Children born under the sign of Libra. baby scales

Libra children are the most peaceful among all the signs of the zodiac. They are prone to cooperation, always strive for harmony and completely reject violence.
It is not easy to single out Libra in a group of children - until a conflict brews or a fight starts. Then Libra comes to the fore, trying to reduce everything to peace negotiations. This they know how to do very well, because they understand that the problem concerns both sides. Libras are excellent strategists and have the ability to win life's battles.

Being a cardinal sign, like Aries, Libra loves to act, but they do it in a much more subtle way. Instead of rushing forward with reckless fearlessness, Libra negotiates, sowing the seeds of ideas so skillfully that the opponent begins to play by their rules, obeying their strategy. Even children show this talent, often in this way keeping the peace in their families, reconciling among themselves friends or neighbor children.

Libra, ruled by Venus, has a well-developed aesthetic sense, they are attracted to art, music, good books. Take your Libra child with you to a museum, bookstore, or record store, and he will walk around for hours, soaking up and tasting everything and getting great pleasure from it. Libra children love a pleasant environment, tasteful, beautiful clothes - in a word, everything is refined and elegant.

Libra children are social creatures, they assert themselves through relationships with other people. They need friends and company. Such children work well in a team. In fact, they prefer to work with other people rather than alone. Libra's friends, like possessions, reflect their desire for sophistication. Even at a young age, Libra children cannot stand vulgarity.

Children - Libra are very good strategists

If you have an only Libra child, then you can be sure that his friends will crowd into your house, especially if you have furnished his room with great taste. If your child does not have friends around, he enjoys puzzles, mind games, or reading books. He also likes chess and word games.
Most Libras are so polite and suave that other people consider them soft-bodied. But it is not. Libras get into a fight when principle is at stake, and while it's not easy to anger them, it's best not to get in their way when they're angry.

As your Libra son or daughter comes of age, romantic love comes to the fore. Libras are romantics in the fullest sense of the word: candlelit dinners, moonlight walks along the seashore, quiet music… Any cliché for a romantic story can be stuck to them. They need a partner, and most Libras are sure to get married at least once in their lives.

Libra boy. At a young age, it can be compared to the sea breeze. It's so easy to handle that you'll be the envy of every parent in your neighborhood. This child wants to do you only pleasant and helps in everything but the housework.

But despite the fact that he is usually so cute, his mood can suddenly change. You will not see an explosion of emotions, as happens with Aries, he will not go into himself, as happens with Capricorns. He quietly shifts to negotiating tactics and uses his charm. If that doesn't work, he enters into a debate about the issue until he wins or until you end the discussion.

Libras are very good artists.

If your Libra son has artistic talent, develop it with all your might. Many Libras have perfect hearing and love music and dancing. But even if they themselves do not have such talents, they are able to appreciate it in others. Whatever your son's abilities, encourage him to join an interest group such as a choir or dance group.

Boys born under the sign of Libra are easy to conquer with sophistication and courtesy. They can be so swayed by this that they do not see in a person the very unattractive traits of character that are hidden under the mask.

And although I do not suggest looking for faults in the people your Libra son loves, he can save himself from heartache if he does not recklessly strike up relationships with people. Advise him not to rush, to do everything gradually. Perhaps he will not listen to you, but at some point he will receive a good lesson and draw conclusions.

Libra girl. She is beautiful and fair. She is a diplomat. Like the Libra boys, she instinctively grasps the duality of any problem and therefore at times shows indecision. And this applies not only to important issues, but also to trifles. For example, your Libra daughter may hesitate for a long time what is the best thing to do: go play with Ann from a neighboring street or go shopping with you.

The Libra girl loves beautiful things: clothes, furniture, dolls, even animals. Some mongrel will not match the decoration of her room, but a hunting greyhound for a crazy price - yes.

And although she usually does not judge people by their appearance, nevertheless, the impression made by the appearance of a person definitely plays a big role for her when choosing friends. For Libra, appearance goes beyond personal physical data, for them the main thing is style.

Girls - Libra are very fond of fashionable clothes and hairstyles

But in matters of love, your Libra daughter can be fickle. In adolescence, you may think of it as a hormonal and youthful fad. But later, when she starts juggling fans and trying to get into relationships with two or three guys at the same time, hormones have nothing to do with it. It may seem to you that it simply manifests such a character trait as inconstancy.
In reality, it's not like that at all. In matters of the heart, her inner sense of justice and deep compassion makes her incapable of hurting anyone.

