What is not a direct function of personnel management. Preferred: Diplomas from elite educational institutions, energy, initiative, ability to follow instructions without objection

Personnel management is a field of activity characteristic of all organizations, and its main task will be to provide the organization with personnel and purposeful use of personnel.

Personnel management is carried out in the process of performing certain targeted actions and involves:

1) determination of goals and main directions of work with personnel;

2) determination of means, forms and methods for achieving the set goals;

3) organization of work to implement the decisions made;

4) coordination and control over the implementation of the planned activities;

5) continuous improvement of the system of work with personnel

The organizational structure of the personnel management system is a set of interrelated divisions of this system and officials. The divisions perform various functions, their totality constitutes the personnel management service. The role and place of the personnel management service in the structure of the entire organization is determined by the role and place of each specialized unit of this service, as well as the organizational status of its immediate supervisor.

In the modern practice of personnel management, there are several options for the role and place of the personnel management service in the organization's management structure, which depend on the degree of development and characteristics of the organization.

If the staffing of the organization is not numerous, then some tasks in the field of personnel management may be carried out by one specialist, and not by a unit within the personnel management service.

Today, personnel management services are functional and do not directly participate in the management of the core activities of the organization's employees, but help managers at all levels to resolve issues related to hiring, relocation, dismissal, training, social security of personnel and a number of other issues. Therefore, it is optimal to combine the powers of the line managers of the organization and personnel specialists on the basis of their joint responsibility.

Currently, personnel management performs a number of functions that used to belong to economic, production, technical and other departments. Such a concentration of functions in one structural unit makes it possible to implement an effective toolkit for managing the organization's human resources. The attention of the personnel management services is mainly paid to the improvement of labor relations, the selection of candidates for vacant positions, the development and implementation of training programs and social development programs, as well as the motivation and stimulation of labor activity. Decision-making on the listed issues is carried out not only by the head of the personnel service, but also by other line managers of the organization.

In the modern system of governing bodies, links in organizations that perform the functions of a personnel management service play a special role. They perform functions such as:

1) forecasting the need for personnel working;

2) planning the quantity and quality structure of personnel in the divisions of the enterprise;

3) search for qualified personnel;

4) holding competitions for vacancies;

5) certification of applicants for work;

6) organization of the process of adaptation of new employees;

7) organization of personnel training;

9) organization of retraining of personnel;

10) organization of training of leading personnel and a number of others.

Human resources departments of modern organizations deal with a wide range of issues and play a key role in the development of the organization. The Human Resources Department is a functional division of an organization dealing with personnel management issues.

It is with the advent of personnel management as a specialized staff activity in the system of modern management that the formation of personnel management is associated, which gradually integrates and transforms the established forms of personnel work. An important step in this process was the assimilation of the ideas of a systematic approach, the development of various models of an organization as a system - not only functioning, but also developing - on the basis of which a new approach in personnel management was formed - human resource management. Human resource management treats personnel as an important resource of the organization and implies a strategic approach


Based on this task, the main functions of the personnel department of the company are determined. If we take a modern Western textbook on human resource management and if we look at the functions of successful companies, we will see a surprising similarity. There are objectively justified models of how personnel management should be carried out now in market conditions.

Basic functions of personnel management

The main functions of personnel management in a modern organization include the following:

Formation of the personnel policy of the company and the creation of a system of documents reflecting this personnel policy and its individual components (procedures).

Designing positions, determining the structure of personnel and requirements for employees.

Staff selection.

Evaluation and certification of personnel. Withdrawal and relocation of workers.

Training and professional development of employees.

Work with personnel reserve, career planning of employees.

Improving pay and stimulating work.

Formation of the corporate culture of the company and management of the corporate climate. Non-material motivation of workers.

Ensuring the requirements of the current labor legislation in work with personnel.

Personnel management.

This list should not be considered as a standard. In different books and practice of different companies, the wording of functions and their grouping may vary. But in general, this list reflects quite well the composition of what should be done in a successfully functioning modern organization for effective human resource management. In subsequent publications, we will take a closer look at how the basic functions of personnel management can be successfully implemented in practice.

Personnel policy in the organization

According to the Dictionary of the Russian Language, the term "politics" is characterized as goals and objectives, methods and means by which these goals are achieved, a mode of action that determines relations with people.

The concept of "policy of the organization" includes a system of rules in accordance with which the system as a whole behaves and according to which the people included in this system act. In addition to financial and foreign economic policy in relation to competitors, etc. Every organization develops and implements a personnel policy.

Speaking of personnel policy, it cannot be identified with personnel management. The concepts of "personnel management" and "policy" in themselves are far from identical. “Management” is a much broader term, one of the components of which is politics, in this case personnel policy.

In view of the foregoing, the policy can be defined as a system of goals, principles and the resulting forms, methods and criteria for working with personnel, applicable to all categories of workers.

The main content of the personnel policy is, firstly, providing a high quality workforce, including planning, selection and hiring, dismissal (retirement, layoffs), analysis of staff turnover, etc.; secondly, the development of employees, career guidance and retraining, certification and assessment of the level of qualifications, organization of career advancement; thirdly, improving the organization and stimulation of labor, ensuring safety, social benefits. Personnel management divisions actively participate in negotiations with trade unions when concluding collective agreements, in the analysis of complaints, claims, and exercise control over labor discipline.

The term "personnel policy" has a broad and narrow interpretation:

1) a system of rules and norms (which must be understood and formulated in a certain way) that bring the human resource in line with the company's strategy (hence it follows that all activities for working with personnel: selection, staffing, certification, training, promotion - in advance are planned and agreed with a common understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization);

2) a set of specific rules, wishes and restrictions in the relationship between people and the organization. In this sense, for example, the words: “The personnel policy of our company is to hire people with higher education only” - can be used as an argument in solving a specific personnel issue.

The concept of "personnel policy" was quite common in the late 80s. At the same time, it expressed the well-known subjectivism of the administrative and economic authorities, which, in particular, assumed the priority of the leader's personal ideas about the degree of usefulness of one or another manager (technical engineer and employee) of a lower rank. The assessment of the latter ultimately depended on whether the director was oriented towards the fulfillment of the main target function of the enterprise - the production of products, or the main thing for him - the preservation of a personal, rather privileged position. The first and second situations are characterized by fundamentally opposite mechanisms for the formation of a team of subordinates.

