Village old words. Epic words and expressions

At old words, as well as dialectal can be divided into two different groups: archaisms and historicisms .

Archaisms- these are words that, due to the emergence of new words, have fallen into disuse. But their synonyms are in modern Russian.

For example:

right hand- right hand, cheeks- cheeks, ramen- shoulders, loins- waist and so on.

But it is worth noting that archaisms, nevertheless, may differ from modern synonymous words. These differences may be in the morphemic composition ( fisherman- fisherman, friendship - friendship), in their lexical meaning ( stomach- life, the guest- merchant,), in grammatical design ( at the ball- at the ball fulfill- perform) and phonetic features ( mirror- mirror, Guishpanese- Spanish). Many words are completely obsolete, but still they have modern synonyms. For example: ruin- death or injury hope- to hope and firmly believe, so that- to. And in order to avoid possible errors in the interpretation of these words, when working with works of art, it is strongly recommended to use a dictionary of obsolete words and dialect phrases, or an explanatory dictionary.

historicisms- these are words that denote such phenomena or objects that have completely disappeared or ceased to exist as a result of the further development of society.

Many words that denoted various household items of our ancestors, phenomena and things that were somehow connected with the economy of the past, the old culture, the socio-political system that once existed, became historicisms. Many historicisms are found among words that are somehow related to military topics.

For example:

Redoubt, chain mail, visor, squeaker and so on.

Most obsolete words refer to clothing items and household items: prosak, svetets, valley, camisole, armyak.

Also, historicisms include words that denote ranks, professions, positions, estates that once existed in Russia: tsar, lackey, boyar, stolnik, equestrian, barge hauler,tinker and so on. Manufacturing activities such as Konka and manufactory. The phenomena of patriarchal life: purchase, dues, corvée and others. Lost technologies such as mead and tinning.

Words that arose in the Soviet era also became historicisms. These include words such as: food detachment, NEP, Makhnovist, educational program, Budenovets and many others.

Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between archaisms and historicisms. This is connected both with the revival of the cultural traditions of Russia, and with the frequent use of these words in proverbs and sayings, as well as other works of folk art. Such words include words denoting measures of length or measurements of weight, naming Christian and religious holidays, and others and others.

Dictionary of obsolete words by letters of the alphabet:

Contemporaries of A. S. Pushkin, reading his works, perceived all the details of the text. And we, the readers of the 21st century, are already missing a lot, not understanding, we guess approximately. Indeed, what is a frock coat, a tavern, a tavern, a dressing gown? Who are the coachman, yard boy, excellency? In each story of the Pushkin cycle there are incomprehensible, obscure words in their meaning. But they all denote some objects, phenomena, concepts, positions, titles of a past life. These words have fallen out of modern use. Therefore, their specific meaning to the modern reader remains unclear, incomprehensible. This explains the choice of the topic of my research, devoted to obsolete words that have left the modern language in Belkin's Tales.

The life of a language is clearly manifested in the constant changes in the composition of words and their meanings. And in the fate of individual words, the very history of the people and the state is imprinted. The vocabulary of the Russian language retains many words that are rarely used in live speech, but known to us from classical literary works, history textbooks and stories about the past.

Obsolete words can be divided into two groups: 1) historicisms; 2) archaisms.

Historicisms (from the Greek historia - a story about past events) are words denoting the names of such objects and phenomena that ceased to exist as a result of the development of society. Many words that refer to objects of bygone life, old culture, things and phenomena associated with the economy of the past, old social and political relations have become historicisms. So, there are many historicisms among the words related to military topics: chain mail, pischal, visor, redoubt. Historicisms are many words denoting titles, estates, positions, professions of old Russia: tsar, boyar, stableman, footman, steward, zemstvo, serf, landowner, constable, ofenya, horseman, tinker, sawyer, lamplighter, barge hauler; phenomena of patriarchal life: corvée, dues, cuts, purchases; types of production activities: manufactory, horse racing; types of technologies that have disappeared: tinning, mead making.

Archaisms (from the Greek archaios - ancient) are words that have become obsolete due to their replacement with new ones, for example: cheeks - cheeks, loins - lower back, right hand - right hand, tuga - sadness, verses - poems, ramen - shoulders. All of them have synonyms in modern Russian.

Archaisms can differ from the modern synonymous word in different ways: a different lexical meaning (guest - merchant, stomach - life), a different grammatical design (perform - perform, at a ball - at a ball), a different morphemic composition (friendship - friendship, fisherman - fisherman ), other phonetic features (Gishpan - Spanish, mirror - mirror). Some words become obsolete entirely, but have modern synonyms: in order - in order, destruction - death, harm, hope - hope and firmly believe. Archaisms and historicisms are used in fiction to recreate the historical situation in the country, to convey the national and cultural traditions of the Russian people.


From the publisher

Corvee is free forced labor of a dependent peasant, “Ivan Petrovich was forced to abolish corvée and establish a gentleman who works very hard with his own equipment on the farm. moderate quitrent"

Quit - the annual collection of money and products from serfs by landowners.

The housekeeper is a servant in the landowner's house, who was entrusted with the keys to “he entrusted the management of the village to his old housekeeper, who acquired his storage of food supplies. confidence in the art of storytelling. »

Second major - military rank of the 8th class in 1741-1797. “His late father, second Major Pyotr Ivanovich Belkin, was married to a girl, Pelageya Gavrilovna, from the Trafilin family. »


A banker is a player who holds the bank in card games. “The officer went out, saying that he was ready to answer for the insult, as Mr. banker would like”

“The game went on for a few more minutes; but feeling that the owner was

Vacancy - an unoccupied position; job title. not up to the game, we fell behind one by one and dispersed to our apartments, talking about an imminent vacancy. »

Galloon - a golden braid or silver (ribbon), which was sewn on “Silvio got up and took out a red hat with a golden tassel from cardboard, with uniforms. galloon"

"Throw the Bank" (special). - reception of a card game. “For a long time he refused, because he almost never played; Finally, he ordered the cards to be brought in, poured out fifty chervonets on the table, and sat down to throw them. »

Hussar - a soldier from light cavalry units, wearing the uniform of the Hungarian "Once he served in the hussars, and even happily"

A footman is a servant under the masters, as well as in a restaurant, a hotel, etc. “The footman brought me into the count's office, and he went to report on me. »

Arena - a platform or a special building for training horses and The life of an army officer is known. In the morning, teaching, arena; lunch at horseback riding lessons. regimental commander or in a Jewish tavern; in the evening punch and cards.

Punter - in gambling card games: playing against the bank, i.e. “If the punter happened to miscalculate, then he immediately paid them extra by making big bets; one who pontes in a gambling card game. dostalnoe, or wrote down too much. »

Lieutenant - an officer rank above the rank of second lieutenant and below Unter - officer - the rank of junior command staff in the tsarist army of the captain. Russia, in some modern foreign armies; the person who bears this title.

This (this, this) places. - this, this, this. "With this word, he hurried out"

Excellency - the title of princes and counts (from the locality. Yours, him, her, them) “-Oh,” I remarked, “in this case, I bet that your Excellency will not get into the map and twenty steps away: the pistol requires daily exercise .

Frock coat and frock coat - long men's double-breasted waist-length clothing with a turn-down "walking forever on foot, in a worn black frock coat"

or stand-up collar.

Chervonets is the common name for foreign gold coins in the pre-Petrine “For a long time he refused, because he almost never played; finally ordered

Russia. hand the cards, poured fifty chervonets on the table and sat down to throw. »

Shandal - candlestick “The officer, heated up by wine, game and laughter of his comrades, considered himself severely offended and, furiously grabbing a copper shandal from the table, let it into Silvio, who barely managed to deviate from the blow. »

Eterist - in the second half of the 18th-early 19th century: a member of the secret Greek “It is said that Silvius, during the indignation of Alexander Ypsilant, a revolutionary organization that fought for the liberation of the country from led a detachment of etherists and was killed in a battle under Turkish oppression. Skulyanami. »


Boston is a card game. “Neighbors used to come to him every minute to eat, drink, play five kopecks in Boston with his wife”

Verst - an old Russian measure “The coachman decided to go by the river, which should have shortened our path of length equal to 1.06 km. ". three versts. »

Red tape - delaying a case or solving some issue. “What was holding him back? Timidity, inseparable from true love, pride or coquetry of cunning red tape?

The maid is a maid under the mistress. “Three men and a maid supported the bride and were busy only

The police captain is the chief of police in the county. “After dinner, the land surveyor Schmitt, in mustaches and spurs, and the son of the police captain, appeared. »

Kibitka is a covered road wagon. “I turned around, left the church without any obstacle, threw myself into the wagon and shouted: “Let's go!”

Cornet is the lowest officer rank. "The first to whom he appeared, a retired forty-year-old cornet Dravin, readily agreed"

The porch is a covered area in front of the entrance to the church. “The church was open, there were several sleighs behind the fence; people were walking along the porch. »

Signet - a home seal on a ring or keychain. “Having sealed both letters with a Tula seal, which depicted

Signet - a small seal on a ring, keychain with initials or two flaming hearts with a decent inscription, she (Maria Gavrilovna)

some other sign. Used to seal letters threw herself on the bed just before dawn and dozed off. »

sealing wax or wax and served as an indication of the sender.

