What does the proverb "To each his own side" mean? cognitive development. “Everyone has his own side” If you don’t love your country, you don’t love God, but Satan

There are many bizarre comparisons in riddles. Seemingly quite dissimilar objects and phenomena are compared:

two brothers

went for a swim in the water.

The buckets, like brothers, are similar to each other, and the fact that they “bath” is simply explained: you can’t get water without dipping the bucket.

Riddles amaze with bizarre pictures. The sky is a blue fur coat and is so big that it “covered the whole world”. The giant bird flaps its wings but does not fly:

looking at the wind

flapping wings,

herself out of place.

This is a windmill. It is called Yuritsa, because it stands in the south - in a place open to the winds. Here again, a peculiar play on words: the invented name of a non-existent bird, Yuritsa, is associated with the designation of an open place “yur”.

The sewn-on buttons are compared with a flock of sparrows that flew in and sat side by side on a six-border:

Full of six


The imagination of a person “dressed up” the sheaf in a golden caftan, girded it and laid it on its side:

Lying man

in a golden coat

belted, not a belt;

if you don't lift it, you won't get up.

In riddles, the image often becomes fabulous.

The roll of thunder is compared to the neighing and stomp of a horse:

The horse is running

the earth trembles.

gray stallion

neighs at the whole kingdom.

A cloud in the sky, a huge eagle - covers the sun with its wings:

An eagle flies across the blue sky

spread wings,

sun blotted out.

Nowadays, riddles are also created, but they are different. Previously, it was not known who composed this or that riddle - and this was impossible to say, since each of them passed from mouth to mouth and changed greatly. New riddles are created by individuals, although it is certainly difficult for one person to come up with a good riddle.

A powerful tractor appears before us as a powerful worker:

There is a strong man

get a loaf.

Radio, the marvelous invention of our time, is poeticized in a riddle:

In Moscow they say

and we hear.

They thought about the plane:

Lucky, not a horse,

flies, not a bird,

buzzing, not a bee.

Proverbs, sayings, fables and riddles for the collection are taken from old and new collections. This is true folklore. Its roots go back to ancient times. In all forms of this creativity, the human mind shines and poetry captivates.

V. P. Anikin

Proverbs and sayings

An old proverb does not pass by

Every Yegorka has a proverb.

Not every pillar is a suburb, not every speech is a proverb.

There is a proverb for your arrogance.

You can't get away from the parable even on a horse.

A stump is not a suburb, stupid speech is not a proverb.

A proverb is a flower, a proverb is a berry.

Everyone has their own side

Silly is the bird that does not like its nest.

Where the pine has grown, there it is red.

Every pine makes noise to its forest.

Wormwood does not grow without a root.

Houses and walls help.

Moscow is the mother of all cities.

Mother Volga is both broad and long.

Own land and in a handful is sweet.

The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.

The other side is a dense forest.

The foreign side dries without wind and chills without winter.

The other side will teach the hunchback.

Woe to the tongueless in a foreign land.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

Foreign land - viburnum, homeland - raspberry.

From your native land - die, do not leave.

For a just cause, stand boldly

Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age.

Elena Kozlova
cognitive development. "Everyone has their own side."

cognitive development

« Everyone has their own side»

(Senior group)

Occupation « Everyone has their own side»

Target: Summarize children's ideas about the relationship of adult labor; lead to an understanding of opportunities for the village. To continue to educate in children love and feelings of affection for the family, home, native village; respect for people living on Aleksandrovskaya land, interest in the work of adults - Aleksandrovchev (on the example of their parents); Continue to form a sense of belonging of children to their native village - their small homeland.

Preliminary work:

Examination of Albums, paintings, illustrations about professions, "Our Village"

Parent meeting (acquaintance with the annual task - instilling love for the small Motherland - the basis of moral and patriotic education).

Advice for parents "Where does the Motherland begin?" "Talking coats of arms."

Conversations, reading fiction, memorizing poems, proverbs about family, work, homeland.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys, I want to ask you a very important question:

What is Motherland?

(children's answers)

That's right, the Motherland is the place where we were born, where our house stands, where our friends live, where we are warm and comfortable.

No wonder people say (people says): « Everyone has their own side»

What is the name of the village where we live?

That's right, Alexander.

What are the names of the inhabitants of our village. (Aleksandrovtsy)

What was the name of our village before? (Nizhne - Lumpokol, and the first inhabitants of Nizhne - Lumpokol were Khanty).

What industry did they do? (hunted, fished, picked mushrooms, I years, pine nuts).

Why is our village named like this? "Aleksandrovskoe" (children's answers).

The village grew, the first wooden houses appeared. Over time, Russians began to settle, a school and a small church appeared. People walked, went from neighboring villages to Father Alexander. By the name of Father Alexander, the village began to be called "Aleksandrovskoe".

Many years passed and the village became big and beautiful.

caregiver: There is, perhaps, a more beautiful corner,

There is richer, there is a wider village,

Only me from all my Russia

Closer to the heart of my Alexandrovo.

Word "Motherland" similar to words like "native", "relatives", "darling", "native", "relative".

Children, who are we talking about? (about mom, dad, shave, sister, grandmother, grandfather, relatives)

What is a family?

Of course, this is when close, dear people live together. A family can be large and small, the main thing is that it always has peace, friendship, love and respect for each other.

Poem "My family" (children talk):

Mom and dad are my relatives,

I have no relatives.

And sister - relatives, and brother,

And a lop-eared puppy - Tishka.

I love my relatives very much.

Soon I will buy gifts for everyone

Papa will have a motorboat,

Mom in the kitchen - a magic brush,

Real hammer - brother,

The ball - sister, sweets - Tishka.

Guys who wants to talk about their family (children together with their parents did family work - pedigrees).

Children's story:

1. Last name, first name of the child, how old, and which group he goes to, which kindergarten).

2. Mother's name, patronymic, where she works, profession.

3. Father's name, patronymic, where he works, profession.

4. If there is a brother (sister, how old is he (her) years?

5. Are there grandparents, what are their names (do they work or do they not have a well-deserved rest - pensions?

6. What are your hobbies than you (a family) do you like to practice?

Musical physics. minute "Helpers"

About the family is folded (there is) many proverbs, let's remember them.

