Children's sanatoriums for the treatment of psoriasis. How long does the course of treatment last? Treatment of psoriasis in sanatoriums in Belarus.

Psoriasis is a non-infectious chronic illness skin, clinically manifested by red scaly spots with itching in the affected area. In other words, it’s lichen. Despite the fact that the disease is complex and insidious, it is not contagious. There are drug treatments, but such therapy helps temporarily, since psoriasis is this moment is considered an incurable disease. In order to get rid of it for a long time, you can undergo treatment for psoriasis in sanatoriums in Russia.

Many years of medical experience have shown that sanatoriums achieve the best results in the fight against this type of lichen. Each sanatorium institution offers its own programs to increase the duration of remission, its own methods of influence.

Symptoms and causes of psoriasis

Typically, the disease makes itself felt between the ages of 20 and 30; the exact causes of its occurrence have not yet been established. It is known that:

  • the disease can be inherited;
  • one of its causes is the abnormal intensity of skin cell division, and this leads to the formation of plaques and peeling;
  • psoriasis can be caused by severe anxiety and stress;
  • the disease manifests itself due to weak immunity after a serious illness.

The formation of psoriasis is accompanied by mental problems. A person begins to feel dissatisfied with himself, he tends to isolate himself, and his self-esteem drops. To avoid this, you need to consult a doctor and take action at the first signs of the disease.

Psoriasis manifests itself as follows:

  • red spots or plaques with a dry white or silvery surface;
  • peeling, deformed nails;
  • dandruff;
  • cracks and blisters on the skin, most often on the feet and palms.

Contraindications for mud therapy in Russian sanatoriums

Before performing mud therapy, you need to undergo a series of tests and examinations, and visit highly specialized doctors.

Before going to the sanatorium, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • Pronounced inflammation of the skin.
  • Infectious skin diseases.
  • Psoriasis in the acute phase (mud therapy can lead to the development of the disease).
  • Individual intolerance.

Mineral lakes of Russia

Water and mud therapy has been practiced in medicine since ancient times. Everyone knows about the healing power Dead Sea, same miraculous properties Salt lakes located on the territory of Russia also have.

Lake waters contain unique microelements that act as an antiseptic and have a number of beneficial properties. Together with ultraviolet radiation, brine and silt mud, lake water helps get rid of the manifestations of psoriasis. However, it is worth remembering that the trip should only be planned during remission.

Treatment of psoriasis in Crimea

First of all, if you notice the first signs of psoriasis, you should immediately visit a doctor, he will prescribe drug treatment, which will help overcome external manifestations. After the first positive result is achieved, it is possible to extend the remission for long time. To do this, you can visit the city of Saki, where popular sanatorium complexes are located. The institutions are located on the shores of Lake Saki.

Almost all patients observe positive results after balneological procedures practiced in Saki sanatoriums. The therapeutic effect is achieved through the use of local mud, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It saturates the body with useful substances, warms the skin, and improves blood circulation in it.

Treatment of psoriasis with mud helps relieve itching and flaking on the affected areas of the skin, normalizes cell division, and also supports the entire body in the fight against the disease. In 99% of cases, spa treatment relieves the symptoms of psoriasis for a long time, and side effects does not cause, as may be the case with drug intervention.

Therapy for psoriasis includes:

  • wrapping with silt mud for 10 minutes every other day;
  • gas mud (for certain indications);
  • brine baths alternating with mud wraps. Procedures are prescribed every other day. To improve the effect, add clary sage extract;
  • swimming in the mineral pool;
  • sand, sea and sunbathing;
  • halochamber;
  • physiotherapy.

Staying in a sanatorium not only helps to cope with the symptoms of the disease, but also has a calming effect on the patient, allowing you to achieve a balanced state, relieving everyday stress.

Where else to treat psoriasis

Anapa district

On the Black Sea coast in the Anapa region there is the possibility of treatment with silt hydrogen sulfide mud from Lake Solenoe and the Kiziltashsky and Vityazevsky estuaries. The entire 80 km long resort area is a natural inhalation area due to many factors: clean sea air, saturated with oxygen and ozone, and also containing seaweed phytoncides, persistent sunny weather And so on.

Sanatoriums in the Anapa region offer mud therapy, ultratonotherapy, mud inductothermy and much more for the prevention and treatment of not only psoriasis, but also many other diseases.

Gelendzhik region

The seaside foothill resort area of ​​the Gelendzhik region has a subtropical climate. The health resorts use silt hydrogen sulfide mud from the Salty, Golubitskoye and Chembur lakes, and mud from the Vityazevsky estuary. The result of complex therapy in hospitals is excellent results in curing dermatological diseases.


Adler sanatoriums also offer procedures in the beneficial conditions of the Black Sea coast. Mineral waters and silt mud of the Imereti Valley are used against psoriasis.

Mineral and dry carbon dioxide baths, magnetic therapy, microwave resonance therapy, mud squeeze electrophoresis and much more help in healing.


