What can you win in the Golden Horseshoe lottery. Golden Horseshoe lottery - how to play and what are the chances of winning Golden Horseshoe jackpot

In this lottery, draws always go up to the 87th move or the 88th move. And the guaranteed super prize is 10,000,000 rubles.

Where could I buy?

    site site

    For mobile devices

    Check the data in or on the mobile version of the site.

  • . Winnings up to 100,000 rubles can be transferred to the Stoloto Wallet, as well as received at various points of sale. Read more.
  • . Winnings from 100 000 rubles you can receive by transfer to your personal account. To do this, you need to send a set of documents by regular or express mail to the address: 109316, Moscow, Volgogradsky prospect, 43, bldg. 3, Joint Stock Company "Technological Company" Center ".
  • . Winnings over 1,000,000 rubles paid out in cash. For paperwork, a personal visit to the central office is required.

How to get a win in your particular case, please call 8 900 555-00-55 (the call is paid, the cost of the call depends on your tariff plan).

To receive your winnings, contact our representative and present your lottery ticket and passport.

You will find more detailed information in the section "".

Attention! Payouts of winnings begin no later than 24 hours after summing up the draw. You have the right to apply for winnings within 6 months from the date of publication of the results of the relevant draw. After 6 months from the date of publication of the results of the draw, you can receive the winnings by contacting the central office only.

Taxation of winnings

Tax on winnings for Russian participants is 13%. For persons who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation, the tax is 30% of the winnings.

From January 01, 2018, if the amount of winnings is equal to or exceeds 15,000 rubles, then tax on such winnings is withheld upon payment. If the winning amount does not exceed 15,000 rubles, then the tax must be paid independently.

legal information

"VGL 4 Sport", algorithm for determining winnings No. 1.
The lottery is held in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 02, 2012 No. 687-r.
Lottery organizer: Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.
Lottery operator: GSL JSC.
Lottery period: until December 31, 2029.

The Golden Horseshoe lottery can be called a relatively young game. Her first draw was held in September 2015. Despite this, it already has quite a lot of popularity. As statistics show, already today millions of Russians, along with other lotteries, play the Golden Horseshoe. At the same time, the number of participants is constantly increasing. This suggests that this game has not only found its niche in the market of modern lottery draws, but is also able to compete with games that have been held for many years.

It is noteworthy that the organizer is the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. This means that part of the funds raised from the sale of game tickets goes to the development of youth sports in Russia. Thus, we can safely say that by purchasing a receipt for the next circulation, you are making your contribution to the sports development of the younger generation.

The wide popularity of this lottery can be explained by the fact that there are quite high chances of winning a prize. As a rule, the lottery provides cash gifts. However, sometimes special draws are held in which there is an opportunity to win a car or real estate.

How much does the ticket cost?

The cost of the game receipt is only one hundred rubles. This means that everyone has the opportunity to purchase several tickets at once. In this case, the damage to the family budget will be insignificant. You also need to know that the game has a huge number of minimum prizes. It is enough to match only two numbers to return the funds spent on the ticket. Thus, we can safely say that the participants of the "Golden Horseshoe" practically do not risk anything.

Draws are held weekly. It is enough for each owner of a game ticket to turn on the NTV channel on Sunday morning at 08:20. This will allow you not only to check your ticket against the drawn numbers, but also to enjoy the gameplay itself, which can be compared to a real show. As a result, it turns out that even those players who were not lucky enough to win anything get a lot of positive emotions, are charged with energy and cheerfulness for the whole coming week.

The main prize deserves special attention here. As a rule, its minimum amount is 3,000,000 rubles. However, it is worth knowing that the jackpot in this game is cumulative. This means that if it was not won in the previous draw, it is not only transferred to the next draw, but also increased by a certain amount. Although it is worth understanding that in order to hit such a jackpot, you need to be real lucky. However, do not be upset, because the game has many more cash prizes, which are much easier to win.

As with many other lotteries, players should never miss out on the Golden Horseshoe holiday draws. Surely, many people guess that a draw dedicated to some significant event in the country gives more chances to win. In such draws, not only the number of winning tickets increases, but also the total prize fund increases significantly. This means that here the participant can win a fairly large amount of money, a car or even real estate. It is also recommended to pay attention to the holiday sets, which the organizers of the lottery sometimes make happy with. As a rule, they include ten game coupons with all numbers from 1 to 90. Agree, this is a good chance to get a decent prize.

