What to do if there is no memory on the phone. How to clear the internal memory of the phone from unnecessary files

Memory is a fragile thing. And even smart electronic systems sometimes find it difficult to cope with the huge flows of information that pass through them. Imagine what the Play Market program is like: there are not so many places on a phone or tablet, and user requests are endless. Ultimately, a problem may arise when, when downloading the next application, your Play Store writes: "not enough space in the memory of the Android device." How to be and what to do?

Out of memory: Play Store gives an error

To begin with, it is worth checking the amount of available memory - it is likely that there is not enough space on the gadget itself to download the application from the Play Market. Go to Settings and check your device's memory status.

If the memory is really packed to the eyeballs, we courageously and promptly take up the cleaning.

It is very convenient to control the state of the phone's memory using special applications. They allow you to clear the cache, delete temporary files, keep track of which applications have not been used for a long time, help optimize the work of programs, etc. In a word, they make the difficult and troublesome life of the Android user easier. They can be downloaded from the Market like any other application.

One of the most popular programs is Clean Master. It has a simple interface and caring tools that will clean up the garbage and remove unnecessary files, and make sure that you do not forget to do a “spring cleaning”. In general, it will conscientiously maintain order on your device. You can also use CCleaner, Smart Manager, All-In-One Toolbox, etc. Be careful when using these applications for advanced cleaning. Delete only unnecessary files and programs.

Play Market writes "not enough memory", but there is enough space on the phone. Why?

If there is enough space in the phone’s memory, but when you try to download the Play Market, it still gives an error, then this is already a cant of the application itself. This happens quite often. Fortunately, smart people have found a way to fix this problem. The scheme is simple.

We go to Settings / Applications. We find the Play Market and open it. This displays information about the program and the memory it uses. There is also a Clear Cache button.

Click. Without regret, we erase the data about the application, and at the same time delete the updates. We quickly reboot the gadget and launch the Play Market again. The icon and interface of the application will change - this is normal. Now everything looks like it was in the old version of the program, but in fact nothing has changed. You can just as well use the search to find that ill-fated app and download it.

In the event that even after the manipulations described above, the Play Market refuses to cooperate, you can resort to more drastic measures. To do this, turn off the device and turn it on again while holding down the volume button. Next, select Wipe cache partition, and then the Advanced category and the Wipe Dalvick Cache item (This procedure is described in more detail).

Now everything should work, because otherwise you will have to reset to factory settings, and this is already a more painful procedure. So let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Actually, everything. Keep your gadgets clean and tidy. And don’t be offended by the Play Market - it doesn’t happen to anyone.

You can read about other Play Market errors.

There are two symptoms when the internal memory on the phone is sorely lacking:

  1. Apps and Android slow down,
  2. The phone displays a message that you need to take action and free up the occupied space.

The internal memory of the phone has a fixed amount, and it (seemingly) cannot be increased. However, in the guide, we will tell you how to clear the internal memory of the phone from unnecessary files and applications.

By increasing the free space in the Android memory, you will save time and stop noticing the brakes on your phone and tablet. The whole “cleaning” will take about 20 minutes.

Error: insufficient memory on mobile device

Usually, Android issues such a message if a process or application does not have enough free space in the internal memory of the phone.

Lack of memory can make itself felt by constant freezes. If this is imperceptible when buying a phone, then over time, after installing dozens of mobile applications and growing “garbage”, you begin to notice it.

The question involuntarily arises: do the characteristics of the phone “lie”? If not, then why does the same smartphone / tablet work stably for others?

Checking the amount of free memory on Android

When a notification about insufficient internal memory appears, the question arises: how much memory is available, how much of it is occupied?

You can check the free space through the settings of your mobile phone. To do this, go to Settings - Options - Memory (Settings - Device Maintenance - Storage - Storage settings - Device memory). We carefully study the data, paying attention to the following figures:

  • Total space - the amount of internal memory Android
  • System memory - the minimum amount of space reserved for system operation
  • Available space - how much space is left in the internal memory.

Accordingly, if the built-in memory is not enough, you need to increase the memory on the phone to the size of System memory so that the system does not give the corresponding error.

In the following chapters, I will tell you how to clean the internal memory on Android.

Clearing the phone's internal memory

You can remove excess through the built-in tools of the operating system and through third-party applications. They analyze the used space, help identify files that can be safely deleted.

Removing apps from Android system memory

Surely your phone has applications installed that hang dead weight and are not used for their intended purpose. Their size can reach hundreds of megabytes (including the cache).

You can remove useless programs through: Options - Settings - Application Manager (Settings - Apps).

