Does the dead feel the love of the living. Is it possible to find out where the soul of a loved one went after death

After the death of a loved one, our consciousness does not want to put up with the fact that he is no longer around. I would like to believe that somewhere far away in heaven he remembers us and can send a message.

In this article

The connection between the soul and the living person

Followers of religious and esoteric teachings consider the soul as a small particle of the Divine consciousness. On Earth, the soul manifests itself through the best qualities of a person: kindness, honesty, nobility, generosity, the ability to forgive. Creative abilities are considered a gift from God, which means that they are also realized through the soul.

It is immortal, but the human body has a finite lifespan. Therefore, at the end of earthly life, the soul leaves the body and goes to another level of the universe.

Main theories about afterlife

Myths and religious beliefs of peoples offer their own vision of what happens to a person after death. For example, the "Tibetan Book of the Dead" describes step by step all the stages through which the soul passes from the moment of death and ending with the next incarnation on Earth.

Heaven and Hell, Heavenly Judgment

In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, after death, a Heavenly judgment awaits a person, at which his earthly deeds are evaluated. Depending on the number of mistakes and good deeds, God, angels or apostles divide dead people into sinners and righteous people in order to send them either to Paradise for eternal bliss or to hell for eternal torment.

However, the ancient Greeks had something similar, where all the dead were sent to the underworld of Hades under the custody of Cerberus. Souls were also distributed according to the level of righteousness. Pious people were placed in Elysium, and vicious people in Tartarus.

Judgment on souls is present in various variations in ancient myths. In particular, the Egyptians had the deity Anubis, who weighed the heart of the deceased with an ostrich feather to measure the severity of his sins. Pure souls were sent to the heavenly fields of the solar god Ra, where the rest of the road was ordered.

Souls of the righteous go to heaven

Soul evolution, Karma, Reincarnation

The religions of ancient India look at the fate of the soul differently. According to traditions, she comes to Earth more than once and each time gains invaluable experience necessary for spiritual evolution.

Any life is a kind of lesson that is passed in order to reach a new level of the Divine game. All actions and deeds of a person during life constitute his karma, which can be good, bad or neutral.

The concepts of "hell" and "heaven" are not here, although the results of life are important for the upcoming incarnation. A person can earn better conditions in the next reincarnation or be born in the body of an animal. Everything determines behavior during your stay on Earth.

Space Between Worlds: The Restless

In the Orthodox tradition there is a concept of 40 days from the moment of death. The date is responsible, since the Higher forces make the final decision on the stay of the soul. Prior to that, she has the opportunity to say goodbye to places dear to her on Earth, and also passes tests in the subtle worlds - ordeals, where evil spirits tempt her.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead names a similar period of time. And it also enumerates the trials encountered on the path of the soul. There are similarities between completely different traditions. Two creeds tell about the space between the worlds, where the deceased person resides in a subtle shell (astral body).

In 1990, the film "Ghost" was released. Death caught the hero of the picture suddenly - Sam was treacherously killed on a tip from a business partner. While in the body of a ghost, he investigates and punishes the culprit.

This mystical drama perfectly outlined the astral and its laws. The film also explained why Sam was stuck between worlds: he had unfinished business on Earth - protecting the woman he loved. Having achieved justice, Sam receives a passage to heaven.

Restless souls become ghosts

People whose life was cut short at an early age, by a murder or an accident, cannot come to terms with the fact of their passing. They are called restless souls. They wander the Earth as ghosts and sometimes even find a way to make their presence known. Not always such a phenomenon is caused by a tragedy. The reason may be a strong attachment to spouses, children, grandchildren or friends.

Video - a film about restless souls:

Is it true that dead people see us?

There is much in common in the stories of those who went through clinical death. Skeptics doubt the validity of such an experience, believing that post-mortem images are hallucinations generated by a fading brain.

Renowned healer Mirzakarim Norbekov talks about how he led a clinical death study for four years. 380 out of 500 patients described the experience in exactly the same way, the difference was only in the details.

The person saw his physical body from the side, and these were not hallucinations. A different vision was turned on, which made it possible to observe what was happening in the hospital ward and beyond. Moreover, a person could accurately describe a place where he was not physically present. All cases are conscientiously documented and verified.

What does the person see?

Let's take the word of people who have looked beyond the physical world, and systematize their experience:

  1. The first stage is a failure, a feeling of falling. Sometimes - in the literal sense of the word. According to the story of a witness who received a knife wound in a fight, at first he felt pain, then he began to fall into a dark well with slippery walls.
  2. Then the "deceased" finds himself where his physical shell is: in a hospital room or at the scene of an accident. At the first moment, he does not understand what he sees from the side of himself. He does not recognize his own body, but, feeling the connection, he can take the "dead" for a relative.
  3. The eyewitness comes to the realization that he has his own body in front of him. He makes the shocking discovery that he is dead. There is a strong sense of protest. I do not want to part with earthly life. He sees how doctors conjure over him, observes the anxiety of his relatives, but he cannot do anything.
  4. Gradually, a person gets used to the fact of death, and then anxiety recedes, peace and tranquility come. A person understands that this is not the end, but the beginning of a new stage. And then the way up opens before him.

What does the soul see?

After that, the person receives a new status. The human belongs to the earth. The soul goes to Heaven (or to a higher dimension). At this moment, everything changes. The soul perceives itself as a cloud of energy, more like a multi-colored aura.

Nearby there are souls of close people who have passed away earlier. They look like living substances that emit light, but the traveler knows exactly who he met. These essences help to move on to the next stage, where the Angel is waiting - a guide to the higher spheres.