Ensign - the most junior officer rank. "The subject chosen by her was a poor army ensign who was on leave in his village."

Lancer - in the armies of some countries, a soldier, an officer of light cavalry, “a boy of about sixteen, who recently entered the lancers. »

armed with a spear, a saber.

Shlafor - a dressing gown. “The old people woke up and went into the living room. , Praskovya Petrovna in a cotton dressing gown. »

Grand solitaire - laying out a deck of cards according to certain rules. "The old lady was once sitting alone in the living room, laying out grand solitaire"

A cap is a headdress of a pointed shape, which in the old days of a man "Gavrila Gavrilovich in a cap and a flannelette jacket"

worn at home and often worn at night. ; sleeping cap.


Cupid is the god of love in ancient mythology, depicted as a winged one. “There was a signboard above the gate depicting a portly boy with a bow and arrows. Cupid with an overturned torch in his hand. »

To evangelize - to notify with a bell ringing about a church service. “No one noticed it, the guests continued the thread, and they were already announcing the vespers when they got up from the table.

Treads - boots with a wide top. ". the bones of the legs thrashed about in large boots like pestles in mortars. »

Brigadier - in the Russian army of the 18th century. : military rank 5th class (according to the Table of “Tryukhina, the brigadier and sergeant Kurilkin vaguely introduced themselves in ranks); the person holding this rank. his imagination."

Budochnik - a policeman who carried guard duty in the booth. “Of the Russian officials there was one watchman”

Vespers is a church service for Christians, performed in the afternoon. ". the guests continued to drink, and they already announced the gospel for Vespers.

Gaer - in folk games, a public jester, clowning and making faces in “Is the undertaker a gaer a Christmas one?”.

Christmas time;

A hryvnia is a coin worth ten kopecks. “The undertaker gave him a dime for vodka for that, dressed hastily, took a cab and drove to Razgulay. »

Drogi - a wagon for transporting the dead. "The last belongings of the undertaker Adrian Prokhorov were heaped on the funeral dross"

Kaftan - an old men's long-brimmed top "I will not describe any of the Russian caftan of Adrian Prokhorov"

Kiot, kivot, kiot (from Greek - box, ark) - a special decorated locker “Soon, order was established; kivot with images, cupboard with

(often folding) or glazed shelf for icons. dishes, a table, a sofa and a bed occupied certain corners in the back room for them.

The mantle is a wide long garment in the form of a cloak” “in the kitchen and living room the owner’s products fit: coffins of all colors and sizes, as well as cupboards with mourning ribbons, mantles and torches. »

To evangelize - to finish, to stop evangelizing. “You feasted with a German all day, came back drunk, collapsed in bed, and slept until this hour, as they announced the Annunciation for mass.”

A contractor is a person who undertakes under a contract to perform a specific job. “But Tryukhina was dying on Razgulay, and Prokhorov was afraid that her heir, despite his promise, would not be too lazy to send for him to such a distance and would not bargain with the nearest contractor. »

Rest - 1. Sleep, fall asleep; "You deigned to rest, and we did not want to wake you."

2. Translated. Rest.

Svetlitsa - bright living room; front room in the house; small “The girls went to their room. ".

bright room at the top of the house.

An ax - an old edged weapon - a large ax with a semicircular blade, on “Yurko again began to pace around her with an ax and in armor with a long western handle. »

Sermyaga - rough homespun undyed cloth: a caftan from this cloth. “Yurko again began to pace around her with an ax and in homespun armor. »

Chukhonets - this is how Finns and Estonians were called until 1917. “Of the Russian officials there was one watchman, Yurko the Chukhonian, who knew how

Acquire the special favor of the owner.

"Station Master"

The altar is the main elevated eastern part of the church, fenced off “He hastily entered the church: the priest was leaving the altar. »


Altar - in ancient times among many peoples: a place where sacrifices were burned and in front of which rituals related to sacrifice were performed. Used figuratively and in comparison.

Banknote - a paper banknote issued in Russia from 1769 to ". he took them out and unrolled several five and ten ruble

1849 , in the official language, before the introduction of credit notes; one ruble of crumpled banknotes"

silver was equal to 3 1/3 rubles in banknotes.

The Prodigal Son is a gospel parable about the recalcitrant prodigal son, who “They portrayed the story of the prodigal son. »

left home, squandered his share of the inheritance, after wandering he returned with repentance to his father's house and was forgiven.

High nobility - according to the Table of Ranks, the title of civil ranks with "Early in the morning he came to his front room and asked to report to him from the eighth to the sixth grade, as well as officers from captain to colonel and high nobility"

“Taking off his wet, shaggy hat, letting go of his shawl and pulling off his overcoat,

The visiting hussar of the highest cavalry appeared to be a young, slender hussar with a black mustache.

Drozhki - a light two-seater four-wheeled open carriage on short "Suddenly a smart droshky rushed in front of him"

drags instead of springs.

Deacon - a clergyman in the Orthodox Church; church reader, “the deacon put out the candles. »

acolyte; also taught literacy.

Assessor - an elected representative in court to work in any “Yes, there are few travelers: unless the assessor wraps up, but that is not up to another institution. the dead. »

A tavern is a drinking establishment of one of the lowest ranks for sale, and “It used to be that he came from a tavern, and we followed him. »

drinking alcoholic beverages.

Cap - a headdress of a pointed or oval shape. "The old man in the cap and dressing gown lets the young man go"

Footman - servant in the house, restaurant, hotel.

Obluchok - the front of the cart, sleigh, wagon; seat for the coachman in the antechamber. The servant jumped up on the box. »

The porch is a covered area in front of the entrance to the church. “Approaching the church, he saw that the people were already dispersing, but Dunya was not

Not in the fence, not on the porch. »

Cross-country - a carriage with horses that are replaced at post stations. "I rode on relays"

Podorozhnaya - a document that gave the right to use post horses; “In five minutes - the bell!. and the courier throws him a travel certificate. his travel table. »

Rest - 1. Sleep, fall asleep; “A military lackey, cleaning a boot on a block, announced that the master

2. Translated. Rest. rests and that before eleven o'clock does not receive anyone. »

The postmaster is the manager of the post office. “The caretaker asked the Postmaster S*** for a vacation for two months”

Runs - per-versal fare on post horses. ". paid runs for two horses. »

The captain is a senior officer rank in the cavalry “Soon he learned that captain Minsky was in St. Petersburg and lives in

Demuth tavern. »

Skufya, skufeika - 1. A single-colored (black, lilac, Minsky came to you in a dressing gown, in a red skufya. “What do you need purple, etc.) hat of Orthodox priests, monks. 2. Is the round necessary?” he asked.

cap, skullcap, yarmulke, headdress.

The overseer is the head of an institution. “The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the stubborn coachman does not carry horses - and the caretaker is to blame. »

Frock coat (sertuk) - long men's double-breasted clothing with a standing "and his long green frock coat with three medals"


Taurus - a young bull "the cook kills a well-fed calf"

A tavern is a hotel with a restaurant. “Soon he learned that Captain Minsky was in St. Petersburg and lives in

Demuth tavern. »

Non-commissioned officer - the rank of junior command staff in the tsarist army of Russia. “I stopped in the Izmailovsky regiment, in the house of a retired non-commissioned officer. »

Courier - in the old army: a military or government courier for "In five minutes - a bell!. and the courier throws him to deliver important mostly secret documents. his travel table. »

The kingdom of heaven is a rhetorical wish for the deceased to have a happy fate in “It happened (the kingdom of heaven to him!), Comes from a tavern, and we are beyond the grave. him: “Grandpa, grandpa! nuts! - and he gives us nuts. »

Chin - assigned to civil servants and military rank according to the Table “I was in a small rank, rode on relays and paid runs on ranks, associated with the provision of certain class rights and for two horses. »


Shlafo "rka and walked" for - a dressing gown. "The old man in the cap and dressing gown lets the young man go"

SHLAFROK or dressing gown m. German. bathrobe, sleeping clothes. Most often, it serves as home clothes for nobles.

SHLAFROK - originally a "sleeping garment" (from German), and then the same as a dressing gown. Although they didn’t go out into the street and visit in dressing gowns, they could look very smart, sewn for show.

The coachman is a coachman, a driver on postal, yam horses. “The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, + stubborn horses are not driven -

it's the caretaker's fault. »

"Young lady-peasant"

Blancmange - milk jelly with almonds and sugar. “Well, we left the table. and we sat for about three hours, and the dinner was glorious: a blancmange cake, blue and striped. »

Burners is a Russian folk game in which the one in front caught others “So we left the table and went into the garden to play burners, and the participants who ran away from him alternately in pairs. the young gentleman here also appeared. »

Dvornya - a servant at the manor's house, courtyard; courtyard people (unlike "Ivan Petrovich Berestov went for a walk on horseback, for every peasant who lived in the village and was engaged in agriculture). case, taking with him a pair of three greyhounds, a groom and several

Yard - belonging to the household, belonging to the household. yard boys with rattles. »

Drozhki - a light two-seater four-wheeled open carriage on short "Muromsky asked Berestov for a droshky, for he admitted that he used drogues instead of springs. from a bruise, not a bull, he is able to drive home in the evening. »

Jockey - rider at the races; servant on horseback. "His grooms were dressed as jockeys."

