What can industrial climbers do and which company to contact? Industrial climbing from a to z: profession - industrial climber.

If you are thinking about organizing your own business and have chosen the direction of industrial mountaineering for this, but do not dare to start a business because of the fear of heights, do not rush to panic. As the owner of the company, you should not climb buildings at all - this can be done by specially trained people who will be under your command. Such professionals are usually equipped with all the necessary equipment for the job. You just have to look for customers who need the services of climbers.

High-altitude workers need to be selected skillfully. First, you must demand from them evidence of their skills. Usually this is a certificate that is issued after graduation.

Entrepreneurial idea will start to generate profit in excess of cost coverage in a year, in some cases - in two. According to statistics, the benefit from the provision of industrial mountaineering services is 15-25% annually.

In order to receive clients and maintain documentation, you will need an office space. A small office will suffice. Naturally, the ideal option would be to rent a department in a business center, since customers from other companies are constantly spinning here, who could pay attention to your company.

But if you are located in the heart of the city, choosing a crowded pedestrian street, but next to your organization there is a canteen or a kiosk for making keys, do not expect success. It has been proven that objects that are completely unsuitable for each other, located on the same territory, self-repel, without attracting potential buyers.

Those who believe that it is high time for industrial climbers to work only in hot summers are mistaken, and in cold weather they have absolutely nothing to do, except to knock down the overgrown pieces of ice under the roofs of houses. In fact, such ridiculous opinions contradict the facts. In fact, specialists climbing skyscrapers are well supplied with orders even in winter. Previously, climbers only had to plaster the walls to order. There were those who carried out such work in the cold, and it was not only unprofitable, but simply ridiculous. Now the activities of high-altitude workers have become more diverse, more and more services are provided on the market. So, for example, all kinds of construction and installation work are carried out by industrial climbers. In addition, the cladding of buildings is in active demand. It is stronger than finishing plaster, has better insulating properties, and can be worked with even at harsh temperatures. Walls covered with such material will retain their original features for twenty-five long years, that's a quarter of a century, if you think about it! Durable and resistant to burning frosts, the layers are represented by a wide range: ceramic granite, profiled flooring and other types of finishing elements that have become an excellent substitute for plaster.

In the event that you liked the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcladding, first of all you will need to purchase all the required installations and apparatus for doing this business and supply your industrial climbers with them. Personnel, of course, must have professional knowledge in this area. Otherwise, you should conduct training courses for workers on how to use the equipment and the intricacies of installing cladding tiles.

After the staff is formed, start looking for a construction company that suits you. With such a company, it will be necessary to draw up a contractual relationship regarding cladding. It is most rational to dwell on those objects that have not yet been rebuilt, but are only being designed or even in the plans of the company. Companies ready to take on future projects are all around, so you will most likely be able to conclude a contract on favorable terms. If you persistently offer your services to the heads of construction companies who have already completed the construction work, but have not yet lined the walls, the likelihood of your success will be extremely small. The fact is that in these situations, specialists in covering houses with slabs are not expected for a long time - there are a lot of them, and most manage to enter into cooperation with builders in advance, while the project is being developed. Thus, if you do not want to be left out of work, agree on future work as early as possible. In a good deal, you will be offered the cladding of a new house, which will take a considerable amount of time - perhaps a whole year, and maybe more. Upon completion of the process, the work will be evaluated. If the management of the company likes it, you will probably be provided with new workloads. Cooperation can stretch for long periods, and this is only to your advantage.

Of course, not everyone is a workaholic. In addition to inveterate workers who are ready to climb to heights all year round in order to earn good money, or even just for the soul, there are also those who like to combine good work with good rest, and best of all, abroad. For such climbers, the seasonal work option is suitable. For example, having invested all your efforts and diligence in the repair or construction of facilities on warm summer days, the rest of the time (winter, autumn and spring) you can enjoy relaxing by going on a tour or doing your favorite things. Fortunately, the hard-earned money should be enough for such a long “break from production”. By the way, companies and individual entrepreneurs working under this system are now a dime a dozen. And almost all of them quickly gained recognition among consumers. They are eagerly awaited by all the cold seasons, and when they finally go to work, such businessmen are torn with arms and legs. The level of profit of the cunning is obvious.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

The following types of work are considered seasonal labor activities of industrial climbers:

- periodic work to rescue animals or people from heights, for example, removing a cat from a tree;

– window glass cleaning services, for example, in large business centers;

— cutting crowns of trees in parks and gardens;

— laying of insulating materials on the outer walls of buildings;

- installation of various structures;

- equipping buildings with household air conditioners.

