What is profitable to pack. Business idea: the organization of a packaging shop is a profitable step towards a full cycle

Until a few years ago, packaging was handled by food farmers themselves, but recently more and more companies are choosing packaging as an independent business.

In Kyiv, packaging in a kilogram bag made of transparent polypropylene with a paper label costs from 5 kopecks. per piece, packaging in colored polypropylene - 11-15 kopecks. On the periphery, the price of packaging in a kilogram bag of colored polypropylene can reach 20 kopecks.

What you need to know when opening your shop

Engaging in product packaging as a separate type of business is not always expedient and profitable. Packaging services are offered mainly by companies engaged in the wholesale purchase of products, or manufacturers of any product.

Manufacturers often remove filling divisions from the main production chain, registering packaging with a separate small enterprise in order to take orders for third-party packaging.

Beginning entrepreneurs should know that the packaging will have the identification marks of the packaging company (and these are the requirements of the Law), and the packer will be responsible for the quality and the presence of bugs and other foreign objects.

Therefore, large firms that have their own trademark eventually acquire their own biologists (quarantine inspectors).

So, a novice packer should know what he needs:

2. Have an official document on the packaging film.

3. Have a UkrCSM certificate for equipment, which will confirm that the units are made in accordance with all GOSTs and OSTs.

In order to engage in the sale of the finished product in addition to packaging, it is necessary to obtain a license for the wholesale trade of bulk products in the district administration and register as a legal entity and as a private entrepreneur in the tax administration.

Economic efficiency of operation of a semi-automatic machine for packaging and packaging of bulk products

Initial one-time costs

Initial one-time costs, UAH Indicator Option 1 Option 2

Production costs

Production costs, UAH Salary (1 shift - 2 people) Salary tax Electricity Renting a 25 m? Depreciation for 36 months Overhead (200% of salary)

Cost price

Cost, UAH Cost of 1 package, including VAT Cost of all products manufactured in a month, excluding VAT

According to the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 8 (8-97-p) dated 11.01.97 No. 11 (11-97-p) dated 11.01.97), the product must have on the labels (packaging) information about:

the general name of the food product;

mass (volume)

composition, including a list of the use of other food products, food additives and dyes, etc.;


date of manufacture;

expiration date and storage conditions;

name and address of the manufacturer.

Law of Ukraine "On the quality and safety of food products and food raw materials"

According to this law, it is prohibited to sell, domestic and import to Ukraine imported food products without labeling in the state language of Ukraine, containing in an accessible form for the consumer to understand information about:

1.general name of the food product;

2. the nominal quantity of the food product in the established units of measurement (mass, volume, etc.);

3. the composition of the food product, if it is made from several components, indicating the list of names used in the manufacturing process of other food products, food additives, dyes, other chemicals or compounds;

4.energy value (for food products that have it);

5.date of manufacture;

6. expiry date or expiry date and use;

7. storage conditions;

8.designation of a normative document for food products of domestic production;

9. name and address of the manufacturer and place of manufacture;

10. terms of use (if any);

11. percentage of extraneous synthetic (artificial) impurities;

12. a warning regarding the use of food by children, if it is not children's food, and there are grounds for such a warning;

13. other information provided for by the regulatory documents in force in Ukraine, the effect of which applies to a particular food product.

...In the labeling of domestic and imported food products, it is prohibited to provide information about their medicinal properties without permission from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

In the labeling of food products, specific symbols approved in the established manner should be used, which designate therapeutic, dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic, biologically active food products, baby food, for athletes, as well as environmentally friendly food products.

Labeling of food products with bar codes is carried out in the manner determined by the Cabinet of the Ministry of Ukraine.

Packing materials: polyethylene, polypropylene films

The purpose of the packaging is to prevent the product from drying out, absorbing atmospheric moisture, foreign odors, volatilization of aromatic substances, biological pollution (development of mold, fungi, microorganisms, insects, rodents). The packaging material itself should not collapse and decompose under the influence of cold, heat, light and should not interact with the product, change its taste, smell, color, cause the material to migrate into the product and vice versa.

Food products are usually packed in polyethylene, polypropylene films, as well as combined materials with interlayer printing (polyethylene/polypropylene, polypropylene/polypropylene). From 1 kg of film, up to 280 bags are obtained for packing a kilogram of bulk products.

