House 2 Aliana Ustinenko life after the project. Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov: latest news, high-profile scandals

A few weeks ago, Aliana and Alexander Gobozov finally broke up. According to the man, they realized that they could no longer live together because of different characters. At the moment, the young woman is actively promoting the network business, and also often communicates with subscribers on Instagram. According to the ex-participant of Doma-2, she plans to develop further, so her priority is work.

In addition, Aliana thought about how to reduce the tattoos that were made a few years ago. The young woman has three drawings: an image in the form of a tree adorns her lower back, the name of her son in Latin is inscribed near the collarbone, and another one is located at the base of the neck.

“You already know, I decided to remove all the tattoos on my body. Why? I will answer briefly: according to religious and aesthetic concepts. When I was young, I made them and thought it was cool and beautiful. Now I don’t think so,” Aliana told her followers.

All tattoos are laser removed. The master acts with the help of the apparatus on the areas of skin clogged with paint. “All this is removed from the body with lymph, by skin regeneration,” the young woman explained.

As a rule, the tattoo removal procedure is very painful and expensive. However, this did not stop Aliana. She began mixing images in one of the salons in her native Volgograd, where she spends a lot of time in recent weeks. The day before, a young woman left a post on her personal page, in which she remembered her deceased mother, Svetlana Ustinenko.

“And a day without you is not a day, and life without you is not life ... All the soul, all the love in one person. All the most alive is only in you. Today you could have turned 50, my beloved mother. It's still hard to comprehend. I will not lose heart just for you, because I know that you are there,” wrote the reality star.

By the way, Aliana now lives in her father's house with his second family. Relatives often help her cope with her son Robert. Sometimes the boy stays with his dad. Alexander does not have a soul in the heir and copes well with his father's duties.

Aliana Gobozova has a new fan after a long period of loneliness. Recall that the girl lived for four years outside the perimeter of the Doma-2 television project after leaving. At first, she tried to improve relations with Alexander Gobozov and even married him a second time. A year ago they broke up, and the girl devoted all her time to her son Robert.

“Everything I do in my life, I do for my family ❤️”

It was difficult for Gobozova to find a young man for herself. Therefore, in July, she again returned to the "TV set" to meet love. Soon after returning, along with other popular heroes of Doma-2, Aliana went to the south of Russia to conduct a casting and select applicants for participation in the show. In Novorossiysk, the girl met football player Vasily Yurchenko. He had long watched Aliana on TV, on social networks and dreamed of meeting her.

“Do you believe that a prince on a white horse will come to you?))))”

Vasily arranged an unusual date for the girl - he gave her a ride on a white horse and presented a luxurious bouquet of flowers. Aliana spent the whole day with her boyfriend, and in the evening she had dinner with him in a restaurant. The guy is set for a serious relationship with the "star" of the television project "Dom-2". But Gobozova does not want to hurry.

She likes the young man, but 24-year-old Aliana does not want to be “burned” in love anymore

Recall that Aliana's relationship with her husband Alexander Gobozov has always been very stormy. Now they continue to keep in touch for the sake of their son, and both recently returned to the TV project. Fans of the couple suspect that Aliana and Alexander are not yet indifferent to each other. But the former spouses assure that they have only “kindred” feelings for each other - they have experienced a lot together. Gobozov was very supportive of the girl when her mother passed away. Now both say they are open to new novels.

Aliana Ustinenko was born on December 31, 1993 in Volgograd in the family of Artur Asratyan and Svetlana Ustinenko. When Aliana was 5 years old, her younger brother was born, who was named Gegham.

The girl graduated from high school No. 24 and entered Volgograd State University at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Law. Parallel to university studies Aliana worked as a model.

At the age of 16, she signed a contract with a modeling agency and went to work in Milan. Still at school Aliana She began to study vocals and play the piano, then attended sports sections (Greco-Roman wrestling and athletics) and a dance studio, where she studied hip-hop, and graduated from massage courses.

Aliana Ustinenko on the reality show House 2

On the project House 2» Aliana appeared on January 23, 2013 to pair with Oleg Miami, but the relationship with him did not work out. Not giving up after the first failure, the new member tried to form an alliance with Evgeny Kuzin or Alexey Samsonov. However, neither they nor Sergei Sichkar did not reciprocate. There was also a scandal Sasha Bovshik. He quarreled with Tatyana Kirilyuk and moved to Polyana, where Aliana invited him to build a relationship. The story ended with a fight between the girls, and Bovshik stated that he was simply using Aliana.

In April 2013, the Miss Air Charm contest was held, and Aliana Ustinenko reached the final along with Evgenia Feofilaktova and Valeria Masterko.

When Alexander Gobozov returned to the project, Aliana Ustinenko Finally, luck smiled. In the relationship of the couple there were Brazilian passions, and scandals, and tender kisses, and blinding jealousy, and unfortunate misunderstanding. But despite this, Aliana was serious - she even made attempts to win the sympathy of Olga Vasilievna, mother Ustinenko.