Zoil is a captious, unkind, unfair critic; vicious “He was furious and called his Zoil a bear and a provincial. »


Valet - the master's house servant, lackey. "That's right," answered Alex.

I am the young gentleman's valet. »

Kitayka is a dense fabric, originally silk, made in China, “(Lisa) sent to buy at the market a thick linen, then blue cotton, made in Russia for sundresses and men's Chinese and copper buttons”

shirts. , usually blue, rarely red. Used in peasant life

Knixen and Knix - adopted in the bourgeois-gentry environment for girls and “Unfortunately, instead of Liza, old Miss Jackson came out, whitewashed, the girls bowed with a squat as a sign of gratitude, greeting; tightened, with downcast eyes and with a small knix. »


Livery - uniforms for footmen, porters, coachmen, decorated "Old Berestov went up to the porch with the help of two livery galloons and sewing. footmen of Murom. »

Livery - 1. App. to the livery, which was the livery. 2. Dressed in livery.

Madam - the name of a married woman, attached to the surname; “Her playfulness and minute-by-minute pranks delighted her father and brought her to mistress. It was usually used in relation to a Frenchwoman, and the desperation of her Madame Miss Jackson was used. »

- and to a Russian woman from privileged strata.

Miss is an unmarried woman in England. Her playfulness and minute orders delighted her father and drove her Madame Miss Jackson to despair.

The confidante is about a woman who enjoyed special trust and “There she changed clothes, absently answering questions with the impatient favor of someone; favorite, lover. confidante, and came into the drawing-room."

Antimony - make up, draw with antimony, that is, popular from the ancients “Lisa, his swarthy Liza, was whitened up to her ears, antimonied more than time with a cosmetic product based on antimony, Miss Jackson herself. »

giving it a special sheen.

Okolotok - 1. Surrounding area, surrounding villages. 2. A resident of the district, “He built a house according to his own plan, got himself a lawful neighborhood, the surrounding area. factory, arranged income and began to consider himself the smartest person

3. District of the city, subordinated to the district warden. all around"

4. Medical station (usually at a military unit).

Board of Trustees - an institution in Russia that was in charge of guardianship affairs, ". the first of the landlords of his province guessed to mortgage educational homes, some credit transactions related to the estate to the Board of Trustees "

pledges of estates, etc.

Plis - cotton velvet. In a noble environment, it was used for “On weekdays he walks in a plush jacket, on holidays he put on a home suit, merchants and rich peasants sewed an elegant coat from homemade cloth from him”

Poltina - a silver coin equal to 50 kopecks, half a ruble. Minted with "Trofim, passing in front of Nastya, gave her small colorful bast shoes

1707 and received from her a half as a reward. »

Polushka - from the 15th century a half-money silver coin (i.e. ¼ “I will sell and squander, and I won’t leave you a penny.”

pennies); the last silver coins were put into circulation in

Frock coat - long men's double-breasted clothing with a standing collar "On weekdays he walks in a plush jacket, on holidays he puts on a frock coat made of homemade cloth"

A clerk is an official who manages a table. “The neighbors said in unison that he would never make the right clerk. »

Stremyanny is a groom servant who takes care of his riding horse “Ivan Petrovich Berestov went for a ride on horseback, for every master, as well as a servant who accompanies the master during the hunt. case, taking with him a pair of three greyhounds, a stirrup, and several yard boys with rattles. »

Tartinki - a thin slice of bread, buttered; small sandwich. “The table has been set, breakfast is ready, and Miss Jackson. cut into thin slices. »

Figma - a wide frame made of whalebone, wicker or wire, "sleeves sticking out like Madame de Pompadour's tanja"

worn under a skirt to add splendor; skirt on such a frame.

A courtier is a nobleman at the royal court, a courtier. “The dawn was shining in the east, and the golden rows of clouds seemed to be waiting for the sun, as courtiers are waiting for the sovereign. »

Chekmen - men's clothing of the Caucasian type - a cloth semi-caftan at the waist with shirring at the back. ". he saw his neighbor, proudly sitting on horseback, in a chekmen lined with fox fur, ”

IV. Conclusion

The "Dictionary of obsolete words" contains 108 dictionary entries, both historicisms and archaisms. It contains those words that are not currently used or are used extremely rarely in the living literary language, as well as words that are used today, but have a different meaning, unlike the one we put into it.

The dictionary entry reveals the meaning of obsolete words; examples from the stories of the Pushkin cycle show how they functioned in speech. The created dictionary, which includes both historicisms and archaisms, will help to overcome the barrier between the reader and the text, erected by obsolete words sometimes incomprehensible or misunderstood by the reader, to perceive the text of Belkin's Tale thoughtfully and meaningfully. Some dictionary entries are accompanied by drawings that make it possible to realistically imagine objects called by one word or another.

The remarkable poet, outstanding translator V. A. Zhukovsky wrote: “The word is not our arbitrary invention: every word that gets a place in the lexicon of the language is an event in the field of thought.”

This work will become an assistant in reading, studying, comprehending the Pushkin cycle "Belkin's Tales", will expand the reader's horizons, help to arouse interest in the history of words, it can be used in literature lessons.

