The Virtuous Heroes of Charles Perrault's Tales. Literary tales Ch.Perro

Tatyana Vasilyeva
Literary leisure "In the land of fairy tales by Charles Perrault" in the group preparatory to school


Work description:

Name of Charles Perrault- one of the most popular names in Russia storytellers along with the names of Andersen, the Grimm brothers, Hoffmann. marvelous fairy tales of Perrault from the collection of fairy tales of Mother Goose: "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", "Puss in Boots", "Tom Thumb", "Red Riding Hood", "Blue Beard" glorified in Russian music, ballets, films, theatrical performances, in painting and graphics dozens and hundreds of times.

At the core Perrault's fairy tales- well-known folklore plots, which he outlined with his usual talent and humor, omitting some details and adding new ones, "ennobling" language.

his stories fairy tales Sh Perrault did not take from books but from pleasant childhood memories of youth. Tales of Charles Perrault First of all, they teach virtue, friendship and helping one's neighbor, and remain in the memory of adults and children for a long time. Most of all these fairy tales were suitable for children. And exactly Perrault can be considered the ancestor of the children's world literature and literary pedagogy.

This material will be useful for educators of senior and preschool groups. This quiz game can be played as a final fairy tales Sh. Perrault with the participation of parents.

Target: Consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about fairy tales by Charles Perrault.


To ensure the development of the horizons of children.

Contribute to the consolidation of reading knowledge fairy tales.

Ensure the development of mental processes: speech, imagination, memory, thinking.

Build teamwork skills group cohesion.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the writer - a brief biography, looking at a portrait. Acquaintance with fairy tales Sh. Perrault - reading fairy tales, storytelling, listening to a recording, watching cartoons, dramatizing, looking at illustrations and books. Making emblems, dividing into teams, inventing team names, choosing captains (together with children). Prepare prizes.

Methodological techniques:

Visual: portrait of Sh. Perrault, illustrations for fairy tales Sh. Perrault, an exhibition of children's drawings depicting fairytale heroes, an exhibition of books from fairy tales, presentation.

verbal: conversation, problem situations, guessing riddles, situational conversations;

Practical: game situations.

Game progress.

There are many in the world fairy tales

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Let the heroes fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May goodness forever

Evil wins!

Dear Guys! Do you love fairy tales? And what are fairy tales? (children's answers).

What words most often begin fairy tales? ("Lived once …", "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...").

Today we will go on a journey together with you. fairy tale. Fairy tales there are funny and sad, but always with a good ending. AT fairy tales good always wins. And also fairy tales are very interesting, in fairy tales miracles happen. So we will have a lot of interesting things on our trip today. AT country of what fairy tales we're going today, try to guess for yourself. (show illustrations of fairy tales Sh. Perrault)

Yes guys, today we will find out how well you know fairy tales Sh. Perrault. To do this, we need to split into two teams. Each team must choose a name and a captain. The quiz consists of various competitions. The contest rules are very simple. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. If the team does not have an answer, the opposing team has the right to answer. The tasks of all competitions are associated with names, heroes fairy tales or with the author who wrote them.

Parents may also be part of the team. (moms). They are good sorceresses, their role is to maintain order and help the teams. They are allowed to help out their team once by participating in the competition. « fairy tale lie Yes, there is a hint in it ".

So, let's begin.

1 contest "Warm-up".

Two teams take part in this competition at the same time. You all answer together.

I went to visit my grandmother

She brought the pies.

The Gray Wolf followed her,

Deceived and swallowed.

(Red Riding Hood)

Do you know this girl

She is in the old fairy tale is sung.

Worked, lived modestly,

Didn't see the clear sun

Around - only dirt and ash.

And the name of the beauty ...


AT that fairy tale is full of wonders,

But the worst thing of all -

All in the palace slain pestilence.

The royal court became immovable.

The dark forest rose like a fence,

Closing deep into the review.

And there is no passage in more often

The palace is already three hundred years old.

This is for you like a fairy tale?

(Sleeping Beauty)

Know this bastard

Don't fool anyone:

Cannibal like a mouse

I managed to swallow!

And the spurs jingle on his feet,

Tell me who is it?.

(Puss in Boots)

The intelligence of this boy

Saved him and six brothers,

Although he is small in stature and daring,

So how many of you have read about it?

(Tom Thumb)

Each team will be asked 12 questions. You need to answer immediately, without hesitation. If you don't know the answer, speak up. "farther". At this time, the other team is silent, not suggests.

