Dasha Pynzar Instagram official page - darya pinzar86. Where do Pynzari live outside the project: their house and apartment Dasha Pynzar VKontakte is real

City: Balakovo

Date of birth: 1986

Dasha Chernykh Biography(Pynzar) appeared on the project with a loud statement: I am innocent and I have never had a man. But, despite the image of "blond innocence", she quickly began to build relationships, but her first novels - with Rustam Solntsev and Andrei Cherkasov - ended in failure. Living further on the project, Dasha turned her attention to Sergey Pynzar. The guys on the project were convinced that the couple was holding on to each other solely out of fear of being thrown out in the voting, but well, it was there, the feelings connecting Sergey and Dasha turned out to be real. On May 5, the guys got married, and on July 23 they had a baby, who was named Artyom. For the summer, the Pynzarey family went to live in the house they rented, and in the fall they returned to the show again. Today the Pynzarey family is one of the strongest on the project.

And now the questions:

What were you doing before the project?
She studied at the Institute of Economics and Culture as an interior and equipment designer.

Your favorite perfume or toilet water.
Yves Saint Laurent "Baby Doll"

Your clothing style.
Mixed... Thoughtful. I don't know what to call it. But he is. My own. Dasha-style.

Tell us a little about your family.
I live with my mother and older sister Natasha, who is like a mother to me. And with my beloved nephew Sashulka, whom I adore. I helped raise him.

Do you have pets?
I love cats very much, I just die as I love. But my mom is allergic and I can't afford it. But soon I will live alone and I will definitely get myself some beautiful kitty. I love them.

Your favorite dish.
Sushi! Sharp little ones!

What is your attitude towards marriage?
So far, I don't care.

Do you want to have children?
I love children very much. And I want a daughter for myself to dress her up like a doll.

Your hobby.
I love to draw very much. I paint more in oils.

The dream of your whole life.
There is no one dream. I dream of something, it appears, I dream of something else. At the moment the dream is to realize itself. I would very much like a serious relationship, fall in love. But so far there is no such person. And in general, in the twenty-two years of my life, there was no such young man with whom I would like to be together.

Your goal for the project.
Find your love. If the project is for love, then why not try ...

Your best friend. What is he?
There is a best friend Lesha. He gives me very good advice. He used to be in love with me, but now he is dating another girl. And we had nothing with him! There is no best friend at the moment. She was, we were friends for four years, but she betrayed me, and I will no longer communicate with her. Now I have girls with whom we communicate very well, I can’t call them best friends, they are just friends to me.

What is your main like/dislike on the project?
I am the kind of person who always sees the good in everyone. I like everything now. It's too early to talk about any negative emotions. When I watched, someone did not like. And now I communicate with everyone, all nice and kind people.

Your favorite music.
I love from club to classic.

What is your favorite book (writer).
I may be laughing, but I really love Harry Potter!

What is your favorite movie (actor).
Johnny Depp, of course, like a million other girls. And from the movies I like "Fight Club". And I love comedies, dramas, horror movies!

What will you do if you win the house?
I will live, have fun, hold parties!

Daria Pynzar photo

The children of Daria Pynzar are the main characters of this article. Here you will find children's photos and videos of 2018-2019, news, achievements of the children of Dasha and Sergey Pynzar, as well as links to Instagram and the Pynzar YouTube channel.

The Pynzar family in full force

The Pynzar couple have two children so far. Although the planned third child is being actively discussed in the media space, there is no exact information on this subject yet.

  • Eldest son: Artem Pynzar (7 years old)
  • Youngest son: David Pynzar (4 years old)

Dasha Chernykh was born on January 6, 1986 in the Donetsk region, but soon enough her family moved to the city of Balakovo near Saratov. Unfortunately, a tragic event occurred in the family, and the girl was actually raised by her older sister.

Dasha studied quite well at school and after graduation she went to get the profession of a designer at the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture. It was there, as a student, that she makes a fateful decision for herself to go through a casting in "House 2".

In fact, it was "House 2" that launched the career and family of Daria Pynzar. Now Dasha is a successful media person: first of all, she maintains her blog on Instagram, a YouTube channel, and also does business - she runs her own online clothing store, as well as offline boutiques.