However, serious passions boiled between the pensioner and her daughter-in-law, up to assault. Aliana's mother-in-law Olga Vasilievna Gobozova even tried to commit suicide in front of the cameras. Then the mother of Aliana Svetlana Mikhailovna even came to the project to support her daughter.

In October 2013, Ustinenko announced that she was pregnant by Gobozov. November 30, 2013 Aliana Ustinenko married Alexandra Gobozova and took his last name. May 13, 2014 in the familyAlianaand Alexandra a son appeared who was named Robert. However the birth of a son did not change the tense situation in the family, accompanied by constant betrayals of Gobozov. Ustinenko tolerated this behavior of her husband for several months; after his next antics, she recorded the song "Moth", which told them a love story with Alexander.

In the summer of 2014, the contest "Person of the Year" ended in the reality show "Dom-2". Of the three finalists - Marina Afrikantova, Alexander Zadoinov and Aliana Ustinenko-Gobozova - viewers preferred the young mother. It was she who became the owner of the keys to the renovated studio apartment in New Moscow.

Aliana Gobozova-Ustinenko: “I became a full-fledged winner. I don't mind at all that my competitors from second place want to be rechecked, my friends, relatives, and, for the most part, fans voted for me. You just need to be able to lose with dignity, I deserve this victory, I have been on the project for a year and a half.

At the beginning of April 2015 Aliana Gobozova officially divorced Gobozov. At the time of the divorce, she was on the project with Olga Vasilievna Gobozova. Son Robert lived with Alexander Gobozov in a Moscow apartment that Aliana won at the 2014 Person of the Year contest. Aliana Gobozova also did not stay on the project.

Outside the walls of "House 2", the former spouses got back together. January 30, 2016 they played a second wedding. In October of the same year, Aliana's mother died; Svetlana Mikhailovna fought brain cancer.

A couple of Gobozov and Ustinenko converged and diverged several times, but after three trips to the registry office, Aliana announced that she was finally leaving Alexander. Currently, she is actively developing her Instagram and is engaged in network marketing.

In August 2017, Aliana, together with her ex-husband Alexander Gobozov became participants in the First Channel show "Actually". Alina Ustineno immediately declared that after four years of constant betrayal and bullying by Gobozov, she would never return to him again, and no one could convince her. The ex-husband in response admitted that he still loves Aliana. But he suspects that his wife has a wealthy suitor on the horizon. According to experts, Alexander Gobozov did not cheat on his wife when he was married to her. But Aliana did not even hide that she was cheating on Sasha. After her confession, Gobozov's friend Andrei Chuev, who was sitting in the studio, exploded: he accused Aliana of constant lies.

This was not the first time Ustinenko came to such programs: in 2015, the girl appeared in the Live broadcast studio in order to support her friend on the project “ House 2»

Aliana was born and raised in the city of Volgograd. Until the age of sixteen she lived in a complete family, together with her younger brother. Later, her parents divorced.

The girl's main childhood dream is to become a singer or an actress. And at the same time, she attended sections in light wrestling and athletics. But her greatest talent is singing. Ustinenko studied and developed her vocals for about eight years, and was also fond of hip-hop. And that's not all she did. She plays the piano well and is also a great masseuse.

After graduating from eleven years of schooling, Aliana went to study at the school of models, while enrolling in the Faculty of Law at Volgograd University, in the correspondence department. Having signed a contract with a modeling agency, she left to work in Milan at the age of 16.

Project "House 2"

Aliana was invited to this project on January 23, 2013. At that moment, the girl was 19 years old. Once in "House 2", Aliana immediately tried to develop a relationship with Oleg Miami. But alas, the attempt was unsuccessful. And Aliana did not give up, and went to Evgeny Kuzin, and then to Alexei Samsonov. But Alexei said that Aliana was not to his taste, for which he received a slap in the face. And only video cameras saved the girl from violent reprisals.

After that, Aliana seems to have agreed with Sergei Sichkar. But after a week of relationship, Sergey broke her heart. A little later, they got back together. And unable to bear life together, Sergey made Aliana shed tears.

The next lover of the girl was Sasha Bovshik. At that time, he quarreled with Tanya Kirilyuk, and our heroine decided not to miss her chance. They spent the night together, and the next morning Aliana persuaded Sasha to go to his city and evict his "ex" from the apartment. A scandal erupted at her doorstep. Tatyana and Aliana even got into a fight. And after this incident, Sasha said that he used the heroine in question in this article. Upon learning of the betrayal, Aliana fainted.

In the spring (April 2013), Aliana reached the final of the Miss Air Charm beauty contest, which surprised many.

A little later, Alexander Gobozov returned to the Dom 2 project, with whom Aliana Ustinenko had a long romance. There was a lot in their relationship. Starting from gentle kisses, to scandalous quarrels.

Just at the moment of one of these quarrels, both mothers of lovers arrived to help them. As a result, they could not resolve the situation, and quarreled among themselves. At the moment, the girl does not communicate with her mother-in-law.

