What is OGRN in bank details? What is Ogrn, how does it stand for, what is it for?

However, as the number of legal entities increased and new organizational and legal forms emerged, it became obvious that an individual number alone was not enough. And soon another form of numbering arose - OGRN.

This abbreviation stands for the main state registration number. This identifier reflects the most complete information about a particular organization: form of ownership, date of creation, authorized tax office. Let's take a closer look at the information about the OGRN.

About number decoding

The main license plate includes 13 digits. Let's take for example such a PSRN: 1-12-77-46-50978-0.

The first digit (in this case it is one) indicates that the registration number refers to a private legal entity. Along with the unit, there can also be the number "5", which has a similar meaning.

In addition to the numbers "1" and "5", the values ​​"2" and "3" can also be in the first place. The number "2" indicates that the number belongs to a state institution, and the number "3" means that the number belongs to an individual entrepreneur.

The next pair of digits (in the proposed example, this is "12") indicates the year the entry about this legal entity was made in the state register. "12" means that the year of recording is 2012.

The fourth and fifth digits in order (“77”) are an indication of the subject of Russia in which the company is registered. The number is affixed in strict accordance with the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Then, as we see, there is another pair of numbers ("46"). These figures contain an indication of the code of the relevant tax office.

The next five digits (“50978”) is the number of the entry that was made by the relevant authority in the state register.

Thus, in the example under consideration, the legal entity was entered in the state register in 2012 by the 46th Interdistrict Tax Inspectorate for Moscow under entry number 50978.

What is the last number for? This is the so-called check number. How is it received?

Everything is quite simple: you need to divide a 12-digit number (that is, those 12 digits of the OGRN that precede the last digit) by 11. The remainder of the division is recorded as the last, thirteenth digit of the number. In this case, the number 112774650978 is divisible by 11 without a remainder, therefore, the last digit is “0”.

It turns out that each legal entity has its own unique OGRN, which carries all the necessary information about the enterprise. The control number allows you to verify the authenticity of the OGRN.

A few words about OGRNIP

OGRNIP - the same number, only assigned to an individual entrepreneur. The main difference lies in the total number of digits: there are already fifteen of them.

The fact is that the number of the entry in the register in the case of an individual entrepreneur does not contain five digits, but as many as seven. And, accordingly, the last digit - the control number - is already defined as the remainder of dividing the 14-digit number by 13.

How to find out OGRN?

Is it possible to find out somehow OGRN? Yes, you can. And the site of the Federal Tax Service will help you with this (Internet address of the site: www.nalog.ru).

Consider the step-by-step procedure for determining the OGRN:

  1. First of all, you need to go directly to the specified website of the Federal Tax Service;
  2. There are three large highlighted links on the main page: "Individuals", "Individual Entrepreneurs", "Legal Entities". To obtain information about the OGRN, select the "Legal entities" item. Accordingly, OGRNIP can be found by clicking on the link "Individual entrepreneurs";
  3. After selecting the appropriate item, the user is provided with a list of available electronic services. One of these services is the “Check yourself and the counterparty” service. A similar service is also available to users who have selected the “Individual Entrepreneurs” item;
  4. Then the window of the service "Check yourself and the counterparty" opens. Here the user is given the opportunity to fill in one of the proposed fields in order to obtain information about the organization.

Fields such as "Name", "Address", "Subject of the Russian Federation", "Date of registration" are available. There is also a field "OGRN/GRN/TIN".

The main search is carried out in the fields "OGRN/GRN/TIN" and "Name". The remaining three fields serve to refine the formulated queries.

Let us indicate some specifics of the search engine of the FTS website:

  • when searching exclusively by name, the user only needs to indicate the unique part of the name of the organization (without quotes, special characters, abbreviations and indications of the legal form);
  • in cases where the name includes more than one word (including words separated by a hyphen), only one of the words may be indicated. At the same time, in order to obtain a more accurate result, it is recommended to avoid using too common words;
  • the field "Subject of the Russian Federation" will allow you to limit the search only within the framework of the corresponding region;
  • when using the "Date of registration" field, you must enter data in the format DD.MM.YYYY.


