What helps a person to remain a person in the terrible, inhuman conditions of war according to the story The Fate of a Man (Sholokhov M.A.)

The purpose of the lesson: Awareness of the image of Shukhov as a symbolic image of the Russian people.

1) Introduce the story; show the skill of the writer; to reveal the meaning of Solzhenitsyn's work.

2) Develop the skills of literary text analysis; to improve the ability to produce a comparative description of the heroes of literary works.

3) Cause an emotional response in the analysis of the story.

Methodical methods:

1) analytical conversation;

2) work in groups;

3) comparison of literary texts;

4) problematic issue.





Summary of the lesson on the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

Analysis of the story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn

"One day of Ivan Denisovich".

Completed by the teacher

Russian language and

Literature MKOU

"Lebedinskaya" secondary school, Bogucharsky district

Gulyaeva O.A.

(zonal courses)

Boguchar 2010.

The purpose of the lesson: Awareness of the image of Shukhov as a symbolic image of the Russian people.


1) Introduce the story; show the skill of the writer; to reveal the meaning of Solzhenitsyn's work.

2) Develop the skills of literary text analysis; to improve the ability to produce a comparative description of the heroes of literary works.

3) Cause an emotional response in the analysis of the story.

Methodical methods:

1) analytical conversation;

2) work in groups;

3) comparison of literary texts;

4) problematic issue.

During the classes:
Org. moment:

Hello! Open your notebooks and write down the topic of the lesson.

Teacher's word:

The work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” has a special place in literature and general. consciousness. The story, written in 1959, was
conceived back in the camp in 1950.

The original title of the story is "Sch-854 (One day of one convict)". The genre of the story was determined by the writer himself, emphasizing the contrast between the small form and the deep content of the work. Tvardovsky called the story "One day ...", realizing the significance of Solzhenitsyn's creation.

W: How was the idea for “One Day…” born?

U: As Solzhenitsyn himself writes, the idea for the story arose on one of the camp days. He, doing heavy camp work, thought that it would be enough to describe only one day of an unremarkable person from morning to evening, and everything would be clear.

The image of Ivan Denisovich was formed from the soldier Shukhov, who fought with the author in the Soviet-German war (and never sat), the general experience of the captives and the experience of the author. In the Special Camp, Solzhenitsyn worked as a bricklayer. The rest of the faces are all from camp life, with their true biographies.

Analytical conversation.

W: Restore the past of Ivan Denisovich. How did he get into the camp?

with: Ivan Denisovich Shukhov -one of the many who ended up in the camp. In 1941, he, a simple man, a peasant who honestly fought, was surrounded later in captivity. Having escaped from captivity, he ends up in Soviet counterintelligence. The only chance to stay alive is the recognition that even the investigator cannot figure out what kind of task was given to the “spy.” So they simply wrote “task.” Shukhov was severely beaten, and he decided to sign a confession. So Ivan Denisovich ended up in the camp.

W: Why does the day described in the story seem to Shukhov

« almost happy?

u: The day spent in the camp did not bring any special troubles. This is already happiness in the given conditions.

W: What "happy events" happen to

a hero?

u: Ivan Denisovich was not put in a punishment cell. He did not get caught on a shmon, he bought tobacco, he did not get sick.

W: Why did the author choose to write the story?

"happy day"?

Y: If such a day is happy, then what are the unlucky ones?

U: What helps the hero to resist, to remain human?

Y: He did not succumb to the process of dehumanization, despite the inhuman conditions, he withstood, retained inner freedom.

He lives in harmony with himself, does not suffer from reflections: why? why? Shukhov also works conscientiously in the camp, as if he were free, on his collective farm. While working, he feels a surge of strength. For Shukhov, work is life. Common sense helps him survive.

u: Solzhenitsyn writes with sympathy about Senka Klevshin, the Latvian Kildigis, the captain Buinovsky, the assistant to the foreman Pavlo and the foreman Tyurin. Brigadier Tyurin is a “father” for everyone, the life of the brigade depends on how the “percentage” is closed. Tyurin knows how to live himself, and thinks for others.

