Read Nils' wonderful journey with wild geese. Selma Lagerlöf - Nils' Wonderful Journey with Wild Geese

"The Wonderful Journey of Niels with the Wild Geese"(“Nils Holgersson's Wonderful Journey Through Sweden”, Swede. Nils Holgerssons underbara resa genom Sverige) is a fairy tale written by Selma Lagerlöf.

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    Initially, the book was conceived as an exciting guide to the geography of Sweden in literary form for first grade students, 9-year-olds. In Sweden, since 1868, the "State Book for Reading" already existed, but, innovative for its time, by the end of the 19th century it had lost its relevance.

    One of the leaders of the General Union of Public School Teachers, Alfred Dahlin, proposed the creation of a new book, on which educators and writers would work in collaboration. His choice fell on Selma Lagerlöf, already famous for her novel "Saga o Jöste Berling" And besides, she was a former teacher. Lagerlöf agreed to Dalin's proposal, but refused co-authors. She began work on the book in the summer of 1904.

    The writer believed that it was necessary to create several textbooks for schoolchildren of different ages: the first class was supposed to receive a book on the geography of Sweden, the second - on native history, the third and fourth - descriptions of other countries of the world, discoveries and inventions, the social structure of the country. The Lagerlöf project was eventually implemented, and the first in a series of textbooks was "The Amazing Journey of Nils...". Then came out "The Swedes and Their Leaders" Werner von Heydenstam and "Pole to Pole" Sven Hedin.

    At the suggestion of Lagerlof, Alfred Dalin, wishing to obtain as complete information as possible on the lifestyle and occupations of the population in different parts of the country, as well as ethnographic and folklore materials, compiled and sent out questionnaires for teachers of public schools in the summer of 1902.

    Lagerlöf was working on a novel at the time. "Jerusalem" and was going on a trip to Italy:

    ... I will think about the form of the book, which would most effectively help to put the wisdom about our country into these small heads. Perhaps the old legends will help us... And that's why I would like to start by reviewing the materials that you managed to get. (From a letter from Lagerlof to Dalin)

    Studying the collected material, the writer, by her own admission, realized how little she knew about the country:

    All sciences have stepped forward so unthinkably since I graduated from high school!

    To supplement her knowledge, she traveled to Blekinge, Småland, Norrland and the Falun mine. Returning to work on the book, Lagerlöf was looking for a plot that would help her create a coherent work of art from a huge amount of information. The solution was given to her:

    • books by Rudyard Kipling, where talking animals were the main characters;
    • story by August Strindberg "Journey of Lucky Feather";
    • fairy tale by Richard Gustafson "Unknown Paradise" about a boy from Skåne who flew across the country with birds.

    The first volume went out of print in Stockholm on November 24, 1906, the second - in December 1907. The work became the most read in Scandinavia. Having shown the country in the perception of a child and originally combining geography and a fairy tale in one work, Lagerlöf, as the poet Karl Snoylsky said, instilled "life and colors in the dry desert sand of a school lesson."

    Nils, out of habit, grabs Morten's neck and eventually flies away with him. After some time, he decides that traveling to Lapland is much more interesting than his former life, and therefore refuses when the brownie informs him that he will make him human again if Niels decides to return home at the moment. Later, he accidentally learns that the brownie will return him to his former appearance if Nils makes every effort to ensure that Morten returns home alive in the fall.