The path that the soul walks is illumined by the Light

People find it difficult to describe the image of the Divine being on the path of the soul in words. This is the embodiment of Love and a sincere desire to help. According to one version, this is the Guardian Angel. On the other - the progenitor of all human souls. The guide communicates with the newcomer by telepathy, without words, in an ancient language of images. It shows the events and misdeeds of a past life, but without the slightest hint of judgment.

The road passes through a space filled with Light. Survivors of clinical death speak of a sense of an invisible barrier that probably serves as a boundary between the world of the living and the realm of the dead. Beyond the veil, none of the returnees comprehended. What lies beyond the line, it is not given to the living to know.

Can the soul of the deceased visit?

Religion condemns the practice of spiritualism. This is considered a sin, because under the mask of a deceased relative, a demon-tempter may appear. Serious esotericists also do not approve of such sessions, since at this moment a portal opens through which dark entities can penetrate our world.

Church condemns seances to communicate with the dead

However, such visits can occur at the initiative of those who have left the Earth. If in earthly life there was a strong connection between people, then death will not break it. For at least 40 days, the soul of the deceased can visit relatives and friends and watch them from the outside. People with high sensitivity feel this presence.

The deceased uses the space of dreams to meet the living. He can appear to a sleeping relative to remind himself, provide support or give advice in a difficult life situation.

Unfortunately, we do not take dreams seriously, and sometimes we simply forget what we dreamed at night. Therefore, the attempts of our departed relatives to reach out to us in a dream are not always successful.

Can the deceased become a guardian angel?

Everyone perceives the loss of a loved one differently. For a mother who has lost a child, such an event is a real tragedy. A person needs support and comfort, because the pain of loss and longing reign in the heart. The bond between mother and child is especially strong, so children are keenly aware of suffering.

Children who die early can become guardian angels

However, for a family, any deceased relative can become a guardian angel. It is important that during life this person be deeply religious, observe the laws of the Creator and strive for righteousness.

How can the dead communicate with the living?

The souls of the departed do not belong to the material world, therefore they do not have the opportunity to appear on Earth as a physical body. In any case, we will not be able to see them in their former form. In addition, there are unspoken rules according to which the dead cannot directly interfere in the affairs of the living.

  1. According to the theory of reincarnation, deceased relatives or friends return to us, but in the guise of another person. For example, they can appear in the same family, but already as a younger generation: a grandmother who has gone into another world can return to Earth as your granddaughter or niece, although, most likely, her memory of the previous incarnation will not be preserved.
  2. Another option is spiritualistic seances, the dangers of which we spoke about above. The possibility of dialogue, of course, exists, but the church does not approve of it.
  3. The third connection option is dreams and the astral plane. This is a more convenient platform for those who have passed away, since the astral belongs to the non-material world. The living enter this space also not in a physical shell, but in the form of a subtle substance. Therefore, dialogue is possible. Esoteric teachings recommend taking dreams involving deceased loved ones seriously and listening to their advice, since the dead have more wisdom than the living.
  4. In exceptional cases, the soul of the deceased may appear in the physical world. This presence can be felt as a chill down the back. Sometimes you can even see something like a shadow or silhouette in the air.
  5. In any case, the connection between the departed people and the living cannot be denied. Another thing is that not everyone perceives and understands this connection. For example, the souls of the departed can send us signs. There is a belief that a bird that accidentally flew into the house carries a message from the underworld, calling for caution.

This video talks about connecting with the dead through dreams:

The opinion of scientists about the soul and the afterlife

Representatives of science stood on the position of materialism, and the church has always condemned atheists.

In the old days, scientists believed that there was no soul. Consciousness and psyche - the activity of the brain and nervous system. Accordingly, with the termination of the life of the physical body, consciousness also dies. Scientists also did not take the afterlife seriously. They were convinced that the church was talking about heaven and hell in order to achieve obedience from the parishioners.

About a century ago, Albert Einstein put forward the general theory of relativity, which turned scientific views on the structure of the universe. It turned out that such categories of matter as time and space are unstable. And Einstein questioned matter itself, declaring that it is more reasonable to talk about energy in its various manifestations.

The development of quantum physics has also made adjustments to the worldview of scientists. There was a theory about the many variants of the universe. And it has been experimentally proven that consciousness can influence processes in the world of microparticles.

This video tells about the view of modern scientists on the phenomenon of death:

What individual scientists say

As they moved into outer space and immersed in the processes of the microworld, scientists expanded the scope of perception and came to the idea of ​​the existence of the Universal Mind, which religions call God. They became convinced of the animation of the Cosmos not through blind faith, but during numerous scientific experiments.

Russian biologist Vasily Lepeshkin

In the 1930s, a Russian biochemist discovered bursts of energy emanating from a dying body. The bursts were captured by ultra-sensitive film. On the basis of observations, the scientist came to the conclusion that a special substance is separated from the dying body, which in religions is called the soul.

Professor Konstantin Korotkov

The doctor of technical sciences has developed a method of gas discharge visualization (GDV), which allows fixing fine-material radiations of the human body and obtaining an image of the aura in real time.

Using the GDV method, the professor recorded the energy processes at the time of death. In fact, Korotkov's experiments gave a picture of how a subtle component comes out of a dying person. The scientist believes that then the consciousness, together with the subtle body, is sent to another dimension.

Physicists Michael Scott from Edinburgh and Fred Alan Wolf from California

Adherents of the theory of multiple parallel universes. Some of their variants coincide with reality, others radically differ from it.

