Girl from the Earth (compilation). Bulychev Kir

The Girl Who Would Never Happen Stories about the life of a little girl in the 21st century, recorded by her father


Alice is going to school tomorrow. It will be a very interesting day. This morning, her friends and acquaintances are videophoning, and everyone congratulates her. True, Alice herself has been haunting anyone for three months now - she talks about her future school.

Martian Bus sent her some amazing pencil case, which so far no one has been able to open - neither me nor my colleagues, among whom, by the way, were two doctors of science and the chief mechanic of the zoo.

Shusha said that he would go to school with Alice and see if she could get an experienced teacher.

Surprisingly noisy. In my opinion, when I went to school for the first time, no one made such a fuss.

Now the turmoil has calmed down a bit. Alice went to the zoo to say goodbye to Brontey.

In the meantime, it's quiet at home, I decided to dictate a few stories from the life of Alice and her friends. I will forward these notes to Alice's teacher. It will be useful for her to know what a frivolous person she will have to deal with. Maybe these notes will help the teacher raise my daughter.

At first Alice was a child like a child. Up to three years. The proof of this is the first story I'm going to tell. But a year later, when she met Brontey, her character revealed the ability to do everything wrong, disappear at the most inopportune time, and even accidentally make discoveries that were beyond the power of the greatest scientists of our time. Alice knows how to benefit from a good attitude towards herself, but nevertheless she has a lot of true friends. But for us, her parents, it is very difficult. After all, we cannot sit at home all the time; I work at the zoo, and our mother builds houses, and often on other planets.

I want to warn Alice's teacher in advance - it will probably not be easy for her either. Let her listen carefully to the completely true stories that happened to the girl Alice in different places on Earth and space over the past three years.

I dial a number

Alice is not sleeping. Ten o'clock and she's not sleeping. I said:

Alice, sleep now, otherwise...

What is it, dad?

And then I'll videophone Baba Yaga.

Who is Baba Yaga?

Well, kids need to know that. Baba Yaga Bone Leg is a scary, angry grandmother who eats small children. Naughty.

Well, because she's angry and hungry.

Why is she hungry?

Because she has no product pipeline in her hut.

Why not?

Because her hut is old, old and stands far in the forest.

Alice became so interested that she even sat up on the bed.

Does she work at the reserve?

Alice, sleep now!

But you promised to call Baba Yaga. Please, daddy, dear, call Baba Yaga!

I'll call. But you will regret it very much.

I walked over to the videophone and pressed a few buttons at random. I was sure that there would be no connection and Baba Yaga "won't be at home."

The Girl That Nothing Won't Happen to

Stories about the life of a little girl in the 21st century, recorded by her father

Instead of a preface

Alice is going to school tomorrow. It will be a very interesting day. This morning, her friends and acquaintances are videophoning, and everyone congratulates her. True, Alice herself has been haunting anyone for three months now - she talks about her future school.

Martian Bus sent her some amazing pencil case, which so far no one has been able to open - neither me nor my colleagues, among whom, by the way, were two doctors of science and the chief mechanic of the zoo.

Shusha said that he would go to school with Alice and see if she could get an experienced teacher.

Surprisingly noisy. In my opinion, when I went to school for the first time, no one made such a fuss.

Now the turmoil has calmed down a bit. Alice went to the zoo to say goodbye to Brontey.

In the meantime, it's quiet at home, I decided to dictate a few stories from the life of Alice and her friends. I will forward these notes to Alice's teacher. It will be useful for her to know what a frivolous person she will have to deal with. Maybe these notes will help the teacher raise my daughter.

At first Alice was a child like a child. Up to three years. The proof of this is the first story I'm going to tell. But a year later, when she met Brontey, her character revealed the ability to do everything wrong, disappear at the most inopportune time, and even accidentally make discoveries that were beyond the power of the greatest scientists of our time. Alice knows how to benefit from a good attitude towards herself, but nevertheless she has a lot of true friends. But for us, her parents, it is very difficult. After all, we cannot sit at home all the time; I work at the zoo, and our mother builds houses, and often on other planets.

I want to warn Alice's teacher in advance - it will probably not be easy for her either. Let her listen carefully to the completely true stories that happened to the girl Alice in different places on Earth and space over the past three years.