Industrial climbers are not "crackers" who can only handle steel equipment and ropes. Many professionals in their field enjoy participating in entertainment events organized by companies. Holidays, corporate celebrations of the company are celebrated in different ways. Some are strict and minimal, and some prefer to make such a day memorable and interesting. For example, a birthday boy receives a bouquet of roses from the hands of a "super hero" who suddenly appeared outside the office window. For such purposes, climbers are invited, since they can fulfill the order skillfully, efficiently, and with safety for their own lives.

So, the choice is yours. But be aware: starting your own industrial climbing services business will cost you initial fees anyway. At least for the purchase of climbing suits. The cost of one set is approximately 10,000 Russian rubles.

Experts strongly advise starting this business only when you have an understanding of what mountaineering is, if you yourself are engaged in it or you have connections in this area. That is, you must understand how the work is going on, what is needed for them and what difficulties workers may encounter. Although in fact it is believed that industrial mountaineering in its tasks is closest to the work of speleologists, and not climbers.

Market analysis

There is quite a lot of competition on the market, but the lion's share of competitors are private traders. That is, usually these are workers who previously worked at a construction site and had some experience in carrying out high-altitude work. Now they have bought a special kit and offer services at the same prices for which they were installed at a construction site. These are pretty low rates that customers are led to. But in most cases, they get a deplorable result without guarantees.

That is why the business is still promising in terms of organizing a profitable business. Large companies and small firms prefer to conclude long-term contracts for the provision of services with a guarantee. Therefore, in the legal sphere of business, the competition is quite low and there is still room for new players.

True, they will be difficult to master. Industrial mountaineering is difficult to promote with traditional advertising methods. The maximum return is given only by direct contact with a potential client, defining his tasks, conveying to him the benefits of cooperation with a particular company. Further, it is important to fulfill the order well in order for word of mouth to work. By the way, you should not limit your activities to the boundaries of your own city.

Service list

Industrial mountaineering is in demand in various fields, but the main services that this business is focused on are:

  • cargo lifting;
  • pruning trees;
  • cleaning of cornices and roofs;
  • dismantling and installation of outdoor advertising;
  • restoration, insulation of balconies, houses, buildings;
  • installation and painting of metal structures;
  • facing with profiled sheet, porcelain stoneware, composite panels and other materials;
  • waterproofing and sealing.

The list can be significantly expanded, since it is by no means an exhaustive list of works. For example, industrial mountaineering is sometimes used during various events.

Business seasonality

Unfortunately, industrial mountaineering is clearly a seasonal business. The bulk of orders begin during the construction season - from spring to late autumn. Then there are practically no orders, except for rare offers to participate in events. Experts recommend that employees use this time to train climbers so they can consistently maintain the level of skill your business depends on.

Case organization

The company will need an office, but quite small - about 10 square meters. m. Here you can receive clients and organize the administrative part of the work. The main work will take place on the road. It is recommended to rent an office in a business center, because this way you will be closer to potential customers.

Work at height will require a special permit. A separate permit must be issued for the use of electrical installations and power tools.


For high-altitude work, students and young people under the age of somewhere up to 30 are usually hired. They must have certificates of attending special courses in which they study safety precautions, master the necessary skills, and undergo psychological training.

Despite all the documents available, when hiring, it is recommended that each employee conduct a separate additional briefing, and at the same time check his skills. Each employee must have a positive conclusion of the medical board, as well as sign a document confirming the passage of a safety briefing.

Hiring staff is not recommended. The work is seasonal, and people are mostly recruited young. As a rule, even during the season, they can change plans and refuse further cooperation. For example, those who are fascinated by mountaineering, having earned the amount they need, can go on climbing mountains.

