What happened to Yaroslav Degtyareva. "Queen of Goosebumps"

As Pelageya later admits, from the singing of little Yaroslav, she “even got goosebumps.” Now the “Queen of Goosebumps” is in great demand in the capital: recordings in the highest-rated television programs, participation in prestigious concerts, work as a presenter at the Kid's FM radio station. And yet, Yaroslava and her mother Olesya found time to chat with readers of AiF on Don.

February 20, 2016 on the stage of the show “Voice. Children ”, a tiny girl fluttered out and sang Viktor Tsoi’s song“ Cuckoo ”in a not childishly strong voice. With her performance, she shocked everyone: both the jury members and the multi-million television audience. The video of seven-year-old Yasi (as her relatives affectionately call her) instantly broke all records on the Internet. The whole country recognized the little singer from Gukovo... Behind the scenes of spotlights and stunning success, the past remained: the squeal of brakes, a hospital bed and a surgeon's scalpel...

house of pain

In October 2013, five-year-old Yasya, along with her parents, had a terrible accident on a highway near the village of Rodionovka. The girl's father lost control, and the car fell into a five-meter ditch. The culprit of the accident immediately lost consciousness. And mother Yasi, barely getting out of the smoking car, rushed to save her daughter. There was no living place on the baby. Shards of glass hit his eyes, cut his face, his head and legs were badly damaged. At the cost of superhuman efforts, forgetting about her own pain, Olesya pulled her daughter out of the ditch and rushed to stop the ride. The minutes seemed like an eternity. The child's life hung in the balance. But the drivers rushing along the highway were in no hurry to slow down. Then, in desperation, at the risk of falling under the wheels, Olesya rushed across the car ...

Doctors at the Rodionovskaya hospital diagnosed the child with craniocerebral injuries, severe damage to the eyes and eyelids, and open fractures of the legs. The treatment required high-tech medical equipment, and Yasya was urgently transported to Rostov, to the children's regional hospital. Olesya, without hesitation, followed her daughter. Own injuries, loss of vision receded into the background. The main thing for the mother was to save her daughter.

Yasya Degtyareva. Photo: From the personal archive

Tiny Yasya was collected literally piece by piece. The first operation lasted seven hours. Doctors re-sculpted the girl's eyes, face, head. Metal knitting needles were inserted into thin children's legs.

“Take me out of this house of pain,” Yasya asked her mother, shedding tears.

The first operation was followed by the second, and then the third. For many months the girl was bedridden.

Mom and daughter try not to remember those terrible days. Together they struggled with the misfortune that had befallen them. The culprit of the accident - the father - seemed to have forgotten about their existence and did not appear in the hospital. To help, as often happens in life, strangers came - employees and parents of the kindergarten, which Yasya attended before the accident.


The vocal gift of the child was noticed in the hospital. As soon as the pain receded, the girl sang for doctors, little patients, and their parents. It was then that the idea arose to try my hand at The Voice. Within the walls of the hospital room, the dream seemed distant and illusory. But Olesya firmly believed that the black streak could not be eternal and Yaroslav would definitely be happy.

After being discharged from the hospital, Yasya and her mother returned to Gukovo - to their beloved grandmother and cat Max. For a long time, grandma did not know about the accident: her daughter did not want to injure her. Yes, and little Yaroslav was waiting for the scars to come off her face. The girl wanted to return home healthy and beautiful.

Everything that happened next is like a fairy tale. The road to success was fast-paced. By a happy coincidence, at the school where Yasya entered, there was a vocal circle. The girl was immediately noticed and invited to the studio as a soloist. Then there were victories in the regional and all-Russian vocal competitions. Inspired by her daughter's success, her mother sent a recording of her songs to the Voice show.

“I found out that Yasya was being invited to live auditions in Moscow on my birthday. So there was a double holiday in the family, ”Yaroslava’s mother recalls today.

At the "blind" auditions, one of the youngest participants in the competition had to perform first. Yaroslava was terribly worried and mixed up the tone in the first verse. But the jury liked the little incident. The song "Cuckoo" by Viktor Tsoi in her performance captivated both the audience and the jury. By the way, the young contestant heard the song itself for the first time on the eve of the performance. There was practically no time left to learn the composition, but Yaroslava firmly stated that she would sing it.

Singer and designer

After the first performance with a symphony orchestra, mentor Dima Bilan praised the ward:

Now you're all right.

Not all teeth. One fell out yesterday, - the little girl corrected him.

The fact that the competition podium turned out to be the second, and not the first, upsets Yaroslav, but not too much:

“Danil Pluzhnikov needed the victory more than me. After all, he needs to be treated, ”Yasya reasoned.