Today, the most acute problem is the development of a new personnel policy focused on the organization of social management, the priority of social values, social policy.

The ultimate goal of the ongoing reforms is not the market, but the well-being of the people, each person. So far, the weakest point of the ongoing reforms is social policy and management. And a lot here rests on the cadres, on their social incompetence.

The objectives of the personnel policy can be formulated as follows:

Unconditional fulfillment of the rights and obligations of citizens in the labor field provided for by the Constitution; compliance by all organizations and individual citizens with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, model internal regulations and other documents adopted by the highest authorities on this issue;

Subordination of all work with personnel to the tasks of uninterrupted and high-quality provision of the main economic activity with the required number of employees of the required professional and qualification composition;

Rational use of the personnel potential available to the enterprise, organization, association;

Formation and maintenance of efficient, friendly production teams, development of principles for organizing the labor process; development of intra-industrial democracy;

Development of criteria and methodology for the selection, selection, training and placement of qualified personnel; training and advanced training of the rest of the employees;

Development of the theory of personnel management, principles for determining the social and economic effect of the activities included in this complex.

Today, personnel policy is beginning to cover areas that were previously not taken into account in personnel work. This is the sphere of labor conflicts and relations with the administration, with new public organizations in the course of solving production problems, the role of social programs implemented by the organization in market conditions that affect the productivity of personnel, etc.

Tests with answers personnel management.

1 Test. Which managerial action is not related to the functions of personnel management?

a) planning;

b) forecasting;

c) motivation;

d) reporting;

e) organization.

2. Management personnel includes:

a) support workers;

b) seasonal workers;

c) junior service personnel;

d) managers, specialists;

e) main workers.

Test 3. Japanese personnel management does not apply:

a) lifetime employment;

b) principles of seniority in payment and appointment;

c) collective responsibility;

d) informal control;

e) advancement in the career hierarchy depends on professionalism and successfully completed tasks, and not on the age of the worker or length of service.

4. What disciplines are not associated with the system of labor and personnel sciences?

a) "Economics of labor";

b) "Transport systems";

c) "Psychology";

d) "Physiology of labor";

e) "Sociology of Labor".

5 Test. The job description at the enterprise is developed with the aim of:

a) determination of certain qualification requirements, duties, rights and responsibilities of the personnel of the enterprise;

b) hiring workers for the enterprise;

c) selection of personnel for a certain position;

d) according to the current legislation;

e) achievement of the strategic goals of the enterprise.

6. The study of the personnel policy of competing enterprises is aimed at:

a) to develop new types of products;

b) to determine the strategic course of development of the enterprise;

c) to create additional jobs;

d) for re-profiling the activities of the enterprise;

e) to develop an effective personnel policy of your enterprise.

7. What does investing in human capital include?

a) investment in production;

b) investing in new technologies;

c) expenses for staff development;

d) investing in the construction of new facilities.

e) investing in improving the organizational structure of the enterprise.

8. Human capital is:

a) the form of investment in a person, i.e. the cost of general and special education, the accumulation of the amount of health from birth and through the education system to working age, as well as economically significant mobility.

b) investing in the means of production;

c) intangible assets of the enterprise.

d) tangible assets of the enterprise;

e) this is a set of forms and methods of work of the administration that provide an effective result.

9. The functions of personnel management are:

a) a set of directions and approaches to work with personnel, focused on meeting the production and social needs of the enterprise;

b) a set of directions and approaches to improve the efficiency of the enterprise;

c) a set of directions and approaches to increase the authorized capital of the organization;

d) a set of directions and approaches to improve the strategy of the enterprise;

e) a set of directions and measures to reduce the cost of production.

10. The potential of a specialist is:

a) a set of capabilities, knowledge, experience, aspirations and needs;

b) human health;

c) the ability to adapt to new conditions;

d) the ability to improve skills on the job;

e) the ability of a person to produce products

11. The horizontal movement of the worker provides for the following situation:

a) transfer from one job to another with a change in salary or level of responsibility;

b) transferring from one job to another without changing wages or level of responsibility;

c) release of the worker;

d) demotion of a worker;

e) promotion of a worker in a position.

12. Professiogram is:

a) a list of rights and obligations of employees;

b) description of general labor and special skills of each employee at the enterprise;

c) this is a description of the features of a particular profession, revealing the content of professional work, as well as the requirements for a person.

d) a list of professions that an employee can master within his competence;

e) a list of all professions.

13. What section does the job description not contain?

a) "General provisions";

b) "Main tasks";

c) "Responsibilities";

d) "Management powers";

e) Conclusions.

14. Intellectual conflicts are based on:

a) on a collision of approximately equal in strength, but oppositely directed needs, motives, interests and hobbies in one and the same person;

b) clash of armed groups of people;

c) on the struggle of ideas in science, the unity and clash of such opposites as true and erroneous;

d) on the opposition of good and evil, duties and conscience;

e) on the opposition of justice and injustice.

15. A conflict situation is:

a) clash of interests of different people with aggressive actions;

b) objects, people, phenomena, events, relationships that need to be brought to a certain balance to ensure a comfortable state of individuals who are in the field of this situation;

c) the state of negotiations during the conflict;

d) definition of the stages of the conflict;

e) conflicting positions of the parties regarding the solution of any issues.

16. At what stage of the conflict does a clear (visual) manifestation of sharp disagreements appear, achieved in the process of conflict:

a) start;

b) development;

c) culmination;

d) ending;

e) . post-conflict syndrome as a psychological experience.

17. The latent period of the conflict is characterized by the following feature:

a) the parties have not yet declared their claims against each other;

b) one of the parties admits defeat or a truce is reached;

c) public exposure of antagonism both for the parties to the conflict themselves and for outside observers;

d) extreme aggressive discontent, blocking of aspirations, prolonged negative emotional experience that disorganizes consciousness and activity;

e) there are no external aggressive actions between the conflicting parties, but indirect methods of influence are used.

18. The style of behavior in a conflict situation, characterized by the active struggle of an individual for his interests, the use of all means available to him to achieve his goals, is:

a) adaptation, compliance;

b) evasion;

c) confrontation, competition;

d) cooperation;

e) compromise.