In Android 8, it is convenient to use the free FIles Go utility to calculate unnecessary applications. For other OS versions, it is available for download via Google Play.

How to remove unnecessary applications in FIles Go:

  1. Go to the Unused apps section,
  2. Sort apps by modification date or size,
  3. To uninstall, mark unnecessary programs with checkmarks and click Uninstall.

Video instruction for uninstalling applications:

Transferring files to a memory card

The internal memory of the phone, as already mentioned, has a fixed amount, so you need to constantly check whether there is enough free space for the applications and OS to work correctly.

In general, Android memory is divided into internal and external. It is easy to "upgrade" external memory, since sd-cards are inexpensive today (you can buy a 256 GB memory card for $25).

Actually, you can transfer files through any file manager - through a phone or PC.

Move unnecessary applications from internal to external memory card

As an alternative to CCleaner, it's convenient to use the aforementioned Files Go app.

How to increase memory on Android manually

To manually clear the phone's memory, any file manager is suitable. We recommend ES Explorer or Total Commander.

Be careful and only delete unnecessary user files in Android internal memory that you created/copied yourself.

So, open the file manager, go to the root of the internal memory, start searching and deleting unnecessary things.

Which files it is desirable to delete (transfer to a memory card) in the first place:

  1. Photos, videos, voice recorder recordings and other documents stored not on sd, but in internal memory;
  2. Documents received by mail or through social networks (most often they are saved in the Download folder);
  3. E-books and other files saved by third-party applications to the device's memory;
  4. The contents of the folders DCIM, bluetooth, sounds.

We use Storage Analyzers (for clarity)

For clarity, we recommend using the Files Go application or any other storage analyzer for Android, which will show which files take up the most disk space and where they are located in the form of a diagram. Among these applications, we note:

Transferring photos and videos to Google Photos

It is photos and videos that “eat up” the most space on the phone, due to them you can quickly free up space on the memory card or in the built-in storage. If your phone doesn't support a memory card, move the files you don't access often to the cloud. The Photos app, or Google Photos, is the best for this. It automatically uploads photos to the service, where they are available in their original quality through a browser or application.

In addition to Google Photos, you can look at alternatives such as Dropbox, Flickr or Microsoft OneDrive.

Even when the photos are only available on the server, you can easily access them if you have an internet connection. And most importantly, this is a really convenient and fast way to free up a couple of gigabytes of internal memory!

Clearing memory: questions and answers

1. The phone did not have enough internal memory, I sent half of the photos to the sd card, after that I open it, but they are all kind of muddy. I tried to transfer back to the internal memory of Android, but the pictures are the same. How can I return the old pictures, i.e. so that it was cleaned up as before without any distortion.

2. I did not have enough internal memory in my phone, I wanted to clear it. I transferred data (photos, music) to a memory card. Now the files are not readable, although the phone sees the map. How can I get at least a photo back?

3. Phone Samsung A5. I did not know how to increase the internal memory, I moved folders with music and files from the internal memory to the sd card using a laptop. After that, when opening the folders, they all turned out to be empty. Neither the phone nor the computer sees files and music. The internal memory of the phone did not seem to decrease after that. How to find these files?

Answer. It is likely that you did not copy the originals to the memory card, but the thumbnails. The original photos may have been left in the phone's internal memory. If this does not happen, it will help you.

If there is not enough space in the device memory, you should copy the files to your computer (make a backup copy) and only then move them to the memory card. It will be useful for you to read the instructions on how to clear the internal memory on Android (see the text above).

I have a Sony Xperia phone, when I go to the Play Market, I want to download some program, the system says that there is not enough memory on Android, although the flash drive is 16 GB! What to do?

Answer. Most likely, the "not enough memory" error on Android is due to the fact that there is not enough internal memory - this is where installation files are downloaded from Google Play.

  1. Transfer the largest files from Android internal memory to your sd card.
  2. Delete unnecessary applications through the file manager or Files Go.
  3. Use the CCleaner utility to clean junk files in your phone's memory.

Cleaned phone memory, deleted a lot of folders. And now I can not watch the gallery through Android, writes: "Storage is not available." How can I return it back?

Answer. It is likely that during cleaning you deleted the folder with photos on the memory card (SDCARD/DCIM/CAMERA). You can recover files from there using CardRecovery or PhotoRec.

By installing many applications on your gadget every day, you run the risk of encountering a problem that has already struck many. - Google Play may one day issue just such a message. What to do? We present to your attention several methods for solving this problem.

Disk space

To do this, go to the main menu of the phone. Then select "Settings". After that, find the line "Memory" and tap on it. A window will open in front of you, in which all the memory on the phone will appear in front of you in graphical form. After that, you have two options on how to deal with the Google Play "Out of memory..." problem.