Sergey Pynzar

Sergey Pynzar is two years older than Dasha. He was born on May 30, 1984 in Dnepropetrovsk, where they lived with their brother and mother. Subsequently, Sergei moved to St. Petersburg, where he became a professional dancer.

Sergey Pynzar

Maybe that's why, having left the institute, Sergey toured for a long time with the show ballet "Crocodile" until one day, by the will of fate, he ended up on the set of "House 2". This event radically changed his whole life ...

Daria and Sergey - the history of relations

Once on the TV show, Sergei and Daria did not immediately discern husband and wife in each other. Dasha, who came to the project in the seventh year, unsuccessfully tried to establish relationships with several participants. However, after the appearance of Sergei, everything changed. In "House 2" one of the strongest alliances of all time arose.

Wedding of Daria Chernykh and Sergey Pynzar

Although even already being a couple, young people often experienced disagreements and scandals, this did not prevent them from officially getting married. As a result, Daria Chernykh became Daria Pynzar and the new family celebrated their honeymoon in Cuba. The wedding took place in the tenth year, and already in 2011 Daria Pynzar gave birth to her first child.

When the baby was two years old, Sergey and Daria got married in a church according to the Christian rite. And in 15, Artem had a younger brother.

Sergey and Dasha

Daria Pynzar, photo

Children of Daria Pynzar in the photo 2018-2019. Almost everyone who examines these photos in detail notes the amazing resemblance of the boys to their father. How do you think? Share your opinion in the comments!

Artem Pynzar

The eldest son of Daria - Artyom Pynzar

Dasha's pregnancy went well, there were no complications during childbirth. Sergey Pynzar wished to be present at the birth of his first child. Dasha breastfed her son for six months, after which she switched to artificial feeding. The boy grew and developed according to his age and pleased his parents.

Artyom Pynzar

David Pynzar

On May 15, 2015, the couple again became happy parents, they had a son, who was named David. Childbirth took place in the same natural way, passed easily and again in the presence of the pope.

Sergei was present at the birth of his wife

Throughout her second pregnancy, Dasha was also active, primarily doing business, traveling with her eldest son and husband to different countries, taking care of herself and playing sports. David was born a healthy and strong child.


Daria Pynzar, video

The children of Daria Pynzar very often fall into the videos of this married couple. First of all, we bring to your attention a video slideshow with the most memorable photos on the Children of the Stars channel

The upbringing and hobbies of Dasha Pynzar's children

Active parents have active children! The Pynzar couple goes in for sports and, as a result, their sons are also attracted to classes. For example, Artyom receives training in boxing and wrestling. Dad takes his son fishing with him.

From early childhood, boys travel with their parents to different countries. However, David missed a trip abroad in the first six months of his life. Daria did not want to expose her little son to climate change:

It is not advisable for children under one year to undergo a sharp change in climate.

In general, the Pynzar family try to spend all the time together. Despite the fact that successful parents have to travel a lot and fly on business.

The Pynzar family always try to spend time together

The children of Daria Pynzar often play and meet with the family of Ksenia Borodina. Their children get along well. As a result, the parents of both families go on trips together and spend different holidays. Marusya Borodina (daughter of Ksenia Borodina) and Artem Pynzar once took an active part in a fashion show. The children of Daria Pynzar quite often attend fashion events and, like their popular mother, advertise various children's products and, above all, clothes.

Daria Pynzar news

Daria Pynzar is a good news generator. We could tell and show news on the topic of plastic surgery or, for example, Dasha's business for a long time, but we will limit ourselves to news in one way or another connected with the children of this married couple

Third pregnancy

Rumors about Dasha's third pregnancy have been circulating in the press for a long time. While she herself said in an interview that she applied to the perinatal center in order to prepare for a future pregnancy. So far, there is no specific information confirming the pregnancy of Daria Pynzar in the public domain. We are closely following the news and will immediately inform our subscribers if information becomes available.


Daria Pynzar and her children, together with Sergey Pynzar, moved to live in Alanya in 2018. The family chose Turkey primarily because of its geographical location and constantly warm climate.