Libras of both sexes should be encouraged to look for their only soul mate, true passion, and not indulge their habit of supporting passion in other people. Later, in their adult life, this habit can lead to frustration.

Age stages of the child-Libra.

Libra child from infancy to seven years. In infancy, a Libra child is just a dream. He sleeps peacefully all night, starting from a very young age, enjoys any trifles, and when people surround him, he seems to be the happiest creature in the world.

In infancy, the child is very quiet and calm.

At school, the Libra child feels like a fish in water. But it is not the school as such that delights him, but the opportunity to contact peers. From kindergarten to second grade, the Libra child flourishes in communication, re-knowing himself through new friendships.

Libra child from seven to fourteen years old. During this period of personality formation, Libra's inner needs are clarified. Perhaps this child is no longer as willing to help around the house as he used to be. His hobbies or interests may change. Some people will leave his life and new ones will appear.
During this period, your Libra child becomes more sociable and open in terms of expressing his feelings. With your support, he is able to bridge the abyss, gaining life experience and learning about the world.

Libra from the age of fourteen to twenty-one. In Libra, rebellion does not manifest itself as openly as it happens in those born under other signs. Rather, it is expressed through relationships. Rebellion can manifest itself, for example, like this: a Libra teenager contacts an inappropriate company for him or suddenly becomes a fan of a girl with a sharp nose. You may not like what is happening, but if you take it categorically, you will only drive a wedge into your relationship with your offspring. Just give advice and express your opinion, but only if your son or daughter asks for it. Otherwise, keep quiet and remember that this too shall pass.

After twenty one years. Your Libra child by this time may have already taken on certain serious obligations or got married. If not, then he plunged into his passion for painting and, of course, acquired a wide circle of friends and acquaintances who support his interests and hobbies. Perhaps he really enjoys visiting the opera, ballet and museums and lives in an area where cultural life is in full swing.

Child - Libra already in his youth can delve into painting

If Libra works in a job that they do not like, they, as a rule, do not stay there for a long time. Often there comes a period when unsettled Libra moves from one job to another in search of the realization of their aspirations. But Libras rarely lead a "nomadic" lifestyle or remain alone for a long time. Usually they begin to prosper by entering into marriage or having an intimate relationship - in general, they settle down one way or another and for a long time.

The inner world of the child-Libra

Some Libra adjoin organized religion. They enjoy beautiful rituals and following traditions; they enjoy social interaction that grows out of a shared belief system. Other Libras are not so much interested in religion as such, but in the search for spiritual satisfaction in groups of non-traditional beliefs. And then they bring this spirituality into their marriage or into their art.

Sometimes a particularly intense relationship or event forces Libra to rethink their beliefs. As a result, they begin to take an interest in metaphysics. Initially, Libra's attention may be focused on the connections between them and their past life partners.

Since Libra is a cardinal sign, and their element is Air, their approach to spiritual problems tends to be intellectual. First, they cull information from books and the Internet, and then enter the public arena, where they attend seminars and lectures and have conversations with others who hold the same beliefs.

Libra has a very well developed intuition.

Scales weigh and evaluate everything, considering the problem from all sides. And only after that they form their own opinion. Libra rarely tries to impose their spiritual beliefs on someone. Of course, they hope that the partners share them, but if not, then it's okay.

Libra can have as strong intuition as any other sign. But it seems that Libra's intuition is especially developed in relation to those people whom he loves. Therefore, if your Libra son one day blurts out that his little sister messed up in kindergarten, do not make fun of him.

Pleasant and sweet, tiny Libra-children will conquer the heart of anyone: this luxurious smile with dimples on the cheeks characteristic of representatives of the Zodiac sign, outstretched arms for hugs, small funny faces ...

In kindergarten, Libras become the stars of all matinees, because they quickly learn to sing and dance beautifully, have a good memory and receive the longest verses from teachers. They are adored by the whole family, educators and peers. If you have little Libra growing up, the children's horoscope advises you to definitely develop artistic and artistic abilities, even if in adulthood they will not become a source of livelihood.

For Libra, already in early childhood, everything that surrounds them is divided into beautiful and ugly. These are children who adore everything beautiful, soft and tender. Their room should be decorated aesthetically impeccably, in pastel colors. As the horoscope assures, Libra girls and Libra boys are ladies and gentlemen who care a lot about their appearance. For them, you can choose traditional films, books or toys, avoiding too modern, "modernist" or too aggressive. Representatives of this zodiac constellation fall in love with music from an early age, quickly fall asleep when a lullaby is sung to them or when a calm melody is played in the room.