The girl tries not to think about the fact that she herself will have several complex operations. After all, today, as in a fairy tale, all dreams come true. Yaroslava participates in a variety of shows, skillfully copes with the role of a presenter on children's radio and even tries her hand at design art. Glory turned out to be an extremely troublesome thing: the capital's day of the star is scheduled by the minute - filming, concerts ...

And recently, a certain admirer of talent gave Yaroslav a live horse. Now the Degtyarevs are puzzled over where to place the animal.

Yaroslav is in no hurry to talk about plans for the future. She likes music, design, animals.

“In the meantime, I’m just a girl who sings,” Yasya explains to a dull adult.

The "Voice. Children" project brings together a huge number of gifted children from all over Russia to participate in a creative competition. The jury evaluates the vocal data of the participants and makes a decision to continue their journey in the project. One of the brightest girls who came to the competition was Yaroslava Degtyareva (b.14.08.2008). She was especially remembered by the audience and rivals.

A talented girl with a difficult fate

Yaroslav Degtyareva, whose biography is still too short due to her age, lived the full life of a good girl: she was unprofessionally engaged in the Inspiration vocal studio, studied at school and helped her mother around the house. Everything would be fine if not for one incident that completely turned the life of a child. When little Yaroslav was five years old, she got into a terrible accident with her parents. But she was able to return to life and decided to prove herself in a creative vocal competition on Channel One. Mom Olesya and seven-year-old Yaroslav Degtyareva came to the project. That something was wrong with the girl's eye, many noticed immediately. A small defect is visible on the face, but it cannot be called ugly. It only attracts unnecessary attention at first. The family came from the city of Gukovo, in the Rostov region. They moved there to Yaroslava's grandmother Nadezhda Ivanovna after that terrible accident.

3 year old incident

The girl's family tries not to remember the past, like Yaroslav Degtyareva herself. That a misfortune happened to the eye, only scars remind. Three years ago, Yasya and her parents were driving a car, and their car was blown off a cliff. The glasses shattered and shattered into tiny pieces, injuring the face and body of the girl. Fortunately, her mother Olesya did not suffer so much and could help her daughter in the first minutes. That there would be problems with Yaroslava Degtyareva's eye, it became clear immediately, based on the nature of the injuries received. The head suffered most of all, an open craniocerebral injury formed from the blows. Numerous wounds and scratches, closed fractures and ruptures of internal organs were also found on the child's body. The whole night the best doctors fought for the life of a little star, trying to do everything possible. They managed to literally put it back together.

Rehabilitation in the hospital

For about a month, the girl was unable to get out of her hospital bed. They were together all the time: mother and Yaroslav Degtyarev. The accident left them alone with each other (dad does not live in the family). Gradually, the girl began to raise her head, and then get up and move around on crutches. At first it was very difficult for her. Mom was worried about the moral state of her daughter, because not every adult can survive such a shock. During her stay in the hospital, the girl continued to develop: she studied with textbooks, drew a lot and read books. Yaroslava loved to arrange mini-performances with song accompaniment, since there were always many spectators in the hospital. It is difficult to set a person in a positive mood when there are so many sick children around, but Yasi's mother always told her about her love and about the great opportunities that await the little star after recovery and discharge.

new year wish

The approaching New Year found a small family in the hospital walls. “Let the legs start walking again,” Yaroslav Degtyarev asked the Christmas tree for the fulfillment of her cherished desire. That with an eye of a problem, it did not excite yet. Much more priority was the issue of restoring the function of the legs.

With a song for life

When the girl got to her feet, she began to walk around the wards and sing for the children, who were still lying and could not get up. She cheered them up as best she could, charging them with positivity. Everyone knew that cheerfulness and songs in the department - this is the whole of Yaroslav Degtyarev. It’s scary to describe what complex procedures were done to the eye in the hospital, but the girl withstood all the tests. Yasya experienced true pleasure, seeing how children joyfully perceive her songs. She felt the need to do something to help them. When her grandmother cried, Yaroslava comforted her and said that everything would be fine and that it was not worth crying. The girl still has a long period of recovery and plastic surgery.

