Dima bilan biography family. Dima Bilan - singer

Dima Bilan is today a fairly popular performer of many favorite songs. And his name at birth and until June two thousand and eight was Viktor Nikolaevich Belan. Many fans are interested not only in the artist's biography, but also in Bilan's private life, nationality and any interesting facts, especially scandalous stories. Such is the price of dizzying success.

Brief biography of the singer: childhood

The pop idol was born on December 24, 1981, in the small village of Moskovsky, which is part of the town of Ust-Dzheguta and is located in Karachay-Cherkessia. Literally twelve months later, the family moves to Naberezhnye Chelny, and another five years pass - and they are already in the city of Maisky, and this is Kabardino-Balkaria. Here Vitya is studying at school number two until the ninth grade, and then goes to the fourteenth, where he completes his school education.

Today, the singer is more familiar under the name Dima Bilan, due to the fact that in June two thousand and eight he began to use this pseudonym instead of the original data. But already in 2012, he began a new project, where, on the contrary, Vitya Belan now uses his native name as a matronym.

The first musical steps of the future celebrity

In the fifth grade, Dima begins learning to play the accordion at a music school and even becomes a soloist in the choir. Participates in various competitive events, reads poetry, sings songs and is involved in all holidays.

And in nineteen ninety-nine he goes to the capital to become a participant in the famous Chunga-Changa festival, which was created specifically for young talents in connection with the anniversary of Entin and Tukhmanov's cooperation.

The next time Dima visited Moscow after graduation. He enters and begins to engage in creative self-realization.

Dima Bilan. Nationality and parents of a talented performer

The mother of today's idol was at first an ordinary worker in greenhouses, and then she went into social spheres. And dad has a standard engineering profession. Dmitry has two more sisters, Elena and Anna. Of course, like all parents, Nikolai Mikhailovich and Nina Dmitrievna wanted their son to have a normal, more mundane education that would help him not only get on his feet, but also feed his family. Therefore, for a long time they resisted Dima's desire to become a singer.

Bilan's nationality, despite the fact that he was born in Karachay-Cherkessia, is Russian. Accordingly, his mother, Nina Dmitrievna Belan, and his father, Nikolai Mikhailovich Belan, are also Russians. As for the surname of this family, it belongs to a very interesting group, which originated from "worldly" names. Due to the content of the root "bel" in itself, such surnames were very common in Ancient Russia. They could be given to a person according to his external data. White means light, very pale or white-faced, possibly even blond.

And another possible meaning is that the surname can refer to the adjective "white", which means expensive, clean or good. And over time, it was transformed into "Belan". Therefore, who is Dima Bilan by nationality can be judged, first of all, by the origin of his surname.

People's Artist Born in a Small Town

Once he was a small, ordinary boy, as many of his teachers said, very modest and shy. Today, his every step is known to everyone. And despite the fact that Dima does not like to be frank and does not let anyone get too close to him, there is always enough information for fans to think about.

In 2006, he takes second place in the Eurovision Song Contest, and two years later he takes first place. Such an event happened for the first time in the history of Russia, and, of course, then the whole country jumped for joy along with the winner. And he instantly became the favorite singer of millions. And questions rained down: who is he - Dima Bilan? Nationality of the star, where was he born? And the lack of information, as a rule, gives rise to a lot of rumors.

The idol of millions ceased to be himself

This story began fifteen years ago, in an ordinary secondary school in the city of Maisky, which is located in the vicinity of Nalchik. Saying the name of the idol - Dima Bilan, whose nationality and origin worries a lot of people - no one knew about Vita Belan. But it was with him that the ascent of the stellar staircase began.

It was he who, having graduated from school in 1999, went to conquer the capital. Here, a talented guy was immediately noted. He produced the last album of the Kino group and the popular performer of the nineties Vlad Stashevsky. And only then Belan decides to choose a creative pseudonym for himself, which in many ways helped him to liberate himself.

How did the death of the producer affect further work

But when the producer dies three years later, his heirs declared the name "Dima Bilan" their property. There were a huge number of courts, threats, and the popular singer had to go through huge stresses and experiences. They tried to take absolutely everything from him: songs, creativity and even a pseudonym, since according to his passport he remained Viktor Nikolaevich Belan.

Then the artist took a rather difficult step and received a document in a new name. Moreover, the passport was issued specifically in the name of Dima, and not Dmitry. And then there were new rumors. Why did he change his last name? Why did you give up your name? And yet, who is Dima Bilan by nationality?

Therapeutic effect of new passport data

What is the difference between the life of an ordinary person and the life of popular stars? First of all, the fact that their every step, any action, personal relationships, any scandal - absolutely everything becomes public.

Dima had to experience the same thing as soon as he became a celebrity. Everyone wanted to know not only what songs he would perform, but also what he did in everyday life, who he was before, where Dima Bilan studied, the nationality of his parents and much more.

Even school teachers recalled this boy as very shy and modest. To liberate himself on stage, Dmitry had to do a lot of work on himself. He succeeded. Now it is no longer possible to recognize in this singer that shy teenager who was so worried before all the appearances on the stage.

Nevertheless, each person needs his own personal space. There, in front of the public, Dima Bilan is cool, everything impossible is possible for him. But deep down, this young Vitya is still present, who wants to be modest, perhaps not even recognizable by the public. Therefore, this duality in many ways even helps to have a certain therapeutic effect on the life of the singer.

A new project called Vitya Belan

The project created by the singer is probably an indicator of how sometimes you want to be yourself, return to yourself. Anyone who follows Dmitry's life closely enough knows perfectly well that there were a lot of bright moments in his life. And not only positive ones.

Various courts, proof of his own rights, lawyers, legal terms ... And he faced all this, being completely unprepared. And the desire to be the Vitya that he was before is quite justified. After all, it was there that there were no problems, there were no intrigues, there were no those who wanted to take something away, appropriate it.

What is more important for fans of talent

And it doesn't matter who he is: Vitya or Dima Bilan. What is his nationality. Who does he live with and how? The main thing is his creativity. He is not only a wonderful performer, but also writes wonderful songs, composes melodies.

His talent does not depend on where he was born or baptized. What should be of interest primarily to a simple layman is not who Dima Bilan lives with, what nationality he or his relatives have, but what contribution this talented singer made to our Russian culture. Of course, in this delightful performer there is a certain part of the Caucasian upbringing, and even some oriental features. But this is only a silent tribute to the lands where he was born and raised, where he went to school and took his first steps on the stage.