Any living being (more precisely, its spiritual center) never dies. It is simultaneously embodied in different versions of reality, and each separate part is unaware of twins from parallel worlds.

Professor Robert Lantz

He drew an analogy between the continuous existence of man and the life cycles of plants that die in winter, but begin to grow again in spring. Thus, Lanz's views are close to the Eastern doctrine of personality reincarnations.

The professor admits the existence of parallel worlds in which the same soul lives simultaneously.

Anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff

Due to the specifics of his work, he observed people who were on the verge of life and death. Now he is sure that the soul has a quantum nature. Stewart believes that it is formed not by neurons, but by the unique substance of the Universe. After the death of the physical body, the spiritual information about the personality is transmitted into space and lives there as a free consciousness.


As you can see, neither religion nor modern science deny the existence of the soul. Scientists, by the way, even called its exact weight - 21 grams. After leaving this world, the soul continues to live in another dimension.

Egregors are global communities of thought forms. The essence of the concept and magical application

Find out if the dead are helping, if they see their loved ones and if it is possible to ask for help from deceased relatives. Here you can read the advice of experts, and learn all the subtleties.


Today, few people doubt the existence of such a category as the soul. The soul of a person can be formed during his entire earthly life. Specialists characterize the human soul as a kind of energy substance that leaves the body after death and contains part of the human mind, namely memory and imaginative thinking. To understand whether contact between the soul of the living and the soul of the deceased is possible and whether the dead help their loved ones who remain alive, it should be borne in mind that the communication of the soul of a living person with his mind occurs in a dream. Therefore, it is often possible to see your departed relatives in a dream, communicate with them, and sometimes get some advice. When some problem gnaws at a person, and he is not able to find a solution, the deceased relatives, who during their lifetime loved this person very much, can dream and prompt the necessary thought, sending a clot of energy to the soul of the living. The likelihood of receiving such help and the intensity of contacts with the other world as a whole depends on how close the soul is to the earth. Unsettled, burdened souls are able to maintain contact with the living for a longer period of time.

Do the dead see their loved ones?

In the process of moving the soul away from the material spheres, the dynamism of contacts decreases, and a high mental connection is formed. As a rule, contact with the deceased can take place when the memory of the heart about the deceased loved one comes to life, which causes an emanation of energy to the soul of the deceased, regardless of where it is located. And as soon as images of dead people begin to emerge from the depths of human memory, the emanations of energy unrealistically quickly overcome spatial and temporal barriers, rushing to the point where the soul of the deceased lives. After that, the soul of the deceased relative sends a return beam of energy. Often people are interested in the question of whether the dead see their loved ones who are still alive. The possibilities of thought energy are endless. The dead see and hear the living, feel what is happening in the soul of the living. There is a version that the deceased are not able to see the earthly body, the physical shell of living relatives, but they can see the energy shell, see the aura. The true feelings and state of the living are known to the deceased relatives under any circumstances, so there is no point in hiding your thoughts from the deceased. The mind of a person during life contacts with his soul only during sleep. That is why there is an assumption that when a person sleeps, his soul leaves him and for a while acquires the ability to communicate with the souls of the dead.

Is it possible to ask for help from deceased relatives

As mentioned above, people who have departed to another world periodically help their loved ones. However, it cannot be said that this phenomenon occurs all the time. Before asking whether it is possible to ask for help from deceased relatives, it is worth considering how close the deceased was with the remaining relatives in order to provide them with the help they really need, and whether the living really need this guardianship. If a person does not stop thinking about a departed relative, persistently asks him to help, to give an answer to tormenting questions, then the likelihood that he will attract the attention of the deceased increases. However, is it worth bothering with your problems those who have already passed their life path to the end? One should not burden with earthly problems those whose energy, given for life, has already been used up. With their tears and suffering, the living can only interfere with the movement of the soul of the dead. When a person mourns the deceased for a long time, he does not allow the soul of the deceased to travel in the subtle worlds, weighing it down and grounding it. Therefore, there is no need to disturb the dead, especially without a good reason. When the soul of a person, breaking away from the physical shell, settles there, beyond, then she herself will decide whether those who remain in earthly life need her help.

One of the very first questions that a person who realized himself as a man asked himself: what happens after death? Only the dead themselves, who come to us in dreams and in reality, can give us answers. In this article, we tried to understand these phenomena and collected real stories of the visits of the dead to the world of the living.

Victor Hugo wrote novels after his death

Almost a century after the death of the unfamous Greek writer Dimitrokopulo, no one would have remembered for sure if he had not published new, previously unknown novels by Victor Hugo. And in French, which the Greek did not have a chance to own. Then where are the texts from? From Hugo himself, Dimitrokopulo assured. Personally, he did not compose them, but only wrote them down, being in a state of trance. They tried to expose the rogue Greek for a long time, especially with regard to his ignorance of the French language. But first, the “Hyugoveds” fell into confusion: plot construction techniques, literary style, even linguistic nuances - everything is genuine. The skeptics finally fell silent when, during one of the mediumistic sessions, a Greek in a trance was photographed. The translucent figure of Victor Hugo was clearly visible on the print next to the writing Dimitrokopoulos. The described case is far from isolated. The 19th Enlightened Age, as it turns out, was, above all, the age of mediumship. The number of people who tried to communicate informationally with those who left this world reached 50 million.