Casting in the project "Voice. Children"

According to her mother, Yaroslava loved to sing since childhood. Already at the age of three, she sang her favorite songs from the Bremen Town Musicians to her mother. At the age of four, she could sing a solo soundtrack from the movie "Titanic". Mom and daughter practiced vocals every day, sang and rehearsed numbers, which gave great pleasure to both. For blind auditions in the project "Voice. Children" Yaroslav prepared several songs, as for a long time she could not decide which composition would be better to perform. Her heartfelt performance of "Cuckoo" touched the hearts of the jury members. The girl said that she heard this song performed by Polina Gagarina in the film "Battle for Sevastopol". I thought that I should sing this song with my soul. Despite her young age, Yaroslav speaks like an adult. She chooses for performance those songs that she is able to sing powerfully, from the heart, conveying all emotions to the viewer. You can’t pursue some goal and count on something, it’s important to just surrender to the music and give it to the listener.

Project Mentors

In the process of performing the song at blind auditions, two mentors turned to Yaroslav Degtyareva: Dima Bilan and Pelageya. The girl chose Dima and became a member of his team. She said that she chose Bilan because of the characteristic and external resemblance to the boy from the vocal studio, where she goes to sing.

Millions of views on YouTube

The little blonde in a white shirt and denim overalls made an incredible sensation. The video with the performance gained several million views during the broadcast of the broadcasts. After her performance, appearance does not play any role. In the project "Voice. Children" Yaroslav Degtyarev reached the final, that with the eye the photo is distorted and looks unusual, no one notices.


The real fighter is Yaroslav Degtyarev. That the eye is not all right, she does not remember. An active life allows her to think only about the good. On the project, before going on stage, young participants are offered to choose a small souvenir as a talisman. Yaroslava had the opportunity to get a toy bracelet on her hand, but still, she considers her beloved mother, who is always there, her main and important talisman. He also wears a bracelet and a cross consecrated in the church.

Hobbies and dreams

Like any little girl, Yaroslava loves to play with toys and often plays TV shows. One of my favorites is "Evening Urgant", especially the section "View from below". All toys and pets are used, each has its own role. Yasya also loves to walk the dog and train it. Another love of the girl is horses. Very often they go to the park with their mother to go horseback riding. He dreams of finally recovering and for all the scars to heal.

"I accepted myself for who I am"

A native of Sochi, Danil Pluzhnikov, was almost left behind by Golos. A few more seconds - and the boy who so touchingly sang Oleg Gazmanov's song "Two Eagles" would not have gone further. However, at the last moment, Dima Bilan turned to Danil and thereby gave the little singer a chance to prove himself.

Pluzhnikov is already 14 years old, but his height is only 98 centimeters. The boy was born like all normal children - 3100 g, 48 cm, and developed at the right pace, even went over a little in height and weight. But a year later he suddenly slowed down, and his mother sounded the alarm ... “The doctors calmed me down. But at the age of one and a half, she was diagnosed with “spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities,” says mother Danila Irina. - There are few doctors in Sochi who can help us. We need a council. We did operations in Moscow and Kurgan - straightened the joints. But for the last one and a half to two years, he has been complaining about his joints. The knees hurt a little, but the hips hurt more. Someone says that operations and plates cannot be placed, because he has a systemic bone disease. There is a danger of damaging something important and putting the child in a stroller. This is what we are afraid of."

His parents are always next to Danil - they will never let their son be offended!

Although it is difficult for Danila in everyday life, he is independent - he strives to do everything himself. His life is not at all synonymous with operations and trips to doctors - the boy is quite active, from the age of two he began to sing songs from cartoons, and at four he enrolled in a rehabilitation center for the disabled and began to go on stage. “At first I read poetry, and at six I already sang. We got good teachers, - continues my mother. - They said that Danka gives hope. They took their son to the music school with the words: "A child grasps everything on the fly." Danya really learned quickly: from the second grade he was immediately transferred to the fourth. By that time, he had already won the Grand Prix at one of the international competitions and won several first places in playing the synthesizer. Danil himself says that he has been singing professionally for three years. Recently, he began to travel to music competitions: in the first year he received as many as 11 awards. Now he has 21 medals of the laureate of the first degree and seven - the second.

The young singer has already met some media personalities, for example, Andrei Malakhov!

With all this, Danil is also an excellent student at school. The boy is homeschooled - teachers come for half of the subjects, and for the rest he studies remotely via Skype. “The son has no free time: the school program, two musicians in different areas. Plus Danya is the soloist of the vocal group "Elegy". He is generally an optimist. And a leader by nature, - says Irina. - When I was little, I organized all the guys in the yard around me. I couldn’t run, so I sat down on the table and told something interesting, invented games, and knew how to captivate. The boys and girls seemed to want to run, but they sat and listened. They probably had some respect for him that he could not participate in their games. Sometimes they even dragged him. Not always, of course, children are children, it happened, and they ran away. Then Danka was sad: “Why can they, but I can’t.” I had to explain. Now Danya tells me: "I accepted myself as I am."