19. A comprehensive assessment of work is:

a) assessment of professional knowledge and skills with the help of control questions;

b) determination of a set of estimated indicators of quality, complexity and efficiency of work and comparison with previous periods using weighting factors;

c) assessment of professional knowledge, habits and intelligence level with the help of control questions;

d) determination of professional knowledge and habits with the help of special tests with their further decoding.

e) assessment of professional knowledge, habits and intelligence level with the help of sociological surveys.

20. Collegiality in management is a situation when:

a) the personnel of a certain unit are colleagues in relation to each other;

b) only the head of the organization can manage the staff, but he can delegate some powers to his subordinates;

c) there is a decentralization of management of the organization;

d) employers work in close contact with each other and are connected by ties of cooperation and interdependence, make up the management staff.

e) there is a centralization of the management of the organization.

21. What subsystem of personnel management is aimed at developing a promising personnel policy:

a) functional;

b) tactical;

c) manager;

d) providing;

e) strategic.

22. The purpose of which school was the creation of universal principles of management:

a) school of scientific management;

d) school of behavioral science;

23. The personnel potential of an enterprise is:

a) a set of working specialists who get a job, study and improve their qualifications off-the-job;

b) the totality of working specialists;

c) the totality of those applying for a job;

d) the totality of students and raising their qualifications with a break from work;

e) a set of people moving up the career ladder.

24. What position does the theory of acquired needs of D McClleland provide for:

b) the distribution of all workers into those who want to work and those who do not want to work;

c) the need for the worker to achieve, in complicity, in power;

d) the human need to be fairly rewarded;

e) all human needs located in a certain hierarchy.

25. What theory of motivation refers to process theories?

a) A. Maslow's theory of needs;

b) W. Vroom's theory of expectation;

c) D. McClelland's theory of acquired needs;

d) K. Alderfer's theory of existence, connection and growth;

e) F. Getzberg's theory of two factors.

26. Valence according to the theory of V. Vroom is:

a) a measure of remuneration;

b) a measure of expectation;

c) expectation of a certain reward in response to the achievement of results;

d) measure of value or priority;

e) expectation of the desired result from the expended additional efforts.

27. The main provision of which theory is that people subjectively determine the ratio of the reward received to the effort expended and correlate it with the reward of other people?

a) A. Maslow's theory of needs;

b) W. Vroom's theory of expectation;

c) the extended Porter-Lawler expectation model;

d) D. McClleland's theory of acquired needs;

e) the theory of equality by S. Adams.

Test - 28. BF Skinner's amplification theory based on this position:

a) highlighting hygienic and motivating factors;

b) people's behavior is determined by the consequences of their activities in a similar situation in the past;

c) all human needs located in a certain hierarchy;

d) human need is based on fair remuneration;

e) the need for the worker to achieve, in complicity, in power;

a) B. F. Skinner;

b) S. Adams;

c) V. Vroom;

d) Porter-Lawler model;

e) F. Herzberg.

30. What position applies to the theory of motivation of Porter-Lawler:

a) productive work leads to employee satisfaction;

b) a responsible person;

c) people's behavior is determined by the consequences of their activities in a similar situation in the past;

d) a person seeks to delegate authority;

e) a person is satisfied only with economic incentives.

31. What needs in the theory of A. Maslow are basic (located on the lower level of the hierarchy of needs)?

a) physiological;

b) security and safety;

c) affiliation and involvement;

d) recognition and respect;

e) self-expression.

32. Which provision does not apply to the theory of motivation of F. Herzberg:

a) lack of hygiene factors leads to job dissatisfaction;

b) the presence of motivators can only partially and incompletely compensate for the absence of hygiene factors;

c) under normal conditions, the presence of hygienic factors is perceived as natural and does not have a motivational effect;

d) the maximum positive motivational impact is achieved with the help of motivators in the presence of hygiene factors;

e) the maximum positive motivational impact is achieved with the help of motivators in the absence of hygiene factors;

33. How many groups of needs are distinguished by the theoretical model of motivation of K. Alderfer:

at four;

34. The average salary of one employee is calculated:

a) as the ratio of quality products to the total volume of marketable products;

b) as the ratio of profit to the cost of production;

c) as the ratio of cost to the cost of marketable products;

d) as the ratio of the volume of manufactured products to the total number of employees;

e) as the ratio of the total wage fund to the total number of personnel.

35. What leadership style does not include the model that describes the dependence of leadership style on the situation proposed by T. Mitchell and R. House?

a) "support style";

b) "instrumental" style;

c) style focused "on achievement";

d) leadership style, focused on the participation of subordinates in decision-making;

e) style "offer".

36. What leadership style does not include the life cycle theory of P. Hersey and C. Blanchard?

a) the style of "giving instructions";

b) "sell instructions";

c) inform.

d) "participate";

e) "delegate";

37. Test. How many leadership options are identified by the Vroom-Yetton leadership style model:

b) four;

38. Which of the five main leadership styles, according to the two-dimensional model of leader behavior (Blake and Mouton's management grid), is the most effective?

a) "fear of poverty";

b) "Team" (group management);

c) "Holiday home - country club";

d) "Power - subordination - task";

e) "In the middle of the road";

39. What type of power implies the belief of the performer that the influencer has the ability to satisfy his needs:

c) expert power;

d) reference power;

d) legal authority.

40. .What kind of power implies the belief of the performer that the influencer has the ability to force and the full right to punish:

a) power based on coercion;

b) power based on reward;

c) expert power;

d) reference power;

d) legal authority.

41. What type of power implies the belief of the performer that the leader has special knowledge and competence that will satisfy his needs:

a) power based on coercion;

b) power based on reward;

c) expert power;

d) reference power;

d) legal authority.

42. What kind of authority implies the belief of the executor that the influencer has the right to give orders and that it is his duty to obey them:

a) power based on coercion;

b) power based on reward;

c) expert power;

d) reference power;

d) legal authority.

43 Under what kind of power are the characteristics and properties of the influencer so attractive to the performer that he wants to be the same as the influencer:

a) power based on coercion;

b) power based on reward;

c) expert power;

d) reference power;

d) legal authority.