Questions for the first team:

1. How many brothers were there in the family of Sh. Perrault? (5, he was the youngest).

2. The name of this heroine comes from the word "ash"? (Cinderella)

3. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood carry pies and a pot of butter? (grandmother)

4. How many fairies were there in fairy tale"Sleeping Beauty"? (8)

5. What appeared to Donkey Skin when she hit the ground with her magic wand? (Chest with outfits)

6. What said young fairy to the king and queen? (That the princess will not die, but will fall asleep for 100 years and the prince will wake her up)

7. What was the name of the owner of Puss in Boots? (Marquis of Carabas)

8. Who had big hands, big ears, big eyes, big teeth? (At the wolf)

9. Into whom, at the request of the cat, the ogre turned into for the first time in fairy tale"Puss in Boots"? (Into the lion)

10. On whose house the Boy with a finger and his brothers came across (House of the Cannibal, "Tom Thumb")

11. For what offense the young wife was waiting for the most terrible punishment in a fairy tale"Blue Beard"? (It was strictly forbidden to open and enter the small room.

12. How many years did the princess sleep? (100 years)

Questions for the second team:

1. How much fairy tales wrote Sh. Perrault? (11)

2. What was the name of the heroine who got her nickname thanks to the headdress? (Red Riding Hood)

3. What a hero fairy tales wore red boots?

(Puss in Boots)

4. Which girl lost her shoe at the ball? (Cinderella).

5. What was the name of the sorceress in fairy tale"Donkey Skin" who helped the princess? (sorceress Lilac)

6. What words do you need say in a fairy tale"Red Riding Hood" to open the door? (Pull the string, my child, and the door will open)

7. What happened to the stupid beautiful princess when the prince Rike-Crest fell in love with her? (she got smart).

8. Who was inherited by the middle son of a miller in fairy tale"Puss in Boots"? (A donkey)

9. What vehicle did the fairy turn the pumpkin into with the help of a magic wand? fairy tale"Cinderella"? (Into the carriage).

10. What color was the beard of a very rich man (Blue, "Blue Beard")

11. What decree did the king issue for his subjects in fairy tale"Sleeping Beauty"? (Prohibit under fear the death penalty to spin and store spindles and spinning wheels in the house.

12. With what help did the Thumb Boy want to take his brothers out a second time? (With the help of bread crumbs).

3 contest "Guess which item is odd".

The magic chest contains items from one of the fairy tales. Perrault(call this fairy tale, but one item among them is superfluous. You will need to find it and what story is he from.

For the first team: little red riding hood, a pot, a pie, a wolf mask, a piece of bread. (bread from fairy tales"Tom Thumb":

“The boy with a finger did not know what to come up with. When the mother gave all seven sons a piece of bread for breakfast, he did not eat his share. He hid the bread in his pocket so that he could throw bread crumbs instead of stones along the way ... ".

For the second team: shoe, gingerbread, invitation to the ball, pumpkin, horse figurine (gingerbread - from fairy tales"Gingerbread house":

Marie and Jean went out into a clearing in the middle of which stood a house. Unusual house. It had a roof of chocolate gingerbread, walls of pink marzipan, and a fence of large almonds.

4 competition "Captain Contest".

There are portraits on the table. storytellers. You need to find a portrait of Sh. Perrault. One captain is looking for a portrait and shows it, and for now we will blindfold the second. Then the second captain will guess.

"Musical pause".

We turn on the song of Little Red Riding Hood, the children dance to the music.

5 competition "What's wrong?". (art competition)

Contribute illustrations of various heroes of Perrault's fairy tales(Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty) for each team. You need to find what is missing in the picture and finish it. (each team has the same picture).

6 competition "On the roads fairy tales»

Children are invited to listen to the texts fairy tales - confusion. They must name fairy tales that they are talking about.

For the first team:

One queen had a son so ugly that no fairy tale tell, nor a pen to describe, but he was reasonable and eloquent.

One day his mother sent him to visit his grandmother. He took a basket of pies and a pot of butter and went through the forest. He walked and walked and got lost in the thicket.

He wandered for a long time through the forest and saw white pebbles on the path. He went where the pebbles pointed. Looks - on a glade the house costs.

The Cannibal lived in it. The Ogre returned home in the evening, found the prince, wanted to eat him, but put it off until the morning. He ordered his wife to feed him well, so as not to lose weight, and to put him to bed. sleep.

The cat knocked on the house. He said that walked by and decided to pay his respects to the Cannibal.

