What is the inner world of man. OGE: arguments for the essay “What is the inner world of a person

Every thinking person has his own inner world. For some, he is bright and rich, rich, as psychologists say, "a person with a fine mental organization." Some, on the contrary, have a small room filled with phobias and imposed stereotypes. Everyone is different, unique, and therefore the world inside is different. How to understand this diversity, who is who?

What is the inner world of man?

Some call it the soul, but this is not entirely true: the soul is unchanged, and the attitude to the world that leads a person through life can change.

A set of internal qualities of character, way of thinking, moral principles and life position, together with stereotypes, fears - this is what the inner world is. He is multifaceted. This is a worldview, a mental component of a person, which is the fruit of his spiritual work.

The structure of the inner world

The subtle mental organization of a person consists of several segments:

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the inner world is such a clear structure, an information matrix as the basis of a human being. Together with the soul and the physical body, they form a person as an individual.

Some people have a very developed emotional sphere: they subtly feel what is happening and notice the smallest changes in the emotions of others. Others have extremely developed thinking: they can do the most complex mathematical equations and logical problems, but if at the same time they are poor on a sensual plane, then they cannot love from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, it is important if a person wants to reveal the potential inherent in everyone and expand his inner world to unprecedented horizons, in parallel to develop all segments of his being.

What does a rich inner world mean?

This term means that a person lives in harmony with himself and the outside world: people, nature. He lives consciously, and does not go with the flow artificially created by society.

This person knows how to create a happy space around him, thus changing the outside world. The feeling of contentment with life, despite all the ups and downs, does not leave him. Such a person daily tries to become better than he was yesterday, consciously developing in all areas of his inner world.

Principle and worldview - is it the same thing?

Principles are template subjective attitudes of the mind to the situation, people and the world, which often govern a person. They are individual for everyone, are formed in the process of education and are laid deep into the subconscious by life experience.

The worldview has no patterns - it is flexible, but at the same time stable, like bamboo: it can bend a lot, but it will take a lot of effort to break it. These are moral values, priorities in choosing a life path and ideas about what life should be like.

What is the difference between the outer and inner world of a person?

What is the outside world? This is the space surrounding a person: houses, nature, people and cars, sun and wind. This also includes social relationships and interaction with nature. The organs of knowledge - vision, tactile sensations and smell - also belong to the external world. And the way we react to them, experiencing various emotions, feelings - this is already a manifestation of the inner world.

At the same time, the inner world of a person is able to influence the outer one: if a person is satisfied with life, then his affairs are arguing, work is a pleasure, and positive people surround him. If inside a person is irritated or angry, condemns everyone and everything, then nothing happens in everyday life, failures haunt him. Phobias and complexes have a destructive effect on the inner world: they distort the perception of the world and people.

Everything that happens to a person in life is a reflection of his inner state, and if there is a desire to change the world around him, then you need to start with yourself - with the transformation of the inner space.

How to develop your inner world?

What is so unusual that needs to be done in order for the spiritual world to begin to change? To actually do quite ordinary things:

  1. Proper nutrition. Often the food that people eat poisons not only their body, but also their minds. A person with a fine mental organization will never allow himself to eat another creature, so vegetarianism is the first step.
  2. Walk outdoors. This also includes travel to other cities or countries, hiking and just trips out of town or to the sea. With only one difference - these are not gastronomic tours: eat barbecue, drink beer with friends, try all the pizzas in the new city. The connection with nature is important: lie down on the grass, admire the sunset or sunrise, watch the animals.
  3. Meditation is one of the most powerful development tools. Just don't confuse this process with sitting with your eyes closed and legs crossed, waiting for class time to be over. Meditation is introspection, a way inward: a person plunges into observation of his emotions, thoughts or just breathing (in the early stages of mastering his mind).
  4. Reading spiritual books. This does not mean that you need to read the "Bible" or "Bhagavad-Gita", each book has its time, and "Pollyanna" or "The Little Prince" are the same highly moral creations.
  5. The ability to be grateful to everything that surrounds, everything that happens. Even if it goes against the plans. The universe knows better which way to direct a person to development.

The development of the inner world implies a vivid desire, aspiration and subsequent actions with full awareness of what is happening. “I want” alone is not enough here: it should be followed by “I do” and “regularly”.

How do you understand the meaning of the word teacher?

The teaching profession is one of the most respected and responsible professions. Being a teacher is difficult. A good teacher most often becomes for us, students, a friend, a comrade. We often turn to him with our problems, share our joy or complain about failure, ask for help ... And he responds to our requests, because he is a true friend. To confirm what has been said, I will turn to a literary work and the text offered to me by L. Zakharova.

As the first argument confirming my point of view, I will take V. Rasputin's story “French Lessons”. The teacher Lidia Mikhailovna was a kind and fair person. Upon learning that her student is gambling, she decides to find out why he does this. Realizing that he is doing this so as not to die of hunger, she decides to help him .... And becomes his real friend.

As a second argument proving my opinion, I will give an example from the text of L. Zakharova. Elena Mikhailovna, having heard about Vova's conflict with a young teacher, at first sided with Serafima Kuzminichna (proposals 22-23). But, thinking that the young teacher can be overly strict and unfair to the students, I decided to talk to her. But she was late... Reading about the repentance of the class teacher, we understand that she is a good teacher, because she cares about the fate of her students (sentences 40-44).