A good specialist will take at least 50 thousand rubles for work. Therefore, it is recommended to take specialists from the periphery. Even taking into account the fare, he can be paid 2-3 thousand rubles. per day for work and it will be cheaper than paying for the services of a resident of a large city. On average, the price of payment for the services of a climber is 20-35 thousand per work.

Business Profitability

It is difficult to name the exact percentage of profitability of the business. Usually about 30% of the profit remains from one object. But there are objects from which there is no profit in monetary terms, but the entrepreneur receives the necessary acquaintance and several additional orders.

Business expenses

The main expenses of the business are the purchase of climbing kits for each employee, which will cost about 10 thousand rubles. each. The kit includes:

  • rope (250 m for two years);
  • descender device (enough to work for two years);
  • lifting devices,
  • safety harness;
  • carbines;
  • helmets;
  • swing seats;
  • automatic safety climbing devices.

$250 is enough to start a small business. But if you are planning to open a large company with a wide range of services, get ready to invest at least $50,000 in the business.

Depending on what list of services you plan to provide, the cost of various equipment depends. For example, power tools, window cleaners, industrial paint sprayer. The latter can cost 90 thousand rubles. and demand every month for 5-8 thousand rubles. for consumables.

As for the income part, it depends on what type of work you will specialize in. For example, the cost of anti-corrosion protection is $60 per meter, sealing interpanel joints - about $5 per meter, washing one window - 500 rubles. thing.

They say that you can get used to the height, and working under gusts of wind a few tens of meters above the ground is just working conditions. And yet the profession of "industrial climber" is an adrenaline rush. And it doesn't suit everyone.

Bohdan Lutsyuk,
industrial climber, work experience - 10 years

I got into industrial mountaineering by chance. He studied at the university as an IT specialist, and as a student he came to the climbing wall. Artificial peaks were not immediately conquered, but the process “hooked” me. Gradually, I got into a circle of people who not only had fun in their free time at the climbing wall, but also earned money by working at height: washing windows and facades, installing air conditioners, minor repairs, cutting down tall trees and even evacuating cats ...
High-altitude workers are called to places where, for various reasons, it is impossible or completely unprofitable to set up scaffolding or adjust high-rise equipment.

Constant training at the climbing wall was not in vain for me, and after a while I began to receive offers from friends to earn extra money. The document for work, confirming the qualifications of a climber, is required so far only one - a certificate of an industrial climber. I know that most climbers receive this document at the UKCOM training center, and I have the same. So the hobby turned into a profession, I became an industrial climber.

How to get into the profession

The community of industrial climbers is quite small, almost everyone knows each other. Beginners, like me in my time, get into the profession by acquaintance. Not because this is some kind of elite employment, but because usually everything starts with a passion for mountaineering: someone trains at climbing walls, someone in the mountains. Probably, the feeling of height becomes a need, it draws you in, and you want your work to coincide with your hobby.

Many try to "come to high-altitude work from high-altitude sports." Such people are characterized by weak construction skills and are not able to fully identify the problem in the working area. In Moscow, they really train at the Professional Training Center. (Training period - from two weeks. Cost from 13,000 rubles).

The main problem is the huge number of those who bought certificates for 5000-6000 rubles, who do not give a damn about safety, equipment and are prone to risk in pursuit of what they think is “easy money”. All that such people eventually find is problems for the employer, customer, law enforcement agencies and an unhindered path to another world. The climber makes a mistake once.

In our company, I recruit people over the age of 35 who have a construction qualification, have been trained and are not prone to risk, since I am personally responsible for the safety of each member of the team.

Almost anyone can become an industrial climber. Of the restrictions on health, perhaps, only problems with the heart and head - both in the sense of healthy blood vessels, and in the sense of a normal psyche. The profession requires good physical preparation. There are no age restrictions. I've met industrial climbers over 50, it's all about how you feel.

Often industrial climbers go in for sports, strength and endurance are needed in our business. I do yoga, but more for the soul. There is plenty of physical activity at work. It just seems like you're not stressing. The work can be very difficult, stressful and always requires the utmost care and accuracy.