And Dima in many of his interviews quite often mentions the place of his birth. And also about the simple life of his parents, whom he loves and protects very much. After all, he already knows very well how any incautiously presented topic in the media can injure.

And when Dima Bilan appears on the stage or on the screen, nationality, his origin, personal life - everything fades into the background. Because at these moments you want to listen to his voice, which once again helped Russia become the first! And this is the most important thing!

They don't take astronauts like that! Yes, he didn’t really want to: he always dreamed of singing and in the pop sky Dima Bilan is a star. And already at the age of 25 he had everything: numerous awards, top positions in the charts, millions of fans and an enviable line in Forbes. Eurovision remained subdued only to him - the only musician in the vastness of our vast country.

Dima Bilan is in demand and today he has not only the role of a singer, but also an actor, mentor, participant in television projects and one of the most mysterious figures in show business. His heart is free, he is young, talented, rich, sexy and sincere. It is recognized that there is no time for a serious relationship. A workaholic, he does not refuse new projects, and each time they are more significant and more interesting.

It seems that he is everywhere and everywhere: in addition to a dense concert activity, he does not miss the seasons of the TV project "Voice" on Channel One, the New Year's anthem of Coca-Cola is now performed by him, and charity performances in support of sick children have not been held without his participation for a long time . And yes, the Olympic flame in Rio also passed through his hands: Dima Bilan does not miss the opportunity to ignite the hearts of Russian athletes, among whom he has friends.

His state of health until recently raised concerns among his fans, but the singer assured that he was feeling well after a trip to Iceland. He radically changed his image - he shaved his head, lost weight, matured, and all this for a small role in the series "Midshipmen-4".

People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria

In 2006, he became an honored artist, and two years later, a people's artist. So his homeland, Kabardino-Balkaria, appreciated the merits. Dima Bilan was then 25 years old and he was at the peak of his popularity.

He was born in the small town of Ust-Dzheguta, but a year later the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, where the head of the family, Nikolai Mikhailovich Belan, was invited to work at the factory. Nina Mikhailovna raised two weather children: daughter Elena and son Victor. He celebrated his first birthday in 1982 in a new apartment in Tatarstan.

The story of how Victor Belan changed his name and surname is well known to his fans. He said in an interview that he always dreamed of becoming an artist, he sang from childhood, and when he went on the big stage he took the name of his grandfather and restored historical justice. The family legend says that the passport officer made a mistake in the surname, because the ancestors were Bilans.

Five years later, the family again changed their place of residence: to Kabardino-Balkaria. My grandmother lived there: the mother of the head of the family. Vitya went to school, and in the same class with his older sister. The guy was quick-witted, assiduous, and later, thanks to his talent, also the soul of the school. He performed at all holidays: singing for him was the meaning of life. She helped me decide on the choice of a future singer, a vocal teacher, who successfully entered the class to select gifted children to study at a music school. True, she had to persuade Vitya's parents for a long time: her father did not agree to such an adventure, he saw in his son the same techie as himself. Although the exact sciences were given to Victor not without difficulty. Only by the fifth grade, the parents gave up: the guy entered the music school in the accordion class, but soon he was transferred to vocals.

Trips to numerous competitions and festivals began, but they did not interfere with their studies: a talented student brought awards and glorified the town.

The first real costume for going on stage was made for him at the age of 17, before going to the competition in Moscow. The invitation to the Chunga-Changa festival became a test of strength for him. Because initially the contestant faced difficulties: they collected money for the trip through acquaintances (as a result, the school director helped), and in the capital he was not met by a relative. Again, kind people helped, who sheltered the guy for the night.

Good luck accompanied him at the festival itself. He not only received a golden statuette and a diploma, but also met good people who played a crucial role in his life. The Prosin family will shelter him at the beginning of his new period of life - Moscow. The guy, inspired by the victory and ten days of busy life in the capital, will promise himself to return and conquer the musical Olympus.

Moscow, how much in this sound ...

At the age of 19, Victor arrived in the capital: the Prosins supported the young talent in every possible way, offered to stay with them at any time convenient for him. It was they who advised me to enter the Gnesinka. He chose a department in the academic vocal class and passed the competition right away, although there were up to 30 applicants for one place. He was given not only a corner, but also participated in his fate.

The head of the family tried his hand at show business and offered support to Victor. Although he thought about a completely different person who seemed great and inaccessible: about Yuri Aizenshpis. He was already 55 years old, and behind him a huge experience in the promotion of "Kino", Katya Lel, Linda, Vlad Stashevsky and many other famous names in the music world.

They met by chance, in one of the casinos where Konstantin Prosin brought Victor, but then the legendary producer did not pay any attention to them. So the debut of the song "Autumn" went unnoticed. And the clip, although it got on MTV, did not make the difference.

Somewhere around this time, Victor took a pseudonym that would glorify him and appear in his passport. The change of name led to other changes: an independent life began, tests in all castings, and in the second year he moved to a hostel. Later he said that he never repented of this step, although life was not easy: he was torn between studies, work as a loader and nightclubs when they were invited to perform. Another year flew by in this frantic pace.

It wasn't until his third year that he used his chance. At a party of a famous magazine, noticing Yuri Aizenshpis, he tried to attract attention. That was not easy. But since then, they have not parted: the tandem has developed, despite the fact that the new one was not the only “project” of the master. However, this was only to the benefit of the singer, who performed on the same platform with the guys from the Dynamite pop group.

almost father

Under the patronage of Aizenshpis, a video was soon shot, directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk. The song "Boom" was the only one in the singer's repertoire for almost a year. With her, he went in the summer of 2002 to Jurmala to conquer the famous scene. The debutant of the popular competition of young performers was waiting for an explosion of emotions and fateful meetings. He, of course, did not enter the top three winners, but the country watched the New Wave on TV and they started talking about a modestly dressed guy. He was happy from the fourth place, and from the huge competitive experience received, and from meeting celebrities.

Performances began: at first at private parties and joint concerts. A year later, he recorded a solo album, named after the main song - "Night Hooligan". By the way, the long-term creative cooperation of Gosha Toidze, chosen from a dozen directors, began with this song. The clip was shown on MTV, which added fame and fans to the artist who entered the circulation. Bilan deftly grabbed the bird for happiness by the tail and held it tightly until 2005 - a turning point in his fate.

The frantic rhythm set by Aizenshpis brought Bilan to high ratings. He recorded a couple of albums and several commercially successful videos, taking a number of music awards and the honorary title of "pop sex symbol". In addition, during this turbulent period, he graduated from Gnesinka and immediately entered the second higher education - at GITIS - as an actor.