The clairvoyant Alan Davis published a huge number of philosophical works highly appreciated by his contemporaries. But few knew that Davis was a shoemaker by profession. And even this is too strong a word: uneducated and clearly incapable of even the simplest training, he remained an apprentice. He did not grow up to be a shoemaker, but became famous as a philosopher. True, this honest man did not exaggerate his own merits, confessing: "I am only an instrument for writing." Moreover, Ruth Brown wrote musical pieces on behalf of Liszt and Beethoven, without knowing musical notation at all. But the musicologists were perplexedly silent, recognizing the style of these composers. And how do you like a medium who cannot draw, who, during a session in complete darkness, creates picturesque canvases, and two at once - one with his right hand, the other with his left hand!

And such a story? The deceased father dreamed on the same night of his daughter and son. In both dreams he complains that the wolves have dug up his grave. The brother and sister rush to the cemetery and see the damaged burial, and the tracks of wolves in the snow.

A dream in reality

In parapsychology, there is a whole direction that studies the signs that the dead send - spiritualism. Communication with the dead can occur in several ways.

Spiritualists say that the easiest way for the dead to get in touch is through sleep. In a state of sleep, a person does not belong to the physical world, but penetrates into the subtle astral world, where it is easier for the spirits of the dead to enter. According to spiritualists, most often the spirits try to calm those who were left in the world of the living. If a person constantly cries and remembers the deceased, then the dead person also does not find peace.

If you dreamed of a dead man that you didn’t even think about, try to notify his relatives, because otherwise you may constantly dream about him. Then cleanse your conscience before the dead. Perhaps during your lifetime you accidentally did something wrong. Elderly people say that if a dead person had a dream, this is a sign that he is restless in the afterlife. You need to distribute sweets in memory of him, go to the grave and light a candle for the repose.

The dead are on the phone

This incident happened in Ukraine. A few weeks after her son's death, Valentina M. woke up late at night. The mobile of her deceased Sasha called, and he never had such a melody. There was a song about mother by Taisiya Povaliy. But as the woman got up from the bed and reached the coffee table, the melody faded. There were no missed calls on the phone. The surprised woman began to look for this melody on her phone and did not find it. Valentina sobbed until the morning, and the next night the phone rang again. Since then, a call from Valentina's son has occurred several more times, not only at night, but also during the day with witnesses.

Researchers of anomalous phenomena claim that, theoretically, the dead have the ability to make phone calls to the living. According to this theory, the entire stock of emotions that a person did not have time to spend during his lifetime, after death, is transformed into a certain energy impulse and can manifest itself in the material world. The electromagnetic impulse does notonly to a mobile phone, but can also lead to anomalies in the operation of any electrical appliance. Lights flicker, TV flickers, microwave turns on and off.

Night visits

One family is sure that their dead son, on the 40th day after his death, rang the doorbell with a broken bell. At that time there were 5 witnesses in the house. The family has not slept peacefully for several months. The late son periodically reminds of himself. At night, tightly closed doors spontaneously open, a broken bell goes off, the dead son comes in dreams. After Yaroslav first dreamed of his father, several months had already passed. A mother cannot bring herself to forget her son. Every night the woman sobs, and then the whole family shudders at the strange sounds that fill the apartment. There is a creak of doors and floors, steps, sometimes even a quiet cry. Parents know for sure that this is their son, because in the morning after such nights they had to correct the warped portrait of their son on the wall several times.

The developers of the theory of spiritualism claim that photographs for spirits are the easiest way to communicate the presence of the living in the world. Therefore, periodically review old photo albums. Yellow or greasy spots on the face, cracked glass on the frame, a bent corner in the photo, the photo on the wall is constantly warped - all these are signs that the deceased was able to return to the world of the living and needs your help.

"We must bury the dead"

Galina Mikhailovna took care of her paralyzed mother for six months. I had to constantlyabout changing bedding, diapers were not sold in pharmacies then, and the old woman went, as they say, under herself. This concern took a lot of strength from Galina. She did not have days off, because she constantly needed to feed her mother, then change her underwear, then give injections. When my mother died, 40 days passed quietly. On the fortieth day at 3 o'clock in the morning, Galina heard a knock at the door. She sat on the bed in disbelief: “Who can ring the doorbell at such a time?” I went to open. There was no one. The call began to be repeated every night at the same time. Galina woke up her husband. He didn't hear anything. “So, I'm just going crazy, my nerves are upset,” thought Galina. The doctor prescribed pills, Galina drank them diligently, but the calls continued. The trouble was that soon her husband also began to hear them. If it seems to one person - this is madness, but if two people at once - this is already a collective insanity. The case ended with the fact that they asked the priest to bless the apartment, only after that the delusion stopped.

It is necessary to bury the dead, - stated the holy father.

An even more surprising case was described to me by a friend. After burying her mother, for several days she constantly heard her shuffling steps behind her. And another friend claimed that after his death, her grandfather knocked on the window for several nights, frightening relatives. As it turned out, in this way he demanded his favorite smoking pipe, which his son took with him immediately after the funeral. When the tube returned to his apartment, the night visits ceased. And what is most surprising - the tube has disappeared.

What happens after a person's death? It has been known since time immemorial that the soul hovers over a dead body for three days. According to legend, she can even hit the window with a moth, and over the houses where there is a dead person, sometimes they see a trembling, flickering light. It is believed that the soul of the newly deceased can take on such a look.

On the third day, the deceased should be commemorated, because it is believed that it is on the third day after death that the guardian angel leads the soul freed from bodily shackles to worship God. The deceased is only just coming to the realization that he really is dead.

From the third to the ninth day, many sensitive people feel the presence of the soul of the deceased at home. There is noise, the rustle of steps, sometimes visions. From the third to the ninth day, the angel guides the soul, showing her heaven and hell. According to popular belief, on the ninth day, the decay of the body of the deceased begins. He finally understands that there is no return to the body, and on the ninth day a good soul visits the places where he did good deeds, and the soul of a sinner is forced to remember everything, he did bad things in life. Wake on the ninth day helps the soul to overcome all these trials.

