Dialogue of communication with the client by phone. Telephone etiquette of a call center operator: how to speak with a client correctly

Telephone conversations are one of the most effective ways to sell goods and services. Their loyalty and the number of sales largely depend on how correctly the manager who receives calls will communicate with potential buyers.

If the work of processing orders and receiving incoming calls is outsourced to a call center, then it is advisable to prepare special scripts for it in advance, in accordance with which the conversation will be built.

What is a call script and how to prepare it

A call script is a conversation script that provides answers to frequently asked questions from buyers. Its goal is to successfully sell a product or service. A well-written script contains several dialogue options, which allows the manager leading the conversation to quickly navigate and not overload the client with unnecessary information.

The script should be built according to the following structure:

  1. Greeting and establishing contact. The manager who calls (or receives the call) must give his name and the online store he represents.
  2. If the call is made on an already created lead (for example, an order on the site), then at the next stage the manager indicates the reason for which he is calling. For example, you can clarify - "Ivan, you made an order for product" X "on our website, right?".
  3. Identification of need. Next, you need to specify all the parameters of the order. Here it is necessary to focus on the information that the buyer indicated when placing the order - to clarify the composition of the order, equipment, and a convenient delivery method.
  4. Cross-sell and up-sell. When the customer's needs are identified, they are offered additional products that may be required in the process of using the main purchase. It is important here not just to "impose" the product, but to talk about the advantages that the buyer will receive from the acquisition. For example, to inform that a purchased vacuum cleaner may require additional filters after some time, but today they can be purchased at a discount.
  5. Discussion of conditions and ordering. When all the necessary information is specified, you can proceed directly to the confirmation of the order. You must once again list the goods included in the order and announce the total amount. If a discount or a gift is provided for the amount of the order, be sure to voice it.
  6. Parting.

Each script should be supplemented and optimized in the course of work. This can be done by recording conversations between managers and clients. If problematic moments arise in the conversation, the script is changed in accordance with them or supplemented with new dialogue options.

Rules for communicating with buyers

Regardless of whether the script manager works or not, there are rules that it is desirable to follow when communicating with potential buyers:

  1. You must answer the call with the phrase "Hello! Online store "store name". From the first seconds of the conversation, the client must understand that he called a serious organization and not specify whether he got there if he was answered simply “hello”.
  2. Regardless of the age of the buyer, refer to him as "You" and, preferably, by name and patronymic.
  3. The manager's voice should always be cheerful. Even if this is already the hundredth call received, and before that there was a difficult conversation. The caller must "hear" the manager's smile and understand that his call is not a burden.
  4. If there is a discount on the purchased product, or it is on sale, be sure to report it. Otherwise, if the buyer himself discovers this information after placing the order, he may cancel the order and stop trusting the online store.
  5. If the selected product is not available, it is necessary to offer an alternative. Often buyers are ready to consider analogues and make a purchase.
  6. If the manager communicates with the client, he should not be distracted by extraneous conversations or switch to the second line.
  7. Even if the caller is not in the mood for peaceful communication, is annoyed and rude, the manager should not be rude in response.

What not to say to the buyer on the phone

There are phrases that, when communicating with customers, it is better to avoid or replace them with softer formulations. For example:

  • "I do not know"- this phrase should not be in the manager's vocabulary at all. You can say "Just a minute, I'll clarify this question" or offer a call back after clarifying the information;
  • "stay on the line"- if time is needed to clarify any issue, then it is better to ask the client whether it would be convenient for him to wait a few minutes on the line or maybe it would be better to call back later;
  • "I don't understand"- replace with the option "specify please";
  • "you don't understand", "you are wrong"- the use of such phrases only irritates buyers, it is better to replace them with "let me explain again."

In addition, it is necessary to avoid using words-doubts in a conversation - maybe, probably, most likely. But, at the same time, you should not speak in a dry, memorized text, otherwise the client will get the impression of “uselessness”.

In order for managers to be interested in successful communication and ordering, a personal motivation system can be developed.

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They convince not by speech, but by character


Every day someone tries to sell a product or service to a modern consumer, most customers have a negative reaction to the so-called "cold call".

This term refers to the first call to a consumer with whom negotiations have not been conducted before. Often, the negative reaction of a potential client is due to the seller's ignorance of how to properly sell a product during a phone call.