Yaroslava is an ordinary girl who wants one thing - for her scars received during the accident to heal

Every morning it is very difficult for the boy - it is difficult for him to get up, because his joints hurt, he has to walk around. But the guy copes with everything and dreams of becoming a professional musician. “Recently, I began to sit at the synthesizer for a long time, composing my own melodies, showed it to the teacher, the teacher approved, and I like it. It's nice that my opinion is important to him. I'm a mother, ”Irina is proud.

And although Danil performed at many competitions, he and his mother did not know until the last whether they would pass the selection for the “Voice” or not, although, of course, the family carefully prepared for the casting ... “Together with the vocal teacher, we selected compositions: we need there was an emotional song and so that Danila would like it - otherwise she would not sing it, - explained mother Irina. - We rehearsed a lot. They also bought him a stage costume that matches the image of the song. Themselves with his father embroidered a jacket. We were terribly worried before recording the broadcast. My father and I advised our son to sing for the audience, and not for the jury. Dani did it! Of course, the emotions of both him and us were overwhelmed. After the recording of the program went on the air, messages of congratulations, warm words of gratitude rained down, friends called. I couldn’t fall asleep until the morning, but Danil, on the contrary, calmly reacted to everything, he was always sociable and wise ... Danka jokes: “The mentors turned around, saw me - and there was a moment of silence.” Of course, they were shocked, they did not expect. But we are not offended, we are already accustomed to such a reaction. Colleagues on the project treat Danil very friendly, and with his mentor Dima Bilan Pluzhnikov constantly calls up and writes via SMS. “There was a feeling that I was treated more loyally than other participants. It seemed to me that even too special. I think it all has to do with my health, because of this I was treated too carefully. It offends me in principle, because sometimes I feel that this is too much. On the other hand, people do good, why be offended by it.

"Legs start walking"

"Cuckoo" by 7-year-old Yaroslav Degtyareva on YouTube has already gained eight million views. The girl in the new season of the project was shown the very first - and for good reason! She became one of the brightest participants in the third season of “Voice. Children". “I started singing before speaking. Already at the age of one she sang “bayushki-bayu”, - says Yaroslav herself. - I prepared several songs for the casting in Ostankino, did not know which one to choose, and sang my favorite “Cuckoo”, although my mother and I did not prepare it specifically for the casting. I heard it earlier performed by Polina Gagarina in the film about the war "Battle for Sevastopol". I liked this song. She's a real fighter! I am glad that I got into the team of Dima Bilan. He's artistic, not sad, and his hits are great."

Yaroslav Degtyareva's mother was next to the girl during the accident - she was lucky and she was not injured, but Yaroslav had to be literally pulled out of the other world

When the young singer came to school after the broadcast of "Voice", classmates congratulated, presented postcards, a pencil case, a coloring book and her portrait. In the future, Yaroslava Degtyareva would like to become a singer and music teacher, because at school, children who cannot sing ask for help. “I worked out with one girl a little, explained how it was necessary, and she began to get better. In my free time, I like to shoot interesting videos or make cakes in a toy bakery. I also play with a cat or train a dog.”

Yaroslava is still so young, but she has already had to endure a lot. Now the girl hardly remembers the past, but two years ago her life changed radically - together with her family she got into a serious car accident. “The accident happened on the highway, Yasi's father was driving. On the way, we flew into a cliff, the windows were broken, Yasya was badly hurt, - said the mother of the young star Alesya. - Doctors saved her life all night: an open craniocerebral injury, closed fractures, internal injuries, an eye was badly damaged. I spent a month with my daughter in the hospital ward. At first she just lay down. Then she began to raise her head, sit down, then we learned to walk again. At first they moved on crutches. I was worried about how my daughter would take all this, I did not know what to do next. But Yasya did well, did not lose heart. While we were in the hospital, I taught her to read, we drew a lot. She constantly said that she was still the best for me, the most beautiful. In addition, the daughter saw heavy children. While we were in the hospital, we staged mini-performances, learned to read. In fact, it was wildly excruciating to see her in pain. On the eve of the New Year, Yasya asked the Christmas tree for a gift: "So that the legs begin to walk." In the hospital, where there were many difficult children, Yasya sang for them too. When she got to her feet, she walked around the wards and sang to those who could not get up. And then she told me: “Mom! They love it so much! I'm so glad I can do something for them."

The girl really likes to work with Dima Bilan, because he is "artistic and not sad"!