The cannibal received him cordially. The cat was respectful and wanted to make sure that the Ogre could transform into any animal. The cannibal, wishing to surprise the guest, will turn first into a lion, and then into a mouse. The cat caught the mouse and ate it.

Now the prince is free and went through the forest again. Soon he came across an old castle in the middle of the forest. Everyone in the castle was asleep. The prince saw the beautiful princess and kissed her. She woke up and immediately fell in love with him.

The good fairy gave her a beautiful ball gown and glass slippers.

("Rikke-tuft", "Red Riding Hood", "Tom Thumb", "Puss in Boots", "Sleeping Beauty", "Fairy Gifts")

For the second team:

One queen had a daughter, an extraordinary beauty. But she was very stupid, and after talking with her everyone hurried away. The princess was very upset.

Once her mother sent her to the spring for water. She met an old woman there who asked for a drink. The princess gave her a drink. And the fairy, and it was she, invited her to go to the ball.

She presented the princess with a magic pumpkin carriage and warned that at 12 o'clock the witch's spell would dissipate.

The princess is on her way. Soon she saw in a forest clearing cat: He caught rabbits for the royal kitchen. The cat showed the princess the way to the palace.

The palace was very large, it had many rooms, the princess went up to one of the towers and saw an old woman spinning wool. The princess took a spindle, pricked her finger and fell asleep for 100 years. The duke left her in a small secret room and locked it.

("Rikke-tuft", "Fairy Gifts", "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Sleeping Beauty", "Blue Beard")

Competition for parents « fairy tale lie Yes, there is a hint in it "»

Guess which one fairy tales Sh. Perrot teaching:

For parents of the first commands:

"Premilo adorns childhood

Pretty big legacy

Given to the son by the father.

But who inherits skill,

And courtesy, and courage, -

Rather be a good boy."

(Answer : "Puss in Boots".)

For parents of the second commands:

From fairy tales follow one,

But rather the most faithful were!

Everything that we have loved

It's beautiful and smart for us."

(Answer : "Riquet-Crest")

Cinderella In the fairy tale of virtue Cinderella and the fairy. In the fairy tale Cinderella of virtue Cinderella and the fairy. Despite the fact that Cinderella was treated badly, she was still kind and did her job without expecting a reward. Despite the fact that Cinderella was treated badly, she was still kind and did her job without expecting a reward. The fairy helped Cinderella make her dream come true. The fairy helped Cinderella make her dream come true.

Thumb Boy In the tale Thumb Boy, there is one virtuous hero Thumb Boy. In the fairy tale Boy-with-a-Thumb, there is one virtuous hero Boy-with-a-Thumb. Thumb boy could save himself from the cannibal and run away, but he stayed and helped his brothers, no matter what ... Thumb boy could save himself from the cannibal and escape, but he stayed and helped his brothers, no matter what what…

Guess the tale This tale is about a girl who was cursed by a witch. The sorceress said that when the girl was sixteen years old, she would prick herself on the spindle and die. But the good fairy, who had not yet given her gift, said that she would not die, she would fall asleep ... This tale is about a girl who was cursed by a sorceress. The sorceress said that when the girl was sixteen years old, she would prick herself on the spindle and die. But the good fairy, who had not yet given her gift, said that she would not die, she would fall asleep ...

As well as beautiful fairy tales, and. For more than three hundred years, all the children of the world love and know these fairy tales.

Tales of Charles Perrault

View the full list of fairy tales

Biography of Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault- a famous French storyteller, poet and critic of the era of classicism, a member of the French Academy since 1671, now known mainly as an author " Tales of Mother Goose».

Name Charles Perrault- one of the most popular names of storytellers in Russia, along with the names of Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Hoffmann. The marvelous tales of Perrault from the collection of fairy tales of Mother Goose: "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", "Puss in Boots", "Boy with a Thumb", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Blue Beard" are famous in Russian music, ballets, films, theater performances , in painting and drawing dozens and hundreds of times.

Charles Perrault born January 12, 1628 in Paris, in a wealthy family of the judge of the Paris Parliament, Pierre Perrault, and was the youngest of his seven children (the twin brother Francois was born with him, who died after 6 months). Of his brothers, Claude Perrault was a famous architect, the author of the east facade of the Louvre (1665-1680).

The boy's family was concerned about the education of their children, and at the age of eight, Charles was sent to Beauvais College. As historian Philippe Aries notes, the school biography of Charles Perrault is the biography of a typical excellent student. During the training, neither he nor his brothers were ever beaten with rods - an exceptional case at that time. Charles Perrault dropped out of college before finishing his studies.