Thus, having analyzed two arguments, I proved that teachers are the second parents. They will help when help is needed, they will be happy for their students and will worry when something does not work out for them.

What is happiness?

Some people claim they are unhappy. And I think they are wrong and simply do not notice that it, happiness, is nearby. For example, spring has come, green leaves have blossomed - isn't this a piece of happiness? Or after a thunderstorm on the horizon we see a rainbow - this is also happiness. And even the fact that we live, go to work or school every day, make plans for the future, is also happiness.

The heroine of the text by N. Aksenova considered herself unhappy. She hated children's matinees, to which her father, an ordinary locksmith, came. Came with an accordion. Funny and ugly, he made children laugh. And none of the participants in the Christmas trees noticed that the accordion player Valery Petrovich, playing the matinees, was happy. His radiant face spoke of it.

But one day Ksyusha will dramatically change her opinion about her father. When he fearlessly goes during a storm to the regional center for help to a stuck car in which people were freezing, it will seem to the girl that “as if a huge monster, with a clanging jaw, swallowed” her father. What a terrible storm it was! But Valery Petrovich, thinking about his sick daughter, wife and other people trapped in a snowstorm, will reach the village, raise everyone to their feet and return with an all-terrain vehicle. Here he is, a courageous man! A man worthy of happiness and love of his daughter!

Thus, happiness is such a state of the human soul, which is difficult to notice. Difficult but necessary!

What is happiness? (TO TEXT No. 75 Fonyakova Ella Efremovna (born in 1934) is a St. Petersburg writer whose works are dedicated to the Leningrad blockade, which coincided with the author’s childhood)

I think each of us understands what happiness is in our own way. This is a complex and multifaceted feeling, although not even a feeling, but a state that every person aspires to. It consists of many parts, and the lack of even one of them can bring all happiness to nothing.

The text of E.E. Fonyakova tells about the simple, uncomplicated happiness of the little girl Lena. It includes a trip to the dacha, walks to the Petrograd side, excursions around the Zoo ... And happiness is also a caring and cheerful dad, a loving mom. But in an instant, parents change when they hear the word "war". Lena still does not understand what happened, but she already feels that happiness in her life is over.

How it ended once in the life of little Vanyushka, the hero of M.A. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man." The military father went to the front, the boy and his mother were on a train to another city, which was far from the war. But the German pilot bombed the train, killed his mother... And the little boy was left alone in the middle of the steppe, no one wanted. And only after the war, happiness will return to his life again, when the former soldier, Andrei Sokolov, decides to adopt Vanyushka.

Thus, happiness is when there is no war, when shells do not explode near our houses, when our mothers and fathers are alive.

(according to the text of a modern young blogger)

The inner world is a reflection of the constantly renewing spiritual life of a person. It consists of emotions, feelings and worldview. Let's see this with examples.

Our life can be made up of contrasting things, like the hero-narrator of their text Ostromir. He loved motorcycles, wore a leather jacket, but at the same time had his own, slightly childish weaknesses, such as a bear cub acting as a mascot “on a motorcycle fork”. And everyone has such weaknesses. As a rule, these are things that are very dear to the heart, keeping precious memories, emotions, feelings.

I think that talent is also part of our inner world. There are people with boundless imagination, diversified inner world, like A.S. Pushkin. After all, this wonderful man is remembered so many years after his death! And how can you forget it? If you have ever read his works, then you will reproduce at least a couple of lines, because the rhyme of this genius is so easy that it is remembered “in flight”. Pushkin's fairy tales can be quoted - so easily they fit into our lives! It was the inner world of the writer that helped his works to acquire such lightness and durability.

Thus, I believe that the inner world of a person should develop and grow with him. If the inner world of a person develops and grows into a beautiful tree, with leaves from emotions, branches from principles and roots from the worldview, then a person will become real - thinking, feeling, merciful - the way a Human should be.

"What is the inner world of man?" (version based on the text of Ostromir about a biker and a bear cub)

The inner world of a person is his spiritual world, consisting of feelings, emotions, thoughts, experiences, ideas about the environment. Does the outer world always correspond to the external appearance of a person? No not always. Sometimes a vulnerable nature is hidden under a formidable appearance. And vice versa. I will prove my point of view with examples from fiction.

The hero of Ostromir's text is a stern and fearless biker, "an uncle with a big beard and tattoos." In the perception of many people, bikers are crazy guys prone to risk, rage and aggression. But the story about the toy, told by the hero himself, convinces us that a sentimental nature can be hidden under the mask of a rebel. This is evidenced by the attitude of the hero to his favorite childhood toy - a bear cub. Unpleasant dreams forced the narrator not only to find the bear cub in an abandoned dacha, but also to put it in order and give it a new life. Moreover, the childhood toy has since become a talisman for the biker. Would a tough person do this?
And now let's remember the heroine of A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter" Masha Mironova. Who would have thought that this outwardly fragile and weak girl has inner strength and determination? After all, not everyone would dare to go to the queen herself in order to save her beloved!
Thus, not always the appearance of a person is a reflection of his inner world. (199 words)

"What is the inner world of man?" (another version based on the text by L. Volkova about children and toys)

The inner world of a person is his spiritual world, consisting of feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas about the environment. The inner world of a person begins to form in childhood. Game, fantasy and faith in miracles are of great importance in the spiritual development of the child. This can be confirmed by two examples.