U: Which of the heroes is opposed to Shukhov?

U: Shukhov is opposed by those who “do not take the blow”, “who evade it.” This is the film director Tsezar Markovich. He has a fur hat sent from the outside. Everyone works in the cold, and Caesar is warm.

U: What character from Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" does Shukhov resemble?

U: Ivan Denisovich reminds us of Platon Karataev.


U: Indeed, these two images are very similar. Let's conduct a comparative analysis and answer the question: Why is the image of Platon Karataev, created by Tolstoy in the 19th century (1863-1869), so close to the image of Shukhov from Solzhenitsyn's work of the 20th century (1959)?

For clarity, let's fill in the table. Group 1 writes out Shukhov's characterization from the text of the district of Solzhenitsyn, and group 2 - Platon Karataev's characterization from the text of Tolstoy's novel.


Platon Karataev

Ivan Denisovich Shukhov

1. peasant housekeeping

1.a simple person from a peasant family





4. the ability to adapt to live in any circumstances

4. lives according to conscience

5.faith in life

5. others trust him


6. adapts to life in the camp, but this is not opportunism, because he does not lose human dignity

7.jack of all trades

7. works a lot, conscientiously; in work - freedom

8. loving attitude towards the world without selfish feeling

8. peasant thrift (hid a trowel)

9. able to withstand any test and not break down, do not lose faith in life

9. appreciates the immediate life

10. loved and lovingly lived with everyone - with whom his fate brought him together

10. did not succumb to dehumanization, resisted, retaining the moral basis

11. full agreement with life, inner freedom

11. lives in harmony with himself, enjoys little things, feels free in conditions of lack of freedom

T: Now we can answer the question:

Why is the image of Karataev close to the image of Shukhov?

Answer: L.N. Tolstoy and A.I. Solzhenitsyn recreated the symbolic image of the Russian people, capable of enduring unprecedented suffering, deprivation, bullying and at the same time preserving kindness and love for people.

Both Shukhov and Karataev are "the eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth of the Russian people."


Solzhenitsyn's story combines fiction and documentary. There are many details in it: everyday, behavioral, psychological, which speaks of the writer's skill.

I want to end the lesson with a quote ak. D. Sakharova "The special, exceptional role of Solzhenitsyn in the spiritual history of the country is associated with an uncompromising, accurate and deep coverage of the suffering of people and the crimes of the regime, unheard of in their mass cruelty and secrecy ... Solzhenitsyn is a giant of the struggle for human dignity in the modern tragic world."


2. Compare this story with “One day ... ..”

The writing

It seems that everything in Shukhov is focused on one thing - just to survive: “Shukhov was beaten a lot in counterintelligence. And Shukhov's calculation was simple: if you don't sign it, you'll get a wooden pea jacket; if you sign it, you'll live a little longer. Signed." And even now in the camp Shukhov calculates his every step. The morning began like this: “Shukhov never slept through the rise, he always got up on it - before the divorce there was an hour and a half of his time, not official, and whoever knows camp life can always earn extra money: sewing a cover for mittens from an old lining; give a rich brigadier dry felt boots directly to the bed, so that he does not trample barefoot around the heap, do not choose; or run through the supply rooms, where you need to serve someone, sweep or bring something; or go to the dining room to collect bowls from the tables. “During the day, Shukhov tries to be where everyone is: “... it is necessary that no guard see you alone, but only in the crowd.”

He has a special pocket sewn under his quilted jacket, where he puts the saved ration of bread so that he does not eat it hastily, "hasty food is not food." While working at the thermal power plant, Shukhov finds a hacksaw, for which “they could have been given ten days in a punishment cell if they recognized it as a knife. But the shoe knife was earnings, there was bread! It was a pity to quit. And Shukhov put it in a cotton mitten. After work, bypassing the dining room (!), Ivan Denisovich runs to the mailbox to take a queue for Caesar, so that "Caesar ... Shukhov owes." And so - every day.