44 Determining the qualifications of a specialist, the level of knowledge or a review of his abilities, business and other qualities:

a) certification;

d) job description;

e) approbation.

45 A leader who has sufficient power to impose his will on executors.

a) an autocratic leader;

b) a democratic leader;

c) a liberal leader;

d) advisory leader;

e) instrumental leader.

46 Conflicts, depending on the method of resolution, are divided into:

a) social, national, ethnic, international, organizational, emotional;

b) antagonistic, compromise;

c) vertical, horizontal;

d) open, hidden, potential;

e) intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup.

47 The costs of health care, education, physical education, intellectual development, general education, acquisition of a specialty are:

a) investments in the construction of sports complexes;

b) investment in human capital;

c) investment in new technologies;

d) investment in production;

e) investments in educational and health-improving complexes.

48 The indicator is characterized by changes in price indices for goods and services that are included in the consumer baskets of the minimum consumer budget:

a) price indices;

b) cost of living index;

c) indices of agricultural production;

d) indices of livestock production;

e) indices of crop production.

49 Intangible personal property: a product of intellectual activity, which manifests itself in the effect of use in various spheres of society:

a) intangible property;

b) intellectual property;

c) radio frequency resource;

d) material property;

e) aerospace developments.

50 Regulates the relationship between employers, i.e. buyers of products of intellectual labor and the subjects of intellectual activity themselves regarding the formation of the price of intellectual labor:

a) financial market infrastructure;

b) agricultural exchanges;

c) the infrastructure of the intellectual labor market;

d) entrepreneurship promotion funds;

e) owners of intellectual labor.

51 What is not included in the infrastructure of the knowledge labor market:

a) labor exchanges;

b) agricultural exchanges;

c) funds and employment centers;

d) centers, institutes for retraining and advanced training of specialists;

e) electronic labor markets (automated databanks);

52 Skills needed to properly understand other people and communicate effectively with them:

a) semantic;

b) communicative;

c) non-verbal;

d) verbal;

e) professional.

53 Which feature is typical for a formal group (team) in an organization:

a) an association of interests and goals;

b) there is no clear role structure - division of labor and management;

c) a sign of social community (for example, according to national characteristics, signs of social origin);

d) groups have different social significance in society, at the enterprise - positive or negative orientation;

e) the structure of teams and groups is determined by the relevant official documents that provide for the scope of duties and rights of both the entire team and individual employees included in it.

54 A calculated indicator that takes into account logical thinking, the ability to achieve a goal, the objectivity of self-assessment, the ability to formulate sound judgments:

a) intelligence quotient (IQ);

b) coefficient of the tariff scale;

c) labor productivity;

d) annual salary;

e) the value of human capital.

55 Which component does not include the labor potential of a person:

a) human health;

b) education;

c) professionalism;

d) creativity (ability to work, think in a new way);

e) deposit accounts in banks.

56 What is staff adaptation?

a) improvement of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to improve the professional skills of workers, their assimilation of advanced equipment, technology, means of production;

b) activities that are carried out consciously to improve the abilities of personnel, which are necessary for the performance of work or for the development of the potential of employees;

c) participation in the recruitment and selection of personnel, taking into account the requirements of specific professions and jobs in order to provide the best career guidance for employees;

d) the relationship between the employee and the organization, which is based on the gradual adaptation of employees to new professional, social, organizational and economic conditions of work;

e) participation of personnel in certification.

57 The division of labor provides:

a) performance by one employee of all functions and actions for the manufacture of a particular product;

b) division of labor according to systematized labor functions;

c) careful calculation of the costs of work for the production of products and services.

d) performance by one employee of all functions and actions for the manufacture of a complex of products;

e) performance by several employees of one function for the manufacture of a complex product.

58 Normal working hours include:

a) all expenditure of time that is objectively necessary to complete a specific task;

b) the total duration of the work shift during which the employee performs labor functions;

c) the time of preparatory and procurement work to complete the task;

d) the time of service of the workplace;

e) a) all expenditure of time that is objectively necessary to complete all tasks.

59 The production rate is based on:

a) on the establishment of norms for spending time;

b) on determining the quantity of products that must be manufactured by one worker;

c) on the establishment of norms for the expenditure of work;

d) at the time of maintenance of the workplace;

e) on the required number of jobs, the amount of production space and other production facilities assigned for service to one employee or team.

60 The method of personnel assessment, which involves a conversation with the employee in the "question-answer" mode according to a pre-arranged scheme or without it to obtain additional information about a person, is a method:

a) interviews

b) questioning;

c) a sociological survey;

d) testing;

e) observations.

61 The conscious motivation of a person to a certain action is:

b) needs;

c) claims;

d) expectations;

e) incentives.

62 Benefits, material values, to which a person’s labor activity is directed, are:

b) needs;

c) claims;

d) expectations;

e) incentives.

63 Methods involving the transfer of information to employees that allow them to independently organize their behavior and their activities are:

a) various methods of stimulation;

b) methods of informing;

c) methods of persuasion;

d) methods of administrative coercion;

e) economic methods.

64 Among the qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the management system, highlight the quantitative indicator:

a) the level of qualification of employees of the management apparatus;

b) the validity and timeliness of decision-making by management personnel;

c) the level of use of scientific methods, organizational and computer technology;

d) the level of organizational culture;

e) the amount of expenses for the maintenance of the administrative apparatus in the general wage fund of the personnel.

65 The ratio of labor productivity growth to average wage growth is:

a) the level of staff turnover;

b) profitability of production;

c) wage fund;

d) the level of labor discipline;

e) the ratio of the rate of increase in labor productivity to wages.

66 The ratio of the number of dismissed employees to the total number of employees is calculated:

a) the level of labor discipline;

b) the reliability of the work of personnel;

c) staff turnover;

d) socio-psychological climate in the team;

e) coefficient of labor contribution.

67. Test. The ratio of the number of cases of violation of labor and executive discipline to the total number of personnel is an indicator of:

a) the reliability of the work of personnel;

b) the level of labor discipline;

c) staff turnover;

d) socio-psychological climate in the team;

e) coefficient of labor contribution.

68 What type of unemployment characterizes the best labor reserve for the economy, capable of fairly quickly making intersectoral movements, depending on fluctuations in the demand and supply of labor?

a) structural unemployment;

b) technological unemployment;

c) natural unemployment;

d) economic unemployment;

e) involuntary unemployment.