I dial a number

Alice is not sleeping. Ten o'clock and she's not sleeping. I said:

- Alice, sleep immediately, otherwise ...

- What is it, dad?

- Otherwise I'll videophone Baba Yaga.

- And who is this Baba Yaga?

Well, kids need to know. Baba Yaga Bone Leg is a terrible, evil grandmother who eats small children. Naughty.

- Why?

Well, because she's angry and hungry.

- Why are you hungry?

“Because she doesn’t have a product pipeline in her hut.

- Why not?

- Because her hut is old, old and stands far in the forest.

Alice became so interested that she even sat up on the bed.

Does she work in the reserve?

- Alice, go to sleep now!

“But you promised to call Baba Yaga. Please, daddy, dear, call Baba Yaga!

- I'll call. But you will regret it very much.

I walked over to the videophone and pressed a few buttons at random. I was sure that there would be no connection and Baba Yaga "won't be at home."

But I was wrong. The videophone screen brightened, lit up brighter, there was a click - someone pressed the receive button on the other end of the line, and before the image appeared on the screen, a sleepy voice said:

“The Martian embassy is listening.

- Well, dad, will she come? Alice called from the bedroom.

"She's already asleep," I said angrily.

“The Martian embassy is listening,” the voice repeated.

I turned to the videophone. The young Martian looked at me. He had green eyes without eyelashes.

“Sorry,” I said, “I obviously got the wrong number.

The Martian smiled. He wasn't looking at me, but at something behind me. Of course, Alice got out of bed and stood barefoot on the floor.

“Good evening,” she said to the Martian.

- Good evening, girl.

- Does Baba Yaga live with you?

The Martian looked at me questioningly.

“You see,” I said, “Alice can’t sleep, and I wanted to videophone Baba Yaga so that she would punish her. But here's the wrong number.

The Martian smiled again.

“Good night, Alice,” he said. - You need to sleep, otherwise dad will call Baba Yaga.

The Martian said goodbye to me and hung up.

“Well, are you going to bed now?” I asked. “Did you hear what your uncle from Mars told you?”

- I'll go. Will you take me to Mars?

“If you behave well, we’ll fly there in the summer.”

Eventually Alice fell asleep and I sat down to work again. And stayed up until midnight. And at one o'clock a videophone suddenly squealed muffledly. I pressed the button. A Martian from the embassy was looking at me.

“I'm sorry to disturb you so late,” he said, “but your videophone is not switched off, and I assume that you are still awake.

- Please.

– Could you help us? said the Martian. “The entire embassy is awake. We looked through all the encyclopedias, studied the videophone book, but we cannot find who Baba Yaga is and where she lives ...


A brontosaurus egg was brought to us at the Moscow Zoo. The egg was found by Chilean tourists in a landslide on the banks of the Yenisei. The egg was almost round and remarkably preserved in the permafrost. When specialists began to study it, they found that the egg was completely fresh. And so it was decided to place him in a zoo incubator.

Of course, few people believed in success, but after a week, x-rays showed that the brontosaurus embryo was developing. As soon as this was announced on Intervision, scientists and correspondents began to flock to Moscow from all directions. We had to book the entire 80-story Venera Hotel on Tverskaya Street. And even then she did not fit all. Eight Turkish palaeontologists slept in my dining room, I sat in the kitchen with a journalist from Ecuador, and two correspondents for Women of Antarctica settled into Alice's bedroom.

Actually, Kira Bulychev does not have a story or story with a similar title. That was the name of the collection, which was published more than a quarter of a century ago - in 1974.

Bulychev K.V. Girl from Earth: Fantasy. novels and short stories / Fig. E. Migunova. - M.: Det. lit., 1974. - 288 p.: ill.

It included: a selection of short stories "The Girl with whom nothing will happen" and two stories - "Alice's Journey" and "Alice's Birthday". This collection, in fact, opened an endless series about a girl from the XXI century, Alisa Selezneva.

No one realized then that a real little revolution had taken place. And this is not an exaggeration, because at that time there was simply nothing like the “Girl from the Earth” in Soviet children's literature. That is, writers, of course, wrote fiction for children, but, with rare exceptions, so dull and instructive that longing took.