Many hospitals in Essentuki offer original programs to combat psoriasis. Before starting therapy, mandatory procedures are carried out: you need to take tests, consult a dermatologist, do an ECG, and an immunogram. Treatment includes mineral and dry carbon dioxide baths, mud therapy, electrophoresis, health path, etc.

Doctors are watching psychological state and the character of the patients, determining the characteristics of the course of psoriasis, and prescribing individual therapy.

Lake Elton

The popular Elton sanatorium, opened in the early 19th century, offers patients a dry steppe climate similar to the climatic conditions near the Dead Sea. It is believed that Elton’s healing springs are the most effective in the treatment of dermatological diseases and many others.

The list goes on with sanatoriums in the city of Goryachy Klyuch Krasnodar region using silt mud from Lake Big Tambukan; the Assy hospital, located in a balneotherapeutic foothill resort in a forest zone 200 km from Ufa; sanatoriums on the territory of Lake Tulubaevo with sodium chloride water; health resorts of the Jewish Autonomous Region near the thermal spring in the village of Kuldur. The village is also famous for its healing mud. The great Krasnodar region, many hospitals are located in the city of Sochi, near Sulfur Lake in the Samara region.

KVD and Institutes (hospitals)

Where is psoriasis treated in Russia? for free? All you have to do is contact any nearest KVD; appointment and consultation on psoriasis are free. Treatment of psoriasis in the hospital is carried out according to the policy, and in federal institutions, according to quotas. Which you can get from the Ministry of Health, this thing is called a quota for high-tech treatment.

How is psoriasis treated in hospital? Usually the course of treatment for psoriasis is 21 days, they are treated mainly with ointments and injections, and in some places there are good physiotherapy rooms. In which the main treatment is ultraviolet light. To go to the skin department, you need to take a referral from your dermatologist at your place of residence or from the hospital itself; you may also need additional certificates. Below is a list of hospitals where is psoriasis treated.

KVD official websites

Where can psoriasis be treated?

Free treatment according to quota You can obtain the links below from federal institutions. You receive a quota through the regional, regional KVD, few people are told about this. The main treatment is PUVA therapy, non-hormonal ointments, methotrexate, neotigazon, cyclosporine, Remicade.

  • Federal State Institution "National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development"
  • FSBI "State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology"
  • Clinic of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky
  • Department of Dermatovenereology with the clinic of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlova
  • GBUZ Region Sol Iletsk hospital for rehabilitation treatment

Where to go to treat psoriasis?


India is just amazing country. It attracts not only its sandy beaches and fascinating history, but also its excellent medicine, which it praises for good reason great amount people who have visited this country. India has absolutely all the conditions for healing and cleansing the body of the toxins of “Civilization.”

There is another little-known type of ointment. These are ointments based on naftalan oil. It is not clear why they are so little present in the farm. market in Russia, although in the early days Naftalan was the allied health resort, where oil was used to treat many ills. And the price in Azerbaijan of such an ointment is not high: 1.20 manats, local money. Naftalan oil exfoliates well, relieves inflammation and dries.

Recently opened a new sanatorium "Elton - 2". The complex includes mud baths, a clinic, two VIP hotels, cottages, WI-FI. There are prices on the official website of the sanatorium "Elton - 2". Website of the sanatorium "Elton - 2"

The sanatorium is located in the village Elton, Volgograd region, Pallasovsky district, 6 km from Lake Elton. It is a specialized balneological and mud health care institution. Operates all year round.

Treatment of psoriasis in Crimea. The main method of treating psoriasis and other dermatoses is mud therapy in the form of general and local mud applications. There are additional therapeutic methods: hardware physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, therapeutic massages, etc. Thanks to an integrated approach, very good results are achieved in the treatment of psoriasis. Mud therapy - mud is applied in a layer of about 3 cm, then the patient is wrapped in a warm electric blanket.

Kim Kardashian is one of the most famous and desirable women in the world. However, her modeling career may end due to the development of the disease. IN last episode reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” she began to complain about a rash and itching that appeared on her skin. A visit to a dermatologist left the star in shock. She was diagnosed psoriasis, writes The Daily Mail. The rash first appeared on the legs, but then spread throughout the body.

Research suggests that topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCIs, tacrolimus 0.03% or 0.1% ointment, and pimecrolimus 1% cream) may be effective in treating a variety of dermatoses. The greatest effectiveness of TIC in publications is noted for allergic contact dermatitis, lichen sclerosus (effectiveness of 0.1% tacrolimus ointment in 43% over 48 weeks).

Every year the number of people suffering from psoriasis increases. This may be due to contaminated environment, accelerated pace of life and stress. In the treatment of psoriasis, it is important to be systematic and regular; for this reason, patients with this diagnosis regularly undergo courses of treatment in various sanatoriums.

The unique natural factors of the resort area strengthen the immune system, normalize the functioning of the endocrine and nervous system, can prevent relapses of psoriasis and prolong remission. For treatment, it is better to choose the same sanatorium and treatment program.