No treasure is needed when the family is in harmony.

A family is strong when there is only one roof under it.

The whole family is together and the soul is in place.

The family is strong.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

There is no sweeter friend than a mother.

Gold and silver do not age, father and mother do not know how.

Guys, how do you understand the proverb "Needed where was born" (children's answers).

Many adults - Alexandrovites were born in Alexandrovskoye, someone came, grew up here, studied and returned to their village to make our village even more beautiful, richer, more beautiful.

You have named so many necessary professions (points to family work) how many enterprises where your dads and moms work. How much labor of people of different professions is required to make our village beautiful, clean, loved, dear.

Guys, now we will find out what profession is the most necessary?

Let's play a game "If it wasn't...". I will ask you questions and you will guess (reply).

1. If there were no builders, then ... there would be no (what) houses in which we live, shops, kindergartens, schools, etc.

2. If there were no doctors, then (that was) there was no one to treat us.

3. If there were no policemen, then ... there would be a mess in the village. They would violate law and order, traffic.

4. If there was no baker, then ... we would not eat bread, loaf, bagels, buns, etc.

5. If there were no firefighters, then ... in a fire, people would be left homeless, they would burn down forest: animals, birds died, there would be no berries, mushrooms.

6. If there was no electrician, then ... we would be left without light, we could not cook, iron clothes, watch TV.

7. If there was no janitor, then ... it would be dirty, a lot of garbage, ugly.

Of course, all professions are important, all professions are needed!

Guys, while you are still going to kindergarten, and when you grow up, who would you like to become and work (maybe in our village). (children's statement)

Children recite poems:

We all believe together

That the hour will come

And there are a lot

Important things for us!

New roads, new places

The main thing is in the heart

The dream shines!

Girls and boys will grow up

And choose your favorite job!

For everything that has been done for us

We are grateful to people!

The time will come, the time will come

And we will work!

While we burn with freedom

As long as hearts are alive for honor, My friend, let us dedicate our souls to the homeland Beautiful impulses!

Pushkin A.S.

  • Be not only the son of your father - be the son of your people.
  • In what nation you live, keep that custom.
  • The Volga is the mother of all rivers.
  • Everyone has their own side.
  • Houses and walls help.
  • If you breathe with the whole world - the wind will be.
  • A healthy enemy does not require.
  • And the people of Penza in Moscow recognized their crow.
  • And the wormwood grows on its root. And the dog knows its side.
  • To each his own sweet land.
  • Our strength is family.
  • People's friendship and brotherhood are dearer than any wealth.
  • From your native land - die, do not leave.
  • Happy is he who is happy at home.
  • A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
  • The other side is the stepmother.

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Love for the motherland, patriotism, courage - these human qualities are fundamental for the existence of the state and its development, so as not to disappear from the world map in the battle of times and peoples for their place under the sun.

The meaning and meaning of proverbs and sayings about the motherland is that without love for the motherland, a full-fledged existence of a person is impossible, since without this there will be no strong and strong country where your homeland is. You need to stick to your native side and not forget about your roots. And then you will be proud of your homeland. If you respect your homeland, then others will do the same.

Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland

Houses and walls help.

Wormwood does not grow without a root.

Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.

Take care of your Motherland like the apple of your eye.

Be not only the son of your father - be the son of your people.

In the battle for the homeland and death is red.

What people you come to, you will put on such a hat.

In what nation you live, keep that custom.

No one is a prophet in his own land.

In your home, the walls help.

To visit someone else's house - to see in your rotten log.

In a strange place in the forest.

Everywhere is good, but home is better.

Everyone has their own side.

Where the fool's family is, here he has his own land.

Where to live, so be known.

Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.

Where not to live - to serve the motherland.

Where the pine has grown, there it is red.

The hero is a mountain for the Motherland.

The main thing in life is to serve the fatherland.

Silly is the bird that dislikes its nest.

Woe to the tongueless in a foreign land.

For the fatherland, life is not a pity.

For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.

Houses and walls help.

Don, Don, or rather a house.

The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.

If you breathe in the whole world - the wind will be.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

If the people are united, they are invincible.

If in Russian it is tailored, and one warrior in the field.

You live on the side, and your village is all in your mind.

Once upon a time there was a fellow; I didn’t see fun in my village, I went out to a foreign land - wept.

To live - to serve the Motherland.

It's good to sing songs beyond the mountains, but it's better to live at home.

Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.

Over the sea it is warmer, but here it is lighter.

For Moscow-mother it is not scary to die.

They give their lives for their country.

For the motherland, for honor - at least take your head off.

Why far away and here is good.

The Russian land is all under God.

The whole world knows - there are no harder Russians.

There is no old age for gold, there is no price for the homeland.

And the crane is looking for warmth.

And the horse rushes to its side, and the dog bites off and leaves.

And the bones are crying at home.

And the sandpiper knows his side.

And the sandpiper knows the other side.

And the forest makes more noise when there are a lot of trees.

And a speck of native land is gold.

And the dog knows his side.

And the bread misses its side.

Go to your native land - there is paradise under the tree.

Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.

If the bush were not nice, the nightingale would not have made a nest.

To each his own sweet land.

What is at home, such is on the Don.

Whoever has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty.

Who is a mountain for the Motherland, he is a hero.

Whoever fights for his homeland is given double strength.

Whoever aims for us will meet his death.

Whoever attacks Russia will find death for himself.

Who betrays the fatherland, he sells his soul to evil spirits.

Who sells his homeland, that punishment will not pass.

Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully, fulfills that duty approximately.

Wherever the raspberry lured, it brought back the native village.

Love for the motherland is stronger than death.

Mother Moscow is white stone, golden-domed, hospitable, Orthodox, talkative.

Sweet is the side where the navel is cut.

God bless and on his side.

I went through many countries, but found goodness only in my homeland.

Moscow - Homeland decoration, intimidation to enemies.

Moscow is the mother of all cities.

Moscow, which is granite, no one will defeat Moscow.

In one place, even the stone is overgrown with moss.

On the native side, even the smoke is sweet.

On the native side and a pebble is familiar.

On the native side and the gossips are familiar.

In Russia, not all carp - there are ruffs.

