Read a safe conspiracy to attract a betrothed. New Year - the time of fortune-telling for the fulfillment of desires

New Year's Eve is the only night of the year when we all, regardless of age, become children who believe in miracles! And, probably, it is quite logical that on December 31, each of us, out loud or to ourselves, makes his most secret wish. For some, this is the birth of a long-awaited child, someone dreams of finding a job of their dreams, others want to go on a long and exciting journey. And for someone, the most secret dream is a romantic acquaintance and a happy and beautiful wedding! And since a successful marriage has been and remains the dream of many women for several hundred years, the rituals for marriage are rooted in the distant past.

1. Ritual around the church

Even our grandmothers successfully used this ritual to attract the energy of love into their lives. A similar ceremony can be used on any night, but it is better if it is New Year's. Then the chances that your wish will come true immediately increase several times. At midnight, you need to make a wish, and then leave the house and get to the nearest church, which you need to go around exactly 12 times. Knowledgeable women claim that the ritual works almost flawlessly, the main thing is to make a wish correctly.

For example, it’s better not to think “in 2016 I want to get married”, because. getting married is not a problem, it is much more important to get married happily. Be attentive to your desires and then they will surely come true.

2. Ritual with water

Also very, which in Russian villages was impossible to surprise. On the evening of December 31, three hours before the New Year, a girl who wants to get married in the coming year should take a rag and wash the floor well. Then pour out the water, saying "where there is water, there is my loneliness." Then you should take a jug, fill it with clean water and, saying "where there is water, there is love" pour yourself from head to toe. Then again it will be necessary to wash the floor and drain the water, saying the words you already know. Everything must be repeated exactly three times - wash the floor three times and drain the water, saying “where there is water, there is loneliness” and three times say the words “where there is water, there is love” and pour clean water over yourself. The whole ritual must be completed before the New Year, because with the first chimes, the old year should take loneliness with it, and the New Year should give true and mutual love.

3. Ritual with a red ribbon

Red is the color of passion, love, and, probably, that is why most of the rituals to attract love are somehow connected with it. To carry out this ritual, we need a narrow red ribbon prepared in advance. On December 31, during the day, it is necessary, without explaining for what purpose you are doing this, to hold the ribbon in the hands of any man who is not your blood relative. Those. grandfather, father, brother or son will not help us in this ritual. After the man touched the red ribbon, i.e. charged her with his male energy, the tape should be put in a dark place, exactly before midnight. On New Year's Eve, under the chiming clock, you need to tie your wrist with this ribbon, in any form asking Fate for a loved one and a happy family. Connoisseurs say that after the tape unties itself (and you can’t categorically remove it) or breaks, you must meet your fate within a month.

4. Ritual with candles

A very ancient, very beautiful, romantic ritual that can be done with a friend if she, like you, has not yet met her only one. On December 31, from the very morning, without saying a word, in complete silence and silence, you need to go to church and buy three candles there. How to buy three without saying a single word is up to you. This is where your ingenuity and creativity come to your rescue. Three candles should be brought home, and in the same way, in complete silence, calmly prepare for the New Year. The most difficult thing in this ritual is to remain silent all day on December 31st. Fifteen minutes before the New Year, you should light all three candles and calmly wait for the chiming clock. With the first blow, say out loud your desire: “I want to marry my beloved man in 2016 and live happily ever after with him” and look at the candles. If all three candles continue to burn, then your wish will come true with 100% accuracy. If one candle goes out, then the chance that everything will go the way you want is 50%. If two candles go out, then a wedding this year is not excluded, but unlikely. Well, if all three candles are extinguished, draw your own conclusions. Just don’t get upset, it’s quite possible that Fate has other, but no less happy, plans for you this year.

5. Ritual with a pin

Everyone knows that all slander, since ancient times, was carried out with the help of. Therefore, if you want to attract love into your life in the coming year, then the hex with pins will be very useful to us. To do this, we need a few candles that need to be lit in the room as soon as it gets dark. Candles are best placed in a room that is prepared for the New Year and has positive energy. Most of all, the living room is suitable for these purposes, in the very center of which there is a beautiful Christmas tree. Next, we need any pin, the simplest pin, and the smaller it is, the better, the main thing is that this pin is new. A few minutes before the chiming clock, you will need to take any of the lit candles and carefully, trying not to burn yourself, drip melted wax into the eye of the pin. While you are performing this ritual, you need to say to yourself about the wax, which is about to harden, your desire. If you are worried that you will go astray and will not have time to say everything you wanted while the wax hardens, you can write down your desire on paper in advance, and then just read it. Exactly at twelve o'clock at night, a pin should be pinned to your clothes - be sure that the wedding is just around the corner.

Many girls, being in a relationship, complain that their boyfriends do not propose marriage. In this case, you can push your loved one with the help of a simple marriage ceremony, which must be carried out on. It is worth saying that such rituals are not a love spell and there will be no negative consequences. Magic will work only if you have faith, as well as sincere feelings.

Christmas ceremony for marriage with paper

This is a very ancient ritual that has great power. You need to spend it in solitude and silence, so that nothing distracts. Take a sheet of paper, write on it the number of the coming year, for example, 2016. After that, looking at this number, start remembering the most joyful moments of your life, which will allow you to tune in to a positive wave and create a favorable field around. After a feeling of happiness appears, you need to concentrate on your goal, that is, on the desire to go down the aisle as soon as possible. The next step in the ritual for Christmas to get married - read the plot:

“Dawns, lightning, you are two sisters - morning and evening dawn. As the evening lightning comes, so all the troubles from me, the servants of God (name), will take away, take them far away and burn them to the ground there. All bad things will go away and will not turn back. As the morning lightning comes, so marriage will bring me, bring joy to the house, and everything will come during this year. May what has been said come true. Amen".

To complete the ceremony at Christmas, to get married, roll a piece of paper with the written year into a tube, and then tie it with a red ribbon. Keep the scroll until the wish becomes a reality. This ritual can also be used by single girls who want to meet their soul mate. Just make another wish.

Christmas ritual for love

There are different rituals, but we will dwell in detail on only one very strong variant. At Christmas, you need to throw away your slippers and go to the store for new ones. It is important to do everything in a good mood. You need to buy two pairs: for yourself and your future lover. Do not save and choose the most beautiful slippers. It is important to pay attention to the color of the shoes, if you want a rich groom, then choose green. Wanting to build passionate ones, you need to opt for red women's and black men's slippers. It is worth turning on the fantasy and imagining that you are making a purchase with a man. After the slippers are in the hands, take them out of the package and put them in your bag so that they fit snugly together. Arriving home, put on your slippers immediately, having crossed the threshold, and put the men's ones so that the heels are directed towards the door, and the socks towards the bed. Then say the following three times:

“Waiting for you, my love! Come quickly to my house!”