After college Charles Perrault takes private law lessons for three years and eventually earns a law degree. He bought a lawyer's license, but soon left this position and went as a clerk to his brother, the architect Claude Perrault.

He enjoyed the confidence of Jean Colbert, in the 1660s he largely determined the policy of the court of Louis XIV in the field of arts. Thanks to Colbert, Charles Perrault in 1663 was appointed secretary of the newly formed Academy of inscriptions and belles-lettres. Perrault was also the general controller of the surintendentship of the royal buildings. After the death of his patron (1683), he fell into disgrace and lost the pension paid to him as a writer, and in 1695 lost his position as secretary.

1653 - first work Charles Perrault- a parody poem "The Wall of Troy, or the Origin of Burlesque" (Les murs de Troue ou l'Origine du burlesque).

1687 - Charles Perrault reads his didactic poem Le Siecle de Louis le Grand at the French Academy. Perrault opposes the imitation and long-established worship of antiquity, arguing that the contemporaries, the "new", surpassed the "ancients" in literature and science, and that this is proved by the literary history of France and recent scientific discoveries.

1691 – Charles Perrault for the first time in the genre fairy tales and writes "Griselda" (Griselde). This is a poetic adaptation of Boccaccio's short story, which completes the Decameron (the 10th novella of the 10th day). In it, Perrault does not break with the principle of plausibility, there is still no magic fantasy here, just as there is no color of the national folklore tradition. The tale has a salon-aristocratic character.

1694 - the satire "Apology of Women" (Apologie des femmes) and a poetic story in the form of medieval fablios "Amusing Desires". At the same time, the fairy tale "Donkey Skin" (Peau d'ane) was written. It is still written in verse, in the spirit of poetic short stories, but its plot is already taken from a folk tale, which was then widespread in France. Although there is nothing fantastic in the fairy tale, fairies appear in it, which violates the classic principle of plausibility.

1695 - issuing his fairy tales, Charles Perrault in the preface he writes that his tales are higher than the ancient ones, because, unlike the latter, they contain moral instructions.

1696 - The magazine "Gallant Mercury" anonymously published the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty", for the first time fully embodying the features of a new type of fairy tale. It is written in prose, accompanied by a verse moralizing. The prose part can be addressed to children, the poetic part - only to adults, and the moral lessons are not devoid of playfulness and irony. In the fairy tale, fantasy turns from a secondary element into a leading one, which is already noted in the title (La Bella au bois dormant, the exact translation is “Beauty in the Sleeping Forest”).

Perrault's literary activity comes at a time when a fashion for fairy tales appears in high society. Reading and listening to fairy tales is becoming one of the common hobbies of secular society, comparable only to the reading of detective stories by our contemporaries. Some prefer to listen to philosophical tales, others pay tribute to the old tales, which have come down in the retelling of grandmothers and nannies. Writers, trying to satisfy these requests, write down fairy tales, processing the plots familiar to them from childhood, and the oral fairy tale tradition gradually begins to turn into a written one.

1697 - a collection of fairy tales " Mother Goose Tales, or Stories and tales of bygone times with moral teachings ”(Contes de ma mere Oye, ou Histores et contesdu temps passe avec des moralites). The collection contained 9 fairy tales, which were a literary processing of folk tales (it is believed that they heard from the nurse of Perrault's son) - except for one ("Riquet-tuft"), composed by Charles Perrault himself. This book made Perrault widely known outside the literary circle. Actually Charles Perrault introduced folk tale into the system of genres of "high" literature.

However, Perrault did not dare to publish the tales under his own name, and the book he published contained the name of his eighteen-year-old son, P. Darmancourt. He was afraid that with all the love for "fabulous" entertainment, writing fairy tales would be perceived as a frivolous occupation, casting a shadow on the authority of a serious writer with its frivolity.

It turns out that in philological science there is still no exact answer to an elementary question: who wrote the famous fairy tales?

The fact is that when the book of fairy tales of Mother Goose was first published, and it happened in Paris on October 28, 1696, a certain Pierre D Armancourt was designated as the author of the book in the dedication.

However, in Paris they quickly learned the truth. Under the magnificent pseudonym D Armancourt, none other than the youngest and beloved son of Charles Perrault, nineteen-year-old Pierre was hiding. For a long time it was believed that the writer father went to this trick only in order to introduce the young man into high society, specifically into the circle of the young Princess of Orleans, the niece of King Louis the Sun. After all, this book was dedicated to her. But later it turned out that young Perrault, on the advice of his father, wrote down some folk tales, and there are documentary references to this fact.