  1. Cleaning. Just delete old and unnecessary data. Move the photos and videos you would like to keep to your computer. Clean up applications that have not been used for a long time.
  2. Default entry. If you have an additional memory card on your gadget, which still has plenty of space, then you can simply change the checkmark position and specify removable memory as the main one. After that, the phone will download and install applications already on it, and not on the filled internal one.

If you checked everything and your device still has enough memory, but Google Play writes "Not enough memory", as before, then most likely some kind of internal error has occurred. Let's try to deal with it.

soft way

The first thing you need to do is uninstall the apps. "There is not enough space in the device memory" - Google Play issues this message if it has reached the cache limit. Although there is no limit to the amount of data stored in the application's memory, failures can occur beyond a certain number.

Go to your phone settings and go to "Apps". Select Google Play from the list and go to it. Stop this program and then wipe data and cache. The same procedure should be repeated for the Google Service Framework utility.

After all the operations done, reboot the device. Sometimes it may be necessary to remove all installed Google updates. This is done in the same menu as deleting the cache. If the whole procedure does not help, move on to the next method.

Reset phone

The next method includes several methods at once. The fact is that this instruction is not suitable for everyone. The so-called root-rights will be extremely useful to you.

So, if the message: "There is not enough space in the device's memory" - Google Play gives out exactly on your gadget, then you can try to reset all temporary data from memory.

  • To do this, you will have to enter the device's engineering menu. To do this, turn off the phone completely, and when you turn it on, hold down the power and volume (+) buttons at the same time. You need the item "Wipe cache partition". From there, go to "Advanced". The last thing you need is "Wipe Dalvick Cache". After that, restart the gadget and check if it works.

If this method did not help you, then there is nothing left but to reset all parameters to factory settings. There are two ways how to do it.

  • We go to the phone settings. Item "Restore and reset". And select the "Reset settings" function we need. After that, the phone will return to its original state, as it was immediately after purchase.
  • If you cannot start the gadget (forgot the password, for example), then you can use the engineering menu again. Only this time you will need the item "Wipe data" or


Regardless of which path you choose to solve the problem, be sure to follow all security measures. Create backups so that later, if something goes wrong, you can always restore the original state.

However, be careful when using factory reset. After restoring from a copy, all problems can return back, and you will again have an error with the classification "Not enough space in the device's memory." Google Play in this case will have to be configured again.

The relevance of the Android operating system is growing every day, but the number of questions from users is also increasing exponentially. One of the most frequently asked and discussed questions is why there is not enough memory on Android, what is the reason for this and how to solve this problem?

As a rule, such a problem appears already some time after you purchased the device. It may appear even if you have an additional 2 GB or higher memory drive installed. The solution depends on the type of problem itself, and, oddly enough, there can be many of them! But we will analyze them all so that in the future when such notifications appear, you will not have fear in your eyes!

Not enough space in the memory of the Android device

The main list of possible problems:

  • The internal memory of the device is full (all applications from Google Play are loaded initially into the internal memory);
  • You do not have a flash drive in your phone;
  • Google Play old cache.

To understand this problem, you need to understand the principle of operation of the device itself, which will be described below. In the Android operating system, by default, all applications will be installed on your phone's internal storage. This is valid only for the standard installation of programs and games from the Google Play service. Do not forget about simply copying apk files to the memory of a flash card or smartphone device.

In the Android settings, you can always view the full list of programs and games that are installed in the internal memory of the phone, on the SD card, how much space each application takes, how much is the cache and much more.

Attention! Standard programs provided by default with the operating system from Google cannot be removed or moved to the SD card. This includes various widgets, mail, weather, music services, the same Google Play and much more.

Let's say that there is not enough memory on your Android. What will be the actions? The solution depends on the type of problem!

Filling the phone's internal memory: browsing, cleaning, transferring applications

This is the first reason that you should consider when you experience such problems and notifications on your smartphone.

We go to "Settings", select the "Applications" tab and look at the list of programs that we have installed in the phone's memory. Moreover, at the very bottom of the screen, the total amount of memory and the occupied space will be displayed. If you switch to an SD card, the system will automatically display the data already for the flash drive.

In addition to transferring, we advise you to remove programs that you never use or run very rarely! Even applications that have already been deleted will be linked to your Google Play account, so you can safely delete rarely used ones. You can download them again at any time.

Removing garbage in Android

In addition to applications, a ton of unnecessary information accumulates on your phone (program cache, a large number of messages, downloads, logs, and much more).