Features and differences of packaging materials

It is cheaper and easier for entrepreneurs to work with polyethylene - equipment is cheaper by $300-500, but in 80% of cases the buyer chooses one packed in polypropylene.

The choice of packaging material depends not only on the cost of equipment and raw materials, but also on the characteristics of the product itself. For example, flour before packaging may have a moisture content of 12-16%, and if it is hidden in a polymer film, then within a week the product will simply become moldy.

When purchasing a film, an entrepreneur must demand from the seller a document with the original title “Hygienic Visnovok of the State Sanitary and Hygienic Expertise for Vitchiznyanu Products”, which assures that such and such a film meets the requirements of SanPiN 42-123-4240-86 “Sanitary rules and norms . Permissible amounts of migration of chemicals released from polymeric materials in contact with food.” Also, for each batch of goods, the so-called “Quality Passport” is also given.

Ukraine almost completely provides itself with polyethylene films, 90% - with modern polypropylene films.

The leading film producers in Ukraine are the Kyiv Polymeric Materials Plant, the Blitz-Flex soft packaging plant. The cost of polypropylene films of the UP brand (with a double-sided heat-sealing layer) 30 microns thick at the factory is 7.7 UAH. for 1 kg without printing and 18.4 UAH. per 1 kg with print; 35 microns thick - 7.4 UAH. and 17.2 UAH; 40 microns thick - 7 UAH. and 15.9 UAH. respectively.

Duplex (two-layer polypropylene film with a thickness of each layer of 20 microns) costs 16.2 UAH. for 1 kg without printing and 24.8 for 1 kg - with printing (prices do not include VAT).

Packaging design

In terms of design, packaging requirements can be roughly divided into three groups:

main (utility) - ensuring the fulfillment of production requirements, as well as the conditions for protecting products, the environment and delivering products to the consumer;

aesthetic - associated with the harmonization of utilitarian and aesthetic needs, the creation of beautiful, attractive and functional products.

To be commercially successful, packaging design must:

maintaining the reputation (image) of the company and the trademark of the goods;

compliance with the methods of selling goods and stimulating purchases;

simplicity, clarity and attractiveness of design;

cost-effectiveness for manufacturing and an acceptable price for the buyer.

The design of the packaging (its size, shape) must correspond to the methods of displaying the goods, provide free access to it for the buyer, and easy reading of information. For consumer goods, packaging should be simple, neutral, harmonious, balanced.

It is not necessary to increase the cost of packing consumer goods (flour, sugar, pasta) using expensive, multi-color (6-8 color) printing, metallization, embossing.

For portioned (single) packaging, the mass of the product is determined from the dose of its single consumption. The larger consumer package must hold the amount of product needed by the average family of three in half the product's shelf life.

The text placed on the packaging should provide the necessary information about the product, its properties, application features, storage. This information is regulated by the regulatory documentation for the products.

Font sizes depend on the possibilities of printing design, the amount of information placed on the package, and the size of the package.

For packaging weighing up to 50 g, fonts up to 6 size inclusive are used; weighing 50-200 g - up to 8 pins; weighing 200-1000 g - up to 10 pins; over 1000 g - up to 12 pins.

Premises and staff

To organize a packaging workshop, a room with an area of ​​​​about 100 sq.m will be required, of which 15-20 m is allocated for a workshop where the main equipment will be installed, 40-60 m for a warehouse, 5 m for a sanitary zone - a toilet and a washbasin.

According to sanitary requirements, the walls of the workshop must be painted with water-based paint to a height of 1.8 m, and a good ventilation system should be installed. Warehouses should be equipped with a ventilation system, a temperature controller and protection against rodents.

In addition, the equipment must comply with all fire service regulations. All electrical wiring and water and gas pipes must be enclosed in metal casings.

After purchasing the equipment, it is imperative to call a specialist from the Ukrainian Center for Standardization and Metrology, in which experimental packaging is done, and who will issue a “certificate certificate” for the operation of the units. Such a conclusion costs at least 350 UAH.

If the workshop is equipped with semi-automatic equipment, then one person will be needed for its maintenance, moreover, without special education. You can fully learn how to work on the unit in 5-7 days.