Explanatory dictionary of ancient Russian words A Alatyr - the Center of the Cosmos. Center of the Microcosm (Man). That around which the cycle of Life takes place. Translation options: ala - motley (snowy), tyr<тур>- peak, staff or pillar with a pommel, sacred tree, mountain, "uplifting" Variations: Latyr, Altyr, Zlatyr, Zlatar Constant epithet - "white combustible (hot, sparkling)" - (white - "brilliant"). In Russian texts, there is a golden, golden, smooth, iron stone. Latyr-stone is the center of coordinates of the world and man in Slavic mythology. Alpha and Omega. That from which everything begins and to which it returns (locus). More precisely, the meaning and meaning of the words are conveyed in epics ... Alkonost - from the ancient Russian saying “alkyon is (a bird)”, from the Greek alkyon - kingfisher (the Greek myth about Alcyone, turned into a kingfisher by the gods). It is depicted in popular prints as a half-woman, half-bird with large multi-colored feathers and a girl's head, overshadowed by a crown and a halo. In his hands he holds heavenly flowers and an unfolded scroll with a saying about retribution in paradise for a righteous life on earth. Unlike the Sirin bird, it was always depicted with hands. Alkonost, like the Sirin bird, captivates people with its singing. The legends say about the days of alkonost - seven days when Alkonost lays eggs in the depths of the sea and incubates them, sitting on the surface of the water and calming the storms. Alkonost is perceived as a "manifestation of divine providence" and serves as a designation of the divine word. B Basa - beauty, decoration, panache. Batog - stick. Bayat, probayat - speak, say. Pregnancy is a burden, an armful, as much as you can wrap your arms around. Boyars are rich and noble people who are close to the king. Swearing is a battle; Martial field is a battlefield. Brother - brother. Armor - clothing made of metal plates or rings; protected the warrior from the blows of the sword, spear. Britous - the Old Believers called so shaved, without a beard Bulat - steel of a special manufacture. Weapons made of this steel were also called damask steel. Butet - get rich, increase wealth. The story is a true story. Bylina is a Russian folk epic (full of grandeur and heroism) song - a legend about heroes. To know - to know. Vereya - a pillar on which the gates were hung. Nativity scene - cave, dungeon. To make a noise - to make a noise. Goldet (halt) \u003d make noise. "Don't go gold!" = don't make noise! Golk = noise, hum,< гулкий >echo. Frantic - having lost all sense of proportion. Vityaz - a brave warrior, hero. Lightweight - easy, free, without much work, safe. To endure - to endure, endure, endure. G Garnets - an old measure of loose bodies, bread (~ 3 liters) Goy be (from the word goit - heal, live; goy - peace< , в его развитии, в движении и обновлении >, abundance) - greatness, a wish for health, corresponding in meaning to today's: "Be healthy! Hello!". Goy be good = be healthy<есть>"Goy" is a Russian wish for health, good luck and well-being, a kind word. Options: "Goy este" - be healthy, in the meaning of greeting, wishing the interlocutor health, goodness. "Oh, you" is a greeting, with many meanings, depending on the intonation of the speaker. Much - knows how, skillful Upper room - so, in the old fashioned way, they called the upper room with large windows. Barn, gumenets - a place where they thresh, and also a barn for storing sheaves. D Just now - recently (until the moment of the conversation) Dushegreka - a warm short jacket or quilted jacket without sleeves, with assemblies at the back. Dereza - thorny shrub, "chepyzhnik". In an ancient fashion - in the old way Dense - "dense forest" - dark, dense, impenetrable; illiterate person Ye Yelan, elanka - a grassy clearing in the forest of Endova - a wide vessel with a spout. Estva - food, food. Zhaleika - a pipe made of willow bark. A jug is a jug with a lid. The belly is life. Belly - estate, wealth, livestock Z Zavse<гда>- constantly. Start talking - start talking, fasting. Zastava - a fence of logs, a checkpoint at the entrance And the Eminent - a rich, noble Monk - in the church. “He was tonsured a monk, then he was ordained a deacon...” A hut is a house, a warm room. The name “hut” comes from the word “to heat” (the original version is “source” / from a birch bark, XIV century - Novgorod, Dmitrievskaya street, excavations /). House = "smoke" from the chimney. K Kalinovy ​​(about fire) - bright, hot. Karga is a crow. A tub is a cylindrical container (barrel) assembled from wooden rivets (planks) tied with metal hoops. Killer whale / killer whale - affectionate appeal. The original meaning is "having beautiful braids" Kichka, kika - an old women's headdress that adorns the appearance and gives it a become. A cage is a closet, a separate room A cage in an old Russian house was called a cold room, and a hut was a warm one. Basement - the lower cold floor of Klyuk's house - a stick with a bent upper end. Knysh - bread baked from wheat flour, which is eaten hot. Kokora, kokorina - snag, stump. Kolymaga - an old decorated carriage, in which noble people rode. Kolyada - Christmas grandeur in honor of the owners of the house; for a carol they gave away a gift. A carol is a Christmas song sung on Christmas Eve and on the first day of Christmas time by rural youth. For ancient carols, elements are characteristic - verses and conclusions from the kondachka - without being prepared. Origin (option): the original word - Kondakia (kondakia, kontakia) - a stick (a diminutive of "spear"), on which a scroll of parchment was wound. The parchment sheet or scroll, written on both sides, was also called kandak. Subsequently, the word K. began to denote a special group of church hymns, in the middle of the first millennium - long (hymns, poems), modern - small (in one or two stanzas, as part of the canon) Box, boxes - a large bast box or box in which they kept miscellaneous good. Kochet, kochetok - a rooster. To be baptized - to be baptized, to overshadow oneself with a cross. "Wake up!" - come to your senses! Kurgan - a high earthen hill, which the ancient Slavs poured over the grave. Kut, kutnichek - a corner in the hut, a counter, a chest in which chickens were kept in winter. Kutya - steep sweet barley, wheat or rice porridge with raisins Krug-amulet - developed from a circular detour of the area where they were going to spend the night or settle for a long time; such a detour was necessary to make sure that there were no dens of predators, or snakes. The idea of ​​a circle served as an image<своего> peace. L Frets! - expression of consent, approval. Good! other Russian Okay - the word has many meanings depending on intonation. Armor - iron or steel armor worn by warriors. M Poppy - crown. Matitsa - the average ceiling beam. The world is a peasant community. N Nadezha-warrior is an experienced, reliable, strong, skillful fighter. Nadys - recently, one of these days. Overhead - interest. "It will not be expensive" - ​​inexpensive, beneficial to Namesto - instead. Nareksya - called himself; to name - to give a name, to call. A week is a day when "do not do" - a day of rest. In the pre-Christian period in Russia, Saturday and Sunday were called - fore-week and week (or week), respectively. Arrears - tax not paid on time or quitrent Nicoli - never. O Frill - a tie at the bast shoes. Abundance - a lot of something. So in Novgorod they called the quitrent bread - a tribute To snuggle up - to regain consciousness, to recover. Oprich, okromya - except. Yell - plow. The rest - the last Octopus - the eighth (eighth) part \u003d 1/8 - "an eighth for tea" (~ 40 or 50 grams) Oprich - except ("okromya") P Mace - a club with a chained knob. Parun is a hot day after rain. Sailboat - sailor's clothing. Brocade - silk fabric woven with gold or silver. More - "more", "especially since ... = especially since ..." Veil - something that covers from all sides (fabric, fog, etc.) Blame - reproach, reproach. Finger - finger. Polati - a plank platform for sleeping, arranged under the ceiling. Spelled is a special kind of wheat. To please - to be zealous; eat a lot. Posad is a village where merchants and artisans lived. Throne - a throne, a special chair on a dais, on which the king sat on solemn occasions. Always - an old, high-style word meaning - always, forever and ever Printed gingerbread - a gingerbread with an imprinted (printed) pattern or letters. Pudovka - pood measure of weight. Pushcha is a protected, impenetrable forest. It is necessary to think - to think, to think, to think over this matter, to discuss something with someone; to think - to understand, to think, to reason about something. Sexual (color) - light yellow Midday - southern P Military - military. Rat is an army. Zealous - zealous, diligent Towel - an embroidered towel. Row - agree, agree. Unbelt - walk without a belt, lose all shame Rivers (verb) - say Repishche - garden Rubishche - torn, worn out clothes From the Svetlitsa (Push.) - a bright, clean room. Scythian = skete (original) - from the words "wander", "wandering", therefore, "Scythians-sketes" - "wanderers" ("nomads"? ). A new meaning - the monastic skete "The Good Tablecloth" - the original meaning ... Apple saved Sloboda - a village near the city, a suburb. Nightingale - horses of a yellowish-white color. Sorokovka - a barrel for forty buckets. Sorochin, Sarachin - Saracen, Arab rider. The clothes are right - that is, not bad. Staritsa - an old (or dried up) river bed. Stolbovaya noblewoman - a noblewoman of an old and noble family. Adversary - adversary, enemy. with a gimmick - at times, inadequately. Antimony - painted black. Leaf - covered with a thin film of gold, silver, copper or tin. Gilded Susek, bin<а>- a place where flour, grain is stored. Sit - food, food. Week - week T Terem - high, with a turret at the top, at home. Tims - shoes made of goat skin. They were highly valued, sold in yufts, that is, in pairs. Later they began to be called "morocco" (Persian word) Is it here<тута>, and roofing felts there ... - words from a modern song about the difficulty of learning the Russian language. Allure three crosses - ultra-fast execution of any assignment: one cross on packages with reports - the usual speed of horse delivery is 8-10 km / h, two - up to 12 km / h, three - the maximum possible. Oatmeal - crushed (unground) oatmeal. To thin - to spend U Udel - possession, principality, fate Uval ... - Ural (?) - Khural (belt, Turkic) ... Russia, belted by the Urals, stands by Siberia ... F Enamel - enamel in painting metal products and Fita products themselves - the letter of the old Russian alphabet (in the words "Fedot", "incense") Foot - an old measure of length equal to 30.48 cm X Chiton - underwear made of linen or woolen fabric in the form of a shirt, usually sleeveless. On the shoulders it is fastened with special fasteners or ties, at the waist it is pulled with a belt. The tunic was worn by both men and women. Khmara - cloud Pyarun - thunder Ts Tsatra (chatra, chator) - fabric made of goat down (undercoat) or wool. Tselkovy is the colloquial name for the metal ruble. H Chelo - forehead, modern. In the old days, the forehead is the top of the head. A child is a son or daughter up to 12 years old. Hope - expect, hope. Chapyzhnik - thickets<колючего> shrub. Chebotar - shoemaker, shoemaker. Chobots - high closed shoes, men's and women's, boots or shoes with sharp, turned-up toes roan horse - motley, with white patches on gray (and other, main) wool or a different color mane and tail Chelyad - a servant in the house. Scarlet - red Chelo - a forehead of a person, a vaulted hole in a Russian stove, an inlet of a lair by Chetami - in pairs, in pairs. Cheta - a pair, two objects or persons Quarter - the fourth part of something Black (clothes) - rough, everyday, working. Chikat - hit Chugunka - railway. Ш Shelom - a helmet, a pointed iron cap for protection from sword blows. Shlyk - jester's hat, cap, cap. Shtof - a glass bottle of 1.23 liters (1/10 of a bucket) Щ Generosity of the soul - generosity. A man with a big heart, showing a noble breadth of soul E Yu Yushka - fish soup or liquid stew. St. George's Day (November 26) - a period specified by law, when in Muscovite Russia a peasant who settled on the master's land and concluded an "orderly" deal with the owner had the right to leave the owner, having previously fulfilled all his obligations towards him. This was the only time in the year, after the end of the autumn work (the week before and after November 26), when dependent peasants could pass from one owner to another. I am Paradise Egg - happiness egg, magic egg. Food - food, food, food. Yarilo - the ancient name of the Sun Ash stump - meaning: "Of course! Of course!" In this form, the expression - appeared, comparatively, recently Yakhont - other Russian. name some precious stones, more often ruby ​​(dark red corundum), less often sapphire (blue), etc. Permyaks, Zyryans, midday Votyaks - southern Fryazhsky - Italian. "Fryazh" writing - a type of painting, as a result of the transition from icon painting to natural painting, at the end of the 17th century. Germans are those who speak incomprehensibly (mute). the Dutch - from the territory where the Kingdom of the Netherlands is now located. Sorochinin - Arabic languages ​​​​- peoples (common name) Man Chelo - forehead Odesnaya - on the right hand or side of Oshuyu - on the left hand or side. Shuiy - left. Shuytsa - left hand. Right hand and Shuytsa - right and left hand, right and left side ("standing on the right and left at the entrance ...") Colors "red sun", "red girl" - beautiful, bright "red corner" - the main red color - a talisman The connection of weaving with Vityer's cosmological motifs and weaving in weaving is presented as a form of modeling the world. If the thread is fate, life path; that canvas, constantly produced and reproduced, is the whole World. Ritual towels (towels, the length of which is 10-15 times greater than the width) and square scarves with an ornament in the form of a model (mandala) of the Universe. Old Slavic writing ("Russian writings", before the beginning of the second millennium AD) - Slavic Runes and "Knot Letter" In folk tales, a knotted tangle-guide is often found, indicating the Way. Unwinding and reading it, a person learned clues - where to go and what to do, read word-images and numbers. Knotted (nodular-linear) Elm was wound, for storage, into ball books (or on a special wooden stick - Ust; hence the teachings from the elders - "Wrap it around your mustache") and put it away in a box-box (from where the concept "Speak with three box"). Attaching the thread to the mouth (the center of the ball) was considered the beginning of the recording. Many letters-symbols of the ancient Glagolitic alphabet are a stylized representation of a two-dimensional projection onto paper of the Knot Binder. Initial letters (capital letters of ancient texts in Cyrillic) - usually depicted in the form of an ornament of the Knotted Bind. Loop techniques were also used to transmit and store information and to create protective amulets and amulets (including braiding hair). Examples of words and phrases that mention nauzes: "tie a knot in memory", "bonds of friendship / marriage", "intricacies of the plot", "tie up" (stop), union (from souz<ы>), "runs like a red thread (Alya) through the whole narrative." "Features and Cuts" - "bark writing" (a simplified version of the Slavic runes), widely used for everyday records and short messages between people. Slavic Runes are sacred symbols, each of which conveyed a phonetic meaning (the sound of a runic alphabet sign), a meaning-image (for example, the letter "D" meant "good", "well-being"< дары Богов, "хлеб насущный" >, Tree< в узелковом письме может соответствовать перевёрнутой петле "коровья" (схватывающий узел) / Дерево >and belt buckle) and numerical correspondence. To encrypt or shorten the record, knitted runes were used (combined, intertwined, embedded in a picturesque ornament). A monogram, an alphabetic monogram - a combination into one image of the initial letters of the name and / or surname, usually intertwined and forming a patterned ligature. Dwelling The main pillar in the house is the central one supporting the hut. Community Ordinary objects are common (that is, no one's; belonging to everyone and no one in particular) things that are important for everyone to the same extent, with common rites. Belief in purity (whole, healthy) and the sanctity of common ritual meals, brotherhood, joint prayers, clubbing. An ordinary object is clean, new, it has the enormous power of a whole, untouched thing. The main elements of Slavic mythology Latyr-stone, Alatyr - the center of coordinates of the world and man in Slavic mythology. Alpha and Omega (original singular Growth Point and the final volumetric World< всё наше Мироздание, есть и другие, но очень далеко, со всех сторон >in the form of an almost infinite sphere). That from which everything begins and where it returns (point, locus). Miraculous stone (in Russian folk beliefs). in epics... Alatyr - the Centers of the Cosmos (the Universe) and the Microcosm (Man). Fractal Growth Point, 3D< / многомерная >line of singularity ("Ladder" connecting the worlds), a fabulous "magic wand" / wand / staff with a pommel or a stationary Magic Altar. That from which the Existing begins and returns, around which the cycle of Life takes place (axial point). Russian letter A, Greek - "Alpha". The symbol of the Ladder is a prayer rosary (“ladder” = a ladder connecting the top and bottom of the Universe) / “lestovka”). In the temple - Analoy (high table, in the center, for icons and liturgical books). Translation options: ala - motley, tyr<тур>- pinnacle, pillar or staff with triple pommel, fabulous "magic wand", scepter, sacred tree or mountain, trunk of the World Tree, "uplifting" Variants - Latyr, Altyr, Zlatyr, Zlatar, Alva luminous, hot, sparkling) "- (white - dazzlingly brilliant). In Russian texts, there is gold, gold (amber?), smooth (polished by the hands of worshipers), iron (if a meteorite or fossil magnetic ore) stone. Merkaba is a star tetrahedron, a closed volume of an energy-information crystal-chariot for the ascension of the Spirit, Soul and body of a Human. "First Stone"< Краеугольный, Замковый >- the initial, axial point of any creation. "navel of the Earth" - the energy center of the planet, in which, according to legend, there is always a crystal ("unearthly Jewel"), magical Alatyr< подземный Китеж-Град, Ковчег, неземной Храм >. Folk tales place it at various points on Earth, usually in real energy centers / nodes (places of Power), such as in the vicinity of the village of Okunevo, on the Tara River, in Western Siberia. The stories about these lands, at first glance, are unrealistically fabulous, but modern scientists still cannot really explain all the anomalies and miracles that occur in such areas, on the lakes there. There is information in the open press that Elena and Nicholas Roerich, in the twenties of the last century, passing through Russia, carried with them some kind of old box with an unusual stone inside (? -<Ш>Chintamani, Lapis Exilis, "wandering in the world", part of the Holy Stone of the Grail / Wisdom, in a casket-ark), sent to them by the Mahatma. This casket is not accidentally shown in the famous painting "Portrait of Nicholas Roerich", painted by his son, Svyatoslav Roerich. The main part of this Stone (called the "Treasure of the World" - Norbu Rimpoche, a cosmic magnet from the center of our Universe, with the energy rhythm of its Life) - is located in the legendary Shambhala (Tibet, in the mountains of the Himalayas). The story is amazing, almost unbelievable. More information is available on other websites on the Internet. Holy Grail (Buddha Chalice) - symbol of the source< волшебного >elixir. Where it is now is not known for certain, except for the almost fabulous, fantastically UFO legends of the middle of the last century, now published by modern researchers on the Internet and in books, about the German base (number 211) in Antarctica (located somewhere then near the current South Geographic Pole, on the coast of Queen Maud Land, from the side of the Atlantic Ocean, in warm karst caves with underground rivers and lakes, where for a long time, after the Second World War, hundreds, and maybe thousands of German soldiers lived, hid, specialists and civilians who sailed there in submarines). With a high probability, in those grottoes and catacombs-laboratories (artificially created with the help of mining equipment delivered there by ship a few years earlier) - the Nazis hid some especially valuable artifacts and sources of Ancient Knowledge, obtained by them around the world and found, discovered on the spot. And almost certainly, all this is securely and carefully hidden there, with numerous traps, to neutralize and go through which, maybe in the not very distant future, people< или, опередившие их - пришельцы, инопланетяне >can be done with the help of robots. Philosopher's Stone of Wisdom< эликсир жизни >- to obtain gold (enlightenment of man, immortality (eternal youth) of his<тела>-souls-<духа>in their synthesis). The spine (spinal cord) - "Mount Meru", with a peak in the head (pineal gland (m) and pituitary gland (g) - on the physical plane, halos and lights - on the next, higher planes). The ancient name of the Baltic Sea - "Alatyr" Rus - a native inhabitant of the Russian land Alatyr-stone in fairy tales and epics is found in the form of the phrase: "On the sea on the ocean, on the island on Buyan lies the Alatyr Stone." Spaces of the microcosm in Slavic mythology The first, outer circle of a concentrically arranged "world" (history, events) most often turns out to be a sea or a river. A pure field is a transitional area between worlds. The second area following the sea is an island (or immediately a stone) or a mountain (or mountains). The central locus of the mythological world is represented by a multitude of various objects, of which stones or trees can have proper names. All of them are usually located on an island or mountain, i.e. one way or another included in the previous locus as a central and maximally sacred point. The sea (sometimes a river) in Slavic mythology is that body of water (in the southern regions, as well as vast sandy and rocky deserts, for example, the Mongolian Gobi), which, according to traditional ideas, lies on the way to the kingdom of the dead and to another world . Old Slavonic "ocean", as well as - Okian, Okian, Ocean, Ocean. Kiyan-Sea Sea-Okiyan - the absolute periphery of the world (antilocus); It cannot be bypassed. Blue Sea - locus Black Sea - antilocus Khvalynsk Sea - Caspian or Black Sea. Antilocus Khorezmian - Aral Sea. Antilocus The Smorodina River is the mythical prototype of all rivers. It acts as a water frontier of the “other world”. On it is a viburnum bridge. Buyan Island - In folklore, Buyan is associated with the other world, the path to which, as you know, lies through the water. The island can serve as an arena for fairy-tale action.