1. Collecting information about the client

A preliminary collection of information about the solvency of the client and who is specifically responsible for the purchase is necessary. This makes it easy to overcome the so-called "secretary barrier".

If you call and politely say: "Please connect me with the personnel department (deputy director for household parts, chief accountant)", the chance to get to the right person increases.

You can clarify: "I have not recorded the name and patronymic of your chief accountant ..." Any person is pleased if they are addressed specifically to him, and you will most likely be listened to if the conversation is conducted, as it were, on a personal level.

2. Timeliness of the call and readiness to talk

It is worth asking if it is convenient for the interlocutor to conduct a dialogue right now - maybe he has visitors or he is holding a meeting. Ask at what time it will be possible to talk - and call to the minute, in no case half an hour earlier and not an hour later!

Be sure to say: "Peter Sergeevich, we agreed that I would call you back." The potential customer will listen to you.

A manager offering his products must learn the text of his appeal literally by heart - to know all the information about the price list, components, warranty period, possible discounts.

If you do not have complete information, say: "Your question is very interesting, no one has delved into this aspect before. I will now write down this and all your other questions, get the necessary information and inform you as soon as possible. Thank you!".

3. How to sell by phone using the tactics “Ostap Bender storms the millionaire Koreiko”?

4. How to properly sell a product over the phone, using flattery correctly?

Coachman, don't drive the horses! The method of "talking", and even more so the words "I want to offer you" cause a negative reaction. Therefore, you can slightly "puff out your cheeks" - introduce yourself as the head of the sales department.

Then call the potential client to the dialogue. Let's put it this way: "Viktor Vasilyevich, our company is engaged in the supply of modern office equipment. As far as I know, all negotiations on this issue should be conducted with you.

Could we talk now?" Or a little differently: "Svetlana Petrovna, I do not want to make commercial offers that are not interesting for you. I would like to learn more about your firm in order to understand how my company can be useful to you. I have a few questions for you."

That is, you do not set as your goal to immediately sell something, the first call is exploratory. Its ideal result is the appointment of a personal meeting. Catalogs, product samples, listing of discounts and payment terms will already come into play, and it will be possible to talk about the sale of specific goods.

5. Talk to the right person to talk to

How to sell a product to a buyer? Don't talk to someone who won't buy it. With a "cold call" without fawning, we find out from the secretary who exactly makes the decision on this issue.

If the girl on the line asks additional questions, calmly ask: "So you make the decision to purchase?" Usually the secretary hangs out and transfers you to the right person.

6. The Four Yes Rule

It is difficult for a person who answered yes to several of your questions to say "no" later. Think about what you can ask without risking a negative answer. And only then ask: "Would you like to discuss a problem with me ...? When will it be convenient for you to meet with me?"

7. Find out what positions the potential client is interested in

When you hear the words: “Send your offer by fax”, first confirm: “Yes, I will definitely prepare a commercial offer for you and forward it.

So that it contains only the information that you need, please tell us what is the main thing for you when buying ... (office equipment, lighting fixtures, blue hares ...)? Then you can best prepare commercial information.

8. Do not try to circle the interlocutor around your finger

It is in your interest to report objective information. This, by the way, will be reflected in your voice - it will sound more convincing and at ease.

Of course, you need to focus on the pluses, but if they ask about a service that your company does not provide, answer: "We will look into this issue and solve it for you," without claiming that you have everything.

This article will explain how to politely set the client to continue the conversation, tell you what questions will help read the customer’s mind, demonstrate how to talk to the buyer and get his contact information.

Universal scripts provide answers to any questions and objections of the client - but only in theory. By implementing a conversation algorithm with customers, companies expect quick results. If sales don't grow and service levels don't improve, executives think, "This script doesn't work." They take a different scenario, but the situation does not change. Reason: managers learn not to listen to clients, but to repeat scripts mechanically. As a result, the buyer feels that the seller's task is not to help him, but to pronounce formulaic phrases without hesitation. Therefore, not adapted to the realities of the company phone call script gives no results.

In 2015, we introduced four scripts: for the initial incoming call of a client, a second call from a manager, an invitation to show an object, and communication with a realtor. Scenarios were created with the help of consultants, based on their own experience with clients. The structure was chosen as follows: greeting, permission to questions, manager's questions to identify needs, answers to customer questions, product offer, objection removal, effective completion of the conversation.