Daria and Sergey Pynzar in Turkey

As a result, Artem Pynzar is already attending a local kindergarten. In addition, the boy is actively taught English. The family seems to be planning to buy their own property in the near future.

David's first birthday

On May 15, 2017, Dasha's second child celebrated her first birthday. On this occasion, the family threw a noisy party, where they invited many of their friends with children - Ksenia Borodina, Margarita Marceau, Olga Gazhienko

David Pynzar is one year old

Time flies very quickly, it seems that only yesterday was the day when my baby was born, and a year has already passed! My baby, be healthy and happy

Instagram and YouTube Daria Pynzar

Dasha is a popular media person. Her instagram has over 3 million subscribers and Instagram Sergey Pynzar almost 700 thousand subscribers (10 times more than, for example, at). Meanwhile, Pynzar has his own YouTube channel Darya Pinzar which seems to have another 100,000 subscribers.

The online clothing store of the Pynzar family used to be located at ares http://pinzar.ru/ but at the moment the site is not working, but the Instagram store is working

One of the brightest and most memorable residents of the reality show Dom-2 is Daria Pynzar. The Instagram of this seductive blonde is replete with candid photos and illustrates in detail her personal life with her beloved husband and little son. And now they have added pictures of a pregnant Dasha, basking in the sunshine of the warm sun at a resort in Koh Samui. Do you want to see it all with your own eyes? Join the one and a half millionth army of darya_pinzar86 subscribers and you will get all the news first hand.

(scroll through the pics, there are a lot of them)

Sultry blondes with a luxurious figure and catchy appearance are never left without attention. Men wear them on their hands, and young enthusiastic girls dream of imitating everything. One of these objects of universal admiration and adoration is a participant in the reality show Dom-2 Daria Pynzar. The Instagram of this attractive and charismatic girl is visited by more than 1.5 million social media users. Yes, this is not surprising, because the beauty, sparing no effort and time, daily publishes a lot of spectacular and spicy photos there, telling in detail and vividly about her eventful personal life.

The modest childhood of the future TV personality

Dasha Pynzar (nee Chernykh) was born on January 6, 1986 in one of the provincial Ukrainian towns. A few years later, the family moved to Russia and settled in the village of Balakovo, located in the Samara region.

Little Dasha did not know her father, and her mother was closely engaged in her upbringing. When she tragically died, her older sister Natalia took care of the underage girl. She also provided great support to her relative in the future and helped her to get on her feet.

After graduating from high school, Daria entered the Institute of Economics and Culture and received a diploma in interior and equipment design. In her student years, Daria clearly showed a talent for painting and she began to devote quite a lot of time to drawing.

Enchanting coming to Dom-2

The young seductress appeared on the scandalous project just a few days before the onset of 2008. In the very first hours of her presence inside the perimeter, the blond charmer informed all the inhabitants of the famous television set that, despite her catchy appearance and relaxed behavior, she was still innocent and longing to meet the man of her dreams, to whom she would present her virginity as a gift. However, the participants, who had already seen a lot of outrageous beauties in their lifetime, reacted to the words of the “newcomer” with a great deal of irony and did not take them for granted.

Quite a bit of time passed and Daria proved to everyone that her naivety and innocence were not doubted in vain. Both the style of her behavior and more than revealing outfits clearly hinted at a certain experience in communicating with the opposite sex, and the caustic Ksyusha Sobchak publicly stated that the beautiful blonde looks much more like a stripper than an angel with wings.

Sympathy Pynzar on the project

Having become a full member of House-2, Dasha openly showed attention to Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov). The ten-year age difference did not at all embarrass the girl, but rather spurred her on and forced her to act more decisively. However, this experience was unsuccessful. The young man, at first blinded by the beauty of the young seductress, very quickly got out of a state of euphoria and began to complain about the mismanagement and inattention of his girlfriend. The cup of his patience overflowed the moment when Dasha, in her passionate desire to take care, washed his jeans in a typewriter along with a mobile phone. A stormy scandal and mutual insults put an end to this relationship and the couple fled forever.