On the fortieth day after everything seen and realized, the guardian angel leads the soul to the throne of the creator. He decides where the soul will go next - to heaven or hell. According to popular beliefs, on this day the heart of the deceased rots.

Visitations by the dead to the living continue after the fortieth day, but they become less frequent. Communication with the dead occurs mainly through dreams. They convey their requests, warnings. Often the information coming through dreams needs to be deciphered.

In 1999, Glen Lord's four-year-old son died from complications after having his tonsils removed. Shortly thereafter, Lord began to dream that his Noah had grown into a healthy young man. Lord was consoled by these "visits". But in 2002, he had a dream in which Noah introduced him to two boys.

He explained that he had to leave, but these boys would stay with me,” Lord recalls. - When I woke up, I told my wife that I knew that he would no longer dream of me. And so it happened.

Lord, who runs a manufacturing firm in New Hampshire, says the last dream was a reassurance from Noah that he was doing well and a reminder that there were other children who needed love. In late 2002 Lord and his wife adopted two brothers through the Russian adoption program.

Sometimes we want to believe that loved ones who have left us are watching over us from heaven. In this article, we will look at the theories about the afterlife and find out if there is a grain of truth in the statement that the dead see us after death.

When someone close to us dies, the living want to know if the dead hear or see us after physical death, is it possible to contact them, get answers to questions. There are many real stories that support this hypothesis. They talk about the intervention of the other world in our lives. Different religions also do not deny that the souls of the dead are next to their loved ones.

Our connection with the dead is not interrupted, but only temporarily weakened.

There are special days in the year when the whole Church, with reverence and love, prayerfully remembers everyone “from the beginning”, i.e. at all times, the dead of their fellow believers. According to the Charter of the Orthodox Church, such a commemoration of the dead is performed on Saturdays. And this is no coincidence. We know that it was on Holy Saturday, on the eve of His Resurrection, that the Lord Jesus Christ was dead in the tomb.

This touching custom is rooted in the deep belief of Orthodox Christians that a person is immortal and his soul, once born, will live forever, that the death we see is a temporary sleep, a sleep for the flesh, and a time of rejoicing for the liberated soul. There is no death, the Church tells us, there is only a transition, a transition from this world to another world... And each of us once experienced such a transition. When a person leaves the cozy womb of his mother in shudders and pains of birth, he suffers, suffers and screams. His flesh suffers and trembles before the unknown and the horror of the coming life... And as it is said in the Gospel: world." The soul, leaving the cozy bosom of its body, suffers and trembles in the same way. But very little time passes, and the expression of grief and suffering on the face of the deceased disappears, his face brightens and calms down. The soul was born into another world! That is why we can pray with our prayers to wish our dead loved ones a blissful repose there, in peace and light, where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life is endless ...

Do the dead see us after death - theories

In order to accurately answer this question, we need to consider the main theories about what happens to the soul after death. Considering the version of each of the religions will be quite difficult and time consuming. So there is an informal division into two main subgroups. The first says that after death, eternal bliss awaits us in "another place."

The second is about the complete rebirth of the soul, about new life and new opportunities. And in both cases, there is the possibility that the dead see us after death. The hardest thing to understand is if you believe the second theory is correct. But it is worth thinking about and answering the question - how often do you have dreams about people whom you have never seen in your life?

Strange personalities and images that communicate with you as if they have known you for a long time. Or they don’t pay attention to you at all, allowing you to calmly observe from the side. Some believe that these are just people whom we see every day, and who are simply deposited in our subconscious in an incomprehensible way. But where do those aspects of personality come from that you cannot know about? They talk to you in a certain way that you don't know, using words you've never heard before. Where does it come from?

It is easy to appeal to the subconscious part of our brain, because no one can say exactly what is happening there. But this is a logical crutch, nothing more and nothing less.

There is also the possibility that this is a memory of people you knew in a past life. But often the situation in such dreams is strikingly reminiscent of our present time. How could your past life look like your current one? The most trustworthy, according to many judgments, version says that these are your dead relatives visiting you in dreams. They have already passed into another life, but sometimes they also see you, and you see them. Where are they talking from? From a parallel world, or from another version of reality, or from another body - there is no definite answer to this question. But one thing is for sure - this is the way of communication between souls who are separated by an abyss. Still, our dreams are amazing worlds where the subconscious walks freely, so why not look into the light? Moreover, there are dozens of practices that allow you to safely travel in dreams. Many have experienced similar feelings. This is one version.

The second concerns the worldview, which says that the souls of the dead go to another world. To Heaven, to Nirvana, the ephemeral world, reunite with the common mind - there are a great many such views. They are united by one thing - a person who has moved to another world receives a huge number of opportunities. And since he is connected by bonds of emotions, common experiences and goals with those who remained in the world of the living, naturally he can communicate with us. See us and try to help somehow. More than once or twice you can hear stories about how dead relatives or friends warned people about great dangers, or advised what to do in a difficult situation. How to explain this?

There is a theory that this is our intuition, appearing at the moment when the subconscious is most accessible. It takes a form close to us and they try to help, to warn. But why does it take the form of dead relatives? Not alive, not those with whom we have live communication right now, and the emotional connection is stronger than ever. No, not them, namely the dead, long ago, or recently. There are cases when people are warned by relatives whom they have almost forgotten - a great-grandmother seen only a few times, or a long-dead cousin. There can be only one answer - this is a direct connection with the souls of the dead, which in our minds acquire the physical form that they had during life.