    Selma LAGERLEF



    In the small Swedish village of Westmenheg, there once lived a boy named Niels. Looks like a boy like a boy.
    And there was nothing wrong with him.
    In the lessons he counted crows and caught deuces, destroyed bird nests in the forest, teased geese in the yard, chased chickens, threw stones at cows, and pulled the cat's tail, as if the tail was a rope from a door bell.
    So he lived until the age of twelve. And then an extraordinary thing happened to him.
    That's how it was.
    One Sunday my father and mother were going to a fair in a neighboring village. Niels couldn't wait for them to leave.
    “Let’s go soon! thought Niels, glancing at his father's gun, which hung on the wall. “The boys will burst with envy when they see me with a gun.”
    But his father seemed to guess his thoughts.
    - Look, not a step out of the house! - he said. - Open your textbook and take care of your mind. Do you hear?
    “I hear,” Niels answered, and thought to himself: “So I’ll start spending Sunday afternoon on lessons!”
    “Study, son, study,” said the mother.
    She even took a textbook from the shelf herself, put it on the table and moved a chair.
    And my father counted out ten pages and strictly ordered:
    - To know everything by heart by our return. I'll check it myself.
    Finally, the father and mother left.
    “They feel good, look how cheerfully they walk! Nils sighed heavily. “And I definitely fell into a mousetrap with these lessons!”
    Well, what can you do! Nils knew that his father was not to be trifled with. He sighed again and sat down at the table. True, he looked not so much at the book as at the window. After all, it was much more interesting!
    According to the calendar, it was still March, but here, in the south of Sweden, spring had already outweighed winter. Water ran merrily in the ditches. Buds swelled on the trees. The beech forest spread its branches, stiff in the winter cold, and now stretched upwards, as if it wanted to reach the blue spring sky.
    And right under the window, with an important look, chickens walked around, sparrows jumped and fought, geese splashed in muddy puddles. Even the cows locked in the barn sensed the spring and mooed in all voices, as if asking: “Let us out, let us out!”
    Niels also wanted to sing, and shout, and spank in the puddles, and fight with the neighbor boys. He turned away from the window in annoyance and stared at the book. But he didn't read much. For some reason, the letters began to jump before his eyes, the lines either merged or scattered ... Niels himself did not notice how he fell asleep.
    Who knows, maybe Niels would have slept all day if some rustle had not woken him up.
    Niels raised his head and became alert.
    The mirror that hung over the table reflected the entire room. There is no one but Niels in the room ... Everything seems to be in its place, everything is in order ...
    And suddenly Niels almost screamed. Someone opened the lid of the chest!
    The mother kept all her jewels in the chest. There were clothes that she wore in her youth - wide skirts made of homespun peasant cloth, bodices embroidered with colored beads; snow-white starched bonnets, silver buckles and chains.
    Mother did not allow anyone to open the chest without her, and Niels did not let anyone close to him. And it’s not even worth talking about the fact that she could leave the house without locking the chest! There was no such case. Yes, even today - Nils remembered it very well - his mother returned twice from the threshold to pull the lock - did it click well?
    Who opened the chest?
    Maybe while Niels was sleeping, a thief got into the house and is now hiding somewhere here, behind the door or behind the closet?
    Niels held his breath and, without blinking, peered into the mirror.
    What is that shadow over there in the corner of the chest? So she stirred ... Here she crawled along the edge ... A mouse? No, it doesn't look like a mouse...
    Niels couldn't believe his eyes. A little man was sitting on the edge of the chest. He seemed to have stepped out of a Sunday picture on the calendar. On his head is a wide-brimmed hat, a black caftan is decorated with a lace collar and cuffs, stockings at the knees are tied with magnificent bows, and silver buckles gleam on red morocco shoes.
    “Yes, it’s a gnome! Niels agreed. - A real gnome!
    Mother often told Nils about gnomes. They live in the forest. They can speak both human, and bird-like, and animal-like. They know about all the treasures that were buried in the ground even a hundred, even a thousand years ago. If the gnomes want it, flowers will bloom on the snow in winter; if they want it, the rivers will freeze in summer.
    Well, there is nothing to be afraid of the gnome. What harm can such a tiny creature do!
    In addition, the dwarf did not pay any attention to Niels. He seemed to see nothing, except for a velvet sleeveless jacket embroidered with small river pearls that lay in a chest at the very top.
    While the dwarf was admiring the intricate old pattern, Niels was already wondering what kind of trick to play with an amazing guest.
    It would be nice to push it into the chest and then slam the lid. And maybe one more thing...
    Without turning his head, Niels looked around the room. In the mirror, she was all in front of him at a glance. A coffee pot, a teapot, bowls, pots lined up in a strict order on the shelves ... By the window there is a chest of drawers filled with all sorts of things ... But on the wall - next to my father's gun - a net for catching flies. Just what you need!
    Niels carefully slipped to the floor and pulled the net off the nail.
    One stroke - and the dwarf huddled in the net, like a caught dragonfly.
    His wide-brimmed hat was knocked to the side, his legs tangled in the skirts of his caftan. He floundered at the bottom of the net and waved his arms helplessly. But as soon as he managed to get up a little, Niels shaking the net, and the dwarf again fell down.
    “Listen, Nils,” the dwarf finally begged, “let me go free!” I'll give you a gold coin for this, as big as the button on your shirt.
    Niels thought for a moment.
    "Well, that's probably not bad," he said, and stopped swinging the net.
    Clinging to the sparse fabric, the gnome deftly climbed up, Now he had already grabbed the iron hoop, and his head appeared above the edge of the net ...
    Then it occurred to Niels that he had sold cheap. In addition to a gold coin, one could demand that a dwarf teach lessons for him. Yes, you never know what else you can think of! The gnome will now agree to everything! When you sit in a net, you won't argue.
    And Niels shook the grid again.
    But then suddenly someone gave him such a slap that the net fell out of his hands, and he himself rolled head over heels into a corner.

