What does the double line of fate mean? The meaning of the line of fate (Saturn).

Did you know that a newborn baby has more lines and folds on the body than an adult? And on the hands as well. This has always baffled scientists, who believed that the lines on the palms are a reflection of character and fate. The above fact does not fit with babies who, having come into this world, are as clean as a sheet of paper. Be that as it may, each person has individual, special and unique lines of fate. Palmistry, the science that studies them, categorically says: there are no identical palms, just as there are no two identical destinies.

fate line

It is about her that will be discussed. After all, according to palmistry, the line of life and fate are the main furrows on the palm of your hand. Moreover, the second is an addition to the first. It denotes the life path of the individual, his needs, self-realization, career, plans. From it you can learn a lot of interesting things about a person: what changes and problems await him, and also where he can seek success and recognition.

Palmistry attaches great importance to the drawing in the palm of your hand. The line of fate, a photo or drawing of which can be seen on the pages of any specialized publication, is located vertically on the hand. It starts at the wrist and ends at the middle finger. Oddly enough, but there are people in whom it is completely absent. If such a phenomenon is observed in you, it means that there are no specific goals in your life, aspirations and intentions are sleeping in the bud. A person without a line of fate does not develop, he does not know how to dream and plan. Instead, it goes with the flow. If he finds a goal in life, begins to actively go towards it, then the line gradually appears in him.


He is given a special place on his pages by Palmistry with explanations. Photos, the line of fate on which is deep, are signed in the book as follows: “Such a person is strong in spirit and character. He knows about his abilities and knows how to use them to the maximum.” If it is torn, it indicates a change of profession. A broken line into small segments portends an unstable life, constant difficulties and troubles, and a broken line characterizes the individual as absent-minded, indecisive and inconstant, betraying his ideals and principles.

The curved line of fate promises major changes. Smooth and continuous speaks of a difficult life. The past years are oppressive, their heaviness is constantly felt. When you see a double line, this means that the owner of such a hand can succeed in several areas of life. For example, his hobby is so important to him that he develops in this field as actively as in his career. If the line is wavy, then the path of a person is just as winding. There are no clear actions, he often changes the rules of the game and is an unreliable person.

How is the beginning of the line related to childhood?

Palmistry cannot do without a detailed description of the line of fate - it is so important in the life of every person. Many experts call it a sign of luck and good luck: that is, the brighter, clearer and more correctly it is spelled out, the more chances a person has to reach unprecedented heights. It serves as a kind of guide. Take a look at your hands: the pattern on the left and right palm can be completely different. For example, if on the first line of fate it is visible well, but on the second it is not visible, urgently change something. After all, the left hand is what is destined, the right hand is the influence of our actions on fate.

Experts also say that a person's childhood can be characterized by the starting zone of the "fateful" contour. When at the wrist it is connected to the life line, this indicates that the family had a strong influence on the child. And vice versa: the vertical starting far from this position speaks of independence in childhood. Such a start may mean that a person did not feel connected with his parents, flew out of the family nest early, or was raised in an orphanage.

Where can the line of fate begin?

Different interpretations of its start are given by the professional publication Palmistry with explanations. The line of fate that begins on the hill of Venus, according to experts, is a sign of a successful politician or a person who has the makings of becoming one. He can also be a good speaker or civil servant. By the way, the hill of Venus is located near the base of the thumb. But the beginning of the vertical at another tubercle - the Moon, which is located further, at the wrist, opposite the little finger, means that he had a lonely childhood. There were quarrels and conflicts in the family, the baby was not given time. Also, such a person is a lover of travel. Sometimes even a vagabond who likes to wander the world in search of happiness.

As palmistry describes, the line of fate, photographs of which you can see in this article, sometimes rises directly to the hillock of the Sun - near the ring finger. In this case, a happy life is destined for a person. He will be lucky, he may even gain unprecedented power and wealth. This also applies to those individuals who have an insignificant branch towards the tubercle of the Sun.

A few more values

It happens that the line of fate begins in the middle of the palm. This is usually seen in a person who had a difficult childhood and an anxious, troubled youth. If further the vertical goes straight, life will get better. Subsequent events will be good enough, life periods will develop normally. Sometimes the line of fate originates next to the segment responsible for the mind, it is located in the middle of the hand, above the line of life. This predicts the owner of such a palm success and the realization of aspirations, the fulfillment of desires, but already at a more mature age.

When the fateful line begins near the line of the heart, which crosses the palm horizontally near the base of the phalanges, then get ready to wait a long time for your moment of glory. Most likely, you will have to make a lot of efforts to reach the heights of life. Sometimes additional branches can be found in the palm of your hand. Here is what palmistry thinks about this: the line of fate bifurcates in some cases. Moreover, if one of its branches begins at the hill of the Moon, and the other in the region of Venus, most likely you are a sensual nature. Romanticism will manifest itself throughout a person's life.

Unfavorable signs

A very interesting science is palmistry. She interprets the lines of fate on her hand depending on their shape, location and combination with other elements of the pattern in the palm of her hand. At the same time, experts call the vertical, going up and resting on the middle finger, an unfavorable sign. This means the following: having reached certain peaks, a person at one fine moment “falls into the abyss”. When the vertical suddenly stops at the line of the heart, expect trouble. Most likely, the fate of a person developed smoothly and well. But after an ardent feeling, passion, everything will go awry. Attachment will destroy life, as the lover will completely lose control over his actions.

An unfavorable sign is the ending near the mental horizontal line of fate. Palmistry claims: the owner of such a palm can make the wrong decision, which can change his life for the worse. You should carefully analyze your future actions, plans and steps so as not to doom yourself to unnecessary problems and troubles.

End of line

The end of the line of fate also gives a lot of useful information: palmistry ascribes to this site responsibility for a person’s talents and his professional abilities. If the vertical breaks under the index finger, we have a potential philosopher, lawyer or politician. Such a person loves formal receptions, high society and good manners. When the line ends in the region of the middle finger, this means that the individual is engaged in classical activities. He can become a good doctor or teacher.

It happens that the line rests on the ring finger. The owner of such a hand is a creative person. He gravitates towards art, loves to draw, sculpt or compose. When the vertical reaches the little finger, pay attention to oratorical qualities. Develop talent, because you will make a good public figure, diplomat, psychologist, journalist. In a word, a representative of the profession where you need the ability to persuade an opponent to your side, to convince, or just speak beautifully and correctly.