After the accident, Alesya was left alone with Yasya in her arms, it was hard. They moved to the Rostov region to their mother. “Heads of departments gathered there: a neurosurgeon, an ophthalmologist, an orthopedist ... Thanks to them and God.” Now the family is under constant medical supervision. Yaroslava regularly examines her eyes, head, in a word - she keeps her finger on the pulse all the time. “But there are no contraindications to singing, and she likes it. So everything is slowly getting better, the worst is behind, ”concludes Alesya.

Yaroslav speaks modestly about his dreams. Of course, she wants to win the “Voice”, but there is something else more personal and important ... “I’m scared to remember this, and I didn’t talk about my desire, but I want the scars to heal and I am completely cured.”

Alexander is proud of his mom and dad - Sergey Filin and Maria Prorvich, although he misses when his parents are late at work

"Emotional trauma will remain forever"

Alexander Filin, the son of the former artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet Sergei Filin and ballerina Maria Prorvich, also managed to get into the new season of The Voice. Children". The boy sang well from childhood - he liked musical cartoons, he quickly memorized all the songs and sang around the clock. “Besides, my son often went with us to the theater for rehearsals. Surprisingly, he liked adult ballet performances, his mother said. - At the age of five, he asked: “Mom, can I do additional music?” They recorded him in the group "Fidgets". They decided that they should definitely understand what he likes best. Sasha chose right away: vocals are his favorite lesson, he can walk every day. Plus, he is learning to play an instrument, this year he chose the guitar.

Classmates of Filin Jr. are constantly asking him to get Dmitry Nagiyev's autograph!

Sasha himself says that he has been singing since the age of three, sometimes playing the piano. In the future, Filin would like to sing pop music and a little bit of rock. “I was not afraid to try my hand at Golos, I have already performed in the Kremlin and at various competitions: in Bulgaria, Spain, Prague. It was much scarier there ... "Alexander decided to go to the Voice himself - a boy from Fidget, whom he knew, participated in the first season of the project, Filin looked at him and said:" I want too. “Although he was still very young, he was only into music for the second year. But we applied. The son went through all the auditions, but the turn did not reach him, he had to wait for the next year. Now I understand that it was for the better, because Sasha has changed a lot during this period, gained a lot, - says the mother of the young vocalist. - Especially for the "Voice" we made T-shirts with an eagle owl. The daughter of friends drew a sketch. The eagle owl is the talisman of our entire family. There are a lot of them at home, they bring us from different countries, they give them. And the owl, with which Sasha went on stage, was presented to him by the class teacher. By the way, Filin Jr. dreamed of getting to Dima Bilan, because he is one of his idols. The boy even imagined that Dima would become his mentor. And so it happened!

I must say that only now Alexander was able to relax and completely surrender to the project and music, because he was very upset by the tragedy that happened to his father three years ago. In 2013, Sergei Filin was attacked from behind a corner and poured acid over his face - a stranger approached sharply and splashed the contents of the can into his face with the words “hello to you”, and then ran away. During the investigation of the case, it turned out that Sergei was "ordered" by the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Pavel Dmitrichenko. During his testimony, the defendant himself admitted to a personal dislike for the artistic director and expressed dissatisfaction with his methods of work. During long-term treatment in Germany, Filin underwent more than 30 eye surgeries. Now Filin's vision has partially returned: the man's left eye sees only 10%. “After the attack, I asked the priest to come to the hospital. After a confession, a serious conversation, I forgave these people ... - Filin admitted. - It was impossible to live with this burden. For me, this was one of the most important decisions I had to make. You see, it was not I who came to these people at night, I did not cause any injuries. Therefore, I can continue to live with peace of mind. So... Forgive me. But ... Honestly, I don’t understand why in the 21st century you can take such a step? Dmitrichenko, and, in general, everyone in the ballet troupe, always had the opportunity to enter my office and talk, resolve any issues. And, in fact, it happened and is happening to this day with other artists ... I really do not understand the real reason for the attack. All the accusations that were brought against me during the trial are an absolute lie. They are so absurd and unfounded that it is not even serious to discuss them.”

It happens that due to performances, Filin Jr. skips school, but then tries to catch up. "I'm an excellent student - there are only fives in the diary," the schoolboy proudly says

This situation, of course, greatly influenced the younger children of Filin - Alexander and Sergey. The Pope admires their courage. “My sons today exist in a reality that is terrible for them. Every time they see a similar situation in a movie, in a cartoon, they always draw a parallel with what happened to their dad. You understand, this mental trauma will remain with them forever, - says the 45-year-old People's Artist of Russia. - The life of the whole family was divided in two - before and after ... The children and I switched roles. If earlier I was a solid shoulder for them, now my sons support me - they quickly grow up in difficult situations ... Today, I am not alone, but the whole family is fighting for my health every day. We try not to give up when the next positive forecast of doctors is not justified. My sons became my eyes for a long time, led me everywhere by the hand and warned me when there would be an unevenness, when to turn, when to stop, as the car was going ... "

“We will definitely sing!”