    For a minute Niels lay motionless, then groaning and groaning, he stood up.
    The gnome is already gone. The chest was closed, and the net hung in its place - next to his father's gun.
    “I dreamed all this, or what? thought Nils. - No, my right cheek is burning, as if it had been walked with an iron. This dwarf so warmed me! Of course, the father and mother will not believe that the dwarf visited us. They will say - all your inventions, so as not to teach lessons. No, no matter how you turn it, you have to start reading a book again!”
    Niels took two steps and stopped. Something happened to the room. The walls of their small house parted, the ceiling went high up, and the chair on which Nils always sat towered above him with an impregnable mountain. To climb it, Niels had to climb up a twisted leg, like a gnarled oak trunk. The book was still lying on the table, but it was so huge that Niels could not make out a single letter at the top of the page. He lay down on his stomach on the book and crawled from line to line, from word to word. He was downright exhausted until he read one sentence.
    - Yes, what is it? So after all, you won’t get to the end of the page by tomorrow! exclaimed Nils, and wiped sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.
    And suddenly he saw that a tiny little man was looking at him from the mirror - exactly the same as the dwarf who got caught in his net. Only dressed differently: in leather pants, in a vest and in a plaid shirt with large buttons.
    - Hey you, what do you want here? Niels shouted and threatened the little man with his fist.
    The little man also shook his fist at Niels.
    Niels put his hands on his hips and stuck out his tongue. The little man also akimbo and also showed Nils his tongue.
    Niels stamped his foot. And the little man stamped his foot.
    Nils jumped, twirled like a top, waved his arms, but the little man did not lag behind him. He also jumped, also spun around like a top and waved his arms.
    Then Niels sat down on the book and wept bitterly. He realized that the dwarf had bewitched him and that the little man who looked at him from the mirror was himself, Niels Holgerson.
    “Maybe this is a dream after all?” thought Nils.
    He closed his eyes tightly, then, in order to wake up completely, he pinched himself with all his might and, after waiting a minute, opened his eyes again. No, he didn't sleep. And the hand he pinched really hurt.
    Nils crept up to the mirror itself and buried his nose in it. Yes, that's him, Niels. Only he was now no more than a sparrow.
    “We need to find a gnome,” Niels decided. “Maybe the dwarf was just joking?”
    Niels slid down the leg of the chair to the floor and began to search all the corners. He crawled under the bench, under the cupboard - now it was not difficult for him - he even climbed into the mouse hole, but the dwarf was nowhere to be found.
    There was still hope - the dwarf could hide in the yard.
    Nils ran out into the hallway. Where are his shoes? They should be near the door. And Nils himself, and his father and mother, and all the peasants in Westmenheg, and in all the villages of Sweden, always leave their shoes at the doorstep. The shoes are wooden. They only walk down the street, and they rent houses.
    But how will he, so small, manage now with his big, heavy shoes?
    And then Niels saw a pair of tiny shoes in front of the door. At first he was delighted, and then he was afraid. If the dwarf even bewitched the shoes, it means that he is not going to remove the spell from Nils!
    No, no, we must quickly find the gnome! You have to beg, beg! Never, never again will Niels offend anyone! He will become the most obedient, most exemplary boy...
    Niels put his feet into his shoes and slipped through the door. Good thing it was open. How could he reach out to the latch and push it back!