Concluding the consideration of the OGRN, we note some provisions:

  • The main state registration number allows you to get detailed information about a particular legal entity.
  • Each of the digits of the number plays a specific role.
  • Authentication of the OGRN is carried out by comparing the remainder obtained by dividing the number of the first 12 digits of the number by 11 and the last digit of the number.
  • You can find out the OGRN on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

Video on the topic: "Check OGRN IP"

When creating a legal entity or registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur, we come across such concepts as OGRN, OGRNIP, TIN, KPP. What's this? And how is it decoded?


It's unique main state registration number of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities). OGRN and OGRNIP tax authorities began to assign to everyone from June 2002 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” No. 438 dated June 19, 2002.

The register is open, that is, any person has the right to apply to the registration authority with a request to provide information from the state register for any company or entrepreneur registered within the region that this registration authority serves.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, OGRNIP - from 15.

They contain the following information:

1 digit - a sign of referring the state registration number of the entry (to the main state registration number (OGRN) - 1, 5; to another state registration number of the entry (amendments) - 2; to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3)

4, 5 digit - the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

6th and 7th digit - code of the number of the interdistrict tax inspectorate that issued the OGRN to a legal entity or OGRNIP to an individual entrepreneur

from 8 to 12 (OGRN) digit and from 8 to 14 (OGRNIP) digit - the number of the entry made in the state register during the year

13th digit (OGRN) - control number: the remainder of dividing the previous 12-digit number by 11, if the remainder of the division is 10, then the control number is 0 (zero)

15th digit (OGRNIP) - the check digit is equal to the last digit of the remainder of dividing the previous 14-digit number by 13, not by 11.

An example of decoding the OGRN:

Using the example of OGRN 1117746358608, consider all the information that we can get from this digital combination:

1 digit - 1. Responsible for assigning the record to the main state registration number.

2nd and 3rd digit - 11. This is 2011 - the time when the entry in the state register was made.

4th and 5th digit - 77. This is the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation - Moscow, that is, it was in this subject that this enterprise was registered.

6th and 7th digit - 46. This code is directly responsible for determining the branch of the tax inspectorate itself - MI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 46.

8 - 12 digits - 35860. These numbers indicate the number of the entry that was made in the state register during the year.

13 digit - 8. Estimated check number.

An example of decoding OGRNIP:

Let's take OGRNIP 304500116000157 as an example, from this number you can get the following information:

1 digit - 3. Responsible for assigning the record to the main state registration number.

2nd and 3rd digit - 04. This is 2004 - the time when the entry in the state register was made.

4th and 5th digit - 50. This is the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation - the Moscow region, that is, it was in this subject that this enterprise was registered.

6th and 7th digit - 01. This code is directly responsible for determining the branch of the tax inspectorate itself - the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for the city of Balashikha.

8 - 14 digits - 1600015. These numbers indicate the number of the entry that was made in the state register during the year.

15 digit - 7. Estimated check number.


It's unique taxpayer identification number. Assigned to both legal entities and individuals. It has been assigned to organizations since 1993, to individual entrepreneurs - since 1997, and to other individuals - since 1999.

The difference in the number of digits of the code is 12 digits for individuals, 10 for legal entities.

The TIN contains the following information:

1 - 4 digit- code of the tax authority that assigned the TIN according to the Directory of Tax Authorities (SOUN)

5 - 10 digit(for individuals) and from 5 to 9 digits (for legal entities) - the serial number of the taxpayer record

11 and 12 digit(for individuals) and 10 digit (for legal entities) - a control number calculated according to a special algorithm established by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for taxes and fees.

An example of TIN decoding:

Let's say TIN 500100732259, according to these numbers, we get the following information:

1 - 4 digits - 5001. This is the code of the tax authority that assigned the TIN - IFTS for Balashikha.

5 - 10 digits - 007322. This is the serial number of the taxpayer record.

11 - 12 digits - 59. This is a control number calculated according to a special algorithm established by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for taxes and fees..

The code of the reason for registration with the tax authorities. It is assigned together with the TIN only to organizations, individual entrepreneurs and individuals are not assigned.
The checkpoint code consists of nine digits and contains, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated 03.03.2004 N BG-3-09 / 178, as amended. dated 03.03.2004 No. BG-3-09/178 the following information:
1 - 4 digits - the code of the tax authority where the organization was registered;
5 and 6 digits - indicate the reason for registering the organization;
7 - 9 digits - indicate the serial number of registration with the tax authority.