Adelina Kurdzhieva from Tyumen could become a full-fledged participant in the second season of The Voice, but, alas, she failed to pass the “blind auditions”. A 14-year-old girl at the selection decided to perform the song “Love Has Come” (almost two million people watched the video of Adelina’s performance!), But even such a soulful song did not make the mentors, namely Pelageya, Dima Bilan and Maxim Fadeev, divorce. When Adelina took the stage, she was madly worried... “I remember that together with my sister we decided to send an application for the first season of the project. We were invited first to the casting, and then to the blind auditions. The song “Love has come” was chosen together with my music teacher,” said Kyurdzhmeva.

Music for Adeline is more than just a hobby

But empty-handed, Adeline still did not leave and, perhaps, received even something more than many finalists. The aspiring singer had a chance to work with Fadeev, who immediately offered her cooperation with his production center. And these were not just words - after a while, the director of Maxim called the girl's parents and said that he was ready to sign a contract for five years.

For Adelina Kurdzhieva, music is really a serious matter - she sang at the age of four, at eight she began to practice pop vocals. By the age of 14, Kurdzhieva is already a laureate of numerous All-Russian and international competitions, she sings songs in Russian and English. And once she was lucky enough to perform with the A'Studio group! Now Adelina dreams of singing with her idol Philip Kirkorov - one fine day she already managed to talk with the king of pop music. “Once after the concert, I visited his dressing room, gave him a CD with my songs and said: “You are my idol, and someday I will sing with you.” And he replied: “We will definitely sing!”

Adeline is blind from birth - she doesn't know what it's like to see. Parents showed their daughter to doctors, she underwent many operations. But Adeline does not even react to light. But this did not prevent the girl from developing: she grew up sociable and active. “When we went to Moscow, Adelina did not sit still for a minute,” her teacher said. She doesn't like it when people are sad or silent. She played “Voice” with me and my mother: she did not take Afina Vladimirovna to the project after the “audition”. Adeline loves shopping - she carefully chooses outfits and jewelry. And she just loves perfume. She liked the aroma of Dima Bilan so much, which she felt when the singer consoled her right on stage, that upon arrival in her native Tyumen, Adelina and her mother went around all the shops until two weeks later she found the right perfume from Armani. She bought it as a gift for her father. In addition, the young singer loves clay modeling. Despite her congenital blindness, she loves to go to the cinema, imagining what is happening on the screen.

March 04, 2016

After recovering from a severe car accident, the seven-year-old singer learned to walk again and won the hearts of the audience of the project

After recovering from a severe car accident, the seven-year-old singer learned to walk again and won the hearts of the audience of the project.

Photo: Dmitry Tkachenko

A little blonde in denim overalls from the city of Gukovo (Rostov region) made a splash at the "blind auditions". The song "Cuckoo" performed by her on Youtube has already gained 2.5 million views. Not to say that Yaroslava sang perfectly - the excitement interfered with the girl, but sincerity and desire did their job: Dima Bilan also turned to the original singer. And two years ago, Yaroslav could not dream of the project "" - she was in the hospital after an accident in which she almost died. An open craniocerebral injury, fractures and fragments on her face - neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists and orthopedists literally collected the girl in parts after the accident. The treatment is still going on, but the Teleprogramma magazine made sure that the character and fortitude will not let the girl turn off the path.

Photo: personal archive

- Did you suggest the song of Viktor Tsoi "Cuckoo" for "blind auditions"?

- For the casting in Ostankino (selection round before recording the broadcast - ed.), I prepared several songs, did not know which one to choose and sang my favorite "Cuckoo", although my mother and I did not prepare it specifically for the casting. I heard it earlier in the performance in the film about the war "Battle for Sevastopol". I liked this song. She's a real fighter! I love strong songs.

Photo: personal archive

What does "powerful" mean? How to sing to turn around?

- With soul, from the heart. And without purpose. Because if you sing with calculation, without a soul, it doesn’t work out. For example, he aimed to turn to you, and so you will forget about the song.

Do you have a talisman or favorite toy that is always with you?