    At the porch, on an old oak plank thrown from one side of the puddle to the other, a sparrow was jumping. As soon as the sparrow saw Niels, he jumped even faster and chirped at the top of his sparrow's throat. And - an amazing thing! - Niels understood him perfectly.
    - Look at Niels! - shouted the sparrow. - Look at Niels!
    - Cuckoo! the rooster crowed merrily. - Let's throw him into the river!
    And the hens flapped their wings and cackled with each other:
    - It serves him right! It serves him right! The geese surrounded Nils on all sides and, stretching their necks, hissed in his ear:
    - Good sh! Well, it's good! What, are you scared now? Are you afraid?
    And they pecked him, pinched him, pecked him with their beaks, pulled his arms and legs.
    Poor Nils would have had a really bad time if a cat had not appeared in the yard at that time. Noticing the cat, chickens, geese and ducks immediately rushed in all directions and began to rummage in the ground as if they were not interested in anything in the world except worms and last year's grains.
    And Niels was delighted with the cat, as if it were his own.
    - Dear cat, - he said, - you know all the nooks and crannies, all the holes, all the minks in our yard. Kindly tell me where can I find a gnome? He couldn't have gone far.
    The cat didn't answer right away. He sat down, wrapped his tail around his front paws and looked at the boy. It was a huge black cat with a large white patch on its chest. His smooth fur shone in the sun. The cat looked quite good-natured. He even drew in his claws and screwed up his yellow eyes with a narrow, narrow strip in the middle.
    - Mrr, mrr! Of course, I know where to find the gnome, - the cat spoke in a gentle voice. - But it is still unknown whether I will tell you or not ...
    - Kitty, kitty, golden mouth, you have to help me! Can't you see that the dwarf has bewitched me?
    The cat opened its eyes slightly. A green, evil light flashed in them, but the cat was still purring affectionately.
    Why should I help you? - he said. “Maybe because you stuck a wasp in my ear?” Or because you burned my fur? Or because you pulled my tail every day? BUT?
    - And I can pull your tail now! Niels shouted. And, forgetting that the cat is twenty times bigger than himself, stepped forward.
    What happened to the cat! His eyes sparkled, his back arched, his fur stood on end, sharp claws protruded from his soft, furry paws. It even seemed to Nils that it was some kind of unprecedented wild beast that had jumped out of the forest thicket. And yet Niels did not back down. He took another step... Then the cat knocked over Nils with one jump and pressed him to the ground with his front paws.
    - Help, help! Niels shouted with all his might. But his voice was now no louder than that of a mouse. And there was no one to rescue him.
    Nils realized that the end had come to him, and closed his eyes in horror.
    Suddenly the cat retracted its claws, released Niels from its paws and said:
    - All right, that's enough for the first time. If your mother had not been such a good housewife and had not given me milk in the morning and evening, you would have had a hard time. For her sake, I will let you live.
    With these words, the cat turned and, as if nothing had happened, walked away, purring softly, as befits a good domestic cat.
    And Niels got up, shook off the dirt from his leather pants and trudged to the end of the yard. There he climbed up the ledge of the stone wall, sat down, dangling his tiny feet in tiny shoes, and thought.
    What will be next?! Father and mother will be back soon! How surprised they will be to see their son! Mother, of course, will cry, and father, maybe, will say: that's what Niels needs! Then the neighbors from all over the area will come, they will begin to look at it and gasp ... What if someone steals it to show it to onlookers at the fair? Here the boys will laugh at him! .. Oh, how unfortunate he is! What an unfortunate one! In the whole wide world, probably, there is no person more unfortunate than he!

