Read the complete defeat of Fadeev. Roman Fadeev "Defeat": analysis

I. Frosty

The commander of the partisan detachment, Levinson, handed over the package to his orderly Morozka and the order to take the package to the commander of another detachment, Shaldyba. Frost does not want to go. Levinson took the letter and ordered Frost to “roll on all four sides. I don't need troublemakers." Frost changed his mind, took the letter and left. Frost is a second-generation miner, born in a miner's barracks, from the age of twelve he "rolled trolleys". Even before the revolution, he was dismissed from the army, married. “He did everything thoughtlessly: life seemed to him simple, uncomplicated, like a round Murom cucumber from the Suchanskie bashtans.”

In 1918, he left to defend the Soviets, but failed to defend the power, and Morozka joined the partisans.

Hearing the shots, Frost crawled to the top of the hill and saw that the whites were attacking the Shaldy-by fighters, and they were fleeing. “The enraged Shaldyba whipped the whip in all directions and could not hold people back. It was seen how some of them furtively plucked red bows. Among the retreating Frost saw a limping guy. He fell, and the soldiers ran on. Frost put the wounded man on a horse and rode off to Levinson's detachment.

II. sword

Frost did not like the rescued boy. “Frost did not like clean people. In his practice, they were fickle, worthless people who could not be trusted. Levinson ordered the guy to be taken to the infirmary. The guy was unconscious, in his pocket were documents in the name of Pavel Mechik. Waking up, Mechik saw the doctor Stashinsky and sister Varya with golden-brown fluffy braids and gray eyes.

Three weeks ago, Mechik was walking through the taiga, heading for a partisan detachment. People who suddenly appeared from the bushes, at first treated him suspiciously, beat him, then accepted him into the detachment. “The people around him did not at all resemble those created by his ardent imagination. These were dirtier, lousier, tougher and more direct ... "

There were few wounded in the hospital, only two were seriously injured: Frolov and Mechik. "Pretty sister" Varya looked after everyone in the hospital, but she treated Mechik especially "tenderly and caringly." Pika's old man said that she was "lustful": "Morozka, her husband, is in the detachment, and she is fornicating."

III. Sixth Sense

Morozka thought about Mechik: why do people like him go to the partisans "for everything ready"? Driving past the chestnut tree, Frost dismounted from his horse and began to collect melons until his owner caught him. Khoma Egorovich Ryabets threatened to find justice for Morozka.

The returning scout reported to Levinson that Shaldyba's detachment had been battered by the Japanese and now the partisans were holed up in the Korean winter hut. Levinson sensed something was wrong.

Levinson's deputy, Baklanov, brought Ryabets, who spoke indignantly about the theft of Morozka melons from him. Frost, called in for a conversation, did not deny anything, but did not want to hand over his weapon: he considered that this was too severe a punishment for stealing melons. Levinson called a village meeting.

Levinson asked Ryabets to dry ten pounds of crackers, without explaining for whom. He ordered Baklanov: from tomorrow, the horses should increase their portion of oats.

IV. One

Frost came to the hospital, which disturbed Mechik's state of mind. Swordsman didn't understand Frost's disdain for him: saving Swordsman's life didn't give Frost the right to disrespect him. The swordsman remembered the events of the past month and burst into tears, covering his head with a blanket.

V. Muzhiks and the “coal tribe”

Levinson suspected something and went to the meeting in advance, hoping to hear the conversations of the peasants. The men were surprised that the gathering was collected on a weekday, and even in a hot season on the mowing. They paid no attention to Levinson, they talked about their own. “He was so small, unprepossessing in appearance - he all consisted of a hat, a red beard and ichigov above the knees.” Levinson, listening to the peasants, understood that he had to go into the taiga and lie low, while it was necessary to set up posts.

The miners gradually approached, enough people gathered. Levinson greeted the slaughterer Dubov.

Ryabets asked Levinson to start the gathering. To himself, the story of the theft of melons now seemed petty and troublesome. Levinson believed that this matter affected everyone. The people were perplexed why steal, because if Morozka had asked, he would not have been refused. Dubov offered to drive Morozka out of the detachment. Goncharenko stood up for him: “He won’t give out his boyfriend, he won’t sell ...”

Frost said that he was stealing out of habit, and gave the miner's word not to repeat the offense. Levinson offered to help the peasants in his free time, they were happy.

VI. Levinson

For the fifth week, Levinson's detachment was at rest. Deserters from other units appeared. The detachment was overgrown with both things and people, and Levinson was afraid to move. For subordinates, Levinson has always been a support: he hid his doubts and fears, instilled confidence in people. Levinson, on the other hand, knew both his own and other people's weaknesses, he understood: “you can lead other people only by pointing out their weaknesses to them and suppressing them, hiding your own from them.”

Chief of Staff Sukhovey-Kovtun sent Levinson a "terrible relay race": he wrote about the Japanese attack and the defeat of the main partisan forces. Levinson began to collect information, while remaining confident and knowledgeable in appearance: the main task was "to preserve at least small, but strong and disciplined units."

Levinson warned Baklanov and the administrative director of the detachment's readiness for action "at any moment." On the same night, he decided to leave the place.

VII. Enemies

Levinson sent a letter to Stashinsky: it is necessary to gradually unload the infirmary. People began to disperse to the villages. Frolov, Mechik and Pika remained in the infirmary. Pika took root at the hospital. Me-chik was told that he would soon leave for Levinson's detachment. The sword dreamed of showing himself a confident and efficient fighter, of changing.

VIII. First move

The deserters sowed panic throughout the area, saying that a large Japanese force was coming. But intelligence did not find the Japanese. Frost asked to go to the platoon, instead of himself as an orderly, Levinson recommended Yefimka.