Slippers should be kept as a talisman, and then handed over to your beloved man.

This ritual can also be used by girls who are in a relationship and want to strengthen the union. The rite is identical, but here is a different plot:

“Like heaven, water and earth, be with me always!”

When your friends have been married for a long time, and your betrothed has not yet shown up, casual relationships do not bring either an engagement ring or confidence in the future, do not despair! You have a chance to successfully marry! You can entrust your fate to an experienced psychic and very soon hear those very three cherished words: “Be my wife!”.

"And they lived happily ever after!". This phrase is the dream of any unmarried girl. Everyone wants to be a happy wife. You can sit at the open window and wait for the prince under a scarlet sail or on a white horse, or you can take fate into your own hands and turn to a professional for help - clairvoyant Rimma, whose experience and gift helped hundreds of single girls find their betrothed.

- Both girls and young women come to me with a request to help them get married successfully. Someone is hindered by shyness or excessive modesty, but more often the path to a happy family life is blocked by damage imposed by someone on loneliness or a curse, including a generic one. I help to remove the negative impact, for each specific case - for each woman I select my own individual rite. I open the way for marriage so that the man destined for her by fate will come into her life.

New Year - the time of fortune-telling for the fulfillment of desires

- Now the most favorable days for divination and magical rites begin. Including a happy marriage. On New Year's Eve, before Christmas, at Epiphany - boldly decide on fundamental changes in your destiny! Come to me and I will help you find family well-being and restore relationships with your loved one, remove the crown of celibacy, restore self-confidence, feel the joy of motherhood, put individual magical protection on you and create a personal amulet or talisman.

Rites and conspiracies performed during the change of year have special power. It is no coincidence that since ancient times, New Year's, Christmas and Epiphany fortune-telling have been considered the most faithful.

- I can do a lot. Fortune telling on coffee grounds, on Tarot cards, on candles, along the line of the hand, I will tell you what awaits you in the future from the photo, in appearance. I don't ask questions - I tell you myself about your past and future! And you have the power to change your future!

Happiness in every home!

- In Russia there is such a saying: “To get married - do not attack, no matter how married you are not to be lost!”. Unfortunately, family problems are not uncommon these days. Difficulties at work, in business, outside interference when one of the spouses starts an affair on the side ... All this as a result can cool even the most ardent relationship and lead to divorce, smashing the family boat to smithereens.

You need to find the strength and courage in yourself and ask for help before it comes to absolute collapse.

- I clearly define: are there love affairs on the side, betrayal, betrayal, which of the people around creates problems in the family or at work! I will help restore the family, return peace and tranquility to the house, improve relations with your soulmate. I will bring happiness to every home!

The joy of motherhood!

- It happens like this: both husband and wife are absolutely healthy, they dream of a baby, but they cannot conceive a child. Doctors just shrug their shoulders: “Incompatibility. This happens ... ”This diagnosis sounds like a sentence for many couples. But do not despair! I will help to increase your sexual strength at times, which will increase the percentage of the likelihood of a long-awaited pregnancy. It is in my power to conduct a ceremony for the conception of a child. You can even calculate the gender of the baby, guess who will be born to you: a boy or a girl! Remember: on the eve of the upcoming New Year, the magic of words and rituals is stronger than ever!

The coming year of the Fire Rooster will be especially successful both for marriage and for replenishment in the family. Seven, under the sign of which the new year will pass, is a number filled with “family magic”. Therefore, right now it is worth conducting rituals, conspiracies and rituals for Love, Creating a family, Having children.

New Year's ritual for a successful marriage - on the last page!

Rimma: clairvoyant, fortuneteller in the fourth generation!

The gift in the family is passed down through the female line. Rimma, he passed from his grandmother - a strong witch. From her I also learned the secrets of conducting a variety of rituals, creating an individual talisman and a protective amulet. From childhood, Rimma saw how her grandmother treated people with the help of magical rituals, conspiracies, healing herbs, helped those who were suffering to solve problems in their personal lives, in business, in the financial sphere.

- What lies ahead is of interest to many. I determine the source of the problem, I will help get rid of ailments, enemies, ill-wishers. I'll tell you what to watch out for. How to protect yourself and your loved ones in various life situations.

Just one call can change your life!


What I can:

♠ Put a powerful protection against the evil eye and damage, love spells and all kinds of witchcraft. Charge your own individual amulet, create a talisman, a charm for good luck.

When there are a few days left before the new year, the family spends all their free time preparing for the holiday. First, we do a general cleaning, then we decorate the Christmas tree, glue snowflakes on the windows, and buy gifts for loved ones. After that, we cook a lot of goodies, as well as stock up on tangerines and sweets. And now, the long-awaited time has come when the chimes strike 12! From childhood we know that New Year's Eve is full of miracles and magic, and having matured, we continue to believe in it. After all, she really has a powerful energy. If you correctly formulate a desire and carry out simple rituals, then all your plans will come true.

There are many ways to make a wish

How to make a wish

There are many ways in which you can make a wish. But the most important aspect is that you need to formulate your dream correctly. Again, this is the most important. If you ignore the tips below, then instead of what you want, you run the risk of getting what you do not need.

It is important that the wish be written in the present tense, not in the future. For example: “in the new year I want to get married” and the universe will not understand such a formulation. And all year long you will still "want to get married." It will be correct: “in the new 2017, I met a worthy man and married him.” You understand the interpretation.

What not to do

Also, no proverbs, winged expressions and figurative meaning. The wording must be clear and understandable. For example, if you guess: “I’m tired of my work, I want to lie on the couch and do nothing, but get paid for it,” it’s very dangerous to think like that. The universe will take it literally, and it will happen that the person who made this will become an invalid who is forced: “Lie down and do nothing,” and for this receive money - disability benefits. Another example: a person who lives in an apartment will guess: “I want my own house at any cost.” Is it really anyone? It will happen that the parents of this person, God forbid, will die and he will become the heir - the owner of his own house.

You can’t use the words “I will” or “should”, because this is not an order or a promise. The “not” part is also not allowed. It is necessary to think of something from which there will be no harm to other people. If you think of a negative, then it will return to you, but in a multiple size.

