya (Bulgaria). From Bulgaria, the family immigrated to Odessa. Parents insisted that their daughter enter a music school, but she did not like music: she was attracted to the art of drawing. Snezhana nevertheless persuaded her parents to transfer her to an art school.

The new participant Valeria Kashubina was born in 1988, on November 10, under the sign of Scorpio. In search of new and vivid impressions, she came to the project from her hometown of Elektrostal. At home, she became bored, and she decided to change something in her life.

Oksana was born on February 16, 1989 in St. Petersburg. She was lucky enough to get to Dom-2 on May 8, 2012, after a serious casting. Despite her active life on the project, Oksana decided not to quit her studies - now she continues to be a student of St. Kirov.

Vitaly Slavyansky was born in Karachev. There he graduated from high school and railway lyceum. After he served in the army, he decided to move to Moscow. Here he tried on the role of a mortuary security guard, a bartender in a nightclub and a realtor.

Alexey Krylov was born in Volgograd. Alexey is a sports lover. He has been boxing since childhood. After Krylov graduated from high school, he entered VolgGASU, but due to his parallel training, Lesha did not finish it, never having received a higher education.

Nikolay is a native of Moscow. In the family, besides him, there is also a sister and a brother. The guy graduated from high school and after that he was able to enter the philosophical department at the country's prestigious university, the Moscow State Institute.

The life of a young man began in the city of Moscow. He also received his education in the capital. Anton graduated from the International Academy of Business and Management. To support himself, he has to work as an expert in commercial real estate.

Anastasia was born in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, which is located in the Khabarovsk Territory. After graduating from a local school, the girl entered the Technical University of her native city (KnAGTU). She has a four-year-old brother Gosha, and also a dog - a Yorkshire terrier Dyusha.

Without any doubt, this girl is one of the most scandalous and striking participants in the project in the entire history of its existence. You can treat her differently: you can love her, you can hate her, but you won’t be able to remain indifferent to her. This is the impression Elena Bushina makes on the audience on the reality show "House 2".

Oksana's homeland is Nizhnegorsk, Crimean region, an urban-type settlement. When the girl turned sixteen, she moved with her parents to live in Ulyanovsk. Her travels did not end there, as a result, she moved to the city of Kharkov.

Philip was born in the city of Sochi, he has Armenian roots. He studied at gymnasium No. 16 of his native city, after which in 2005 he was drafted into the army, where he served for two years in the Marine Corps brigade number 810

Ivan Barzikov came to the TV project "Dom 2" on November 11, 2011. This Ukrainian guy was born on August 7, 1991 in Zaporozhye. Not much is known about Ivan's life before joining the project. He has a secondary specialized education, he is a cook by profession, he is 173 centimeters tall and weighs about 72 kilograms.

Liber Kpadonu was born on December 17, 1987. With a height of 170 centimeters, she weighs only 48 kg. Her homeland is St. Petersburg. But after the birth of their daughter, the family did not live long in the northern capital. They moved to live in Ufa.

Lera shocked everyone on the show a little with her statement that she had come only to give birth to a child, without putting things off indefinitely. Thus, she only needs a partner who will become the biological father of her unborn baby.

Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova came to the reality show House 2 in order to help her daughter Margarita Kuzina care for her little son Mitya. However, many participants in the House 2 project believe that the presence of Irina Alexandrovna Agibalova on the project ...

Ekaterina Tokareva was born in Rostov. On the project House 2, she was attracted by Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky. When Ekaterina Tokareva came to the reality show, Vengrzhanovsky was completely and completely absorbed in thoughts about Christina Belova, who had previously been his girlfriend, who had returned to the project.

Nelli Ermolaeva was born in Samara (Novokuibyshevsk) in 1986 on May 13. There, in Samara, she received her higher education, graduating from the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts. She came to the TV project Dom 2 online on June 5, 2009.

Andrey Kadetov's birthplace is Leningrad. Zhanaim Alybayeva became interested in the project. True, the sympathy did not last long, since interest immediately disappeared due to Alybaeva's fanatical love for Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky.

Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky was born in a small town near Krasnodar on May 12, 1981. From Polish, his name is translated as "crowned with glory", and Wentz believes that this had a positive impact on his fate.

Alexander Zadoinov was born in Yaroslavl on October 31, 1984. Sasha Zadoynov came to the show House 2 on May 13, 2010. He came to Ekaterina Krutilina. He courted her for a very long time and persistently, and, in the end, Krutilina settled in with him in the room.

The birthplace of Evgenia Feofilaktova is the city of Kirov, located in the region of the same name. Evgenia Feofilaktova studied at the University of Service and Economics of St. Petersburg, graduating from it with a degree in tourism and hotel service.

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