Special signs

Palmistry also explains various stars, circles and squares to a simple layman. The line of fate, the signs on which can take on various shapes, requires detailed study, because any anomaly suggests impending adversity and obstacles on the way. For example, gaps indicate a change in profession. A person is able to radically change activities or go abroad to take a new position there. It also indicates that life can be started from a completely clean slate.

The squares on the fate line symbolize protection. Perhaps in a difficult situation, a strong friendly hand will support or even protect from trouble. The triangle is a sign of monotony and boredom, which burdens everyday life. Islets are unfavorable. They portend financial problems, bankruptcy, poverty. But the star on the line is a sign of fatality, often indicating a catastrophe, an accident and the death of a person.


Often found with other horizontal and vertical paths, the line of fate in the palm of your hand. Palmistry warns: you need to study the entire hand in order to determine what awaits in the near and far future. In this case, the so-called intersections are of great importance. For example, if the lines of fate and reason collide, this portends career stability and promotion. But the intersection with the heart horizontal is a symbol of purposefulness. The owner of the palm always has a well-designed strategy that will surely lead him to victory. If there are many forks at the end of the line, expect wealth and success.

As you can see, palmistry determines the meaning of the line of fate according to various schemes, using all kinds of signs. Any sign present on the hand is taken into account. Our palms are a whole “road map”, where both main and secondary “highways” intersect. Therefore, even the smallest detail can radically change the interpretation of the line of fate.

The line of fate on the hand is the fourth most important and significant, after the branches of life, head and heart. It starts at the wrist, then rushes up to the finger of Saturn. This dash is very fickle and changeable, there are people who lack it completely. To correctly read the information along this line in the palm of your hand, you need to know all its main characteristics, the meaning of signs, breaks and branches.

The main characteristics of the branch

Many are interested in how to find out the fate of a person in the palm of your hand? To decipher the complex weaves on our hand, there is a whole science - palmistry or chirology. It determines the main branches on the palms of people, one of them is the line of fate. It determines trends, everything else depends on personal efforts.

The line of fate in the palm of your hand indicates that its owner has a goal that he wants to achieve, a personal dream or a very strong desire. People with a pronounced trait are lucky, they are kept by higher powers. The troubles and difficulties they face in life are easily overcome. To achieve success, they have to make much less effort.

You can see the dash in the center of the palm, it stretches from the wrist to the middle finger or hillock of Saturn, crosses the branches of the head and heart, sometimes comes into contact with the line of life. Its main characteristics and description are as follows:

  • Long. Such a line of fate begins at the wrist and reaches the very middle finger. She says that it will be difficult for the owner to change his destination, he has few options to choose from.
  • Medium length, sometimes broken line of fate. The life path of the owner of the palm is changeable, several options always open before him and it all depends on his personal choice.
  • A short line of fate is characteristic of decent and hardworking people who achieve success solely through their own efforts.
  • Clear and deep. Such a line is typical for adherents of traditions, conservatives, good family men. They choose a stable and promising job, do not like to take risks.
  • The stripe is better expressed than the rest of the main lines on the palm. It is characteristic of self-confident, imperious, uncompromising people who do not recognize alternative opinions.
  • Weak, thin and fuzzy belongs to indecisive and timid people, with an unbalanced character, who find it difficult to determine their goals.
  • The line of fate in the palm of your hand consists of small fragments and dashes, broken. Such people during their lives were strongly influenced by external adverse factors.
  • The curved or wavy line of fate belongs to unreliable people, idle talkers, they do not have a solid foundation and specific goals.

Some people do not have a fate line in their palm at all, but this is not a cause for concern. The absence of this branch says that a person does not have a specific life goal. He often changes his occupation, place of residence, seeks new experiences and goes with the flow. Such people are very successful if they manage to catch luck. At the same time, there is often no line of fate in the palm of criminals and outcasts.

If there is no line of fate at all in childhood, you should not be upset. For many people, it appears with age. This means that various circumstances or personal efforts allowed the owner of the hand to determine priorities and goals. Although the absence of a line of fate is not a sentence, not all people with such a palm slide to the bottom of society. The fate of a person is written in the palm of your hand, but we ourselves often change it.

Beginning and end of a branch


As already mentioned, the branch originates at the wrist. But there is no single point at which it starts. The beginning of the dash is very variable, here is an explanation of some interesting examples:

  • A large clear line of fate starts at the middle of the wrist. Its owner is used to acting independently, rather stubborn, rarely listens to other people's advice.
  • Beginning at the wrist, but closer to the edge of the palm. Such people are independent and independent, very often engaged in social activities.
  • Goes up from the middle of the palm. In youth, a person may have problems choosing a life path, but in adulthood, he is determined with a goal and is able to achieve great success.
  • Offset of the beginning to the hill of the Moon. The hand of the loser, who depends too much on his own mood, loses all the way, no matter how hard he tries.
  • From the Mount of Venus. Such men and women have weak willpower, they are indecisive and unsure of themselves, especially in their youth.
  • Starts or exits from the branch of life. The owner is strongly attached to his family and parents, lives with them for a long time, is afraid to make independent decisions, but at the same time feels completely happy. Often such people become the successors of the family business.
  • Starts from the trait of the mind or head. The owner builds his career and relationships, guided by reason. He is successful in business, but in his youth he often doubts his choice of profession.
  • Starts from a branch of the heart. Emotions prevail over intellect, but a person is happy in his personal life, loves children, for him the family is more important than work and career.
  • Fork at the beginning. In youth, there will be a difficult choice, on which the future Life depends.
  • The strip forks at the start - serious difficulties with choosing a life path.

In the course of life, the line of fate and the meaning of its beginning can change. For example, a trait moves away from the line of life, which means that its owner has turned away from the power of his parents. If the beginning passes from the branch of the head to the heart, a person has a family, and he is not only successful in his career, but also has found personal happiness.