Having moved to the platoon, Frost was happy. At night they rose on a false alarm - shots were heard across the river, Levinson decided to check the combat readiness of the detachment. Then Levinson announced the performance.

IX. Sword in squad

The nachkhoz appeared at the hospital in order to procure food. The sword was already on its feet, he was happy. Soon he, together with Pika, went to the detachment, they were greeted kindly, assigned to a platoon to Kubrak. Mechik was almost offended by the sight of the horse he was given. He wanted to express his dissatisfaction, but Levinson said nothing, timid. Decided to kill the mare without following her. Thus, he won general dislike as "a quitter and asked." He got along only with a worthless man Chizh and Pika. Chizh called Levinson "on someone else's hump making himself a capitalist." Sword Chizhu did not believe, but listened to competent speech with pleasure.

Soon Chizh became unpleasant to Mechik, but it was not possible to get rid of him. Mechik began to learn to defend his point of view, while the life of the detachment went by him.

X. The Beginning of the Defeat

Levinson climbed into the wilderness and almost lost contact with other units. He learned that a train with weapons and uniforms would soon arrive. “Knowing that sooner or later the detachment would be opened anyway, and it was impossible to spend the winter in the taiga without cartridges and warm clothes, Levinson decided to make the first sortie.” Dubov's detachment attacked the freight train and returned to the parking lot without losing a single fighter. The partisans were given overcoats, weapons, crackers. Baklanov decided to check Mechik in action and took him with him to reconnaissance. Mechik liked Baklanov, but the conversation did not work out: Baklanov did not understand Mechik's abstruse reasoning. In the village, scouts stumbled upon four Japanese soldiers, Baklanov killed two, Mechik one, and one escaped. Driving away from the farm, the scouts saw the main forces of the Japanese.

The next morning the detachment was attacked by the Japanese. The forces were unequal, and the partisans retreated into the taiga. Mechik was scared, Pika, without raising his head, shot at a tree. Only in the taiga Mechik came to his senses.

XI. Strada

After the battle, Levinson's detachment took refuge in the forest. A bounty was put on Levinson's head, and he had to retreat. There were not enough provisions, they stole in the fields and gardens. In order not to drag the wounded Frolov along with him, Levinson decided to poison him. But Mechik overheard this plan and told Frolov. He understood Levinson, drank the poison.

XII. Way-roads

Frost felt that people like Mechik covered their simple little feelings with beautiful words.

Frolov was buried, and the detachment moved north. Pika escaped. Frost remembers his life and is sad about Var. Varya at this time thinks about Mechik, she sees her salvation in him, for the first time in her life she fell in love with someone for real. The swordsman treated her with indifference.

XIII. Cargo

The partisans talked about the peasants and the peasant character. Frost does not like men. Dubov too. Goncharenko believes that there are peasant roots in everyone. The sword is on guard. Levinson goes to inspect the patrols and stumbles upon Mechik. The sword tells him about his experiences, thoughts, about his dislike for the detachment, about his misunderstanding of everything that is happening around. Levinson convinces Mechik that there is nowhere to go: they will kill him, and "do not consider your comrades worse than yourself." Levinson thinks with regret of such as Mechik.

XIV. Metelitsa reconnaissance

Levinson sent Metelitsa on a reconnaissance mission and ordered him to return into the night. But the village was much further away. Only at night Metelitsa got out of the taiga, in the field he saw a shepherd's fire. A boy was sitting by the fire. The boy said that the Cossacks killed his parents and brother and burned down the house. And now there are Cossacks in the village, in the neighboring village there is a Cossack regiment. Metelitsa left the horse to the shepherd, he himself went to the village. The village is already asleep. The blizzard knew from the boy that the head of the squadron was located in the priest's house. Creeping up to the house of the white commander, Metelitsa eavesdropped, but did not hear anything interesting. He was noticed by a sentry, and Metelitsa was caught. At this time, everyone in the detachment is worried about him and waiting for his return. By morning, everyone in the detachment was alarmed, Levinson guessed that Metelitsa had fallen into the hands of the enemies.

XV. three deaths

Waking up in a barn, Metelitsa tried to run away, but it was impossible. He began to prepare for a dignified death, intending to demonstrate to the killers that he "is not afraid and despises them."

The next day, Metelitsa was taken for interrogation, but he did not say anything. Organize a public trial. The shepherd boy, with whom Metelitsa left his horse, did not betray Metelitsa. But the owner said that the boy returned from the night with someone else's horse, to the saddle of which a holster was attached. The officer got angry and began to shake the boy. Metelitsa tried to kill the officer, but he dodged and shot several times at Metelitsa, after which the Cossacks set off along the road that Metelitsa had come along. Baklanov became increasingly worried about Metelitsa's delay. The detachment went to his rescue. Not having time to leave the taiga, the detachment ran into the Cossacks. Levinson ordered to attack them. The man who surrendered Metelitsa to the partisans was shot. Morozka's horse was killed, which was a shock to him: the horse was his friend.

XVI. quagmire

Varya, walking to the village after the attack, saw Morozka's dead horse. Having found Morozka drunk, she took him away. Whites are advancing on the squad. Levinson decides to retreat to the taiga, to the swamps. The detachment quickly arranges a crossing through the swamps and, having crossed, undermines it. The detachment broke away from the pursuit of the whites, while losing almost all the people. “The last to go through the gate were Levinson and Goncharenko, and then they blew it up. Morning has come."