It seems that Shukhov lives one day, no, he lives for the future, thinks about the next day, figures out how to live it, although he is not sure that they will release him on time, that they will not “solder” another ten. Shukhov is not sure that he will be released, he will see his own, but he lives as if he is sure. Ivan Denisovich does not think about the so-called accursed questions: why are so many people, good and different, sitting in the camp? What is the reason for the camps? And he doesn’t know what he’s in jail for, he doesn’t seem to be trying to comprehend what happened to him: “It is considered in the case that Shukhov sat down for treason. And he testified that yes, he surrendered, wanting to betray his homeland, and returned from captivity because he was carrying out the task of German intelligence. What a task - neither Shukhov himself could come up with, nor the investigator. So they left it just - the task. Shukhov addresses this issue for the only time throughout the story. His answer sounds too generalized to be the result of deep analysis: “What did I sit down for? For the fact that in the forty-first they did not prepare for the war, for this? What about me?” Why is that? Obviously, because Ivan Denisovich belongs to those who are called a natural, natural person.

Natural man, who has always lived in deprivation and lack, values ​​first of all immediate life, existence as a process, the satisfaction of the first simple needs - food, drink, warmth, sleep. “He started eating. At first, he drank one slurry directly. How hot it went, spilled over his body - even his insides are fluttering towards the gruel. Good-hoo! Here it is, a short moment, for which the prisoner lives. “You can eat up two hundred grams, you can smoke a second cigarette, you can sleep. Only from a good day Shukhov cheered up, he doesn’t even seem to want to sleep. ” “While the bosses figure it out - snuggle up, where it’s warmer, sit down, sit down, you’ll still break your back. Well, if near the stove, wrap the footcloths and warm them a little. Then your feet will be warm all day long. And even without a stove - everything is fine. “Now it seems to have gotten used to the shoes: in October Shukhov received boots, hefty, hard-nosed, with room for two warm footcloths. For a week as a birthday boy, all brand new heels tapped. And in December, felt boots arrived in time - life, no need to die. “Shukhov fell asleep completely satisfied. During the day he had a lot of luck today: they didn’t put him in a punishment cell, they didn’t send a brigade to Sotsgorodok, at lunch he mowed down porridge, he didn’t get caught with a hacksaw, he worked part-time with Caesar and bought tobacco. And I didn't get sick, I got over it. The day passed, unmarred by anything, almost happy.

And Ivan Denisovich took root in Ust-Izhma, although the work was harder and the conditions were worse; goner was there - and survived. Natural man is far from such an occupation as reflection, analysis; an eternally tense and restless thought does not pulsate in him, the terrible question does not arise: why? why? The thought of Ivan Denisovich “besides, everything is returning, everything is stirring up again: will they find soldering in the mattress? Will they be released in the medical unit in the evening? Will the captain be imprisoned or not? And how did Caesar get warm underwear on his hands? The natural man lives in harmony with himself, the spirit of doubt is alien to him; he does not reflect, does not look at himself from the outside. This simple wholeness of consciousness largely explains Shukhov's vitality, his high adaptability to inhuman conditions. Shukhov's naturalness, his emphasized alienation from artificial, intellectual life, are associated, according to Solzhenitsyn, with the high morality of the hero. Shukhov is trusted because they know: he is honest, decent, lives in good conscience.

Caesar, with a calm soul, hides a food parcel with Shukhov. Estonians lend tobacco, they are sure they will repay it. Shukhov's high degree of adaptability has nothing to do with opportunism, humiliation, loss of human dignity. Shukhov “strongly remembered the words of his first foreman Kuzemin: “Here’s who is dying in the camp: who licks bowls, who hopes for the medical unit, and who goes to knock on the godfather.” These saving ways are sought for by people who are morally weak, trying to survive at the expense of others, "on someone else's blood." Physical survival is thus accompanied by moral destruction. Not that Shukhov. He is always happy to stock up on extra rations, get tobacco, but not like Fetyukov - a jackal who “looks into his mouth and his eyes burn”, and “slobbers”: “Let’s pull it once!” Shukhov will get a cigarette so as not to drop himself: Shukhov saw that “his teammate Caesar smoked, and he smoked not a pipe, but a cigarette, which means you can shoot. But Shukhov did not directly ask, but stopped very close to Caesar and half-turned looked past him. Occupying a queue for a parcel for Caesar, he does not ask: “Well, did you get it?” - because it would be a hint that he was in line and now has the right to a share. He already knows what he has. But he was not a jackal even after eight years of joint work - and the further, the more firmly he established himself.