The heroes of L.Volkova's text are imaginative children who love to play. During the game, they learn not only good and evil, but also themselves. An unusual dream, which Mitya and Nika believed in, made them change for the better, realize important life truths.

Let us recall the hero of another literary work - Sasha Cherny's story "Igor-Robinson". Playing the navigator, the boy ended up on the island. The difficult situation enriched the inner world of the hero, she forced him to overcome his fear and show such qualities as endurance, courage and quick wits.

Thus, childhood is a very important period of a person's life, it is at this time that the concepts of good and evil are laid, the character, the system of values, and the inner world are formed. (149 words)

What is the inner world of man?(according to the text of Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich (born in 1924) - writer, playwright. His works, such as "My brother plays the clarinet", "Characters and performers", "Third in the fifth row", etc., narrate about the world of youth.

The inner world of a person is a spiritual life in which our ideas and images are formed. From the inner world of a person depends on his view of the real world. Our spiritual life is built on emotions, feelings and worldview. Let's turn to examples.

In the text of A. Aleksin, we see a girl whose beauty was considered by others to be “grace”, and she herself was considered a “statuette” (sentence 6). In her mind, the beauty she possessed was different. And she did not like all the comparisons of a girl with a doll. Her inner world was different from others. In herself, she saw more human traits than puppet ones.

Each of us has our own view of what is happening in life, because our attitude depends on the inner world. For example, I don't understand people who listen to hard rock. Or something like that. I respect their tastes, but I will never understand these screaming songs. Our tastes are different because our inner world is different. No one has the right to judge us for the way we see and feel the real world. After all, our point of view depends entirely on our spiritual life.

Thus, the inner world is our subconscious, what makes us special; these are our feelings and emotions, our vision of the world around us.

What is the inner world of man?

The inner world of a person is very deep and mysterious ... Each of us has his own character, his own thoughts, his own goals, which we try to bring to life. The desire to know the world, the ability to experience various emotions and feelings, our worldview - all this is included in the concept of "human inner world".

It seems to me that you cannot change the character of an adult, but you can change his inner world. Even a simple word can turn this fragile "world" upside down. A little warmth, happiness, laughter and love - and now a person is transformed from rough or domineering into a real one, able to feel, feel, live ... I will prove this by taking arguments from the text of Anatoly Aleksin and from personal experience.

First, it must be emphasized that appearances are often deceptive, and perhaps only a coarse, dense fabric that hides the scarcity of content. So it was in the case of the girl, who was small in stature and rather fragile, so she was often compared with the doll Larisa (2-9). The doll, as it seemed to the girl, with all her appearance showed the little mistress who was in charge here (17-18, 20). And, despite their outward similarity, they clearly differed in their “content”: who knows, maybe the inner world of the doll was much richer than its owner.

Secondly, the inner world is formed piece by piece, mosaic, puzzles. And the more beautiful a person’s life is, the brighter and more skillfully his application called “Life” will come out. I want to say a few words about my grandmother: she is kind, able to support anyone in difficult times, fair. Grandma influences me, trying to fill my inner world with some new content: she instills a love for music, literature, cooking ...

Having considered two arguments, I confirmed my point of view that the inner world is very important for a person, it is he who makes us human.

"What is the inner world of man?" (Variant according to the text by A. Aleksin about the doll Larisa)

The inner world of a person is his spiritual world, consisting of feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas about the surrounding reality. To know the inner world of another person, you need to look at his actions, listen to his words. This can be confirmed by concrete examples.

Let us turn to the text of A. Aleksin, the narration in which is conducted on behalf of a six-year-old girl, so we can judge the inner world of the heroine by her actions, feelings and thoughts, which she shares with readers. According to the girl herself, she really likes to feel her power over dumb dolls. And these are not empty words, as the heroine tells how she handles her own toys: she commands and disposes of them, punishes them. Such behavior is not an innocent child's game, because the girl wants to do the same in real life with real people, not dolls. The mental state of the heroine of the text causes concern, because her inner world is limited by the satisfaction of her own vanity, the need for self-affirmation.

Let us recall the hero of another literary work - A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". Officer Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin throughout the story commits dishonorable acts: in a duel he inflicts a vile blow with a sword in the back of the enemy, during the capture of the fortress, without hesitation, he goes over to the side of the rebels, by force he tries to persuade Masha to join the alliance. Shvabrin’s words also do not cause admiration: he undeservedly slanders the honest family of commandant Mironov, speaks caustically about the love poems of his rival and gives him very dubious advice on how to win the girl’s favor and, finally, slanders Pyotr Grinev, calling him a traitor. All this suggests the spiritual dishonor of Shvabrin. Before us is a man with a petty and selfish little soul.