XVII. Nineteen

Ahead, on the bridge, the Cossacks set up an ambush. Levinson realized that people automatically follow him, like a herd following a shepherd. Baklanov offered to send a patrol forward. Levinson saw Mechik riding in front, Frost was riding after Mechik. The sword stumbled upon the Cossacks, silently rolled off the horse and rushed down the slope. The Cossacks pursued him. Frost thought only about the upcoming vacation. When the Cossacks appeared before him, he realized that Mechik had fled. Frost felt sorry for the people who were following him, drew a pistol and fired a warning at the detachment. Baklanov shouted: "To a breakthrough!" The swordsman realized that there was no pursuit for him, and trembled in hysterics from the betrayal committed out of cowardice. “And he suffered not so much because dozens of people who trusted him died because of this act of his, but because the indelibly dirty, disgusting stain of this act contradicted all that good and pure that he found in himself.” The swordsman took out a gun, but realized that he could not kill himself. And he decided: "Now I will go to the city, there is nothing left for me but to go there." Eighteen fighters survived from Levinson's detachment. Baklanov was killed. Levinson began to cry for the first time, then “stopped crying; I had to live and fulfill my duties.”

The theme of revolution and civil war

The October Revolution is the most important stage in the history of the Russian people, it could not but be reflected in the work of writers. Fadeev was enthusiastic about the revolution, he, with all the passion of a revolutionary and a communist, sought to bring a brighter future closer. This belief in a beautiful person permeated all his works.

A revolutionary for Fadeev is impossible without striving for a bright future, without faith in a new, beautiful, kind and pure person. If you do not look deeply, Fadeev's novel is the story of the defeat of Levinson's partisan detachment. But in his novel, the writer considered one of the most dramatic moments in the history of the partisan movement in the Far East, when the combined efforts of the White Guard and Japanese troops dealt heavy blows to the partisans of Primorye.

Fadeev himself defined the main theme of his novel as follows: “In a civil war, the selection of human material takes place, everything hostile is swept away by the revolution, everything incapable of real revolutionary struggle, accidentally falling into the camp of the revolution, is eliminated, and everything that has risen from the true roots of the revolution, from the millions of people , hardens, grows, develops in this struggle. There is a huge transformation of people."

The invincibility of the revolution lies in its vitality, in the depth of penetration into the consciousness of people who were often the most backward in the past. Like Frost, these people rose to conscious action for the highest historical goals. This was the main optimistic idea of ​​the tragic novel "The Rout".

Orderly Morozka, on the orders of the commander of the partisan detachment Levinson, must take the package to another detachment. He really doesn't want to go. But Levinson in this case can order Frost to hand over his weapon. Then the partisan still decides to go on a journey to deliver the letter.

Levinson is the son of a used furniture dealer. He is very patient and persistent.

Frost is a second generation miner. Yes, but everything in his life happened somehow spontaneously. The marriage to the hauler Varya was completely meaningless. In the eighteenth year, without thinking about what awaits him, Morozka left to defend the Soviets. On the front of the First World War, he was wounded six times and shell-shocked twice.

The path to Shandyba's detachment must be long. This is where the package should be delivered. In front of Frost, a battle takes place between the partisans and the Japanese.

When the partisans realize that the Japanese detachment is stronger, they rush to their heels, leaving a wounded boy on the battlefield. The partisan picks up the wounded and returns to Levinson's detachment.

When the wounded Pavel Mechik woke up, he realized that he was out of danger. He ended up in the forest infirmary. Here, the first people he saw were Dr. Stashinsky and nurse Varya, Morozka's wife. Mechik is looked after, dressings are done.

Previously, Mechik, when he was still living in the city, dreamed of exploits. The boy decided to go to the partisans. Only now the disappointment came too quickly. And all because, in fact, he is weak in character. All his actions are just romantic illusions. He joins the Maximalist Socialist-Revolutionary Party. He is sent to the Shandyba detachment. In the battle, Mechik was wounded in the legs by three bullets. This does not at all coincide with his heroic fantasies.

Mechik is trying to get closer to Stashinsky. But Stashinsky learns that Mechik was on the side of the Maximalist Social Revolutionaries. The doctor does not want to communicate with the partisan.

Frost immediately felt a dislike for Mechik. This feeling did not pass later, when Frost saw the boy in the infirmary.

Frost's path to another squad continues. Partizan tries to steal melons from the village chairman Ryabets. The owner notices the thief, and Frost is left with nothing. Ryabets is indignant and turns to Levinson with a complaint. Frost is deprived of weapons.

In the evening, the soldiers gather to discuss the behavior of the orderly. Partizan Dubov, also a former miner, offers to expel Morozka from the detachment. But the Japanese are coming. Now every fighter is worth its weight in gold. The conscience begins to torment the soldier, and he swears that he will no longer dishonor the title of partisan. Levinson asks Ryabets to tell the peasants to dry biscuits for the soldiers, orders the horses to increase the portion of oats. Levinson does all this because he foresees the outbreak of hostilities.

Frost goes back to the infirmary to check on his wife. He understands that Varya and Mechik sympathize with each other. Frost had never been jealous of Varya before. But now he is angry at both - at his wife and Mechik. And in fact: Mechik fell in love with a young nurse. He longs for a peaceful life in the city. Varya also falls in love with Mechik. Only the boy subconsciously seeks maternal protection in her arms. The mechik dreams of taking Varya with him to the city.

Frost is disgusted by the very idea that next to his wife there can be such a useless person as Mechik. Frost quarrels with Mechik.

Doubts visit Levinson's soul. No matter how the fighters think about him, this person can doubt and worry. He carefully weighs all the pros and cons, checks all the facts. When Levinson meets scouts from a neighboring detachment while checking the posts, they tell him that their army has been defeated by the advancing Japanese. Levinson realizes that there is little chance of victory, and orders a retreat.

The sword has completely recovered. Now he joins the partisan detachment. Levinson gives the fighter the horse Zyuchikha. Yes, but she's not very good. This offends Mechik, because he can't figure out how to deal with her. Moreover, he cannot establish contact with the rest of the partisans. He is only friends with a former student Chizh. It is Chizh who teaches him how to evade duties.