He had time everywhere and everywhere: in the winter of 2004, he passed the test in Fear Factor, which was filmed in Argentina. A popular TV show added to his fame. Spectators watched as he bravely rides a tightrope at a great height and eats strawberries along with flies.

That year, he released his second album, On the Shore of the Sky, in which foreign composers took part, who wrote hits for famous world stars. The clip of the main song was filmed by an Italian team in Venice, and a model from Poland became its partner. Until now, this work is considered one of the most beautiful, and the song from the album of the same name is one of the most lyrical. No wonder the singer received the Golden Gramophone for it and was named the Best Performer of the Year by MTV.

Bilan was in great demand: viewers could see him in Tele2 advertisements, on the covers of glossy magazines, he became a welcome guest at prestigious parties, willingly sharing his creative projects with reporters who broadcast him not only on music channels, but also in the news. And he had something to say: his next album, Time-River, was being prepared for release (in 2006 he would receive the MUZ-TV award) and his debut at Eurovision.

Time stopped in September 2005 - Bilan was preparing for the MTV award ceremony when he learned about the death of his mentor Yuri Aizenshpis, "almost a father" - as he would later write in his autobiographical book. He died at the age of 60 from a heart attack on the evening of September 20th. And the next day, with incredible efforts and with the support of his friends, Dima went on stage for an award. He was accompanied by the producer's son Mikhail, and on the sleeve of the singer's suit, the audience saw a mourning bandage.

They say that the evening concert dedicated to the memory of the producer has become one of the best in the creative biography of Dima Bilan.

Golden Boy

The tragedy unsettled me, but life forced me to pass this test as well. Yana Rudkovskaya helped, with whom they were introduced by Aizenshpis two years before his death. She talked about it in detail in an interview, and then in a book. Yes, she invited Dima Bilan to a private party and soon became imbued with his work. She offered to become the face of her clothing boutiques, which were then the only ones in Sochi. Thanks to her husband, Dima got an apartment in Moscow, a car and stage costumes. Yana claimed that the famous producer introduced them for a reason, but with a view of the future. And this future became present at one moment: she turned out to be the person who extended a helping hand in a difficult situation. But she could not immediately call herself the producer of Dima Bilan.

The story of how the heirs of the deceased producer and his new patroness shared copyrights went around all the newspapers. Dima Bilan was skeptical of the widow's claims, believing that he, along with the contract, could not be inherited. But according to the law, she had the rights to the Dima Bilan project, proving that it was created by her late husband and to the income from his professional activities. In the press, Yana Rudkovskaya and the lawyers hired by her mostly sorted out the relationship.

Dima Bilan fought on another front: in the qualifying round for Eurovision. True, Natalya Podolskaya took the victory from him, because the majority of Russian viewers preferred her song “No One Hurts Each Other”, and Dima Bilan became the second. But she was underestimated on the world musical arena: Podolskaya brought only 15th place from the prestigious competition. At stake was the performance at Eurovision 2006. And Bilan didn’t just give up, by this time he was already super popular, collecting stadiums. Channel One gave him a ticket to the competition based on the results of the audience's sympathy. First place eluded him even then, although the result was more than impressive: he took second place with the song Never Let You Go.

As Yana Rudkovskaya says, this victory became their common one and she received the moral right to call herself a producer. But copyright was still in question.

Show business also followed the developments. It was rumored that after the success at Eurovision, the singer's fee increased to $50 thousand, and in a year, according to Forbes, he earned more than $3 million. Bilan was called the "golden boy" and bets were placed on who would get the profitable business. Moreover, a third applicant soon appeared and a new scandalous story: Yana Rudkovskaya began the divorce proceedings. It ended in 2008, after a dirty information war that least of all concerned Dima Bilan. By this time, this name was already officially in his passport, putting an end to the project of the same name. And already without a pseudonym, he was preparing to perform at Eurovision once again, went through all the stages and took first place. His Believe was sung by the whole country, and Bilan entered its history as the only one who was able to take this international musical Olympus, previously unapproachable for Russian performers.

His name was among the top three Russian pop celebrities, he was invited to the jury of various competitions and festivals. There was an active tour and studio activity, numerous shootings, records in the charts, full houses, an army of fans. Soon the fourth album "Against the Rules" was released and the second without Aizenshpis. And again - an incredible success. By the way, Bilan is still the record holder for the number of MTV music awards.

A year later - another album, but in the English version - Believe, in the creation of which Timbaland and Jim Beanz took part. This work has also received a number of awards and prizes.

However, he entered the world level not only as a musician. For readers of Billboard magazine, he began to write a column from which fans from different continents learned private details from his life, creative plans and opinions about events not only in the world of music.

The singer is also known as a philanthropist: he constantly participates in joint concerts, auctions for the treatment of children. In the book, he explained his impulse to help those in need by the fact that there are no children of his own, but even if there were, he would not stop helping.


Acting education obliges. The film debut fell on arthouse cinema. The main role was offered by director Maxim Apryatin in 2010. Dima Bilan acted in two more guises: as a producer and as a co-author of the idea. The ten-minute film is based on the rock ballad "He Wanted". Bilan sings and talks on philosophical topics, sharing quotes of famous people close in spirit. After the release of the screens, Dima Bilan had more intellectual fans.

On the 30th anniversary, in 2011, his book comes out and, as critics assure, captures from the first pages. Everything is in it: from the first appearance on the stage and about all the ups and downs of show business. She wrote in a light style and is replete with sincere moments. In general, the year turned out very well: numerous interviews, concerts, and the main one was at the Crocus City Hall, where relatives, friends, colleagues and fans gathered. The hall for six thousand seats was filled, the singer was complimented and presented with gifts.

The audience was also pleased with his participation in the special issue of the “Let them talk” program. A kind of benefit performance of the artist pleased many. And the year ended with another record: Dima appeared in 16 New Year's shows on various TV channels. It was a success that he is unlikely to repeat.

But it was necessary to consolidate his position at the top of show business and Bilan went on a tour of Russian cities and villages. For four months he visited 45 cities, every morning he woke up in a new place. Rigid rhythm, he withstood the load. Not only fees, but also fan clubs, like mushrooms after the rain, appeared in the vastness of the country as a bonus.

And in the spring he pleased his fans with the release of a new, sixth album. His "Dreamer" brought him the title of "Artist of the Year" and took top positions in various ratings.