In a foreign land, even kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland, black bread is a sweetness.

In a foreign land and sweet in mustard, and in the homeland and horseradish for a lollipop.

In a foreign land, even a dog yearns.

In a foreign land, the native land is dreaming in a dream.

In a foreign land, as if in a domino, it is both lonely and dumb.

In a foreign land, everything is a gift from God.

On the other side, and the spring is not red.

On the other side and an eagle - a crow.

On the other side and the child is the enemy.

On the foreign side and sweet - mustard, in the homeland and horseradish - candy.

On the other side, even the falcon is called a crow.

On the other side and the old woman is God's gift.

On the other side, like a blade of grass in a field.

On the other side, bow down to the harrow.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly mile.

On the foreign side, dogs bark for three years and people groan for three years.

On a foreign side, you will be reputed to be the devil for three years.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

Enemies ran into Russian bayonets.

Popular friendship and brotherhood are dearer than any wealth.

The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.

The other side will teach the hunchback.

Our strength is family.

Not time for years of debt, long years of absence from the native side.

Do not look for the promised land - they are where your homeland is.

If you don't love your country, you don't love God, but Satan.

Do not renounce the Russian land - it will not renounce you either.

Do not grow grass on the Neva River, do not own someone else's Russian land.

Not the person who lives for himself, but who goes into battle for his homeland.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

There is no land more beautiful than our country.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our homeland.

There is no son without a fatherland.

Novgorod is the father, Kyiv is the mother, Moscow is the heart, Petersburg is the head.

About that cuckoo and cuckoo that there is no nest.

Lonely - where there is bread, there is a corner.

Lonely home everywhere.

One matchmaker praises someone else's side, while she sits at home.

A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

Until you visit someone else's roof, you won't know where it flows.

Geese flew across the sea, not swans flew either.

To betray the motherland is to disgrace the mother and father.

A goose flew to Russia - stay and fly away.

After parting with a friend, they cry for seven years, parting with their homeland - all their lives.

Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

Motherland is mother, foreign land is stepmother.

Motherland is more beautiful than the sun, more precious than gold.

Beloved motherland - dear mother.

Homeland begins with the family.

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

They protect their homeland with their heads.

You will not find a homeland, like parents, in a foreign land.

Learn to defend your motherland.

Native land and dreams in a dream.

Native land and in a handful is sweet.

Native land is a paradise for the heart.

Native bush and hare roads.

There are no relatives, but on the native side, the heart aches.

The Russian is strong on three piles: perhaps, I suppose, somehow.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

Russia is holy, Orthodox, heroic, Mother Holy Russian land.

From your native land - die, do not go!

From the native side and the crow is sweet.

On the native side, even the crow is redder.

The most precious thing for a person in a foreign land is his homeland.

Your milk - to the child, your life - to the Motherland.

Your land is your dust.

Own land and in a handful is sweet.

Its burden does not pull, its smoke does not eat its eyes.

Your own sadness is more precious than someone else's.

His side strokes the fur, someone else's opposite.

Its side and the dog is sweet.

You should sit at home and sharpen the spindle.

Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.

The glory of the Russian bayonet will never fade.

On the other hand, the dog is cute.

Consent is stronger than stone walls.

The falcon does not sit in one place, and where it sees a bird, it flies there.

The sons of Russian mothers are famous for the prowess of heroes.

That land is sweet, where the mother gave birth.

Only he will be honored who loves his homeland not in words, but in deed.

The hero who is a mountain for his homeland.

The people have one home - the Motherland.

Dying, do not leave your native land.

Praise overseas, and stay at home.

The city is good with houses, but bad with heads.

Good Moscow, but not at home.

Dema lives well in a foreign land, but not at home.

Well, where we do not.

Thin is the bird that stains its nest.

The kingdom will be divided, soon ruined.

What you don't know is drawn there.

A person does not live without a homeland.

A man without a homeland is like a family without land.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

What is healthy for a Russian is death for a German.

A foreign land will not add joy.

The other side is a thief.

The other side is the stepmother.

The other side is a dense forest.

The foreign side dries without wind and chills without winter.

The other side will add mind.

Alien land - viburnum, Motherland - raspberry.

Foreign land does not believe in tears.

Foreign land - viburnum, homeland - raspberry.

The foreign country does not stroke the wool.

Praises the other side, but not a foot herself.

IN AND. Dal in his collection "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people" also presented many proverbs and sayings about the motherland. Below you can read an excerpt from this book. I would like to note that Dahl singled out three sections - "Rus-Motherland", "Rus-Foreign Land", "Motherland-Foreign Land".


The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.

The Volga is the mother of all rivers.

Every bird loves its nest.

Every pine makes noise to its forest.

Everyone has their own side.

Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.

Where the pine has grown, there it is red.

That bird is stupid, which does not like its nest.

Houses and walls help.

Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.

And the wormwood grows on its root.

And the dog knows his side.

To each his own sweet land.

Love for the Motherland is stronger than death.

On the native side and the pebble is familiar.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly mile.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

Motherland is more beautiful than the sun, more precious than gold.

Native land and dreams in a dream.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

The Russian is proud in words, firm in deeds.

Russian enthusiasm awaits.

Russian neither with a sword, nor with a kalach does not joke.

The Russian is patient to the very beginning.

Russian people remember well.

Own land and in a handful is sweet.

Your side is never cold.

Siberia is a gold mine.

A bad bird is one that soils its nest.

Proverbs contain the deepest wisdom of the Russian people, and it can be difficult for children of primary school age to understand them. However, one should not neglect the performance of tasks related to the search and interpretation of proverbs. They develop, make a person wiser and more competent. Proverbs about books for children in grades 1, 2, 3 we decided to search in adapted collections. Such books are addressed to children and help to easily pick the right words.

To live with a book is not to grieve for a century.
From time immemorial, the book raises a person.
A book is like water: it will make its way everywhere.
A good book is your best friend.
Who reads a lot, he knows a lot.
A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.
Read books, but don't forget things. (emphasis in the words "deeds" - on the first syllable)
A book is a book, but move your mind.