The main medicinal natural factors of sanatoriums for the treatment of psoriasis are natural features these places:

  • healing air;
  • Sun;
  • sources of thermal and mineral waters;
  • mud;
  • sea.

Mostly, sanatoriums that specialize in the treatment of psoriasis are located near thermal and mineral healing springs or on the sea coast. The sea serves not only as a source of air rich in minerals, but also of special healing mud. In such sanatoriums, mineral waters are taken internally and in the form of baths, mud wraps are made and just relax. The best place For sanatorium treatment of psoriasis, the coast of the Israeli Dead Sea is considered, but our domestic sanatoriums are in many ways not inferior to foreign ones. Here, without crossing borders, you can get a full range of treatment for psoriasis at an affordable cost.

Treatment of psoriasis in Russian sanatoriums

Sochi is recognized as the most popular place for sanatorium treatment of psoriasis. Here you can enjoy the mild climate, clear sea, and take air and sunbathing. Mineral water from local springs, as well as silt mud, are used to treat psoriasis.

Also among the famous Black Sea resorts, the sanatoriums of Anapa are widely known. Hydrogen sulfide silt mud of the Vityazevsky, Kiziltashsky estuaries and Salt Lake is actively used for mud therapy.

The purest mountain air with phytoncides of coniferous forests, dry subtropical climate, hydrogen sulfide mud of local lakes - this business card resort Gelendzhik.

In the semi-desert zone of Russia below sea level, on the border with Kazakhstan, there is one of the largest salt lakes in the world - Elton. It has a hot and dry steppe climate, often compared to the special microclimate of the Dead Sea. Since ancient times, these places have been famous for their healing mud.

Assy is a balneotherapeutic resort in the foothill forest area above sea level. The healing factors of the local health resort are the cleanest air, peace and quiet surrounded by mountains.

Treatment of psoriasis in sanatoriums of Crimea

For the effective treatment of psoriasis, along with physiotherapeutic methods, sanatoriums and health resorts in Crimea offer mineral, brine and ascending showers, local mud applications, and mineral water springs. Basically, such sanatoriums are concentrated in the city of Saki (sanatoriums “Northern Lights”, “Saki”, “Sakropol”, “Poltava-Crimea”, “Yurmino”) and Evpatoria (sanatoriums “Primorye” and “Northern”).

The sanatoriums operate year-round; here they actively implement the developments in mud therapy and the use of brine from salt lakes of such famous scientists as Pirogov, Nadbalov, Shcherbakov. In addition, iodine-bromine, carbon dioxide, oxygen, pine and sage baths are used at Crimean resorts.

Treatment in salt caves, or halotherapy, has a healing effect on various diseases, including psoriasis. An aerosol of microscopic salt particles and the special microclimate of such rooms have anti-inflammatory, immunomodeling and anti-allergenic qualities.

Treatment of psoriasis in sanatoriums in Belarus

The most popular Belarusian resort is the Berezina sanatorium complex in the Minsk region. This institution specializes in the treatment of skin diseases. Here, the mild climate and the proximity of the river create all the conditions for treatment and relaxation. Patients are offered pearl and mineral baths, therapeutic wraps, mud applications, phototherapy and massage.

The Lettsy sanatorium is located in the Vitebsk region. Its focus is cosmetic care for the face and body.

Among the children's sanatoriums, Nalibokskaya Pushcha is famous. The main treatment methods here are heliotherapy, climate therapy, mud therapy and aerotherapy. Sapropel therapeutic muds for procedures are taken from Lake Dikoe, and sulfite ones from Lake Saki.

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The main goal of treating psoriasis is to transfer the acute stage of the disease into remission (improvement). It is possible to treat psoriasis in a hospital with systemic treatment of the whole body, as well as regular visits to resort sanatoriums for treatment with mud and salts. Treatment in Moscow can be outpatient or inpatient. Inpatient treatment involves the use of drugs internally and externally, physiotherapy, phototherapy, and laser irradiation.

Psoriasis treatment clinics in Moscow have achieved excellent results in the treatment of psoriasis.

More than 25 years ago, the Institute of Psoriasis opened in Moscow, now it is part of the Institute of Dermatology and Cosmetology. Close cooperation with the Dead Sea Clinic and scientific institutes other countries, made it possible to develop modern techniques.

At this Institute, psoriasis is treated using the following methods:

  • PUVA therapy (photochemotherapy);
  • selective phototherapy;
  • mid-wave UV irradiation.

The PUVA method involves the patient taking a photosensitizer orally followed by UV irradiation. Normally, the epithelial cell sloughs off after three weeks, and with psoriasis - after four days. As a result of PUVA, the renewal time of epidermal cells slows down, which means flaking and skin itching are reduced.

In addition, this medical facility uses baths with photosensitizers. First, the patient takes such a bath, and then goes into a chamber with ultraviolet radiation.