Five million winning tickets

As you know, the first year of life is the most difficult and quite important. During its short existence, the Golden Horseshoe lottery has truly made thousands of participants happy. This game has more than five million winning tickets. And you can be sure that this is far from the limit. Statistics show that every third ticket in this lottery is a winning one.

Surely the players who regularly take part in the drawings from the Golden Horseshoe noticed Domovoy on the game coupons. He has been a kind of mascot of the game for many years. He gives the players useful advice. He advises how to properly attract good luck to your home. Many players have become so fond of this character that they are looking forward to the next draw in order to purchase a ticket with valuable new tips. The emblem of the game is a golden horseshoe, which has long been considered a symbol of happiness, love and prosperity. That is why many players argue that with such a game it is simply impossible to remain a loser.

Until what turn does the game continue?

As a rule, the Golden Horseshoe draws last until the 87th move. However, quite often the organizers delight the participants with special draws, in which the game stops at the 88th move. This means that there are only two unplayed kegs left. Accordingly, in such draws, the number of winning tickets increases significantly. Of course, this cannot please the participants of the game, who will forever remain its loyal fans.

The LottoAzart portal has up-to-date data on the 122th Golden Horseshoe draw, so there will be no problems with checking the winnings for January 1, 2018. Find out the total amount according to the official Stoloto data in the table.

A festive New Year's atmosphere can present you with a big win in your favorite lottery for good luck. Recall what prizes are prepared for the 122th draw:

  • 25 cars;
  • drawing of a super prize of 3,000,000 rubles;
  • playing up to 87 moves will win every 3rd ticket.

Be sure to take part in the largest Golden Horseshoe lottery draw. On New Year's Eve, many wishes come true, and if you wish to become a motorist, then the brownie can solve this problem in an instant. A little luck and you are the owner of a new car.

How to check lottery tickets of 122 draws?

On Monday, 01.01.2018, see the draw table with the results of the Golden Horseshoe and check tickets for the 122th draw. The amount of winnings depends on the tour in which your lottery ticket wins. Mark the numbers of the dropped balls on the playing field and calculate the amount of the cash prize. To do this, use the table or video draw.

The prize fund worth billions of rubles will be drawn in the 1212 draw of the Russian Lotto. You want to play?

Jackpot: 3,000,000 rubles. Number of tickets: 1595110. Prize pool amount: 79755500.

Video of the draw 01/01/2018

Results of the lottery "Golden Horseshoe" (122 draws) - winnings table

TourNumbers drawnWinnersWinning, rub.
1 40, 46, 85, 39, 29, 54 1 100 000
2 45, 05, 86, 79, 63, 87, 77, 15, 80, 53, 13, 11, 78, 06, 24, 08, 88, 69, 71, 51, 33, 36, 25, 84, 14, 42, 83, 72, 68, 60, 23 2 auto
3 04, 47, 12, 62, 52, 76, 34, 27, 65, 09, 75, 03, 35, 41, 58, 18, 26, 32, 37, 90, 73, 07, 49, 89, 81, 44 2 auto
4 66 2 auto
5 21 3 auto
6 19 10 auto
7 59 17 282 352
8 74 16 15 001
9 16 34 5 001
10 28 59 2 001
11 61 116 1 500
12 57 236 1 001
13 02 307 701
14 17 483 500
15 10 720 400
16 20 1 250 300
17 50 2 303 255
18 38 3 906 219
19 82 4 772 192
20 64 8 440 171
21 48 13 858 154
22 30 21 291 141
23 70 29 405 132
24 22 44 290 125
25 55 76 077 120
26 31 105 175 116
27 56 158 730 115

Missing numbers: 1, 43, 67 .

On the LotoAzart portal, see the latest information on the 123rd Golden Horseshoe draw for January 7, 2018. Thanks to the announcement, you will find out what prizes will be drawn for Christmas.

New Year holidays continue to delight both children and adults. At such a time, luck can bring you a big win in the lottery, the symbol of which is a brownie. Recall what prizes are prepared for the 123rd draw:

  • 10 country houses;
  • super prize - 3,000,000 rubles can be won on the 5th move;
  • play until move 87.