One of the first benevolent critics of the story, V. Lakshin, very accurately noted that “the word “asserted” does not require additions here - “asserted” not in one thing, but in its general attitude to life. This attitude was formed back in that other life, in the camp it only received a test, it passed the test. Shukhov is reading a letter from home. The wife writes about dyeing: “But there is still one new, cheerful craft - this is dyeing carpets. Someone brought stencils from the war, and since then it has gone on, and more and more such painters are recruited: they don’t belong anywhere, they don’t work anywhere, they help the collective farm for one month, just in haymaking and cleaning, but for that, for eleven months, the collective farm he gives him a certificate that such and such a collective farmer has been released on his own business and there are no arrears for him.

And the wife is very hopeful that Ivan will return and also not a foot to the collective farm, and will also become a dyeer. And they will then rise out of the poverty into which she struggles." “... Shukhov sees that people have blocked the direct path, but people do not get lost: they go around and that’s how they are alive. Shukhov would have made his way around. Earnings, apparently easy, fire. And it’s kind of a shame to lag behind your villagers ... But, to my liking, Ivan Denisovich would not want to take on those carpets. For them, swagger is needed, impudence, to poke the police on the paw. Shukhov, on the other hand, has been trampling the ground for forty years, already half of his teeth are missing and there is baldness on his head, he never gave or took from anyone, and he did not learn in the camp. Easy money - they do not weigh anything, and there is no such instinct that, they say, you have earned.

No, not a light, or rather, not a light attitude towards life in Shukhov. His principle: earned - get it, but "do not stretch your belly on someone else's good." And Shukhov works at the “object” just as conscientiously as he does outside. And the point is not only that he works in a brigade, but “in a camp, a brigade is such a device that it is not the bosses who goad the prisoners, but the prisoners each other. Here it’s like this: either everything is additional, or everyone is dying. ”

Other writings on this work

“... In the camp, only those who are already corrupted in the wild or were prepared for this are corrupted” (According to the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”) A. I. Solzhenitsyn: "One day of Ivan Denisovich" The author and his hero in one of the works of AI Solzhenitsyn. ("One day of Ivan Denisovich"). The Art of Character Creation. (According to the novel by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich") Historical Theme in Russian Literature (Based on A. I. Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich) The camp world in the image of A. I. Solzhenitsyn (based on the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”) Moral problems in A. I. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" The image of Shukhov in A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" The problem of moral choice in one of the works of A. Solzhenitsyn The problems of one of the works of A. I. Solzhenitsyn (based on the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich") The problems of Solzhenitsyn's works Russian national character in A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". The symbol of an entire era (based on Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich") The system of images in A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Solzhenitsyn - humanist writer Plot and compositional features of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” The Theme of the Horror of the Totalitarian Regime in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s Story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” Artistic features of Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". Man in a totalitarian state (based on the works of Russian writers of the 20th century) Characteristics of the image of Gopchik Characteristics of the image of Ivan Denisovich Shukhov Review of the story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" The problem of national character in one of the works of modern Russian literature Genre features of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" by A. I. Solzhenitsyn The image of the main character Shukov in the novel "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" "One day of Ivan Denisovich". The character of the hero as a way of expressing the author's position Analysis of the work Characteristics of the image of Fetyukov One day and the whole life of a Russian person The history of the creation and appearance in print of the work of A. I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” The harsh truth of life in the works of Solzhenitsyn Ivan Denisovich - characteristics of a literary hero Reflection of the tragic conflicts of history in the fate of the heroes of the story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" The creative history of the creation of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Moral issues in the story The problem of moral choice in one of the works Review of A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" The hero of Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Plot and compositional features of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

Help answer questions about the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One day of Ivan Denisov" 1. Why is the story about the camp world limited to a description of one day? 2. Who is Ivan Denisovich? (restore his past, how did he get to the camp?) 3. What helps the hero to resist, to remain human? 4. Why does the day described in the story seem "almost happy" to the hero?