Clinic "Linline"

International laser cosmetology clinic using the method of spatially modulated ablation. The ablation method is used in conjunction with laser to treat vascular lesions. Under the influence of the laser, the rate of cell renewal slows down and gradually normalizes, the number of plaques decreases, and the skin surface becomes smooth. The ablation method is non-carcinogenic and completely safe.

The newest laser technique at Linline does not damage the surrounding tissue plaques, so the risk of undesirable consequences is minimal. Since the action is limited by the diameter of the beam, there is no systemic effect on the body. The positive effect after laser correction of skin affected by psoriasis is noticeable after the first couple of treatment sessions.

International Medical Center "Uro-Pro"

Treatment at the center is outpatient. URO-PRO specialists do not encourage treatment with hormonal ointments, actively using an individual selection of creams based on herbal preparations.

This clinic promotes a comprehensive approach that includes the following activities:

  • products that improve microcirculation;
  • hyposensitizers;
  • antiallergic medications;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • diet with vitamins;
  • sedatives;
  • physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, phototherapy, electrosleep)
  • laser therapy.

As external therapy, doctors at the URO-PRO center prescribe shampoos and shower gels based on Dead Sea salts and mud, known for their healing effects since ancient times.
Interestingly, high numbers of remissions have been achieved in patients during outpatient treatment - just one visit to the center’s dermatologist is enough.

Andrology Clinic

This institution welcomes an integrated approach that combines areas such as:

  • plasmapheresis (purification of one’s own blood);
  • UV irradiation of psoriatic elements;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ointments and other external agents.

The Italian Excilite device is used for phototherapy. The therapeutic doses of this device are significantly less than with other types of UV therapy.

Unlike others, this method has only a local effect, the surrounding tissues are not affected, patients tolerate the procedure well, photosensitizers are not required, which means there is no damage to the liver and kidneys. The clinic’s specialists guarantee stable remission.


This is one of the leading metropolitan clinics using phototherapy methods to treat skin diseases. Laser methods are used in clinics when external treatment with drugs is ineffective. Most susceptible to UV rays.

Ultra-violet rays for irradiation they are used only from spectrum B (non-hazardous), which has a bactericidal effect on epithelial cells. Depending on the type of psoriasis, the area of ​​the lesions and the stage, the required ultraviolet wavelength and the irradiation device itself are selected. Quantel Derma, Multiclear, DermaLight, and excimer laser devices are currently used.

Healthy Skin Institute

The main method of the Institute for Healthy Skin is the method of Vladimir Mak, an experienced specialist in the treatment of psoriasis. The author has developed a recipe for a herbal ointment against plaques, consisting of more than twenty-five types of medicinal herbs.

Detoxification and sedation therapy is achieved through the power of nature and herbal preparations. Hormonal ointments and folk remedies to fight psoriasis. Self-medication is also not encouraged. Strict adherence to doctors’ prescriptions ensures long-term, stable remission.

Psoriasis center

This is one of the popular metropolitan clinics where the main method is PUVA therapy. This method has virtually no contraindications, so it is suitable for almost every patient.

Practicing at the clinic individual approach taking into account all the features of the course of psoriasis. Detoxification and symptomatic therapy, traditional drugs for psoriasis, herbal preparations based on Altai herbs, skincare cosmetics based on Dead Sea salts, therapeutic mud and peat are widely used.

Treatment of psoriasis in sanatoriums

“Sanatorium-resort treatment gives stable long-term remission. To avoid relapses of the disease, treatment of psoriasis in Russian sanatoriums is recommended.”

Health-improving factors in sanatorium-resort treatment:

  • healing mud of lakes and seas;
  • salts of lakes and seas (the most useful are from the Dead Sea);
  • clean air with a predominance of negative air ions;
  • apitherapy (treatment with honey and royal jelly);
  • reflexology;
  • speleo chamber (salt cave);
  • treatment with mineral waters;
  • taking baths (sulfide, radon, iodine-bromine);
  • therapeutic microenemas;
  • intestinal lavage with mineral water;
  • electrophoresis.

Sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of psoriasis with mineral waters are located in Goryachiy Klyuch, Sochi, Khosta, Pyatigorsk, Khadyzhensk, Evpatoria, and Altai.

Sanatoriums where treatment is based on the use of healing salts and mud are located in Anapa, Gelendzhik, Sochi, Pallasovka ( Volgograd region, sanatorium "Elton"), Ufa (sanatorium "Assy").

Clinics for the treatment of psoriasis in other cities of Russia

Treatment of psoriasis in the Moscow region is carried out as actively as in Moscow. For example, in the Victoria sanatorium, an original method has been developed using mineral waters, mud therapy, diet therapy, darsonvalization, and hydrogen sulfide baths.

Treatment of psoriasis in Chelyabinsk is effectively carried out at the MedArt clinic, where a modern MultiClear lamp and the XTRAC Ultra excimer laser system are used.

Treatment of psoriasis in Nizhny Novgorod It’s hard to imagine without the Only Clinic, where therapy is based on the use of Dead Sea minerals, depending on the type of psoriasis and its prevalence.