(from the book "Dictionary of a schoolchild. Proverbs, sayings, catchphrases", author O. D. Ushakova)

A book is to the mind what warm rain is to seedlings.
The book is a book of strife: one teaches, the other torments.
The book is small, but gave the mind.
The book is not gingerbread, but beckons to itself.
Reading books is not playing with your hands.
Read books, do not stray in vain.
Reading a book is like flying on wings.
Read, Thomas, get smart.
Read - read, but do not read out.
Reading and not understanding is half idle.

(from the book "Encyclopedia of Folk Wisdom", author N. Uvarov)

Behind the book - move your mind.
The book is not red in writing, but red in mind.
Don't read everything, otherwise put it off.
Another book of the mind will add, another and the last will repel.
I looked at the book, but saw a fig.

(from the book "Russian Proverbs and Sayings", author M. A. Rybnikova)

(from the Internet)

The book will help in work, help out in trouble.
A house without a book is like a body without a soul.
A good book shines brighter than a star.
The book is your friend, without it, as without hands.
To know books - to gain mind.
The book, and in it the fig and the fig (i.e., meaningless).
It is not good to read a book if one inch is enough.
Not everyone who reads knows the power in reading.
Don't read a lot, but understand a lot.
Eat and read together - swallow the memory.
You can't say better than printed.

(from the book "Russian folk proverbs and sayings", author A. M. Zhigulev)

What does the proverb "To each his own side" mean?

    It seems that everything here is clear and simple - a person loves the place where he was born or where he grew up. And exactly where the childhood passed. Because if a person moves somewhere in adulthood, he will still consider the area where he spent his childhood as his dear homeland.

    This proverb belongs to those that are usually combined under the general subheading proverbs about love for the Motherland. That is, the proverb Sweet to everyone ... says that, first of all, any person loves his homeland, his native land, the places in which he was born and grew up. And that no matter how much we like it in a foreign land, no matter how beautiful places are there and how interesting nature seems to be there, for all of us it is sweeter than all the forests, rivers and lakes of our native land. Even the air at home is different, familiar and familiar. And probably the proverb should also be understood in such a way that only in the Motherland can a person be truly happy, and it is extremely difficult to endure separation from her.

Table of Contents [Show]

  • Without money in the city - his own enemy.
  • Wormwood does not grow without a root.
  • God and the city - what a village (that is, not like her).
  • In the native land of the falcon, in a foreign land - a crow.
  • In its swamp, even the frog sings, but in a foreign land, even the nightingale is silent.
  • There is space in the steppe, land in the forest.
  • To visit someone else's house - to see in your rotten log.
  • In a strange place in the forest.
  • The Russian land is great and the sun is everywhere.
  • The Holy Russian land is great, and the sun is everywhere.
  • The holy Russian land is great, but there is no place for truth anywhere.
  • Everywhere is good, but home is better.
  • Everyone has their own side.
  • I will go out on the path - tears flow; I remember my own - and I feel sick for them.
  • Where to live, so be known.
  • Where not to live - to serve the motherland.
  • The city is the kingdom, and the village is paradise.
  • Goose from noon - a man from the stove; goose for half a day - a man on the stove.
  • For the fatherland, life is not a pity.
  • Sitting at home - nothing to sit out.
  • Don, Don, or rather a house.
  • Paris is good, but Kurmysh also lives.
  • Erema, Erema! You should sit at home and sharpen the spindles.
  • Once upon a time there was a fellow; in his village he did not see fun, he went out into a foreign land - he cried.
  • Living in the countryside is no fun.
  • It is light beyond the sea, but it is lighter here.
  • For Moscow-mother it is not scary to die.
  • For the motherland, for honor - at least take your head off.
  • Buried like a beetle in manure.
  • Why far - and it's good here.
  • The Russian land is all under God.
  • There is no old age for gold, there is no price for the homeland.
  • And the crane is looking for warmth.
  • And beyond the mountains are people.
  • And people live across the river.
  • And the sandpiper knows the other side.
  • And the dog knows his side.
  • And the bread on its side gets bored (that is, the imported spoils).
  • And the bread misses its side.
  • Go to your native land - there is paradise under the tree.
  • People come to us - they invite us to visit.
  • If the bush were not nice, the nightingale would not have made a nest.
  • To each his own sweet land.
  • Like a beetle, it digs into manure.
  • Sour, dough, on your kvass!
  • There is nowhere to cut the whips.
  • Whoever has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty.
  • Whoever fights for his homeland is given double strength.
  • Whoever aims for us will meet his death.
  • Whoever attacks Russia will find death for himself.
  • Who betrays the fatherland, he sells his soul to evil spirits.
  • Whoever serves the homeland faithfully, fulfills that duty approximately.
  • It's okay to listen to the buffoon on the guselka, and you yourself will begin to play - but not for us.
  • Forests and lands are like milking a cow.
  • There are lycoders, but there is nothing to fight with.
  • The beggar also loves his trash.
  • Mother Moscow is white stone, golden-domed, hospitable, Orthodox, talkative.
  • That side is sweet (you won’t forget that side) where the navel is cut (i.e., homeland).
  • Moscow is the mother of all cities.
  • Moscow, which is granite, no one will defeat Moscow.
  • Moscow is a kingdom, and our village is a paradise.
  • Sorry, the Russian has no word for Aman.
  • In Russia, not all carp - there are ruffs.
  • In Russia, no one died of hunger.
  • On the side, the sides will be pounded.
  • In a foreign land, even a dog yearns.
  • In a foreign land - and then God's gift (everything is God's gift).
  • On the other side and the old woman God's gift.
  • On the foreign side and sweet - mustard, in the homeland and horseradish - candy.
  • The other side will teach the goryunu (and will torture, and will learn).
  • Our town is a corner of Moscow.
  • Our spring is red.
  • Not time for years of debt, long years of absence from the native side.
  • Do not look for the promised land - they are where your homeland is.
  • If you don't love your country, you don't love God, but Satan.
  • Do not renounce the Russian land - it will not renounce you either.
  • Do not grow grass on the Neva River, do not own someone else's Russian land.
  • Not the person who lives for himself, but who goes into battle for his homeland.
  • No need to go far, and it's good here.
  • There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.
  • There is no better home in the world.
  • No rod, no ladder, no drum stick.
  • Novgorod is the father, Kyiv is the mother, Moscow is the heart, Petersburg is the head.
  • Alone - where there is bread, there is a corner.
  • Lonely - everywhere the house.
  • A man has one mother, and he has one homeland.
  • I will go to the place where they grind rye about me.
  • To betray the motherland is to disgrace the mother and father.
  • A goose flew to Russia - stay and fly away.
  • The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.
  • Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
  • Motherland is more beautiful than the sun, more precious than gold.
  • Beloved motherland - dear mother.
  • Homeland begins with the family.
  • They protect their homeland with their heads.
  • You will not find your homeland, like your parents, in a foreign land.
  • Native land and dreams in a dream.
  • The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.
  • Native bush and hare roads.
  • Not a native of Germans, but to indicate much.
  • Russia and the summer of the union is not present.
  • Russian bone loves warmly.
  • The Russian God is great.
  • Russian hotel - kulaga with salamata.
  • Russian fellow - the end of the infidels.
  • Russian at random and grown up.
  • The Russian people are tsar-loving.
  • The Russian people are not afraid of the cross, they are afraid of the pestle.
  • Russian neither with a sword, nor with a kalach does not joke.
  • The Russian hour is ten, and the German one has no end.
  • A Russian person is a kind person (Chuvash greetings).
  • Russian people love maybe.
  • The Holy Russian land stands as the Russian God and the Russian Tsar.
  • A Russian person that soars (bath), then rules (heals).
  • Russia has piled on, completely crushed us.
  • Russia froze under the snow.
  • Russia is holy, Orthodox, heroic, Mother Holy Russian land.
  • From your native (parental) land - die, do not go!
  • Your life is nicer.
  • Your land is your dust.
  • Own land and in a handful is sweet.
  • Your side is never cold.
  • Its side and the dog is sweet.
  • Sit like honey sour!
  • Like the devil from the body sowed.
  • The steppe forest is no better.
  • Only he will be honored who loves his homeland not in words, but in deed.
  • The hero who is a mountain for his homeland.
  • Dying, do not leave your native land.
  • Good Moscow, but not at home.
  • Dema lives well in a foreign land, but not at home.
  • Well, where we do not.
  • A person does not live without a homeland.
  • A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.
  • A man without a homeland is like a family without land.
  • What is born where is good there.
  • What is born where, then it comes in handy.
  • What is healthy for a Russian is death for a German.
  • Chu! - It smells of Russian spirit here.
  • The other side is a dense forest.
  • Foreign land - viburnum, homeland - raspberry.
  • The other side is a thief (robber).
  • The other side is the stepmother.
  • The other side is a dense forest.
  • The other side will add mind.
  • Foreign land does not believe in tears.
  • The foreign country does not stroke the wool.
  • I am Russian, in the manner of French, only a little more gispanist.