Thus, the inner world of a person is reflected in his actions and attitude towards others. (260 words)

"What is the inner world of man?" (according to the text of V.T. Shalamov about the children's notebook)

The inner world of a person is his spiritual world, consisting of feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas about the surrounding reality. You can know the inner world of another person by his actions, hobbies, creations, preferences in fiction, music, cinema, etc. I can confirm my words with concrete examples.

Let us turn to the text of V.T. Shalamov. We learn about the inner world of one of the characters - an unfamiliar boy - from his notebook with drawings. Instead of joyful pictures through the eyes of the narrator, we see painted fences, barbed wire, guard towers, guards with rifles, soldiers, sheep dogs. These images are in no way associated with a happy childhood. Thanks to the drawings, we understand that this child was deprived of many joys, and these deprivations left an imprint of severity on his inner world.

Of course, his poems are a reflection of the poet's inner world. For example, reading the poetic works of M.Yu. Lermontov, such as "Sail", "Cliff", "Both boring and sad ...", "In the wild north ...", we understand that the inner world of the author of these lines filled with loneliness, longing, despair, dissatisfaction with oneself.

Thus, the inner world of every person is a mystery, you need to take a closer look at what and how he does. (168 words)

"What is the inner world of man?" (A variant based on the text by V.Yu. Dragunsky about a teddy bear)

The inner world of a person is his spiritual world, consisting of feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas about the surrounding reality. The inner world of each person is unique, it is reflected in his actions and attitude towards others. I will prove my words with concrete examples.

Let us turn to the text of V.Yu. Dragunsky. The main character - a six-year-old boy - has, in my opinion, a rich inner world. This is evidenced by his actions. When the mother suggested that the boy use a forgotten childhood toy - a teddy bear as a punching bag, the hero was delighted at first, but then he remembered how he loved this bear, how he spent his time with him, as if with a little brother or friend. The surging memories made the boy give up not only training, but also the desire to become a boxer. The behavior of the hero suggests that he is a true friend and will never offend someone who is weaker than him.

Masha Mironova, the heroine of A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", also has a rich inner world. When the girl found out that Peter Grinev was facing the death penalty, she fearlessly went to the queen herself in order to save her lover. Masha was able to overcome cowardice and indecision in herself for the sake of saving another person. And this testifies to the spiritual wealth of the girl.

Thus, in order to find out what the inner world of a person is, one must pay attention to his behavior in a given situation. (201 words)

What is a CHOICE? (to the text by Grishkovets Evgeny Valerievich (born in 1967) is a modern Russian writer, playwright, director, actor, musician. He became famous after he was awarded the national theater award "Golden Mask" in 1999. He is the author of books "Shirt", "Rivers", "Footprints on me", "Asphalt)

A choice is one decision of a person from several options, considered by him or proposed by others: parents, friends, acquaintances.

Every day we make decisions, important and not so important. Sometimes it is difficult for us to make a choice, sometimes it is easy. One of the most important life choices is the choice of profession.

For example, in the text by E.V. Grishkovets, the main character for a long time could not choose who to be, where to go to study, what profession to choose. He went through several options: a university where one could get the profession of an engineer, an institute of culture, a medical one. However, all this, for one reason or another, did not suit the narrator. And yet, he understood the main thing, what exactly the soul lies in: he “wanted a fun, interesting, real life” (28-33) ..

In addition, I will give an example from life. I love to read, and I once considered Colin McCullough's novel The Thorn Birds. Ralph, the protagonist of the work, chose the path of serving the Lord in return for love and family happiness. This decision was not easy for him: on the one hand, he could be happy, having found a family, beloved, on the other hand, he could not imagine his life without the service of God, because he believed that it was for this that the Lord sent him to earth. Having made a choice, he regretted more than once, but remained true to his duty.

Thus, we were convinced that the choice of a profession is an important decision that each person makes on his own, no one can help him in this.

(another version of the same text)

Choice is the conscious decision making from a given set of options. A person is constantly faced with the situation of choice, this is a vital necessity. It is especially important to make the right decision when choosing a future profession, because a person’s future life depends on it. Sometimes it is very difficult to make such a choice, but some people know from an early age what they will do when they grow up. I will prove the validity of my words with concrete examples.

The hero of the text by E. Grishkovets tells how he chose his future profession. The boy had three options: to become an engineer, like his mother, a doctor, like his uncle and brother, or a cultural worker. In each profession, he saw the pros and cons. At this life stage, the hero could not decide, but we understand that sooner or later he will not be able to avoid making this important decision.

But A.V. Suvorov did not have to think for a long time about choosing his future profession. Already in childhood, despite poor health and lack of support from his father, he decided to become a military man. Therefore, he devoted his entire life to achieving his goal. The correctness of the path he chose is proved by the fact that the name of A. Suvorov entered the history of our country as the name of the legendary commander.

Thus, making a choice is still half the battle, the main thing is not to make a mistake with your choice. (184 words)

What is a choice? (to the text according to Anton Ivanovich Denikin (1872-1947) - Russian military leader, political and public figure, writer, memoirist, publicist and military documentary)

The life of each of us consists of choices, sometimes the most ordinary and everyday. Among them there is one on which our future life depends. Such a choice - the choice of a profession - must be made deliberately and slowly.