    Every nation has a poet, prose writer and playwright, by whose name a person of any nation can say: this is the pride of England ... or Norway ... or Italy ...

    For Sweden, such a name is Selma Lagerlöf (1858 - 1940). The fiftieth anniversary of the writer (in 1908) turned into a national holiday in her homeland, and the centennial anniversary, by decision of the World Peace Council, was celebrated by people in many countries of the globe where her works are read and loved. One of the novels of the remarkable Swedish writer - "The Saga of Jeste Berling" - has been translated into all European languages. The children's book "Nils Holgerson's Journey through Sweden" (1906 - 1907) gained worldwide fame, in which the poetic history of the country, the appearance of its cities and outskirts, the customs of the inhabitants, legends, fairy-tale traditions of sagas are revealed to young readers.

    If you try to define the entire genre of Selma Lagerlöf's work, it turns out that her novels and stories, plays, poems and fairy tales - everything is written in the form and traditions of the Scandinavian sagas.

    This form has been around for a very, very long time. Back then, when people not only in cold Scandinavia, but, perhaps, in no other country in the world could write. In Russia, legends about heroes and their amazing deeds are called epics. And in snowy Norway and green Sweden, these legends are called sagas.

    Rarely is such a literary hero born who becomes not just a character in a story or fairy tale, but also the personification of an entire nation. The hero of Selma Lagerlöf's novel "The Saga of Jesta Beurling" has become in the eyes of readers around the world just such a national hero of Sweden, an expression of the national spirit of liberty, a dream of beauty and human dignity. Not without reason, in 1909, the creator of this magnificent book was awarded the highest literary prize. The jury's decision to award Selma Lagerlöf the Nobel Prize stated that it was given "for noble idealism and richness of imagination." And in 1914, the writer was elected a member of the Swedish Academy.

    The "wealth of fantasy" by Selma Lagerlöf is truly inexhaustible, and this creative fantasy manifests itself in amazing, bizarre, beautiful forms, events, and images. It would seem, where can miracles come from if little Nils Holgerson is the most ordinary "harmful" and lazy boy who does not learn lessons, drags a cat by the tail and loves teasing geese more than anything in the world, disobeying adults and whining? However, it is to his lot that a great many adventures, magical transformations, dangers and even ... feats fall! Yes, yes, our Niels, who always pesters adults with complaints and has never done good to anyone, this very Nils will accomplish such feats that the most exemplary goodies and chums cannot do! For many months, our little hero, almost forgetting his native language, acquires a wonderful gift to understand the dialect of animals and birds. He will rise above the earth and see his village, lakes and forests, and the whole vast country ... In his wanderings, Niels will discover not only the whole of Scandinavia and "Lapland - the goose country", but also another, perhaps the most important thing in life - what is friendship, what is help in trouble, what is love for those who are weaker than you and who really need your protection. And he, so small, with the help of winged friends, will dare to engage in a dangerous battle with a cunning, strong enemy - the Fox Smirre himself.! And no matter how the deceived Fox hissed, barked and jumped, the brave Nils would overcome him!

    What happened to Niels? How did he get into the goose flock? How did he manage to return to his parents again?

    You will know all this now. Artists and musicians have gathered to tell you about Nils' wonderful journey with the wild geese. Put on a record of a fairy tale, and this amazing story will begin...
    M. Babaeva

    It was a warm clear day. By noon, the sun began to bake, and in Lapland, even in summer, this happens infrequently.

    That day, Martin and Marta decided to give their goslings their first swimming lesson.

    On the lake, they were afraid to teach them - no matter how bad something happened! And the goslings themselves, even the brave Yuksi, would never want to climb into the cold lake water.

    Luckily, it had rained heavily the day before and the puddles hadn't dried up yet. And in the puddles, the water is both warm and shallow. And so, at the family council, it was decided to teach the goslings to swim first in a puddle. They were lined up in pairs, and Yuxi, as the oldest, walked in front.

    Near a large puddle, everyone stopped. Marta entered the water, and Martin pushed the goslings towards her from the shore.

    Be brave! Be brave! he shouted at the chicks. “Look at your mother and imitate her in everything.

    But the goslings trampled at the very edge of the puddle, but did not go further.

    You will embarrass our entire family! Martha shouted at them. “Go into the water now!”

    And in her hearts she beat her wings into a puddle.

    The goslings were still treading water.

    Then Martin grabbed Yuksi with his beak and placed him right in the middle of the puddle. Yuksi immediately went into the water up to the very top of her head. He squealed, floundered, desperately beat his wings, earned his paws and ... swam.

    A minute later, he already perfectly kept on the water and proudly looked at his indecisive brothers and sisters.

    It was so insulting that the brothers and sisters immediately climbed into the water and earned with their paws no worse than Yuksi. At first they tried to stay close to the shore, and then they grew bolder and also swam to the very middle of the puddle.

    Following the geese and Niels decided to swim.

    But at this time, some kind of wide shadow covered the puddle.

    Niels raised his head. Directly above them, spreading huge wings, soared an eagle.

    Hurry to the coast! Save the chicks! - Niels shouted to Martin and Marta, and he rushed off to look for Akka.

    Hide! - he shouted along the road. - Save yourself! Beware!

    The alarmed geese looked out of their nests, but, seeing an eagle in the sky, they only waved Niels away.

    What are you, all blinded, or what? - Nils was tearing himself up. - Where is Akka Kebnekaise?