Take part in the Golden Horseshoe Christmas lottery draw and win various cash prizes. If you have been dreaming of a new home for a long time, then the brownie can solve this problem in an instant. A little luck and you are the owner of the house.

Find out winnings in the Golden Horseshoe - how to check lottery tickets for 123 draws?

On Sunday, 01/07/2018, we offer you to look at the draw table with the results of the Golden Horseshoe and check the ticket for the 123rd draw. We remind you that if the winning amount does not exceed 15,000 rubles, then the 13% tax must be paid on your own.

40 prizes of 1,000,000 rubles each await the winners of the 1213 Russian Lotto draw. Join the lucky ones.

Jackpot: 3,000,000 rubles. Number of tickets: 401154. Prize pool amount: 20057700.

Video of the draw 07/01/2018

Results of the lottery "Golden Horseshoe" (123 draws) - winnings table

TourNumbers drawnWinnersWinning, rub.
1 49, 27, 24, 13, 88, 35, 52 1 100 000
2 86, 40, 15, 26, 09, 47, 56, 48, 62, 55, 57, 72, 74, 59, 85, 30, 81, 22, 58, 31, 45, 63, 21, 83, 76, 08, 17, 29, 02, 70 1 zag. house
3 80, 42, 39, 44, 20, 90, 05, 07, 10, 53, 60, 43, 87, 54, 79, 89, 68, 33, 16, 71, 28, 65, 46, 41, 32 1 zag. house
4 64, 11, 23 1 zag. house
5 78 1 zag. house
6 14 2 zag. at home
7 75 4 zag. at home
8 66 7 15 001
9 18 15 5 001
10 77 16 2 001
11 06 44 1 501
12 34 71 1 001
13 01 124 700
14 19 207 501
15 73 250 401
16 69 550 300
17 12 728 248
18 03 1 180 208
19 67 1 962 178
20 61 2 596 157
21 25 3 968 140
22 51 7 079 128
23 37 12 993 120
24 04 15 995 114
25 82 27 454 110
26 50 38 017 108

Missing numbers: 36, 38, 84 .

And so, you have purchased a ticket and are waiting for the results of the Golden Horseshoe draw. What to do if you do not want your family and others to know that you are playing the lottery in order to surprise them? How to turn on the desired channel on Sunday morning when everyone is at home? Or maybe you don’t want to wake up early at all and wake up loved ones, how to find out the result of the ticket that has played in this case? Everything is extremely simple - skip the broadcast on TV and check the circulation of the Golden Horseshoe online. This is done at any time of the day on a special Internet resource. A complete table of the last draw will pop up before your eyes and give a clear picture of winning or losing. The draw tables display the numbers of the balls in the order they are drawn, which means you don't miss anything by sleeping through the TV draw. These tables are updated with each new Golden Horseshoe draw. If you want to check the Golden Horseshoe ticket online using the tables, just enter the number of the draw you are interested in in the special field. Press the check key and see the result after three seconds.

Checking the ticket online in the circulation tables Golden Horseshoe allows you to:

  • Assess the situation with frequently drawn numbers, because information about the draws is stored for several months
  • Gather statistics and use the data for the next Golden Horseshoe draw
  • It is available to check the Golden Horseshoe ticket online by the draw date at a convenient time for the player

Golden Horseshoe lottery ticket number - check winnings with it

The lottery ticket number is not a whim of the organizers. This is the document by which forms are identified. This number is unique and will not be repeated. In addition, with the help of such a number. Going on the Internet to a special site for checking lottery tickets online, find the field: "Golden Horseshoe ticket check by number". Enter the number of the won ticket here and wait for the results. They are displayed on the screen.

Online check of the Golden Horseshoe lottery ticket by number allows you to:

  • see the result for a specific ticket or tickets
  • do not bother your head with unnecessary data of circulations and numbers, concentrating only on the right ticket
  • conveniently and quickly find out if the Golden Horseshoe ticket has won.

The Golden Horseshoe lottery is not new, but popular. Thanks to real winnings, it attracts a huge number of players of different categories. Today you can check the Golden Horseshoe ticket online in two ways. The first option is by number of circulation. It is suitable for those who like to create strategies and collect statistics for analysis. The second one is more specific - according to the Golden Horseshoe lottery ticket number. This method is suitable for those who expect quick results.

Any of the methods checking online tickets Golden Horseshoe reliable and fast. See for yourself.

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