And of course, again - Eurovision. The presentation of the song with the former "tattoo" Yulia Volkova blew up the Internet. They sang "Love Bitch" and the audience gave them first place, but in terms of total points they only came out on second. But he nevertheless took part in it along with the winners of five years.

And in the summer he gave a grand concert in the Tchaikovsky Hall. Moreover, he performed not only hits, but also complex opera parts. He surprised many then, applauded standing!

2012 was also significant because it opened Bilan as a mentor in the Voice show, which the artist has been running for more than one season. This is a separate, interesting page in his creative biography.

Two albums were released in 2012 and 2013, after which there was a musical pause, although Bilan continued to live a busy life. The Olympics, the show "Voice. Children", the recording of new singles, but the most unexpected thing is an invitation to the main role in the film "Hero". The gallant lieutenant turned out to be convincing, noble and passionate. What is a film without love, separation, betrayal and despair? By the way, in an interview, Bilan said that the offer to act not in a cameo, but to take on a real dramatic role, alerted him, but director Vasilyev dispelled his doubts. They talked for a long time and a lot, until the actor had an understanding of the role. And then, everything went like clockwork.

The shooting took place in Vilnius and Paris, Bilan completely immersed himself in the atmosphere of the early 19th century, enjoyed talking with the artists, wore an overcoat, harness, rode a horse and waved a saber. He was very cheered up by these shooting days, he was able to look at the time from the other side. He said that the two minutes that were included in the film were shot over several days. He understood how important the details, the nuances, was able to savor the impeccability that he achieved by shedding seven sweats. And he is pleased that he abandoned the busy tour schedule in favor of a new himself.

The film was released in 2016, it was bought by several countries. But the criticism was ambiguous, although there were no complaints about the work of Dima Bilan.

Rumor has it that he was offered a role in the next film "Gardearina-4", but so far he has not given official confirmation of this fact. Although his fans claim that if for the role of Lieutenant Dolmatov he had to grow a thick beard, then for the new role the artist shaved his head.


He built a house in the suburbs, planted a tree on the lawn and does not mind having offspring. His personal life, especially lately, is closed. On Instagram, he talks about friends, creativity, relatives. His younger sister Anna lives in America, he often visits her. They have a difference of 13 years and the older brother takes care of her in every possible way. Anya sang with him back in 2010, but then she left for America, and it was a pleasant surprise for her brother to find out that she was seriously taking up vocals. She sent him a link to the track, which the singer talked about in an interview, but she never asked him for any help. By the way, her personal life is getting better, Dima says that she is dating a great guy and in general she has many friends there. And his older sister Elena has been married for a long time, she has a clothing boutique, which she sells under her own brand. She has a close relationship with her younger brother, however, whether there are children is unknown. Most likely not, because Dima Bilan would immediately invest in his Instagram such a success of his sister. He loves to share the successes of the sisters, warmly comments on the photo where they are together. But he shows responsibility and care for the youngest, who, like two drops of water, looks like him. And if they ask about his personal life, he invariably answers that until he introduces Anya to people, he does not even think about his own family.

Long-term relationship, five years, does he have only one girl - Elena Kuletskaya. They met at the airport in Paris, when 25-year-old Dima flew to Moscow, and she flew to Germany to shoot. At that time, she was pursuing a modeling career, and after a few years, she was successful. And then, by chance, Elena's photo was among the contenders for the filming of Dima Bilan's video, and he chose it without hesitation. They met for five years, but in between tours and auditions. Dima even publicly said that if he wins the Eurovision Song Contest, he will make her a marriage proposal. Of course, he won, but by this time he changed his mind, either both were constantly busy, or they turned out to be different people. Elena got married three years ago, lives in France and is expecting a child from her beloved husband.

He was credited with novels with classmate at Gnesinka, Yulia Lima, after he posted a joint photo on Instagram, where they are in America. But no continuation followed, and the story was forgotten. In general, they say that Dima knows how to be friends with girls, among whom are well-known and famous. And he is so constantly surrounded by children: his charity events and the show “Voice. Children" gave him a full sense of all the responsibility for the little man, for which the artist seems not yet ready.

Although for the family of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko, he became a truly close friend, agreeing to become the godfather of their baby.

Rumors about his unconventional orientation also circulated, but the singer ignored them. The only thing he has recently commented on is the rumors of his death. The media spread information that Bilan was ill, and after a while they reported about the funeral. But the artist was not offended, on the contrary, he said that the omen was good and he would live to old age. But there are health problems. Bilan reported them to the media before leaving for Iceland for treatment. He complained of pain in the spine, the doctors diagnosed hernia, which did not allow him to bend and hold anything in his hands. Maybe his crazy loads, years of lack of sleep or a corset that he had to wear in the heat under a woolen overcoat on the set affected.

But he went through a long course of treatment and assured that he feels great. And already in May of this year, he presented a video for the song "Labyrinths" at the request of the Natalia Vodonaeva Charitable Foundation. The children's theme now occupies more and more space in his life.

Dmitry Bilan is a famous film actor and singer who successfully represented the Russian Federation at Eurovision.

This is an example of a person who knows how to set seemingly impossible goals for himself and achieve their fulfillment.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dima Bilan?

A large army of fans wants to know when their idol was born, how much he weighs and how much he has grown. The height, weight, age of Dima Bilan can be clarified on this site, where only reliable information is collected.

Dmitry was born in 1981, so his age is currently 35 full years. According to the sign of the Zodiac, the guy is a stubborn and persistent Capricorn, who is able to achieve everything with the help of incredible hard work. According to the eastern horoscope, Dmitry is a bright and outrageous Rooster who does not get tired to amaze and impress everyone.

The height of the guy is above average, he was one meter eighty centimeters. But Bilan has a small shoe size for a man - only 43.

The weight of the famous singer is not stable, and is currently 75 kilograms. However, more recently, Dima Bilan lost 8 kg in 2016, the reasons for this phenomenon turned out to be prosaic. Fans, by the way, did not stop naming the main reasons for an unsuccessful love affair with Pelageya, stress at work and constant mental overstrain. Everything turned out to be easier, Dima began to worry about gastritis, so he became interested in proper nutrition - a raw food diet.

Biography of Dima Bilan

Viktor Nikolaevich Bilan was born in December 1981. He was born into the world in the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug. Later, family members with little Vityusha left for Kabardino-Balkaria.