The next object of sympathy for the sultry blonde was the famous ladies' man of Dom-2 Andrey Cherkasov. For some time, the guys met and called themselves a couple, but they did not succeed in long-term communication.

Left alone, Dasha did not grieve for a long time, especially since Sergey Pynzar, a newcomer to the project, a merry fellow and the soul of the company, had already come into her field of vision. Love relationships spun almost at lightning speed and, although evil tongues, envious people and gossips said that all this was temporary again, the young people managed to stay together for more than two years. The crown of this relationship was the wedding, which the happy couple played on a large scale in early May 2010. Journalists covering the ceremony and the subsequent festivities immediately dubbed the holiday one of the most memorable events that ever happened on the project. Fresh photos of the newlyweds spread all over the newspapers, hit the pages of glossy magazines and literally blew up social networks.

The vicissitudes of married life

Contrary to all doubts and conversations, Sergey and Dasha still live in perfect harmony. This is confirmed by the new photos that the girl uploads to her Instagram darya_pinzar86 almost every day.

A year after the wedding, the couple had a son, whom they named Artem. In order to spend more time with the child and breathe fresh air, the guys rented a cozy house in the Moscow suburbs, but the suburban pastoral idyll did not last long. The organizers of the Dom-2 project, wanting to raise the ratings of the show, convinced the couple to return to the perimeter and even allocated a separate room for the family. Dasha and Sergey again appeared on the TV set and the audience saw with their own eyes how warm and trusting relationships tied the hearts of these young people. And the whole country heard with what passion the husband persuades his adored soul mate to give him a daughter. Daria flirted and answered that this joyful event would definitely happen, but a little later.

The question of a second child in the Pynzar family arose again in January 2015, and in December Daria's noticeably rounded forms became visible even to the naked eye. Yes, the beauty did not hide her position by filling the Instagram page of Daria Pynzar with 86 candid photos.

Daria Pynzar, whose Instagram is full of bright photos from the seashore, is one of the most successful participants in the “old” compositions of the Dom-2 talk show. What is the girl famous for and how to find her page on the social network?

On Dasha Pynzar's Instagram, you can see the active life of a married couple - the girl fully justified the motto of the television project "Build Your Love" and found her happiness at the TV construction site.

Daria was born in a small Ukrainian town near Donetsk, was brought up by her older sister - her parents passed away early. After leaving school, the matured girl went to Moscow, where she entered the Faculty of Design, but in 2007 (in her third year) she left the university for the sake of casting in a popular project.

What is special about the Instagram of the real diva of the show "Dom-2"

On Daria Pynzar's Instagram, you can see the timeline of life and biography in show business. When the girl came to the show, she declared her desire to build a real serious relationship - but the first two chosen ones did not live up to her hopes. Only when the athlete Sergey appeared at the construction site did all Daria's dreams come true - already in 2010 the couple registered their union. On the project, she was friends with Zhenya, but then the girls had a fight, see the new photos of Feofilaktova on Instagram of her ex-girlfriend at the link.

Photos on Instagram by Daria Pynzar illustrate the development of relations - less than a year later, a small participant appeared on the site, the son of a couple, who was named Artem.

After some time, the network was stirred up by comments on the topic that Daria had recovered - the couple were expecting a second replenishment in the family. In 2016, the second son was born, who was named David. Shortly thereafter, the family left the television project and went into real life.

The question of where spouses live occupies many users. However, there is no secret - the girl herself often notes the geolocation on the blog and talks about the life of the Russian family in Turkey, demonstrates new photos and Stories that can be viewed for free on Instagram. However, the family regularly visits Moscow.

Instagram Pynzar Darya - darya pinzar86, this is the name of the girl and the year of her birth. To find a page on a social network through a quick search, enter the short address @darya pinzar86.

See Ksenia Borodina's blog on Instagram at the link, this is Dasha's new friend.

Instagram account "Daria and Sergey Pynzar" - the latest news from the life of the family, a chronicle of everyday events. On the page you can see trips and travels, family shopping trips and restaurants. The girl actively advertises products, talks about her own business - an online clothing store.