And there is a third version, which is not heard as often as the first two. She says that the first two are correct. Unites them. She turns out quite well. After death, a person finds himself in another world, where he prospers as long as he has someone to help. As long as he is remembered, as long as he can penetrate someone's subconscious. But human memory is not eternal, and there comes a moment when the last relative who at least occasionally remembered him dies. At such a moment, a person is reborn in order to start a new cycle, to acquire a new family and acquaintances. Repeat this whole circle of mutual assistance between the living and the dead.

What does a person see after death?

Having dealt with the first question, you need to constructively approach the next one - what does a person see after death? As in the first case, no one will be able to state with complete certainty what exactly stands before our eyes at this mournful moment. There are many stories of people who have experienced clinical death. Tales of the tunnel, gentle light and voices. It is from them, according to the most authoritative sources, that our posthumous experience is formed. In order to shed more light on this picture, it is necessary to make a generalization of all the stories about near-death experiences, to find overlapping information. And deduce the truth as a certain common factor. What does a person see after death?

Just before death, there is a crescendo in his life, the highest note. The limit of physical suffering, when the thought begins to fade a little and eventually goes out completely. Often the last thing he hears is the doctor announcing cardiac arrest. Vision fades completely, gradually turning into a tunnel of light, and then covered with final darkness.

The second stage - a person seems to appear above his body. Most often, he hangs a few meters above him, having the opportunity to consider the physical reality to the last detail. How the doctors are trying to save his life, what they do and say. All this time he is in a state of severe emotional shock. But when the storm of emotions calms down, he understands what happened to him. It is at this moment that changes occur to him that cannot be reversed. Namely - the person humbles himself. He comes to terms with his situation and understands that even in this state there is still a way forward. Or rather, up.

What a person sees and feels when the physical body dies can only be judged from the stories of those who survived clinical death. The stories of many patients whom doctors were able to save have much in common. They all talk about similar sensations:

  1. A person watches other people leaning over his body from the side.
  2. At first, strong anxiety is felt, as if the soul does not want to leave the body and say goodbye to the usual earthly life, but then calmness comes.
  3. Pain and fear disappear, the state of consciousness changes.
  4. The person does not want to go back.
  5. After passing through a long tunnel in a circle of light, a creature appears that calls for itself.

Scientists believe that these impressions do not relate to what the person who has gone to another world feels. They explain such visions with a hormonal surge, exposure to drugs, brain hypoxia. Although different religions, describing the process of separation of the soul from the body, speak of the same phenomena - watching what is happening, the appearance of an angel, farewell to loved ones.

What does the soul see after death?

In dealing with the most important moment of all history, namely, what the soul sees after death, one must understand an important point. It is at that moment when a person resigns himself to his fate and accepts it - he ceases to be a person and becomes a soul. Until that moment, his spiritual body looked exactly the same as the physical body looks in reality. But, realizing that the fetters of the physical no longer hold his spiritual body, it begins to lose its original shape. After that, the souls of his dead relatives begin to appear around him. Even here they try to help him, so that the person moves on, to the next plane of his existence.

E. Barker, in his book, published unique materials that describe detailed observations of a person who made a simply amazing attempt to convey to paper his impressions of the time spent in the other world. He did all this with the help of automatic writing, that is, when someone invisible, that is, a dead person, wrote with the hand of a living person. Of course, if someone recently tried to inform the masses about this, he would be considered simply crazy, but today, such statements have the right to exist. Indeed, every day there is more and more evidence and evidence that life after death does exist, and dead people can see and hear their relatives even after death.

And, when the soul moves on, a strange creature comes to it, which cannot be described in words. All that can be understood absolutely precisely is that all-consuming love, a desire to help, comes from him. Some who have been abroad say that this is our common, first ancestor - the one from whom all people on earth descended. He rushes to help the dead man, who still does not understand anything. The creature asks questions, but not with a voice, but with images. It scrolls before a person his whole life, but in reverse order.

It is at this moment that he realizes that he has approached a certain barrier. You can't see it, but you can feel it. Like some kind of membrane, or a thin partition. Logically, one can conclude that this is exactly what separates the world of the living from the world of the dead. But what happens after her? Alas, such facts are not available to anyone. This is because a person who has experienced clinical death has not crossed this line. Somewhere near her, doctors brought him back to life.


There are stories that say that a person who was dragged from that world rushed at the doctors with his fists. He did not want to part with the feelings that he experienced there. Some even committed suicide, but much later. It is worth saying that such haste is useless. Each of us will have to feel and see what is there, beyond the last threshold. But before him, each of the people is waiting for a lot of impressions that are worth experiencing. And while there are no other facts, we must remember that we have only one life. Awareness of this should push every person to become kinder, smarter and wiser.

Is it true that dead people see us

To answer whether dead relatives and other people see us, you need to study different theories that tell about the afterlife. Christianity talks about two opposite places where the soul can go after death - this is heaven and hell. Depending on how a person lived, how righteous, he is rewarded with eternal bliss or doomed to endless suffering for his sins. When arguing whether the dead see us after death, one should turn to the Bible, which says that souls resting in paradise remember their lives, can observe earthly events, but do not experience passions. People who, after death, were recognized as saints, appear to sinners, trying to guide them on the true path. According to esoteric theories, the spirit of the deceased has a close relationship with loved ones only when he has unfinished business.