If the unit is not equipped with a conveyor, then for its maintenance a loader will also be required, who will substitute empty and carry away full, with ready-made packages, boxes. The salary of the operator and loader can be 300-400 UAH. per month. The main requirement for packing shop workers is the presence of a sanitary book.

If you value the brand

According to experts, packaging production is considered highly profitable if this business is not conducted as an independent business, but as an accompanying production or trade. The purchase of quality raw materials and quality packaging is associated with high costs, but ultimately affects the strengthening of the company's image and its position in the market.

According to the materials of the project Workshop of your own business

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated information

Profitability calculator for this business

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Cereals are essential products, the demand for which will always be high. Therefore, the packaging of cereals as a business is a profitable and in demand business. Moreover, the filling and packing equipment used is suitable for filling other bulk products.

Decide on an assortment

Different types of cereals will require specific packaging equipment. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the assortment of goods. It is best to purchase equipment for packaging 3-4 types of cereals, which are the most in demand on the market. In this case, you will insure your business against possible crop failure and production downtime.

The most purchased on the market are the following types of cereals:

  • millet;
  • buckwheat;
  • oats;
  • barley;
  • rye;
  • corn;
  • millet.

As a prospect for business development, one can outline the packaging of quick-cooking cereals in both large and portioned packages.

Packaging technology

Packing bulk products involves several stages of processing. At the first stage, the grain is cleaned in order to remove foreign objects from the general mixture, as well as small, defective grains.

If your packaging business is focused on corn, peas, buckwheat, oats, then the second stage will be the hydrothermal processing of cereals. In this case, the grains are sequentially steamed, dried, and then cooled. So the grain film softens, its shelf life, nutritional value and strength increase.

After that comes the peeling of cereals - the separation of non-digestible parts from the core. Wheat, barley, peas, rice must undergo grinding and polishing after this procedure. Thus, the taste qualities of grain are improved, the time of its preparation is reduced.

The next stage is the cleaning of cereals from possible impurities and sorting in accordance with the specified sizes. Only after that, direct packaging is carried out in bags of 0.5 or 1 kg, or bags of 50 or 70 kg. The largest percentage of the output is peas - 73%, the smallest - corn and pearl barley - 40%. On average, the yield will be 63-66%.

If your business involves, among other things, the manufacture of quick-cooking cereals, grains must be subjected to additional processing. For this, the following options for the production process are provided:

  • extrusion in screw presses;
  • micronization (treatment with infrared rays);
  • additional hydrothermal treatment with flattening.

Business premises

According to the most conservative estimates, the business will require at least 100 sq. m. and two workers. In this case, the premises should be zoned for:

  • packing shop (15-20 m²);
  • warehouse (40-60 m²);
  • bathroom (5 m²).

In the workshop where the packaging equipment is installed, the walls are painted with water-based paint to a height of 1.8 m, and a powerful hood is installed. In addition, the premises must be protected from rodents.

Due to the high dust content, the room is classified as a fire hazard, so special attention should be paid to fire safety. All gas and water pipes, as well as electrical wiring, are closed with special casings.

Production requirements

Packaging for bulk products must comply with GOST 26791-89. In accordance with it, packaging for bulk products can be made of polyethylene or other paper-based materials with a polymer coating. Packing for bulk products from boxed cardboard is also allowed.

For transportation, plywood or plank boxes are used, as well as corrugated cardboard boxes. Logistics is carried out by any type of transport, but only in closed form.

You can store oatmeal for up to 8 months, millet - up to 7, corn - up to 9, buckwheat - up to 10, barley - up to 13.


To open a cereal packaging business, you will need more than one machine. At a minimum, you will need to buy:

  • a machine for peeling grain and removing shells - 100-250 thousand rubles;
  • grinding machine - 140 thousand rubles;
  • a sifter that will separate the grain into fractions - 12 thousand rubles. and higher;
  • a machine for cleaning grain from small impurities (aspirator) - 75 thousand rubles;
  • thermal packaging machine - 40-200 thousand rubles;
  • packaging sealing machine - 18-65 thousand rubles.