Much depends on where the line of fate ends. Most often, it reaches for the tubercle of Saturn, but, as in the previous case, there are several options:

  • Solar mound. Such people seek and find fame and success, become artists, singers, and are always in the spotlight.
  • The line of fate ends closer to the index finger. This means that its owner is a born leader, he will make an excellent leader.
  • The line of fate ends at the ring finger, on the hill of Saturn. Such people are consistent in their actions, always follow the schedule, moderately conservative. They combine work, family and raising children well, their career is very successful.
  • The ending is closer to the little finger, typical for successful businessmen and financiers.
  • Ending on the branch of the mind is not a very favorable sign. It means that the owner of the hand made the wrong decision in life, he is haunted by career failures. If there is a break on the line of the head, and then the branch continues, then there will be a sharp turn in fate, a change in profession.
  • If the line of fate ends abruptly on the line of the heart, then the owner will have problems in his personal life, their heart will be broken. When the line of fate continues after the break, then life will improve.
  • The fate line ends with a trident. A sign of a minion of fate, on which wealth, success and fame simply fall. If the trident is pointing down, there is a risk of losing the state.
  • Fork at the end. The further course of events depends on personal choice, which is not always easy. You have to choose in adulthood.
  • The line of fate does not end with a fork, but bifurcates along its entire length, which means that a person always faces the question of choosing a path. Branches can go to the index, ring, middle finger or little finger.

On which hand should the line of fate be determined? It is very important to understand here that the left palm shows what is destined for a person from birth. On the right, the path that we define ourselves is displayed. The line of fate is completely different on different palms.

Flow and branch options

The line of fate on our hand is the most fickle. It can be changed by external circumstances. In most people, it is straight, may be slightly skewed, sometimes shifted to the right or left side. If the line is continuous, then the life of its owner will be even, without ups and downs and sharp turns. The line of fate should be looked at on the right and left hand. It happens that on the left it is whole and clear, but on the right it is interrupted. This means that a simple and clear path was intended for a person, but he himself decided to change it.

The only break in the line of fate may indicate a sharp change in destiny. If it is on a branch of the head, then the person will change his profession. When a strip breaks on the line of the heart, it means that the owner will be disappointed in love. If then the lines weaken, the blows of fate were cruel and deprived the owner of the hand of energy and strength. If they become thicker afterwards, this is a good sign. The man did not give up after the failure, the trials only hardened him.

Many parallel dashes that adjoin the branch speak of the help of close people and relatives who actively take part in the fate of a person. A double line means that its owner can realize himself in two professions at once. When the parallel branch is weaker, he will have the opportunity to draw strength from his favorite hobby, volunteer work. Sometimes on the hand you can see lines coming from the line of fate, or flowing into it. Here's what it means:

  • Go to the hill of Venus or the life branch. The owner of the hand is strongly influenced by family and relatives, he is indecisive and dependent.
  • To the lunar tubercle. The person is nervous, unbalanced, subject to constant mood swings. It ruins both his career and personal life.
  • Go to the branch of the head. The owner always makes decisions that are based on analysis and logic.
  • To the heart branch. Much in the life of such people happens under the influence of emotions, but happy love and a cloudless family life await them.
  • To a large or small hill of Mars. People with such a pattern on their hands are powerful, authoritarian, painfully experiencing their failures.
  • If the processes go to the fingers, a successful career, fame and fortune awaits a person. But here much depends on his personal efforts.

Additional dashes can appear and disappear, this is especially noticeable if the line of fate on the hand is compared with photos and videos of past years. Most often, this situation occurs on the active right hand, the owner of which is able to change the purpose and influence the course of events.

Interaction with other lines

  • The line of fate intersects with the life branch. You see a successful and happy person in front of you. Sometimes the strip connects or intersects twice with the line of life, a kind of fish is formed. This means that you will be lucky all your life. Merging dashes portends fame and appreciation of personal talents.
  • Intertwined with a dash of the mind is typical for materialists who choose professions related to the exact sciences, finance. They easily adapt to any living conditions, know how to overcome difficulties.
  • Crossing with a strip of heart is not a very favorable sign. These people are sentimental, impractical and very stubborn. If the line crosses both the head branch and the heart branch, the mind and feelings in his life are well balanced.
  • The line of your destiny is crossed by the line of marriage - expect mutual love and a happy family life.

As in other cases, years can change the picture. Sometimes certain intersections disappear, sometimes new ones appear. It is very important to recognize the age at which the branches intersect, this affects the prediction.

Signs on the line

When the fate of a person is read along the lines of the palm, one or another mark is often visible on them. The absence of signs is a good omen, but not everyone is lucky. They can tell a lot about the events that await the owner of the hand. Here is what the signs on our line of fate mean:

  • Island on the line of fate. If it is located at the beginning, then the secret patroness or patron will affect the career, at the end - failure in business due to a competitor of the opposite sex, an island in the middle - problems in personal life, unhappy love.
  • The circle in the middle is the loss of a loved one.
  • A chain of islands that follow each other means a long period full of losses, disappointments and failures.
  • A triangle, triple fork or trident on your line of fate is the mark of the winner. You can safely get involved in risky ventures, they will bring success and material well-being.
  • To find out when this or that event will occur, the line of fate is dated. To do this, it is divided into 5-15 even intervals. Conventionally, it is considered that the entire branch is 75 years old. Each segment will correspond to 5-12 years. Sometimes it is advised to leave longer sections at the beginning and at the end than in the middle. Thus, it is possible to calculate more accurately the line of fate by date. But it is important to remember that the time of events along the line of fate can only be determined approximately, within 5-10 years. You need to look at the line both on one and on the other hand.

    If the appearance of the line, signs or intersections is very bad, it is corrected. To do this, use henna or a marker to finish the line, the missing area, circle the unfavorable mark with a rhombus or square. Often it is possible in this way to correct even the most terrible forecasts for the better. Deciphering the strip for beginners can seem daunting. Therefore, it is worth seeking clarification from those for whom palmistry and the line of fate are more understandable and fortune telling has become a profession.

The line of fate is considered the second most important line on the hand after the line of life. It denotes the development of a person, his life path, career, plans, self-realization and needs. From this line on the hand, you can find out a lot of useful information about a person. It is located vertically in the middle of the palm and goes from the wrist to the middle finger. What exactly can be learned from this line?

Oddly enough, but not everyone has a line of fate. If you do not have such a line on your hand, then this is a sign that you do not have a specific goal, no aspirations, you are not developing. It is possible that you have certain abilities and dreams, but you sit in one place and are content with what you have. In the absence of this line, there is nothing to worry about, it may appear throughout life, for example, in the case when a person has found his true goal and began to strive for it.

Many palmists believe that the life line is a sign of luck and good luck in life. Such people seem to be kept by higher powers, they always make the right decisions, their actions always lead to success. To some extent, this is true. In any case, if you have a line of fate, then you are going in a given direction, you have a goal, you are developing and striving for the implementation of your plan.