Agree, any person sooner or later faces the choice of a future profession. He needs to correlate all the factors (“I can”, “I want” and “I must”) and choose the area of ​​​​activity where it will be joyful for both the soul and the “purse”. I will prove this thesis by citing arguments from the text of A.I. Denikin and analyzing my own life experience.

As the first argument confirming the thesis, I will take sentences 18-23. From childhood, the main character liked to watch the shooting ranges, sometimes he himself shot at the shooting range. He liked it, and he "got accustomed to the military environment." After graduating from a real school, the young man, without a moment's hesitation, "chose a military career." He made this choice because he loved military service and knew that he could reveal his potential in it.

As a second argument confirming my point of view, I will give an example from life experience. I will also need to choose a profession in the near future. This is a very important issue that I have repeatedly discussed with my parents. However, I myself can not exactly define the area in which I want to work. I still have time and I hope I make the right choice.

Thus, I proved that with every choice, especially the choice of a profession, you need to think it over well, and also rely on your strengths, abilities and the support of your relatives.

"What is moral choice?" (according to the text by E. Shim about Verochka and Gosha)

A moral choice is a decision consciously made by a person, it is the answer to the question "What to do?": to obey or remain oneself, to deceive or tell the truth, to help or leave in trouble. Making a moral choice, a person is guided by conscience, life values. By what a person chooses, one can judge his moral character. I will prove the validity of my words with concrete examples.

Let us turn to the text of E.Yu.Shim. The hero of the text Gosh is at first glance a weak-willed, shy and timid boy. But in a critical situation, he, without hesitation, makes his choice and accomplishes a real feat: he falls flat on his stomach on a burning rocket in order to save the girl he likes. The heroic deed of the boy suggests that he is a real man, ready to save the life of another person at the cost of his own life.

The hero of Irina Kramshina's story "The Jumping Dragonfly" also made his moral choice. When Max learned that his mother had a bad kidney and she urgently needed an operation, he made a conscious decision to become a donor for her. This choice indicates that, despite all the disagreements and quarrels, the son loves his mother and wants only the best for her.

Thus, making a moral choice, a person shows his true face to others. (174 words)

What is good? (to the text according to Shim Eduard Yuryevich (1930-2006) - Russian Soviet writer, playwright. Author of several collections of stories for children and adults)

Good is actions that bring happiness and do not cause harm, damage, pain, suffering to anyone. A person who performs a merciful act has spiritual sensitivity and warmth. A kind person is always ready to protect the weak, to help the offended.

In the text of E.Yu. Shim, such a heroine is Vera, who understood the state of Zheka, sympathized with him in her soul. And when her reckless girlfriend Lisapeta began to gloat about the girl who liked Zheka, Vera tried to explain to her friend that Liza Rakitina was not a bourgeois. And she collects portraits of actors because she doesn’t see well in the cinema: “only spots”, and she also wants to remember the faces of famous cinema figures. Vera is a truly kind person!

My classmates understand the word "good" as an action that brings joy to others. So, during the celebration of Victory Day, they congratulated all war and labor veterans living in the school district. A bouquet of lilacs and a small postcard. It would seem that valuable ?! And how happy the old people were! They rejoiced at our smiles, our kind eyes.

Thus, good is our deeds in relation to others, causing them joy and happiness.

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The inner world is a reflection of the constantly renewing spiritual life of a person. It consists of emotions, feelings and worldview. Let's see this with examples.

Our life can be made up of contrasting things, like the hero-narrator of their text Ostromir. He loved motorcycles, wore a leather jacket, but at the same time had his own, slightly childish weaknesses, such as a bear cub acting as a mascot “on a motorcycle fork”. And everyone has such weaknesses. As a rule, these are things that are very dear to the heart, keeping precious memories, emotions, feelings.

I think that talent is also part of our inner world. There are people with boundless imagination, diversified inner world, like A.S. Pushkin. After all, this wonderful man is remembered so many years after his death! And how can you forget it? If you have ever read his works, then you will reproduce at least a couple of lines, because the rhyme of this genius is so easy that it is remembered “in flight”. Pushkin's fairy tales can be quoted - so easily they fit into our lives! It was the inner world of the writer that helped his works to acquire such lightness and durability.

Thus, I believe that the inner world of a person should develop and grow with him. If the inner world of a person develops and grows into a beautiful tree, with leaves from emotions, branches from principles and roots from the worldview, then a person will become real - thinking, feeling, merciful - the way a Human should be. (208 words).

What is the inner world of man?

The inner world of a person is a spiritual life in which our ideas and images are formed. From the inner world of a person depends on his view of the real world. Our spiritual life is built on emotions, feelings and worldview. Let's look at examples

In the text of A. Aleksin, we see a girl whose beauty was considered by others to be “grace”, and she herself was considered a “statuette” (sentence 6). In her mind, the beauty she possessed was different. And she did not like all the comparisons of a girl with a doll. Her inner world was different from others. In herself, she saw more human traits than puppet ones.