Best Article of the Month

We have prepared an article that:

✩show how tracking programs help protect the company from theft;

✩ tell you what managers actually do during working hours;

✩explain how to organize surveillance of employees so as not to break the law.

With the help of the proposed tools, you will be able to control managers without reducing motivation.

Three months later, we saw: some speech modules do not work. Customers reacted negatively to certain questions and phrases of managers, interrupted salespeople, did not allow them to answer objections, etc. We analyzed the recordings of conversations and identified three blocks that caused problems: starting a conversation, working with objections, collecting contact information. After that, changes were made that could correct the situation. When the bugs were fixed, the conversion of the initial appeal of potential buyers to a meeting doubled, the conversion to sales increased by 25%. How should managers act so that the deal does not fall through?

Lack of banals Values ​​- the basic rule of communication with customers on the phone

Recommendation. Do not complicate the script of a conversation with customers on the phone with insignificant questions and phrases that lengthen the conversation. Such phrases do not contain any information for the client. The buyer loses interest in the conversation and the desire to communicate. Therefore, make sure that each question of the seller is important and understandable for the potential customer.

For example, our managers after the greeting were interested in: “Can I ask you questions?”. Customers didn't understand why they should respond instead of asking the seller for details. Therefore, buyers took the initiative ("I'll ask myself") or reacted with a sharp refusal. The conversation went poorly from the start.

How it works. We couldn't completely abandon the module in which the seiz asks if it's okay to ask questions. If the manager starts asking the client without permission, the interlocutor will also get angry. Therefore, the wording was corrected: “We can offer you various projects. To pick the best one, can I ask you a few questions?”. Such a presentation does not outrage buyers. They understand that questions are needed to satisfy their needs and not waste time discussing unnecessary details. After we changed the phrase, we almost do not receive negative answers.

  • Scripts for communicating with a client: how to increase the average check by 15%

Answer an objection with a question

Recommendation. Managers are taught: to overcome customer objections, explain the benefits of the purchase. But if a person is obviously sure that the product is not suitable or is expensive, he will close psychologically and is unlikely to listen carefully to the seller. To avoid this situation, teach salespeople to ask alternative questions. As a result, the buyer will think about what is important for him in a product or service, and will independently come to a purchase decision.

How it works. Instead of direct answers, we decided to include clarifying questions in the script so that the buyer opens up for a dialogue.

Example 1 Customers often ask: "Why do these batteries look so weird?". The manager replies: “These are electric heaters, they are…” - but the customer interrupts: “Electric heating is expensive! I need gas." In such a situation, it is useless to explain that electric heating is cheaper than gas and works on the basis of quartz radiation that is beneficial to health. Buyers mistakenly consider all electric heaters to be expensive to operate, so they refuse to discuss their installation with the seller.

We focused on economic benefits for customers. Now the manager, having heard such an objection, remarks in response: “Does it matter to you how it looks or how much you will save with such heaters?”. The client thinks about the benefits that he can get, and heeds the advice of the seller.

Example 2 We only sell finished properties. In our region, the cost of such real estate is higher than that built to order. In 2015–2016, customers began to save significantly, and many competitors started dumping. Therefore, when the manager announced the price of finished housing, the buyers objected: “Expensive”. The seller could not convince them.

We introduced a clarifying question into the script of a conversation with customers on the phone: “What is important for you in this case - to quickly move into the house or buy cheaper?”. When they realized that most customers were ready to wait and at the same time save money, they began to develop the direction of building houses to order. And now, in response to the objection of the buyer, we offer a cheaper option without compromising quality, if the client agrees to wait.

  • Telephone Techniques: 6 Tips to Avoid Getting Lost

Don't make the mistake of ending the conversation with the client

Recommendation. If the manager at the end of the conversation asks: “When can I call you to invite you to a property viewing or meeting?” - the buyer in most cases answers: "I will call myself." It happens that the client does not leave contact details, as he calls from someone else's number or from a work phone. This may lead to the failure of the transaction.

To avoid failure, change the manager's direct question. The purpose of the question is to interest the customer. In this case, he will want to stay in touch.

How it works. We have included a chain of questions in the scripts, the task of which is to “uncover” the client. Working with them consists of three stages.