The time comes, and Mechik, together with Baklanov, is sent to reconnaissance. On the way, the partisans come across a Japanese detachment. We have to open fire. The fighters shot three enemies. Two - Cormorants, and one - Sword. Moreover, the young man was lucky, because he shot at anything. The reconnaissance was successful: the main enemy forces were calculated.

When Mechik returns to the squad and goes to bed, he has a terrible dream. In the morning there is a skirmish with the Japanese. The sword doesn't understand what's going on. His life is no longer in his hands.

The detachment at this time is preparing for the offensive. It is especially difficult to evacuate the hospital, because there is a mortally wounded Frolov. Any transportation to him is dangerous and useless. Levinson and Stashinsky decide to give the patient poison. This conversation accidentally hears the Sword. He wants to interfere with Stashinsky. But Frolov already understood what kind of potion was prepared for him. Mortally wounded agrees to drink poison. The sword runs into the forest. There he encounters Varya. The woman tries to calm him down. At a halt, Varya comes to the fire. There she sees Mechik and Chizh. She wants to comfort Swordsman, but he is acting cold. Then Varya is given to Chizh, who has been chasing the woman for a long time.

The squad retreats. The sword is one of the sentries. During the detour, Levinson and Mechik have a conversation. The swordsman complains that he feels bad in the detachment. Levinson understands that, most likely, there will be no sense from the guy. The commander recalls himself in his youth and concludes that his generation was much stronger than the current fighters.

Levinson sends Metelitsa to investigate. The partisan goes to the village. In the forest, he leaves his horse to a shepherdess. Cossacks settled in the village. A fighter enters the squadron leader's house. But Metelitsa is not lucky - the partisans catch him. They interrogate me, and when morning comes, they take me to the square. In the square, a man leads a shepherd boy, to whom Metelitsa left a horse. The Cossack chief wants to brutally interrogate the boy. The snowstorm rushes to protect the frightened shepherd boy, wants to strangle the boss. The soldier dies, wounded by a Cossack bullet.

Without waiting for the return of Metelitsa, Levinson orders to act. When the Cossacks set off, they are discovered by a detachment of partisans and set up an ambush. A battle takes place during which Frost's horse is killed. The Cossacks flee, and the partisans occupy the village. Levinson orders that the man who led the shepherd to the square be shot.

Frost is very sad about his horse. He gets drunk along with Sword-com. Frost's new horse is called Judas because he was taken from the enemy.

At night, Frost is found by Varya. She wants to make peace with him. Invites him to the hut, but Morozka refuses. Then she leads him to the hayloft. The next morning, Frost feels out of place.

When morning comes, the enemy cavalry is sent to the village: Levinson's detachment has to retreat into the forest - too few people are left to fight back. Ahead, the soldiers see a quagmire. There is nowhere to go and there is no retreat either. Levinson orders to clear the swamp. Having successfully overcome the obstacle, the detachment heads to the bridge, where the Cossacks set up an ambush.

The sword is sent to reconnaissance. He almost falls asleep in the saddle. Cossacks notice him. The swordsman is afraid to warn his squad and runs. His conscience is not clear. He understands this, but the fear of death wins. The sword is heading back to the city.

But Mechik was followed by Frost, who managed to shoot three times to warn his squad. The partisan is killed by the Cossacks. The squad rushes into battle. After that, only nineteen people remain in Levinson's detachment. But they broke through. Levinson cries, but continues to drive forward.