69 The creators of which school of management believed that by using observation, measurement, logic and analysis, many manual labor operations could be improved, achieving their more efficient performance?

a) a classical school or a school of administration;

b) the school of human relations;

c) school of behavioral science;

d) school of scientific management;

e) school of management science or quantitative methods.

70 What school of management first defined management as “getting work done with the help of others”?

a) school of scientific management;

b) classical school or school of administration;

c) the school of human relations;

d) school of behavioral science;

e) school of management science or quantitative methods.

71 What school of management researchers have recommended using human relations management techniques that include more effective supervisory action, consultation with workers, and giving them more opportunities to communicate at work?

a) school of scientific management;

b) classical school or school of administration;

c) school of behavioral science;

d) school of human relations;

e) school of management science or quantitative methods.

72 Researchers of which school of management studied various aspects of social interaction, motivation, nature of power and authority, organizational structure, communication in organizations, leadership, change in the content of work and the quality of working life?

a) school of scientific management;

b) classical school or school of administration;

c) the school of human relations;

d) school of behavioral science;

e) school of management science or quantitative methods.

73 A key characteristic of which school of government is the replacement of verbal reasoning and descriptive analysis with models, symbols, and numbers?

a) school of scientific management;

b) classical school or school of administration;

c) the school of human relations;

d) school of behavioral science;

e) school of management science or quantitative methods.

74 Which of the 14 principles of management identified by Henri Fayol will allow you to achieve better results with the same amount of effort:

a) autocracy (unity of command);

b) division of labor (specialization);

c) unity of direction and a single plan of work;

d) scalar control chain;

e) the stability of the workplace for staff.

75 According to what principle, highlighted by Henri Fayol, should a person receive orders from only one superior and obey only him?

a) unity of command;

b) scalar control chain;

in order;

d) initiative;

76 Which of the schools in the theory of development of personnel management formulated the functions of management:

a) school of scientific management;

b) classical school or school of administration;

c) the school of human relations;

d) school of behavioral science;

e) school of management science or quantitative methods.

Test - 77 Which of the approaches helps to integrate the contributions of all schools that at different times dominated the theory and practice of management:

a) situational approach;

b) process approach;

c) a systematic approach?

78 Model "Z" contains the main ideas of American and Japanese management and is regarded by most experts as ideal. It combines a system of individual values ​​and group forms of interaction. Which of the following ideas is characteristic of American management:

a) long-term work at the enterprise;

b) making strategic and managerial decisions based on the principle of consensus;

c) individual responsibility;

d) slow promotion, which allows you to accurately assess the ability of employees;

e) increased attention to the personality of the employee, his family and domestic concerns.

79 Which of the presented factors of the efficiency of the enterprise's activities most of all contributes to stimulating the activity of employees:

a) strategic goal;

b) information;

c) management methods;

d) motivation system;

e) recruitment.

a) establish meaningful standards perceived by employees;

b) establish two-way communication;

c) avoid excessive control;

d) set rigid but achievable standards;

e) reward for achieving the standard.

81 There are four main types of human behavior, the formation of which occurs on the basis of people's attitudes towards the norms of behavior and values ​​of the enterprise. Which type of behavior is characterized by high reliability:

a) dedicated and disciplined (fully accepts the values ​​and norms of behavior, his actions do not conflict with the interests of the organization);

b) "original" (accepts the values ​​of the enterprise, but does not accept the existing norms of behavior on it, gives rise to many difficulties in relationships with colleagues and management);

c) "opportunist" (does not accept the values ​​of the enterprise, tries to behave, fully following the norms and forms of behavior adopted at the enterprise);

d) "rebel" (does not accept either the norms of behavior or the values ​​of the enterprise, all the time comes into conflict with the environment and creates conflict situations).

82 According to Theory "X", the manager should:

a) force subordinates;

b) threaten subordinates;

c) understand them and stimulate their work;

d) respect subordinates;

e) do the work for them.

83 From the point of view of theory "Y" a manager must believe in the potential of a person and treat subordinates as responsible people striving for full self-realization. According to this theory:

a) work is not contrary to human nature;

b) work gives people satisfaction;

c) employees try to get everything they can from the company;

d) the person does not like to work;

e) a person is ready to work only for high material remuneration.

84. In order to effectively use money as a motivator and avoid its effect as a demotivator, one should:

a) pay competitive wages to attract and retain specialists;

b) pay wages that reflect the value of the work to the enterprise on a fair basis;

c) link the pay to the quality of the performance or the result so that the reward is commensurate with the efforts of the employee;

d) assure the employee that his efforts will be rewarded with an appropriate reward;

e) pay wages not less than the subsistence minimum.

85. According to what principle, pointed out by Henri Fayol, in order to ensure the loyalty and support of workers, they should receive payment for their service?

a) unity of command;

b) scalar chain;

in order;

d) staff remuneration;

e) authority and responsibility.

86. What type of power affects people through culturally instilled values:

a) power based on coercion;

b) power based on reward;

c) traditional or legal authority;

d) expert power;

e) the power of charisma (influence by the power of example).

87. The main socio-psychological factor affecting the effectiveness of the group's activities is:

b) structure (the order of organization of the group - the distribution of the roles of its members);

c) culture (basic assumptions developed by the group about how thoughts and feelings are perceived during the task);

d) process (the way employees interact when performing a specific task, for example, a decision-making procedure in a group).

88. Strengthening authority, the manager must ensure that he does not suppress, does not fetter the initiative of subordinates. Which of the following varieties of pseudo-authority (false authority) deprives people of confidence, initiative, gives rise to reinsurance and even dishonesty:

89. What type of role in an informal group is assigned to a person who develops new approaches to old problems, proposes new ideas and strategies?

a) coordinator;

b) a creative person;

c) a critic;

d) performer;

e) administrator.

90. What information does not apply to the information transmitted through the channels of informal communications:

a) upcoming layoffs of production workers;

b) upcoming moves and promotions;

c) a detailed account of the dispute between two managers at the last sales meeting;

d) rumors about upcoming changes in the structure of the organization;

e) orders and directives of the General Director.