After you make a wish, be sure to add a positive ending so as not to harm yourself or others. For example: "Me and my loved ones are healthy, our health is improving."

Ask for more, but not in a commanding tone. Some people write: “I would like to get a job, at least for a low-paid one, at least for some kind, just to work.” And then they are surprised that they receive little money.

Why is the girl alone and how to find a couple in the New Year?

Most girls dream of mutual and strong love. Each of them wants to meet a worthy guy, and then, as in the most beautiful fairy tale, marry him, give birth to healthy children for him, and also live soul to soul with her beloved, until old age. There is nothing wrong with this desire, because giving birth to a child is the main purpose of a woman. But there are times when a girl cannot meet “The One, the One and Only”. There can be many reasons for this. For example: a girl devoted herself entirely to her studies, and then to work, but there was simply no time for relationships. Or there are many fans, but there is no worthy man. Another reason: the girl is very modest and is embarrassed to even talk to the opposite sex, not to mention starting a relationship. And time goes by, and when a girl is about thirty, and she is not married, then this is the biggest problem for her. But do not despair, because there are special ceremonies and rituals with which you can meet your betrothed.

Most girls dream of mutual and strong love.

Ritual "Love Magnet"

This ritual will help a lonely girl meet a man who is sent to her by fate, and will also contribute to a quick, successful marriage. After the ritual, you will, like a magnet, attract your betrothed to you. You can perform the ritual at any time, but if it is performed on New Year's Eve, the ritual will have powerful energy and the meeting with your loved one will happen faster than you think.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual, you must purchase:

  • red envelope;
  • eighteen red paper sheets;
  • pen with black ink.

Before conducting, you need to clear your thoughts with the help of meditation. Also mentally forgive everyone who offended you, and ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended. There should be no place in your heart for resentment, anger and hatred.

How to conduct a ritual

On the red envelope, in large, legible handwriting, write these words: "Love Magnet", turn it over and put your signature on the back of the envelope.

  1. After that, take the first red sheet of paper and imagine your future chosen one, as well as in the smallest details describe his character, bad habits, voice timbre and appearance. You can write about his work and hobbies.
  2. The ritual must be performed strictly for eighteen days in a row. Every day, take a new, clean sheet and write down one positive quality of his character.
  3. Leaves should be placed in an envelope.
  4. Mentally imagine that the betrothed is next to you.
  5. Imagine that he is standing behind you or in the next room. Every day think about him more and more often, imagine his smile and loving look.
  6. If for some reason you missed one or more days out of 18, then burn the envelope and leaflets. Because you will need to buy everything again and start over.
  7. When on the eighteenth day you put in the last, eighteenth sheet, then hide the envelope in the southwestern part of your room.

Now you have a "love magnet". You need to imagine how a “magnet” attracts a soul mate into your life.

It is worth noting that this ritual has been proven over the years and is effective.

The main rule is that you cannot tell anyone at all that you are performing a ritual.

Ritual "Wedding rings"

This action with wedding rings is a New Year's ritual for marriage. After it is held, you can be sure that after 3 months your betrothed will find you.

What is needed for the ritual

To carry out you need to buy:

  • 50 centimeters of red ribbon;
  • red marker;
  • two wedding rings (for you and for your future husband);
  • casket;
  • a picture depicting a pair of swans or doves;
  • white paper A4.

To carry out the conspiracy, you must purchase a red ribbon

How to conduct a ritual

  1. It is necessary to carry out the ritual on the eve of the New Year, according to the local calendar. To do this, on December 31, three hours before the chimes, sit in your room in a position convenient for you.
  2. Turn on slow music. Take a piece of paper and a marker.
  3. In the form of a list, start listing the character traits of the betrothed, appearance, hobbies, bad habits. And also describe your desire, about marriage. But only formulate the desire correctly, as was said in the paragraph “how to make a wish correctly”.
  4. Tie the wedding rings tightly with a ribbon and say: "My soul mate, I'm waiting for you."
  5. Then roll the list into a tube, and put a photo of birds inside. Tie the resulting bundle with a ribbon with rings.

Put the bundle in a box, and hide the box in a safe place in your room. It is important that no one except you see the box.

Conspiracy to marry a daughter

“How many bees flew and collected honey,

So much for the servant of God (daughter's name)

fly through this house.

And do not know fatigue.

clean up, sweep up,

The house is well maintained.

How bees work

So the husband of God's servant (daughter's name) works.

So that there is plenty of money in the house.

So that the servant of God (daughter's name) is deeply loved.

Like sweet honey

So that family life is sweet,

At the servant of God (daughter's name).

Sweet and smooth.

Drink honey.

And be happy!

My word is strong.

Don't cut it with a knife.

Don't cut it with an axe.

As I said, so be it.

After that, sit down to drink tea with your daughter. The more honey the girl eats, the better. Add honey to your daughter's tea and spread on bread. Rest assured, the daughter will get married soon, and her family life will go well.

Conspiracy to find a rich groom

“Fathers are matchmakers, don’t walk sideways,

Walk in a hurry.

Come to my house

Invite grooms to me.

How millet is pecked by birds,

So to me, servant of God (name),

Matchmakers - fathers will come.

The key to my thoughts, the lock to my words.

For centuries, for all time.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

After you have read the plot, pour out the millet at the crossroads and go home without turning around. You can't talk to anyone along the way.

Ritual to meet your spouse

This ritual is completely safe. It is allowed to be held at any time of the year. As already mentioned, the rituals performed on the eve of the new year become even more powerful. If there is little snow for the new year and you manage to find a stone on the road for the ritual, then this will be a big plus. After it is held, you will meet the guy who is destined for you by fate. The rite has been tested by time, and it really helps.

How to conduct a ceremony

To perform the ritual, you need to find a pebble on the road that fits in your palm. It needs to be taken home and washed under running water exactly seven times. And then you need to read the magic words:

“There was a simple stone, lying by the road and collecting dust.

And now the stone will become clean and will help the one whose hands washed it.

Till the end of time. Amen".

To perform the ritual, you need to find a pebble on the road that will fit in your palm

After that, dry the pebble and heat it on the stove to make it warm. Then put the stone in the palm of your hand and go around your own house three times. You need to walk clockwise. After that, go east. When an oak, ash or birch appears on your way, then stand near the tree and whisper a strong conspiracy:

“I will become a servant of God (name),

I'll go from doors to doors, from gates to gates

To the east, to the east,

To a tree strong and reliable, old and wise,

I will put a stone under the tree, the stone is solid and clean,

And as long as the stone lies under the tree,

So I do not know grief and loneliness.