In this Instagram account you will not find deep thoughts or long posts on photos - this is the page of an ordinary person who has become popular and wants to share news with the audience.

Daria Pynzar on the official website of Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/darya_pinzar86/. If you follow the link, you can watch the latest publications, photos and stories, videos and live broadcasts of the TV star for free.

Daria Pynzar (maiden name Chernykh) is a Russian TV star, one of the most interesting and popular participants in the scandalous TV show DOM-2, was born in the small Ukrainian town of Yenakiyevo.


Dasha's early childhood passed in her homeland and was quite happy, although they grew up with an older sister without a father. When Dasha grew up a little, the family moved to Russia, to Balakovo, where her mother found a good job and could provide for the girls. But by a tragic accident, her mother's life ended early, and 8-year-old Dasha found herself in the care of her sister, who herself had barely crossed the threshold of adulthood.

It was difficult for a young girl to earn money in a small town. And, after a little thought, the older sister Natalya leaves for Moscow, taking her sister with her. So she was able to slowly establish her own business, and the lives of the girls entered a more or less even direction.

Dasha is now grateful to her sister for everything that she did for her and considers her the closest and dearest person.

In Moscow, she finished school, not brilliantly, but with a quite decent certificate, which allowed her to enter the budget department of one of the universities.

She chose the fashionable and prestigious specialty of an interior designer and attended classes with pleasure until ... she decided to go with her friends to the casting of the super popular TV show DOM-2.


Finally finding herself in front of the cameras, Dasha for a moment realized that she was absolutely not ready for such close attention to her own person. Moreover, she literally stunned the whole country with the statement that she is a virgin who seriously hopes to find her beloved and only one on the project.

The intrigue tied up by Dasha was even more interesting when everyone saw that she frankly sympathized with the recognized womanizer Rustam Solntsev.

But already the first days that the couple spent together after Dasha moved into his house, both were disappointed. Accustomed from childhood to the constant guardianship of her sister, Dasha was completely helpless in housekeeping. And if at first Rustam considered it cute, then after a couple of days he began to be frankly annoyed by this situation.

And when Dasha washed Rustam's favorite phone, he just put her out the door.

But such a beauty could not be left without male attention, and after a few days she was “sheltered” by another womanizer of the project Andrei Cherkasov. But he was completely unromantic, hyperactive, and too early began to insist on close relationships, which finally pushed the romantically inclined girl away from him.

Dasha was left alone again. Still not having time to get used to it, she was in danger of leaving the project.

Family life

Looking around a bit, Dasha spotted a handsome and charming guy who had just fallen apart with another participant in the project, Sergei Pynzar. It cost nothing for the girl to charm our hero, and his "taming" took place quite quietly, and not under the sights of television cameras.

It all started during their joint trips to the city on various matters outside the project. And when the romance was already in full swing, they did not hide it from prying eyes. This helped both stay on the show, but not everyone believed in the sincerity of such a relationship.

Daria and Sergey Pynzar

For a long time, some of the participants frankly said that this was just a tactical move that helped to avoid a “frontal place”. But the proof of the seriousness of their intentions was the marriage proposal made by Sergei publicly on 03/08/2010.

Dasha accepted the offer. But in fairness, it must be said that the relationship of the couple was far from cloudless. They often quarreled, especially at the very beginning.

Dasha frankly did not like Sergei's "frivolous" profession - she wanted to see a wealthy, accomplished man next to her. Sergei was infuriated by her frequent trips with her friends to night parties. And just before the wedding, the couple almost quarreled completely.

With husband and son

Dasha categorically refused to take her husband's surname after registering the marriage. This offended Sergei so much that he was ready to completely break off relations. After some thought, Dasha changed her mind and gave in to his demand. The wedding still took place in May 2010. Already in 2011, a son was born in the family.

Relations gradually leveled off, Dasha learned to give in, Sergey began to earn more, and both were united by love for the baby. In 2013, the couple got married, having made a decision before God to spend the rest of their lives together. And in 2016, another beloved and desired child appeared in the family.

Now the couple spend a lot of time together. They have a common business: an online fashion store. They prefer traveling and an active lifestyle, they teach children to do this.

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