In the end, he completely confused the situation himself Charles Perrault.

Shortly before his death, the writer wrote his memoirs, where he described in detail all the more or less important things of his life: serving with Minister Colbert, editing the first General Dictionary of the French Language, poetic odes in honor of the king, translations of the fables of the Italian Faerno, a three-volume study on comparing ancient authors with new ones. creators. But nowhere in his biography did Perrault mention a word about the authorship of the phenomenal tales of Mother Goose, about a unique masterpiece of world culture.

Meanwhile, he had every reason to put this book in the register of victories. The book of fairy tales was an unprecedented success among the Parisians in 1696, every day in the shop of Claude Barben sold 20-30, and sometimes 50 books a day! This - on the scale of one store - was not dreamed of today, probably even by the bestseller about Harry Potter.

During the year, the publisher repeated the circulation three times. It was unheard of. First, France, then all of Europe fell in love with magical stories about Cinderella, her evil sisters and a glass slipper, reread the terrible tale about the knight Bluebeard, who killed his wives, rooted for the suave Little Red Riding Hood, who was swallowed by an evil wolf. (Only in Russia did the translators correct the ending of the tale, in our country woodcutters kill the wolf, and in the French original the wolf ate both the grandmother and the granddaughter).

In fact, the tales of Mother Goose became the world's first book written for children. Before that, no one specifically wrote books for children. But then children's books went like an avalanche. The phenomenon of children's literature was born from Perrault's masterpiece!

Great merit Perrault in what he chose from the mass of folk fairy tales several stories and fixed their plot, which has not yet become final. He gave them a tone, a climate, a style characteristic of the 17th century, and yet very personal.

At the core Perrault's fairy tales- famous folklore plots, which he outlined with his inherent talent and humor, omitting some details and adding new ones, "ennobling" the language. Most of these fairy tales fit the kids. And it is Perrault that can be considered the founder of children's world literature and literary pedagogy.

"Tales" contributed to the democratization of literature and influenced the development of the world fairy tale tradition (brothers V. and J. Grimm, L. Tiek, G. H. Andersen). In Russian, Perrault's fairy tales were first published in Moscow in 1768 under the title "Tales of Sorceresses with Morales". The operas Cinderella by G. Rossini, Duke Bluebeard's Castle by B. Bartok, the ballets The Sleeping Beauty by P. I. Tchaikovsky, Cinderella by S. S. Prokofiev and others were created on the plots of Perrault's fairy tales.

New encounters with old stories. Charles Perrot.

Lesson objectives:

Formation of the future great reader, culturally educated person.
To consolidate children's knowledge about the life and work of Charles Perrault.

Develop thinking, memory, imagination, speech, attention.

Cultivate love for literature, patience, compassion, diligence.



multimedia projector;

fairy tale cards.

Event progress

I. Organizational moment

How I would like

Live in a magical house

Where are fairy tales kept?

Like poetry in an album

Where are the old women-walls

Gossip at night

About everything in fairy tales

saw firsthand

Where is the fire in the fireplace

Creates comfort

And on the bookshelf

Miracles live

Where in an old chair

Slightly squeaking with a pen,

Composes fairy tales

My friend Charles Perrault

Today we will get acquainted with the life and work of the writer who wrote the very first children's book. Before him, no one wrote specifically for children.

And it all started a very, very long time ago: almost 400 years ago

Our meeting today is dedicated to the wonderful French storyteller Charles Perrault.

II. Biography of Charles Perrault

So, a long time ago, in 1628, in one country (it is called France), in the city of Paris, the storyteller Charles Perrault was born into a rich family. He had 4 brothers. They were so similar to each other that they even wrote in the same handwriting. All the boys received a good education. The older brother's name was Jean Perrault, and he became a lawyer. Pierre Perrault became the chief tax collector. Claude trained to be a doctor. Nicolas Perrot became a learned theologian and mathematician. And the youngest, Charles Perrault, devoted himself to public affairs. Member of the French Academy, physicist, anatomist, linguist…

But the state merits of Charles Perrault were soon forgotten, because something completely different was remembered - the tales of Mr. Secretary General. And they were remembered so strongly that after many years people love, appreciate and read these fairy tales again and again with pleasure.