No wonder they say: "A proverb is said to the word" Our modern children are, as it were, cut off from the origins of folk wisdom. Our task is to introduce them to folklore, to instill a love for folk wisdom. Explaining the meaning of proverbs, indirectly teach them to use proverbs and sayings in their speech. Motherland. Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland

Wormwood does not grow without a root.

Without love for a person, there is no love for the motherland.

In what nation you live, keep that custom.

In the native land of the falcon, in a foreign land - a crow.

In its swamp, even the frog sings, but in a foreign land, even the nightingale is silent.

The Russian land is great and the sun is everywhere.

Everywhere is good, but home is better.

Every pine makes noise to its forest.

Everyone has their own side.

Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.

Where not to live - to serve the motherland.

Where the pine has grown, there it is red.

That bird is stupid, which does not like its nest.
They speak in Moscow, but they listen all over the country.

For the fatherland, life is not a pity.

For your homeland, do not spare either strength or life.

If the people are united, they are invincible.

It's good to sing songs beyond the mountains, but it's better to live at home.

It is light beyond the sea, but it is lighter here.

For Moscow-mother it is not scary to die.

They give their lives for their country.

For the motherland, for honor - at least take your head off.

Why far - and it's good here.

The Russian land is all under God.

There is no old age for gold, there is no price for the homeland.

And the sandpiper knows his side.

And the bread misses its side.

Go to your native land - there is paradise under the tree.

If the bush were not nice, the nightingale would not have made a nest.

To each his own sweet land.

Whoever has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty.

Whoever fights for his homeland is given double strength.

Whoever aims for us will meet his death.

Whoever attacks Russia will find death for himself.

Who betrays the fatherland, he sells his soul to evil spirits.

Who sells his homeland, that punishment will not pass.

Whoever serves the homeland faithfully, fulfills that duty approximately.

Love for the motherland is stronger than death.

Mother Moscow is white stone, golden-domed, hospitable, Orthodox, talkative.

I went through many countries, but found goodness only in my homeland.
Moscow - homeland decoration, enemies - intimidation.

Moscow is the mother of all cities.
Moscow is the head of all capitals.

Moscow, which is granite, no one will defeat Moscow.
Moscow was not built in a day.

On the native side, even the smoke is sweet.

On the native side and a pebble is familiar.

In a foreign land, even a dog yearns.

In a foreign land, as if in a domino, it is both lonely and dumb.

On the other side, and the spring is not red.

On the other side and an eagle - a crow.

On the foreign side and sweet - mustard, in the homeland and horseradish - candy.

On the other side, bow down to the harrow.

On the other side, the homeland is doubly mile.

On a foreign side, you will be reputed to be the devil for three years.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

The other side will teach the hunchback.

Not time for years of debt, long years of absence from the native side.

Do not look for the promised land - they are where your homeland is.

If you don't love your country, you don't love God, but Satan.

Do not renounce the Russian land - it will not renounce you either.

Do not grow grass on the Neva River, do not own someone else's Russian land.

Not the person who lives for himself, but who goes into battle for his homeland.

There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.

There is no better home in the world.

Novgorod is the father, Kyiv is the mother, Moscow is the heart, Petersburg is the head.

A man has one mother, and he has one homeland.

To betray the motherland is to disgrace the mother and father.

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Motherland is more beautiful than the sun, more precious than gold.

Beloved motherland - dear mother.

Homeland begins with the family.

They protect their homeland with their heads.

You will not find your homeland, like your parents, in a foreign land.

Native land and dreams in a dream.