Russian language

Archaisms and historicisms - what is the difference between them?


Cultural, economic, social changes are taking place in the life of society: science is developing, technology is appearing, life is improving, political transformations are taking place.

This leads to the fact that words cease to be used, become obsolete, and are replaced by new words. Let's look at illustrative examples of what historicisms and archaisms are. Two layers of vocabulary coexist. The first is the words that native speakers know and use (active vocabulary).

Another layer is words that do not sound in speech, they are not known by the main part of language users, require additional explanations or understandable names that have ceased to function in speech - passive vocabulary.

Obsolete words belong to the passive vocabulary. They differ in the level of obsolescence, the reasons for which they became such.

The difference between historicisms and archaisms

Historicisms are not used in speech, there are no those objects, concepts that they called. Archaisms denote objects and phenomena that exist even now, but have been replaced by other phrases. The difference between the two groups is that archaisms have synonyms, this is important.

Examples: ramena (shoulders), tuga (sadness), blight (doom)

Historicisms have been in use for a very long time. Once popular under the Soviet regime, the words have already become forgotten - pioneer, communist, soviet power, politburo. Sometimes words go into the category of common vocabulary: lyceum, gymnasium, police, governor, department

It also happens that obsolete words are returned to speech in a new sense. For example, the word retinue in Ancient Russia meant "princely army". In vocabulary, its meaning is "a voluntary community of people formed for a specific purpose" - folk squad.