The first stage: the transfer of the initiative. Instead of insisting on calling, the manager emotionally says at the end of the conversation: “It would be great if you dialed yourself! When can I expect your call? The task of the seller is to get the time and date of the next conversation from the buyer.

Step two: insurance. The seller clarifies: “If at this time you cannot contact us for some reason, can I dial you then?”. If the client agrees, the manager asks: "Which number should I call?".

The reception is valid: the buyer readily leaves contacts. The seller, who is clearly interested in further work, wins over the client.

The third stage: an offer that is difficult to refuse. The stage is necessary if the customer persists and the manager answers all attempts: "I'll call you myself." In this case, the manager is interested in: “Can I send you an email or WhatsApp with detailed information about the objects that we discussed? You will be able to thoughtfully choose what is more interesting for you. Another option: "Can I send you an email or WhatsApp in two days about new promotions that are currently in development?". Such an offer “hooks” customers, so they leave a phone number or email address.

  • How to write a commercial proposal: 10 tricks


We timely identified and corrected errors in the scripts of conversations with customers on the phone. Since 2015, the quality of the work of managers has improved a lot. Due to this, the number of closed deals increased by 25%.

In addition, we survived the crisis, developed a new direction and are now expanding our business. At the same time, in our region over the past two years, 70% of construction companies have closed.

Ivan Kobelev, head of the customer support department of the 1PS.RU Service, spoke about how to improve the conversion of the sales department by 2 times by correcting only 8 errors in the telephone conversations of managers.

It will increase the conversion of your site and bring you new customers. But, it is very important to understand that the result, whether you close the deal or not, depends very much on the managers of your sales department.

Huge efforts and budgets are spent on website promotion and advertising.

And, when there is literally a phone call before the transaction, the sale does not occur or occurs only in 15% of cases.
Why is that? Why is this place in the sales funnel considered the narrowest and most vulnerable in many companies?
Most often the reason is in the manager. Especially if it is a young specialist who does not have sufficient experience and knowledge.

Rule 1. “I don't recognize you in makeup. Who are you?"

Often inexperienced specialists begin a telephone conversation with the words:
"Hello. Company "X", you left us a request. Tell…"
As a rule, the user leaves an application for more than one company and not only for one particular topic. That is why it is so important to correctly say who you are, where you are from and for what specific reason you are calling, so that your potential client understands it right away.
Otherwise, you start wasting time and customer loyalty.
Therefore, make sure that managers address by name and introduce themselves as clearly as possible:
“Hello, Ivan. My name is Peter, the company "Peretyazhka". We do furniture repair. Today you left an application for a sofa upholstery in 1985 on our website divan.rf.
And they continued to clarify until the client says: “Yes, yes, I remember.”

Rule 2. "Politeness costs nothing, but brings a lot"

Any conversation should start with the phrase:
"Are you comfortable talking now?"
If you do not ask such a question, then in 3-4 minutes the client himself can say about it and ask to call back, then he will have to repeat everything again.
Politeness, respect for the client's time and saving your own is the key to high sales.
This rule does not always apply to cold calls, this type of conversation should be considered individually, depending on the type of business.

Rule 3. "Remember that for a person the sound of his name is the sweetest and most important sound of human speech"

The name of a person is a word that makes you pay attention to the one who calls him.
A person begins to listen and perceive information better. Just call the client by name more often - this will save you from having to repeat the same information several times in a row. And who doesn't like being addressed by their first name?

Rule 4

Rule 5. "Exceed expectations"

Rule 6. "The customer is always right"

The main rule for posing the question is: if the client answers “not right or wrong”, then the manager asked the question incorrectly.
A competent employee asks questions in detail and as clearly as possible, without using terminology that is incomprehensible to the client.
Don't ask:
“What form of capture would you like to put on the site?”
It's better to ask:
“Alexander, tell me what is more convenient for you: to immediately receive calls from clients or first to receive some information about the client, and then call him? If you call yourself, it makes sense to add a form to the site with the "Submit request" button.

Rule 7. "Understanding is the beginning of agreement"

If there is even a little doubt about whether you understand the client correctly, it is better to ask again. To do this, a good manager at the beginning or at the end of the phrase adds “do I understand correctly?”.
For example:
Client: “The main thing is that I want the apartment to be clean.”
Manager: "Ivan, that is, you need to install windows with increased protection against dust, dirt, noise, which are easy to clean, but not necessarily snow-white, do I understand correctly?"