The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.

Native bush and hare roads.

There are no relatives, but on the native side, the heart aches.
Russian people remember well.
The Russians take a long time to harness, but they go fast.
The Russian does not joke with the ball or the kalach.
Russia is holy. Orthodox, heroic, mother Holy Russian land.

On the native side, even the crow is redder.

Its own land is sweet in sorrow.

Your side is never cold.

His side is stroking the fur, the other side is opposite.

Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.

On the other hand, the dog is cute.

That land is sweet, where the mother gave birth.

Only he will be honored who loves his homeland not in words, but in deed.

The hero who is a mountain for his homeland.

Dying, do not leave your native land.

Dema lives well in a foreign land, but not at home.

Well, where we do not.

Thin is the bird that soils its nest.

The kingdom will be divided, soon ruined.

A person does not live without a homeland.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.

A man without a homeland is like a family without land.

A foreign land will not add joy.

The other side is a dense forest.

The foreign side dries without wind and chills without winter.

Foreign land - viburnum, homeland - raspberry.

Foreign land does not believe in tears.

I wrote this page on the topic “proverbs and sayings about the Motherland” with special reverence. Probably my socialist upbringing is to blame for this. I remember very well my teacher, who enthusiastically told us about our Motherland. We sang songs about the motherland, recited poems. I do not argue that it was such a patriotic time then. Now, for some reason, they talk less about their homeland with children. It's a pity. After all, if a child is instilled with love for his country, his people from an early age, then he, as an adult, will always remain a patriot of his Motherland. What we sincerely wish you!

Proverbs about serving the Motherland

A batyr who has a club will overcome a coward with a saber.

Fight is a holy cause, go to the enemy boldly.

You can't win a battle with former glory.

Without love for a person, there is no love for the motherland.

Take care of your beloved land, like a mother dear.

Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.

Be not only the son of your father, be the son of your people.

Stupid heroism pushes you to stupid death.

In what nation you live, keep that custom.

The enemy is strong, but our people are steadfast.

Spare the enemy - destroy yourself.

He went into battle - earned fame, hid - laid down his head.

To visit the battle - to know the price of life.

The enemy wanted to feast, but had to grieve.

There is no shame in returning home.

To study military affairs is always useful.

You serve faithfully - you do not grieve about anything.

Where to live, there to be known.

Where there is no struggle, there is no victory.

If you fall as a hero, you will be lifted up; if you fall as a coward, you will be crushed.

The main thing in life is to serve the Motherland.

Somewhere there is a lot of gold, and yet, the Motherland without gold is more expensive.

A fool is taken prisoner in his homeland.

Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.

Dzhigit is born at home, dies on the battlefield.

Do not put off debt for a long time, do not leave your saber at home.

If the people are united, they are invincible.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

If the battle goes around, the house will not remain intact.

Even if the hero dies, the glory remains.

If there is no courage in the heart of a warrior, neither his strength nor his weapons will help him.

If the Motherland is strong, the soul is full of joy.

If the enemy attacks the people, he is not a horseman who takes pity on himself.

If the army is strong, the country is also invincible.

The life of a young man is with the people, the life of the people is with the Motherland.

You live on the side, and your village is all in your mind.

Fight bravely for what is right.

For the motherland - the mother is not afraid to die.

They knew who they were beating, that's why they won.

For the motherland, for honor - at least take your head off.

Love for the Motherland is stronger than death.

Whoever loves the Motherland, she will not be indebted to him.

Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully, fulfills that duty approximately.

Who does not live in the Motherland - does not know the taste of life.

You will understand how the Motherland is dear when you get to a foreign land.

Who has not been to a foreign land - did not know the price of the Motherland.

When you protect your homeland, you yourself grow up.

The girl is red with braids, and the soldier with orders.

Love for the motherland is born at the family hearth.

Strong army voivode.

Who is served, he is needed.

When you protect your homeland, you yourself grow up.

Who is for the Motherland - a mountain, that is a true hero.

Whoever fights for his homeland is given double strength.

Who is brave and steadfast, that ten is worth.

Whoever comes to us with enmity will find his death here.

To whom the world is dear, he is dear to us.

Each has its own side.

The horse runs to the place where it will be full, and the good fellow hurries to where his homeland is.

If you love your wife, love her country too.

Love for the motherland conquers death.

Love for the motherland is stronger than death.

You can be better than a batyr, but you cannot be better than the people.

Fight courageously - achieve victory.

God bless and on his side.

You can outdo the hero, but you can't outdo the people.

Moscow is like granite - no one will defeat Moscow.

Mother Volga is both wide and long.

I went through many countries, but found goodness only in my homeland.

Our invincible country is fastened by the friendship of peoples, To whom the friendship of peoples is dear, he beats the enemy.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

On the other side, the homeland is doubly mile.

They fight not by force, but by skill.

There are no reservations on the service. The boss's request is the same as an order.

Not the hero who is waiting for the reward, but the hero who goes for the people.

Not the shooter who shoots, but who hits the target.

Don't learn to destroy, learn to build.

Do not look for the promised land - they are where your homeland is.

For our people, the homeland is dearer than anything.

At home, both days and nights are beautiful.

Do not stuff yourself into the service, and do not renounce the service.

It's cold on the other side, even in summer.

There is no horse that does not yearn for a joint; there is no hero who does not yearn for his homeland.

In a foreign land, even kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland, black bread is a sweetness.

If you don't love your country, you don't love God, but Satan.

Our army is ready to defeat any enemy.

Today a tractor driver is in the field, and tomorrow a tanker is in the army.

Not the fellow who has a brave look, but the one who creates victory.

Gain wisdom in learning, courage in battle.

A man has one mother, he has one motherland.

Weapons are the strength of a fighter. Use it to the end!

The officer is an example of valor.

The radio broadcasts about those who defend their homeland.

A reward from the motherland is a joy to the heart.

From dawn to dawn, sailors are on watch.

The first thing in life is to serve the Motherland.

An order in battle is a holy law, dearer than life.

When the sun is warm, when the Motherland is good.

A bird in flight, a horse on the rise, a horseman in battle will be recognized.

Let the leader be in front, and support behind.

Disgrace before the motherland is worse than death.

Took an oath - show courage in battles.