Historicism - how did it appear?

Society is developing at a rapid pace, and therefore cultural values ​​are changing, some things become obsolete, new ones appear. Fashion is moving forward and the previously popular caftan is now just an outdated word. Such clothes are not worn, and many obsolete names can be found in ancient books or historical films.

For a modern person, historicisms are part of history, they can be studied for development, but it is not necessary to use them in speech, others will not be able to understand their meaning. There will be misunderstandings.
To understand historicisms, consider examples and interpretations of words.

Historicisms, examples Interpretation of the word
barnkeeper private owner of barns who buys grain or rents out barns
brushy food, meals
business card men's clothing, a kind of jacket with rounded floors diverging in front; originally intended for visits
hryvnia neck silver or gold jewelry in the form of a hoop
hound bear a bear specially trained for palace "amusing games"
clerk officer in command
stoker court official in Muscovy
bad money money for unserved term, which the soldier was obliged to return to the community in case of early termination of service
order governing body of individual industries
cold shoemaker in Russia until 1917 - a shoemaker who did not have a job, but repaired shoes right on the street near a client who took off his shoes from his foot

Among the reasons for the formation of historicisms: the improvement of tools, the complication of production processes, the development of culture, and political transformations.

The abolition in Russia of the dependence of the peasant on the landowner left in the past the words: master, dues, corvee, tribute, serf. The main thing is that historicisms remain in the history of mankind and do not return to speech, therefore they do not matter. No one will now put on a caftan or there will be no corvée and serfdom.

Historicisms are forever leaving speech

Historicisms can be divided into groups to understand the meaning of words:

  • antique clothes and shoes salop, armyak, camisole, fizhma, shoe, bast shoes;
  • names of social life phenomena - duel, Cominternist, laborer, collective farmer, fist, svokoshtny;
  • craft and professions of people: skobar, buffoon, apprentice, water carrier, cooper;
  • monetary units - polushka, imperial, five-kopeck piece;
  • measures of weight and length - verst, vershok, span, pound, sazhen, pood;
  • titles and positions lordship, doezzhachiy, nobility, mayor, hussar, batman;
  • military items - mace, chain mail, axe, bludgeon, aventail, pishchal;
  • names of administrative units - county, parish, province;
  • letters of the ancient alphabet beeches, yat, lead.

Obsolete phrases can be found in a scientific style to refer to phenomena in an epochal period, to give expressiveness to heroes, images in an artistic style.
In modern language, one cannot find a synonym for historicism. What is remarkable is the fact that historicisms can be several centuries old.

Archaisms - what is it?

These are obsolete names of objects and concepts that have been replaced by other words familiar to modern society. The world is changing, people are changing along with it, and the language is expanding with new concepts, and other words are being invented for the old ones.

Archaisms have taken on a new look, because they can be considered synonyms of modern words, but still their use in the Russian language will be strange than commonplace. For understanding ancient objects, for in-depth study of the culture of ancient people, archaisms and their meaning can play a role.

To understand, consider a table where the interpretation of old words is written. It is not necessary to know them, but for a historian it will be a godsend.

Archaisms are divided into groups. Sometimes not the whole word becomes obsolete, but only part of it. Let's take such meanings that are completely outdated: verses (verses). Some words have obsolete morphemes - prejudice.
The process of formation of archaisms is uneven. Thematic groups of archaisms are different:

  • person's character - sower(chatterbox, empty talker), verbiager(scientist, expert) phrase-monger(flatterer), sueslovets(idle talk);
  • profession - jump rope(gymnast), cattle breeder(cattle breeder), warehouseman(writer), skoroposolnik(messenger, messenger);
  • social relations - consonant(companion), friend(friend, partner) suvrazhnik(enemy);
  • family relationships - sister(sister), relative, kindred(relative);
  • objects of the surrounding reality - selina(a. dwelling, building; b. cleft), sennitsa(tent, tent);
  • natural phenomena - arrow(lightning), students(cold, cold);
  • things - saddle(chair, chair) server(napkin), shellfish(peel, peel, shell), screenshot(chest, casket) stop(stand);
  • abstract concepts - literature(eloquence), thinking(inference) laughing(mockery), commonwealth(acquaintance, friendship).

Archaisms are rarely used in literature. If the writer is literate enough and speaks not only the modern, but also the ancient language, then such words will give the speech a special “zest”. The reader will ponder and delve into the reading, trying to understand and unravel what the author meant. It will always be interesting and informative.

In this function, archaisms appear in rhetorical art, judicial debate, and in fiction.

The word may lose one of its meanings

Types of archaisms

Archaisms in literature and social activities of people are usually divided into types. For a deeper understanding of the language, its historical development. No novel based on historical events can do without mentioning obsolete words.

1. Semantic archaisms

Words that previously had a different meaning, but in the modern language they have a new meaning. We understand the word "housing" as a kind of real estate where a person lives. But earlier the word had a different meaning: he feels so bad, like he was going to the fifth housing; (housing - floor).

2. Phonetic archaisms

They differ from modern ones in one or two letters, even the spelling can be similar, as if one letter was removed or added. It may even seem like a mistake, but it's just an obsolete expression.
For example: a poet - piit, fire - fire, dishonest - dishonored.

3. Word-building

Obsolescence occurs only in part of the word and usually in the suffix. It is easy to guess the meaning for understanding, but it is more common to recognize archaisms if you already know which letters have been replaced, removed or added.

  • A rubber ball bounces off the floor (rubber - rubber).
  • What a beautiful pencil drawing (pencil - pencil).
  • The whole audience, competing among themselves, shouted out different phrases (competing - competing).
  • This nervous person is just terrible (nervous - nervous).

4. Phraseological

When we talk about this kind of archaism, we understand whole sayings, volatile expressions, a special ancient combination of words that was previously in use.
Examples of set expressions include: I will buy a farm; little wife coca with juice gloriously makes money; put it on who should.

5. Grammar

Such words remained in modern speech, but their gender has changed. Examples include tulle, coffee. Our coffee is masculine, but they want to make a middle one. The word tulle is masculine, but sometimes it is confused and they want to make it feminine.
Examples of words: swan - was formerly feminine, now has a masculine gender. Previously, poets wrote that a lonely swan swims.

Importance of obsolete words

Outdated vocabulary is a valuable material for the formation of knowledge about the history of the people, introducing it to the national origins. These are the tangible threads that bind us to history. Its study allows you to restore information about the historical, social, economic activities of the ancestors, to gain knowledge about the way of life of the people.

Obsolete words are a means that allows you to diversify speech, add emotionality to it, express the author's attitude to reality.

In one Russian folk song it is sung:

He brought three pockets:
The first pocket is with pies,
The second pocket is with nuts ...

It would seem, what an absurdity: what does it mean to “bring a pocket”?
Old dictionaries indicate that once in Russia the word " pocket” denoted a sack or bag that was attached to the outside of clothes.

Such pockets were sometimes hung on horse saddles, if necessary, they were not closed, but “ kept(revealed) wider».
Speaking these days "hold your pocket wider" we want to mock someone's overstated demands.

case tobacco

In the expression tobacco case both words are understandable, but why does their combination mean “very bad”, “hopeless”? You can understand this by looking at history. Let's do it together.

It turns out that the expression tobacco case came from the Volga barge haulers. When fording shallow bays or small tributaries of the Volga, barge haulers tied their pouches of tobacco around their necks so that they would not get wet. When the water was so high that it came up to the neck and the tobacco got wet, the barge haulers considered the transition impossible, and their position in these cases was very bad, hopeless.

smoke rocker

Smoke rocker - how is it? How can smoke be associated with a yoke on which buckets of water are carried? What does this expression mean?

Many years ago, the poor built in Russia the so-called chicken huts without chimneys. The smoke from the mouth of the stove poured directly into the hut and exited either through the “portage” window or through the open doors into the hallway. They say: “to love warmly - and to endure smoke”, “and a kurna hut, but a heat oven”. Over time, smoke began to be removed through pipes above the roof. Depending on the weather, the smoke goes either in a “column” - straight up, or in a “drag” - spreads down, or in a “rocker” - it falls in clubs and rolls over in an arc. By the way the smoke goes, they are guessing for a bucket or bad weather, for rain or wind. They say: smoke pillar, yoke - about any human hustle, a crowded quarrel with a dump and bustle, where you can’t make out anything, where “such a sodom that the dust is a pillar, the smoke is a rocker, either from a task, or from a dance.”

The soul has gone to the heels

When a person is very frightened, they can develop an unusually high running speed. The ancient Greeks were the first to notice this feature.
Describing in his Iliad how the enemies were frightened by the hero Hector, who suddenly appeared on the battlefield, Homer uses the following phrase: “Everyone trembled, and all the courage went to their feet ...”
Since then the expression "the soul has gone to the heels" we use when we talk about a person who has become a coward, very scared of something.