Currently, there are more than 500 different methods of treating psoriasis. When prescribing a method of therapy, the dermatologist takes into account the type of psoriasis, the age and gender of the patient, the prevalence of psoriasis throughout the body, the presence of concomitant pathologies, and existing contraindications.

Russian dermatologists have reached considerable heights in the treatment of this disease. Do not overuse self-medication and prescriptions traditional medicine- contact a specialist.

Psoriasis is not believed to be completely curable. Therefore, medical specialists are doing everything possible to minimize the symptoms of the disease and speed up the onset of remission. Spa treatment of psoriasis helps to increase the effectiveness of traditional treatment. Long-term observations have confirmed that it is in sanatoriums that patients achieve stable periods of attenuation of the psoriatic process, since in such medical institutions specific rehabilitation methods are used.

Required documents

To undergo a course of psoriasis therapy in a sanatorium, you need to have a sanatorium-resort card with you, or, as an option, a doctor’s extract from your medical history.

It is on the basis of the listed documents that the health workers of the sanatorium will be able to prescribe the set of treatment procedures that is right for you.

In some sanatoriums you can apply for a card on the spot, but you will have to pay extra for this.

What is a health resort card? This is medical documentary evidence of the diagnosis, which is attached to the voucher to a specific sanatorium. This document is drawn up with your attending or local doctor, or in a private medical institution, or directly in a sanatorium. Typically, the CCM has the following data:

  • conclusion of a general practitioner;
  • a statement from your attending physician;
  • fluorography result;
  • electrocardiogram with interpretation;
  • results general analysis blood and urine;
  • gynecologist's report (for women).

Typically, the CCM is filled out and signed by the doctor, after which it is certified by the head physician or the head of the hospital's outpatient department.

Before registering a CCM, you must remember that its validity period is limited to 2 months.

Additionally, before the sanatorium-resort treatment of psoriasis, you should take your passport and travel voucher with you. Some resorts also require an insurance policy.


Indications for sanatorium-resort treatment are inpatient, regressive stages and periods of remission:

  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • lichen planus;
  • psoriasis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • itchy rashes;
  • pruritus;
  • hives;
  • scleroderma;
  • ichthyosis;
  • hereditary epidermolysis bullosa;
  • erythema induratum, etc.

In addition, spa treatment is recommended for patients with all kinds of consequences of skin diseases, ulcers, damage to nails, hair, glandular system of the skin, acne, and cosmetic defects.


Sanatorium-resort treatment is contraindicated:

  • in the acute stage of psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • for contagious diseases;
  • for mycoses;
  • for malignant lesions of the skin;
  • with individual hypersensitivity to therapeutic mud, water, etc.

Treatment regimen

Psoriasis is treated for the most part those sanatoriums that have the opportunity to use therapeutic mud and mineral waters.

To successfully transfer psoriasis to the calm stage, in combination with physiotherapeutic sessions, mineral-containing and enriched baths, massage showers, mud and mineral applications are often used. You can learn more about treatment methods in a particular sanatorium by visiting official page health resorts on the Internet.

For general information we can highlight the main healing procedures, used for spa treatment of psoriasis.

  • Water treatment - hydrotherapy - improves blood circulation and metabolism, stimulates tissue restoration.
  • Heliotherapy is dosed exposure to sunlight.
  • Cryotherapy is the therapeutic effect of cold on the skin.
  • Phototherapy is the use of ultraviolet light for medicinal purposes.
  • Electrosleep is a procedure for using pulsed low-frequency current to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • PUVA therapy is a combination of ultraviolet exposure and psoralens (medicinal herbal remedies).
  • Diadynamic therapy is the physiotherapeutic use of diadynamic current to eliminate pain, inflammation, and swelling.
  • Aromatherapy is the use of specific aromas to stabilize the nervous system.
  • Aerotherapy is an effect on the skin fresh air And sunlight, to stimulate the immune system and blood circulation in the skin.
  • Thalassotherapy is a complex method that combines bathing with sea water and the general healing effects of the sea climate.
  • Balneotherapy is treatment using local or imported mineral waters.
  • Mud therapy involves the application of mud that has unique biological properties.
  • Naftalan treatment is the use of naftalan oil and drugs based on it.
  • Applications of ozokerite – a waxy substance derived from oil.
  • The Buki (Grenz) ray method is a procedure of ultra-soft x-ray irradiation.

Treatment of psoriasis in sanatoriums of Ukraine

In Ukraine there is a huge network of sanatoriums with various specializations, including specialized treatment of psoriasis. Compared to sanatoriums in other countries, Ukrainian treatment is no less effective, but more affordable. However, the price does not in any way affect the quality of service. Currently, in Ukraine there are more than five thousand different sanatoriums, which mainly use natural resources for treatment.

Address of the sanatorium

Basic treatment methods

Sanatorium "Mirotel"

Lviv region, Truskavets city, Kobzar square 1

Physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, balneotherapy.