Levinson, the commander of the partisan detachment, passes the package to his orderly Morozka, ordering him to be taken to the commander of another detachment, Shaldyba, but Morozka does not want to go, he refuses and argues with the commander. Levinson is fed up with Frost's constant confrontation. He takes the letter, and Frost advises “to roll on all four sides. I don't need troublemakers." Frost instantly changes his mind, takes the letter, explaining to himself rather than to Levinson that he cannot live without a detachment, and, having cheered up, leaves with a package.
Frost is a miner in the second generation. He was born in a miner's barracks, and at the age of twelve he himself began to “roll trolleys”. Life went along the knurled path, like everyone else. Morozka also sat in a jail, served in the cavalry, was wounded and shell-shocked, therefore, even before the revolution, he was “discharged from the army cleanly.” After returning from the army, he got married. “He did everything recklessly: life seemed to him simple, uncomplicated, like a round Murom cucumber from the Suchansky bashtans” (gardens). And later, in 1918, he left, taking his wife, to defend the Soviets. It was not possible to defend the power, so he joined the partisans. Hearing the shots, Frost crawled to the top of the hill and saw that the whites were attacking the Shaldyba fighters, and they were fleeing. “The enraged Shaldyba whipped the whip in all directions and could not restrain people. It was seen how some were furtively tearing off red bows.
Frost is outraged seeing all this. Among the retreating Frost saw a limping boy. He fell, but the soldiers ran on. This Frost could no longer see. He called the horse, took off on him and drove to the fallen boy. Bullets whizzed around. Frost forced the horse to lie down, laid it across the croup of the wounded man, and rode off to Levinson's detachment.
But Frost immediately disliked the rescued man. “Frost didn't like clean people. In his practice, they were fickle, worthless people who could not be trusted.” Levinson ordered to take the guy to the infirmary. In the pocket of the wounded lay documents in the name of Pavel Mechik, but he himself was unconscious. I woke up only when they carried him to the infirmary, then fell asleep until morning. Waking up, Mechik saw the doctor Stashinsky and sister Varya with golden-brown fluffy braids and gray eyes. While bandaging, Mechik was in pain, but he did not scream, feeling the presence of Varya. “And all around there was a well-fed taiga silence.”
Three weeks ago, Mechik happily walked through the taiga, heading with a ticket in a boot to a partisan detachment. Suddenly, people jumped out of the bushes, they were suspicious of Mechik, not understanding, due to their illiteracy, in his documents, at first they beat him, and then they accepted him into the detachment. “The surrounding people did not at all resemble those created by his ardent imagination. These were dirtier, lousier, tougher and more direct ... ”They swore and fought among themselves over any trifle, mocked Mechik. But these were not bookish, but “living people”. Lying in the hospital, Mechik recalled everything he had experienced, he was sorry for the good and sincere feeling with which he went to the detachment. With special gratitude, he took care of himself. There were few wounded. Heavy two: Frolov and Mechik. Old Pika often talked to Mechik. Occasionally a "pretty sister" would come. She sheathed and washed the entire hospital, but she treated Mechik especially “tenderly and caringly.” Pika said about her: she is “lunatic”. “Morozka, her husband, is in the detachment, and she is fornicating.” Mechik asked why her sister was like that? Pika replied: “And the jester knows her, why is she so affectionate. Can't refuse anyone - and that's it...”
Frost almost angrily thought about Mechik, why such people go to the partisans "for everything ready." Although this was not true, there was a difficult “way of the cross” ahead. As he rode past the chestnut tree, Frost dismounted from his horse and hurriedly began to fill a bag with melons until his master caught him. Khoma Yegorovich Ryabets threatened to find justice for Morozka. The owner did not believe that the man whom he fed and dressed like a son robbed his chestnuts.
Levinson talked with the returned scout, who reported that the Shaldyba detachment had been badly beaten by the Japanese, and now the partisans are holed up in the Korean winter hut. Levinson felt that something was wrong, but the scout could not say anything along the way.
At this time, Baklanov, Levinson's deputy, arrived. He brought an indignant Ryabets, who spoke at length about Frost's act. Frost, summoned, did not deny anything. He only objected to Levinson, who ordered him to hand over his weapons. Frost considered this too severe a punishment for stealing melons. Levinson convened a village meeting - let everyone know ...
Then Levinson asked Ryabets to collect bread from the village and discreetly dry ten pounds of crackers, without explaining for whom. He ordered Baklanov: from tomorrow, the horses should increase their portion of oats.
4. ONE
Frost's arrival at the hospital disturbed Mechik's state of mind. He kept wondering why Frost looked at him so disdainfully. Yes, he saved his life. But that didn't give Frost the right to disrespect Swordsman. Paul has already recovered. And Frolov's wound was hopeless. The swordsman recalled the events of the last month and, covering himself with a blanket, burst into tears. 5. MEN AND THE “COAL TRIB”
Wishing to test his fears, Levinson went to the meeting well in advance, hoping to hear the peasants' conversations and rumors. The men were surprised that the gathering was collected on a weekday, when the mowing was hot.
They talked about their own, not paying attention to Levinson. “He was so small, unsightly in appearance - all consisted of a hat, a red beard and ichigov above the knees.” Listening to the peasants, he caught disturbing notes that he alone understood. I understood that I had to go into the taiga, hide. In the meantime, post everywhere. Meanwhile, the miners also came. The people gradually got enough. Levinson joyfully greeted Dubo-va, a tall slaughterer.
Ryabets angrily asked Levinson to start. Now the whole story seemed useless and troublesome to him. Levinson, on the other hand, insisted that this matter concerns everyone: there are many locals in the detachment. Everyone was perplexed: why was it necessary to steal - ask Frost, anyone would give him this good. Mo-rose was brought forward. Dubov offered to kick Frost in the neck. But Goncharenko stood up for Morozka, calling him a fighting guy who had gone through the entire Ussuri front. “My boyfriend - he won’t give out, he won’t sell ...”
Frost was asked, and he said that he did it thoughtlessly, out of habit, gave the miner's word that this would never happen again. That's what they decided on. Levinson suggested that in his free time from hostilities, not to wander around the streets, but to help the owners. The peasants were satisfied with this proposal. Help was invaluable.
Levinson's detachment had been on vacation for the fifth week already, overgrown with households, there were many deserters from other detachments. Alarming news reached Levinson, and he was afraid to move with this colossus. For his subordinates Levinson was "iron". He hid his doubts and fears, always confidently and clearly giving orders. Levinson is the “right” person, always thinking about the matter, he knew his weaknesses and human weaknesses, and he also clearly understood: “you can lead other people only by pointing out their weaknesses to them and suppressing them, hiding your own from them.” Soon Levinson received a "terrible relay race." She was sent by the chief of staff Sukhovey-Kovtun. He wrote about the Japanese attack, about the defeat of the main partisan forces. After this message, Levinson collected information about the environment, but outwardly remained confident, knowing what to do. The main task at that moment was “to preserve at least small, but strong and disciplined units...”.
Summoning Baklanov and the administrative officer to him, Levinson warned them to be ready for the detachment to set out. “Be ready at any moment.”
Along with business letters from the city, Levinson also received a note from his wife. He reread it only at night, when all the cases were finished. I wrote an answer right there. Then I went to check the posts. On the same night I went to the neighboring detachment, saw its deplorable condition and decided to leave the place.
Levinson sent Stashinsky a letter saying that the infirmary should be gradually unloaded. Since that time, people began to disperse to the villages, rolling up joyless soldier's bundles. Of the wounded, only Frolov, Mechik and Pika remained. Actually, Pika was not sick with anything, he just took root at the hospital. Mechik also had the bandage removed from his head. Varya said that he would soon go to Levinson's detachment. Mechik dreamed of becoming a confident and efficient fighter in Levinson's detachment, and when he returned to the city, no one would recognize him. So he will change.
The deserters who appeared disturbed the whole district, sowed panic, supposedly there were large forces of the Japanese. But intelligence did not find the Japanese for ten miles in the area. Morozka asked Levinson to go to the platoon with the guys, and instead of himself he recommended Yefimka as an orderly. Levinson agreed.
That same evening Morozka moved to the platoon and was quite happy. And at night they got up on alarm - shots were heard across the river. It was a false alarm: they fired their own on the orders of Levinson. The commander wanted to check the combat readiness of the detachment. Then, in front of the whole detachment, Levinson announced the performance.
The nachkhoz appeared at the hospital to prepare food in case the detachment had to hide here in the taiga.
On this day Mechik stood up for the first time and was very happy. Soon he left with Pica in the detachment. They were greeted kindly and assigned to a platoon to Kubrak. The sight of the horse, or rather the nag, which he was given almost offended Mechik. Pavel even went to the headquarters to express his dissatisfaction with the mare assigned to him. But at the last moment he grew timid and said nothing to Levinson. He decided to kill the mare without following her. “Zyuchiha was overgrown with scabs, went hungry, not drunk, occasionally taking advantage of someone else's pity, and Mechik won general dislike, as “a quitter and asked.” He got along only with Chizh, a worthless man, and with Pika from old memory. Chizh cursed Levinson, calling him short-sighted and cunning, "making capital on someone else's hump." Mechik did not believe Chizh, but listened with pleasure to a competent speech. True, Chizh soon became unpleasant to Mechik, but there was no way to get rid of him. Chizh taught Mechik to shy away from sluggishness, from the kitchen, Pavel began to snarl, learned to defend his point of view, and the life of the detachment "went past" him.