At the end of the conversation, a competent manager will definitely ask:
"Do you have any questions?"
Because they can be, but for some reason the client may not set them. And with such a question, we will push the client to ask his own.
If you do not answer the question, several more may arise against its background that will interfere with the transaction. Or competitors will answer this question to the client, and the client will go to them.
At first glance, the advice may seem primitive, and everyone may think that this is elementary.
Yes, this is elementary, but, unfortunately, many managers do not pay attention to simple rules. Make sure they are not your managers.

Now call-centers have spread throughout Russia, and there are quite a few of them in Kirov. However, the technique of negotiating on the phone is not difficult, so anyone can set up their own home call center and make money by selling something. In business, the phone serves as the second most important sales tool in addition to your main sales tool - your language.

Here you just need to remember that you will have to call a lot. By the way, in any company where managers communicate with customers by phone, newcomers are specially trained.

How to prepare for a call?

First, you need to tune in to a telephone conversation. Be sure to think about the good.

By the way, in advance try to guess what the person whose number you dial wants. Also, think about when your interlocutor will have free and not too busy time. For example, it is better to call an accountant during lunch (of course, if he does not prefer to spend it outside the office) or immediately after the end of the break.

And be sure to prepare a test in advance, from which you will build on during the conversation. To keep the interlocutor's attention, your speech should be extremely concise, structural, clear, and as figurative and intelligible as possible. Mark for yourself specifically and point by point the advantages of your organization over competitors. This will help you competently, tactfully and effectively deal with customer objections.

As a matter of fact, in your speech you should briefly and accurately answer the questions:

1. How good is your company and what can it offer?

2. What questions are you going to ask the interlocutor to find out his needs and create the necessary motivation for a further meeting? (If this meeting is necessary for you)

3. What objections can the interlocutor have? How will you answer them?

4. How are you going to end the conversation and arrange for follow-up communication?

Dial a number

So, you picked up the phone, dialed the desired number. So far, only long beeps of waiting can be heard. But after a few seconds, an emotionless “Hello” will be heard, because no one is waiting for your call. What to say to interest the interlocutor from the first word?

Be brief. Save time in the contact making phase. By the way, don't forget to smile. You may not be visible, but positive emotions can be heard in your voice. And that builds trust.

There are various start options. It is preferable to start a conversation with something like this: “Good afternoon. My name is Anna. Please introduce yourself so we can talk comfortably.” The interlocutor calls his name and is already included in the conversation.

By the way, remember that the phrase "Good afternoon, how are you?" - this is an invitation to a long conversation, here it is unlikely to be appropriate.

After meeting, you can insert that you represent such and such a company. And to keep attention, ask if they know her?

No need to ask: "Are you busy now?". The answer is supposed to be yes, and you don't need it at all. Try to formulate your questions in such a way that they affirm the readiness of the interlocutor to talk to you. It is better to clarify whether there is a free minute.

However, if your interlocutor is really busy, and begins to tell how difficult things are stopping right at that moment, you don’t need to get upset. They do not refuse your offer, just the moment is not suitable. Offer to call at another time when you have a free minute. It is better to have a person on the other side of the phone himself who will appoint this time. And then politely say goodbye and wish you a successful resolution of all matters.

I note that if this is not the first time you have been communicating with a person, then the acquaintance stage can be omitted. Just remind that you talked about a week ago and, for example: "You Elena Aleksandrovna said that you are interested in cooperation with our company." From their words, few will refuse.

Acquaintance completed - get down to business

If there is time for a conversation, then proceed to the next part of the negotiations. And specifically to the proposal. In a conversation, be sure call the interlocutor by name. This is pleasant for everyone and sets up a person for a trusting attitude towards you and subconsciously promotes mutual understanding. Try to adjust to the pace of the interlocutor's speech. Let him know that you are listening carefully.

Use reflection elements. Just occasionally repeat what your interlocutor just said, but paraphrased a little. For example: “Do I understand correctly that you, Elena Alexandrovna, want to look good in your 50s?”. Reflection makes it clear that you are interested in the position of the interlocutor, that you hear him.

The main thing, do not be silent, do not interrupt the connection. From time to time, insert into the conversation words like: "understood", "yes", "exactly". Ask for more explanation of what you do not understand.