In the memoirs of clergyman Nikolai, Metropolitan of Alma-Ata and Kazakhstan, there is the following story: Once, Vladyka, answering the question whether the dead hear our prayers, said that they not only hear, but also “pray for us themselves. And even more than that: they see us as we are in the depths of our hearts, and if we live piously, then they rejoice, and if we live negligently, then they grieve and pray to God for us. Our connection with them is not interrupted, but only temporarily weakened. Then Vladyka told an incident that confirmed his words.

A priest, Father Vladimir Strakhov served in one of the Moscow churches. After finishing the Liturgy, he lingered in the church. All the worshipers dispersed, leaving only him and the psalmist. An old woman enters, modestly but cleanly dressed, in a dark dress, and turns to the priest with a request to go and give communion to her son. Gives the address: street, house number, apartment number, name and surname of this son. The priest promises to fulfill this today, takes the Holy Gifts and goes to the indicated address. He goes up the stairs, calls. An intelligent-looking man with a beard, about thirty years old, opens the door for him. Somewhat surprised looks at the father. "What do you want?" - "I was asked to come to this address to attach the patient." He is even more surprised. “I live here alone, there are no sick people, and I don’t need a priest!” The priest is also amazed. "How so? After all, here is the address: street, house number, apartment number. What is your name?" It turns out that the name matches. "Let me come in to you." - "Please!" The priest enters, sits down, tells that the old woman came to invite him, and during his story he raises his eyes to the wall and sees a large portrait of this same old woman. “Yes, there she is! She was the one who came to me!” he exclaims. “Have mercy! objected the landlord. “Yes, this is my mother, she died 15 years ago!” But the priest continues to claim that it was her that he saw today. We got talking. The young man turned out to be a student at Moscow University and had not received communion for many years. “However, since you have already come here, and all this is so mysterious, I am ready to confess and take communion,” he finally decides. The confession was long, sincere - one might say, for the whole conscious life. With great satisfaction the priest absolved him of his sins and communed him with the Holy Mysteries. He left, and during vespers they come to tell him that this student died unexpectedly, and the neighbors came to ask the priest to serve the first memorial service. If the mother had not taken care of her son from the afterlife, then he would have passed into eternity without partaking of the Holy Mysteries.

Does the soul of a deceased person see their loved ones

After death, the life of the body ends, but the soul continues to live. Before going to heaven, she is present for another 40 days near her loved ones, trying to console them, ease the pain of loss. Therefore, in many religions it is customary to appoint a commemoration for this time in order to guide the soul to the world of the dead. It is believed that the ancestors, even many years after death, see and hear us. Priests advise not to argue whether the dead see us after death, but to try to mourn the loss less, because the suffering of relatives is difficult for the departed.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit

When the connection between loved ones was strong during life, these relationships are difficult to break. Relatives can feel the presence of the deceased and even see his silhouette. This phenomenon is called a phantom or ghost. Another theory says that the spirit comes to visit for communication only in a dream, when our body is sleeping and the soul is awake. During this period, you can ask for help from deceased relatives.

Can a dead person become a guardian angel

After the loss of a loved one, the pain of loss can be very great. I would like to know if the deceased relatives hear us in order to tell about their troubles and sorrows. Religious teaching does not deny that dead people become guardian angels for their kind. However, in order to receive such an appointment, a person during his lifetime must be deeply religious, not sin, and follow God's commandments. Often the guardian angels of the family are children who left early, or people who have dedicated themselves to worship.

Is there a connection with the dead

According to people with psychic abilities, there is a connection between the real and the afterlife, and it is very strong, so it is possible to perform such an action as talking to the dead. In order to contact the deceased from the other world, some psychics conduct spiritualistic sessions where you can communicate with the deceased relative and ask him questions.

In Christianity and many other religions, the ability to call a dead spirit with the help of some kind of manipulation is completely denied. It is believed that all the souls that come to earth belong to people who committed many sins during their lifetime or who did not receive repentance. According to Orthodox tradition, if you dream of a relative who has gone to another world, then you need to go to church in the morning and light a candle, help him find peace with a prayer.

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Having compiled all the main versions that humanity has at the moment, we can answer with accuracy - yes, the dead can see us. But it is worth remembering that everything described above is only a compilation of the most popular theories, and not the only correct answer.

Many who have lost loved ones know the feelings that loss evokes. Emptiness, longing and wild pain in the soul. Grieving for the departed loved ones is one of the most painful psychological conditions.

However, there is a lot of information about the living receive messages from the subtle world.

We will not take into account researchers who purposefully study opportunities for two-way communication with the other world. There are quite a few people who claim that they make no effort to see the souls of the departed. Visions occur, in their opinion, involuntarily.

From this article you will learn how the souls of the dead communicate with the living.

stuck between worlds

People are often frightened when footsteps are clearly heard in their houses where no one walks. Water taps and light switches turn on by themselves, they can things fall off the shelves with enviable regularity. In other words, poltergeist activity is observed. But what is really happening?

To understand who or what communicates with us on behalf of the dead, we need to imagine what happens after death.

After the death of the physical body, the soul seeks to return to the Creator. Some souls will do it faster, while others will take longer. The higher the level of development of the soul, the faster it will reach the Home.

However, the soul can, for various reasons, linger in the astral plane, which is closest in density to the physical world. Sometimes the deceased is not aware of what is happening and where he is. He does not understand that he is dead. He is not able to return to the physical body and gets stuck between the worlds.

For him, everything remains the same, except for one thing: living people stop seeing them. Such souls are considered to be ghosts.

On what period ghost soul will linger next to the world of the living, depends on the level of development of the soul. By human standards, the time spent by a certain soul in parallel with living people can be calculated in decades, or even centuries. They may need the help of the living.