You can buy equipment in parts, or you can immediately purchase a mini-workshop or a production line. They can work with several types of cereals and have a capacity of approximately 3.0-4.5 tons per day.

Payback calculation

The purchase price of cereals depends on the type of grain. On average, the following prices have been established in the market (thousand rubles/ton):

  • millet - 5;
  • corn - 6-8.5;
  • buckwheat - 12;
  • peas - 6.5-10;
  • barley - 7-10;
  • rye - 3.5-6;
  • wheat 4-10.

At retail, the main cereals can be sold at the following prices:

  • corn - 14 rubles / kg;
  • rice - 19-25 rubles / kg;
  • buckwheat - 20-25 rubles / kg;
  • peas - 15 rubles / kg;
  • wheat - 13 rubles / kg.

Calculating how much a business will cost is easy. If, in addition to the indicated costs for equipment and the purchase of grain, we take into account the costs of salaries for several employees, utilities, then the total investment in the business will amount to 2 million rubles. Every month the enterprise will bring about 50-60 thousand rubles. That is, investments will return on average in 2.5 years.

Quality control

For your enterprise to be successful, it is important to control the quality of grain at all stages of production - from purchase to final packaging. It is advisable to equip your own laboratory for this with appropriate measuring instruments. The evaluation process should be based on the following criteria:

  • the so-called digestibility coefficient, which is determined by the ratio of the finished porridge to the initial grain volume;
  • cooking time;
  • structure, taste and color of the finished porridge;
  • the number of non-shelled grains, broken kernels, various impurities;
  • humidity (norm - 12-15.5%);
  • taste, aroma, color.

Sales issues

A significant part of business success depends not only on the quality of the products offered, but also on a competent marketing policy. You can sell packaged cereals in the following ways:

  • participate in various tenders for the supply of packaged grain;
  • sell to wholesalers or dealers;
  • arrange delivery to retail chains.

In the future, it is possible to expand production by adjusting the packaging of flour, sugar, seeds, nuts.

Packing of bulk products - features and ways of doing business + assortment and requirements for packaging + 5 steps to start a business + economic calculations.

Capital investments: 1,055,000 rubles.
Payback period: 8-9 months.

Cereals are essential food.

Before being on the shelves of stores, they go a long way - sowing and harvesting, transporting it to a processing plant, packing and packing, purchasing by stores and finally selling to the end consumer.

Such a number of stages is due to the fact that there are fewer and fewer enterprises with a full production cycle.

Increasingly, entrepreneurs prefer to engage in one direction.

This saves costs and increases profits, moreover, it requires knowledge in only one technological process, and not in several.

And in the chain of the above example, an important place is occupied by packaging of bulk products, which, among other things, is .

In addition, you can deal not only with the packaging of cereals, but also seeds, nuts, tea.

And we will talk about this in our article.

Features of running a business for packing bulk products

The relevance and relevance of the bulk products packaging business is due to the fact that few agricultural producers are ready to install additional equipment and hire additional workers.

In addition, the seasonality of work does not allow you to incur unnecessary expenses for something that should work all year round.

It is easier for such enterprises to sell their goods in a “naked” form or order packaging from other enterprises.

The main features of such a business:

  • Constant supplies of raw materials are provided by a large number of manufacturers who do not have their own packaging equipment.
  • In every settlement there are grocery or supermarkets that sell cereals, tea, seeds.

    They are wholesale buyers of already packaged and packaged goods.

  • The technological process is quite simple and understandable, besides, at first you can work on inexpensive semi-automated equipment.

Ways to implement a business for packing bulk products

If you really decide to open a bulk products packaging company, you should know that there are 2 business schemes:

    Work on the order of agricultural producers.

    In this case, an agreement will be concluded with you that your company provides packaging services for manufacturers' products.

    At the same time, the customer company sets its own requirements for packaging and its design.

    The contract also specifies the terms of delivery and fulfillment of orders, as well as the cost of packaging.

    The packer is required to purchase only the packaging material and charge for the work from the manufacturer of bulk products.

    Purchase of wholesale lots of bulk products and their independent implementation.

    This method is much more expensive than the first, because you will have to lay out large sums for the purchase of the products themselves.

    In addition, you will need a large warehouse where not only packaged goods will be stored, but also unpacked.