The checkpoint is indicated in the certificate along with the TIN of the organization. The checkpoint is necessarily affixed in declarations, payment documents, settlements to extra-budgetary funds. Since the IP does not have a checkpoint, the corresponding columns for them remain empty.

An example of decoding a checkpoint:

For example, let's take checkpoint 773301001 based on the data, we get:

1 - 4 digits - 7733. This is the code of the tax authority where the organization was registered - IFTS No. 33 for Moscow.

5th and 6th digits - 01. This is the reason code for registering an organization - registration with the tax authority of a Russian organization as a taxpayer at its location.

7 to 9 digits - 001. This is the serial number of registration with the tax authority.

The checkpoint does not contain a check number.

When registering a new legal entity, it is assigned the main state registration number. This number indicates the creation of a legal entity, as well as its first presentation in the general register. The registration number is issued at the place of registration in the tax office, it can only be owned by legal entities.

How is OGRN decrypted?

OGRN consists of fifteen characters. The decoding of the OGRN code is as follows.

The first digit shows whether the registration was primary, or whether the data on the enterprise were changed - this is the state registration number.

The second and third digits are the year the entry was made, the fourth and fifth show the number of the subject of Russia to which the code was issued.

The sixth and seventh digits are the number of the district tax office, and the next seven characters are the number of the entry made in the register in the current year.

The fifteenth digit is the control - this is the least significant digit from dividing the previous four-digit number by 13.

The registration number is indicated in all records that relate to this legal entity - in the documents of the legal entity, in the general register, as well as state information about legal entities.

What is the OGRN code of the organization for?

At the end of last year, a law was passed stating that the OGRN must be indicated in all documents drawn up by a legal entity. The law stipulates that if the company's seal has a PSRN, then only the TIN and KPP can be registered in the documents - the registration reason code.

In accordance with the Federal Law, primary accounting documents are taken into account and considered valid only if they are drawn up in a form that corresponds to the legalized form of primary documentation. If the documents are drawn up in a different form, they must contain details - PSRN, KPP and TIN. The OGRN number must be indicated in all documents next to the name of the enterprise.

The law of the Russian Federation provides that all legal entities are subject to mandatory registration, after which they are assigned a PSRN. The number is assigned by the authorized body, after which all data is entered into the general register of entrepreneurs.

The current legislation clearly states that the OGRN must be spelled out in non-unified documents, while there is no question of unified ones. However, the same legislation states that such a number must be indicated next to the name of the legal entity, which, as you know, is indicated in absolutely all documents.

Therefore, it is recommended that all entrepreneurs be sure to indicate the details in the documentation, since attempts by the tax inspectorate to refuse to provide requirements, for example, to deduct VAT, and to invalidate the documents are already taking place.

The history of the appearance of OGRN

The history of the emergence of OGRN dates back to the 90s, when small and medium-sized private businesses received serious development. However, the registration number became legal only in 2002. From July 1, 2002, each entrepreneur had to re-register his company in accordance with the new requirements, after which he received the PSRN. Then all previously registered entrepreneurs had to submit new information to the tax office.

The first resolutions on the OGRN appeared in June 2002. They were introduced into the legislation in order to enact the Federal Law on Registration of Legal Entities.

When introducing the OGRN, the legislation pursued the following goals:

  • systematization of legal entities in the Russian Federation;
  • creation of a convenient, unified registry system;
  • providing market participants with the opportunity to verify the accuracy of information about a particular legal entity;
  • strengthening and improving control over legal entities.

How to find out OGRN IP?

To find out the OGRN of an organization, you must contact the state. registry. The state register, which contains all the information about legal entities, is a federal resource. Currently, the register contains information about the full name of the legal entity, its KPP, TIN, OGRN, as well as the date of making an entry in the register, the body that carried out the registration (the name and address of this body is indicated), the location of the legal entity, the specifics its activities and other data about the legal entity.

In accordance with the law, the register is kept on two media, paper and electronic. Priority, in case of discrepancy between records on paper and electronic media, is given to paper ones. Since the registry is an open source of data, any individual has the right to apply to the authority with a request to provide information about any legal entity within the region that the authority serves.

The owner of the registry is the Russian Federation, but it is under the jurisdiction of the tax inspectorate of Russia, which develops the rules of work and guidelines for the registry.