Levinson, the commander of the partisan detachment, passes the package to his orderly Morozka, ordering him to be taken to the commander of another detachment, Shaldyba, but Morozka does not want to go, he refuses and argues with the commander. Levinson is fed up with Frost's constant confrontation. He takes the letter, and Frost advises “to roll on all four sides. I don't need troublemakers." Frost instantly changes his mind, takes the letter, explaining to himself rather than to Levinson that he cannot live without a detachment, and, having cheered up, leaves with a package.

Frost is a miner in the second generation. He was born in a miner's barracks, and at the age of twelve he himself began to "roll trolleys." Life went along the knurled path, like everyone else. Morozka also sat in a jail, served in the cavalry, was wounded and shell-shocked, therefore, even before the revolution, he was “discharged from the army cleanly.” After returning from the army, he got married. “He did everything thoughtlessly: life seemed to him simple, uncomplicated, like a round Murom cucumber from the Suchansky bashtans” (gardens). And later, in 1918, he left, taking his wife, to defend the Soviets. It was not possible to defend the power, so he joined the partisans. Hearing the shots, Frost crawled to the top of the hill and saw that the whites were attacking the Shaldyba fighters, and they were fleeing. “The enraged Shaldyba whipped the whip in all directions and could not hold people back. It was seen how some of them furtively plucked red bows.

Frost is outraged seeing all this. Among the retreating Frost saw a limping boy. He fell, but the soldiers ran on. This Frost could no longer see. He called the horse, took off on him and drove to the fallen boy. Bullets whizzed around. Frost forced the horse to lie down, laid it across the croup of the wounded man, and rode off to Levinson's detachment.


But Frost immediately disliked the rescued man. “Frost did not like clean people. In his practice, they were fickle, worthless people who could not be trusted. Levinson ordered to take the guy to the infirmary. In the pocket of the wounded lay documents in the name of Pavel Mechik, but he himself was unconscious. I woke up only when they carried him to the infirmary, then fell asleep until morning. Waking up, Mechik saw the doctor Stashinsky and sister Varya with golden-brown fluffy braids and gray eyes. While bandaging, Mechik was in pain, but he did not scream, feeling the presence of Varya. “And all around there was a well-fed taiga silence.”

Three weeks ago, Mechik happily walked through the taiga, heading with a ticket in a boot to a partisan detachment. Suddenly, people jumped out of the bushes, they were suspicious of Mechik, not understanding, due to their illiteracy, in his documents, at first they beat him, and then they accepted him into the detachment. “The people around him did not at all resemble those created by his ardent imagination. These were dirtier, lousier, tougher and more direct ... ”They cursed and fought among themselves over any trifle, mocked Mechik. But these were not bookish, but "living people." Lying in the hospital, Mechik recalled everything he had experienced, he was sorry for the good and sincere feeling with which he went to the detachment. With special gratitude, he took care of himself. There were few wounded. Heavy two: Frolov and Mechik. Old Pika often talked to Mechik. Occasionally a "pretty sister" came. She sheathed and washed the entire hospital, but she treated Mechik especially “tenderly and caringly.” Pica said about her: she is "lascivious." "Morozka, her husband, is in the detachment, and she is fornicating." Mechik asked why her sister was like that? Pica replied: “And the jester knows why she is so affectionate. He can’t refuse anyone - and that’s it ... "

Sixth Sense

Frost thought almost angrily about Mechik, why such people go to the partisans "for everything ready." Although this was not true, there was a difficult "Way of the Cross" ahead. As he rode past the chestnut tree, Frost dismounted from his horse and hurriedly began to fill a bag with melons until his master caught him. Khoma Egorovich Ryabets threatened to find justice for Morozka. The owner did not believe that the man whom he fed and dressed like a son robbed his chestnuts.

Levinson talked with the returned scout, who reported that the Shaldyba detachment had been badly beaten by the Japanese, and now the partisans are holed up in the Korean winter hut. Levinson felt that something was wrong, but the scout could not say anything along the way.

At this time, Baklanov, Levinson's deputy, arrived. He brought an indignant Ryabets, who spoke at length about Frost's act. Frost, summoned, did not deny anything. He only objected to Levinson, who ordered him to hand over his weapons. Frost considered this too severe a punishment for stealing melons. Levinson convened a village meeting - let everyone know ...