Let's start with the fact that no word middle-of-the-road not in Russian. Easter cakes will come out of the Easter cake, Easter cakes from the Easter cake. In fact, it is not necessary to send to the middle of nowhere, but to the middle of nowhere. Then justice will prevail, and we will be able to begin to explain this truly Russian turnover.
Kuligi and kulizhki were very famous and very common words in the North of Russia. When the coniferous forest "weakens", clearings and clearings appear there. Grass, flowers and berries instantly begin to grow on them. These forest islands were called kuligs. Since pagan times, sacrifices have been made on kuligas: priests slaughtered deer, sheep, heifers, stallions, everyone ate their fill, got drunk.
When Christianity came to Russia and it began to crowd out paganism, a peasant came to the kuliga, built a hut, began to sow rye, barley, whole village artels appeared. When life became closer, children and nephews left the old people, and sometimes so far that they stopped reaching, they lived like in the middle of nowhere .

Under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the following order existed: requests, complaints or petitions addressed to the tsar were lowered into a special box nailed to a pole near the palace in the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow.

In those days, all documents were written on paper, rolled up in the form of a scroll. These scrolls were long, and therefore the box was long, or, as they said then, long.

Petitioners who put their petition in the box had to wait a long time for an answer, bow at the feet of the boyars and clerks, bring them gifts and bribes in order to get an answer to their complaint. The associated red tape and bribes were common. That is why such an unkind fame survived for many years long box. This expression means: shamelessly drag out the case.

First of all, let us recall that this is what they say about purchasing cheap, but at the same time quite worthwhile, necessary, good. It turns out that the word angrily can be used in a "good" sense? Having rummaged in dictionaries, we find out: earlier this word really meant “expensive”, “good”. What then is the pun: "Cheap, but ... expensive"? But it can be expensive not only for the price (especially if you remember that the word angry has a common root with the word heart).

Some linguists argue that this expression arose as a contrast to the proverb: expensive, but cute - cheap, but rotten. It happens that and cheap and angry.

From pre-revolutionary courts, a lot of caustic expressions have come into our speech. Using them, we do not even think about how they happened.
You can often hear the expression " case burned out”, that is, someone has achieved his goal. Behind these words is the former blatant disgrace that was going on in the judicial system. Previously, the process could stop due to the fact that the documents collected by the investigation disappeared. In this case, the guilty could not be punished, and the innocent could not be acquitted.
A similar situation is described in Gogol's story, where two friends quarreled.

A pig that belonged to Ivan Ivanovich runs into the courtroom and eats up a complaint filed by a former friend of its owner, Ivan Nikiforovich. Of course, this is just a funny fantasy. But in reality, papers often burned, and not always by accident. Then the defendant, who wanted to stop or drag out the process, remained very pleased and said to himself: “Well, my case has burned out!”
So that -" case burned out”carries a reminder of those times when justice was administered not by judges, but by bribes.

In the bag

Several centuries ago, when mail in its present form did not exist, all messages were delivered by messengers on horseback. A lot of robbers then wandered along the roads, and a bag with a package could attract the attention of robbers. Therefore, important papers, or, as they used to be called, affairs, sewn under the lining of hats or caps. This is where the expression came from: case in the hat” and means that everything is fine, everything is in order. About the successful completion, the outcome of something.

Woe onion

When a person cries, it means that something happened to him. That's just the reason why tears well up in the eyes, not in all cases is associated with some kind of misfortune. When you peel or cut an onion, tears flow in a stream. And the reason for that is grief onion».

This proverb is also known in other countries, only there it is slightly modified. The Germans, for example, have the phrase "onion tears". These tears people shed over trifles.

Expression "mountain onion" also means minor troubles, much sadness because of which it is not worth it.

deaf grouse

An experienced hunter carefully approaches a black grouse carelessly sitting on a branch. The bird, unaware of anything, is busy filling itself with its intricate singing: flowing, clicking and squirting fills everything around. The black grouse will not hear how the hunter sneaks up to an acceptable distance and unloads his double-barreled shotgun.
It has long been observed that the current black grouse loses its hearing for a while. Hence the name of one of the breeds of black grouse - capercaillie.

Expression "deaf grouse" refers to gaping, sleepy, not noticing people around. Although by nature these birds are very sensitive and attentive.

Agree that sometimes we happen to see situations when the person responsible for some event can run back and forth with the words: - there is no highlight of the program! In this case, everyone understands that even he is a little to blame for this. Returning home from a concert, we can say that the highlight of the program is a folk singer or other outstanding person who was on stage.

In a word, highlight of the program is a unique number or performance that can arouse genuine interest among the public. It is known that this phraseological unit was interpreted in many languages, but it has survived unchanged to our time.

This proverb arose as a mockery and mockery of the numerous tourists who in the 19th century traveled in huge crowds to the so-called foreign places, and they did it so quickly that they did not even manage to enjoy the natural beauty and color. But in the future, they praised everything “seen” so much that everyone was only amazed.

Also in 1928, the great writer Maxim Gorky also used this expression in one of his speeches, which further consolidated it among the common people. Well, today it is often used in the bohemia of society, which also boasts of its knowledge of the world and numerous travels around the world.

From another source:

Ironic. Without going into details, hastily, superficially (to do something).

Compare: in haste; on a live thread; on a living hand; with the opposite meaning: along and across.

“For travel essays, the editors are going to send another person to the track, this must be done thoroughly, and not like that, with a cavalry charge, gallop across Europe."

Y. Trifonov. "Quenching Thirst"

Lying like a gray gelding

Lying like a gray gelding- this proverb, which can often be heard among the people, is quite difficult to interpret. Agree, it is difficult to explain why exactly the gelding, which is a representative of the animal world, was awarded such a title. And if we take into account the fact that the suit is being specified - gray gelding, then there are even more questions. Many who study this phenomenon say that everything is connected with a mistake that occurred in the memory of our people. After all, this is simply not explained by any other facts.
The well-known linguist Dahl said that for many years the word " lying" , used today, could come from the word "rushing" as a result of the incorrect pronunciation of one of the speakers. Initially, the gray gelding boasts tremendous strength and endurance.
But at the same time, one should not forget that gray gelding nothing significantly different from bay or gray horses, which also boast endurance and quick wits. From this it follows that the masses could hardly simply exclude them from the phraseological unit and single out the gray gelding.

To date, you can find another rather interesting interpretation. It is believed that for the first time this phraseological unit originated in the memories of a man named Sivens-Mering, who had the fame of an impudent liar. There were bad rumors about him, so many said - lies like Seans-Mehring . Perhaps, after many years of using this option, the one that we often use today has been established.
There are other opinions that completely refute previous versions. It is said that there are other interpretations of it, such as "lazy as a gray gelding" and others. Take, for example, the well-known Gogol hero Khlestakov, who often uses the expression “ stupid as a gray gelding". This also should include the concept of "bullshit", which means nonsense and complete nonsense. In a word, phraseology has not yet been able to give a clear interpretation of the expression " lying like a gray gelding”, but this does not prevent us from using it in daily communication.

Get into a mess

manual slip

Now rope, twine, ropes are made in factories, and not so long ago it was handicraft. Entire villages were engaged in it.
In the streets there were poles with hooks, from which the ropes stretched to wooden wheels. They were rotated, running in a circle, by horses. All these devices of rope artisans were called.
It was necessary to carefully monitor so as not to catch on the tourniquet tightly coiled in the hole. If the tip of a jacket or shirt gets into weaving - goodbye clothes! It shreds its prosak, tears it up, and sometimes maims the person himself.

V. I. Dal explains: “Prosak is the space from the spinning wheel to the sleigh, where the twine scurries and spins ..; if you get there with the end of your clothes, with your hair, you will twist it and you won’t get out; hence the proverb."

That's where the dog is buried!

As the story goes, the experienced Austrian warrior Sigismund Altensteig had a favorite dog that accompanied him on all military campaigns. It so happened that fate threw Sigismund to the Dutch lands, where he found himself in a very dangerous situation. But a devoted four-legged friend quickly came to the rescue and saved the owner, sacrificing his life. To pay tribute to the dog, Altensteig arranged a solemn funeral, and decorated the grave with a monument commemorating the heroic deed of the dog.
But after a couple of centuries, it became very difficult to find the monument, only some locals could help tourists find it.

Then the expression " That's where the dog is buried!”, meaning “find out the truth”, “find what you are looking for”.

There is another version of the origin of this phrase. Before the final naval battle between the Persian and Greek fleets, the Greeks loaded all the children, the elderly and women into transport ships and sent them away from the battlefield.
The devoted dog of Xanthippus, the son of Arifron, swam over the ship and, meeting with the owner, died of exhaustion. Xanthippus, amazed by the act of the dog, erected a monument to his pet, which became the personification of devotion and courage.

Some linguists believe that the saying was invented by treasure hunters who are afraid of evil spirits that guard the treasures. To hide their true goals, they said "black dog" and a dog, which meant, respectively, evil spirits and treasure. Based on this assumption, under the phrase " That's where the dog is buried” meant “This is where the treasure is buried.”

free will

Perhaps to some this expression seems to be complete nonsense: like " oil oily". But do not rush to conclusions, but rather listen.