You can find out the PSRN of an individual entrepreneur by ordering an extract from the district register, although this service is not free.

According to the extract, you can check the individual entrepreneur. The extract contains such information as the full name of the entrepreneur, TIN, ORGIP, citizenship, address of residence, date of registration as an entrepreneur, information about the activities of a legal entity, information about licenses, all information about changes in information at the moment.

How to check IP according to PSRN?

Search by OGRN is carried out to achieve the following goals:

  • to confirm the real existence of a legal entity;
  • to verify the correctness and reliability of information in the documents of a legal entity;
  • obtaining information about all the data of the owner of the enterprise. This includes his name, patronymic, as well as finding out if the head is on the “black lists” of the tax service or the Ministry of Finance;
  • determination of the address of the location of the company;
  • determination of the TIN of the entrepreneur.

Each person can easily check the PSRN for correctness, knowing a certain algorithm of actions. To begin with, we discard the last, fifteenth, sign and divide the resulting number by 13. After that, we discard the remainder from the resulting number and multiply it by 13.

Now subtract the second from the first number. The resulting figure must be equal to the fifteenth digit in the OGRN. If the signs match, then the number is correct, if not, the PSRN code may be incorrect.

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Knowing what OGRN is allows you to avoid many problems in modern business. Indeed, as you know, any modern enterprise is always equipped with a variety of identifiers and numbers, and such abbreviations as OGRN and OGRNIP may at first bewilder business owners. Consider the basic concepts associated with these two identifiers.

What is the OGRN for?

When there were not as many enterprises in Russia as there are now, and the accounting system did not require such comprehensive control, there was simply no such amount of evidence. So, it was quite enough for controlling organizations that joint-stock companies and limited liability companies had an individual taxpayer number (TIN).

However, after that other forms of business organization appeared, and the legal development in this area led to the fact that the TIN certificate was not enough. After all, the information contained in it testified only to which tax office the enterprise was assigned and under which number it was registered.

That is why in 2001 a new federal law was enacted that regulated the state registration of legal entities. This law introduced the concept of the main state registration number (OGRN) for all organizations. Unlike the TIN, this is not just a numerator, but also a set of data on the form of ownership, the date of creation, the region where the enterprise is located, and the tax office to which it is assigned.

How to decrypt OGRN

Unlike the TIN, which is just a serial number, the PSRN, which is decrypted according to a certain method, stores data in itself. As an example, consider any number at random. For example, this one: 1-13-77-46-40873-3.

As you can see, it consists of 13 digits in the format S-YY-KK-NN-XXXXX-H. Let's start decoding:

  • The number 1 at the very beginning is a sign of reference. If the number 1 is indicated, then this is a legal entity. If the number is 2, then this is a government organization. If the number is 3, then we are talking about individual entrepreneurs (in this case, we have not OGRN, but OGRNIP, but more on that later).
  • The next two digits (13) indicate that the company was established in 2013.
  • Two more digits (77) indicate that this legal entity is registered in Moscow. It is the number 77 that is assigned to Moscow in accordance with the 65th article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Each subject of the federation has its own number, and in the article you can find a complete list.
  • All together, the numbers from the 4th to the 7th (7746) already indicate a specific IFTS in a particular region. In this case, we are talking about the 46th inter-district inspection for the city of Moscow.
  • The next five digits are the number of the decision according to which this enterprise was established. New decision entries are made in the tax register throughout the year, and this number is also unique. In this case, he indicates that the enterprise was created according to decision number 40873.
  • Finally, the OGRN check is done thanks to the last, 13th digit. All the first 12 digits make up a single number, and this number is divisible by 11. The remainder of the division is written to the 13th position in the OGRN. In this case, it is 3. If the remainder is 10, then zero is written as the last digit.

As it is easy to see from the description of the OGRN, there cannot be two such identical numbers. The year already determines that the numbers will be able to repeat at least in a hundred years (if the existing accounting procedure is maintained). At the same time, the combination of the region number and the IFTS with the decision number is unique, so there cannot be a single repetition. By deciphering the OGRN, you can get quite enough information about the enterprise - much more than is available through the TIN.

What is OGRNIP for?