Then Levinson asked Ryabets to collect bread from the village and discreetly dry ten pounds of crackers, without explaining for whom. He ordered Baklanov: from tomorrow, the horses should increase their portion of oats.


Frost's arrival at the hospital disturbed Mechik's state of mind. He kept wondering why Frost looked at him so disdainfully. Yes, he saved his life. But that didn't give Frost the right to disrespect Swordsman. Paul has already recovered. And Frolov's wound was hopeless. The swordsman recalled the events of the last month and, covering himself with a blanket, burst into tears.

The Men and the Coal Tribe

Wishing to test his fears, Levinson went to the meeting well in advance, hoping to hear the peasants' conversations and rumors. The men were surprised that the gathering was collected on a weekday, when the mowing was hot.

They talked about their own, not paying attention to Levinson. “He was so small, unprepossessing in appearance - he all consisted of a hat, a red beard and ichigov above the knees.” Listening to the peasants, he caught disturbing notes that he alone understood. I understood that I had to go into the taiga, hide. In the meantime, post everywhere. Meanwhile, the miners also came. The people gradually got enough. Levinson joyfully greeted Dubov, a tall butcher.

Ryabets angrily asked Levinson to start. Now the whole story seemed useless and troublesome to him. Levinson is stubborn

l to the fact that this matter concerns everyone: there are many locals in the detachment. Everyone was perplexed: why was it necessary to steal - ask Frost, anyone would give him this good. Frost brought forward. Dubov offered to kick Frost in the neck. But Goncharenko stood up for Morozka, calling him a fighting guy who went through the entire Ussuri front. “Your boyfriend will not give out, will not sell ...”

Frost was asked, and he said that he did it thoughtlessly, out of habit, gave the miner's word that this would never happen again. That's what they decided on. Levinson suggested that in his free time from hostilities, not to wander around the streets, but to help the owners. The peasants were satisfied with this proposal. Help was invaluable.


Levinson's detachment had been on vacation for the fifth week already, overgrown with households, there were many deserters from other detachments. Alarming news reached Levinson, and he was afraid to move with this colossus. For his subordinates, Levinson was "iron". He hid his doubts and fears, always confidently and clearly giving orders. Levinson is the “right” person, always thinking about the matter, he knew his weaknesses and human ones, and he also clearly understood: “you can only lead other people by pointing out their weaknesses to them and suppressing them, hiding your own from them.” Levinson soon received a "terrible relay race." She was sent by the chief of staff Sukhovey-Kovtun. He wrote about the Japanese attack, about the defeat of the main partisan forces. After this message, Levinson collected information about the environment, but outwardly remained confident, knowing what to do. The main task at that moment was "to preserve at least small, but strong and disciplined units ...".

Summoning Baklanov and the administrative officer to him, Levinson warned them to be ready for the detachment to set out. "Be ready at any moment."

Along with business letters from the city, Levinson also received a note from his wife. He reread it only at night, when all the cases were finished. I wrote an answer right there. Then I went to check the posts. On the same night I went to the neighboring detachment, saw its deplorable condition and decided to leave the place.


Levinson sent Stashinsky a letter saying that the infirmary should be gradually unloaded. Since that time, people began to disperse to the villages, rolling up joyless soldier's bundles. Of the wounded, only Frolov, Mechik and Pika remained. Actually, Pika was not sick with anything, he just took root at the hospital. Mechik also had the bandage removed from his head. Varya said that he would soon go to Levinson's detachment. Mechik dreamed of becoming a confident and efficient fighter in Levinson's detachment, and when he returned to the city, no one would recognize him. So he will change.

First move

The deserters who appeared disturbed the whole district, sowed panic, supposedly there were large forces of the Japanese. But intelligence did not find the Japanese for ten miles in the area. Morozka asked Levinson to go to the platoon with the guys, and instead of himself he recommended Yefimka as an orderly. Levinson agreed.

That same evening Morozka moved to the platoon and was quite happy. And at night they got up on alarm - shots were heard across the river. It was a false alarm: they fired their own on the orders of Levinson. The commander wanted to check the combat readiness of the detachment. Then, in front of the whole detachment, Levinson announced the performance.

Sword in squad

The nachkhoz appeared at the hospital to prepare food in case the detachment had to hide here in the taiga.

On this day Mechik stood up for the first time and was very happy. Soon he left with Pica in the detachment. They were greeted kindly and assigned to a platoon to Kubrak. The sight of the horse, or rather the nag, which he was given almost offended Mechik. Pavel even went to the headquarters to express his dissatisfaction with the mare assigned to him. But at the last moment he grew timid and said nothing to Levinson. He decided to kill the mare without following her. “Zyuchiha was overgrown with scabs, went hungry, not drunk, occasionally taking advantage of someone else’s pity, and Mechik won universal dislike, as “a lazybones and asked.” He got along only with Chizh, a worthless man, and with Pika from old memory. Chizh cursed Levinson, calling him short-sighted and cunning, "making capital for himself on someone else's hump." Mechik did not believe Chizh, but listened with pleasure to a competent speech. True, Chizh soon became unpleasant to Mechik, but there was no way to get rid of him. Chizh taught Mechik to shy away from sluggishness, from the kitchen, Pavel began to snap, learned to defend his point of view, and the life of the detachment "went past" him.