91. Highlight the main type of behavior characteristic of a charismatic leader (charisma - personal charm):

a) focusing on issues of particular importance, focusing communications on major issues in order to involve others in analysis, problem solving and action planning;

b) the ability to take risks, but only based on careful calculations of the chances of success, and in such a way as to create opportunities for others to participate;

c) skillful interaction with understanding and empathy, confidence that such effective two-way interaction is obtained only through active listening and feedback;

d) expressing active concern for people, including oneself, modeling, self-respect and strengthening self-esteem in others, involving people in making important decisions;

e) demonstration of consistency and reliability in their behavior, open expression of their views and following them in practical affairs.

92. Which of the presented leadership styles should be applied in extreme (emergency) situations:

c) liberal;

d) anarchist;

e) neutral .;

93. A leadership style that adheres to the principles of non-interference, team members are encouraged to creative self-expression is:

b) democratic;

c) anarchist;

d) cooperative;

d) permissive.

94. The management grid, or the R. Blake and D. Mouton grid, includes five main management approaches and is a 9x9 table of positions. The vertical (nine values ​​of the matrix code) means caring for a person. Nine horizontal values ​​mean concern for production. Which of the styles is optimal for developing a strategy in conflict situations:

b) socio-psychological (increased attention to human needs creates a friendly atmosphere and an appropriate pace of production - code 1.9);

c) liberal (minimum attention to the results of production and the person - code 1.1);

d) cooperative (high results are obtained by interested employees pursuing a common goal - code 9.9);

e) compromise (satisfactory results, average job satisfaction, a tendency to compromise and traditions hinder the development of an optimistic view - code 5.5).

95. When the interests of different people or special groups collide in the course of production activities, the main cause of the conflict is:

a) allocation of resources;

b) unsatisfied communications;

c) differences in goals;

d) differences in ideas and values;

e) difference in behavior and life experience.

96. Which of the styles of conflict resolution is aimed at finding a solution through mutual concessions, at developing an intermediate solution that suits both parties, in which no one really wins, but does not lose either.

a) style of competition;

b) evasion style;

d) style of adaptation;

e) compromise style.

97. Communication networks show:

a) the degree of division of labor in the enterprise;

b) the level of centralization of powers;

c) a diagram of the structure of the enterprise;

d) the entire set of links between the elements of the enterprise;

e) horizontal communications.

98. The price of labor power is:

a) it is an expedient activity of a person (people) aimed at changing and transforming reality to meet their needs, creating material goods and services (or) spiritual values;

b) wages and benefits actually paid by the employer, taking into account state regulation in this area;

c) a measure of the ability to generate income embodied in a person. Includes innate ability and talent, as well as education and acquired qualifications.

d) supply and demand for intellectual labor;

e) the totality of his possibilities for creative work.

99. What is not the task of the personnel management system?

a) socio-psychological diagnostics of personnel;

b) planning the need for personnel;

c) analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships between the leader and subordinates;

d) personnel marketing;

e) all of the above is included in the tasks of the personnel management system.

100. What is not a function of personnel management?

a) forecasting and planning the needs and staffing, motivation and staffing;

b) registration and accounting of personnel; creation of optimal working conditions; training and movement of personnel;

c) labor rationing; analysis and development of ways to stimulate labor;

d) evaluation, coordination and control of performance results;

e) all of the above are functions of personnel management.

Control functions - this is a direction or types of management activity based on division and cooperation in management, and characterized by a separate set of tasks and performed by special techniques and methods.

There are certain differences between goals and functions. The goal is the state that is being sought, and the function is the actual action.

The goals of the organization are characterized by three features:

  • * they reflect desired states in the future;
  • * they designate these conditions specifically and differ from individual goals in that they have a property that is mandatory for all employees of the enterprise;
  • * they are officially approved, and the management of the enterprise approves.

Goals perform three functions:

  • * control,
  • * coordination
  • * control.

Goals- is a stimulus for behavior, so they control behavior. They allow and stimulate mutual coordination of behavior and in this sense perform a coordinating function. Finally, goals determine the development of criteria for control.

Personnel management is carried out in the process of performing certain targeted actions and involves:

  • * definition of goals and main directions of work with personnel;
  • * determination of the means, forms and methods for the implementation of the goals;
  • * organization of work on the implementation of decisions;
  • * coordination and control over the implementation of the planned activities;
  • * continuous improvement of the system of work with personnel.

When the overall strategy of the organization is realized, it becomes possible to establish individual functions of personnel management that will be combined with it (strategy) in the best possible way.

The need to harmonize between the strategy of personnel management and the strategy of entrepreneurship covers the main functions of management and includes:

  • * selection, hiring and formation of the organization's personnel for the best achievement of production goals;
  • * staff assessment;
  • * development of the organizational structure and moral climate of the enterprise, contributing to the manifestation of the creative activity of each employee;
  • * the best use of the potential of employees and their remuneration;
  • * ensuring guarantees of social responsibility of organizations to each employee.

In practical terms, the following main functions of personnel management can be distinguished:

  • * a clear understanding and implementation of the strategic and tactical goals of your company;
  • * forecasting the situation on the labor market and in one's own team for the adoption of institutional measures;
  • * analysis of the existing human resources potential and planning of its development taking into account the prospects;
  • * staff motivation,
  • * assessment and training of personnel,
  • * promoting the adaptation of employees to innovations,
  • * creating socially comfortable conditions in the team,
  • * solution of particular issues of psychological compatibility of employees, etc. .

The functions of personnel management are very closely interconnected and together form a certain system of work with personnel, where the changes that occur in the composition of each of the functions cause the need to adjust all other related functional tasks and responsibilities. For example, the widespread use of the contract form of hiring personnel in the world practice has led to a noticeable change in functional responsibilities.

Under such conditions of employment, the importance of functional duties related to ensuring labor relations, solving social issues naturally increases, the range of duties within the framework of the functions of recruitment, employment, and material remuneration expands.

In the theory of personnel management, eight main functions are usually distinguished:

  • * needs planning,
  • * selection and recruitment,
  • * development and orientation,
  • * career advancement,
  • * evaluation and reward.

Modern methods of studying personnel involve, on the one hand, the study of the individual characteristics and abilities of employees to establish their potential, and on the other hand, the identification of quantitative and qualitative requirements for personnel, taking into account the prospects for the development of the organization (firm), the emergence of new areas of work.