    Choosing this way of doing business, it is necessary to analyze the market, because in fact the packer will have to deal with the sale of goods, which entails additional costs and risks.

Assortment of bulk products and types of packaging

When deciding to start packing and packaging, you need to decide on the range of products.

This includes raw materials in the form of:

  • powder - sugar, salt, soda, flour, cocoa, coffee, ground spices;
  • fine grain - buckwheat, rice, peas, barley;
  • coarse grains - beans, seeds, coffee grains, nuts;
  • flakes - oatmeal, muesli, breakfast cereals, chips.

To decide on the packaging equipment, you need to choose the packaging you want to work with.

According to GOST 26791-89, bulk products can be stored in paper, cardboard, polyethylene packaging, as well as those that are covered with a polymer coating.

Packaging for further transportation of finished goods can be presented in the form of corrugated cardboard, plywood or plank boxes.

If you chose the second way, that is, the wholesale purchase of products and its independent sale, then you must take care of the quality and appearance of the packaging yourself, because it will be your face.

The packaging itself should be inexpensive, reliable, attractive and easy to transport.

It is also necessary to take care of the labeling, which should contain the following information:

  • Name of product;
  • trademark and manufacturer's name;
  • product weight;
  • date of issue and packaging;
  • terms and conditions of storage with the obligatory note "store in a dry place";
  • cooking method;
  • food and energy value of the product.

Requirements for the shelf life of bulk products

The packaging of bulk products is subject to strict requirements that relate to the premises (which we will discuss below) and the shelf life of the products themselves.

So, according to GOST, bulk products can be stored for the following periods:

Bulk products packaging technology

The production process for packing bulk products consists of several stages:

  1. Cleaning of foreign particles.
  2. If necessary, hydraulic processing - buckwheat, pea, corn grits:
    • steaming;
    • drying;
    • cooling.
  3. Peeling of cereals and their grinding or steaming.
  4. Purification of impurities.
  5. Sorting.
  6. Packing and packing in packages.

The last step can be done in two ways:

    through manual labor- not suitable for packaging large quantities of products, as it does not require the purchase of special packaging equipment.

    This method can be carried out at home;

    with the help of equipment- suitable for working with large quantities of goods.

    For its implementation, you need to purchase special machines.

    This will increase investment in the business, but it will be possible to work with large manufacturers, which will quickly recoup the investment.

How to open a bulk packaging business?

Packing of bulk products- this is a fairly simple business, but there are separate requirements for it that must be met in order to open a workshop.

Therefore, at the first stage, you will need to obtain the necessary permits and equip the premises in accordance with the standards of the sanitary and epidemiological station. Then equipment is purchased and production and administrative staff are hired.

Finding suppliers and marketing will depend on which way of doing business you choose.

Let's consider these steps in more detail.

1. Obtaining permits.

The business in question involves working with food products, therefore, strict requirements are put forward for its organization.

To do this, you need to collect and prepare the following documents:

DocumentDescription and purpose
Registration documentsIn order to carry out activities legally, it is necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, as well as to be registered with the tax authorities.
Phytosanitary certificateThis certificate is provided by manufacturers of bulk products and confirms that it does not contain harmful and foreign impurities.
Declaration of ConformityThe document is also provided by product suppliers, and it confirms that it is manufactured in accordance with all standards.
Conclusion of the Center for Standardization and Metrology on the equipment usedPurchased equipment must comply with GOST standards.
Bulk products wholesale licenseThis document must be obtained if it was decided to purchase raw materials from suppliers, and then sell the packaged products on an independent basis.

2. Search for premises for the workshop.

In addition to obtaining the necessary permits and complying with GOST for packaging, labeling and transportation of finished products, it is also necessary to arrange equipment for the premises.

Due to the fact that work with food products will be carried out in the workshop, the following requirements are imposed on the premises:

  • minimum area - 100 sq. m., of which 20 sq. m., for warehouses for shipped and finished products - 40-60 sq. m., utility rooms and bathrooms - 10-15 sq.m.;
  • walls up to a level of 1.8 m are painted with water-based paint;
  • availability of communications - electricity, water supply, sewerage, heating;
  • the presence of powerful supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • protection against insects and rodents;
  • compliance with fire safety standards.