The beginning of the rout

Having climbed into a remote place, Levinson almost lost contact with other detachments. Having contacted the railway, the commander learned that a train with weapons and uniforms would soon arrive. “Knowing that sooner or later the detachment would be opened anyway, and it was impossible to spend the winter in the taiga without cartridges and warm clothes, Levinson decided to make the first sortie.” Dubov's detachment attacked the freight train, loaded the horses, dodged the patrols and, without losing a single fighter, returned to the parking lot. On the same day, the partisans were given overcoats, cartridges, checkers, crackers ... Soon, Mechik and Baklanov went to reconnaissance, who wanted to check the "brand new" in business. On the way, they talked. Mechik Cormorants liked more and more. But there was no heart-to-heart conversation. Baklanov simply did not understand Mechik's tricky reasoning. In the village they ran into four Japanese soldiers: Cormorants killed two, Mechik killed one, and the last ran away. Having driven away from the farm, they saw how the main forces of the Japanese were leaving from there. Having found out everything, they drove to the detachment.

The night passed uneasily, and in the morning the detachment was attacked by the enemy. The attackers had weapons, machine guns, so the partisans had nothing left to do but retreat into the taiga. Mechik was terrified, he waited for everything to end, and Pika, without raising his head, fired at the tree. Mechik came to himself only in the taiga. “It was dark and quiet here, and the strict cedar covered them with their dead, mossy paws.”

Good retelling? Tell your friends on the social network, let them prepare for the lesson too!

The commander of the partisan detachment, Levinson, orders orderly Morozka to take the package to another detachment. Frost does not want to go, he offers to send someone else; Levinson calmly orders the orderly to hand over his weapons and go to all four directions. Frost, having thought better of it, takes the letter and sets off, noting that he cannot "leave the detachment" in any way.

This is followed by the backstory of Morozka, who was a miner in the second generation, did everything in his life thoughtlessly - thoughtlessly married a walking hauler Varya, thoughtlessly left in the eighteenth year to defend the Soviets. On the way to the Shaldyba detachment, where the orderly was carrying the package, he sees the battle of partisans with the Japanese; partisans flee, leaving a wounded boy in a city jacket. Frost picks up the wounded and returns to Levinson's detachment.

The wounded man's name was Pavel Mechik. He woke up already in the forest infirmary, saw Dr. Stashinsky and nurse Varya (Morozka's wife). The sword is being bandaged. In the background of Mechik, it is reported that, while living in the city, he wanted heroic deeds and therefore went to the partisans, but when he got to them, he was disappointed. In the infirmary, he tries to talk to Stashinsky, but he, having learned that Mechik was close mainly with the Maximalist Social Revolutionaries, is not disposed to talk with the wounded. Frost did not like the sword right away, and did not like it later, when Frost visited his wife in the infirmary. On the way to the detachment, Morozka tries to steal melons from the village chairman Ryabets, but, caught by the owner, is forced to retreat. Ryabets complains to Levinson, and he orders the weapons to be taken away from Morozka. A village meeting has been scheduled for the evening to discuss the behavior of the orderly. Levinson, huddled between the peasants, finally understands that the Japanese are approaching and he and his detachment need to retreat. By the appointed hour, the partisans gather, and Levinson sets out the essence of the matter, inviting everyone to decide what to do with Frost. Partizan Dubov, a former miner, offers to expel Morozka from the detachment; this had such an effect on Frost that he gives his word that he will no longer dishonor the title of partisan and former miner. On one of his trips to the infirmary, Morozka guesses that his wife and Mechik have some special relationship, and, having never been jealous of Varya for anyone, this time he feels anger towards both his wife and the “sissy”, like him calls Mechik.

Everyone in the detachment considers Levinson a man of "a special, correct breed." It seems to everyone that the commander knows everything and understands everything, although Levinson experienced doubts and hesitations. Having collected information from all sides, the commander orders the detachment to retreat. The recovered Sword comes to the detachment. Levinson ordered to give him a horse - he gets the "tearful, mournful mare" Zyuchikha; the offended Sword does not know how to deal with Zyuchikha; unable to get along with the partisans, he does not see "the main springs of the detachment mechanism." Together with Baklanov, he was sent to intelligence; in the village they ran into a Japanese patrol and killed three in a skirmish. Having discovered the main forces of the Japanese, the scouts return to the detachment.

The detachment needs to retreat, the hospital needs to be evacuated, but the mortally wounded Frolov cannot be taken with him. Levinson and Stashinsky decide to give the patient poison; Mechik accidentally hears their conversation and tries to stop Stashinsky - he yells at him, Frolov understands that he is being offered a drink, and agrees.

The detachment retreats, Levinson during the night goes to check the guards and talks with Mechik - one of the sentries. Mechik tries to explain to Levinson how bad he (Mechik) is in the detachment, but the commander is left with the impression from the conversation that Mechik is "an impenetrable confusion". Levinson sends Metelitsa to reconnaissance, he sneaks into the village where the Cossacks are, climbs into the courtyard of the house where the squadron leader lives. Cossacks discover him, put him in a barn, interrogate him in the morning and take him to the square. There, a man in a vest comes forward, leading by the hand a frightened shepherd boy, to whom Snowstorm left a horse the day before in the forest. The Cossack chief wants to interrogate the boy "in his own way", but Metelitsa rushes at him, trying to strangle him; he shoots, and Metelitsa dies.

The Cossack squadron sets off along the road, partisans discover it, ambush it and put the Cossacks to flight. During the battle, Frost's horse is killed; having occupied the village, the partisans, on the orders of Levinson, shot a man in a vest. At dawn, the enemy cavalry is sent to the village, Levinson's thinned detachment retreats into the forest, but stops, as there is a quagmire ahead. The commander orders to clear the swamp. Having crossed the gat, the detachment goes to the bridge, where the Cossacks set up an ambush. The sword was sent on patrol, but he, discovered by the Cossacks, is afraid to warn the partisans and runs. Frost, who was following him, manages to shoot three times, as agreed, and dies. The detachment rushes to the breakthrough, nineteen people remain.

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