A Libra child has an innate sense of justice. This creature is very sensitive to human pain and the suffering of animals. Scales are idealists, they really believe in the kindness of people, they have a delicate psyche, they are too sensitive, so they need to be protected as much as possible from the cruel manifestations of the modern world.

Horoscope for the zodiac sign Libra-child: characteristics of the school period

Libra students go to school primarily to socialize. They have serious potential, most often they are attracted to the humanities, and less often they demonstrate abilities in the natural sciences. However, you should not count on amazing results in learning, despite great innate abilities. The horoscope of the Libra child is such that since childhood he does not like to overexert himself, and average grades are quite enough for him. But not in the subjects with which they pin their hopes for the future! They have great life ambitions, which are reflected in education. Therefore, for example, they can win some kind of art competition or olympiad, although at the same time in chemistry they will be threatened with failure in a quarter.

The stars say that Libra students are usually very loved by their peers. Their friendship, which began at the school desk, often continues into adulthood. Children of this zodiac sign, especially girls, are often favorites of even the most strict teachers. Their amazing charm, the ability to create the appearance of industriousness and hard work, the image of the most diligent student / student in the class lead to the fact that their few sins are always turned a blind eye and set as an example of good behavior to other - not so artistic - children.

Let's start with the fact that you pulled out a lucky ticket. Parents constantly hear praises and exclamations about the fact that they got such a polite and wonderful angel. Small Libra in education with their behavior does not create big problems. They have the manners of real little ladies or gentlemen. If they've done something, don't shout. Libra will understand everything perfectly if you calmly explain their mistakes and ask them to improve their behavior.

Sometimes parents are prevented from sleeping peacefully at night by the health of their children. In the case of Libra, this is a tendency to allergies and numerous colds. The children's horoscope suggests that their diet also needs to be controlled, because Libra - both boys and girls - are big gourmets and sometimes weigh above the norm.

Since we no longer have a Virgo, I’m studying the Sign of Libra, well, on the one hand, I wanted a Virgo, and on the other hand, three Virgos in the family are too much, I’m a virgin, mother-in-law, and even Ksenia would be, I read about Libra and I’m happy, Now you...)))

Zodiac sign child-Libra 24.09-23.10

Libra children are gentle, sweet, often beautiful. Usually they are cheerful, in a good mood, not capricious. And if they are capricious, then only a little bit, and because of some external unfavorable circumstances.

The interior of the room in which the young representative of this sign lives should be made in soft, soft colors. The peace of mind of a child, his calmness can be quickly restored with the help of quiet and pleasant music.

Like no other zodiac sign, Libra needs love, silence, even, calm relations between households to reign in his house. In addition, small Libras need a long rest, completely restoring their strength. The psyche of babies born under the constellation Libra suffers greatly if someone in the family is in conflict. Sometimes children can feel physically unwell because of this. Libra never becomes the initiator of quarrels, they never provoke the rest of the team members to them. If a dispute arises, they are ready to give in, to compromise, so long as the situation does not escalate. Not only with family members, but also with peers, Libra-child tries to behave in such a way that harmony and mutual understanding reign in their relationship.

Libra loves everything around them to be done fairly. Children of this sign feel physical pain when someone is offended or unfairly punished in front of them.

Small Libras are naturally endowed with high sociability, the ability to converge without any problems with people. At the same time, they like spending time with a few friends much more than in large companies. Periodically, representatives of this sign need privacy, which adults should not violate in any way. The child must be left to himself and leave any attempts to climb into his soul.

Already in early childhood, Libra-children become housekeepers, because they love it very much when the house is cozy and in order. In their life there is an alternation of periods of activity and apathy, which should not be mistaken for banal laziness. Libras, including small ones, need rest time to replenish their internal energy reserves.

Children born under this sign need the help of their parents all the time, because they should be encouraged to work. This is done calmly, without raised intonations, in an even voice. It is strictly forbidden to rush them, because the hustle and bustle of the atmosphere disorients Libra. They already have difficulty making decisions, and if they are driven, they can fall into a stupor. This is a vulnerable place in the nature of people of this sign, therefore, already in childhood, parents should teach their kids to make independent decisions and take responsibility for them. They need to be explained that the blame for failure should not be shifted onto other people's shoulders, and taught not to give up.

Thanks to the influence of Venus, which endowed Libra with the ability to subtly feel beauty, developing good taste in the children of this sign is an easy task. From childhood, Libra pays great attention to their own appearance, and girls can develop a complex against this background. Parents should help them cope with self-doubt.