Keywords: free download "one day of ivan denisov" a. Solzhenitsyn, why does the day described in the story seem almost happy to Shukhov, how Ivan Denisovich ended up in the camp,

13 answers to the question “questions on the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisov"

    answer #0 / answered by: Help Desk

    • answer / answered:

      Helpful answer? (0) / (0)

      I don't remember well, it's been a long time since I read it. But I can answer the first question. Because 1 day is like many. Basically, they are all the same. And so Ivan Denisovich lives not for one day, but for years.
      Source: Wonderful work

      answer / answered:

      Helpful answer? (eleven )

      1. Solzhenitsyn himself wrote about this: "... IT WAS NEEDED TO DESCRIBE THE WHOLE CAMP WORLD - IN ONE DAY ...". THE MAJOR FACTOR OF THE PLOT'S MOVEMENT in the revival. yav-Xia during the camp time - from an early wake-up to lights out. 2. Ivan Denisovich Shukhov - Ch. hero. He is 40 years old, formerly a peasant, married and has two daughters. In the beginning. war went to the front, was wounded, in February. In 1942, the army was surrounded, Shukhov was captured, but he managed to escape. HE was forced to sign a confession that he was a fascist agent. He was convicted under article 58 (For treason), and sentenced to 10 years in the camps. Since then, 8 years have passed. 3. During the time that Shukhov spent in the camp, he "did not drop himself." In this he was helped by the observance of certain principles of life: involvement in the community of people, work, strength of mind, wisdom and responsibility, conscientiousness. 4. This day was "almost happy" for him. Here, for example, is how he sums it up himself: "...they didn't put him in a punishment cell, they didn't send the brigade out to Sotsgorodok, at lunchtime he mowed down his porridge...he didn't get caught with a hacksaw, he worked part-time at Caesar's and bought some tobacco. fell ill, got over it. A DAY WAS PASSED WITH NOTHING DAMAGED, ALMOST HAPPY." MYSTERY INNER LIGHT. COMING FROM THE MODEST SHUKHOV. - THIS IS THE LIGHT OF ALL-CONQUERING LIFE!!! ONLY ONE DAY, depicted by the writer, has become a SYMBOL OF THE TERRIBLE EPOCH in which our country lived.

      answer / answered:

      Helpful answer? (0) / (0)

      1. Hero - Ivan Denisovich Shukhov - one of the many who fell into the Stalinist meat grinder, who became faceless "numbers". In 1941, he, wait a man, a peasant who honestly fought, was surrounded, then captured. Having escaped from captivity, Ivan Denisovich ends up in the Soviet counterintelligence. The only chance to stay alive is to sign a confession that he is a spy. The absurdity of what is happening is emphasized by the fact that even the investigator cannot figure out what kind of task was given to the “spy”. So they wrote, just "task". “Shukhov was beaten a lot in counterintelligence. And Shukhov's calculation was simple: if you don't sign it - a wooden pea jacket, if you sign it, you'll live a little longer. Signed." And Shukhov ends up in the camp.

      answer / answered:

      Helpful answer? (0) / (0)

      3. Shukhov lives in harmony with himself. "Naturality" I.D. associated with the high morality of the hero. Shukhov is trusted because they know that he is honest and decent. Lives according to conscience. He works conscientiously, as if he were free, on his collective farm. While working, he feels a surge of energy and strength. Labor is life for Shukhov. The way of peasant life, its age-old laws proved to be stronger. Common sense and a sober outlook on life help him survive.

Comparing two heroes-peasants of different writers, we find a fundamental difference between Solzhenitsyn's hero. He, according to the author, "does not miss", that is, he is dexterous, and smart, and bold. But that's not all. The main thing is that Ivan Denisovich is a thinking person, aware of his place in the big and small world, having self-esteem, evaluating everything around from a demanding moral point of view.