How will a week pass from this day,

Meet me, the servant of God (name), my love,

Yes, not the one that passes - leaves, floats past on the water,

And the one that is for the whole life to come.

And my word will be stronger than this stone,

And as it is said, so it will come true.

My plot is strong, like a stone - alatyr.

After that, the stone must be left under the tree and go around clockwise 3 times. Next, head home. When you get home, drink one glass of water in three sips. Then read "Our Father" It is necessary to read nine times. The ritual is very powerful. You will meet your betrothed very quickly.

Conspiracy and ritual to meet a future husband

Before leaving their house, put your clean and polished pair of shoes on the table. If it's winter, then let it be boots with heels, and if it's summer, then shoes or sandals. It is important that the shoes are clean and feminine. Flat shoes, sneakers and sneakers are not suitable for the ritual. As you put your shoes on, then immediately sit down and read the magic words:

“Here I go out of the house, there are five roads in front of me,

on one road - a hundred people, they are all not mine.

On the second road there are 50 people, all of them are not mine.

On the third road - 20 costs, and again I will not go to them.

On the fourth road, only 5 are waiting for me, but they all can't wait. And on the fifth road - the only one, my beloved and betrothed. As I approach him, hug him, love him, so I will return to the house with him to live - to live, to love - to kiss, to give birth to children. Give me, Lord, to meet him, the father, my unborn child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This article is a real find for those girls who dream of getting married, but there is no chosen one yet or there is, but he is in no hurry to make a marriage proposal. This article describes the technique of making wishes, as well as the rituals for marriage are described in detail. It is worth noting that the most effective methods tested over the years are collected here.

In order for the dream to come true, you need to strictly follow the recommendations, do one of the rituals, and believe that the dream will come true soon. You'll see, that's how it will be. If the first time it did not work out, then do not despair, but do the ceremony again. Good luck to you!

Love spell to get a loved one to marry and propose. A good plot to create a family

Marry me, God's servant (name)

In husbands (here name two names for whom you would like to marry)

If your husband likes to walk away from you or you have doubts about his fidelity, develop them with the help of magic. Every time a loved one leaves the house, tell him a whisper about her husband's fidelity that will allow him to speak of betrayal: Go where you went, you will return anyway. From me you go like a gelding, In my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so be it. Amen.

Today I will tell you about some of the strongest droughts that can be used without harm to both of you. Prisukhi (prisushki - whispers of love) about which we will tell the Magin have been tested by me more than once and have always allowed me to quickly dry a guy or an unmarried man to me. Only here is a proven whisper - dry on a beloved man or a guy you like will allow you to dry

A good way to bring a loved one home after a quarrel and awaken a feeling of love in him will help this strong conspiracy - a prayer for return. This conspiracy is also customary to read if your husband left you, or the guy left you. I read this conspiracy several times - a prayer for the return of love and feelings from a young man who left me while studying at the institute and always

This is the most powerful love spell to remove which is impossible and it is done in a cemetery and is called a black wedding love spell. Having decided to perform a black magic rite for love and read a love spell in a cemetery, you know that you forever bewitch a person to yourself. This should be done only if you yourself are ready to live the rest of your life with him and accept him with all his

This conspiracy to meet your love and meet your betrothed will help speed up the meeting with your future husband. This is a rite of white magic and is completely safe, it will only help you speed up the time of meeting with your soul mate, and it’s up to you two to get married right away or wait a little. This rite - a love spell to meet true love has already helped my friend meet a guy and

Magini has a black conspiracy for longing, after reading which you can quickly bring longing about yourself to any person. The conspiracy will make a person bored and longing and could not fall asleep until he calls or writes. In general, to make a person, with the help of a conspiracy of black magic, remember himself and yearn for having lost all peace until he is the first to get in touch with you. This strong and

New Year's rites in Russia and love conspiracies that need to be read in the new year are the most popular New Year's Eve rituals that are used by both old and young. Today Maginey has collected a complete and most interesting selection of conspiracies of rituals and rites for love that need to be done on New Year's Eve, namely on New Year's Eve. There is a belief that if for the new year on your own

Spell to get married

Many young girls wish to get married successfully. This desire is quite understandable, because every woman is created for the birth of children, household and marriage. This is its essence and natural purpose.

But it happens that time passes, and the family does not form. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a rite of conspiracy for marriage. The rituals are not at all complicated, the main thing is to carefully consider the very choice of the conspiracy.

It is necessary that the conspiracy to marry be positive. His goal is family happiness for each of the fair sex and the appearance of a daughter and son. But remember, in no case should you pronounce a conspiracy with the exact name of the one you want to marry. So you risk dooming your future life to an unhappy marriage. During the conspiracy, focus on the girl herself so that she becomes desirable and attractive to the groom. Even if you are currently dating the guy you plan to marry in the future, don't mention his name.

What should you pay attention to?

A conspiracy to quickly marry is a rite of white magic, but if a girl wants to get married and take her beloved man away from an existing family, this will be a rite of black magic and it will lead to divorce. Such a marriage will not bring happiness to the girl, since the man obtained through a conspiracy will still strive with all his heart to return to his former life in his real family, and the new wife will cause one irritation.

Forcing someone to make him love you against his will and come to a divorce is impossible, and those who have repeatedly tried to do this have remained unhappy.

Of course, you can conjure fate, but only to attract a loved one, the one who is destined to become your husband. Before performing the ceremony, fast for three days. These days, eat only bread and water. Perform the ceremony on the growing moon in the first week after the full moon at a pink dawn.

Cover the table with a new white tablecloth, then place a lit candle and a cup of honey water on top. It is necessary to read a conspiracy to marry smoothly, without stopping for a moment. You should wait for the candle to burn out and go out on its own. After that, you should wash yourself with charmed water and apply this water to all the doors of the house.

The people associated the marriage of daughters with the fertility of Mother Earth and with the cycle of agricultural work. Songs were composed about imminent marriage, and the growth of plants symbolized the speedy achievement of the desired. If you want to successfully marry your loved one and feel the joys of motherhood, you will need to use dill and parsley seeds.

It is necessary to sow a bed with them on the growing moon and at the same time read the plot.

When performing such a ceremony, let your hair down, put on a skirt or dress, but take off your underwear. When the herbs you have planted grow, eat them and treat your loved one, the one you would like to marry soon.

From time immemorial, many daughters of Eve honor Holy Paraskeva Friday. They went to church on Paraskeva Pyatnitsa to pray to her for an early marriage.