Altitude Rules
Altitude workers do not work alone - this is dangerous and is not allowed by the rules for working at height.

A law-abiding employer will not allow you to work without an annual recertification and with worn out or uncertified equipment.

Equipment and tools must be the best in their line, with a maximum service life.

A high-altitude climber needs to always be in excellent sports shape and extremely hardy, otherwise he will not pay even a meter of a good rope with his work.

The climber must be able to recognize sudden changes in weather conditions.

Each high-altitude worker is required to have a first aid kit with him for first aid and the skill of evacuating a comrade from the working area, which not every rescuer, and even more so an ambulance, can reach.

Once I had an urgent night call. The wind ripped off the banner from the wall of the house, a heavy canvas with an area of ​​​​several square meters dangled and could break the windows of the residents. I secured myself, descended to the desired height and felt how the gusts of wind carried me from the wall by 2-3 meters. It was difficult to resist and unfasten the banner so that it did not end up breaking the windows. I dismantled the banner, not ideally, long enough for normal dismantling, but in those conditions as carefully as possible. This is one of the most dangerous challenges of my career.

Everything starts from the roof

We are looking for places for fixing on the roof: it can be an antenna, special beams for climbers. Rarely are there completely “bare” roofs, then we are attached to the fences. It is better not to one, but to several at once.

The safety of an industrial climber depends only on his attentiveness. Each knot on the equipment is better to check twice.

Work on faulty building cradles.

Working with a ladder.

Rescuing a cat from a tree.

Arborist work (tree care work).

Roof cleaning from snow and icicles.

Work in the areas of welding.

Every high-altitude climber must remember that there may be a person with deviant behavior in the building who is ready to cut his ropes. To prevent this, our company will consult with the district police officer about the nature of the residents at the work site before starting work.

Often grandmothers and people in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication mistake high-altitude for window thieves.

Vladimir Shirshov, CEO of Vysotnik

We know better than the construction commission about the real state of Moscow buildings. Sometimes you have to work in emergency houses: you start to go down the wall, and a brick flies out from under your foot. In new buildings, it happens that the stucco falls off. We almost always feel violations of building codes. Climbers do not insure life and health, although, it would seem, given the risks of the profession, this is logical.

Dress code for an industrial climber

We buy all work equipment ourselves. Safety system, seat, descender, clamps, carabiners, ropes, special gloves for working with a rope ... You can buy a ready-made kit for 20,000-30,000 rubles. or even cheaper, or you can gradually assemble the equipment “for yourself”. More expensive, of course, but it's not a one-time waste. And it's definitely not worth saving on security.

Where does it come from

An industrial climber can work for a company or for himself. In the first case, you can count on a salary of about 60,000 rubles. Often, percentages for night work, work in hazardous conditions and work in winter are added to the difficulty coefficients for work at height. This increases earnings, from 3500 to 6000, sometimes 7000 rubles. for a work shift. But a "free shooter" can earn twice as much. No company will pay that much.

I work as a freelancer - this gives me the opportunity to determine the degree of loading myself, and sometimes dictate my terms to the customer. Sometimes the work is dreary and not very interesting, but not difficult - you can do it alone. And some tasks require a team of climbers, and it is important to explain to the employer why one person is not enough. Over the years of work, both business reputation and connections have already appeared, so there are no problems with orders. Although, of course, the crisis is felt. It's better for newcomers to work for someone now.

There is no special dependence on the season for industrial climbers. We work all year round. In winter, orders are slightly less.

Interviewed by Mila Kretova

Industrial mountaineering is a fairly popular and profitable type of business that does not require large investments. The only requirement is courage and knowledge of the specifics of high-altitude work. Remember that such specialists are always in demand. Especially in big cities, where many high-rise buildings have been built and there are large industrial facilities. High-rise works include insulation of apartments from the outside, repair of chimneys, and so on. In general, all work that is carried out at high altitude can be performed using industrial mountaineering techniques.

face-wall cleaning

Competition in the industry

Of course, there are more and more daredevils who are ready to work at their best every year. Consequently, competition is also growing. Unfortunately, most of these hard workers are not professionals - they can be negligent in their duties and violate safety regulations. As a result, the number of accidents increases.