    I'm here. What are you shouting, Nils? - He heard the calm voice of Akka, and her head stuck out of the reeds. - Why are you scaring the geese?

    Don't you see? Eagle!

    Well, of course I see. Here he is going down.

    Niels stared at Akka with wide eyes. He didn't understand anything.

    The eagle approaches the flock, and everyone sits calmly, as if it were not an eagle, but some kind of swallow!

    Nearly knocking Niels down with his wide, strong wings, the eagle landed right at the very nest of Akki Kebnekaise.

    Hi friends! - He said cheerfully and clicked his terrible beak.

    Geese poured out of their nests and nodded affably to the eagle.

    And old Akka Kebnekaise came out to meet him and said:

    Hello, hello Gorgb. Well, how are you? Tell me about your exploits!

    Yes, it’s better not to tell me about your exploits, ”Gorgo answered.“ You won’t praise me very much for them!

    Niels stood aside, looked, listened and did not believe either his eyes or his ears.

    “What miracles!” he thought. “It seems that this Gorgo is even afraid of Akki. As if Akka is an eagle, and he is an ordinary goose.

    And Niels came closer to get a better look at this amazing eagle ..

    Gorgo also stared at Nils.

    And what kind of animal is this? he asked Akka. "Is he human?"

    This is Niels, - said Akka. - He is really a human breed, but still our best friend.

    Akka's friends are my friends," Gorgo the eagle said solemnly and tilted his head slightly.

    Then he turned back to the old goose.

    I hope no one offends you here without me? - asked Gorgo. - You just give a sign, and I'll deal with everyone!

    Well, well, don't be arrogant, - said Akka and lightly hit the eagle with her beak on the head.

    What, isn't it? Does any of the bird people dare to contradict me? Something like that I don't know. Perhaps only you! - And the eagle affectionately patted his huge wing on the wing of the goose. - And now I have to go, - he said, throwing an eagle glance at the sun. - My chicks will scream hoarsely if I am late with dinner. They are all in me!

    Well, thanks for visiting, - said Akka.

    always glad.

    See you soon! - shouted the eagle.

    He flapped his wings, and the wind rustled over the geese.

    Nils stood for a long time, his head thrown back, and looked at the eagle disappearing into the sky.

    What, flew away? he asked in a whisper, climbing ashore.

    He flew away, flew away, do not be afraid, he is not visible anymore! Niels said.

    Martin turned back and shouted:

    Martha, kids, get out! He flew away!

    An alarmed Martha peered out of the dense thickets.

    Martha looked around, then looked at the sky, and only then emerged from the reeds. Its wings were spread wide, and frightened goslings huddled under them.

    Was it a real eagle? Martha asked.

    The real one, - said Nils. - And what a terrible one. If he touches it with the tip of his beak, it will hurt him to death. And if you talk to him a little, you won't even say that it's an eagle. She talks to our Akka like her own mother.

    How else can he talk to me? - said Akka. - I'm like a mother to him and come.

    At this point, Niels opened his mouth in surprise.

    Well, yes, Gorgo is my adopted son, - said Akka. - Come closer, I'll tell you everything now.

    And Akka told them an amazing story.

    Arts and Entertainment

    Fairy tale by Selma Lagerlöf, summary: "Niels' adventure with wild geese"

    February 11, 2017

    In 1907, Selma Lagerlöf wrote a fairy tale textbook for Swedish children, Nils' Adventure with the Wild Geese. The author told a lot of interesting things about the history of Sweden, its geography, fauna. From every page of the book flowing love for his native country, presented in an entertaining way. This was immediately appreciated by the readers, and in 1909 by the members of the Nobel Committee for Literature, who presented her with a prize for the children's book "Niels's Adventure with the Wild Geese." A summary of the chapters can be found below.

    How Niels poisoned himself on a trip

    In a remote Swedish village there lived a boy named Nils Holgersson. He liked to misbehave, even often evil. At school, he was lazy and got bad grades. At home, he pulled the cat's tail, chased chickens, ducks, geese, kicked and offended cows.

    We began to get acquainted with the abridged version of the fairy tale book, to present its summary. "Niels' adventure with wild geese" is a work where miracles begin from the first pages. On Sunday afternoon, his parents went to the neighboring village for a fair, and Niels was given the Instructions to read, a thick book that talked about how good it is to be good and how bad it is to be bad. Nils dozed off while reading a long book, and woke up from a rustle and found that the chest in which mom kept all the most valuable things was open. There was no one in the room, and Nils remembered that before leaving, his mother checked the lock. He noticed a funny little man sitting on the edge of the chest and looking at its contents. The boy grabbed the net and caught the little man in it.