About the beginning of the line of fate You can judge the childhood years of a person:

  • If the line of fate at the wrist connects with the line of life, then in childhood a person was strongly influenced by his family. He was too attached to his parents.
  • If the line begins at a considerable distance from the line of life, then from childhood a person made independent decisions. He did not feel a connection between himself and his relatives. Also, such a beginning of the line of fate may mean that a person left his parents early or was generally brought up in an orphanage.

End of the line of fate can also give a lot of useful information about a person, especially about his talents, abilities and profession:

  • If the line of fate ends under the index finger, then the person gravitates towards politics, philosophy and jurisprudence.
  • If the line of fate on the hand ends under the middle finger or between the middle and ring finger, then this means that the person is engaged in classical activities - trade, education, medicine and other professions.
  • If the line of fate ends under the ring finger, then the person has the ability to art. It is likely that he is engaged in creative activities.
  • The line of fate ending under the little finger indicates excellent communication skills. A person with such a line has the ability to speak beautifully and can find an approach to anyone.
  • If at the end the line of fate forks, then this indicates that in the future a person will achieve a lot. This is a sign of success, financial well-being and happiness.

Can tell about a person's life special signs located on this line:

  • Breaks in the line of fate indicate a change in professional activity. It may also indicate that a person started life from scratch.
  • If the line of fate is bifurcated, then this may mean that a person has two areas of activity in which he is engaged. It may also indicate a hobby that occupies a special place in a person's life.
  • The squares on the line of fate are a sign of protection.
  • A triangle on the line of fate is a sign that a person is weighed down by his monotonous life and everyday life.
  • A cross on the line of fate is a rare sign. It marks a turning point in a person's life.
  • An island on the line of fate is a bad sign. It portends financial difficulties, poverty, the loss of something.
  • A star on the line of fate is a sign of fatality. It indicates the possibility of catastrophe, accident and trouble.

The line of fate on the hand can tell a lot about the life and fate of a person. However, for a complete picture, it is necessary to analyze other lines of the palm. Consideration of all the signs on the hand in the aggregate can reveal all the pages of a person's life. If the article seemed interesting to you, click on and

24.09.2013 11:39

With the help of palmistry, everyone can find out not only their future, but also a predisposition to a certain ...

In considering this line, an important role is given to the type of hand. For example, the line of Fate, even on the most successful hands, stands out less on the elemental, square and spatulate than on the philosophical, conical or psychic hands. The line of Fate is more in line with these latter; wherefore, if there is, as is often the case, a very strong line of Fate on a conical hand, it must be remembered that it does not have even half the value of a similar line on a square type hand.

This question has been completely overlooked by other authors, although it is one of the most important in this teaching. It is useless to simply give the card of the hand without explaining this question. The puzzled student looks at this long line of Fate as a sign of great success and good fortune, and naturally concludes that the small line on the square hand means nothing and that the long line on the conical or psychic means success, fame and fortune, while it does not has quarters of the value of a small line on a square hand. I emphasize this because many students, in desperation, give up palmistry without having an explanation on this issue at the very beginning.

It is strange and mysterious that the owners of the philosophical, conical and psychic hands, in which these lines are rigidly marked, are more or less believers in fate, while those who have a square or spatulate rarely, if ever, believe in fate.

Before continuing, I must decide once and for all for myself this doctrine of fate: either for or against.

The line of Fate, in fact, refers to all worldly affairs, to our successes or failures, people who influence our career, whether such influence is beneficial or not, barriers and obstacles in our path and the final result (result) of our career.

The line of Fate can start from the line of Life, the wrist, the hill of the Moon, the line of the Head, or even the line of the Heart.

Starting at the wrist and going straight up to the base of the Mount of Saturn (see Fig. 29, 1 ), it promises a strong individuality of a self-centered person. If other signs are favorable, this means a successful destiny and the achievement of any goal. The gap between this line and the line of Life shows that the person was not bound or enslaved by adverse conditions, but was free to choose his career.

When this line lies close to the line of Life or it is, as it were, attached to it (see Fig. 29, 2 ), which means that the home environment and chains of personal connections stood in the way, and the subject was more a victim of the desires of others in the early period of his life. This state of affairs is very common in the hands of daughters who have abandoned their pretensions in order to stay with their parents or help them.

The case of the beginning inside the line of Life on Venus (see Fig. 29, 3 ) speaks of even more pronounced constraint at the beginning of life, and if the line of Fate does not look exceptionally strong in subsequent years, when it goes beyond the line of the Head, one or another connection or affection will always slow down a person.

It is very interesting that if any line of Destiny tied to the line of Life or beginning on Venus is found on a hand with a line of Heart descending from its beginning, the subject will be extremely unhappy in all that concerns his affections. Men or women with such lines of Fate tend to get entangled in their love affairs with people who are married or at least not free to marry.

The Line of Fate can also begin from any part of the Mount of the Moon (see Fig. 29, 4 ). In this case, a person had no family ties that held him back in his early years, he was free from domestic influences. As a rule, such people have a hectic wandering life, and they usually travel a lot. Their fate will be significantly influenced by the whims of other people. On a hand with favorable other lines, this type of Fate line can be very successful, especially in the case of public favorites. At the other end of the line of Fate, its ending is no less important.

A line going straight to the Mount of Saturn (see Fig. 29, 5 ), far from being so powerful or happy in its meaning, as if it is bent to the hillock of Jupiter (see Fig. 29, 6 ). In the latter case, the man or woman will achieve some position or authority, but perhaps his or her fortune will be so successful that he will reach the highest positions in his profession or career, whatever it may be.

The Line of Fate, bending or sending a branch to the Mount of the Sun (see Fig. 29, 7 ), is a promise of unusual good fortune, fame or notoriety, especially in public life in any form. If at any point of the line of Fate she throws a branch in the direction of the Mount of Jupiter, this means that during this period of a person’s life he will make special efforts to achieve his claims (see Fig. 30, 1 ). When branching towards the Mount of the Sun, one can expect an increase in wealth, obvious success, fame or fame (see Fig. 30, 2 ).

Rice. thirty

If the line of Fate goes straight up into the finger of Saturn, this is unfavorable, as it means that everything will go too far. For example, if a person with such a mark is a leader, the day will come when people will get out of his control and turn against him.