Many years ago, ancient Russian appanage princes wrote in their treaties with each other: “And the boyars, and the children of the boyars, and the servants, and the peasants free will…»

For a free will, therefore, it was a right, a privilege, it meant freedom of action and deeds, it allowed to live on earth as long as it lives, and go wherever it pleases. Only free people enjoyed this freedom, as sons with fathers, brothers with brothers, nephews with uncles, and so on were considered in those days.

And there were also serfs and slaves who forever belonged to the masters. They could be pawned as a thing, sold and even killed without trial or investigation.

Simonyi: the will to the wave, the way to the walker;

Dal: free will - paradise saved, wild field, damn the swamp.

To be born in a shirt

In one of the poems of the Russian poet Koltsov there are lines:

Oh, on an unfortunate day
In the untalented hour
I'm shirtless
Born into the world...

To uninitiated people, the last two lines may seem very strange. You might think that the lyrical hero regrets that in the womb he did not have time to pull on a shirt, or, to put it in an understandable language, a shirt.

Once a shirt was called not only an element of clothing, but also various films. The thin membrane under the eggshell could also bear this name.

Sometimes it happens that the head of the child, when he is born, may be covered with a film, which soon falls off. According to ancient beliefs, a child born with such a film will be happy in life. And the French even came up with a special name for it - “ happy hat».

These days, the thought that a small film on the head of a newborn will make him lucky is a smile. However, in a figurative sense, we often use this expression when we talk about people who are lucky in something. Now the phrase is used only as a saying, and the folk sign has long sunk into oblivion.

By the way, not only in Russian there is such a proverb. Europeans also use similar expressions, for example, " be born in a cap". The English have another phrase that has the same meaning: "to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth." But it came from a different custom. The fact is that in Foggy Albion it is customary to give newborns spoons made of silver for good luck.

They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter

Once upon a time, the routine of the entire monastic life was determined monastic statutes. One monastery was guided by one charter, the other - by another. Moreover: in the old days, some monasteries had their own judicial charters and had the right to independently judge their people in all their sins and transgressions.

Expression: " They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter"This is used in a figurative sense in the sense that one must obey the established rules, customs in society, at home, and not establish one's own.

Balbeshka Stoerosovaya

So they say about a stupid, stupid person.
“Excuse me, why did I say such a stupid, awkward thing to you, it jumped off my tongue, I don’t know myself, I’m a fool, a stout-haired dunce” (Yu. Bondarev).

Burnt theater artist

About a person whose real abilities or capabilities do not correspond to their supposed level.

“Death is the same for everyone, it is the same for everyone, and no one can be freed from it. And while she, death, lies in wait for you in an unknown place, with inevitable torment, and there is fear from it in you, you are not a hero and not a god, just an artist from a burnt theater, amusing himself and bloated listeners.

(V. Astafiev).

This idiom (set phrase) is intended to evaluate non-professionals. A couple of centuries ago, the profession of a theater actor was, to put it mildly, not prestigious.

Hence the disdain that comes through in the phrase: firstly, an actor, and secondly, without a theater. In other words, the circus left, but the clowns stayed.
Because the burned theater is not the theater that was destroyed by the fire, but the one that went bankrupt due to the inept play of the actors.

Appetite comes with eating

About the increase in someone's needs as they are satisfied.

The expression came into use after it was used by the French writer F. Rabelais (1494-1553) in his novel Gargantua and Pantagruel (1532).

Guardian angel

According to religious beliefs, a creature that is the patron of a person.

“He prayed every time until he felt on his forehead, as it were, someone's fresh touch; this, he thought then, is the guardian angel accepting me ”(I. Turgenev).

About a person who shows constant attention and care to someone.

beat with a forehead

Ancient antiquity emanates from this primordially Russian expression. And it went from Moscow palace customs. The boyars closest to the tsar used to gather in the "front" of the Kremlin Palace early in the morning and after dinner at vespers. Seeing the king, they began to bow, touching the floor with their foreheads. And others did it with such zeal that even tapping was heard: appreciate, they say, sovereign, our love and zeal.

Fresh legend, but hard to believe.
As he was famous for, whose neck bent more often;
As not in the war, but in the world they took it with their foreheads -
Knocked on the floor without regret!

A. Griboedov, "Woe from Wit"

In this way, beat with a forehead means first of all bow”, Well, its second meaning is “ask for something”, “complain”, “thank”.

“Oriental splendor reigned at the Court of our kings, who, following the Asian custom, forced the ambassadors to speak only on their knees and fall to the ground before the throne, from which the common expression then came: I strike with my forehead.”

The evidence of the existence of the earthly bow given at the same time dates back no earlier than the 16th century, since only Ivan the Terrible in 1547 was the first to accept the permanent title of “tsar” in Moscow. It turns out that the history of the phrase "beat with a forehead" began twice. At first, they were literally beaten with a forehead, admitting their guilt, and with the introduction of Christianity, they worshiped the Lord God. Then they “beat with the forehead” in words, complaining, thanking and greeting, and, finally, they introduced the custom of bowing to the ground to the sovereign at court, which was also called “beating with the forehead”.

Then, in the first case, the expression meant not “bow to the earth”, but “bow from the waist”, in the form when, when asking for forgiveness in parochial disputes, the offender, standing on the lower step of the porch, bowed to his master from the waist. At the same time, the strong one stood on the top step. A waist bow, thus, was accompanied by a petition, a knock of the forehead on the steps.

Rake the heat with the wrong hands

This means: enjoy the results of someone else's work.

And what kind of heat are we talking about?

Heat is burning coals. And, by the way, raking them out of the oven was not at all an easy task for the hostess: it would be easier and easier for her to do it “by someone else's hands”.

In the common people there is also a rougher version:

"Ride someone else's dick to paradise."

beat the buckets

To beat the buckets - to mess around.

What is buckets ? Surely the word must have its own meaning?

Oh sure. When in Russia they slurped cabbage soup and ate porridge with wooden spoons, tens of thousands of handicraftsmen beat the buckets , that is, they pricked linden wood logs into blanks for the master-spoon. This work was considered trifling, it was usually performed by an apprentice. Therefore, she became a model not of deeds, but of idleness.

Of course, everything is known in comparison, and this work seemed easy only against the backdrop of hard peasant labor.

And not everyone will succeed now well bucks to beat .

Know by heart

What is the meaning of these words - children know no worse than adults. Know by heart - means, for example, to learn a poem perfectly, to solidify a role and, in general, to understand something perfectly well.

And there was a time when know by heart , check by heart taken almost literally. This saying arose from the custom of checking the authenticity of gold coins, rings and other precious metal products by tooth. You bite the coin with your teeth, and if there is no dent left on it, then it is genuine, not fake. Otherwise, you could get a fake one: hollow inside or filled with cheap metal.

The same custom gave rise to another vivid figurative expression: crack a man , that is, to thoroughly know its advantages, disadvantages, intentions.

Take rubbish out of the hut

Usually this expression is used with negation: " Do not take dirty linen out of the hut!».

Its figurative meaning, I hope, is known to everyone: quarrels, squabbles between close people, or secrets of a narrow circle of people should not be disclosed.

And here's the real meaning of it phraseologism Let's try to explain now, although it will not be easy. This expression is connected with evil spirits and, by the way, there are a lot of such in the Russian language. According to ancient beliefs, rubbish from the hut must be burned in the oven, so that evil people do not get it. The so-called quackery "rejections" or "relations" were very common in the past. A branch could be, for example, a bundle thrown at a crossroads to "guard" against illness. Coal or furnace ash was usually wrapped in such a bundle - oven .

She was especially popular with healers, because it was in the oven that rubbish from the hut was burned, in which hair and other items necessary for witchcraft were found. It is no accident, therefore, that the prohibition to wash dirty linen from the hut came into use in the Russian language.

It is written with a pitchfork on the water

The expression "Written with a pitchfork on the water" comes from Slavic mythology.

Today it means an unlikely, doubtful and hardly possible event. In Slavic mythology, mythical creatures living in reservoirs were called pitchforks. According to legend, they could predict fate by writing it on the water. Until now, "forks" in some Russian dialects mean "circles".
During divination by water, pebbles were thrown into the river and, according to the shape of the circles formed on the surface, their intersections and sizes, they predicted the future. And since these predictions are not accurate and rarely come true, they began to talk about an unlikely event.

In not so ancient times, gypsies with bears walked around the villages and staged various performances. They led the bears on a leash tied to a nose ring. Such a ring made it possible to keep the bears in check and perform the necessary tricks. During the performances, the gypsies performed various tricks, cleverly deceiving the audience.

Over time, the expression began to be applied in a broader sense - "to mislead someone."

Goal like a falcon

In the old days, for the capture of besieged cities, wall-beating guns were used, which were called "falcons". It was a log bound with iron or a cast-iron beam, reinforced with chains. Swinging it, they hit the walls and destroyed them.

The figurative expression "goal like a falcon" means "poor to the last extreme, nowhere to get money, even beat your head against the wall."

Keep me out

The expression "Chur me" came to us from ancient times.
Since ancient times, to this day, we say "Chur me", "Chur mine", "Chur in half." Chur is the oldest name for the keeper of the house, hearth (Chur - Shchur - Ancestor).

It is fire, mental and physical, that gives people warmth, light, comfort and goodness in every sense, is the main custodian of ancestral heritage, family happiness.

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