- Probably, my talisman is my mother, she is always there. True, before going on stage at the Voice, we were given special items, gifts from a bag. A kind of talisman. Children chose different toys and things, left them for themselves. I got a bracelet - I had to weave it and put it on my hand. True, I was still worried and took the wrong note at the beginning of the song. But she was not taken aback - she continued to sing, corrected the mistakes. And Pelageya and turned to me.

“Behind the scenes, you said that the mentor looked like one of your friends…

- Yes, I go to the Inspiration vocal studio, and I have a friend there. He is as funny as . And he also looks like his hair. And humorous.

How long have you been doing vocals?

- While I do not go to a music school and do not do vocals professionally. I have been singing at the Vdohnovenie vocal studio for more than a year now, since I went to first grade. I also like to walk in the fresh air, train my dog. I like to interview my dolls and the cat, as if I'm playing "" - "Look from below." My mother and I often go to the park and ride horses. When I was still little, that is, smaller, I rode horses, so I'm not afraid. I have not learned how to manage them yet, but riding brings me pleasure.

Photo: personal archive

Did your classmates congratulate you at school?

- After the broadcast, I have not been to school yet. My mother and I were in Moscow for a medical examination - we recently returned. But everyone is calling me, congratulating me, and looking forward to it. They write a lot of good things on social networks and want to make friends. Sometimes my portraits are sent. Some, on the contrary, create fake pages and write on my behalf.

- Do you have a cherished dream?

- I don’t even know ... of course, each participant wants to win the “Voice”. And yet, I’m scared to remember it, and I didn’t talk about my desire, but I want the scars to heal and I am completely cured.

Photo: personal archive

Mom of the singer Olesya Degtyareva: "Doctors fought all night for the life of Yasi"

Photo: personal archive

- Yasya sang from a little girl (from childhood) - from about a year she began to sing along. And usually hit the notes. At the age of three, she loved to sing songs from the Bremen Town Musicians. Now she sings when she does her homework. Sings while standing in the store. And when Yasya came to first grade, she was immediately noticed at music lessons and taken to perform on stage. Then we were offered to go to competitions, I agreed. After the accident, I was left alone with Yasya in my arms (with my husband Olesya in a divorce - ed.), it was hard. And we moved to the Rostov region to my mother. The accident happened on the highway, Yasi's father was driving. On the way, we flew into a cliff, the windows were broken, Yasya was badly hurt. Doctors spent the whole night saving her life: an open craniocerebral injury, closed fractures, internal injuries, severely damaged eye. While we were in the hospital, we staged mini-performances, learned to read. In fact, it was wildly excruciating to see her in pain. On the eve of the New Year, Yasya asked the Christmas tree for a gift: "so that the legs begin to walk." In the hospital, where there were many difficult children, Yasya sang for them too. When she got to her feet, she walked around the wards and sang to those who could not get up. And then she told me: “Mom! They love it so much! I'm so glad I can do something for them."

Grandmother Nadezhda Ivanovna: “Lying in the hospital, Yasya sang for others”

Photo: personal archive

- Even before the first broadcast, I saw Yasechka in an advertisement for Golos. The first sensation is goosebumps. An extraordinary feeling. And as the ether was shown, so continuous tears! Why is her voice so mesmerizing? Daughter Olesya graduated from music school. They have similar voices with Yasya, very powerful. Every day they rehearse, sing. Although Olesya herself was badly injured after the accident, her eye was half sewn up, but she still devoted most of her time to Yasa. The situation hardened her. Even when I could not hold back my tears, looking at her, she said: “Grandma, don’t cry! Everything will be fine". Of course, she has her favorite toys, without which she does not go to bed. On the "Voice" she took with her a pillow with a monkey. In general, Yasya wears a cross and a bracelet consecrated in the church. They keep her.

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First, Friday, 21.30

    Yaroslav Degtyarev, a young talent, came to the Voice contest. Children from the Rostov region.

    The talented girl is only seven years old.

    Yasya, as her family and friends affectionately call her, lives in the small mining town of Gukovo.

    At the age of five, the girl experienced a real tragedy. She and her parents got into a car accident.

    The girl had to learn to walk again. At first it was crutches, and only then she again began to walk on her own. The girl's mother was very worried that her daughter might develop a complex due to scars. But Yaroslava showed real fighting qualities in herself. Not only did she struggle with her own problems, but she also found the strength to cheer up her mother.

    Alesia Bumagina, that's the name of the girl's mother, enrolled her daughter in the children's vocal studio Inspiration.

    And already at the age of six, Yaroslava became the permanent leading soloist of the ensemble.