An abrupt stop of the line of Fate at the line of the Heart (Fig. 30, 3 ) portends that fate will be destroyed by attachments. If it is stopped by the line of the Head, any action of the mind will harm fate or it will be destroyed by the person's own stupidity.

When an island (or islands) is found at the beginning of the Fate line, this indicates troubles or misfortunes in the early period of life (see Fig. 30, 4, 5 ).

Short, obstacle-like lines crossing the line of Fate (see fig. 30, 6 ), usually indicates some person's opposition to the fate of the subject in that particular period (how to read times and dates, explained on pp. 152-153).

The lines of opposition, heading from the Mount of Venus, are usually found on the hands of women - those who believe in fate, but if the lines continue from the Mount of Mars under the line of Life, then this also applies to men (if they are on the hand of a man); if the lines are on a woman's hand, then her own gender is trying to harm her at that particular moment when they cross the line of Fate.

When the line of Fate begins only from the middle of the palm, from the place that is called the Plain of Mars, this means the hard, difficult life of a person in the early period of existence. If from here on the line looks clear and straight, difficulties will be overcome by the person's own strength of individuality and determination.

When the line of Destiny begins from the line of the Head and from that moment it is clearly marked, success will come about in the middle of life due to the individual's own efforts or his mental efforts.

If it comes from the line of the Heart, then success in life will come very late, and mostly in some way from the attachment of a person or through it. When one branch of the line of Fate begins on the Mount of Venus, and the other on the Mount of the Moon, the fate of the subject will fluctuate between romance and imagination, on the one hand, and passion and sensuality, on the other (see Fig. 31, 1 ).

A complete break in the line of Fate is a sure sign of loss and failure, but if one line begins before the other ends, this promises a complete career change at some point. And if after that the second line looks strong and clear, then the change will happen in favor of the subject, and, probably, this will happen in accordance with his desires.

A clear cross (see fig. 31, 2 ) at the end of the line of Fate on the hill of Saturn - one of the most unfortunate signs. The career of such a person will be pursued by all sorts of failures, and it will end badly. If, with such a mark, the line of the Head indicates a propensity for murder, as explained on p. 91-92, then the cross on the hill of Saturn will portend death from violence, for example, at the hands of an executioner.

Long and short thin lines that appear on the side of the line of Fate, connecting with it or passing next to it, show the influence on the fate of the subject of some person or people of the opposite sex (see Fig. 32, 2 ).

If the line of Fate is strengthened after the line of Influence enters it, the person who possesses such a line is prosperous. On the contrary, if there is an island on the line of Fate or it looks weaker when the line of Influence joins it, then the person will harm the subject or the subject will lose something (see Fig. 32, 3 ).

When there is an island on the line of Influence itself, the person involved in the fate of the subject will suffer misfortune or disgrace in his own career.

If the line of Fate divides into branches or a series of lines roughly in the middle of the palm, this means that a person's career will branch into many different phases. Some of these parallel cases will be more successful than others, as will be clearly seen if each branch is studied as a separate line.

Current page: 12 (total book has 18 pages) [available reading excerpt: 12 pages]

Until the age of 23, a person does not have a line of Fate, which indicates that a person has not decided on his purpose in life and is under the yoke of his family, which directs all his actions. The further appearance of the line of Fate on the hill of Venus indicates that he is beginning to make attempts in order to break away and get out of the influence of his family. The period from 23 years to 24 years will be a turning point in his future life, where the main task of a person will be gaining material independence from the family (tangent to the Fate line No. 3), which, by the way, he will achieve at 24 years old (the Fate line comes out of the hill Venus and changes its direction, cutting through the line of Life). Having gained material independence from his relatives, a person at the age of 24 will change his job to a calmer, but less monetary one, where he will work until the age of 26 (tangent to the line of Fate No. 2). Intermittent earnings and periodic temporary lack of money will force a person to change jobs again at the age of 26 to a more stable one, where he will work up to 35 years (tangent to the line of Destiny No. 1). Being a responsible and diligent worker, who during his professional career will show himself on the positive side, he will be noted by his superiors, where at the age of 35 he will be promoted, which will allow him to best realize his ambitions and ambitious plans. In the period from 35 to 62 years, a person will work in commanding positions, leading his subordinates, thereby increasing his material and social status (tangent to the line of Fate No. 4). After entering a well-deserved rest, a person who has become accustomed to working hard all his conscious life will continue to work further, up to 78 years (tangent to the line of Fate No. 1). The last segment of his life a person will find an active occupation for the soul and will take up the upbringing of grandchildren, where he will pass on his rich life experience to his family members (tangent to the line of fate No. 2). This example is also very indicative of the fact that a person himself, with his own hands and the right attitude to work, will build a successful career for himself and provide for his family throughout his life, and also by the end of his life will provide himself with a decent old age in the circle of his close people.

Branches from the line of Fate. Any branch from the line of Fate upward speaks of the desire to change your life for the better. By the nature and direction of the branches going up from the line of Fate, the time is determined when a person makes the greatest efforts to achieve his goals, or the time when other people, interfering in a person’s fate, influence its course and further development.

The branches going up from the line of Fate are the efforts and efforts of a person on the way to achieving certain life goals. A person who has branches on his line of Destiny seeks to achieve success and realize his potential in deeds that determine the hills on the palms, towards which this or that branch is directed. The branches flowing into the line of Fate from below are called lines of Influence in palmistry and show the influence and influence of other people on the fate of a person, so they will be discussed in great detail by us in the next section of the book. The consequences of the applied efforts in life and the influence of other people on the fate of a person can be judged by the nature of the Fate line after the branches. This topic will partially overlap with the previous topic, except that it evaluates not the direction of the line of Fate to a certain hill in the palm of your hand, but the branches that the line of Fate itself gives directly, to which an imaginary tangent line is applied, directed to one or another hill.

In total, palmistry distinguishes five types of branches from the line of Fate, which are directed to the hills of Jupiter, Saturn, Upper Mars, Mercury and Apollo.