Each of us has our own view of what is happening in life, because our attitude depends on the inner world. For example, I don't understand people who listen to hard rock. Or something like that. I respect their tastes, but I will never understand these screaming songs. Our tastes are different because our inner world is different. No one has the right to judge us for the way we see and feel the real world. After all, our point of view depends entirely on our spiritual life.

Thus, the inner world is our subconscious, what makes us special; these are our feelings and emotions, our vision of the world around us. (185 words).

What is love?

Love is a feeling of affection based on common interests, ideals, on the readiness to give one's strength to a common cause. This definition is given in the dictionary. But in fact, love is a mystery that can only be solved by experiencing it for yourself. This feeling brings with it warmth, joy, happiness, as well as a desire to be with a person dear to you. I will give examples to prove this.

Probably the most reverent and vulnerable love is teenage love. It is at this age that teenagers begin to understand the difference between friendship and true love. Everyone experiences this feeling differently and at different ages. So, the girl Tanya dreamed of the sympathy of the boy she liked. In her soul lies the dream of mutual understanding. The girl believed in the depth and purity of the first feeling. Thoughts of love made Tanya's heart beat faster, "she felt hot" from them (sentence 32). This is a special form of love, because all feelings come for the first time, they are the strongest and most unforgettable.

Does love exist today? Or has it been replaced by more important values? Of course she is. If you believe, dream, treat others with kindness, then love will definitely come, because this is the most wonderful feeling. In the book by T. Kryukova "Kostya + Nika", the characters, despite life circumstances, were in love with each other. The girl is disabled, and it is especially important for her to feel warmth, joy, and care. Love, time spent together helped Nika to recover. Knowing that you have a loving person gives you the strength to live.

So, I proved that in the world there is nothing more beautiful than such a feeling as love. Love is different, but always implies indifference and trust in each other. (245 words).

The inner world of a person is unique and inimitable, thanks to this phenomenon, people create works of art: painting, music, masterpieces of literature and the cinematographic genre. The deep inner world of people enriches the planet and gives many useful discoveries.

What is the inner world of man?

The concept of the inner world is very versatile, it can mean the biological processes occurring in the body, such as the speed of synapse connection, the location of internal organs, the processes of thinking, but to the same extent this concept can be attributed to the mental organization of a person, the state in which he is: harmony or chaos. Every person has an inner world, but for some it is the whole Universe, while for others it is a barely illuminated “little closet”.

The inner world of a woman

Men will never come close to understanding what the inner world of a woman is like, because the beautiful representatives of humanity are a mystery to themselves. The inner female world is a treasury of different states, the ability to visualize events and phenomena and influence the world. If a woman is closed inside herself and does not allow herself to bloom, to be beautiful, she will never inspire her man to accomplish. What helps a woman to enrich her inner world:

  • communication with the Divine (, singing mantras, talking heart to heart with God);
  • reading developing, psychological and spiritual literature;
  • needlework (what you like);
  • listening to classical music;
  • communication with friends, older women;
  • communication with nature.

The inner world of a man

Popular psychology describes the inner world of a man as a space in which he can indulge in dreams, thoughts, and psychologists believe that the spiritual organization of a man is more subtle and vulnerable than that of a woman. In his inner world, a man who is often successful on the outside is a little boy who is looking for approval and recognition that he could not get from his parents. A wise woman senses this and gives him respect and the opportunity to grow. Men contribute to the development of the inner world:

  • travels;
  • moderate austerities;
  • sport;
  • overcoming obstacles;
  • family responsibility;
  • heartfelt conversations with your soulmate.

The inner world of personality

What the inner world of a person consists of is difficult to describe - it is an individual phenomenon. Everything that a person encounters throughout life leaves an imprint on the inner universe. Faced with traumatic and tragic events in childhood, a person carries this in himself in the form of disharmony, expressed in phobias and neuroses, people with a “crippled” inner world attract failures even in adulthood. A happy childhood forms in a person an internal image of a reliable island where one can draw strength, heal the soul, in case of a life storm.

What does the inner world look like?

The deep inner world does not have a clear image in the usual sense, it cannot be touched or a specific form imposed. Each time it can be a different image or form, the content can be the same for a long time, if a person “sticks” to certain stereotypes, the rich inner world of that person who strives for change and knowledge. The structure of the human inner world can be described in the following categories:

  • emotions- bright events are always accompanied by emotions and leave an imprint on the inner world;
  • the senses- (love, hate, joy) are fueled by emotions and change the usual state of affairs;
  • outlook- is formed throughout life and has a great influence on the inner world, these are moral guidelines and principles.

How to know your inner world?

How to understand your inner world and not get lost? The ancient sages said: "Know yourself - you will know the world!". A person delimited phenomena and events into the categories of good and evil, while forgetting the truth that there is no absolute good and evil, therefore, knowing themselves, people more often pay attention to positive qualities, and shortcomings are ignored and not analyzed, and yet there is so much potential hidden, without whose inner world is boring and insipid. To know yourself, you must accept everything without a trace and decide to use it or transform what you don’t like in yourself into a new quality.

How to change your inner world?