For production, you can find premises on the outskirts or outside the city.

It is better to immediately look for a workshop that meets the described standards.

It may just need to paint the walls.

But if there is no suitable option, then you will have to carry out communications and install ventilation yourself.

3. Equipment for packing bulk products.

Interesting fact:
Dishes from barley groats belong to traditional Russian cuisine; porridges and soups were prepared from it in Russia. Especially popular were nutritious "thick cabbage soup" - cabbage soup seasoned with pearl barley. On barley porridge, from which pearl barley is made, Russian heroes grew up, it gave them physical strength and endurance.

The most important point in is packing equipment for bulk products.

His choice is influenced not only by the price, power and automation system, but also by the types of products.

The basic equipment for packing bulk products has the following components:

The packaging equipment itself can be of the following types:

  • semi-automatic or fully automatic;
  • with volume or weight dispenser;
  • with horizontal or vertical production line mechanism.

In order not to assemble equipment in parts, you can purchase a ready-made production line with a mixed type dispenser, which will allow you to work with different types of products.

In addition, it will be additionally equipped with a display, printer and other sensors.

The cost of such a line will be about 1.5-2.5 million rubles.

4. Recruitment.

You can't do without recruiting in such a business.

The staff should have the following positions:

Job titleQtySalary, rub.FOT, rub.
Total:9 120 000 rub.
Production personnel
Production workers2 15 000 30 000
Equipment Maintenance Technician1 17 000 17 000
movers2 12 000 24 000
Storekeeper1 15 000 15 000
Administrative staff
Accountant1 17 000 17 000
Supply and sales manager1 17 000 17 000

Important: all employees who have access to the workshop must have sanitary books.

5. Search for sales channels for finished products.

If bulk purchases of bulk products are made, then after their packing and packaging, the finished goods will have to be sold independently.

In this case, you can offer your product:

  • wholesale bases;
  • retail stores and supermarkets.
  • site with a full range of products;
  • posting ads on thematic forums and city sites;
  • participation in specialized exhibitions.

Investment in bulk products packaging business

It is impossible to name a specific amount of investment in opening a business for packing bulk products.

The main cost item will be the purchase of equipment, the cost of which may vary depending on the configuration and types of products.

But the approximate costs will look like this:

Item of expensesAmount, rub.
Total:RUB 1,055,000
Registration and Permits20 000
Premises for rent30 000
Indoor repair15 000
Purchase of equipmentfrom 940 000
Advertising40 000
other expenses10 000

In order for the business to function normally, it is necessary to invest monthly in the purchase of raw materials and consumables, payment of utility bills and wages to employees, as well as the use of advertising tools.

In the video below you will see the process of packaging cereals on specialized equipment:

Business payback calculation

Imagine that the company will work on the principles of purchasing bulk lots of bulk products:

And if you buy 3 tons of each product and immediately sell them, then the revenue will be 615,000 rubles.

Then the profit will be equal to 130,000 rubles, and the payback period will be 8-9 months, which is quite good for such an amount of investment.

With an increase in sales volumes, it is possible to reach a higher income and expand the workshop.

In this way, packaging of bulk products This is a fairly simple yet profitable business.

With an increase in the number of products sold, a profitability of 40% can be achieved.

The advantage of a business is the ability to choose how it works.

For example, you can simply find regular customers who are interested in packaging their goods.

And if you don’t want to depend on anyone, then you can independently purchase goods, pack and sell them.

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Now in any store and even a small kiosk, the goods are packed everywhere, more often by the manufacturer, but sometimes by the sellers themselves. In large stores, there are corresponding small workshops for packing, for example, bulk goods, sweets and other sweets. A packaged product looks better and costs more, especially if the packaging is colorful. Our people are used to paying for unnecessary beautiful packaging.

In some stores, sellers themselves pack, for example, sweets. The saleswoman weighs on electronic scales, a sticker with a barcode comes out, in principle, it is also an option, but not for every store. It is not suitable for small shops.

The packing bases have special equipment and areas for quick packing. But they don't have that much variety. Wholesale warehouses selling products have a large assortment, but as a rule they sell non-packaged goods or a packaged manufacturer. Sugar in bags, sweets in boxes, etc. are sold there.