A branch from the line of Fate, directed towards the hill of Jupiter, as shown in figure 2.26, branch number 1 and in figure 2.27, indicates satisfied vanity, the realization of ambitions and success, which brings satisfaction, peace of mind and material uplift. Such a person will do his best to achieve recognition, thanks to which he strives to occupy a high social position, he is purposeful, active and motivated to succeed, thanks to which he will be able to survive in a sharp competitive struggle and win the victories that he needs so much in the struggle for his place in the sun. The only problem for people with such an offshoot will be the problem of a moral choice between good and evil, that is, between how to earn recognition for themselves: in an honest and righteous way or by deceit and walking “on the heads”, which will depend on parental upbringing and moral human principles. On the female hand, such a branch means the time of the birth of the child, thanks to which maternal ambitions are realized, and as a result, responsibilities for his upbringing are added.

A branch from the line of Fate, directed towards the hill of Saturn, as shown in Figure 2.26, branch No. 2, is determined by the tangent applied to this branch. Such a branch from the main line indicates the emergence of additional income or a new type of activity, as a result of which a person, combining both directions, will increase his material wealth, without striving for public recognition. For such a person, stability in the affairs in which he will be engaged is very important, the result of which will be success, recognition and satisfaction from what has been achieved.

A branch from the line of Fate, directed towards the hill of Upper Mars, as shown in figure 2.26, branch number 3, is a sign of a long and unpleasant struggle for one's success, which will be achieved as a result of the application of a person's strengths of his character. Nothing is given to a person with such a branch in life for nothing, therefore he will be forced to constantly make his way through life and use his indefatigable temperament, assertiveness, masculinity and the will to win to achieve his goals.

A branch from the line of Fate, directed towards the hill of Mercury, as shown in Figure 2.26, branch No. 4 and in Figure 2.28, indicates the receipt of the necessary funds as a result of hard work and perseverance. The priorities of such a person are money and financial stability, since only they will give him the opportunity to freely choose his future and independently build his own destiny. Therefore, having discovered such a branch in the hands of a person, it is necessary to recommend him to learn how to conduct business correctly and, if possible, establish good relations with the powerful of this world. With the successful combination of this, a person can become a skilled leader and a tough businessman, and thanks to his persuasiveness, eloquence and excellent oratory skills, he will be able to charm and force both his colleagues and others to obey him.

A branch from the line of Fate, directed towards the hill of Apollo, as shown in figure 2.26, branch number 5, indicates success in the arts or in public relations. An offshoot of this kind is an exceptional indicator that most of the desires, ambitions and idealistic aspirations of a person will come true, but only as a result of long and painstaking work on oneself. This branch can also indicate a person’s hobby, which will not be aimed at enrichment through its further development and implementation, but will symbolize an occupation for the soul, the result of which will be the recognition of a person’s talents, as well as fame and success in the chosen field of activity. Such a person will bring his individuality, creative note and artistic approach into his life, professional activities, hobbies.

Connections of the line of Fate with other lines. The connections of the line of Fate with the main and secondary lines in the palm of your hand indicate the transfer of part of the energy of these lines to the line of Saturn, which feeds it with the energy of the line connected to it, which is directed with a vengeance by a person to realize his ambitions and helps in moving up the career ladder. For a better understanding of the interconnection of lines, it is necessary to remember what each line in the palm of your hand is responsible for. The most controversial connection of the line of Fate is its connection with the line of Life, which, on the one hand, binds to the family and gives a person the help of relatives in difficult moments of life, and on the other hand, limits the freedom of a person, gives internal constraint and dependence on external circumstances. The connection with the line of the Sun brings good luck to a person, with the line of Mercury - indicates assistance in a career through connections and friends, with the line of the Head - calls for paying great attention to professional activities, and with the line of the Heart - indicates attachments that will help in moving to career heights throughout a person's life.

The line of Fate connects with the line of Life, as shown in Figures 2.29, on a good hand indicates the help of close relatives in a person’s career, thanks to which a person becomes a professional in the chosen field, and if, after disconnecting from the Life line, the Fate line becomes strong and deep, then he also gets a chance build a good career. On a bad hand, such a connection of lines indicates the opposite, and indicates circumstances that are not subject to the will of a person and are called upon to work out karma for bad deeds committed in past lives. With such a connection, it is clear that the line of Fate changes its vertical direction and, as it were, is attracted to the line of Life, which clearly shows and testifies that fate has gone into the service of life. Life means circumstances, including family circumstances, as a rule, very difficult ones that cannot be changed in a given time period. A person feels like a toy in the “hands” of fate, and no matter what he does, no matter what he does in order to correct the situation for the better, he does not succeed, until the moment when the line of Life “let go” of the line of Destiny . During such periods, a person begins to work off karmic debts forcibly and search for his karmic destiny, which often proceed very dramatically and painfully.

But such a combination of lines also has nuances that are associated with the double flow of time along the lines. You already know that time flows along the line of Fate from the bottom up, and along the line of Life, vice versa, from top to bottom, which, when both lines are attracted to each other, marks two negative age periods of a person’s life. As an example, in figures 2.29, the connection of the line of Fate with the line of Life is shown and the age points of this connection are placed. As can be seen from the example, the line of Fate went into service to the line of Life in the time interval from 22 to 26 years when counting along the line of Fate and the line of Life, respectively, will come into service to the line of Fate from 41 to 53 years, when reporting on the line of Life. Thus, with a double counting of time, four symmetrical points are calculated, which for our example correspond to: 22 years old - the age of 53 years, and 26 years old corresponds to 41 years of this person's life. Therefore, this combination of lines shows the two most negative periods of a person’s life, which will be controlled in one period by life itself, giving a difficult time of family problems and troubles, and in the second period the “villain” fate will lead the person, forcing him to work out his karmic destiny very hard . But the biggest paradox is that the line of Destiny can be in "slavery" not only in these time intervals with a total complexity of 16 years, but 31 years - starting at 22 and freeing only at 53 years. As for the fate of the man whose hand is shown in the photographs, at the age of 22 he went to prison for theft until the age of 26; year again he went to jail for a long time. As can be seen from this example, the negative karma of the past is worked out quite harshly for this person and it went according to the longest scenario, which should end only at the age of 53.

The line of Fate flows into the line of the Heart, and they go together to the hill of Jupiter, as shown in figure 2.30, indicates that the highest ambitions and ambitious designs of a person will be achieved through soul attachments. Such a person will put his whole soul into the work, since he will consider it the work of his whole life, and he will be supported on this path by people whom he, by the will of his fate, will encounter in life.