One of the new approaches being tested in the late 70s was the method of management by objectives, based on the integration of individual and common interests.

Goal setting means allocating tasks to employees based on their individual abilities and the need to achieve results agreed with them. The areas of activity covered by the targets can be varied and are determined by the problems of management or the priorities of the development of organizations. Goals can be focused on developing the potential abilities of employees, on maximizing customer satisfaction, or on improving the production process. Within these problem areas, specific goals are formed for groups and individuals. They are established on the basis of an analysis of the performance results for the reporting period in the form of discussion and agreement of the opinions of managers and subordinates. This form and principle of planning goals is acceptable for various categories of workers: workers in the main and auxiliary production, specialists, managers, and creative workers.

The fundamental premise of management by objectives was the direct participation of the staff in setting the goals of the work, which led to a much more responsible attitude to work than in the case when the staff received tasks from above. Increased responsibility is generated by the internal motivation of employees, caused by the need to achieve their own and voluntarily accepted goals.

It should be noted that the method of directive planning was a kind of distorted model of management by objectives. The basis for setting goals was the analysis of the fulfillment of the tasks of the previous period, which, under the autocratic type of management, consciously, for the sake of higher management, contained a more favorable assessment of the situation and the minimum number of factors limiting the activities of units. Distortion of information coming from departments, in accordance with the ideas of higher management, led to the unreality of goals and their rapid obsolescence under the influence of factors ignored in the process of their development. Targets set in this way lost their credibility and lost the credibility of the performers. The situation with artificially inflated results of work, postscripts and unrealistic, impracticable plans is well known from the practice of Soviet economic management. Evaluations of employees based on formally agreed upon and unrealistic goals could not be fair, which reduced the effectiveness of personnel decisions and the management method itself due to the low predictability of achieving goals.

The functions of personnel management are the main directions of this kind of activity, focused on meeting the specific needs of the enterprise. There are several methods for determining the functions of personnel management, their importance and share in management. One of them is the analysis of the relevant literature and the selection of the list of tasks for managing employees described in it. After the implementation of such a procedure, the list of tasks is transferred to managers for their ranking in order of importance, and on this basis the most important functions of personnel management and their significance are established. .

Another, more accurate, but also more expensive method of determining the functions and tasks in the field of personnel management is fixing their list and the time spent by monitoring the work of managers. This method involves the presence of specially trained professional observers and the study of the activities of many managers; it requires a lot of money and time. Therefore, this method is used quite rarely and usually in order to verify and refine individual functions.

In modern literature, there are quite a lot of functions of personnel management. Based on the analysis of the available literature, the following functions of personnel management can be distinguished:

Personnel planning (including its strategic planning), determining the need for the quantity and quality of employees, as well as the time of their use. Personnel planning is usually considered as the original function of personnel management, since it is ahead of all its other functions in time;

Determination of methods of recruiting, attracting personnel. The implementation of this function involves answering the following questions: where to find the right employees, how to attract them to this enterprise, how many people to take from outside, and how many from inside? In the case of a new enterprise, this function is taken into account even at the stage of determining the location of the enterprise, since not in every region it is possible to find the necessary amount of labor with the required qualifications. In addition, the price of labor in different regions, especially in different countries, can vary significantly;

Personnel marketing. Its task is to ensure the demand for jobs at a given enterprise on the part of the most trained people, primarily highly qualified specialists and managers. At the same time, marketing can be both external, focused on attracting employees from outside, and internal, involving encouraging your own best employees to professional and job growth and occupy the most important jobs for the organization;

Recruitment, evaluation, selection and hiring of employees. The importance of this function is determined by the growing cost of labor and increasing demands on the employee. It is no coincidence that, for example, in Japan, it takes up to 48 hours to select one candidate. working hours, in the USA - until 16 - 18 hours.

Adaptation, training and advanced training of employees, their development. Today, in advanced firms, professional development has become essentially a continuous process that continues throughout a person's working life;

career planning, ensuring professional and official growth of the employee. This function is important both for individual employees, as it meets their expectations and interests, and for the enterprise, as it allows the fuller and more efficient use of the employee's potential;

Staff motivation. It means encouraging employees to conscientious and initiative work, the implementation of organizational goals. Motivation is achieved primarily by ensuring the coincidence of organizational and personal goals;

Personnel management. Employee motivation is central to this function. However, leadership is not just about motivation. It, "as a management function, is designed to unite, coordinate, interconnect and integrate all other functions into a single whole."

In this case, we are talking primarily about functions related to managing people. Personnel management is an extremely complex and meaningful activity, to some extent including many other functions;

Personnel cost management. This involves calculating how much it costs to attract, train, design, evaluate, pay staff, social costs, etc., i.e. the entire stay of the employee in the organization, as well as the correlation of expenses with the profit that the employee’s work brings;

Workplace organization, allowing optimal use of the potential of the employee and giving him the opportunity to prove himself in work. This function takes into account various factors that affect the economic and social efficiency of an employee: his qualifications and individual qualities, equipment and technology, office space, the entire working situation;

Ensuring an optimal work schedule: scheduling work, vacations, replacement in case of illness or absenteeism, etc. The precise implementation of this function allows you to maintain the optimal work rhythm of the organization, save significant funds, increase satisfaction with your stay at the enterprise;

Release of staff. In modern production, this function is not limited to the announcement of dismissal at the initiative of the management or employee and to the appropriate paperwork. It includes various forms of adaptation of the number of workers and their use to the needs of production. This may be the elimination of overtime work, the transfer of employees to part-time or part-time work, temporary layoffs, etc.;

Personnel records management: collection, storage and accounting of personal data, length of service, advanced training, etc. This, so to speak, technical function is necessary for the effective use of personnel. Today, it is greatly facilitated by the use of computer systems and technologies;

Information management. A modern, especially large organization is impossible without the establishment of a systematic dissemination of information. At the same time, the task of personnel management is to timely receive in the optimal amount, distribute the necessary and extinguish unnecessary, and even more harmful information;

Evaluation of performance results and labor potential of personnel. This function is manifested primarily in the certification of employees, on the basis of which the stimulation, development and use of personnel, as well as control over them, are carried out;