Sanatorium "Geneva"

Lviv region, Truskavets city, st. Suchowola 61

Cryotherapy, infrared sauna, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy.

Treatment center "Tustan"

Lviv region, town. Skhidnytsia, Shevchenko street 92b

Electrotherapy, colon hydrotherapy, ozokerite therapy, hydrotherapy, hardware procedures.

Sanatorium "Thermal Star"

Transcarpathian region, Uzhgorod district, village Nizhne Solotvyno 226

Therapy with siliceous thermal waters, hydrotherapy, showers, physiotherapy, laser treatment, oxygen therapy.

Sanatorium "Premium Podolie"

Vinnytsia region, Khmelnyk city, Kurortnaya street 10

Radon waters, peat mud, electrosleep, phototherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, speleotherapy, colon hydrotherapy.

Treatment of psoriasis in sanatoriums of Crimea

Crimea is a unique area for combining recreation and treatment. Sanatoriums in Crimea have all the conditions for quality health improvement: qualified personnel, modern medical equipment, and, of course, favorable climatic and natural factors.

Address of the sanatorium

Basic treatment methods

Sanatorium "Pine Grove"

Yalta, Gaspra village 2, Alupkinskoe highway 21

Hydrotherapy, massage, physiotherapy, climatotherapy.

Sanatorium "Druzhba"

Evpatoria, Mayakovsky street 7

Balneotherapy, mud therapy, healing showers, galvanic mud, colon hydrotherapy, aromatherapy.

Sanatorium "Female Resort"

Evpatoria, Kyiv street, 48k

Climatotherapy, physiotherapy, speleotherapy, balneotherapy, laser therapy.

Wellness center "Sudak"

Sudak, Lenin street 89

Hydrotherapy, heat therapy, phototherapy, hydrogen sulfide baths.

Sanatorium "Demerdzhi"

Alushta, Perekopskaya street 4

Salt cave, aromatherapy, mud therapy, physiotherapy.

Sanatorium Saki

Saki sanatoriums are one of the most famous and sought-after health resorts in the post-Soviet space. The main source of mud therapy here is the Saki salt lake. The mud of this lake is considered extremely useful for treating skin diseases. Of course, in this specific place is located a large number of large and small sanatoriums and boarding houses that offer their clients all kinds of procedures to get rid of psoriasis.

Address of the sanatorium

Basic treatment methods

Sanatorium "Saki"

Saki, Kurortnaya street 4

Mud therapy, hydrotherapy, massage, hardware procedures.

Sanatorium "Sakropol"

Saki, Kurortnaya street 14

Mud therapy, hydrotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, halotherapy, hardware procedures.

Sanatorium "Poltava-Crimea"

Saki, Morskaya street 8

Mud therapy, mineral and brine baths, climatotherapy, aromatherapy, phototherapy, physiotherapy.

Sanatorium "Northern Lights"

Saki, Morskaya street 12

Electrosleep, herbal medicine, balneotherapy, mud therapy, exercise therapy, massage.

Sanatorium "Yurmino"

Saki, Morskaya street 11A

Drinking treatment, oxygen therapy, exercise therapy, mud therapy (including galvanic mud), hydrotherapy, physiotherapy.

Treatment of psoriasis in Russian sanatoriums

Russia has the majority of varieties of resort resources. This vast territory has almost all types of mineral springs and different climatic conditions. For the convenience of patients, health centers have been created based on natural healing factors, using advanced medical technologies, with high-quality infrastructure, modern approaches to health and relaxation.

For spa treatment of psoriasis in Russia, you can choose one of many treatment centers. We suggest paying attention to only a few of them.

Address of the sanatorium

Basic treatment methods

Sanatorium "Elton"

Volgograd region, Pallasovsky district, Elton village, Dzhanybekskaya street 1

Mud therapy (hydrogen sulfide mud), hydrotherapy using brine.

Sanatorium "Yarovoye"

Altai, Yarovoe city, Gagarin street 5

Mud therapy, hydrotherapy, galvanic mud, aerial baths, showers, phonophoresis, light therapy, phototherapy, magnetic therapy.

Sanatorium "Goryachiy Klyuch"

Krasnodar region, Goryachy Klyuch city, Psekupskaya street 2

Mud therapy, hydrotherapy, salt speleoclimatic chamber.

Sanatorium "Assy"

Bashkortostan, Beloretsky district, Assy village

Hardware procedures, light therapy, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy.

Sanatorium "Siberia"

Tyumen region, Chervishevsky tract, 19 km, building 1

Thermal and mineral waters, sapropel mud.

Sanatoriums for the treatment of psoriasis in the Moscow region

Sanatoriums in the Moscow region are an opportunity to receive quality treatment away from the bustle of the city. The climate in the Moscow region is familiar to most of us, which will eliminate problems with acclimatization in advance. For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, this option is the most acceptable: there is no need to travel far, since the quality of recreation and wellness in these sanatoriums is no worse than in other more remote health resorts.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of psoriasis in medical institutions near Moscow is a successful combination of picturesque landscapes, clean air and healing procedures.