In general, there are not so many professional companies that would be engaged in such a craft. More - the usual "shabashniks" who got the necessary experience somewhere and decided to make a quick buck. They do not formalize their business and therefore cannot boast of a stable income. And the organization, to be honest, is lame. Often there are delays in the purchase of materials, the quality of work suffers, deadlines are stretched - all this leaves a negative impression of cooperation.

Shabashniks greatly interfere with the development of a normal business, and first of all with their low prices. People stop working for someone, they feel free, and in order to get at least some kind of income, they are ready to work practically for free. When a representative of a reputable firm approaches a customer with his prices, it is quite natural that his eyes widen. But good work pays off over time. The customer receives a great guarantee and high quality. The contractor is forced to raise prices, because he needs to pay taxes to the state.

A little about advertising

It makes no sense to talk about traditional advertising in industrial mountaineering. It is much more efficient to "roll out" due to the quality of your work, i.e. using the recommendations of their customers. Practice shows that most issues are resolved at the level of personal communication. Of course, advertising in newspapers and the Internet has not been canceled - this will come in handy.


If we talk about the prospects in the field of high-altitude work, they are quite good, even despite the high saturation of the market. If a climber receives an order, then it must be completed with 100% efficiency. Otherwise, it is difficult to talk about further growth. At the same time, you can work not only in one city - constantly expand the geography of your presence. New clients will never be superfluous.

climbers salary

In connection with the increased danger of work, wages should be decent. On average, an industrial climber receives about 50-75 thousand rubles for his services. If you have to work on a business trip, then the amount increases.

How to become an expert in this field? - Yes, it's very simple. It is necessary to take the appropriate courses and obtain a license. There are also courses, after which you can get the qualification of a high-altitude climber. If you hire personnel in a newly organized company, then special attention must be paid to their training. A person must be instructed, a practical course. At first, an experienced instructor should be next to the beginner, who will help to master the profession, help with advice in a difficult situation.


The normal profitability of such a business is about 30-50 percent. But there are objects that do not bring profit, but allow you to get a good customer in the future with good pay in the future. If you're lucky, the profitability can even reach 80-90 percent. But the longer you work in the market, the higher the quality and the greater the profit becomes.

Business expenses

Industrial mountaineering is a relatively low-cost type of business. So, buying a paint compressor can cost 80-100 thousand rubles. At the same time, another 7-8 thousand will have to be invested monthly in its maintenance. Particular attention should be paid to power tools - they also need to be changed periodically.


Over time, you can reach a serious level, start capital construction, recruit a large staff and even open branches. There are no limits to perfection. The main thing is to act.

At one time, one of my classmates said: “Now is the time when you earn much more in industrial mountaineering than a person with a higher education, but do not think that this will always be the case. The economic balance will be restored." At that time, I earned an amount commensurate with his monthly salary on ropes in one day.

This story took place in the late nineties. Then I didn’t think about it, but I remembered it and took it into account, because he studied at the Faculty of International Relations of KSU, he was very erudite and smart.

For this reason, I constantly increased my experience, went headlong into objects and devoted a lot of time to self-education, and even more not in the technique of industrial mountaineering, but in work management and the study of work production technologies.

Modern industrial climbers, who have less than five years of work experience, listen to stories from more experienced comrades about how they once earned and in what exorbitant amounts. It has always been so. A typical reaction to this is sighs and aahs, why is it not so now, and the search for reasons.

Immediately find a lot of them. Most popular:

  • Greedy customer. The customer, in principle, is always to blame for the fact that he pays little, no matter how much he pays.
  • Competitors are appointed guilty of price dropping. They also include students, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Moldovans, Ukrainians, Chinese, etc., etc.
  • Intermediaries are to blame, because they throw ordinary climbers and are generally an unnecessary link in the food chain.
  • Market saturation. The culprits are usually appointed training centers, firms - forges of personnel, foremen who hang newcomers
These arguments, among other things, are seasoned with a feeling of pity and injustice towards oneself, because then ... ... earnings were more, sugar was sweeter, life was better, well, etc. This phenomenon of whining, pitying oneself, searching for the guilty and shifting responsibility - this applies not only to industrial mountaineering. This is generally characteristic of people of a certain maturity of consciousness in any profession. But what exacerbates this in the promalp is the fact that there is something to compare with, it used to be better. Moreover, I dare to assure you that there has always been competition, the customer has always been greedy, there have always been organizers of work (intermediaries) with various degrees of cleanliness of hands, but about the oversaturation of the market ...