The boy began to understand music early, so his parents sent him to a music school. Victor did not master the piano, but the old-fashioned accordion. The gifted boy was quickly noticed and began to be sent to various music competitions. Victor with regular constancy took prize-winning places on them.

Vitya got to school a year earlier with his older sister. He studied well and delighted his classmates with impromptu concerts.

After graduation, the guy entered the Gnesinka, where he studied vocals for three years.

The biography of Dima Bilan is simply unique. So, after graduating from college, he changed his name to the name of his grandfather, whom he passionately and infinitely loved, that's how Vitya became Dima.

Dmitry actively collaborated with producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who advised him to take a pseudonym, helped to participate in the New Wave, and even released the first album of the aspiring singer in 2003.

Later, several more albums saw the light, which became leaders in sales. Dmitry began to receive awards one after another: "Golden Gramophone", "Singer of the Year", "Performer of the Year", "Best Composition" and "Best Album".

The guy was able to record an English-language album, became the official ambassador of Sochi-2014.

Dima's new and new hits constantly flash on the rating and successful TV channels. They are promoted daily in the TOP-10.

The following horizons open up in Bilan's career, he takes an active part in the New Wave and Eurovision song contests. He participated in the last competition twice and finally won first place.

Since 2016, the guy has been acting as a mentor for the adult and children's musical show "Voice". Soon Dmitry is trying to make a dizzying acting career, starring in Star Holidays, Theater of the Absurd, Hero.

It duplicates the animated films "Trolls" and "Frozen".

Latest news 2017: Dima Bilan has cancer? He is dying?

Recently, fans of the star learned the terrible news: Dima Bilan has cancer. These rumors, of course, were not confirmed. The reasons for their occurrence turned out to be the singer's rapid weight loss in 2016 and a bald haircut, so he became bald. Calm down, this is not the result of chemotherapy!

The fact is that the guy lost weight due to proper nutrition, cut his hair for a new project, and went to the hospital to operate on herniated discs.

So ask the question: "Dima Bilan - what happened to him"? Not at all appropriate in this case.

Dima Bilan's personal life

The personal life of Dima Bilan has always remained the secret of the singer. He does not deny that the fans do not mind having an affair with him. However, only ridiculous rumors and speculation often circulate about the amorous affairs of a young singer.

For a long time there were persistent rumors about the stormy romance between Dmitry and Yana Rudkovskaya, who became his new mentor. The guys do not report on these relationships, but they completely refute their existence. It is worth noting that these speculations did not disappear even after Yana married Evgeni Plushenko and gave birth to a baby. Bilan for Rudkovskaya is a favorite creative brainchild that brings huge profits.

The guy was credited with a stormy romance with a colleague on the show “Voice. Children "Pelageya, but the girl also got married and gave birth to a child from her chosen one.

When Bilan failed to find a couple among a huge number of his friends and fans, he was credited with a non-traditional sexual orientation. There was even his "husband" - Rovens Pritula, about whom nothing was known, so the rumors immediately faded away.

Dima Bilan's family

Dima Bilan's family consists of parents and two beloved sisters.

Father - Nikolai Belan - worked as a locksmith for a long time. He graduated from a technical institute in Chelyabinsk, having received the profession of a designer. He was a design engineer at the legendary KAMAZ plant. He loves to solve math problems.

Mom - Nina Dmitrievna - had nothing to do with music or cinema. She worked in greenhouses for many years, and after that she worked in social services.

The star adores her parents and often spends time with them. He is very sorry that his beloved grandmother Nina is not around, who worked in the choir all her life and saw the potential of her grandson.

The elder sister, Elena, is a talented fashion designer. She is married and happily married to lawyer Zimin. She started her career washing dishes in bars.

The younger sister - Anya - lives in the USA and masters the profession of an opera singer. By the way, journalists often attribute to the girl the role of either a daughter or a young lover. The girl was raised by Dmitry Bilan, because her parents were always busy.

Anna often appears in Dmitry's video work and recently recorded a song as a duet with her older brother. Due to Dmitry's busy tour schedule and the fact that Annushka has been living abroad for a long time, the guys rarely see each other.

Children of Dima Bilan

On the Internet, frames of babies are constantly flickering, which were allegedly born to our charming superstar by his devoted fans. Dima Bilan's children simply don't exist yet, even in the near future.

However, Dima has a beloved boy, but his own is absolutely not by blood and not born by fans. The blond boy, whose photos often appear on the Internet, is the godson of the famous singer Sasha. This baby is a small child of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko.

The singer dearly adores his godson and constantly uploads photos and videos with him on social networks.

At present, Dmitry does not think about blood children, preferring fuss with dogs to the society of children.

Dima Bilan's wife

Dima Bilan's wife also exists only in his dreams, the heart of the star is absolutely free.

The role of the common-law wife of Dmitry Bilan was attributed to the famous model Lena Kuletskaya. This relationship lasted more than one year, and fans with bated breath followed the presentation of her engagement ring at Eurovision. Later, the couple broke all the hopes of the fans, publicly and publicly saying that they had never had any romantic or love relationships, and everything that happened was called PR.

After that, Dima Bilan was brought together with Yulianna Krylova, who appeared in a number of rather frank works of the singer. The singer claims that between them there is only a strong friendship, but not a civil marriage.

The same words were said about possible love relationships with Natalia Samoletova, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich, Oksana Grigoryeva, Yulia Volkova.

Some kind of Lyalya was called a common-law wife, which the singer often calls the love of his life. Bilan's sister hints that the brother has a girlfriend of the heart, who is far from the world of show business and the modeling industry.

The photos of Dima Bilan before and after plastic surgery, which are presented on the site, are true. The singer turned to plastic surgeons several times.

He did rhinoplasty because of problems with the nasal septum, which did not allow air to pass through in the required volume. The guy even started having problems with vocals. And the reason was a childhood injury, when Bilan broke his nose, showing tricks to a classmate.

The fact that he did other types of plastic surgery, Dmitry Bilan denies. Yes, and a spectacular young man does not need braces, and cute wrinkles around the eyes absolutely do not spoil his appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan, of course, are available, as well as profiles on social networks.

On their pages, fans of Dmitry's work can read the latest news about his life. Ask about creative plans for the future and discuss past concerts.

On Wikipedia, you can find the biographical data of the singer, as well as find out information about his personal life. Instagram, on the other hand, is constantly changing photos and videos related to the projects of the star, his hopes and aspirations. A lot of pictures are dedicated to the parents and sisters of the singer, and especially the youngest.