    At the show, the girl managed to conquer two mentors with her timbre.

    She chose a composition so difficult for her age. Not every adult decides to take a swing at Viktor Tsoi's Cuckoo. And she not only decided, but also performed wonderfully. True, there was a small blemish at the very beginning, but the girl quickly recovered and leveled off. If you also consider that she had very little time to prepare. After all, she heard this song quite recently and decided to perform it. And she performed it with sincerity and childish spontaneity.

    Although Bilan and Pelageya turned to the girl, she chose Dima Bilan as her mentors.

    But Pelageya got a compliment from her.

    Off stage, the girl is a very open and cheerful child.

    Her old dream of riding a horse came true thanks to her participation in the Voice project. The girl was lucky enough to have a full-fledged training at the equestrian arena, and she was convinced that equestrian sport is a rather difficult task. No easier than professional vocals.

    Although the girl does not particularly strive to grow up, she wants to become a singer in the future. And one more of her great desires to buy a horse, but this is in the future.

    Baby Yaroslava Diagtyareva, a cute angel with a bang, a very strong voice and the ability to use it, came to Golos Children from the small town of Gukovo, Rostov Region. Now she is seven full years old, in the family, as she herself says, everyone sings, so there are inclinations and very large ones.

    Many yesterday really liked the little Yaroslava Degtyarva, who so wonderfully performed the complex song of Viktor Tsoi Cuckooquot ; at blind auditions.

    Yasya (this is the name of her relatives) was born in Rostov-on-Don, and now lives in the city of Gukovo, Rostov Region, studies at school 9 in the second grade, sweat in the vocal studio Inspirationquot ;. Now Yaroslav is seven years old.

    When Yaroslava was five, she got into a car accident, was severely crippled, she had to learn to walk again. So this little girl is a hero and a fighter.

    We will cheer for not.

    Photo from Yaroslava's VKontakte page.

    Yaroslava Degtyareva was born in the Rostov region in the small town of Gukovo on August 14, 2008.

    She was the first to perform in the third season of the show Voice. Children and immediately scolded the audience by how seriously she performed V. Tsoi's song Cuckooquot ;.

    Yaroslava in the second round went to the final from the team of Dima Bilan.

    At the age of five, Yaroslav got into a severe car accident, after which it took a long time to recover. Her mother, in order to distract the girl, enrolled Yaroslav in the children's vocal group Inspirationquot ;, where she soon became a soloist.

    Yaroslava Degtyareva participated in various vocal competitions among children in Gukovo and Rostov-on-Don, after which her mother applied for Voice.Childrenquot ;, where Yaroslava successfully performs, bypassing rivals.

    Her video with the song Cuckoo in the first week alone, it collected more than a million views, the audience really likes the girl.

    Yaroslava Degtyareva is a young participant in the vocal project Voice. Childrenquot ;. (third season) She is now 7 years old. She comes from the city of Gukovo, in the Rostov region.

    This little angel simply captivated the audience with his voice and charm.

    Yaroslava Degtyareva at blind auditions sang quite heavy for performance and quite adult Tsoi's song Cuckoo.

    The girl had to be the very first to perform at blind auditions, because of which she got a little excited and at first took the wrong note. But in the end she still performed very worthy!

    In addition to the song Cuckoo the girl performed the song quot on the project; The January Blizzard Rings;.

    Executioncuckoo gained a record number of views on the Internet. Yasya was watched by 10 million people! According to Malakhov, this is a record for all 3 seasons, which once again indicates that the girl conquered the audience.

    Here you can listen to the story of the young performer.

    Yaroslav Degtyareva immediately fell in love with the audience. At the first stage of blind auditions, Bilan turned to her, then Pelageya. Now Yaroslav is seven years old, she has been singing since the age of two. Some time ago she got into an accident, but steadfastly survived everything.

    Here you can watch a video about how Yaroslav Degtyarva rides a horse - http://vk.com/voicekids?from=topamp;w=wall-55157869_429831

    Yes, and such a wonderful legendary song of the famous Viktor Tsoi Cuckooquot ;.

    Of course, the girl is young.

    Members of the jury Pelageya, Dmitry Bilan and Leonid Agutin were also delighted with the girl.

    And Yaroslav is only 7 years old at the moment.

    The girl has an official page in the Vkontakte community.

    She comes from the city of Rostov-on-Don.

    Also in contact there is an official group dedicated to Yaroslav.

    Quite a few tests fell on the lot of a girl from the age of 5 who got into an accident.

    Yaroslava survived everything and let's hope for a worthy victory in the show.

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