Address of the sanatorium

Basic treatment methods

Wellness center "Verba Mayer"

Yaroslavskoe highway, 17 km from MKAD

Cleansing the body according to Dr. Mayer's method.

Sanatorium "Barvikha"

Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway, 6 km from MKAD

Hyperbaric oxygenation, cryosauna, electrosleep.

Sanatorium "Krasnaya Pakhra"

Kaluzhskoe highway, 30 km about MKAD

Tambukan and sulfide-silt muds, bromine-iodine mineral waters, massage, exercise therapy.

Sanatorium " Staraya Russa»

Staraya Russa, Mineralnaya street 62

Mud therapy, hydrotherapy.

Sanatorium "Vatutinki"

Kaluga highway, Leninsky district, p/o Vatutinki 1

Hardware procedures, massage, hydrotherapy, UV treatment.

Treatment of psoriasis in Sochi sanatoriums

Sochi sanatoriums have always been popular - and, first of all, because of the therapeutic local climate. Clean air enriched with useful substances; sea ​​water, more than 50 active mineral water springs, large deposits of medicinal mud - all this allows for high-quality treatment of psoriasis and other diseases in Sochi hospitals.

Along the entire length of the Sochi coast there is a huge number of sanatoriums and holiday homes. They can be located near the sea, or surrounded by greenery several kilometers from the coast.

Address of the sanatorium

Basic treatment methods

Sanatorium "Avangard"

Sochi, Khostinsky district, Kurortny Avenue 83

Mud therapy, physiotherapy, massage, baths, exercise therapy.

Sanatorium "Dagomys"

Sochi, Dagomys village, Leningradskaya street 7

Physiotherapy, hydropathy, irrigation, showers, massage, mud therapy.

Sanatorium "Belarus"

Sochi, central district, Politekhnicheskaya street 62

Hydrotherapy, hydromassages, ozokerite and paraffin applications, showers, herbal medicine, physiotherapy, psychotherapy.

Sanatorium "Orbita 1"

Sochi, Adlersky district, Lenin street 280A

Climatotherapy, hydrotherapy, treatment with Tambukan mud, psychotherapy, phototherapy, galvanic mud, aromatherapy, herbal medicine.

Sanatorium "Odyssey"

Sochi, Lazarevskoye village, Sochinskoye highway 28

Physiotherapy, halotherapy, psychotherapy, mud and hydrotherapy, massage shower, colon hydrotherapy, ozone therapy.

Treatment of psoriasis in Anapa sanatoriums

Anapa is beautiful place with a large stripe sandy beaches, with climatic and balneo-mud sanatoriums, with the possibility of year-round health improvement.

As a rule, local hospitals offer comprehensive programs using therapeutic mud and mineral waters, as well as climatotherapy, because Anapa’s climate is a combination of steppe and mountain air, which is perfectly suitable for healing.

Address of the sanatorium

Basic treatment methods

Sanatorium "Dauville"

Anapa, Pionersky Avenue 14

Hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, phytosauna, galvanic mud.

Sanatorium "Malaya Bukhta"

Anapa, Tamanskaya street 4

Iodine-bromine baths, pearl baths, phytosol, pine baths, hydrotherapy, Charcot's shower, balneotherapy, electrosleep, oxygen therapy.

Sanatorium "Anapa-Ocean"

Anapa, Pushkin street 19

Balneotherapy, therapeutic shower, mud therapy, exercise therapy, Chinese gymnastics, climatotherapy, aromatherapy, speleotherapy, hardware procedures, laser and cryotherapy.

Sanatorium "Rodnik"

Anapa, Pionersky Avenue 30

Balneotherapy, mud therapy, own sources of hydrogen sulfide, iodine-bromine and sulfate-magnesium-sodium composition.

Sanatorium "Nadezhda"

Anapa, Kalinina street 30

Aromatherapy, monitor bowel cleansing, hydropathy, phototherapy, magnetic therapy, salt cave.

Treatment of psoriasis in Belokurikha sanatoriums

Belokurikha is resort town federal scale, which is located in the Altai region. The uniqueness of this area is that it is rich in nitrogen-silicon radon thermal springs, which have an extremely beneficial effect on human health.

In Belokurikha there are 12 sanatoriums and 5 diversified boarding houses. Patients with psoriasis most often visit the following:

Address of the sanatorium

Basic treatment methods

Sanatorium "Altai Castle"

Belokurikha, Slavskogo street 29

Balneotherapy, exercise therapy, Alternative medicine, massage, hardware physiotherapy, mud therapy.

Sanatorium "Belokurikha"

Belokurikha, Slavskogo street 9

Balneotherapy, exercise therapy, ampilotherapy, aromatherapy, color rhythm therapy, kinesiotherapy, psychotherapy, electrosleep, hardware procedures, mud therapy, UV treatment, colon hydrotherapy.