Control over personnel, ensuring discipline and organizational order. This function involves not only the impact on employees by managers and authorized officials, but also the development of their self-control;

Conflict Management. This refers to the creation of a climate in the organization that excludes the emergence of destructive conflicts, as well as a constructive, if possible, painless resolution of conflicts;

legal regulation of labor relations. Personnel management is based on the use of labor legislation and organizational norms, usually fixed in the company's charter;

Establishing partnerships and cooperation with trade unions, labor councils and other organizations that influence personnel;

Ensuring the safety, labor protection and health of employees. This involves both monitoring the situation at the workplace and taking into account the individual requests and wishes of employees related to their state of health, for example, transfer to an easier job or part-time work for the period of final labor adaptation after illness;

Social security of employees. It may include social insurance for old age, sickness, disability or accidents, establishment of medical care at the enterprise, psychological and legal assistance, transport and other services, housing construction, etc.;

Planning and development of organizational culture, ensuring internalization by employees of ethical norms, goals and values ​​of the enterprise, respect for its traditions, development of relations between employees of mutual respect, goodwill, cooperation and support, etc.; ensuring the company's reputation

To study the functions of personnel management is useful for any manager of the company, both middle and top. Proper implementation of recommendations for changing the management format will help to achieve a significant increase in profits in a fairly short time.

Features of this process

About how to properly manage personnel, they thought not so long ago, less than a hundred years ago. This was due to the development of huge industries that required the improvement of employee management methods. At that moment, there were several centers of the world economy, each of which had methods of personnel management. They began to develop most actively after the Second World War. A peculiar Soviet methodology based on a planned economy and state management of enterprises is currently of little relevance, therefore, personnel management specialists distinguish three main methods that exist at the moment: American, Japanese and European.

Regardless of which methodology is used, they all implement certain common tasks, which are based on the desire of the manager to optimize the work of the staff in such a way as to achieve maximum profit from the process.

The main goals of the leadership

The general tasks of personnel management include the following goals for the activities of the management team of the company:

  1. In the first place is the definition of goals that you need to achieve as a result of the work, as well as the choice of areas of activity. To do this, it is important to conduct a thorough assessment of how personnel management is currently carried out and what shortcomings the scheme used has.
  2. In second place is the choice of means, methods and tools that you plan to use. These tools vary depending on which country's methodology you are using.
  3. The next stage is the actual organization of work. In your company, it can be performed by various people: both employees holding the positions of HR specialists, and direct managers of employees.
  4. It is necessary to exercise strict control over the work, because without it it is impossible to establish how the selected tools correspond to the tasks set, what adjustments should be made in the work, in which direction the number of personnel should be changed.
  5. The final goal that you will need to achieve is the continuous improvement of your system of work with employees. Each team is unique, therefore, in the implementation of leadership, one must proceed from individual characteristics.

The functions of the personnel management service themselves are described above, but the goals arising from them, which must also become the object of study for the competent construction of the service's activities. If you are just setting up such a department in your company, you should definitely consider these functions in detail in order to achieve the maximum level of efficiency in the future. The basic functions of personnel management themselves are much more complex and multifaceted. Without taking them into account, you risk making mistakes that will later take a long time to correct.

Basic control functions

The goals and functions of the personnel management system are closely interrelated and follow from each other.

  1. The first function, which can rightly be called the main one, is the selection and hiring of exactly such personnel who will best fit into an existing team and will be able to effectively perform all the tasks set by the management. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people to be hired without a serious preliminary interview, purely on the basis of their professional skills, which is not always true. You should look at the recommendations from the previous place of work, if necessary, conduct a survey. So you can find out how well a person gets along in a team.
  2. The second important function of personnel management is the evaluation of its work. It can be carried out using various tools, such as statistics, questionnaires, checks, abstracts, etc. Evaluation is necessary to understand how close an individual employee and the team as a whole are currently working to the maximum. This is an important function, because it is on the basis of such an assessment that various decisions on personnel management are made.
  3. Change and development of the management structure of the enterprise, normalization of the climate in the enterprise in order to get the maximum return on work from each employee of the company. This function can be carried out by several different tools, usually personnel changes and trainings.
  4. The potential of each employee must be used at the maximum level, but he must receive a decent reward for this. Each employee of the company should see that when you work with full dedication, then material well-being improves: bonuses, promotions, etc. Unfortunately, many managers neglect the worthy reward for the quality work of their employees.
  5. The personnel management service must ensure that the company's employees fulfill all the social guarantees provided for by the country's legislation, such as medical insurance, pension contributions, etc. As practice shows, firms in which these guarantees are taken seriously and everyone fulfills them are much more attractive to highly qualified specialists.
  6. Study of human resources and detailed planning of its use. It often turns out that an employee who has the ability for a particular position and special knowledge works where his strengths and capabilities are not properly realized. For example, a person who has a talent for live communication with people and direct promotion of goods sits on paper work. The function of the personnel management service is to study in detail the personnel composition of the company and determine whether there are employees who are more suitable for other positions.

What else should management do?

When planning the work of the personnel management service, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Carrying out various motivational activities is an important function of this service. As mentioned above, an employee without proper motivation is not sufficiently effective, as a result of which his abilities are not fully revealed.
  2. In addition to assessing the current capabilities of the staff, the staff management service is also responsible for their training, if necessary. Usually it is implemented in the course of trainings and advanced training courses conducted both on the basis of the company itself and in other places. In this work, it is necessary to convey to each employee that such courses and trainings are needed first of all by him, because he will become a more sought-after specialist in his field, which means that his prospects for promotion and salary will increase.
  3. Another duty of the personnel management service is explanatory work among employees and their gradual adaptation to the innovations that the company is implementing. Any organizational and structural changes should not just be sent down from above as an order, but communicated to employees with a detailed explanation of the goals and objectives.
  4. Comfortable conditions must be created in the team from a social point of view. These can be recreation areas, hot lunches in the office and much more, which will increase the efficiency of employees and their loyalty to the company.
  5. If necessary, such a service can act as an intermediary in particular cases of psychological incompatibility between employees in order to improve the climate in the team.

It should be borne in mind that the performance of some functions and the neglect of others can cause serious failures in work.

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