Dima Nikolaevich Bilan (name at birth and until June 2008 - Viktor Nikolaevich Belan). Born December 24, 1981 in the village. Moscow (part of the city of Ust-Dzheguta, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region). Russian singer, film actor. Honored Artist of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (2006). Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic (2007). Honored Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia (2007). People's Artist of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (2008). Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2018).

Vitya Belan was born on December 24, 1981 in the city of Ust-Dzheguta (Karachay-Cherkess Republic).

Father - Nikolai Mikhailovich Belan - worked as a mechanic, design engineer.

Mother - Nina Dmitrievna Belan - worked in greenhouses, then in the social sphere.

Elder sister - Elena Belan-Zimina (born 1980) - fashion designer, worked as a waitress, married in 2006 to law student Gennady Zimin.

The younger sister is Anna Belan (born 1994).

When he was a year old, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, after another 5 years - to the city of Maisky (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic), where Vitya studies at the second school until the 9th grade, and completes his secondary education at school No. 14.

In the fifth grade, he entered a music school, from which he graduated with an accordion class.

Participated in various music competitions and festivals. He took first place in the competition "Young Voices of the Caucasus".

In 1999, he came to Moscow to participate in the Chunga-Changa festival, dedicated to children's creativity and the thirtieth anniversary of the joint activity of Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanov. Vitya Belan receives a diploma from the hands of himself.

In 2000-2003 he studied at the Gnesins State Musical College. Specialty - Classical vocals.

In 2001-2002 became the laureate of the festival "Festos".

In 2003-2005 studied at GITIS (entered immediately for the 2nd course).

In 2000, the first video clip of Dima Bilan, filmed with the money of his first producer Elena Kan, got into the rotation of the MTV Russia TV channel. The video for the song "Autumn" was filmed on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. The song is considered one of the first studio songs of Dima Bilan.

While still a student, Dima Bilan met his future producer, who immediately recognized his talent and began working with him.

In 2002, Dima Bilan made his debut on the stage of the Russian festival in Jurmala - "New Wave", at which he presented his composition "Boom" and took fourth place. After the competition, the shooting of a video for this song followed, and then also for the compositions “I'm a night hooligan”, “You, only you” and “I made a mistake, I got it”. The daughter starred in the video for the song "I love you so much". During the period of work with Aizenshpis, Dima Bilan imitated Danko in many ways.

At the end of October 2003, the debut album entitled "I am a night hooligan" was released. In 2004, a reissue of the album (“Night Hooligan +”) was released, including 19 songs: 15 songs from the original edition of the album “I am a Night Hooligan” and 4 new songs (“Heartless”, “Last Time”, “Stop the Music”, “Dark night").

Dima Bilan - Heartless

In 2004, Dima Bilan's second studio album was released, entitled "On the Shore of the Sky". In the same year, the recording of Dima Bilan's first English-language album began. Diane Warren and Shaun Escoffery took part in the work on the album.

In February 2005, Dima Bilan participated in the national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Not That Simple", taking second place. After that, a reissue of the album "On the Shore of the Sky" was released, which included English versions of the songs "How I Wanted", "On the Shore of the Sky" and "You Should Be Near".

In 2005, the official collection of clips “You, only you” was also released, which, in addition to the official video clips, included concert videos of the presentation of the albums “I am a night hooligan” and “On the shore of the sky”. The collection also included additional compositions that were not included in these albums: the song "I won't forget" and a cover version of the famous melody "Caruso" (presentation "I'm a night hooligan"), the track "Seven days" (presentation "On the shore of the sky") .

At the end of 2005, the single "New Year from a New Line" was released containing the original version and a remix of the song "New Year from a New Line", as well as the English version of the hit "On the Bank of the Sky" called "Between the Sky and Heaven".

On September 20, 2005, Bilan's producer, Yuri Aizenshpis, died. Immediately after that, Dima was nominated for the World Music Awards as the Best Russian Artist.

After the death of Aizenshpis, many producers offered contracts to Bilan. In 2006, he terminated the contract with the Aizenshpis company, which, after his death, was led by his wife Elena Lvovna Kovrigina. After that, the company demanded that Bilan change his name, since "Dima Bilan" is a pseudonym that belongs to the company. But together with the new team, headed by Bilan, he resolved the conflict and since 2008 took a pseudonym as his official name.

In December 2005, he received two Golden Gramophone awards for the song "You Must Be Near" in St. Petersburg and Alma-Ata. On the project "New songs about the main thing", the singer received the First Channel prize from a professional jury. Dima became the person of the year in the field of show business, as the majority of voters cast their votes for him, according to the Rambler version of the search engine. In December 2005, a video for the lyrical composition "I Remember You" was filmed in the Botanical Garden.

In 2006, he took part in the "Golden Street Organ", "International Music Awards" in Kyiv, where he received the "Singer of the Year" award. The song "Never Let You Go" was performed there for the first time.

Dima Bilan represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with the song "Never Let You Go" and took second place.

In the summer of 2007, Dima becomes an honored guest of the New Wave 2007 festival in Jurmala, and also sits on the jury of the STS Lights a Superstar project.

On October 4, the annual musical ceremony MTV Russia Music Awards 2007 took place. Dima Bilan received 3 nesting dolls that evening, winning in the nominations: “Best composition” (“Impossible-possible”), “Best performer”, and the main award “Artist of the Year”. An equally important event was the performance of Dima and Sebastian (Timbaland's brother), who specially flew to Moscow for the RMA MTV ceremony, he performed the hit "Number One Fan" with Dima in a new version. There was also an exclusive premiere of the new song "Amnesia".

The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) on January 15 presented data on who Russians consider their "Favorite Citizen of Russia in 2007". The first line of the "Singer of the Year" rating, as in 2006, was taken by Dima Bilan.

In 2007, an MTV reality show called "Live with Bilan". It became popular and gained a lot of fans. That is why already at the beginning of 2008 the continuation of this show was aired.

Also in 2007, Dima Bilan entered the top three most expensive and popular people in Russia according to Forbes magazine: 3rd place in terms of press attention and audience interests and 12th place in terms of income.

Dima Bilan represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 with the song "Believe" and took first place, becoming the first Russian artist to win the Eurovision Song Contest.

Eurovision - 2008: Dima Bilan - Believe

On May 16, the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 was held in Moscow at the Olimpiysky sports complex. Dima Bilan opened the competition with his number, since it was thanks to his victory at Eurovision 2008 that Russia received the honorable right to host Europe's main music competition in Moscow.