What did Bulychev manage to do? Not a lot and not a little. First of all, he came up with a charming heroine who became truly “his” for several generations of readers from 7 to 12. He did not “stole” this heroine from Lewis Carroll at all, but only copied from his own growing daughter, by the way, named at birth Alice. Alice was the most ordinary - restless, curious, resourceful, sticking her freckled nose everywhere - in a word, a normal girl, and not a philosophizing Electronics. And she had her own world, invented by the generous imagination of her father, the writer Kir Bulychev.

You can scold Bulychev or, on the contrary, admire him, but the fact remains: for his heroine, he created the whole Universe - children's, toy, fairy-tale, carnival, call it what you want. But this cozy world is a space of limitless possibilities, where nothing really can happen to Alice, although, what can I say, it constantly happens. There you can easily tame a brontosaurus, make a scientific discovery that turned out to be beyond the power of an adult scientist, save an entire planet from a cosmic plague, or become a real princess. The favorite mode of transport in this world is not even a starship, which in a matter of minutes will take you to visit an alien friend named Rrrr, and nothing more than a time machine. There, an unfamiliar dwarf will give you a cap of invisibility, and brave space captains will promise to take you on a journey to another galaxy. Truly this is Wonderland, and how good it is in it! After all, one can only dream of such friends as the temperamental and naive archaeologist Gromozek from the planet Chumaroz, who has three kind, stupid hearts. Or the boring mechanic Zeleny, whose melancholic question “well, what's wrong with us?” entered the conversation. Even the villains there are real darlings and charms, such as, for example, fat, fat Veselchak U.

This densely populated and beautifully lived space is free from any stillborn ideology. After all, no Alice is a pioneer! And there is no such word in Bulychev's books and never was, no matter what critics unfriendly to the writer invent on this score. From the moment when the first stories about Alice appeared in the almanac "World of Adventures" in 1965, a lot of things in our lives have changed, but it seems that for a very, very long time they will be read by generations and generations of teenagers. And obviously, the words of another critic, friendly, will turn out to be fair: “It will not be too bold to assume that a book about Alice will be read in a hundred years, because we also read and reprint books a hundred and even one hundred and fifty years ago. And, probably, schoolchildren and schoolgirls of the 70s and 80s of the 21st century will compare the author’s ideas with the reality around them with interest, they will probably laugh at something, they will probably grieve over something. But, we are ready to bet that the "girl from the Earth" will be as close to them as to today's schoolchildren, because the heroes of fantastic tales, who have absorbed the essential features of children's characters, are destined for a long life. The wooden man Pinocchio-Pinocchio does not age, and the girl Ellie from Oz with her true friends, and Carlson, who lives on the roof, and many other characters in favorite children's books ”(Vs. Revich).

Still, an amazing girl, this Alice. There is no other like it. Recently, in honor of the beloved heroine of Russian schoolchildren, one celestial body was even named. No, no, not in Kir Bulychev's book, but in reality. And now, somewhere far, far away in endless space, a small star named Alice is following her path ...

Kir Bulychev is a very prolific writer. And to date, he has written so many books about Alice that it seems that even his most devoted fans have lost count (and the score has already gone to dozens!). Alas, it has been said more than once that Bulychev failed to overcome the main drawback of all series - each subsequent story or story inevitably turned out to be weaker than the previous ones. Probably the best in the cycle about a girl from the future were the first three books: "A Girl from Earth", "One Hundred Years Ahead", which served as the literary basis for the most popular television series "Guest from the Future", and "A Million Adventures". Moreover, perhaps, the story "The Purple Ball", which, being printed next to the other two stories in the collection "Fidget", for some reason faded and lost a significant share of the amusement and mystery of the newspaper version published in the first half of the 80s in Pioneer Truth.

Alice's popularity, of course, was largely facilitated by the film adaptation - especially the full-length cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" and the television series "Guest from the Future" already mentioned. But the first to offer readers the visible appearance of their beloved heroine was the wonderful artist Yevgeny Tikhonovich Migunov. After his witty, dynamic and inventive drawings, it became almost impossible for Alice to imagine otherwise.


Bulychev Kir. Girl from Earth: Fantasy. story / [Art. E. Migunov]. - M.: Det. lit., 1989. - 444 p.: ill.

Contents: Alice's Journey; A million adventures

Bulychev Kir. Preserve of fairy tales: Fantast. novels and short stories / Khudozh. E. Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1994. - 396 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).