Go to the Download folder and delete all previously downloaded files if you don't need them. Do you often use a browser to view websites? Uploading a lot of files? Then go to all browsers, see the paths of the directories for saving data and delete all garbage from your phone through the file manager.

Be sure to clear the CMC, if there are a lot of them, delete the read letters from the email, because. most emails are stored locally on your device.

Professional junk cleaner in Android

To remove excess garbage, you can use specialized programs that will automatically find all temporary files, analyze the cache of each program and game, clear browser history, etc. To do this, use the program Clean Master. The program is distributed free of charge, available in Russian. To install, go to Google Play, enter the name of the application and install it on your phone.

To delete unnecessary files, select the "Junk" item, to optimize the performance of your phone, click "Acceleration". In addition to the application cache, there is also a general operating system cache, which can also be cleared to free up memory.

Programs are not installed on Android, although there is memory

Another common problem occurs among Android users. There is free memory in the phone and the flash card, but the applications are not installed and the system constantly writes that there is not enough memory on Android. In this case, the problem is solved by clearing the cache in the Google Play app.

Go to "Settings", select the "Applications" tab and find Google Play there. Click on it and clear the cache. Uninstall all updates there. Now restart your device and try installing programs. In 99% of cases, this method helps to solve the problem.


We told you and described all the possible problems, why there may not be enough memory space on Android, as well as ways to solve them. One of the described methods will definitely help you!

And remember that all applications are best stored on an SD card. For an Android smartphone, the best option is to use an SD drive of 8 GB or more. Considering that the photos of the same Samsung weigh from 2 MB or more, the memory fills up pretty quickly. For the correct and stable operation of the phone, applications installed in it, purchase only SD-cards of class 10 and above. This will provide you with the maximum speed of the device with memory and stable operation for a long time.

Often, when downloading applications from the Play Market, users see an error that says: “There is not enough free memory on Android.” But do not worry, as this problem is solved quite simply.

Why is there not enough free memory on Android?

All Android smartphone users download games and utilities from Google Play. However, there comes a time when, when installing an application, it is interrupted and the message “There is not enough free memory for Android” appears. And this story is repeated with all programs. Fixing this problem is simple: you need to clean the device's memory. This is done in the following ways:

  • get rid of temporary files and cache;
  • clear program data;
  • uninstall updates for some apps;
  • fix the bug in google play.

The first and one of the easiest ways to free up a device that comes to mind is to remove unnecessary utilities and games or move them to a memory card. In the latter case, only the register of these programs will remain in the phone and To do this, go to Settings || Applications, go to the "All" tab and sort by size (for convenience). We find any program that can be moved, open information about it, where we select "Move to SD card".

However, if there is, in fact, nothing to delete, and all programs are needed or are already based on a flash drive, you can use other methods.

Cleaning the cache

In the case when there is not enough free memory on Android, the first step is to clear the cache. Special applications such as Clean Master and Ccleaner will help us with this. By the way, they are not only able to clear the memory of temporary files, but also speed up the RAM, as well as delete unnecessary data from the memory card (music, photos, etc.).

Open the application, click on "Trash". After the scan is over, tick off what we want to delete, then click clear. In addition, it will help remove installed programs and speed up the processor (that is, stop utilities running in the background).

C C leaner

Launch CCleaner, click "Analyze". After the analysis, we mark what should be deleted, then - "Clear". It is also possible to delete unnecessary files on the memory card.

Deleting application data

If, after cleaning with special utilities, there is still not enough free memory on Android, you can delete the data of some programs (for example, the log of search words in dictionaries, a saved account and a cache of downloaded pictures in social networks, saves and accounts in games, etc. .). Sometimes this data can weigh 20-50 MB, which will not interfere at all when downloading new programs.

We also go to "Applications", which are in the settings, select everything and sort by size. We open information about some utility and see how much space the data takes up. If a couple of megabytes or more - feel free to clean (if less, then it's pointless). Click "Clear data" and "Clear cache" (if any, of course). Now there should be enough memory.

If there is still not enough space and Android writes “Not enough free memory”, then you can easily “demolish” updates of some utilities, for example, the same Google play. However, it is worth remembering that all its settings will also be deleted, so it will immediately go to install updates on everything.

Problems in Google play

Often errors occur in Google play itself, when the error “Not enough free memory for Android” pops up, although in fact there is plenty of it. To do this, you need to clear the cache in the Play Market itself and some of its components. However, this must be done manually, as specialized utilities will not cope with this.

We go to "Settings" and, as usual, to "Applications". Open the Google Play Store utility, go into it and click on "Clear cache", then on "Clear data". We perform the same actions with the "Google Play services", "Downloads" and "Google services Framework" components.

We reboot the device. Then try to download again.

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