The line of Fate merges into the line of the Head, as shown in figure 2.31, indicates that a career will be built independently, thanks to the mental abilities of a person. People with this combination of lines, as a rule, are workaholics who, between family and work, always choose a career and go ahead to achieve their goals, no matter what. Since the line of Fate, merging into the line of the Head, does not continue its course further, the further dating of professional activity looks along the line of Life, the Head, or further sections of the line of Fate, which, if any, will be located above the line of the Head.

It is very important that this combination is not confused with the stop of the line of Fate on the line of the Head, which has fundamentally different interpretations and is determined visually, while the line of Fate should give the impression of a line flowing into the line of the Head, and not be stopped by it.

The line of Fate connects with the line of Apollo, as shown in Figure 2.32, indicates career success and recognition. When considering this combination, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of the Apollo line, when it comes into contact with the line of Fate, which will indicate how a person will achieve a high social position as a result of his professional activity. If the line of Apollo, before joining the line of Fate, becomes thinner compared to its end on the hill of Apollo, then success will come to the person first, which will help him take a high post and make a brilliant career. With the reverse combination, when the section of the Apollo line flowing from the line of Fate is thicker than its end on the hill of Apollo (Figure 2.32), then success will come to such a person only after he proves himself in a career thanks to his business qualities of character. The divergence point of the two lines is a marker of the age at which a successful career began, which in our example corresponds to the age of 27 years.

The line of Fate connects with the line of Mercury, as shown in Figure 2.33, indicates the help of friends and acquaintances in career advancement. As in the previous case, it is necessary to evaluate the section of the inflowing line of Mercury into the line of Fate. If the inflowing section of the line is thinner compared to the end of the line on the hill of Mercury, then success and money will come to a person only after the help of acquaintances and friends, as a result of their patronage. With the reverse combination of lines from the point where the line of Mercury comes from, a successful professional activity will begin, thanks to which a person will “grow” with the necessary connections and necessary acquaintances throughout his activity, which will further contribute to life success.

Breaks and displacements of the line of Fate. Breaks on the line of Fate are always changes that indicate the end of the existing way of life and the beginning of a new period of activity. A change in direction, nature, or a shift in the line indicate periods of revision of the worldview regarding career activities and the search for a new path for one's further development. Particularly fateful are the line transformations that are observed after crossing by other palmar lines or comets. The interrupted line of Fate indicates uncertainty and obstacles in a person’s life path, which can be facilitated by both external circumstances and internal discomfort, which gives rise to a sharp change in the way of thinking and lifestyle. It is the breaks on the line of Fate that indicate the loss of a goal in life, one’s own “I” and discord with oneself, which can completely disappear from the palm of a person and thereby restore the integrity of the main line only under one condition: if the owner of such a hand can find his life path , which will fully correspond to the karmic destiny of a person.

Fate line breaks are divided into open (Figure 2.34), and compensated (Figure 2.35), which, in turn, can shift either towards Jupiter or Apollo.

An open break in the line of Fate, shown in Figures 2.34 and 2.34-1, can be involved at several levels at once in a person's destiny and always has negative interpretations, indicating radical changes and transformations in life. In the field of health, an open break in the line of Destiny indicates a prolonged illness or weakened period, leading to a stop or loss of activity, especially if there are certain violations on the main lines of the hand - Head, Heart and Life. In the field of feelings and ideas, it speaks of the negative influence of other people who destroy the fate of the owner of the hand and may indicate a divorce, especially if a branch goes down from the Heart line to the Head line. At the level of activity - indicate a stop in further development, loss of oneself and the search for one's destiny; at the level of social and financial situation, an open gap leaves everything as it is, without changing either the current financial situation or social status. At the security level, it makes you work out karmic debts associated with getting into life-threatening situations, which are especially scary if there are no supporting lines near the Fate line and there are special negative signs on the Life line.

Compensated Fate line break, shown in Figure 2.35 and Figure 2.36, is most often found on the hands of a person and, as in the case described above, also indicates changes in life, but unlike the previous example, these changes will be prepared by the person himself. By the beginning of a new line, its displacement and character, one can assess the result with which a person will come out after the changes he himself planned in life, and also whether he will increase his material and social position in society. If the two lines of Fate overlap each other, then the changes in fate are insignificant and, as a rule, were thought out and prepared in advance. The secondary line that bridges the gap weakens its negative impact on the fate of a person.

When analyzing the flow of the Fate line, it is necessary to take into account its displacement to one of the sides of the palm, as shown in Figure 2.35, which is divided into material (the side that is closer to the thumb, indicated by line No. 1) and idealistic (the opposite side, indicated by line No. 2) .

If, after a break, the line of Fate shifts towards the thumb or hill of Jupiter, as shown by line No. 1 in Figure 2.35, then the cause of changes in a person’s life are practical, material and personal desires that are aimed at changing their financial situation for the better. If the course of the Fate line after a break tends to the opposite side of the palm, to Apollo, as shown by line No. 2 in Figure 2.35, then the main changes in a person’s life will relate to ideological, intellectual and communicative aspirations, as well as changes in the spiritual sphere. People with this type of displacement after a break in the line of Fate are very susceptible to external influences and outside influences, which may also indicate a deterioration in social life and financial situation, and sometimes indicate monetary losses.

The photographs above show examples of various displacements of the Fate line with a compensated line break. Figure 2.36-1 shows the shift of the line of Fate towards the hill of Jupiter, which indicates changes in the life of this person and improvement in the financial situation for the better, but which will take place only after a long move. We will talk about the signs of the move in more detail at the end of the book, but in this example it is indicated by a comet coming from the hill of Venus, which breaks the main main course of the line of Fate. The displaced section of the Fate line towards Jupiter is an indicator of a favorable type of change, and the comet, which breaks the Fate line in the course of its movement, is an age marker of the beginning of future changes.

Figures 2.36-2 and 2.36-3 show examples of the displacement of the line of Fate towards Apollo. Both compensated gaps, though identical in appearance, are different in their meaning and interpretation. The first break, shown in Figure 2.36-2, indicates the planned changes in the life of a girl that will occur under the influence of external factors and people she does not know, and since the initial section of the Fate line at the break is connected to a secondary line that is adjacent to the Life line, then the changes will be associated with a long trip or moving to a new place of residence. Since the new section of the line, although shifted towards Apollo, is strong, deep and long-lasting, these changes, although initially, will be unstable, but thanks to them, the girl will be able to find her karmic destiny and realize herself in the best possible way in the professional field.