In 2012, Dima Bilan, in a duet with Yulia Volkova, performed in the national selection of the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Back to Her Future", where together they took 2nd place.

In 2012, Dima Bilan created an electronic project in synth-pop style, initially taking his native name Vitya Belan as a new pseudonym, but after sound producer Alexei Cherny joined him, the project changed its name to Alien24.

In December 2014, the band released their first studio album Alien, which included the song "Fairy World", originally released under the name of Vitya Belan, as well as the singles "Music Is in My Soul" and "Wally", for which video clips were shot.

In 2012-2014 and in 2016-2017 he was a mentor of the Voice project.

In 2018, he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation - for his merits in the development of national culture and art, and many years of fruitful activity.

In the village of Moskovsky in Ust-Dzhegut, a music school is named after Dima Bilan.

Socio-political position of Dima Bilan

In 2005, he was a candidate from the LDPR in the elections to the Belgorod Regional Duma. For several years he was a party member. In parallel with this, he took part in the events of United Russia and Just Russia.

In 2011, he spoke positively about opposition protests.

In the presidential elections of 2012 and 2018, he participated in campaigning for.

He spoke out against the ban on the gay parade in Moscow. However, in 2013 he condemned foreign performers who raise the topic of LGBT rights in Russia, and declared a negative attitude towards the so-called “homosexual propaganda”, but noted that it was necessary to distinguish it from “artistic intent”.

He condemned the action of the Pussy Riot group, but opposed the imprisonment for the participants, suggesting that they limit themselves to "demonstrative flogging".

In 2016, he performed at the concert-rally "We are together", dedicated to the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Dima Bilan's height: 182 centimeters.

Dima Bilan's personal life:

For four years, the singer maintained a relationship with model Lena Kuletskaya, even promised to marry her if she won Eurovision. Then he broke up with Kuletskaya, saying that for all four years he led fans and the press by the nose: this relationship was an ordinary PR.

After breaking up with Kuletskaya, he got another model and aspiring singer - Yuliana Krylova, who starred in his Safety video.

Then he had Adelina Sharipova.

There were rumors about an affair with his producer Yana Rudkovskaya. It has long been thought that this could be a journalistic duck. But in May 2019, this fact was confirmed by Yana Rudkovskaya: “I can say with whom I had an affair. I had an affair with Dima Bilan. Seriously. If Plushenko had not been next to me, I would have had Dima Bilan. He suits me in everything. This is a very important point. He is handsome, talented, earns very well.”

Also, the topic of the artist's non-traditional sexual orientation has been raised in the media and the Web for a long time.

Dima Bilan now

Discography of Dima Bilan:

Studio albums:

2003 - I am a night hooligan
2004 - On the shore of the sky
2006 - Time is a river
2008 - Against the rules
2009 - Believe
2011 - Dreamer
2013 - Reach out
2015 - Don't be silent
2017 - Egoist


2011 - BEST. From bully to dreamer
2013 - Baby

CD singles:

2005 - "New Year with a new line"
2006 - "Never Let You Go"
2008 - Believe
2009 - "Dancing Lady"
2012 - "Catch my colored dreams"

Joint songs:

“New Year from a new line” (feat. Fidget)
“Without you I can’t” (feat. Darina)
“Who invented love” (feat. Anita Tsoi)
“Sing to me” (feat. Larisa Dolina)
"Number One Fan" (feat. Sebastian)
"Safety" (feat. Anastacia)
"Star" (feat. Anya Belan)
"Blind Love" (feat. Yuliana Krylova)
“Love-bitch” / “Back to Her Future” (feat. Yulia Volkova)
"Don't be afraid baby" (feat. Eva Samieva)
"Hug Me" / "Come Into My World" (feat. Nikki Jamal)

Video clips of Dima Bilan:

2000 - "Autumn"
2002 - "Boom"
2002 - "I am a night hooligan"
2003 - "You, only you"
2003 - "I was wrong, I got"
2003 - "Without you I can not" feat. Darina Hindrek
2003 - "I love you so"
2004 - "Congratulations!"
2004 - Mulatto
2004 - "On the shore of the sky" / "Between The Sky And Heaven"
2005 - "You should be there" / "Not That Simple"
2005 - "How I Wanted" / "Take Me With You"
2005 - "I remember you"
2006 - "It Was Love"
2006 - "Never Let You Go"
2006 - "The Impossible is Possible" / "Lady Flame"
2007 - "Time is a river" / "See What I See"
2007 - "I'm Your Number One" / "Number One Fan"
2007 - "Woe Winter"
2007 - “You sing to me” feat. Larisa Dolina
2008 - Believe
2008 - Lonely
2009 - Lady
2009 - "You are with me (Dancing Lady)"
2009 - "Changes"
2010 - "In pairs"
2010 - "Safety" feat. Anastacia
2010 - "I just love you"
2011 - "Dreamers"
2011 - "Suffocating" / "Rock My Life"
2011 - "Blind Love" feat. Julia Krylova
2012 - "It Doesn't Happen" / "Honey"
2012 - "Love is a Bitch" feat. Julia Volkova
2012 - "Fairy World"
2013 - "Don't be afraid baby" feat. Eva Samieva
2013 - "Catch my colored dreams"
2013 - “Hug me” / “Come Into My World” feat. Nigar Jamal
2013 - Reach Out
2013 - "Baby"
2014 - "Music Is in My Soul"
2014 - "I'm sick of you"
2014 - "Wally"
2014 - "When the ice melts"
2015 - "Watch"
2015 - "Don't be silent"
2016 - "Indivisible"
2016 - "In Your Head"
2017 - "Monsters in your head"
2017 - "Labyrinths"
2017 - "Hold"
2017 - "Forgive me" feat. Sergey Lazarev
2018 - "Girl don't cry"
2018 - "Drunken Love" feat. Polina
2018 - "Lightning"
2018 - "Sorry" feat. Alexander Filin
2019 - "Ocean"

Filmography of Dima Bilan:

2007 - Star Holidays - Fortiano
2007 - Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors - Gurd, stagehand
2009 - Golden Key - visiting singer
2011 - Theater of the Absurd - producer, lead actor and track performer
2016 - - Andrey Kulikov / Andrey Dolmatov
2019 - Midshipmen IV - Captain De Lombardi

Sounding of Dima Bilan's films:

2013 - Frozen - Hans
2016 - Trolls - Tsvetan

  • Name: Dima
  • Surname: Bilan
  • Date of Birth: 24.12.1981
  • Place of Birth: Ust-Dzheguta, Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Eastern horoscope: Rooster
  • Occupation: singer, actor
  • Growth: 182 cm
  • The weight: 75 cm

The biography of Dima Bilan is a story about how an ordinary boy from a small provincial town overcame all obstacles on the way to his dream and became a star not just in Russia, but in the world stage. Dima is the first singer from Russia to win the Eurovision Song Contest. He is a multifaceted and versatile person, a workaholic and strives for perfection in everything. He remains one of the most successful and sought-after singers, and millions of fans are closely following his life.