Charles Perrault came up with extraordinary stories and incredible adventures, in which good fairies, evil witches, beautiful princesses, and simple good-natured girls participated. And for many, many years, these heroines are familiar to people all over the world. People appreciate and love the fairy tales of this kind and inspired artist. Yes, and how not to love, how not to appreciate them, if in them, simple and clear in plot, one feels the soul of a great master of the word. His fairy tales teach to appreciate the true beauty of life, to love work, kindness, courage, justice.

In Russian, Perrault's fairy tales were first published in Moscow in 1768 under the title "Tales of Sorceresses with Morals", and they were titled like this: "The Tale of a Girl with a Little Red Riding Hood", "The Tale of a Man with a Blue Beard", "Fairy Tale about the father cat in spurs and boots", "The Tale of the Beauty Sleeping in the Forest" and so on. Then new translations appeared, they came out in 1805 and 1825. Soon Russian children, as well as their peers in others. countries, learned about the adventures of the Boy with a finger, Cinderella and Puss in Boots. And now there is no person in our country who would not have heard of Little Red Riding Hood or Sleeping Beauty.

In the time of Charles Perrault there were no children's books, no one wrote specifically for children. But thanks to Charles Perrault, fairy tales became popular and loved in all families - rich and poor. Charles Perrault's collection of fairy tales was called The Tales of Mother Goose. Fairy tales are republished, translated into other languages.

Charles Perrault died in 1703. But his fairy tales are still known and read by children all over the world.

I think you also know and love the fairy tales of Charles Perrault since childhood. And today we will once again visit the magical world of his fairy tales, find out which of you is a connoisseur of his fairy tales.

III. The work of Charles Perrault.

Let's go on a journey through fairy tales.

Let's remember what fairy tales Charles Perrault wrote:

Station Guessing.

1. Know this rogue

Don't fool anyone:

Cannibal like a mouse

Managed to swallow. (Puss in Boots)

2. This tale is not new,

In it, the princess slept all the time,

Fairy wicked then wine

And the prick of the spindle. (Sleeping Beauty)

3. Life did not endow him with beauty,

But she rewarded her mind beyond measure.

Mind and helped him become happy.

Who can guess his name? (Rike with a tuft)

4. All his wives suffered an evil fate -

He took their lives...

What a villain! Who is he?

Name a name soon! (Blue Beard)

5. I went to visit my grandmother,

She brought the pies.

The Gray Wolf followed her,

Tricked and swallowed (Little Red Riding Hood)

6. Do you know this girl,

She is sung in an old fairy tale.

Worked, lived modestly,

Didn't see the clear sun

Around - only dirt and ash.

And the beauty was called ... (Cinderella)

7. The intelligence of this boy

Saved him and six brothers,

Although he is small in stature and daring,

So how many of you have read about it? (Tom Thumb)

1. Sorceress (Fairy Gifts).

2. Cinderella.

3. Puss in boots.

4. Little Red Riding Hood.

5. Boy-with-a-finger.

6. Donkey skin.

7. Gingerbread house.

8. Blue beard.

9. Sleeping beauty.

10. Khokhlik (Rike with a tuft).


    What was in Little Red Riding Hood's basket? (pie and pot of butter)

    How many questions did Little Red Riding Hood ask the wolf in disguise? (four)

    What material is Cinderella's shoe made of? (from crystal)

    What has become of Cinderella's old dress? (in a ball gown)

    What legacy did the miller leave to his sons? (mill, donkey, cat)

    Who actually owned the meadows, the fields, the mill, the garden? (cannibal)

    How did the cat eat the ogre? (asked him to turn into a mouse)

    How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (16)

    Whose house did the Thumb Boy and his brothers come across? (Man-Eater's house)

    What did the Thumb Boy take from the Ogre? (walking boots, a bag of gold)

    What came out of the mouth of the youngest daughter when she began to speak in the fairy tale "The Fairy's Gift"? (flower or gem)

    What came out of the mouth of the eldest daughter? (snake or toad)

    What language are Perrault's fairy tales written in? (in French.)

Lost and found station.

From which fairy tales are items lost?

    Cinderella - slipper

    Sleeping beauty - spindle

    Thumb boy - pebbles

    Fairy rose gifts

    Puss in Boots - boots

    Little Red Riding Hood - a basket of pies

Station Typesetter

    Pearls, roses, well, courtesy, rudeness, toads, frogs (Fairy Gifts)

    Silly beauty, smart prince, fairy, portrait (Rike with a tuft)

    Ring, chest, skin, king, pie, donkey (Donkey skin)

    Brothers, forest, cannibal, white pebbles, golden wreaths (Boy with a finger)


    The girl who had the glass shoes

    What gem fell from the lips of a kind girl in the fairy tale "Fairy's Gifts"?