Paraskeva Pyatnitsa had her own prayer for a speedy marriage.

On the day of Paraskeva Friday, stay at three weddings in the church from beginning to end, put a handkerchief in your bosom. Say your name and the name of the betrothed when the priest pronounces the words: "The servant of God (name) is getting married to the servant of God (name)." After that, wipe the shoes of the future groom with a handkerchief and put it in a container with apples. This burden should be put on the memorial table for the repose and read the plot for a successful marriage.

Within three months, wait for the performance of the ritual.

If you want to get married as soon as possible, on Maundy Thursday or Christmas, rise as high as possible from the ground and before sunrise, read at the top of your voice: “Guys, guys, look at me and love me!”

Another conspiracy for an early marriage on Christmas can be done as follows. Stand with your feet on the threshold so that your face is facing into the room. After that, rest your hands on the door frame and read the plot three times.

By carrying out a conspiracy, you unconsciously influence the psychological state of a man, which can lead to the fact that the psyche is disturbed. At first, it is almost impossible to notice, but in the future, a loved one will change even more.

Witchcraft greatly affects the male mind, contributing to the formation of holes. The only thing that fills these gaps is family and thoughts about you. This turn of events greatly affects the mind of a man, disrupting the natural processes of the body.

After the spoken conspiracy, a man may begin to experience inexplicable aggression towards you, drink alcohol and drugs, and get carried away with gambling. Therefore, a conspiracy to marry a certain man cannot give you a guarantee for a happy family life, but it is quite capable of leading to an early divorce.

Spell to get married

Every girl dreams of creating a strong, reliable family, but marriage does not bring long-awaited happiness to everyone. Sometimes we have to look for a soul mate for half our lives, and then wait for a marriage proposal. Since ancient times, marriage conspiracies have been considered an effective way to attract the attention of the opposite sex and push them to take a decisive step.

In order for prayers to give the desired result as quickly as possible, a number of rules must be observed:

How to get married successfully: conspiracies and prayers

There are many ancient rites with which it is easy to influence a person’s decision to marry, how effective they are is up to you. Below are some of the more interesting ones.

On a silver ring

You need to read the marriage conspiracy in the kitchen on a dark night, when the moon is not visible in the sky. In preparation for prayer, light a candle, put a silver ring in an opaque glass and fill it with water. After crossing yourself three times, say out loud:

“I throw the ring into the water, I whisper the cherished word: the servant of God (Name), on me, the servant of God (Name), marry, but do not hesitate! As she said, so be it. Amen"

At the end, pour some water on the top of your head and put the ring on the ring finger of your right hand.

A simple conspiracy on a broom

For girls who want to attract to the house not one, but several applicants for a hand and heart, we recommend using such a conspiracy. On the night of the full moon, sweep the floor with a new, unused broom, collect the garbage with a yellow scoop in a cloth bag. When sweeping, do not forget to pronounce the words:

“I drive the good fellows to my house. Not idlers, not greedy, not thieves. Hurry, come, my grooms. From their own or even other people's yards. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The collected rubbish should be hidden in a dark and distant corner, and at least once a day, the Our Father prayer should be read over it.

A conspiracy uttered at the Baptism of the Lord, on Easter or on Kupala Night has special power. Here are some examples of prayers.

on wheat

When going to church for Easter, a young unmarried girl should take a handful of grain (preferably wheat) with her and hide it in her bosom. Returning home, do not talk to anyone, but scatter wheat at the threshold with the words: “How many in the temple I saw burning lights, so many, God grant me, suitors. How much wheat was in a handful, let so many dear ones knock on my house. Amen".

Prayer for Baptism

In the afternoon, January 19, the girl braids her braid, tying it with a scarlet ribbon. Before going to bed, you need to loosen your hair, burn the ribbon, and bury the ashes, saying the words of the prayer:

I light a candle, I throw a girl’s ribbon into the fire, I order the servant of God (name) to marry the servant of God (name), to call her my dear wife. Forever and ever. Amen.

After the wedding

If you witnessed the wedding of a young happy couple, this can help you get married as soon as possible. To do this, say a prayer:

“Just as these newlyweds got married in the church, they exchanged gold rings before the Lord, so I, God’s servant (name), will soon get married with God’s servant (name) and exchange gold rings. Amen"

What can not be done so as not to bring the "crown of celibacy"?

Sometimes, trying to help yourself or your girlfriends in an effort to speed up marriage, there is a chance of attracting misfortune. Therefore, when conspiring for a successful marriage, remember the rules that should not be violated:

  1. It is impossible to carry out conspiracies on people who are married. After all, it is known that “you cannot build happiness on someone else’s misfortune”;
  2. After the ceremony, it is not recommended to talk to anyone;
  3. You should not read the marriage conspiracy as an experiment, remember that every spoken word has great power and should only be used for serious intentions;
  4. Do not use church candles when reading a plot to get married.

But, the most important thing in any ritual is faith, because the more you believe, the more likely it is that prayers will be heard and efforts will be effective.

conspiracy for marriage

These two strong love spells to get married - for a quick and successful marriage with a loved one that you need to read on your own top the list of rituals of the Russian people for an early marriage and help to meet the groom in a very short time. You want to get married but you haven’t met someone with whom you would like to connect your life or there is such a person, but for some reason this guy or man doesn’t make a marriage proposal and doesn’t offer you to become his wife - it doesn’t matter, a marriage conspiracy will help you get married very fast. To conduct a love spell on your own, buy a new broom on Wednesday or Friday, do not take change when buying. On the way home, rejoice in the purchase and think about how your new folding broom is, okay, how great it will be for you to sweep the house and put things in order. Wait for the new moon, and sweep the entire yard with this broom (or the entrance if you live in an apartment building), while all the dust must be collected in a scoop.

In the meantime, you will revenge the rubbish, sentence this old and very strong conspiracy for a successful marriage, which will come very quickly:

Not lazy, not misers, not thieves.

Come to me, grooms.

From their own and other people's yards.

Stone. Scissors. Paper.

The best time to get married is, of course, the golden autumn, but preparations for the wedding must begin in advance. If you want to get married successfully, do not waste time in vain and quickly proceed to a love spell that helps you get married and gain the status of marriage in a very short time - by autumn. To do this, you need to plant flower seedlings near your home. Landing should be done on a full moon, early in the morning, while everyone is still sleeping. While you are planting, say the words of the marriage conspiracy:

I will look at the blue sky, I will look at the red sun.