Family life

In autumn (October 2013), Aliana announced her pregnancy from Gobozov. A month later they played a wedding, and Aliana became Gobozova. During the honeymoon, the newlyweds managed to quarrel and fight, and then make peace and go on a trip to the Maldives.

In the spring of next year, the guys had a son, who was named the beautiful name of Robert. But unfortunately, the birth of a son did not reconcile the parents. It got to the point that Alexander took night time off from the organizers of the show. Aliana was often reported, sending photos, about how her husband spent his days idly with other young ladies. Ustinenko endured his bullying for a long time. Soon, she gave birth to the song "Moth", which tells about the love story between Aliana and the father of her child. Later, a video was filmed for the song.

The couple separated in December 2014. And the official divorce took place in 2015. In May, Alexander Gobozov left the project. Aliana also did not stay long in "House 2". Another scandal forced the girl to pack her things and leave the gate with her son in her arms.

In 2016, the couple got back together, getting married for the second time.

Unfortunately, in the fall, Aliana's mother, Svetlana Mikhailovna Ustinenko, died of brain cancer. Her daughter, Aliana, published a post on the Vkontakte social network asking her to say kind words about her mother.

In 2017, the relationship with Alexander ended, and now Aliana is alone.

Participant of "House-2" Date of birth December 31 (Capricorn) 1993 (25) Place of birth Volgograd Instagram @aliana1001

In 2013, fans of the reality show "Dom 2" saw a new participant with a bright appearance and an unusual, memorable name - Aliana. The girl was open and sociable, which allowed her to win the sympathy of the participants. Among all the newcomers who came that day, only Aliana was able to stay on the project. The childhood of the reality TV star was not easy. There were often quarrels at home, sometimes it was not without assault. A similar situation in the family left an imprint on the character of the girl.

Biography of Aliana Gobozova

Aliana was born in the city of Volgograd on December 31, 1993. The girl's father was an Armenian Arthur Asratyan, who married the Russian beauty Svetlana Ustinenko. The child grew up with a versatile personality. Aliana was fond of sports and music, she dreamed of becoming a famous actress or singer.

From early childhood, the girl was taken to a vocal school, which she studied for 8 years. At the same time, she mastered hip-hop dancing and playing the piano. The father wanted his daughter to be disciplined and able to stand up for herself, so he enrolled Aliana in the wrestling and athletics section.

In her hometown, the girl graduated from high school and entered Volgograd State University. The choice of a teenager stopped at the Faculty of Law. During training, she began to work as a model, and soon the hardworking girl was noticed. A major modeling agency signed a contract with a young talent. At the age of 16, Aliana Hasratyan leaves to conquer the podiums of Milan.

In 2013, the girl appears on TV screens for the first time. In January, a program to update the list of participants was launched at the large-scale project Dom 2. At the end of the month, six newcomers came to the reality show at once, among which was Aliana. The participant immediately began to show sympathy for Oleg Miami, but the relationship between the couple did not work out.

After Oleg, the girl tried to win the sympathy of Alexei Samsonov. But the guy was quite cold towards the new member, and then he completely stated that Aliana was not to his taste.

There were several more attempts to build a lasting relationship, but the guys did not reciprocate. For a long time, the bright participant stayed on the project in the status of a loner. The situation changed dramatically after Gobozov returned to the project. After 3 weeks, Sasha and Aliana announced that they had become a couple and were moving into a separate VIP house.

The audience liked to watch the lovers. Due to the temper of Alexander and the difficult nature of his companion, the couple was haunted by scandals and misunderstandings. A few minutes after the quarrel, everything could go in a completely different direction: lovers passionately kissed or gently hugged and asked each other for forgiveness.

The relationship of the temperamental couple developed rapidly. Already in October 2013, Aliana announced that she was expecting a baby. Alexander was delighted with the news and proposed to the girl. A month later, the young couple signed. The newlyweds became happy parents on May 13, 2014. Aliana Gobozova gave birth to a boy, who was named Robert.

In the middle of summer 2014, the contest "Person of the Year" was coming to an end on the project. Three participants got to the final: Alexander Zadoinov, Gobozova and Marina Afrikantova. The winner was chosen by audience voting. In the first place, fans of the reality show put a young mother - Aliana. The prize was the keys to a new apartment in Moscow.

Alena Pavlova about the Gobozovs: “I dream that Aliana and Sasha get divorced”

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law: stellar stories of living together and advice from psychologists

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law: stellar stories of living together and advice from psychologists

Personal life of Aliana Gobozova

After moving to a new place of residence, a difficult period began in the relationship of the couple. The newlyweds constantly scandalized and fought, Alexander began to abuse alcohol. The couple could not stand it for a long time and in April 2015 filed for divorce.

Aliana decided to return to the project and take her mother's maiden name, Alexander and his son stayed in the Moscow apartment. The period of separation was not long. At the end of January 2016, the couple re-registered their relationship.

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