At the second break, which is shown in Figure 2.36-3, both sections of the Fate line overlap the other, but before the break, the main line of Fate becomes thinner, and the new displaced line begins with a deep and straight line, which indicates that the person will work for some time. two jobs, but showing more initiative and effort in the new job. The end of the initial section of the line and the beginning of a new one in the direction of Apollo indicates that a person will ultimately choose for himself a new direction of activity, which will turn out to be an occupation for the soul, albeit less monetary and socially significant, but satisfying his inner desires and needs.

When analyzing compensated gaps, it is always necessary to carefully examine the direction of the new Fate line after its displacement, which will indicate the nuances of a further change in career activity. So, for example, if, after a compensated break, the new line of Fate is directed towards the hill of the Sun and shifted towards Jupiter directly at the break itself, then such a combination will indicate a favorable change in career and the choice of a new job related to art or occult sciences.

Comets on the line of Fate. Any crossing of the line of Fate by minor lines, or comets, has a negative effect on the fate of a person and means obstacles, opposition or trouble. There is no life without difficulties, and without them it would be uninteresting. For people with a strong strong-willed character, any obstacle or opposition in life serves as an incentive to start more active activities due to the fact that the struggle only hardens them and makes them set new tasks and even more ambitious goals than before. The actions of such people in practice are always stronger than the opposition.

For weak-willed people who are accustomed to go with the flow of people without making any special efforts in life, obstacles and opposition cause only panic, they often get lost and cannot overcome the difficulties that arise on their life path without outside help. Therefore, it is necessary to warn a person about the possibility of difficult times for him, when he will have to carefully weigh his actions and when every erroneous decision or deed can negatively affect his future. It is also very important with what results a person will come out of the test. A good, strong and strong line of Fate after any intersection will indicate positive changes in a person’s life and his ability to cope with emerging difficulties.

When crossing, it is also necessary to pay attention to where and which secondary line crosses the line of Fate, which will indicate those people who will bring future trouble and force them to change the direction of their activities in the course of it. It is also necessary to correctly assess the intersection point and the strength of the secondary line, which, on the one hand, will indicate the time of occurrence of the troubles themselves, and on the other hand, the strength of the future problem. So, for example, if the secondary line is stronger than the line of Fate and cuts it into two parts, then serious blows and changes can be expected from fate. On the contrary, if a strong line of Fate cuts through a weak secondary line, perhaps even with its displacement, then this means temporary obstacles that a person will not attach great importance to and will soon forget about.

Crossing branches from the lines of the Head and Heart will not mean obstacles, but mistakes or time to reassess values ​​and reflect on the meaning of life and one's destiny.

In palmistry, comets that cross the Fate line are called decision lines. This name perfectly reflects the whole deep meaning of these lines and indicates extraneous negative influences on a person that will encourage him to act and make a number of responsible decisions for the best construction of his activity.

To consider all kinds of decision lines and assimilate the material in Figures 2.37, a human hand is shown, where these lines are indicated. Based on this figure, one can trace the main path of career activity and the direction of development of this person. Each comet is dated with the appropriate age, indicating the time when a person will have a major peak of trouble, under the influence of which significant decisions will have to be made.

The decision lines start in the middle of the palm and cut through the line of Fate at a right angle, without causing a shift in the main line, which corresponds to the age of a person: 23, 24, 26, 27 years old, indicate blocking of energy moving along the line of Fate and indicate obstacles that prompt a person to action, which he will overcome during the time period of action of these lines. Since the lines are thin and short, and the line of Fate cuts through them without changing its direction of movement, these signs indicate a change in place of work under the influence of external factors without changing the direction of their main activity.

The decision lines start in the middle of the palm and cut through the line of Fate at oblique angles directed from different directions, which corresponds to the age of a person: 23.5 and 27 years old, indicates making decisions regarding one's career activities under the influence of other people. If the decision lines cut the line of Fate at oblique angles from the side of the line of Life, then this sign indicates that the decision will be made of one's own free will, or under the influence of relatives. Lines that cut the Fate line on the opposite side of the palm indicate career decisions made under pressure from outsiders, for example: work colleagues or bosses.

The comet (line of decisions) starts from the hill of Upper Mars and cuts through the line of Destiny without causing a shift in the main line, at the age of 25.5, indicates an obstacle in the career that will come from persons of the same sex. On a man's hand, such a comet will speak of purposeful opposition and career obstacles from men, and on women's hands - from women. Having found such decision lines in the hands of clients, it is necessary to advise them to be as attentive and careful as possible to both their friends and work colleagues of the same sex, at the age at which the decision line intersects with the Fate line.

The comet (line of decisions) starts from the hill of Venus and cuts through the line of Fate without causing a shift in the main line, at the age of 33, indicates trouble from close relatives or persons of the opposite sex. Unlike the previous case, the interpretation of this comet is more ambiguous and may indicate pregnancy, which will interfere with career development, moving, death of close relatives, as well as a negative impact in the career of the opposite sex, which must be specified by other lines and signs. arms. If a comet leaving the hill of Venus, cutting the line of Life and Fate, goes to the hill of Upper Mars, then such a combination of lines indicates a divorce, which was preceded by long quarrels and litigation, and which affected both the life of a person and influenced him professional activity.

The main difference between long lines of decisions coming from various hills, and short and thin lines standing in the center of the palm is that long lines are the opposition of specific people who will hinder a person’s success, thereby negatively affecting his fate, and short lines - These are changes in the place of work due to an unfavorable combination of circumstances.

The line of decisions rests on the line of Destiny without cutting it, creating the impression of a "T-junction", which corresponds to the age of 39, warns a person about possible troubles and obstacles in the fate of a person, but gives a person a chance to correct his situation. Also, this line of decisions also indicates a difficult choice in favor of a particular place of work, and a person at this age is questioned and morally tormented, unable to make the right choice for himself.

A branch from the line of the Heart, going down and cutting through the line of Fate, without causing a shift in the main line, at the age of 46, indicate career obstacles that will come from a marriage partner. If, when crossing the line of Fate with branches from the line of the Heart, the line of Fate shifts towards the hill of Jupiter, then such obstacles will temper the character of the owner of the hand, and bring him improvements in his material and social situation. If, on the contrary, after crossing the branch from the line of the Heart, the line of Fate shifts towards the hill of Apollo, then the new activity will bring more spiritual than material satisfaction.

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