    What name did Puss in Boots invent for his master?

    What did the middle brother in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" inherit?

    How many fairies came to the birthday of the princess in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty"?

    What did the Cat demand from his master?

    Who was the princess's aunt, nicknamed "Donkey Skin"?

    Who was the father of the Little Thumb Boy?

    Who was the owner of the house where the Boy with a finger brought his brothers and sisters?

5. Changeling station. Guess what kind of fairy tales hid behind the shifters.

"Black Beret" ("Little Red Riding Hood")

"Dog in Sneakers" ("Puss in Boots")

"Pierre without bangs" ("Riquet with a tuft")

"Red Mustache" ("Bluebeard")

"Girl-giantess" ("Boy-with-finger")

"Watching Witch" ("Sleeping Beauty")

    "Mink coat" (Donkey skin)

Station Musical

Little Red Riding Hood song from the movie Little Red Riding Hood.

Sergei Prokofiev Waltz from the ballet Cinderella.

P.I. Tchaikovsky music for the ballet "The Sleeping Beauty".

Lexicon Station ".

It is required to explain in general terms what the words used in Perrault's tales mean. Some of the words are obsolete, others are used in modern life.

    Grumpy (rude, likes to swear).

    Stepdaughter (step-daughter, daughter of husband or wife).

    Brocade (expensive fabric with gold or silver threads).

    Arrogant (thinks others are inferior to themselves).

    Half a dozen (six).

    Ash (what is left after the combustion of firewood).

    Charming (charming, liked by all).

    Graceful (able to move beautifully)

    Mill (grain is ground at the mill, flour is made from grain).

    Bran (threshed, but not sifted grain).

    Hay (cut and dried grass).

    Royal chambers (rooms where the king lives).

    Reaper (a worker who reaps in the field cuts off the ears with a sickle).

    Spindle (rod for winding thread).

    Brushwood (dry fallen branches, thin trunks).

    Messenger (messenger with urgent news)

V. Summing up. rewarding.

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Lesson objectives:

  • recall the biography and work of Charles Perrault;
  • expand ideas about fairy tales;
  • to increase the creative interest of children;
  • develop moral character traits.


  • presentation;
  • multimedia projector;
  • fairy tale cards.

Event progress

I. Organizational moment.

How I would like
Live in a magical house
Where are fairy tales kept?
Like poetry in an album
Where are the old women-walls
Gossip at night
About everything in fairy tales
saw firsthand

Where is the fire in the fireplace
Creates comfort
And on the bookshelf
Miracles live
Where in an old chair
Slightly squeaking with a pen,
Composes fairy tales
My friend Charles Perrault

Our meeting today is dedicated to the wonderful French storyteller Charles Perrault.

II. Biography of Charles Perrault.

So, a long time ago, in one country (it's called France) lived, there were five brothers. They were so similar to each other that they even wrote in the same handwriting. The older brother's name was Jean Perrault, and he became a lawyer. Pierre Perrault became the chief tax collector. Claude trained to be a doctor. Nicolas Perrot became a learned theologian and mathematician. And the youngest, Charles Perrault, devoted himself to public affairs. Member of the French Academy, physicist, anatomist, linguist…
But the state merits of Charles Perrault were soon forgotten, because something completely different was remembered - the tales of Mr. Secretary General. And they were remembered so strongly that after many years people love, appreciate and read these fairy tales again and again with pleasure.

Charles Perrault came up with extraordinary stories and incredible adventures, in which good fairies, evil witches, beautiful princesses, and simple good-natured girls participated. And for many, many years, these heroines are familiar to people all over the world. People appreciate and love the fairy tales of this kind and inspired artist. Yes, and how not to love, how not to appreciate them, if in them, simple and clear in plot, one feels the soul of a great master of the word. His fairy tales teach to appreciate the true beauty of life, to love work, kindness, courage, justice.

I think you also know and love the fairy tales of Charles Perrault since childhood. And today we will once again visit the magical world of his fairy tales, find out which of you is a connoisseur of his fairy tales. A fabulous quiz will help to do this, the participants of which will be teams of primary classes.

III. The work of Charles Perrault.

Let's remember what fairy tales Charles Perrault wrote:

IV. Journey through fairy tales.


The game is played by 6 teams. Each player of the team (except the captain) answers the question according to the fairy tale. If answered correctly - 2 points. If the team helped 1 point.

Fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”

  • What did Little Red Riding Hood collect on her way to Grandma? (flowers)
  • What was in her basket? (pie and pot of butter)
  • Where was Grandmother Little Red Riding Hood's house? (behind the forest, behind the mill)
  • Who made an attempt on my grandmother's life? (wolf)
  • Who saved Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood? (lumberjacks)
  • How many questions did Little Red Riding Hood ask the wolf in disguise? (four)
  • Fairy tale "Cinderella"

  • What material is Cinderella's shoe made of? (from crystal)
  • Who did the rat turn into in the fairy tale "Cinderella"? (in coachman)
  • Why is Cinderella called Cinderella? (sitting in the corner on a box of ashes)
  • How did Cinderella go to the palace for the ball? (on carriage)
  • How many mice did it take for the carriage? (5)
  • What has become of Cinderella's old dress? (in a ball gown)
  • Fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

    1. What inheritance did the miller leave to his sons? (mill, donkey, cat)
    2. What did Puss in Boots call his master? ( Marquis de Carabas)
    3. What was the first gift the cat brought as a gift to the king on behalf of its owner? (a rabbit)
    4. How many times did the ogre make his transformations? (2)
    5. Who actually owned the meadows, fields, mill, garden? (cannibal)
    6. How did the cat eat the ogre? (asked him to turn into a mouse)

    Fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty"

  • What did the old fairy predict to the princess? (death by spindle)
  • What did the fairy do so that after 100 years the princess would not feel lonely? (the fairy put everyone in the palace to sleep, except for the king and queen)
  • How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (16)
  • Who woke up right after the princess? (dog Puff)
  • Why did the castle seem impregnable? (dense forest grew around)
  • What decree did the king issue for his subjects? (forbid, under pain of death, to spin and store spindles and spinning wheels in the house)
  • Fairy tale "Thumb boy"

  • Why did Thumb's parents decide to get rid of their children? (there was a terrible famine, there was nothing to feed them)
  • How many children did the lumberjack have? (7)
  • How did the children manage to return home for the first time? ( they found the way by the pebbles that the boy with a finger threw on the road)
  • With what did Thumb Boy want to take his brothers out a second time? (with bread crumbs)
  • Whose house did the Thumb Boy and his brothers come across? (Man-Eater's house)
  • What did the Thumb Boy take from the Ogre? (walking boots, a bag of gold)
  • Captains Competition: fairy tale “Fairy Gifts”(If the captain answers the question, he brings the team 1 point, if he does not know the answer, then the captain of the other team answers and earns her 1 point)

    1. What is the difference between the younger sister and the older one? (she was kind and beautiful)
    2. Where was the younger sister supposed to go 2 times a day? (to the source of water)
    3. Who did the good girl meet? (fairy)
    4. What came out of the mouth of the youngest daughter when she began to speak? (flower or gem)
    5. What came out of the mouth of the eldest daughter? (snake or toad)
    6. Who met a beautiful girl in the thicket? (young prince)


    (Teams after reading the task raise a card with the desired fairy tale. If correct, they get 1 point. The last team gets 0.5 points.)

    slide 14, 15, 16, 17

    Station Guessing.

    1. Know this rogue
    Don't fool anyone:
    Cannibal like a mouse
    Managed to swallow.
    (Puss in Boots)

    2. This tale is not new,
    In it, the princess slept all the time,
    Fairy wicked then wine
    And the prick of the spindle.
    (Sleeping Beauty)

    3. Life did not endow him with beauty,
    But she rewarded her mind beyond measure.
    Mind and helped him become happy.
    Who can guess his name?
    (Rike with a tuft)

    4. All his wives suffered an evil fate -
    He took their lives...
    What a villain! Who is he?
    Name a name soon!
    (Blue Beard)

    Slide 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.

    Lost and found. From which fairy tales are items lost?

    1. Cinderella
    2. sleeping Beauty
    3. Thumb boy
    4. fairy gifts
    5. Puss in Boots


    • Pearls, roses, well, courtesy, rudeness, toads, frogs (Fairy Gifts)
    • Silly beauty, smart prince, fairy, portrait (Rike with a tuft)
    • Ring, chest, skin, king, pie, donkey (Donkey skin)
    • Brothers, forest, cannibal, white pebbles, golden wreaths (Boy with a finger)

    Slide 24, 25, 26.

    Station Musical

    Little Red Riding Hood song from the movie Little Red Riding Hood.
    Sergei Prokofiev Waltz from the ballet Cinderella.
    P.I. Tchaikovsky music for the ballet "The Sleeping Beauty".

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