OK "Valley of Altai"

Danilovka village, Lesnaya street 10

Balneotherapy, exercise therapy, ampilotherapy, aromatherapy, eniotherapy, barotherapy, hypnotherapy, kinesitherapy, ozone therapy, oxygen therapy, psychotherapy, mud therapy, irrigation, ultraviolet irradiation and cryotherapy, vibrating sauna.

Sanatorium "Siberia"

Belokurikha, Slavskogo street 67

Balneotherapy, exercise therapy, halo-chamber, hypnotherapy, kinesitherapy, psychotherapy, electrosleep, massage, mud therapy, infrared radiation.

Sanatorium "Aurora"

Belokurikha, Slavskogo street 53

Nitrogen-silicon radon baths, hydrotherapy, pearl baths, hardware procedures, climatotherapy.

Treatment of psoriasis in sanatoriums in Belarus

Belarusian sanatoriums are high-quality health institutions equipped with modern medical equipment. The staff of Belarusian treatment centers is famous for its friendliness, attentiveness and qualifications.

Among the therapeutic methods in Belarus, physiotherapy, mud therapy, staying in salt caves, cryotherapy, magnetic therapy, etc. are successfully used.

Address of the sanatorium

Basic treatment methods

Treatment center "Vesta"

Minsk region, Dzerzhinsky district, highway M1-E30, second kilometer from Dzerzhinsk

Hydrotherapy, heat therapy, mud therapy, herbal medicine, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, halotherapy.

Sanatorium "Golden Sands"

Gomel region, Novaya Guta village

Mud therapy, hydromassage, halotherapy, infrared cabin.

Sanatorium "Neman 72"

Grodno, Sanatornaya street 23

Climatotherapy, hydrotherapy, physiotherapy.

Sanatorium "Lesnoye"

Vitebsk region, Dokshitsy district, village Lesnoye

Therapeutic sapropel mud, mineral springs, hydrotherapy, mud therapy, herbal medicine, physiotherapy.

Sanatorium "Military Lepelsky"

Vitebsk region, Lepel district, Borovka village

Sodium chloride and sulfate-sodium-calcium waters from local sources, hydrotherapy.

Sanatorium Berezina

The Berezina River, vast clean forests - in such conditions the specialized sanatorium Berezina is located, which receives patients with diseases of the nervous system and non-infectious skin pathologies all year round.

The sanatorium is located in Belarus, in the Berezinsky district of the Minsk region. On its territory there is its own spring source, the water of which has medicinal properties.

The health resort was founded 40 years ago, but in 2005 it was completely reconstructed and currently offers patients comfortable conditions of stay and high-quality effective treatment profile diseases.

The main methods used for treatment at the Berezina sanatorium:

  • climatotherapy, including aerotherapy, heliotherapy, and dasotherapy;
  • mud therapy using sapropel medicinal mud masses from the Sudobl freshwater reservoir;
  • pearl and shared baths;
  • purgation;
  • phyto wraps;
  • massage;
  • UV treatment;
  • electrotherapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • magnetotherapy.

Additionally, you can get advice from specialized specialists: dermatologist, neurologist.

Address of the sanatorium: Belarus, Minsk region, Berezinsky district, Guta village.

Treatment of psoriasis in sanatoriums of Azerbaijan

The most famous among the sanatoriums of Azerbaijan are the Naftalan hospitals. They are known mainly because of the unique properties of Naftalan oil. However, this is not the only thing the country’s resorts are famous for. Both the waters of the Caspian Sea and the air of this region have healing properties.

Address of the sanatorium

Basic treatment methods

Sanatorium "Naftalan"

Naftalan, Shirvan Avenue 31

Mud therapy, hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, spa therapy.

Sanatorium "Gashalty"

Naftalan, Shirvan Avenue 37

Balneotherapy (naftalan-mineral baths), mud therapy, hardware procedures, massage.

Sanatorium "Garangush"

Baku, Mardakan village, Kolkhoz street 45

Water and mud therapy, iodine-bromine mineral waters, physiotherapy.

Sanatorium "Shikhovo"

Baku, Shikhov village

Mineral hydrotherapy, electrophototherapy, oil applications, naphthalan therapy, mud therapy, climate therapy, exercise therapy.

Sanatorium "Gyunashli"

Baku, Mardakan village, Yesenin street 99

Iodine-bromine baths, phototherapy, psychotherapy, aromatherapy, massage showers, climatotherapy.


Experienced experts say that the optimal duration of a treatment course for psoriasis is 21 days. If the patient is diagnosed with mild psoriasis, then the duration of treatment can be reduced to 14 days. Recommended terms are the period within which you can achieve visible results and consolidate them.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of psoriasis with therapeutic mud is considered one of the most thoughtful and successful methods. As a rule, patients note significant relief and elimination of unpleasant manifestations of the disease after 2-3 sessions. The result obtained after a full treatment course lasts for at least six months or a year.

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