So would my fiance smile at me, hurry up with me to the crown.

As my flowers bloom, so suitors will come to me.

A conspiracy for money will help attract a lot of money into your life. In magical rituals, every detail is of great importance, and in money magic to gain wealth in order to attract money into your life, it is very important to use only yellow and red colors when reading a special conspiracy for money. This color symbolism came from ancient times, when gold and copper had

A love spell on an apple as a strong way to bewitch a girl or a guy love spell for love made on an apple. Before starting the spell

Protection and removal of the evil eye and damage on your own, how to make protection from the evil eye and damage at home, how to remove the evil eye and damage on your own. The curses and envy of people induce the evil eye and damage from which you need to be able to defend yourself precisely for this, and protection from the evil eye and damage is done, but we will tell you how to do it today. In our time of envious people

SPELLS FOR A MEETING WITH THE RIGHT PERSON This conspiracy acts on a quick meeting with the right person who avoids meetings and calls, but it is very necessary to meet him. You can use a defiant plot at any time of the day or night. The best thing about a conspiracy to meet is that you can do it yourself and there is no need to use the services of hereditary magicians

LAPEL FROM AN RIVAL HOW TO MAKE A LAPEL INDEPENDENTLY To remove a love spell, you need to make a lapel from a rival. If you have bewitched your beloved boyfriend or even worse your husband and the family is collapsing, you urgently need to turn away from your rival. Love spells and conspiracies will tell everyone how to conduct a lapel ritual on their own, but keep in mind that the magical ritual below

LOVE AT A DISTANCE WITHOUT A PHOTO We will teach you how to bewitch a man whom you love, but he does not want to marry, and a strong love spell at a distance without a photo that you will do on your own will help in this. The magic of love will help to bewitch a loved one, and he will not even know about it, but his feelings for you will wake up and will increase every day. This old love

HOW TO REMOVE A SPELL With a love spell cast on a person in our time, you will not surprise anyone, but how to remove a love spell from a loved one and save relationships and family. The best way to save a husband or son from a love spell cast on him is not to tell him to make a lapel, since the presence of the bewitched is not necessary, so removing the love spell on your own is not difficult.

OLD MONEY-ATTRACTING CONSPIRACY TO ALWAYS HAVE MONEY Which of the people does not want him to always have money and never run out. Money magic reveals the secrets of getting rich quick only to the elite, but you can also try your hand by performing this ancient rite and reading the oldest money-attracting conspiracy that exists in our time. If you

A conspiracy for money and wealth so that money always flows, a ritual for increasing and attracting money into your life Strong and quick conspiracies for money and wealth that help to attract and increase the financial condition of the one who performed this magical ancient ritual that attracts money has long been hidden from ordinary people. Ancient magicians knew how to attract money

Conspiracies to make peace with a loved one friend or girlfriend This very old conspiracy to reconcile was used by court magicians to restore peace and friendship after a quarrel between the rulers and helped to reconcile entire states during the war. Times are changing, but conspiracies and love spells that help make peace after a quarrel are still popular and successful.

LOVE ON CANDLES, HOW TO DO A LOVE ON CANDLES OWN Those who did a love spell on candles on their own know about its consequences, which come very soon. Of course, the most powerful love spell made on candles is considered to be a black love spell on a candle, but the one that is made independently in front of the holy icon will be no less effective, it is white

plot to marry read on a loved one

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A conspiracy to marry is done at moonless midnight in the kitchen. It is necessary to pour water into a bowl, light a non-church white candle nearby, throw your ring into the water, cross yourself three times and pronounce a conspiracy. After that, stand in the middle of the kitchen, pour yourself water from the bowl on the top of your head, put the ring on the ring finger of your right hand and go to sleep.

"I throw the ring into the water, I whisper the cherished word: the servant of God (name), on me, the servant of God (name), marry, but do not hesitate! As I said, so everything will be. Amen."

A conspiracy to marry is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conspiracies. On the table you need to put a photo of a loved one or any of his little things.

Father Peter, Mother Fevronia of Murom, as you were not alone, lived together all your life, so I, the servant of God (name), would not live alone, but with a dear spouse, a servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done on the evening of the week before Epiphany (January 19). During the day, you need to braid the braid, weaving a red ribbon into it. In the evening, undo your hair, remove the ribbon, burn it in a special bowl, while speaking, and bury the ashes under a tree in the yard. I light a candle, I throw a girl’s ribbon into the fire, I order the servant of God (name) to marry the servant of God (name), to call her my dear wife. Forever and ever. Amen.

Read special conspiracy words over millet, which then pour out at the crossroads. The conspiracy is as follows:

Fathers, matchmakers, do not walk sideways,

Go to my house

Gather suitors to me.

Like millet, God's birds will peck,

So to me, God's servant (name),

Key to my speeches, lock to my words

For now, for centuries

For all good times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy for quick marriage

Buy a new broom on Wednesday or Friday. When paying with the seller, do not take change. Bring the broom home. On the way, think about what your new folding broom is, okay, how great it will be for you to sweep the house with it, putting things in order. When the new moon comes, with this broom you need to sweep all the rubbish in the yard (or at the entrance), while all the dust must be collected in a yellow scoop. It can be plastic or wood painted yellow. While you are taking revenge, say:

I drive the good fellows to my house. Not lazy, not misers, not thieves. Come to me, grooms. From their own and other people's yards. Stone. Scissors. Paper. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This spell must be recited an odd number of times. The cleaner you sweep the yard (entrance), the more suitors you will have. When you have collected all the rubbish, take it to your home, carefully pour it into a small canvas bag, put it in a far corner and keep it there until the new moon. Be sure to read over it nine times "Our Father". Wait for the suitors soon, they will appear, and you will choose from them. And as soon as possible, take the rubbish away from the house and bury it in a hole so that no one can see.

If a girl has crossed the age when they get married without receiving a single offer, on the last Friday of the month you should walk through the field where burdock grows, saying:

"As the burdock clings to the underground, so the suitors would cling to me, fall in love with me and not lag behind, they called me to marry. Amen."

You have to go into the field alone, without girlfriends.

After a walk at home, they collect thorns from the dress, tie them in a rag with menstrual blood and store them somewhere far away so that no one sees until the girl gets married.

After the wedding, about three days later, you need to wash the rag and take the burdock to the field where it used to grow.

To do this, you need to go to the crossroads in the dead of midnight, throw thirteen kopecks there,

cross yourself and say three times:

Lord God, bless.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

There is a dead field

Grief lives in that field.