    He turned out to be a dwarf and asked Nils to let him go. For this he promised a gold coin. Nils released the dwarf, but immediately regretted that he had not asked for a hundred coins and waved the net again. But he got hit and fell to the floor.

    We have provided only a very brief summary. "Nils' adventure with wild geese" is a book by a Swedish writer that has long become a brand.

    When Niels came to his senses, everything miraculously changed in the room. All familiar things have become terribly large. Then Niels realized that he himself had become as small as a dwarf. He went out into the yard and was surprised to learn that he understood the language of birds and animals. Everyone mocked him and said that he deserved such a punishment. The cat, whom Niels politely asked to tell where the dwarf lives, refused him because the boy often offended him.

    At this time, a flock of wild gray geese flew from the south. In mockery, they began to call for a home. Nils' mother's favorite Martin ran after them, and Nils grabbed him by the neck to hold him, so they flew away from the yard. By evening, Martin began to lag behind the flock, flew in last, when everyone settled down for the night. Niels dragged the exhausted Martin to the water, and he got drunk. Thus began their friendship.

    Insidious Smirre

    In the evening, the flock moved to a large ice floe in the middle of the lake. All the geese were against the person who travels with them. The wise Akka Kebnekaise, the leader of the pack, said that she would make a decision as to whether Nils should fly with them further in the morning. Everyone fell asleep.

    We continue to retell the work of Selma Lagerlöf and give its summary. "Nils' adventure with wild geese" shows what changes are taking place with Nils. At night, the boy woke up from the flapping of wings - the whole flock soared up. The red fox Smirre remained on the ice floe. He held a gray goose in his teeth and moved ashore to eat it.

    Niels pricked the fox in the tail with a penknife so painfully that he released the goose, which immediately flew away. The whole flock flew to save Nils. The geese outsmarted Smirre and took the boy with them. Now no one said that a man in a flock of geese is a great danger.

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    Nils saves everyone from rats

    A flock of geese stopped to spend the night in an old castle. People have not lived in it for a long time, but only animals and birds. It became known that huge evil rats want to populate it. Akka Kebnekaise handed Nils a pipe. He played it, and all the rats, lining up in a chain, obediently followed the musician. He led them to the lake, got on the boat and swam, the rats followed him one by one and drowned. So they were gone. The castle and its inhabitants were saved.

    Here is just a summary. "Niels Adventure with Wild Geese" - very interesting and exciting story, which is better to read in the author's version.

    In the ancient capital

    Niels and the geese had more than one adventure. Later, the flock stopped for the night in the old city. Niels decided to take a walk at night. He met a wooden boatswain and a bronze king who stepped off the plinth and chased the boy who was teasing him. The boatswain hid it under his hat. And then morning came, and the king went to his place. Before you continues to unfold the work "The Adventure of Niels with Wild Geese." A brief summary without entertaining details describes all the events.


    After many adventures, when, for example, Martin was caught by people and almost eaten, the flock reached Lapland. All geese began to make nests and acquire offspring. The short northern summer ended, the goslings grew up, and the whole flock began to gather south. Soon, very soon, Niels' adventure with wild geese will end. The summary of the work that we cover is still not as interesting as the original.

    Homecoming, or How Nils turned into an ordinary boy

    Flying over the house of Nils's parents, the goose Martin wanted to show his children his native poultry yard. He could not tear himself away from the feeder with oats and kept saying that there is always such delicious food here. Goslings and Nils hurried him. Suddenly, Niels' mother came in and was delighted that Martin had returned and could be sold at the fair in two days. The boy's parents grabbed the unfortunate goose and were about to slaughter him. Nils bravely promised Martin to save him and rushed after his parents.

    Suddenly, the knife fell out of the hands of the father, and he let go of the goose, and the mother exclaimed: “Niels, dear, how you have grown and prettier.” It turned out that he turned into an ordinary person.

    The wise book by S. Lagerlöf "Niels' adventure with wild geese", the content of which we briefly retold, says that while the boy had a small, evil little soul, he was a dwarf. When the soul became large, open to good deeds, the dwarf returned him to his original human form.

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