In addition to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the OGRN is for, it will not be superfluous to know what the OGRN is. Everything is quite simple here: if the OGRN is intended for organizations, then the OGRNIP is for individual entrepreneurs. This abbreviation is deciphered as "the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur."

It is assigned, similarly, to each individual entrepreneur upon registration with the tax authority. The length of the OGRNIP is not 13, but 15 digits, and it has the format: С-ГГ-КК-ХХХХХХХХХ-Ч. The decryption rules are the same as the OGRN, with two differences:

  • The number of the decision in the register, according to which the specified tax office approved the establishment of a new IP, does not consist of 5, but of 9 digits (from the 6th to the 14th). This is due to the fact that more decisions are made on individual entrepreneurs than on legal entities.
  • To check the correctness and reliability of the OGRNIP, it is necessary to divide the number composed by the first 14 digits by 13, and compare the remainder of the division with the last 15th digit of the number. If the results match, the number is correct.

As you can see, both OGRN and OGRNIP are able to provide a lot of information to someone who knows how to decipher them correctly.

When a legal entity passes the registration stage, it receives all the necessary documents, and the procedure for assigning registration numbers also takes place. One of these important numbers is OGRN. This number helps to identify legal entities, moreover, each organization separately receives its own OGRN. Using this code, it is not difficult to see complete information about the company you are interested in, while little information about the company is available for the TIN, and only about the tax service that assigned this number.

But what is OGRN? OGRN is the main state registration number, which usually consists of thirteen digits, each of which has a specific meaning. Let's describe in more detail:

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  • This number is the main one, since it is used to search and display data of legal entities.
  • This number is called the state number, since it is assigned by the state body of the Federal Tax Service under the legislation of Russia.
  • It is registration, because it is issued together with a certificate of registration of a legal entity.
  • With the help of the OGRN, it is easy to find out the legality of the functioning of the counterparty, as well as detailed information about the features of the work of a particular organization.


At a time when there were a small number of enterprises in the Russian Federation, their accounting was carried out differently. Since there was no such amount of evidence as in our days, comprehensive control was not envisaged. For example, state authorities and other organizations acted in such a way that they needed only the TIN of taxpayers who were legal entities.

Over time, in addition to joint-stock companies and LLCs, firms with a different form of business organization began to appear. This led to the fact that the TIN registration certificate was now not enough. Since the data from this certificate spoke only about which tax service the company belongs to and what registration number it has.

All this became a prerequisite for one of the new federal laws to come into force in 2001, which determined the state registration regulations for legal entities. This new law introduced the concept of what the OGRN is for all companies. If the TIN can be considered just a numerator, then the PSRN is a numerical code that contains information about the location of the company, the date of foundation, the form of ownership, the accountability of a certain tax, and other data.


It is known that the OGRN stores information. The OGRN scheme for legal entities is as follows: Х-ХХ-ХХ-ХХ-ХХХХХ-Х.

So, consider the signs of decoding this thirteen-digit number:

  • As a sign of assignment, the first digit can be 1, 2, or 3. When the number 1 is used, then this is a legal entity, 2 is a state organization, 3 is an individual entrepreneur.
  • Next are two numbers that indicate the year the company was founded.
  • The next two digits indicate the place of registration. Each subject of the Russian Federation has a specific number.
  • Then there are four numbers that show which specific IFTS this company belongs to in a particular region.
  • The next five digits are the number of the decision on which the company was founded. Interestingly, despite the fact that data is added to the tax register throughout the year, this number is also unique.
  • The thirteenth digit is a verification one, it is for it that the PSRN is checked. It is known that twelve digits are a single number that is divisible by eleven. The remainder resulting from the division will be in place of this thirteenth digit.

It is easy to see that the repetition of two identical numbers is impossible.

The numbers that indicate the year will repeat in a hundred years with the same accounting procedure. Also, repetitions cannot be in the numbers of the region and the IFTS.


So, the OGRN is intended for organizations, and the OGRNIP is, of course, for individual entrepreneurs.

This number is assigned in approximately the same way as the OGRN. Each individual entrepreneur receives this number at the time of registration with the tax office. ORNIP consists of fifteen digits. As for the format, it looks like this: Х-ХХ-ХХ-ХХХХХХХХ-Х.