Dissatisfaction with one's life, surroundings and events leads to the fact that a conscious person begins to wonder what is wrong with him, and can it be otherwise? Yes, a rich inner world is a true treasure, and if not, then it's time to change. It is important to start with small steps - taking everything at once, there is a risk of breaking loose and no further motivation will help. Psychologists and esotericists give the following recommendations for changing the inner world:

  • work with the body (yogic practices, breathing techniques, elementary daily exercises for the body - in a healthy body the spirit will perk up);
  • mental practices - working with thoughts, filtering negative ones and replacing them with positive ones;

In order to change the internal content, it is important to stop:

  • condemn people;
  • engage in self-flagellation;
  • pity yourself.

The development of the inner world of man

The soul and the inner world of a person are not in a frozen position and need constant development. The rich inner spiritual world nourishes the soul and its potential grows. From childhood, parents should instill in a child a sense of beauty, virtue and teach them to express themselves, their emotions. The inner world develops from simple actions and rituals:

  • right - food should be a medicine for the soul and body, everything that a person fills himself with becomes him;
  • interaction with nature - forest, water sources, clean air fill the body with energies;
  • helping other people and the ability to ask for help yourself in necessary cases - all people on higher planes are a single organism, helping others in need of help, a person helps himself;
  • gratitude - to be in this state means to have a harmonious inner world, there is always something to thank life, God for;
  • the ability to rejoice and act from the circumstances offered by life, whatever they may be.

The inner and outer world of man

"Do you ever feel like you're out of favor with the universe?" - the heroine of the film "Cloud Atlas" journalist Louise Rey asks the physicist Isaac Sachs. What is it about? A person comes into this world with a specific mission and for trials. Inner worlds, outer worlds - everything is interconnected, they attract each other. People whose inner world is based on the desire to know the truth, the truth and the struggle for this, can face such an external world that will give them grounds for this struggle. Whatever the inner world needs, the outer world provides it.

Books that shape the inner world of a person

Good literature is like a friend and even capable of becoming a spiritual teacher for a person who knows himself. A book read for the soul and mind is a well-spent time, a huge resource and a “brick” in building the inner Universe. Books that form the inner world of a person:

  1. « The sage and the art of living» A. Meneghetti. Rise above everyday life, reason and answer useful questions proposed by the author: “Why did I come into this world?” "What is happiness?" "Who am I?".
  2. « A box of magical stories. Therapeutic Tales» N. Bezus. Traveling together with the heroes of fairy tales, both a child and an adult will find something that is close to his inner beautiful world, will touch the strings of the soul and give a resource state.
  3. « Eat. Pray. love» E. Gilbert. The book, which became a world bestseller and was embodied on the screen. Throwing the main character and the search for support and love within yourself. About how to find the light in yourself.
  4. « How to organize your inner world» G. McDonald. The inner world can be like a blooming garden, beautiful and harmonious, or it can be in chaos, as a result of which the world, like a mirror, brings down problems on a person.
  5. « Life without borders» Nick Vujicic. A happy man with a rich inner world, warming people with just a smile and a look - he knows how to be happy - God did not give him arms and legs, but gave him a heart full of love.

The inner world of a person, or subjective reality, is all that inner content of psychological activity, which is characteristic only for this particular person. Therefore, the inner world is always individual and always unique. Each person, through the knowledge of the external world, is trying to penetrate into his inner world, to understand it, in order to use such understanding to build his life, his unique life path. It is very difficult to explore the inner world with objective methods; we can only see its “reflections” that appear in the outer world. Nevertheless, attempts to objectively penetrate into the inner world will probably never stop - its nature is so interesting and attractive. In psychology, there are quite interesting experiments in describing and analyzing the inner world, its structure, its "work". It has been established, for example, that the inner world does not arise on its own, it is a reflection in a specific form of the outer world and has its own spatio-temporal characteristics, its own content.

The inner world as a reflection in a specific form of the outer world. According to some religious and philosophical concepts, the inner world is given to man from the very beginning, and in the course of life he only discovers and cognizes it. According to other ideas, which have a more materialistic basis, the inner world arises and develops to the extent that it is active in reflecting and mastering the surrounding reality.

A person can become a person only thanks to the human brain, which is ready for a special reflection of the external world and in which consciousness arose and developed. In psychology, experiments are known when a chimpanzee cub was brought up in the same way as a child, but the chimpanzee never became a person due to the fact that his brain was not originally adapted for mastering speech, consciousness in general. Thus, the presence of a human brain is the most important prerequisite for appropriate development. But suppose for a moment a situation where a born child, having a human brain, from birth does not see, does not hear, does not touch, does not feel. For some time, he may live as an organism, but he will never become a person, a person, especially a person with an inner world. In another case, when a person was born with all functioning sense organs, but was not brought up among people (and such cases are known), he also will not become a person with his own unique inner world.

From this it becomes clear that the inner world of a person is not set initially, it arises as a result of the reflection of the outer world. As a result of such a reflection, the Image of the World arises (as the well-known Russian psychologist A.N. wrote). But such an image is not a simple cast of the external world, it is initially individual and subjective, since each person constructs the reflected reality in his own way, creates his own unique system of images, he has his own unique experiences, his own vision of reality and himself. All this is carried out thanks to one's own activity in reflecting the external world, adapting to it and transforming it, asserting one's existence as a person.