Contents: Reserve of fairy tales; Kozlik Ivan Ivanovich; Purple ball: Tales; Girl from the Future: Stories.

Bulychev Kir. A Million Adventures: Fantasy. story / Art. E. Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1994. - 395 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).

Contents: Prisoners of the asteroid; A million adventures

Bulychev Kir. Alice's Journey: Fantasy. story / Art. E. Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1994. - 428 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).

Contents: A girl with whom nothing will happen; Rusty field marshal; Alice's Journey; Alice's birthday.

Bulychev Kir. One hundred years ahead: Fantastic. story / [Art. K. Lee]. - L.: Lenizdat, 1991. - 637 p.: ill.

Contents: Girl from Earth; One hundred years ahead; A million adventures

Bulychev Kir. One hundred years ahead: Fantastic. story / Art. E. Migunov. - M.: ARMADA, 1995. - 298 p.: ill. - (Castle of Wonders).

In recent years, all books about a girl from the future have been published in the series "Alice's Adventures" by the Moscow publishing house "Armada".

Year: 1974 Genre: fantasy story

Main characters: Alisa Selezneva

The story "The Girl from the Earth" or "Alice's Journey" was written by the Soviet science fiction writer Kir Bulychev in 1972. This story is part of a cycle about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva, a schoolgirl living in the distant future. Together with her father, cosmozoologist Igor Seleznev, she conquers space and gets into incredible adventures. Of all the stories in this cycle, "The Girl from Earth" is the most famous: the famous cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" was created based on the book. The script for the cartoon was written by the author of the book himself - Kir Bulychev. Stories about the adventures of Alice to this day win the hearts of both young readers and loyal fans of the writer.

The meaning of the work. On the one hand, this is a fascinating story about fictional worlds and travels to other planets, and on the other hand, a story about childhood and the worldview of a child. The non-trivial look of the girl Alice, devoid of the conventions of the adult world, helps her defeat her enemies. This is a story in which, without any edification, it is shown where is good and where is evil.

Read the summary of Kir Bulychev Alice's Journey or the Girl from the Earth

"Girl from the Earth" tells the reader about one of the most interesting adventures of Alisa Selezneva. Actions take place in the future, at the end of the 21st century on planet Earth. Here, superluminal ships and robots have long come into use, the solar system has been colonized, and all planets are suitable for life. The people of the Earth are kind, open, honest, they do not know wars and care about the environment.

Alisa Selezneva, a second grade student, a restless and very kind girl, goes on a space expedition with her father and his team on the Pegasus ship. The purpose of the trip is to find rare species of animals to replenish the collection of the Intergalactic Zoo in Moscow. However, the business trip turns into an extraordinary adventure for the heroes, connected with the search for the missing famous space explorer. And it is the Pegasus team that will have to unravel the mysterious knot of events, and new friends will help Alice and her father not only acquire new types of animals, but also find the Second Captain.

On her journey, Alice will get into a stream of exciting adventures: unravel the secret of the tadpoles, see a talking bird and a diamond turtle, make friends with Sklif the flying cow and a fluffy indicator, try on an invisibility cap, save a planet inhabited by robots, escape from insidious space pirates and discover The secret of the Third Planet.

Retelling of the story Alice's Journey or The Girl from Earth

Based on this story by Bulychev, a famous cartoon was created. But of course, there is much more information and details in the book. It all starts with the fact that Alice's journey itself (with her father on a space expedition for rare animals) is under threat, because the girl and her classmates stole a gold bar from the museum! .. to make a lure out of it. But it turns out that in the future, gold has completely depreciated. And thanks to the help of friends (mostly aliens), Alice was forgiven.

However, she nearly ruined the expedition again by hiding two classes of her friends in a starship. On the journey, earthlings encounter the mystery of the three missing captains. Hints, oddities, riddles - Alice is very interested in understanding the fate of these heroes. On the way, earthlings get to different planets, for example, creatures live on one, taking one form on one day, and the inhabitants of the other have learned to travel in time. In the intergalactic market, Alice's father acquires many amazing animals.