Keep the initiative in your hands. Try to immediately interest the client and keep the initiative in your hands throughout the conversation. Call him to talk. Direct the conversation in the direction that interests you the most.

There is a situation when the customer already orders that product which one you suggest. Be sure to ask who you buy it from. You already know your competitors and their advantages. After all, you prepared this data even earlier. Ask at what price, what they particularly like and dislike about dealing with that company. Then compare those advantages of competitors with what the client can get from your company. Be sure to ask (neatly and tactfully) whether they would be interested in working for your company instead of competitors.

Customer's wishes for you opportunity and order. Be attentive to the questions the client asks. They talk about what is especially important for the interlocutor. If a potential buyer asks a question, then most likely he is serious about buying.

Remind yourself. Be sure to call back customers who could not get through to you. If the person you want to contact is not available, be sure to ask them to tell them that you called. Maybe there will be no return call, but your name will already be "on hearing".

Try not to interrupt the conversation. If an important call comes in on the other line, politely ask if you can interrupt, and assure your interlocutor that you will definitely call him back. During a telephone conversation, do not be distracted by conversations with other people.

Collect information in one place. When talking on the phone, write down all the important details: names, addresses, numbers, and more. This information can be very useful in the future.

Keep track of call duration. Pay attention to the clock, especially the duration of paid calls. This is especially true for calls abroad. Be extremely brief. Responsibly treat the company's expenses for telephone communications.

Summarize the conversation. At the end of the conversation, summarize it briefly. End the conversation as soon as you reach its goal. This could be a face-to-face appointment or an invoice that you can fax or email. One of the options is: "Thank you very much. I think that's enough. Hope to see you soon."

Beware of Mistakes

The conversation will be reduced to zero if you cannot clearly articulate the purpose of the call for yourself. After all, your interlocutor will not be able to understand why you are calling him. Do not deviate from the topic of conversation. There is no improvisation here. So you can just waste time without achieving any result.

Pick a good time to call. If you do not find the interlocutor on the spot, or he does not have the opportunity to listen to you, then again, the result is not expected.

Make it so the client number did not have to be searched for a long time. If it takes a lot of time to search, then these are obvious shortcomings in the organization of work. In the case of your frivolous attitude to the accounting of information, the whole thing will suffer. At the beginning of the conversation, the interlocutor does not explain the purpose of the call. The result of this may be a lack of proper attention from the interlocutor or even irritation.

The client does not answer you, it turns out a telephone monolo d. The inability to ask the right questions and listen to a partner negatively affects the course of the conversation. If you have learned to speak well and a lot, listening only to yourself, then all your efforts are worthless.

Not maintained data recording obtained during the conversation. Loss of information is loss of money. The conversation is not summarized.

Little integrity. If you do not know how to clearly follow your line and achieve the desired results from your partner, then you will not be given due respect, and you can hardly count on equal cooperation.

Failed to end the conversation on a positive note in time. Fear of offending a partner during a protracted conversation, softness and lack of necessary decisiveness can lead to the client simply starting to manipulate you.

Summarize. Communication failed if:

* there is no person in the place;

* you got angry and did not finish the conversation;

* you offended the person you were talking to;

* the subscriber just hung up;

* you have not come to a specific decision;

* you forgot to write down the most important thing for which you called;

* forgot to call back later as promised.

Call center operator test

Answer the questions by evaluating yourself on a 5-point scale.

1. I plan a conversation before I call a client.

2. I know how to answer the secretary’s question: “On what issue”, so that I can be connected to the director

3. I greet the interlocutor first.

4. I introduce myself, call myself by name.

5. I find out if the interlocutor has the opportunity to talk to me at the moment.

6. I think about how I can specifically help the client in solving his problems.

8. I speak cheerfully and businesslike.

9. I ask leading, open-ended questions.

10. I speak to the point in accordance with the developed plan.

12. I make appointments, agreeing on specific dates. Calculate the total points.

If you have more than 47, then you can be congratulated: you perfectly master the art of telephone conversations.

If 36-47, then this is also a good result.

If 15-35, then you need to seriously think about improving your style of communication on the phone. Perhaps you should take a seminar-training "Telephone conversations".

And if you scored less than 15 points, then you need to sound a real alarm. So you can lose all customers!

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