Critics have long been talking about the righteousness of Solzhenitsyn's heroes. The readers, apparently in connection with the theme of martyrdom in the camp, have a question about the righteousness of the hero of this story. Do we know the meaning of this word?

Let's write in a notebook: Righteous- it is your opinion). After 3 minutes, we will read all the opinions aloud, as much as we can.

And now - under dictation: Righteousness - this is the ability to live, "without lying, without deceit, without condemning your neighbor and without condemning a biased enemy." "The hero is created by chance, the righteous - by daily valor."
(According to N.S. Leskov.)

Can Ivan Denisovich be called a righteous man? And is it possible to consider him the most ordinary, insignificant person (“zero”, according to Dombrovsky)? And the "little man"? (And if from Tolstoy's point of view?) It is obvious that it is impossible to manage everything according to the conditions of the time. It is important to come to an intermediate question - what saves Shukhov?

But you can save a life, but lose a living soul and become a vile person, lose personal properties ... A particularly important question is on the limits of moral compromise 10 .

Let's discuss in groups: who and why does Ivan Denisovich respect? Not those who adapt well, but those who retain a living soul in themselves. He greets Alyoshka with his heart, although he is a “underachiever”, and Semyon Klevshin, who will not leave his comrade, and Buinovsky, who does not behave according to the laws of survival and “gets pissed”, but a real worker, and Shukhov is glad that they will give him the extra porridge . And let me remember the toothless old man who in the dining room, like the main character of the story, “did not allow himself” to eat in a hat. Brigadier Andrey Prokofich Tyurin, his image, fate should be discussed separately...

In order for the discussion to take place, before starting work in groups, we will write additional questions in a notebook (or you can open it on the board):
- What is a compromise?
- Whom and why does Shukhov respect?
- Adaptability or opportunism depicts the author? What does this follow from?

What saves Ivan Denisovich Shukhov?

What helps you survive?

What helps you stay human?

It follows the laws of the first foreman: he does not lick dishes, does not “knock” and does not rely on the medical unit. (Does not rely on others.)

Following the "laws" of the zone is a hope for oneself. Demanding first of all to himself. Doesn't want to survive at the expense of others.

He does not resist where it is definitely fraught with death: he signed a self-incrimination (compromise) in counterintelligence.

He does not allow himself "protection ... - on someone else's blood." ( Where is the boundary of moral compromise? - question!)

He invents ways to get food and earn money, for example, by serving others ... "Work hard on your conscience - one salvation."

Respecting himself, he follows the folk tradition: "I could not allow myself to eat in a hat." And with a thirst to smoke, "he would not have dropped himself ... and would not have looked into his mouth."

He moves and does everything very quickly (“in a hurry”, “ran in ... headlong”, “managed ... and still managed”), and therefore he manages a lot.

The mind is constantly working, consideration: he realized, guessed, donik, outlined, decided, sees, remembers, ripened ...

Reserved and prudent, cautious: "Just look out so that they don't rush to your throat."

He constantly evaluates both himself and those around him: “this is true with them” ... Respects worthy people. Values ​​will.

He can be cunning and even aggressive: he drove the "goal" in the dining room, "healed" the porridge. ( Let's note: it is dangerous, not according to conscience!)

He helps worthy people, pities the weak (even at the end he felt sorry for Fetyukov!), He worries about the foreman. Takes care of his wife.

Skillfully organizes any possible rest, appreciates moments of peace (“inactivity”). Even chews skillfully, for a long time.

He knows how to enjoy work: “But Shukhov is arranged like that in a stupid way ...” ( See work scene: verbs.)

He skillfully talks with his superiors, adapts to those with whom he communicates (see - with the guard Tatarin).

Finds time and joy to perceive the life of nature ("sun").

He does not poison his soul, he does not continuously think about the bitter share (“idle memories”).

Knows how to rejoice in the good in people, find joy in communicating with them (about Alyoshka or Gopchik: “runs like a hare”).

10 If you ask even high school students what is the difference between the meanings of the words "adaptation" and opportunism, not everyone will answer today!..

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