I conducted a survey in the PromAlpForum, in the industrial communities of the VKontakte social network and on Karabingo, found that mostly votes are cast for competition and market oversaturation, which are almost the same concepts. In other words, my colleague, who hangs on the wall nearby, is to blame for the fact that I have less money. The fact that this colleague was trained is the fault of the training center or the foreman who hung him. Students are to blame for the fact that they do not know the prices and are not going to work all their lives as promalpers, they came to prank themselves on a nightclub and new jeans. Guest workers are to blame for the fact that they arrived at all. Everyone is to blame, and especially Putin is to blame. The psyche of a modern person is arranged in such a way that the last thing he pays attention to himself. But he himself is the same part of the market and is himself the cause of tightness and oversaturation.

“Hey, you bird, fly with me, there are so many delicious things!” (m \ f © "Wings, legs, tail")

Didn't you yourself, industrial climbers, brag about your earnings to your comrades? Didn't you yourself tell that you earn a monthly salary of an engineer in a day and therefore left to coven on the ropes? Weren't you yourself proud of your earnings in front of classmates and classmates, when in the late 90s there was unemployment and they were not paid their salaries for months? Didn't you yourself sing praises to yourself and the profession and measure your pussy in front of your colleagues. But I myself did this, and repeatedly supported such discussions at the PromAlpForum and in change houses at work. It was considered good form to discuss your earnings at a particular facility. Weren’t we attracted by the fact that you can freebie during the execution of work, because anyway no one will be able to climb to this height and check the quality, unlike apartment renovation and other pedestrian work. So who is to be blamed for the rampant popularity of the profession? Myself. We ourselves led to this, with our boasting and piskomerstvo. Therefore, the cause is in us, and all of the above is only a consequence.

The economic balance, which I wrote about at the very beginning, has been restored. The wages of engineers and scientists have increased. The annual earnings of a person with a higher education is disproportionately higher than the annual earnings of a mediocre industrial climber. I don't think it's bad, moreover, I think it's right. Well, a macaron stuccoist, who freebies at a height, should not receive more foreman at this construction site. The sandblaster should not receive more than a corrosion protection technologist. The installer should not receive more than an engineer.

In the 90s, I came to the prom out of desperation. I was unemployed and constantly looking for a job that would pay on time. At construction sites in Kazan, carpenters were paid no more than 5,000 per month. And yes, I was a mediocre carpenter. What to take from an 18-year-old boy? Salaries were paid with a delay everywhere. At state-owned enterprises, there were delays of six months. That is why I did not finish my studies at the university, I did not see the point in this. Having gone to the industrial climbers, I began to receive 1000 a day. Now this state of affairs does not exist. Only tales about the past of respectable colleagues remained.

But you ask these respected colleagues:

  • Why do they, earning huge money for those times, continue to throw snow and smear seams for a penny now?
  • Why don't they live somewhere in Goa in a buzz, having earned a lot of money in their time, but sit and procrastinate the past?
  • Why do they blame competitors and guest workers for everything, continuing to tell tales of golden mountains?

Based on the above:

Never go to the promalp, and if you are already led to the promalp, then do not tell anyone about your earnings.

Now a person with knowledge and professionalism is highly valued and paid, regardless of the area in which he is a professional. Promalp is also concerned. But if earlier the promalp attracted the opportunity to quickly earn a lot of money, without particularly straining, now this will no longer be the case. The recovery of the profession began. The outflow of losers from the promalp began. Well, in fact, those who are not satisfied with this alignment can continue to look for the culprits. The fact that salaries have become such, and that the balance has been restored, is to blame for the government in general and Putin in particular. Everyone to the rally!!! Give the old salaries back to the promalpas!!!
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