The girl herself encounters the wounded bird Talker, which Alice has already seen - on the statue of the captains. The talker in the voice of the captain suggests the direction of the search. It becomes clear that the captains must be saved! As a result, the father's ship falls into a trap of pirates, who have been holding the captains captive for several years now. Alice and her companions now also become hostages. In time, the First Captain arrives to the rescue, and also his friend, Verkhovtsev. One of the pirates was disguised as the latter.

By the way, Alice also has an invisibility hat - a gift from a space merchant. Together, the pirates were defeated. There are many beloved characters in the story: the alien Gromozeka, the pessimist Zeleny, the pirate Veselchak U ... The story teaches courage and curiosity, even in space - these are irreplaceable qualities.

Picture or drawing Girl from Earth

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

  • Summary Shukshin Husband's wife saw off to Paris

    The family life of the main characters of the story, Kolka Paratov and his wife Valentina, did not develop from the very beginning. They met in absentia when Kolka served in the army. After serving, the Siberian Kolka came to visit the Muscovite Valyusha

  • Summary Dragoon No worse than you circus

    Denis Korablev was walking home from the store. In the bag he had tomatoes, sour cream and other products. On the way he met a neighbor. The neighbor worked at the circus, and she invited the boy to take him to an afternoon performance.

  • Summary Gogol Mirgorod

    "Mirgorod" is a continuation of the collection "Evenings on the farm ...". This book served as a new period in the author's work. This work by Gogol consists of four parts, four stories, each of them is not like the other

  • Summary of Dubov the Fugitive

    The fugitive is a prototype of a person who is trying to escape from this reality of a cruel world, where even the closest people show cruelty and heartlessness. Life is not like that, but most people make it that way.

  • Summary Golem Gustav Meyrink

    The novel tells about the unusual adventures of the protagonist, who accidentally confused his hat with the hat of a certain Athanasius Pernath. He lived in Prague and was a restorer and stone carver

A girl living in the late 21st century gets into adventures on Earth and Mars; saves an entire civilization by traveling to the distant past and fights space pirates in deep space.

The narration in all three stories is conducted on behalf of the father of Alisa Selezneva, professor-cosmobiologist.

The Girl That Nothing Won't Happen to

Alisa Selezneva had the ability to "disappear at the most inopportune time" and make discoveries that turned out to be "beyond the strength of the greatest scientists of our time." Her father, a cosmobiologist, Professor Seleznev, confident that nothing would happen to his little daughter at the end of the 21st century, wrote down several stories that happened to her.

Thanks to Alice, the Martians found out who Baba Yaga was. The girl made friends with the brontosaurus and figured out how to cure it. Accidentally lost on Mars, Alice found the structure of an ancient Martian civilization. The beast, brought from a distant planet and presented to the girl, turned out to be intelligent.

Having moved to the dacha in the summer, Alice saved a scientist who unsuccessfully tested his invention on himself. Then the girl found guests from a distant star, who turned out to be tiny men. On the test of the time machine, Alice got into the past and met a famous science fiction writer.

Alice's birthday

To give Alisa Selezneva a birthday present, the girl's friend, an alien and famous archaeologist Gromozeka, took her to explore the recently discovered planet Coleida. All life on the planet died out due to a cosmic plague, the virus of which brought the first spacecraft launched from it to Coleida. It was revealed that Gromozeka had taken Alice with him with the intention of sending the girl back in time to try to save life on the planet.

Together with her new friend, the cat-like archaeologist Rrrr, Alice traveled back in time, sneaked into the spaceport, and sprayed the astronauts with liquid space plague vaccine. Returning to their time, Alice and Rrrr learned that they succeeded, the civilization on Coleida was saved, and the locals do not even suspect that someone saved them.

Alice's Journey

Cosmobiologist Professor Seleznev took his daughter Alice on a space expedition to collect rare animals for the Moscow Zoo. At the beginning of the flight, the girl learned about the Three Captains, brave explorers of deep space, and then the Seleznyovs got a semi-intelligent bird talker that belonged to one of the captains.

Talker led the expedition to an unknown planet, where space pirates were holding the Second Captain captive, trying to learn from him the formula for the absolute fuel. This formula was presented to the captain by the inhabitants of the neighboring galaxy, where he recently visited.

With the help of the talker, Alice managed to get out of the dungeon, where the expedition members ended up with the captain, and bring help. The space pirates were arrested, after which Alice asked the captains to take her with them to the neighboring galaxy.

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