Photo by Dmitry Bilan

On the way to a dream

In 1981, in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, a boy, Vitya, was born into a simple working-class family. Then the parents did not even think that they would raise not just a talented child, but the future world-famous singer. Soon after his birth, Nikolai Mikhailovich and Nina Dmitrievna Belan, together with their daughter Lena and son Viktor, moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. But their son began his journey through the musical world when, five years later, the family settled in Kabardino-Balkaria.

At school, Dima (and then still Victor) was always a participant in various events and holidays, performed at music competitions. His talent was noticed when he became an accordion student at a music school. The first major and very important competition in his life was the Chunga-Changa festival. A trip to Moscow in 1999 was remembered by the guy for the rest of his life; at the festival, Belan was awarded a diploma by the master of the Soviet stage, Joseph Kobzon.

Bilan proved: the impossible is possible

During his school years, Victor realized that he would connect his life with creativity. Therefore, when he had a diploma of secondary education in his hands, he went to Moscow to meet his dream. First of all, he enrolled in the Gnesinka. Having successfully mastered academic vocals, in 2003 he immediately became a sophomore at GITIS.

First works

As a student, Victor was lucky to meet a talented producer Yuri Aizenshpis. And after some time, a new name appeared on the Russian stage - Dima Bilan. Aizenshpis seriously took up the promotion of the project, but thanks to the talent and hard work of his ward, success came to them instantly. During the collaboration with Aizenshpis, the following events took place in the career of an aspiring singer:

  • fourth place on the "New Wave" in 2002;
  • album "I am a night hooligan" (2003);
  • album "On the shore of the sky" (2004);
  • shooting several video clips, including “I am a night hooligan”, “I love you so much”, etc .;
  • re-release of the first two albums;
  • work on an English-language album with Diane Warren and Shaun Escoffery.

New turn

In 2005, the rapid ascent to the big stage was in question. Yuri Aizenshpis passed away, and the management of his company (led by his wife) began to demand that Dima change his pseudonym. But Bilan firmly stood his ground, very opportunely then Yana Rudkovskaya came to his aid. It was with her that he continued to cooperate, continuing to be Dima Bilan. And in 2008, he officially changed his name in his passport.

For the period 2005-2006, Bilan won 2 Golden Gramophones, the First Channel prize on the New Songs about the Main project, and also performed at the Golden Street Organ. In the Ukrainian capital, at the International Music Awards, he was declared the singer of the year, and the next step on the path to world fame was Eurovision.

Two Eurovision

Bilan did not manage to become the winner of the main European music competition right away. In 2006, he overtook his competitors in the Russian selection and went to Athens to conquer Europe. With the song "Never Let You Go" he made it to the finals of the competition, but he was just a little short of the top line. The result is second place. At that time, he became the second of the Russian performers after Alsou, who was able to show such a high result.

But Dima Bilan, accustomed to achieving his goals, could not stop there. His desire to do everything perfectly and be the first was the impetus for another trip to Eurovision. In 2008, armed with the support of millions of Russians, as well as the company of two talented artists (Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton and figure skater Evgeni Plushenko), Bilan went for first place. And took it. His performance of the song "Believe" turned out to be the best, Dmitry became the first Russian to win the Eurovision Song Contest.

Eurovision 2008 - victory


The victory at the main European musical championship made Bilan practically a national hero, his person was discussed everywhere. He left all the music awards with an award, his songs took first place in the charts, the tour schedule seemed to have no end. The artist only moved forward and continued to work to the delight of the fans.

The number of nominations and awards for Dmitry's music awards can hardly be counted. He was repeatedly nominated and won in the categories "Best Artist", "Best Performer", "Best Song" at the MTV Russia Music Awards, MUZ-TV, Ru.tv. He is also the owner of several Golden Gramophones and the winner of the Soundtrack Award.

From the moment of the beginning of his career and until now, Dima Bilan has been working tirelessly, creating, and implementing creative ideas. In 2012, he even returned to his real name. However, later producer Alesya Cherny joined Viktor Belan and the project was renamed Alien24. The singer often collaborates with Russian and foreign artists, records duets and shoots videos.

Bilan Girls

Dmitry's personal life has always been under the gun of cameras. The paparazzi vied with each other to hunt for new pictures in order to be the first to publicize the relationship of the star. Bilan was always surrounded by crowds of female fans, but several times he was in a serious relationship with girls.

By 2016, the artist had not acquired a family. A high-profile romance with model Elena Kuletskaya lasted about four years, but the wedding celebration did not take place. However, Lena became the only girl who claimed to be the singer's wife.

Later he was noticed in the company of model Yuliana Krylova, then Adelina Sharipova. Dima, one might say, “advertised” his relationship with the former member of the Tatu group, Yulia Volkova. They openly hugged, kissed and made love in public. Whether it was a PR move or a real feeling, one can only guess.

While Dima remains an enviable bachelor. The singer himself admits that his constant immersion in work makes it impossible to build personal relationships. However, it is probably not worth thinking that he is flaunting everything. Therefore, the truth about his personal life remains a mystery for now.

New projects

In 2012, Dima Bilan appeared before the audience of the first channel as a mentor of the music show voice. For three seasons in a row, he worked with his wards on the numbers, which were always very bright, heartfelt, emotional. After missing one season, in 2016 he returned to the mentor's chair.

In 2015, Dmitry starred in a feature film. The picture "Hero" introduced the audience to a new facet of Bilan's talent.

  • Dima Bilan was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Chechnya, Ingushetia and People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria;
  • few people know, but in 2012 Dmitry's duet with Yulia Volkova fought for participation in Eurovision, but took second place;
  • in 2007 he became a member of the LDPR party;
  • in 2012, an exclusive perfume from Dima Bilan "dB" appeared;
  • performed the Paralympic anthem in 2014;
  • in 2014 recognized as the most famous Russian-speaking singer of the decade;
  • voiced the cartoons Frozen (2013), Trolls (2016).

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