It lives in the field, is doing well, does not know loneliness.

I speak myself (name),

To never be alone,

Don't suffer alone.

Go, my loneliness, to the field,

There, where evil grief lives,

There you live, there you visit,

And leave me (name) forever.

Key to my words, lock to my deeds.

For now, forever, forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take her and your photo and write these words on each:

Be always mine

Be always with me

Let's live in marriage

Live and not grieve"

Put the photo facing each other, tie it with a red ribbon or thread crosswise, tie 9 knots and read the same plot for each knot.

Put these photos in a secluded place, and when you play a wedding, then in the first 9 days after the wedding, cut these knots and say:

After that, these photos will need to be burned on a candle and while they are burning, say the same words.

If a woman cannot marry

If your girlfriends have long been married and have children, and you "stay too long in the girls," then you need to hem someone's wedding dress, but a new one.

After that, you will definitely get married soon.

It's also nice to have a pin from the bride after the wedding. This will not harm the bride, and will help you get married faster.

It is very good to wash the shoes of the bride, this is also for an imminent marriage.

Take two unsewn needles, say on one:

"Well done merchant, bring me a wedding crown.

How they call you, the matchmakers know about it.

And for me, a young woman, a ring on my hand, and bread and salt on the table "

Say the second needle like this:

"I am a beautiful girl, blush and pretty.

She played with a spindle, called the groom.

Goy, well done, al boyar, al merchant, al visiting fellow.

come in for bread and salt."

Stick the needles in a cross into a loaf sprinkled with salt, and put in the canopy on the threshold until the morning. Do on the "red hill". Bread

pick it up in the morning and put it in the upper room on the highest place, let it lie there for a year.

Even an ugly woman will certainly get married if you speak foamy beer or mash and pour it on a pedestrian crossroads.

"How men love to drink beer and praise,

So the servant of God (name) would be loved and praised.

How many roosters are on this beer,

So many servants of God (name) suitors.

And how people trampled this road,

So it would have been for the slave of grooms a lot.

On Paraskeva Friday - November 10, get up at 5 in the morning, do not wash, do not comb their hair, do not eat, do not talk to anyone. Kneeling, barefoot, read 3 times.

Friday is mine, I am your sister.

Plant a bindweed - bindweed, so that that bindweed twisted, wriggled.

Before me creeping, I would have grabbed.

He did not part with me.

Like your loach, Pyatnitsa Paraskeva.

Without a zhordochka, without a support, he could not even live.

My words cannot be interrupted by anyone, cannot be washed away with holy water.

In the bathhouse, do not overwhelm with a broom, the masters would not whisper.

My word is strong, my deed is tenacious.

Chah would be exhausted about me, God's servant (name), slave (name). Amen"

"To please you, help me to please yourself"

When the service read the words

Glory to you, Glory.

Gotta say it

- "Eternal Glory to the Lord. Glory to the Virgin Mary,

and I would use the Slave (name), the groom (the name of the bewitched).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

In the morning, before dawn, fill the container. Place it in the middle of the room. Light three white candles, cover your head with a white handkerchief. Read on the water, periodically blowing on it: "Blessed Mother Theotokos, cover my head with a red kokoshnik - a golden slap. Amen."

Drink half a glass at once, half a glass in the evening before going to bed. Sprinkle your bed with hexed water.

A very strong conspiracy to cover.

October 14. You need to go out onto the balcony, raise your hands to the sky and say: "Bride Bride Queen of Heaven, take me out of the brides, take off the heavy cross from me, bless me for the crown. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Basically, rituals are given mostly for women. I want to give a ritual for a man.

To quickly find a future wife, perform such a ritual on the waning moon. Stand at the crossroads (on foot so that there are no people on it at that moment, it is better to do it late in the evening) and, turning alternately in each direction of the world, starting from the west side clockwise, imagine that you are shooting from a bow, while saying: "You fly, my tempered arrow, to the girl's tower, you lead my frisky legs to the one that is marked by fate, married to me by heaven."

After that, pour a bottle of red wine at the crossroads with the words: "I could keep it for myself, but I give it to you. You have hops and sweetness, my wife is in harmony and joy. So be it!"

After that, leave the intersection without looking back, and don't talk to anyone along the way.

To do on the growing moon at dawn. Put on white clothes (you can at least a blouse, but without any pattern). If your hair is long, braid it. Wash yourself with silent water, go to the street where two roads converge into one, stop there and say:

"Zorenka-dawn, my sister,

covered in white clouds,

shrouded in red sun

blown by warm winds,

washed with rain water.

So am I, servant of God (name),

I'll go down the aisle

hand in hand with the bright falcon,

with my chosen one (name).

Like two roads converge into one

so two hearts will beat together.

My words are fenced with a stone fence,

iron skies, deep seas.

Keys on a pine, pine on a mountain,

Then walk along this road at least a few steps, do not take off your clothes until night, do not unravel your braid until morning.

Silent water is called water, which is taken in secret from prying eyes silently. If you cannot get water from a spring or a well, then use tap water. Keep water in a closed container.

It is made only for kvass. Get the person drunk with spoken kvass.

East to west, north to south.

Turn the servant of God (name) to the altar.

You tamed the evil snake in the cave

So tame the heart of the servant of God (name).

So that he grabs his heart,

The hands of the servant of God (name) sought,

Pulled her to the altar to get married

From this time, from my order.

My word is strong.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Love spell to get your loved one married

This is a valid spell, you can only do it once. A love spell guarantees that your loved one will not only love you back, but also make him marry you.

To implement this love spell, you will need: Two pieces of linen cloth, a wax candle, 3 of your hair, 3 of your loved one's hair, a fresh apple, a lovage sprig with leaves.

On small shreds of linen fabric, you need to write your name and the name of your beloved man, soak the shreds with names on both sides with wax from a melted candle. You can just drip wax on the fabric. After, connect the patches with written names facing each other, putting your hair and his hair between the patches, and roll the patches into a roll. Pour the roll again with wax, wrap it in a lovage leaf on top. Then, take a fresh apple and put a bundle into its core (do not cut the apple with a knife! The apple must be whole). After, bury the apple under the largest and most lush tree.

The only drawback of this love spell is that it can only be done in the summer.

You will need two dolls dressed as newlyweds. Write the names of the man and woman who are to be married on the backs of the dolls. Write their names on a long white ribbon as well. Tie three knots on the ribbon, as you call on the help of the Holy Trinity. Then use this ribbon to tie both dolls face to face at the waist. Make a herbal tea with valerian and cinnamon, add some frankincense and a few drops of myrrh oil. Dip the dolls in the liquid with the words:

– Three times for the Holy Virgin, three times for our Father.