Small shops and kiosks cannot afford a large assortment of bulk goods, for example, you cannot buy each type of candy in a box, as they will sell for a long time and the fact that they will be sold before the expiration date. And buyers want a large assortment and the ability to buy goods not in kilograms, but in smaller packages. For small entrepreneurs, a problem arises, it is impossible to provide a wide range, as a result of the outflow of buyers.

Do you feel there is a niche for business in product packaging? We collect applications from small traders, buy goods in bulk and pack them in the quantity and volume they need.
How the mechanism of this business idea works. You need to buy a product at a wholesale price that you can package and pack in small packages.

You will also need an agreement with retail chains that will sell your product. Also, in addition to packaging your own product, you can provide similar services for small supermarkets that want to have products with their brand logo.
It is best to pack seeds or peanuts. Although their cost is not great, they sell out very quickly in retail. You will be able to earn money steadily. You can also pack cereals or sugar, but then you will have to buy a larger machine and it will cost a little more. But still, there are advantages to this business. This machine can only be operated by one person.

How to start your packaging business?

Packing is of two types, manual, which we have already described above, it is long and unproductive. But for a start, he can also come up, do not immediately purchase equipment for the second method, automated, suddenly the business does not work.

At first, it is wiser to start with hand-packing, make connections, earn some money. Understand what this business can bring. And then you can already open an automatic packaging shop. You can pack any product, both bulk and all kinds of cookies, sweets, etc. It is necessary to establish a chain: wholesale depots - small shops and kiosks. And to make an extra charge for packaging of 1 ruble, then the dirty profit will be up to 300,000 rubles per month, that is how many bags can be packaged on this machine.

Of course, you should not expect such volumes right away, you need to start, as we wrote above, with manual packaging, because you may not find so many small outlets who want to buy packaged goods. Then you will spend only on electronic scales, a table and renting a room. The most difficult thing here is to establish ties with small entrepreneurs, you will have to run around, hold a whole series of negotiations, and interest them. You can attract them with goods for sale, agree on a deferred payment.

Finally, a few tips.

1) The so-called "standing" packaging is better than the "lying" one. In stores, when the buyer takes it, the same one will be visible behind it, and as a rule, when the packaged goods are lying, the buyer no longer sees the product.

2) With a small packaging, the profit is greater.

Take for example a bag of coffee with cream 3 in 1. Its cost is 7 rubles. What does it contain? The lowest quality cocoa, milk powder and sugar. There are instances that you don’t want to drink. Yes, milk curdles in boiling water. However, these bags are in great demand, especially in canteens. Let's decompose the material component of one bag, consisting of quality products. So, the weight of one bag is 20 grams. Now let's consider what we put in a glass of coffee for breakfast: 1 teaspoon of instant coffee weighs 10 grams, 1 teaspoon of powdered milk weighs 12 grams, granulated sugar - 10 grams. For many, one spoonful is clearly not enough, and most put at least two, as evidenced by a very sweet 3 in 1 coffee drink. What happens? Our 3 in 1 sachet should weigh 42 grams. This means that manufacturers save on coffee and milk, replacing them with ordinary sugar. Thus, for 1 sachet of a 3 in 1 drink, 5 gr. coffee, 5 gr. dry milk and 10 gr. granulated sugar. At the wholesale base, a 100 gram jar of Nescafe classic coffee can be bought for 65 rubles, 250 grams of powdered milk costs 20 rubles, 1 kg of sugar costs 28 rubles. Roughly 1 kg. coffee costs 650 rubles, 1 kg. powdered milk - 140 rubles, 1 kg of sugar - 28 rubles. Thus, observing the proportions and taking 1 kg. coffee, 1 kg. powdered milk, 2 kg of sugar and having spent 846 rubles on the components of the drink, we will get 200 bags of 20 grams with a total cost of 1400 rubles. The difference is 554 rubles. If we take into account that the components from the manufacturer are 10-15% lower than in retail, the cost of components can decrease by another 10%, i.e. roughly 85 rubles, and then the difference in price will already be 639 rubles. Sorry, this is almost 100% profit when using quality ingredients that none of the manufacturers put in existing drinks.