The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad.

They will call - we will not push, we will serve our homeland.

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Homeland begins with the family.

After parting with a friend, they cry for seven years, parting with their homeland - all their lives.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

You will not find a homeland, like parents, in a foreign land.

The Russian fighter is a model for everyone.

There are no relatives, but a person yearns for his native side.

Own land and in a handful is sweet.

The glory of the batyr is in battle.

Be proud of your regiment, and distinguish yourself.

Death on the bed is inglorious, death in battle is honorable.

No matter how many people travel, they will return to their homeland.

Feel free to go into battle - the homeland is yours.

Bold start - the same victory.

Courage is half happiness.

The dog is looking for where it is more satisfying, and the person strives for his native places.

Learn courage from a scout, caution from a sapper.

The soldier's service ends - hardening remains.

That land is sweet, where the mother gave birth.

Only he will be honored who loves his homeland not in word, but in deed.

Hard in learning - easy in battle.

He wins who despises death.

A skilled fighter - well done everywhere.

A sharp-witted soldier also has a mitten - a grenade.

Please the commander with faithful service, not crooked friendship.

Someone else's food has a different taste.

A good shooter has a mark on every arrow.

A brave general does not have cowardly soldiers.

Good Moscow, but not at home.

A good horse rushes forward, a good fellow returns with glory.

The white fungus is good, and the soldier is skillful.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

Guard the honor of a soldier.

To serve honestly is to earn an order.

Sayings about the Motherland

Hold the battle lines firmly.

Wormwood does not grow without a root.

The fight is not dangerous if you are red with courage.

Every bird loves its nest.

There is nothing like leather.

What people you come to, you will put on such a hat.

Every pine makes noise to its forest.

I went to the army - I found my own family.

Silly is the bird that does not like its nest.

A hero is born in battle.

Where the border guard is vigilant, there is no lye for the enemy.

Woe in a strange side to the tongueless.

The goose misses its lake, the longing for the Motherland does not leave a man.

Where the timid Semyon is, there the enemy is strong.

Where friendship is valued, there the enemies tremble.

Formidable is the enemy behind the mountains, but more formidable - behind.

The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.

To Moscow - on tanks, and from Moscow - on sleds.

If in Russian it is tailored, and one warrior in the field.

If the commander is skillful, the enemy's legs are pulled up.

If the homeland is calm, your face will not turn yellow.

Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.

Over the sea it is warmer, but here it is lighter.

The native land is a golden cradle.

It's good to sing songs beyond the mountains, but it's better to live at home.

And a speck of native land is gold.

Go to your native land, there and under the tree - paradise.

The spark of the carcass before the fire, take away the trouble before the impact.

Who sells his homeland, that punishment will not pass.

Every bird likes its nest.

Whoever sells his country will not live for two days.

Who fled from the people will remain without burial.

If the bush were not nice, the nightingale would not make a nest.

No matter how you open the door, it returns to its threshold.

What Savva is, such is his glory.

Either the chest is in crosses, or the head is in the bushes.

The bird is small, but it also protects its nest.

In a foreign land and sweet - mustard, and in the homeland and horseradish - candy.

On the other side, the bones are crying for the Motherland.

On his street and a dog - a tiger.

The hero people will sweep away enemies from their native land.

Not for service, but for friendship.

On the native side, even the smoke is sweet.

On the native side and a pebble is familiar.

In a foreign land, the native land is dreaming in a dream.

In a foreign land, as if in a house.

There is no son without a Fatherland.

Enemies ran into Russian bayonets.

The other side will teach the hunchback.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

On the other side, and the spring is not red.

Do not renounce the Russian land, it will not renounce you either.

Russia has never worn a yoke.

He who lifts the sword will perish by the sword.

Went to war - forgot the club.

On the native side and the heart sings.

Native land is a paradise for the heart.

Native bush and hare roads.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

The Russian does not joke with a sword or a roll.

The Russian man brings bread and salt.

The Russian is patient to the very beginning.

Russia is heroic.

Motherland teaches, motherland and rescues.

Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

Beloved motherland - dear mother.

Our homeland is more beautiful than the sun.

The divided country will collapse, the united country will stand.

They protect their homeland with their heads.

Know the Russian commandment - do not yawn in battle.

From your native land - die, do not go!

His side strokes the fur, the other side is against it.

Your milk - to the child, your life - to the Motherland.

Your service is seen in your native land.

Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.

Serve the people in such a way that for them - both from fire and into water.

Courage is the companion of a horseman.

Cheek brings success.

Get your glory in battle.

The warmth of the Motherland of its fire is much hotter.

The mind of a horseman is like gold, the mind of a country is like a thousand gold pieces.

The people have one home - the Motherland.

Courage is the sister of victory.

The kingdom will be divided, soon ruined.

A foreign land will not add joy.

Foreign land does not believe in tears.

The foreign side dries without wind and chills without winter.

We don't want someone else's land, but we won't give up our own either.

I read these sayings and proverbs about serving the Motherland and was amazed! How much our ancestors, who composed these short phrases, loved their land! For someone it was a big city, and someone spoke like this about a small village in which he grew up. But for everyone it was his homeland! And if, after listening to these wonderful sayings, some child exclaims: “I love my Motherland!”, It means that our efforts were not in vain. And children can also read other useful proverbs and sayings that tell about high feelings.