Dry the dolls and put them in a shoe box. Spray them with holy water. Wash the magnet in holy water with honey and put it in a box with the dolls. Put a long shoot of a vine or hops there. Keep the box in a hidden place.

This conspiracy is read if your loved one is in no hurry to marry you. On Friday morning, buy two wedding candles in the church. Bring them home. Tie them with red thread and put them on a saucer. Light candles from one match. Read the plot:

- All the saints take the slave (the name of the beloved) by the hands, lead to the altar. At the crown of the slave (your name) stands looking at the saints. Lord, King of Heaven, crown your slave (the name of the beloved) with the slave (your name) for all eternity, do not separate until death. Amen.

Let the candles burn out.

On a piece of paper, write the name of the person you want to marry. Say a spell:

- On a thorny bush in green foliage, a dove with a dove sits, not like a guy with a girl, but like a young husband with a lawful wife, they sit cooing, having mercy on each other. And let me and the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) get married, we would all coo, together for centuries. Stone, tongue, castle. My word is strong. Amen.

Prick a leaf with a name on a hawthorn thorn. Top the spike with wax or sealing wax, or seal it with a piece of bread crumb, saying: I am sealing, no one can remove it, neither man, nor beast, nor bird, but only me!

In the spring, when sap is collected from birches, go to the forest, collect some birch sap in a jar, speak it and drink it:

- I milk a birch cow, I slander for birch milk. Birch, milk, share the milk, according to that milk to me, the servant of God (name), so that the groom flows smart-wise, noble-rich, single-unmarried. And I, a beautiful girl, a servant of God (name), would be waiting for him, trying on a wedding crown. Forever and ever and ever. Amen.

Any of these stones are programmed to achieve a specific goal in a relationship, that is, marriage. You can program ritually, you can energetically.

You buy men's slippers of the desired size and quality. You need to understand: if you buy checkered slippers on the market, you will attract the corresponding man into your life. If you buy branded, fashionable slippers, you will attract such a man.

You bring slippers home, put them in the hallway with their noses inside the apartment, saying: “My betrothed, mummers, without bad habits, come!” You can pronounce your text by putting into it the most important thing that you want to see in your man.

Do not give these slippers to guests! And - relax, enjoy life without worrying about the result.

My light, scarlet dawn,

My request to you is a big one.

Rite and bring me a young man for a crown.

Lead his soul, lead his heart, lead his eyes.

Put us with him under the image.

Let him appreciate and love me so much

And will never forget forever and ever.

Be you my words

Strong, sculpting, heavy,

Like sea stones, dry sands,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Buy a new wooden framed mirror.

Go to the full moon with this mirror to the crossroads. Stand so that if you look at yourself in the mirror, then in the mirror you would see the full moon over your right shoulder.

Looking in the mirror at the moon, say this:

There is a dark stormy river in the city of Amatael,

That turbulent dark river has yellow banks.

To this stormy river all the waters,

All streams flow

They grow together with a stormy river, merge.

So, as to that river,

Men flocked to me

They grew together with my house, with my yard and body,

To me, slave (name),

Forever and ever stuck.

Not a single stream leaves the turbulent dark river.

So would never from me

Slaves (name), the men did not leave,

And how my legs are strong and tight

To be just as tight and strong

The suitors came to me as a slave (name).

Mother Moon, as I look at you in the mirror,

So that the grooms would look and admire me.

Looked did not look enough

Looked not seen enough.

Under the crown next to put and one never

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

If a girl wants to attract new love into her life and find the perfect partner.

Then she can carry out a love spell "love knot".

In order to tie a love knot, she will need: a pink church candle, a willow branch, a ribbon (one red and one white and one green), a toothpick and a strip of paper.

Imagine your ideal man and give him the name you like. On the candle (using a toothpick) write the name you have given your imaginary ideal, and on the paper strip write your name. Weave a paper strip with multi-colored ribbons and place around the candle.

Light a candle, and, watching how the name of your ideal melts, imagine it next to you. Next, attach each end of the ribbon to a willow branch with melted wax and place this branch under your bed at night.

The next day, take out the willow ribbons and untwist them to release the spell and bring new love into your destiny.

The most important thing in this love spell is your imagination and desire. How you imagine your new lover, so he will be.

I recommended this ritual to my clients, friends - everyone found their soul mate. The only point is that you must really want to find love - the "test" ritual will not work for you.

Rainwater or snow can be collected in advance, on any day, but the ritual itself should be done strictly on Friday during the moon's arrival (if you collect water in advance, you can put it in the refrigerator for safety).

Wait for rain or snow, put something (a cup, a glass) in the rain so that water drips from above.

Afterwards, bring a vessel of water into the house.

If you collected snow in this way, then give it time to melt.

On Friday, during the waxing of the moon (it is advisable to choose a Friday between the 2nd and 14th lunar day - not to be confused with the solar calendar) Splash a few drops of water on each corner of your bed. Take the rest of the water in the vessel and sit with it in the center of the bed. Say 3 times:

"I ask You through this fresh, sweet rain to give me a loved one who will ease my pain of loneliness."

Leave the cup of water open so that the water can evaporate freely until it evaporates completely.

It is forbidden to check every hour whether it has evaporated or not. We must forget and stop thinking about all this.

Put the cup on a high place in the house (so that it does not catch the eye).

After - it is desirable to sleep. You can do the ritual at any time of the day. The main thing is then sleep.

Welcome to my website!

I am the Witch, Clairvoyant, Psychic. Area of ​​specialization - white and black magic. I have psychic abilities, I can act at a distance and, thereby, influence the situation.

I am very pleased to welcome you to my personal website.

Where I will try my best to help you: provide the necessary information and provide all the necessary assistance!

My services are paid, because every work must be paid, and every service must be bought. If you need my help, then get ready for the fact that I will conduct a diagnosis that will determine the extent of the problem and the possibility of solving it. My practice consists in rituals, some of which have become author's methods. When developing my personal rituals, I carefully study and test them, based on ancient scriptures.

My author's methods are the strongest conspiracies and rituals that will help everyone get rid of ailments, become closer with loved ones, and also help in family matters. If you need my help, please let me know.

I know for sure that there are no hopeless situations! Help on the same day!

All material is for informational purposes only provided by our visitors! The administration does not check phone numbers and email addresses, be careful not to fall for the bait of scammers.

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