The most important thing left is to find an acceptable "cheap" way to package the resulting drink. This is where innovation or know-how is required. By minimizing these costs, you can get a very good profitability. But the existing packaging equipment is not affordable for a novice businessman, and such turnovers will not be required, since for a home business a net income of 50-70 thousand rubles is considered very good, and this is only 200,000 bags per month with a total weight of 400 kg. What a trifle, pack 8 bags of sugar for 30 days and get 50,000 rubles for it. Only 14 kg will have to be packaged per day. Even if half of this amount is spent on packaging and transportation, 1 thousand dollars a month is not a very bad income.

3) The thicker and more beautiful the packaging material, the more premium the product seems in the eyes of the buyer.

There are a number of business ideas that allow you to constantly make a profit and offer products that are interesting to the target audience. One of the most popular activities in this regard is the packaging business. It is he who will never lose its relevance, and regardless of the type of packaging that you produce, your income will always be stable..

What to build a business on?

The most profitable is the production of plastic packaging, which is required by about 1/3 of the market participants. Also, the production of packaging from cardboard (paper) will be quite profitable. And, of course, you can produce blister packs that can contain almost everything - from small parts for appliances to children's toys. When opening a packaging business, choose the most promising direction by studying:

  • which industries are best developed in your region
  • who needs regular supplies of packaging the most
  • which products sell best and are in constant demand

After that, you can start working on organizing your own enterprise. First of all, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur and choose the appropriate taxation system. Then you can take care of the selection of premises. You need a facility large enough to fit the entire line of equipment. It can be a large production workshop, the basement of a building or a large garage (hangar). The main requirements for the premises are:

  1. Its area should not be less than 300 square meters. m (if you produce plastic packaging) or 100 sq. m (if you are focused on the production of a blister)
  2. The building should be located away from residential areas (production is considered harmful)
  3. The workshop must be equipped with good exhaust ventilation.

Another important nuance that distinguishes the packaging business is the availability of professional staff. In this field of activity, one cannot do without qualified employees who know all the formats of the packaging produced and know how to use the equipment for its production. To get started, it will be enough for you to hire at least one such employee, but remember: he must be offered a decent salary.

How to organize work?

Before opening a packaging business, study its specifics. Speed ​​is very important in your work - the faster you produce the container ordered from you, the more actively it is sold and the more customers you will have. At the first stage of your activity, the most important work is carried out: you make molds (it is advisable to do this with the participation of designers and designers who can develop a packaging model and agree it with the customer). This stage lasts 3-5 months. At the same time, it is advisable to start a business with ready-made packaging solutions - this way you can quickly find customers, and you will always have something to offer them. If you immediately identified the industry with which you will cooperate, develop 10-15 ready-made solutions so that you can win different customers. The second step is to consider possible bonuses and promotions for customers. In particular, you can offer the application of the logo on the packaging or the production of labels. For these purposes, you will need to invite at least one designer to the staff who will do this work. The third step is the opening of the production line and the beginning of the execution of incoming orders.

Is it profitable to open a packaging business?

The total amount of investments that you will need to allocate for your activities is 150-200 thousand dollars. You will need to pay:

  1. 100 thousand dollars (minimum) - for the purchase of a complete set of equipment: injection molding machine, industrial refrigerator, compressor (European equipment is considered the most expensive on the market, so if you want to save money, choose South Korean or Chinese, but the quality of such equipment can seriously "")
  2. 10-20 thousand dollars - for renting a suitable room
  3. 20 thousand dollars - so much will be spent on the wages of your employees, rent of premises and other organizational issues
  4. 6-8 thousand dollars - for the development of molds

The profitability of your activity will depend on three components:

  1. Circulation of packaging that you will order
  2. Cost of molds for containers
  3. The cost of raw materials for its production

The latter is especially important - if you decide to produce blister packaging for medical products, be prepared to purchase only high-quality and expensive raw materials. Otherwise, almost half of the products will go to waste. If we talk about the profitability of the business, then with a successful organization, your activity will pay off in 2-4 years. If you produce enough expensive containers, the packaging business will start to bring you profit faster. However, if you're targeting low-cost packaging, be prepared for longer payback periods, and you're sure to achieve optimal net returns.

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