For Libra, love plays a huge role in life. At the time of adolescence, young representatives of this sign can inflame this feeling repeatedly, but a meeting with true love, as a rule, awaits them much later.

The natural alertness of the mind makes the learning process easy for a typical Libra child, but from time to time they are overwhelmed by an unwillingness to cope with the difficulties that arise. It is not common for young Libras to be frank with adults about their school troubles. Therefore, parents should always be on their guard so as not to miss some serious problem related to their studies and respond in a timely manner.

Representatives of this zodiac sign make especially great progress in humanitarian subjects. Even from the school bench, young Libra should be oriented towards professions that do not involve routine long-term work. As a rule, children of this sign are artistic and musical.

The potential bestowed by nature is revealed in all its glory in those areas of activity where it is possible to demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with people and initiative. Libra children are activists who willingly participate in the social life of the team.

If we talk about the physical form of Libra children, then they have good health. Yet they, especially if they are girls, should not catch a cold. Parents should keep in mind that their children suffer primarily from the lumbar and pelvic regions, as well as the urinary system.

It has long been known that the Libra child in infancy and early age, which is noted by most parents, pediatricians and psychologists, is almost ideal. That is why many future mothers and fathers, who have read specialized literature, specifically benefit so that the baby is born in late September or early October.

In the first days of life, the Libra boy will amaze with his calmness, which is perceived by some parents as a reason to go to the doctor. This is surprising, but the child is calm, screams a little, does not cry for no particular reason, does not cause trouble for parents, and there are no pathologies and diseases that caused this behavior of the baby. Libra boys remain calm at the age of 1-2 years, when they are just beginning to get to know the world around them. Even fear and slight pain often do not become a reason for screaming and crying.

At the same time, the baby may well become capricious and whiny, but only parents can contribute to this. To keep the baby calm for a long time, he needs to pay a lot of attention. Libra children from an early age are very drawn to communication with loved ones. At the same time, they are also interested in meeting new people, although at first they may not trust them, being capricious, for example, in the arms of an aunt or grandmother. Over time, trust in adults, especially those close to the family, increases. At the same time, the baby, up to adulthood, will be wary of strangers, although he will definitely show them due respect if they deserve it in his opinion.

Astrologers and psychologists also note that Libra boys and girls have a certain craving for creativity. In particular, to painting and music.

That is why, in order to calm the naughty child, it is recommended to turn on calm and melodic music, to which it will be much easier to rock him to sleep. Music, by the way, can not be turned off during the entire sleep of the baby, since Libra from an early age will react very sensitively to sounds. In this regard, psychologists recommend talking more with the Libra boy from the first days of his life - so he can quickly recognize the voice of mom and dad, which will give him peace of mind.

Libra boy and parents

The Libra child, as already noted, is the most calm. Moreover, this zodiac sign is considered by many astrologers to be the most calm and balanced. At the same time, the calmness of the baby often leads to the fact that the boy becomes indecisive from an early age. It is quite difficult for him to make even the simplest choice. For example, a Libra boy can hardly choose and think for a long time about what kind of ball he should play - football or basketball. It is much more difficult for a child to choose if his choice affects the interests of other people - his friends, peers and parents.

Psychologists recommend not making a tragedy out of the fact that a baby with the zodiac sign Libra cannot make a choice. Of course, in such situations, you should not yell at him and get angry. Moreover, for adults, the choice in a given situation may seem obvious, but for a baby, everything will be very difficult.

Due to the fact that boys with the Libra zodiac sign are extremely sociable, you need to prepare in advance for the fact that the baby will have many friends, both in kindergarten and at school. In your house, for sure, there will always be his peers playing on the console or watching TV. It is quite possible that inseparable friends and lessons will do together until high school.

The child of Libra, in most cases, respects not only the elders, but also their peers. Moreover, the respectfulness of the baby begins to develop independently, regardless of what kind of upbringing is imposed on the child by the parents. At the same time, Libra boys are very bad at scandals, screams, conflicts, swearing and all that negative, so they need to be protected in every possible way from this. Frequent scandals in the family and an unstable psychological situation can lead to serious problems in the psycho-emotional development of a boy with the Libra zodiac sign.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor which team the child has come across in kindergarten or school. It is very bad if he encounters rudeness, humiliation or violence in a kindergarten or school. In this situation it is necessary to intervene. Otherwise, the boy will accumulate negative emotions in himself and gradually become isolated, as a result of which his self-confidence will be undermined. Astrologers also do not recommend punishing children with the Libra zodiac sign, depriving them of communication with their peers and putting them under house arrest for a long time. This zodiac sign needs communication more than anyone else.