Thus, the outer world and the inner world are interconnected, have points of intersection, depend on each other.

Spatial-temporal structure of the inner world. If the inner world exists, then it is logical to assume that, like the outer world, it has its own. inner space and its inner subjective time. Special studies conducted by psychologists fully prove this fact. For example, let us turn to the results obtained by the domestic psychologist T. N. Berezina, who conducted a series of curious experiments to study the inner world of a person.

In her opinion, internal space in a broad sense is a form of psychological existence in general, and in a narrower sense it is a form of existence of internal images. It does not exist outside of these images, just as the images themselves cannot exist outside of space. Images are subjective forms of objects and are generated by the inner world, acquiring a unique uniqueness as a result of the influence of attitudes on them. They themselves perform an informational, emotional, regulatory role in the human psyche. As a result of experiments, it was shown that these images can be located in the internal space and localized differently in different people: on the left, on the right, behind, above, below, panoramic, can be taken out, as it were, outside the person, can be close, distant, differ in form, color, located on the time axis: in the past, present and future.

Example. Do a little experiment on yourself: imagine yourself going to school for the first time. What image emerged? What is its shape, color? Where was it located: above, below, left, right, etc.? Where are you, inside the image or outside it? If you have done all this and answered the questions posed, then it will be clear to you what an image is and where it is located in the inner space.

No less interesting data were obtained regarding subjective time. First, it has been proven that such time does exist. Secondly, the facts of acceleration or deceleration of internal time, its reversibility, the possibility of obtaining information from the future or the past, the existence of parallel time, etc.

Example. Let's consider the facts of acceleration-deceleration of subjective time (each of us knows about it from personal experience). If we are busy with something interesting and exciting, then time passes very quickly and imperceptibly, but for us subjectively it seems to stop. On the contrary, if we are inactive for a long time, do nothing, wait, for example, for a train for several hours, then time flows very slowly - it also seems to stop, but the nature of such a stop is different than when we do not notice it. After a few weeks or months, the period that passed very quickly seems to us longer, since it was full of interesting events, and the period where we did nothing is perceived as one moment.

Age-related changes in the flow of subjective time are also known. One person internally lives faster, because of this he feels older than he really is, the other is slower, so even in adulthood it seems to him that everything is still ahead, that he is just starting to live and will have time to do a lot.

We can also encounter some paradoxes of time, when, for example, when we get to a certain place or meet certain people, it seems to us that it has already happened, or, conversely, when we get to a well-known place, it seems to us that we see it for the first time and with interest we begin to study it.

content of the inner world. So, the inner world has its own inner space, subjective inner time. Who "lives" in this space and time? And each of us lives there, our personality, our Self, which, thanks to reflection, has unity and plurality at the same time. Thus, the content of our world is the psyche as a whole, consciousness and the unconscious. Structuring this content is extremely difficult, each of us learns it independently: consciously and intuitively. At the same time, attempts are being made in psychology to single out some of the leading structural elements in this content. Let us refer again to the theoretical and experimental studies of T.N. Berezina. The author notes: on the one hand, the inner world is subjective and includes our thoughts, feelings, experiences, dreams, dreams and much more; on the other hand, it is social, since it includes images of other people, their actions and deeds. The inner world of a person, i.e., his thoughts, fantasies, dreams, exists either in a sensual-figurative form, or in the form of a thought clothed in the form of inner speech, or, most often, a combination of both. The mode of existence is a monologue or dialogue: with oneself, with others, telling another about the events happening to you, a complex dialogue - one's own Self is presented through the eyes of another.

With the help of a special study, seven of the most common states of ours were identified, characterizing our inner life.
1. "Self-expressions I" - a person's thoughts about himself, related to the present time; features of the state - monologue thinking (monologue) and the predominance of the pronoun I in inner speech.
2. "Thinking about something else" - characterized by dialogue, the predominance of the pronoun "You". This state is characterized by self-approval, but mental self-criticism is possible.
3. "Non-objectivization of mental images" - the other or Others are imagined in an abstract form and exist, as it were, in the head. The subject is focused on himself, his merits, shortcomings are rejected.
4. "Planning the future" - a state in which a person comprehends his prospects, plans the future, sets certain goals, reflects on the problems of their implementation.
5. “Fixation on an obstacle” - is characterized by the fact that a person, fixing on obstacles, difficulties, feels (“no one needs anyone”), rejects the possibility of interaction in resolution.
6. "Sensual perception of the world" - all images are presented very brightly, in contrast, thoughts are voiced (thoughts in the form of voices).
7. "Fantasy" - the most creative state, where any goals seem achievable, while obstacles are considered as insignificant ("There is no such hopeless situation from which it is impossible to find a way out"). A person presents himself as strong and active, capable of reaching any heights.

So, we tried to show that the inner world of a person, or subjective reality, is closely connected with the outside world and is its reflection in a specific individualized form with the introduction of its “vision” and its “partiality” through its own activity. It has a spatio-temporal structure and exists in a sensory-figurative and mental form, enlivened by a monologue and dialogue that a person leads with himself, with real or imaginary people, plans his future, praises or scolds himself and others, fantasizes and much more.

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