Call from beyond

Phone calls from the inhabitants of the subtle world are one of the ways of communication. SMS comes to mobile phones, calls come from strange numbers from a lot of numbers. When trying to call back to these numbers or send a response, it turns out that this number does not exist, and later it is completely deleted from the phone's memory.

Such calls, as a rule, are accompanied by a very strong noise, similar to the wind in the field and a loud crash. Through crackling, contact with the world of the dead is manifested. It's like a curtain breaks between the worlds.

The phrases are short and only the caller speaks. Calls coming to mobile phones are observed for the first time after a person has died. The farther from the day of death, the rarer they become.

The recipients of such calls may not suspect that the caller is dead. This is clarified later. It is possible that such calls are made by ghosts who themselves are not aware of their physical death.

What do the dead talk about when they call on the phone?

Sometimes, by calling on the phone, the dead may ask for help.

So, one woman received a call late in the evening from her younger sister, who asked for help. But the woman was very tired, so she promised to call back the next morning and help in any way she could.

And about five minutes later, the younger sister's husband called and said that for about two weeks his wife had been dead, and her body was in the forensic morgue. She was hit by a car and the driver fled the scene.

Souls, by calling on the phone, can warn about the danger of the living.

The young family was driving. A girl was driving. The car skidded, and it miraculously did not roll over, moving off the road. At this time, the girl's mobile phone rang.

When everyone came to their senses a little, it turned out that the girl's mother called. She called back, and she asked in a trembling voice if everything was all right. When asked why she asked, the woman replied: “Grandfather called (he died six years ago), said: “She is still alive. You can save her."

In addition to cell phones, the voices of dead people can be heard in computer speakers along with technical noise. Their degree of intelligibility can vary from very quiet and barely intelligible to relatively loud and clearly distinguishable.

Reflection of ghosts in mirrors and more

People tell how they see reflections of their dead relatives in mirrors, as well as on TV screens and computer monitors.

The girl saw a rather dense silhouette of her mother on the tenth day after her funeral. The woman “sat” on a chair next to her, as she did during her lifetime, and looked over her daughter’s shoulder. After a few moments, the silhouette disappeared and never reappeared. Later, the girl realized that the mother's soul came to her to say goodbye.

Raymond Moody in his books talks about the oldest technique when peering into the mirror, you can establish contact with the deceased. This technique was used in ancient times by priests. True, instead of mirrors they used bowls of water.

An unprepared person can see in the mirror the image of the one who died by briefly glancing into it. The image can either transform from the reflection of the face of the one who looks into the mirror, or appear next to the reflection of the beholder.

In addition to the signs that the inhabitants of the subtle planes leave through technology or some household items, attempts to make contact are made directly. That is, people physically feel the otherworldly presence of spirits, hear their voices, and even recognize the smells that are characteristic of their timelessly departed loved ones during their lifetime.

Tactile sense of presence

Sensitive people feel the otherworldly presence as a light touch, or a breeze. Often, mothers who have lost their children, in moments of great grief, feel as if someone is hugging them or stroking their hair.

It is possible that in moments when people have a strong desire to see the deceased relatives, their subtle bodies are able to perceive the energies of more subtle planes.

The dead ask for help from the living

Sometimes a person is in an unusual state. He feels that he needs to do something, he is “pulled” somewhere. He does not understand what exactly, but the feeling of confusion does not let him go. He literally does not find a place for himself.


“We came to visit relatives in another city where my grandparents once lived. It was Monday, and tomorrow is Parent's Day. I could not find a place for myself, I was drawn somewhere, I felt that I had to do something. The family discussed tomorrow. They did not remember where my grandfather's grave was located - the cemetery was upset and all the landmarks were removed.

Without telling anyone, I went to the cemetery alone to look for my grandfather's grave. I didn't find her that day. The next day, the third, the fourth - to no avail. And the state does not let go, only intensifies.

Returning to my city, I asked my mother what my grandfather's grave looked like. It turns out that there is a photograph of a stele with a star at the end, on the grandfather's grave. And so we went—this time with my sister and my daughter. And my daughter found his grave!

We put it in order, painted the monument. Now all relatives know where grandfather is buried.

After that, it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. It feels like I should have brought my family to his grave."

calling voice

Sometimes, being in crowded places, you can very clearly hear the calling voice of the deceased, similar to a hail. This happens when mixing sounds, and unexpectedly.

They just sound in real time. It happens that in moments when a person thinks strongly about something, he can hear the clue in the voice of the deceased.

Meeting with the souls of the dead in dreams

There are many people talking about they take off the dead. And the attitude to such meetings in dreams is ambiguous. They scare someone, someone tries to interpret them, believing that an important message is hidden in such a dream. And there are those who do not take dreams of the dead seriously. For them, it's just a dream.

What are the dreams in which we see those who are no longer among us:

  • we receive all sorts of warnings about upcoming events;
  • in dreams we learn how the souls of the dead “settled” in the other world;
  • we understand that they ask for forgiveness for their actions during their lifetime;
  • through us they can send messages to others;
  • the souls of the dead can ask the living for help.

You can list for a long time the probable reasons why the dead are filmed alive. Only the one who dreamed of the deceased can understand this.

Regardless of how people receive signs from the dead, it is safe to say that they are trying to get in touch with the living.

The souls of our loved ones continue to take care of us even while in the subtle world. Unfortunately, not everyone is always ready for such contacts. Most often, this causes panic fear in people. Memories of loved ones are deeply imprinted in our memory.

Perhaps in order to meet with the dead, it is enough to open access to our own subconscious.

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