Development of Libra children

The zodiac sign Libra represents balance, calmness, but danger can be hidden behind all this. It is very important that parents pay much attention to the boy. From an early age, it is recommended to read fairy tales to them, sing lullabies, recite poems. At the same time, it is recommended to systematically update your “repertoire” with something new and interesting, which will allow the baby to gradually develop.

The zodiac sign Libra gives people not only peace of mind, but also the desire to follow the rules. That is why such children will not be difficult to accustom to the diet and sleep. In addition, Libra boys, as a rule, tolerate medical procedures of various kinds well and have a high threshold of patience.

Boys with this zodiac sign will react extremely positively to the appearance of a brother or sister in the family. A new family member is an additional interlocutor, a partner for games and fun, so it is rare that children who are representatives of this sign negatively perceive the appearance of a sister or brother. This is practically out of the question.

Despite the fact that Libra boys, like girls, for the most part are not conflicting, various scandalous situations often occur with their participation in kindergartens and schools. Including fights. This is due to the fact that a child with this zodiac sign is unlikely to endure the humiliation of the weak or violence against other children. Especially if everything happens in front of his eyes.

Child health

If we talk about health, then the children of Libra almost always have fairly good health. The exception is cases where there is a hereditary predisposition to any serious disease. At the same time, Libra babies often have certain problems with the bladder and kidneys, so the condition of these organs is strongly recommended to be monitored until adulthood.

Due to their calmness and balance, Libra boys and girls can often accumulate negative emotions in themselves, which sometimes (already in adolescence) can lead to frequent stressful situations and depressive states.

Astrologers note that the most vulnerable parts of the Libra body are the hip area and the lumbar region. Otherwise, people with this zodiac sign do not have a serious predisposition to the occurrence of any dangerous pathologies.

child born under zodiac sign Libra, often endowed with beauty. He is sweet, gentle, good-natured, cheerful. If he is naughty, then quite a bit, and this is caused by external stimuli.

In his room, the color of the walls, curtains should be soft shades. Quiet and pleasant music, peace quickly restore the peace of mind of the baby.

Libra, like none of the others, silence, even relations in the family, love, and also a long rest are necessary. Conflicts in the home are very traumatic for the psyche of this child. Sometimes this is the main reason for his ill health. He himself never provokes quarrels, in disputes he compromises. He is for harmony in relationships and with his peers.

He spreads a sense of justice to everyone. If in his presence someone is punished, offended, he experiences physical pain from this.

By its nature, this Libra-child very sociable, easily converges with people, but also does not tolerate large companies, preferring a close circle of friends. He sometimes has a desire to retire. At such moments, he should not interfere, in no case should you climb into his soul. He must be left alone, left to himself.

These children adore order and comfort in the house, so they have been mother's helpers since childhood. Activity periods Libra children alternate with periods of apathy. But this is not laziness. Scales are designed that way. During rest, they restore their energy reserve.

Help from parents Libra-child is constantly needed, it must be pushed, encouraged to work. This must be done in a calm, even voice, and in no case should it be rushed. He cannot stand the fuss, he is lost before making any decision. Knowing this weakness of his, parents should teach the child to make decisions and be responsible only for the outcome of the case, not to blame anyone in case of failure, but to accept failures with optimism.

It is not difficult to develop a good taste in this child, since Venus has laid in him a sense of beauty and harmony. Since childhood, Libras are attentive to their appearance. In girls, this increased attention can develop into a complex, and the task of parents is to help their child overcome the feeling of self-doubt associated with this.

Love in the life of Libra is of great importance. In adolescence, they fall in love very often. But true love comes to them much later. They know how to create an aura of unusualness around their chosen one or chosen one. But it is difficult for them to make a final decision.

At Libra's school, everything is easy thanks to the liveliness of their mind. But sometimes they are attacked by unwillingness to overcome difficulties. They are in no hurry to tell their parents about their problems related to their studies, so parents need to be attentive and take action in time. Well, Libra is given humanitarian subjects.

They should be oriented towards professions that are not associated with long-term monotonous work. These children are distinguished by their musicality and artistry.

Their abilities are fully revealed where they can show initiative or their ability to communicate with people. They take an active part in the social life of the class and school.

Physically, Libras are practically healthy children. But they must be protected from colds, especially girls. Libra children predisposed to diseases in the lumbar region, pelvic region and urinary system.

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