Decryption occurs in the same way as the decryption of the OGRN, but there are two differences:

  • The decision number from the register, according to which a certain tax authority approves the establishment of an individual entrepreneur, consists of nine digits, not five. The reason for this is that much more decisions are made on individual entrepreneurs than on legal entities.
  • Also, when checking the accuracy and reliability of the OGRNIP, you need to divide the number, the sum of which is the first fourteen digits of the number by thirteen, and then compare the remainder with the last, or check digit of the number, if everything matches, then the number is correct.

So, with the ability to decipher the OGRN and OGRNIP, you can get quite valuable information about the company or entrepreneur about which you need detailed information.

For non-residents

The OGRN is issued only to Russian companies, because it is obtained during registration with the Russian tax office. The registration number that was issued by the responsible authority to a non-resident in his country and will be valid.

Also for this category, the OGRN can be a certificate of accreditation of a branch of a foreign legal entity, or the number of a certificate of accreditation of a representative office is used. Only with all this, the branch needs to get a CRO, the role of which can be compared with the role of a TIN for residents of the Russian Federation. All data is submitted to the tax service, and then after five working days it is assigned to the KIO.

So, in other words, OGRN is not assigned to foreign companies. Instead, certificates of entry into the state are used. register of branches of foreign legal entities that have received accreditation in the Russian Federation.


So, let's see what this number looks like in more detail. For example, we will use the OGRN of the St. Petersburg LLC Nevis 1087847036496. We make sure that the number consists of thirteen digits.

  • 1 - this figure acts as a sign of referring the record number to the OGRN.
  • 08 - Recorded in 2008.
  • 78 - the number of the subject, that is, St. Petersburg.
  • 47 - number of the registration authority. This is the inter-district IFTS No. 15 for St. Petersburg.
  • 03649 is the record number.
  • 6 - check number.

The last number is determined using a formula. OGRN without a check digit is divided by 11, that is, 108784703649/11=9889518513.5455. We discard the remainder after the decimal point, and multiply the result by 11, that is, 9889518513*11=108784703643. Then, 12 OGRN characters must be subtracted from this number: 108784703649-108784703643=6. This is the control number.

Differences between OGRN and GRN

The difference lies in the following three significant points:

  • The moment when the number is issued.
  • The numerical composition of the number.
  • Constancy.

GRN - this is the name of the state registration number of the entry with changes and additions that are made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This means that every time when information about a company is changed from the register, it is assigned a certificate of their entry, and a state registration number is issued. Whereas the OGRN is appointed once and operates from the foundation to the liquidation of the organization. Moreover, the differences are contained in the registration number itself.

There are no numbers in the SRN that indicate the tax authority that issued the certificate.

Who issues the OGRN

After registration, a legal entity receives this number. The tax inspectorate is engaged in the assignment of PSRN.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to appoint a PSRN, a future organization must do the following:

  • Provide a package of documents and write an application in a certain form.
  • Deliver documents to the tax office.
  • Obtain a certificate of registration or receive a refusal with an explanation of the reason, which can be appealed in court.

So, the OGRN is displayed in the very certificate of registration of the legal entity.


The price of assigning the OGRN is the amount of the fee, the collection of which occurs once when the documentation is provided.

Tax legislation defines this amount as 4000 rubles.

If it is necessary to issue a second PSRN, a fee of 800 rubles is usually charged, without the use of lawyers.

Search and verification of enterprises

With the help of the OGRN, anyone can get information about a particular organization on the website of the Federal Tax Service. With this service, it is easy to get detailed information about the company. For example, these:

  • Information about state registration.
  • Legal address.
  • Information about management and founders.
  • Changes from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

OGRN helps to obtain genuine information, as well as to avoid cooperation with unreliable companies.

OGRN of the branch

Since branches act as separate subdivisions and are located outside the location of the legal entity, they cannot be separate legal entities. Branches are endowed with certain property from the company itself, whose leaders appoint the management of the branch by proxy. The charter of the organization must reflect the presence of branches and a documentary base that confirms the legality of their functioning. Branches do not need state registration, because they do not play the main role, as a legal entity does.

So, knowledge about the purpose of the OGRN, about the nuances that are associated with obtaining this number by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, about how and what information can be obtained about an organization by this number, are quite useful skills in modern business life. The OGRN also helps to avoid difficulties in cooperation with a company, since it helps to determine the legality of its operation, its reliability.

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