  • Where to live, so be known.
  • In what people you live, keep that customs.
  • Whatever people you come to, you will put on such a hat.
  • Praise overseas (foreign side), and stay at home!
  • Glorious are the tambourines beyond the mountains, and they will come to us like a basket.
  • It's okay to listen to the buffoon on the guselka, and you yourself will begin to play - but not for us.
  • Do not take a distant praise, take a near hayanka!
  • You will believe in praise, you will fall into ohul.
  • The foreigner praises the foreign side, and we listen, lying on the floor.
  • Someone else's side lives in praise, but our haiko stands.
  • God bless and on his side.
  • Though not remotely (at home), so diligently.
  • Mila is that side (You will not forget that side) where the navel is cut (i.e., homeland).
  • Over the sea it is warmer, but here it is lighter (more fun).
  • Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.
  • Your own sadness is more precious than someone else's.
  • No need to go far, and it's good here. Why far, and it's good here.
  • Praises the other side (matchmaker), but she herself does not have a foot (and she herself does not have a foot to go there).
  • One matchmaker praises someone else's side (while she herself sits at home).
  • Afonyushka is bored on someone else's side.
  • Thin is the bird that soils its nest.
  • Silly is the bird that dislikes its nest.
  • About that cuckoo and cuckoo that there is no nest.
  • The cuckoo cuckoos, grieves for homelessness.
  • And the bones are crying in their homeland (according to legend, the howling of bones is heard in some graves).
  • I will go out on the path - tears flow; I remember my own - and sick of them.
  • From the native side, both the crow (and the dog) are cute.
  • And the people of Penza in Moscow recognized their crow.
  • On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.
  • And the bread on its side gets bored (that is, imported, spoils).
  • On the native side and a pebble is familiar.
  • Everyone has their own side. The beggar also loves his trash.
  • Own land and in a handful is sweet. Your land is your dust.
  • Wormwood does not grow without a root.
  • There is nothing like leather.
  • Your life is nicer.
  • What you do not know is not drawn there.
  • Millstones say: it is better in Kyiv, but the stupa says: what is here, what is there.
  • Don, Don, or rather a house. Paris is good, but Kurmysh also lives.
  • What is at home, such is on the Don.
  • At home, everything is arguable, but living in a stranger is worse.
  • On the other side, and the spring is not red. Our spring is red.
  • In a strange place in the forest. The other side is a dense forest.
  • In a foreign land, as if in a house (both lonely and dumb).
  • Woe to the tongueless in a foreign land.
  • Its burden does not pull, its smoke does not eat its eyes.
  • On the other side, even the falcon is called a crow.
  • A stranger is not for joy, for fun.
  • Side and not distant, but sad.
  • In a foreign land - and then God's gift (everything is God's gift).
  • On the other side and the old woman is God's gift.
  • Countryman, beat everyone in one bruise.
  • Once upon a time there was a fellow; I didn’t see fun in my village, I went out to a foreign land - wept.
  • The other side will teach the goryunu (and will torture and learn).
  • The other side is a thief (robber). Foreign land is not indulgent.
  • The other side will add mind. On the side, the sides will be pounded.
  • On the other side and the child is the enemy.
  • The other side is the stepmother. The foreign country does not stroke the wool.
  • The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.
  • His side strokes the fur, someone else's opposite.
  • In a foreign land, even a dog yearns. Foreign land does not believe in tears.
  • You can't keep a steppe horse in a stable.
  • And the horse rushes to his side, and the dog bites off and leaves.
  • There are no relatives, but on the native side, the heart aches.
  • Its side and the dog is sweet. And the dog knows its side.
  • Recently from the yard, and the louse was removed.
  • Erema, Erema! You should sit at home and sharpen the spindles.
  • Where the pine has grown, there it is red.
  • Every pine makes noise to its forest (it gives a message to its forest).
  • A pine tree stands far away, but blows its forest (noises, speaks).
  • Where someone is born, there it will come in handy.
  • What is born where is good there. What is born where, then it comes in handy.
  • Sit like honey sour! Sour, dough, on your kvass!
  • From your native (parental) land - die, do not go!
  • Sitting at home - nothing to sit out.
  • Under a lying stone and water does not flow.
  • In one place, even the stone is overgrown with moss.
  • The falcon does not sit in one place, and where it sees a bird, it flies there.
  • Where the fool's family is, here he has his own land.
  • Living in the village - not to see the fun.
  • Mushrooms grow in the village, and they are known in the city.
  • The city is the kingdom, and the village is paradise. Moscow is a kingdom, and our village is a paradise.
  • Good Moscow, but not at home. Our town is a corner of Moscow.
  • The city is intricate: every step is edible and drinkable.
  • God and the city - what a village (that is, not like her).
  • Without money in the city - his own enemy.
  • The city is good with houses, but bad with heads.
  • The village is large: four yards, eight streets.
  • Shumi, village: four yards, two gates, one chimney.
  • Shibel to death, with a gate in the corner (lives in a back street in the outback).
  • Houses, houses, exactly hare crowbars.
  • This village carried the devil in the back, but cracked in heaps.
  • Like the devil from the body sowed.
  • This village has been turned into a wedge. A village that let their stomachs down.
  • There is a village on a hill, and there is not a crust of bread in it.
  • From the village of Pomelova, from the village of Venikova.
  • Eroshka lives near the big path.
  • Now a hump, now a valley. Vertepizheny are incubated.
  • The village will not come out to everyone: the water is close, the forest is far away.
  • The forest is a cross to the village, and the treelessness is not pleasing to the estate.
  • Forests and lands are like milking a cow.
  • No rod, no foresters, no drum stick.
  • There is nowhere to cut the whips. There are lycoders, but there is nothing to fight with.
  • Such a goal that the guy has nothing to flog.
  • The steppe forest is no better. There is space in the steppe, land in the forest.
  • Until you visit someone else's roof, you won't know where it flows.
  • To visit someone else's house - to see in your rotten log.
  • And people live across the river.
  • And beyond the mountains are people.
  • Uncle Yegor came out from behind many mountains.
  • People are visiting, and the bread is imported (on melmits?).
  • People (At people) to look and show yourself.
  • And I turn around and look around.
  • People go to us - they call to visit us.
  • And the sandpiper knows the other side. And the crane is looking for warmth.
  • Farewell, mother Russia: I will reach for the warmth (says the crane on departure).
  • A goose flew to Russia - stay and fly away.
  • Goose from noon - a man from the stove; goose for half a day - a man on the stove.
  • A thief is a homebody sparrow, but people do not praise.
  • Geese flew across the sea, and not swans flew in (they flew no worse).
  • Wherever to live, but to serve one king.
  • I will go to the place where they grind rye about me. Where do the eyes look?
  • Alone - where there is bread, there is a corner. Lonely - everywhere the house.
  • In their own land, no one is a prophet (has not been).
  • Wherever you live, just to be full.
  • Though in the Horde, but in goodness (if only in goodness).
  • Look for good on the side, and love the house in the old days.
  • Poll on the side, and bread at home (look).

Keepers of fairy tales | Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people

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